Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/514674-Part-20--Oblivion
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #514674
A warning to Djuta ends up in three heated encounters...
DISCLAIMER: Nonconsensual scene(s).

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 20 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

DJUTA SLUMPED IN the chair in his quarters, running his claws along the arm and staring off into space. His new slave, Rithukh'het, sat on the floor beside him looking up at him with concern in her eyes. He had bought her just that day, and she knew that the other Kana who had been with him had gone off to their quarters to "celebrate" with their own new Moru. Yet her own master had made not a move to show her to his bed. She had had two masters before, and this behavior was most strange for a Kana.

Djuta yawned and rubbed his eye. Rithukh'het murmured and reached up to touch his knee. He glanced down at her as if having forgotten she was there.

"Lord to be unhappy with Rithukh'het...?" she asked in a soft voice. When he only stared at her she looped her arm about his leg and furrowed her brow. "To know hakh'tua, and ahi'akhta, and other things, if Master wishes..."

Djuta blinked. Then his own look softened and he reached down his hand to touch her face.

"No...there is nothing wrong with you, Moru. I am merely tired today...and a little distracted. Truthfully I had not planned on having a Moru of my own any time soon and so I must grow used to this."

"Rithukh'het to not take up too much space. To sleep on cot, if need be..."

"This won't be necessary. I bought you and you are more than welcome here. Though I do not think you need prepare yourself for anything tonight.
Perhaps at a later time I may know you a little better..."

Rithukh'het stared at him for a moment or two, then slowly stood up. She was shorter than he was, yet taller when she stood, so she kept her head bowed respectfully. She rubbed his shoulder, and then moved back to stroke his wings. Djuta shut his eyes and sighed and allowed her.

Strange, also, she believed. She could tell he liked the sensation of having his wings rubbed, as most Kana did; the wings were very sensitive, and massaging them could easily arouse many Kana males. Yet she couldn't tell if this was so or if it merely felt good. Her master still made no move for her, so she satisfied herself with caressing the flexing membrane. She supposed she would at least be happy he wasn't a violent one.

Djuta himself was barely even thinking about his wings. Instead his thoughts kept returning to his own odd reaction near Mahakhi's courtyard, and the longer he thought about it, the less sense it made. And he did not like it when things did not make sense.

I have been past that courtyard a hundred times and more. And many more like it, as well. And I have never been afraid of it so much as once! I've stabbed and slashed and skewered Kana twice my size on more than one occasion and yet all those times I have never felt quite so threatened as I did right out there. What is in that place? What was I expecting to meet?

If I were mad I would swear that Moru market had something to do with all this. I felt absolutely fine, until I came back from that market...

His brow furrowed slightly.

Perhaps it is the market...though why, after all these years...

His ear pricked. At the same moment Rithukh'het's head popped up. A thumping, clattering noise arose from outside, and just as Djuta opened his eyes the door seemed to burst, cracking from its casing and splintering to the floor. He sat bolt upright, Rithukh'het yelping and ducking behind him. A large figure stomped into the room--at first he thought it must be Lord Mahakhi, because of its size, only when its eyes met his he recognized its features and his ears flared.

"You!" he exclaimed with surprise.

The big Moru Ameni had asked for at the market stood in the remains of his doorway, wielding a sword; a quick glance was enough to tell him it belonged to one of Mahakhi's guards. He jumped to his feet and the Moru bared his teeth, his tusks jutting out crookedly.

"Lord Djuta! How is it the fates turn? That you are the one who bought me--bought me in the street like a filthy little Moru!"

Djuta's eyes narrowed. "This is because you are Moru, in case you have forgotten. Look at your wings."

The Apsiu bared his teeth. "Look at your own!"

Rithukh'het frowned and glanced down at Djuta's wings. The left one was intact...yet as he flared it, she saw that the right one bore a long ragged tear she hadn't even noticed before. She blinked on seeing it. He had somehow managed to kept the membrane folded in such a way that it was invisible, until now.

"Can you fly, upon those tatters of yours?" Djuta retorted. "I hardly think you can. You are Moru and you always shall be. You'd best reconcile yourself to that fact."

The Moru snarled and shook the sword at the air. "YOU are hardly one to speak, little dog! If any should have resigned themselves to their fate it should have been YOU! The hells I have been through as a piddling slave! I will heap these upon you until they crush your back!"

Djuta hissed. "I hardly care about your trifling troubles, you little pissant! YOU are the one who stalked us at the market! If my money paying for you is so galling, I will gladly take you back and let some OTHER deal with you!"

The big Moru blinked a few times, then slowly lowered the sword. He stared at Djuta with a baffled look on his face for so long that the lieutenant started to twitch in irritation. After a moment or two of this the Moru's face began to draw into a scowl and he raised the sword a bit.

"You can hardly fool me into thinking you are NOT Djuta!" he growled.

Djuta snorted. "I will not bother trying! I carry my name proudly, unlike you--whatever yours is!"

The big Moru blinked again. Then, "It is BAKH'ASU! Of the KANA!" he yelled, sounding more bewildered than angry. Djuta's hackles prickled but he flared his ears and curled his lip back, quickly growing more irritated by the moment.

"If you are done, I'll gladly see you back to the Moru quarters where you belong!"

"You--!" Bakh'asu blurted out, then lowered the sword, his own ears flicking in confusion. "You..." He got such a perplexed look on his face that on any other occasion Djuta might have laughed. Then the perplexed look turned to one of disbelief, and then the Moru's face screwed up and he let out a harsh bark of a laugh.

"What did you do?" he exclaimed. "Hit your head?"

Djuta reached for his dagger, as he had removed his sword earlier. "I will do something even more drastic to your head, if you do not leave here immediately."

Bakh'asu gawked at him, then started guffawing. Djuta's fur prickled again, but the Moru made no move to attack him. Instead he bent over to lean on his knees, gasping for breath and rubbing at his eyes.

"Oh! Gods this is FUNNY! I wondered why you might be seeking some little pussy to satisfy yourself with!" he laughed, and gestured at Rithukh'het, who cowered behind her master again. "When you have hardly been so inclined before! Maybe you did hit your head! Do you imagine yourself to be a captain now, while you're at it--?"

Djuta's thoughts whirled in a confused chaos. What was this brute even talking about--? None of his words made any sense! "How do you know me?" he demanded. "How do you know she is my first female--?"

Bakh'asu just grinned. "Would you believe me if I claimed you said so in the market?"

Djuta snarled. "I said no such thing in your company! You have been spying on me ever since Ukuti's tent! Tell me how you know me!"

The big Moru only grinned more nastily and brought the sword up to level it at Djuta's neck. "If you do not know, then why waste my time filling you in! You will be dead soon enough as it is!"

The sound of running footsteps arose outside in the hall, and then a figure appeared in the doorway. Ameni stood panting for a second before his eyes focused on first Bakh'asu, then Djuta. They widened and his hand grasped one of the larger splinters of wood sticking out from the mangled casing.

The Moru got a look which could have been either a snarl or a grin; the point of his sword poked Djuta in the neck.

"So you have some balls after all! Yet you will try coming closer? And sacrificing your friend?"

"WHAT IS THIS?" a voice boomed. Ameni jumped and hastily moved back. Djuta stared as another large shape appeared, bigger even than Bakh'asu, purple lappets swinging. Bakh'asu seemed to pale on seeing Lord Mahakhi enter the room, scowling with a dangerous look in his eyes. Nehef and Ahai'ikh, and then Resikh, appeared behind him, swords drawn.

"What goes on here?" Mahakhi demanded, his lip curling back and tusks gleaming. "Someone sends my little Simit to me to tell me of danger? What is going on? Where in the Duat are all of my guards and why is this Moru running free?"

"I am Kana!" Bakh'asu pulled the sword away from Djuta, who let out his breath, Rithukh'het clinging to his arm; he whirled around and pointed it toward the general. "Kana, NOT Moru!"

"You are MORU, stupid little DOG!" Mahakhi bellowed. Ameni and even the guards cringed back. "And if you do not return to your damned quarters, you will be even MORE Moru!" He turned to snarl at Djuta. "And what in the hells is this business of you buying this thing--? Your own Moru is giving you troubles?"

Djuta's ears burned. Resikh hesitantly spoke up in his defense.

"Well, he did not exactly come on the most peaceful of terms, Lord..."

Mahakhi bared his teeth again at Djuta and Bakh'asu both. "Well I suggest you two amend these terms and part in peace, or else part in pieces! I will have NO more squabbles under my roof!" He growled and swept out his hand--only at the last moment did everyone notice that he held his sword as well. He effortlessly knocked the sword from Bakh'asu's hand and it clattered across the floor to land beside the wall. Nehef bent to pick it up. Bakh'asu gaped at the weapon, then up at Mahakhi.

Mahakhi's muzzle wrinkled. "Remember. Another fight, and the Kana will be where the Kana belong, and the MORU will be where the MORU belong!" He turned abruptly, ready to leave, but Ameni took hold of his arm, holding him back. The Kana glared down at him and Ameni leaned close so Mahakhi had to follow suit. He whispered something in the Kana's ear while Djuta and the others watched.

Mahakhi frowned, then stood and let out a gusty sigh when Ameni had finished speaking. "Nehef! Go fetch a female! Apparently he has not had one in absolutely ages, the dumb brute..."

Nehef's face screwed up. He peered at Ahai'ikh, then saluted. "Yes, Lord."

Djuta stared, and peered to the side to notice that Bakh'asu did the same, eyes goggling. Mahakhi stormed away, the other three lieutenants departing along with him, Resikh casting a tense glance back as he went; Ameni remained in the doorway, peering in at the remaining three. Both Djuta and Rithukh'het noticed an odd look pass between him and the big Moru; Bakh'asu scowled and turned away to the other side of the room, muttering something under his breath. Ameni waited a moment before entering the room and bowing his head at Djuta.

"Apologies that you had to see it, Lord," he murmured, "but I did not know what he intended to do, once he got here. I thought he might try to kill you."

Djuta frowned. This entire situation was beyond confusing, yet it was best to ask questions one at a time. "And how did you know he would come--?"

"He overpowered me in the Moru quarters and demanded to know who you were and where he could find you. Then he knocked out the guard and fled. I rather assumed he would be on his way here. He seemed most angry; I'm not certain why. He seems to believe he should still be Kana, for whatever reason."

Djuta's ear flicked. "Yes, I rather figured this. What's this about a female--?"

Ameni at last lifted his head, though he looked mildly uncomfortable. "Well...he also mentioned that he has not been with one since he became a slave. Apparently Lord Ukuti keeps the males and females separated always."

"Yes, he does this to prevent squabbles and unplanned children and such. Go on."

"Well...he seemed a bit...desperate." Ameni averted his eyes and his face reddened slightly. Djuta frowned, then lowered his head to speak to the human as if in confidence, although Rithukh'het still stood just behind him.

"Did he force...?"

Ameni's head popped up, eyes wide. "Force--? Oh, no, Lord! No...though I honestly believed he intended to!"

They both glanced over at the big Moru. Bakh'asu stood before the window, growling softly to himself and rubbing his hand up and down the front of his kilt in a stroking gesture. They turned away again. Ameni continued in an almost meek voice.

"Instead he...ahm...merely placed his...rod...between my legs, and thrust with it there."

Djuta looked even more confused. "He did not even enter you?"

The human shook his head. "No, Lord. Though he could have. I would not have been able to stop him! And he simply rubbed himself against me until he...came...and this was when he decided to come to see you. For what reason, I cannot tell." He paused, then averted his eyes again. "I...I was the one who directed him to your quarters, Lord...it was either this, or he threatened to go after Ki'amit or Akhahit, and I could not bear the thought..."

Djuta glanced briefly at Bakh'asu again. "You needn't apologize, Ameni-human. I understand what you were thinking. I would have done the same thing in your situation." He let out a great sigh. "And so this is what all the mess is about--? He needs a female? Why go to all the trouble of bothering me? And though this may sound most callous..." He paused, then frowned at Ameni, perplexed. "Why not go after Mahakhi's females, like he said he would? Why you, and why did he not force you...? He has something in mind other than nesakh'ai--?"

Ameni bit his lip. "Well...perhaps this is so, though this is not entirely the feeling I got from him...I felt that for some reason, he did not want to rape me, although his needs were too great to simply let me go untouched..."

He did not answer Djuta's first question, of why the Moru had come here, yet Djuta did not press him; it was likely the human had no idea what was going on, either. Djuta sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "Well, let us hope he is perhaps a little bit sane so we may deal with him effectively. I only wished for some peace and quiet tonight! When will Nehef return with that female--?"

"He should be back any moment now..."

Rithukh'het stood behind Djuta listening in on the entire conversation. At this point she reached out and hesitantly squeezed Djuta's arm, letting out a murmuring noise. Without even looking he placed his hand atop hers.

"No, sweet one, you need not offer yourself. You are my Moru and I will not have some brute do as he wishes with you."

Rithukh'het blushed but offered no argument. Ameni peered from one to the other yet said nothing as well.

Footsteps again came from the hallway and Nehef returned, entering through the shattered doorway. He stood aside and waved his arm as a Moru walked in behind him. Ameni and Djuta goggled, then both stood ramrod straight, protesting loudly.

"Nehef, fool!" Djuta hissed. "Simit! She is the general's favorite!"

Nehef shrugged and shook his head in great exasperation. Simit stood to the side of him, looking around curiously. "She is the only one who would come willingly! Most of the females know by now what happened and none of them wish to be involved. You want for me to come back dragging in some terrified little girl?"

Ameni flushed and rubbed his neck. Djuta scowled; to their surprise, Simit scowled back, briefly baring her teeth at them.

"To handle T'uris-dog easily. To do so again! Stupid Moru-Kana to cause trouble for Mahakhi-Master. If Simit can help, then to do so. No more trouble in Moru quarters!"

Nehef waved his arm with a "Take that!" look. "Trust me, she can take care of herself; merely the fact that she is here attests to that! I doubt you'll find a gutsier female anywhere else in this entire place!" He glanced at Bakh'asu--who now stared at them with large disbelieving eyes--with some apprehension. Then he leaned toward Djuta and spoke in a murmur.

"Just make certain you keep a close eye on him, I do not like the look he has. If he does anything to Simit it will be my head!"

"This is what you get for bringing her here," Djuta snapped, but he took the female's arm nonetheless and led her back into the room.

Rithukh'het stood by Djuta's vacated chair and watched, her own eyes large. Simit stared at Bakh'asu as Djuta led her to him, and let go of her arm, walking away from them. The two Moru then stared at each other in turn for a moment, and Bakh'asu leaned forward to sniff at Simit. She stood still as he moved forward, muzzle snuffling at her neck. He reached out and almost tentatively took her breast, squeezing it. His tail rose.

"Come, just leave them until they're through," Djuta murmured, waving them off and heading back to his chair. Ameni stood near him, and Rithukh'het sat down upon the floor and took hold of his knee. The Kana lifted his head to look up at Ameni, his brow furrowed slightly. "Ameni-Moru. You said he had planned on coming here? For me?"

Ameni was the only one who saw Bakh'asu give them both a dark wary look, before he appeared to dismiss them from his mind, and grunted and nudged Simit to the floor. Ameni made himself not look at them anymore. "Yes, Lord...though I'm not certain why. He seemed...concerned about the fact that you had purchased him. He came after me for this, first, until I told him you had bought him, not me."

"Hm." Djuta's eyes narrowed. "He acts in a way as if he should know me, yet I hardly know him. He does not seem familiar in any sense."

"Perhaps he has a grudge because you remind him of someone?" Rithukh'het peered to the side to see Bakh'asu yank Simit's dress up over her hips, squeezing his fingers into her flesh so hard that she yelped; she gave him a dirty look yet kept her place. He hurriedly pulled up his own kilt and his fat purple member stood out from its sheath, yearning. "I had the feeling from Thi'usa in the market that he was uncomfortable being there, although he did not know any of those Kana. Perhaps it is the same for this one, in a way."

"I would not know...did Thi'usa seem to know him? Or anyone else?"

"No...he merely pointed him out to me. He caught my attention for some reason though...now I merely wish I know what it had been..." Ameni flushed, wishing they could be anywhere but here; he couldn't quite block out the hurried grunting noises now coming from the other side of the room, where the big Moru leaned over Simit, mounting her, his hips pushing rapidly. His hands tightly squeezed her breasts; the female shut her eyes and gritted her teeth as he moved. Bakh'asu panted thickly, his own teeth bared. His muscles bunched and relaxed, bunched and relaxed. When he realized he was watching them again Ameni averted his eyes to stare at the floor, the color rising in his face. He noticed that the noises seemed to be bothering Rithukh'het as well, as she too flushed and looked away, her fists bunched against her lap; he saw that her dress was damp.

"You came here to prevent whatever it was he decided to do?" Djuta went on. "You came here to warn me?"

"Well...yes, Lord." Ameni's face started to go red again. His own show of concern for the Kana had been very odd for a Moru, and he wasn't certain how to explain it. He remembered his earlier thoughts about the lieutenant, without his clothes, and this only made the words come harder. "I had hoped if not too late to...save you..."

Djuta sat upright, ears pricking and nose twitching. Ameni peered at him, wondering if the Kana could possibly know what he'd been thinking. But he saw that Djuta didn't seem to be paying attention to him anymore. He turned his head and sniffed a bit at the air; Bakh'asu's musk reeked around them even as the big Moru groaned harshly, his pumping frenzied. He looked down at Rithukh'het then and his muzzle wrinkled. She noticed him looking at her and let out a tiny gasp, glancing away.

Ameni stared at them both, silently. An almost palpable wall went up between them, blocking him off from the Kana's sight, though he could still see Djuta and his mate clearly. He almost felt that if he were to scream it would go completely unheard, and so he said not a thing, only watched as if he were invisible.

Rithukh'het nearly started again when her master touched her arm. She looked up at him, and Ameni clearly saw the way she nearly melted at the sight of his eyes. He knew from seeing them himself. They were kind eyes, nothing like a Kana's should be. He lightly touched her cheek.

"Sweet one," he said softly. "That scent I catch. It comes from neither of them." He nodded sideways at the two preoccupied forms thrusting and moaning madly, and then tilted his head. "Is it from you? Are you aching inside?"

Rithukh'het gave a tiny nod, keeping her eyes downcast.

Djuta snorted lightly. "Well, silly one...why you did not tell me this I will not understand. You mean you did not ever wish to come here and rest, acquaint yourself with the place? After being in that stuffy market, I rather thought that's what most Moru preferred to do."

Rithukh'het shook her head. "To..." She paused, then said in a small voice, "Ukuti-Kana to keep all separated...males, females both, to go without for long time. To..." And she flushed even harder, making it obvious what she was thinking.

Djuta sighed. "Times are that I wish I knew what females were thinking," he murmured, as if in frustration. He gently took her hand. "Here, come here, sweet one...I did not wish to admit it, but you are the first female I've had with me in a long time."

"Truly, Lord--?"

Something echoed in Ameni's head--He has not been near a female in ages, either!--and he felt his skin grow cold. How would a stranger--a Moru at that--know such a thing about a Kana elite? He had not even known, until Djuta himself had told him--and they had talked with each other enough for him to realize the lieutenant did not bare his soul to just anyone, much less some strange Moru he did not even know. All of these thoughts warred around in Ameni's head, but made little sense on their own, and he winced and rubbed at his temples as if to will them into some sort of order, yet nothing coherent came. Nothing made sense.

He had to step back out of the way, moving away further but watching as Rithukh'het eagerly got to her feet, Djuta holding her hands. He saw the way the Kana touched the female's face and looked into her eyes, and remembered what Djuta had said not that long ago, about not wishing too greatly to take a mate of his own...but perhaps things had changed since then. He did notice his own vague feeling of discomfort being here, and it was not merely because of what he was watching; he knew the Apsiu didn't usually care much who saw them doing what. Still, he felt like a trespasser watching Djuta and his Moru, as if he had no right to be there...yet he thought he felt something else, as well...

Djuta cupped Rithukh'het's face and when she came closer, sat forward to nuzzle at her neck. He closed his eyes and Ameni could tell he was taking in her scent. His hands trailed down her arms. He expected them to seek out the Kana's bed, yet Rithukh'het instead giggled aloud and clasped his hand, her free hand pulling open the slit in her dress so she could move her legs more freely; before Djuta could say anything she brought herself forward to sit upon his lap, almost straddling him. The Kana blinked in surprise at the gesture but she didn't give him enough time to react; the next moment she was kissing him, and Ameni saw how Djuta's wings flared in response. As they did so he spotted the long tear in the right one, which Rithukh'het had noticed earlier; he felt his breath catch in his throat yet no sound came out, which was just as well since the Kana probably wouldn't have heard him anyway.

Rithukh'het and Djuta nuzzled at each other a moment or two, the female's hands running down his chest as his breath hitched; with a shy giggle she reached for his kilt, pushing it up. She reached down to swiftly stroke him and after a moment his penis, glistening and wet, rose from the sheath between his legs. Djuta's breath came quick and he pressed his muzzle to hers again, their mouths devouring as he slid his hand through the opening in her dress, feeling between her legs. The Moru shivered and whimpered, tail flicking wildly.

Ameni bit his lip and stood by the door. In the back of his mind a voice told him to run away from here--back to the Moru quarters, back to Nehekhi, back to anywhere or anyone--yet his feet refused to move. A strange vague feeling of dread rose somewhere deep inside him, but his fascination over the strange scene taking place before him overrode it. He had never much cared for watching in on others, yet for some reason now he couldn't tear his eyes away. He alternated between peering at the big Moru and Simit, and then back at Djuta and his own female again. The entire situation was so bizarre that even the faint voice telling him that this was not right couldn't convince him to leave.

Where is Lord Mahakhi--? Lord Resikh--? Thi'usa, Nehekhi-Master, anyone? Why are they not here? Where did they all go to--? Why was I left here--why was he left here? Why is he with Mahakhi-Kana's favorite? Why has this all been allowed to happen? Why do they not even see me...?

He blinked slowly, suddenly uncertain whether any of this was real or a dream.
Bakh'asu groaned loudly atop Simit, who bleated aloud, the Moru thrusting into her hard and fast, his entire body bucking beyond control. Upon his chair, Djuta held onto Rithukh'het's thick waist and slowly brought her down so his shaft pressed up into her body, earning an arch and a low moan. His ankles locked around the legs of the chair and he leaned forward, pushing his hips upward with a soft grunt. The plump Moru quivered and gasped, grasping onto his shoulders, and his hands reached under her fat breasts to cup and fondle them as he began to move, deeply and more quickly. He nuzzled at her neck and growled, and she let out another giggle.

Ameni's hands tightened. The odd feelings warred inside him, growing ever stronger...watching the four Apsiu as they mated with abandon made him feel hot inside himself, yet he felt also...what? Resentful? Left out? He had merely to head back to Moru quarters and locate one he knew...Thi'usa, if he had returned yet, or Tai'ihet or even Hiakh and Kiakh...yet he didn't wish to.

I am...jealous of them...? Even as he thought it it brought a shock to him as he realized it was exactly what he felt. He wasn't certain...what he enjoyed the most in the room, wished to most be a part of. To couple with Simit, and feel her slim waist and velvety wings...or to take the plump yet willing Rithukh'het, with all her curves and swells.

He started yet again when the next thoughts entered his mind.

...Or to kneel and submit willingly to the big Bakh'asu, moaning as he felt those great hands clutch at his skin...

Or to lovingly run his tongue along Djuta's glistening hard shaft, and bury his face against the soft fur of his crotch, to stroke his wings, feel the Kana's tongue against his own, his hardness pressing into Ameni's body...

This feeling...I have been feeling it all along...why did I not let myself face it...? What would he do to me...? What would he say...?

He gasped and snapped immediately from his increasingly heated thoughts when he felt a hand grasp his arm. He whirled to see Bakh'asu looking down at him; darting a glance at the other side of the room, Ameni saw Simit lying and panting weakly, soaked with sweat and juices, her breasts bruised and dress torn. His eyes shifted back to Bakh'asu's face, and he was rewarded with the same nasty grin he had been given the last time. The big Moru still reeked of musk and semen; Ameni flinched away when he leaned down and that muzzle stopped so close to his ear, whispering harshly.

"Little human." The Moru's voice was guttural, amused. "I saw how you looked. To see all mating but you. Jealous, eh? Needful?"

"I...I need nothing," Ameni stammered, his own voice faint. He felt like twisting himself loose of the Moru's grasp yet still his feet refused to move. Part of him was still excited from viewing what was happening--yet now the dread grew ever greater as well. Feeling both emotions at once confused him more than anything he had ever felt before.

Bakh'asu let out a sharp laugh. "Hah! I am to believe this? Seeing how you moon over him?" He grasped Ameni's chin and forced his head to turn to look at Djuta and Rithukh'het again, still rutting in the chair; Djuta clutched his mate's buttocks tightly, growling and biting at her neck as they quickly moved. Ameni's mouth went completely dry and he tried in vain to swallow. Bakh'asu chuckled.

"You think I did not notice how you reacted? When I threatened his life? A human, with feelings for a Kana! Let you in on a secret, human--he is not so noble and esteemed as you think. In fact he was not much higher up than yourself, once!"

Ameni bared his teeth. "You will not insult him, Moru! He is far nobler and more honorable than you will ever be!"

The big Moru's amusement grew. "You truly think so? You do not really know anyone, do you?"

Ameni at last twisted his arm, but Bakh'asu kept hold of him easily. "Just as you do not know me!" he snapped, and this only made Bakh'asu laugh harder.

"I know more than enough! For no Moru in his right mind would have risked his life for any Kana unless they are VERY good friends!" Ameni cringed and stiffened when Bakh'asu pressed his muzzle to his neck. His nose was cold and wet and his words slurred in Ameni's ear as if he were drunk.

"So tell me, human. Which way was it? Were you the little Sha, or was Lord Djuta so kind as to let you ride him--?"

Ameni hissed and started struggling. Near the wall, Simit weakly pushed herself up; she was the only one to even notice his situation so far, her eyes growing wide. Bakh'asu merely laughed at Ameni's futile efforts, and twisted his arm up above his head so Ameni gasped at the sharp flare of pain.

"Shut your disgusting mouth! Brute!" he hissed. "There is no such thing! You know NOTHING about either of us!"

Bakh'asu grinned. "Oh? Even if I did not know you, I still know Lord Djuta passing well enough to know what will happen. And if there is no such thing now, there certainly will be in the future!"

Ameni continued struggling. "You do not know us nor know what you are even talking about, maggot!"

The big Moru's mouth twitched in amusement. "Oh? Then do you seek out Lord Tas'hukh and ask HIM what I am talking about. Then you will find out all you never wished to know of Lord Djuta! And then perhaps you will not be so quick to lift your kilt for him--eh?"

When he started laughing again Ameni felt the skin on his nape prickle, his body going cold.

Tas'hukh--? This is the name Djuta told me--his old commander--

How would a Moru know about his old commander--? What has Djuta not told me--?

What does it mean--?

Bakh'asu pressed his muzzle to Ameni's neck again and took a breath. "In any case," he said in a guttural voice, "seeing you standing here looking so out of sorts has filled me with pity for you, Moru. Sure you are a dirty human, but even dirty little humans have their needs, don't they?" Ameni went rigid when the big Moru clasped at his crotch and grinned. Although he didn't want to, he felt himself starting to stir as Bakh'asu's hand rubbed over his kilt.

"Jealous of your pretty friend Lord Djuta?" Bakh'asu inquired. "I've always been much more impressive, myself. Need a little relief? We did not exactly get to finish, last time..."

Ameni gritted his teeth and tried to will his physical excitement away, yet it was futile. "I do not want or need anything from a Moru like you!" he hissed.

Bakh'asu just barked with laughter once again and tightened his grip on Ameni's arm.
"Fine then, fool. I guess I merely force you again?"

Ameni opened his mouth, whether to protest, or agree, he knew not; all he knew was that a second later he was pinned against the wall, arms and legs spread. He grated his teeth in a silent snarl.

"Stinking beast..."

Bakh'asu's look was still amused. "You wished for it, truly?"

"Not with you, filthy dog."

A loud laugh. "We will see! I took her long and hard," he whispered, voice dropping dramatically as he murmured in Ameni's ear again. Ameni shuddered when he heard Djuta moan loudly, saw the Kana's body arching back against his chair, Rithukh'het, eyes shut, bouncing atop him with a pleasured look upon her face; the two didn't even notice him. How could they not notice him--? "She was most good, a very good body...with very beautiful wings to boot...mmmm..." He pressed his nose to Ameni's nape and took a deep breath; Ameni saw Simit again now, and the Moru was the only one who looked at him, her eyes large. His silent look told her to remain where she was; she sat up and clutched her torn dress to her breast, seeming indecisive, yet kept her place. "You are wingless, yet you are needful, and that is often the most important thing...you see?...I am needful, too..."

"Why not ravage her again, swine?" Ameni growled, hating himself for even saying it.

A loud snort. "Because it would hardly be fair to you, bitty one. After all, you are the only one in this room unsatisfied so far." Ameni gasped and stiffened as two fingers inserted themselves inside him. Bakh'asu chuckled at his reaction. "Hm. Tight, but certainly not iat'ah. Very nice. You were not willing the first time, so I went easy. I can tell you are quite willing now."

"Like hell I am, you diseased cur!" Ameni hissed, his breath picking up.

The Moru laughed again, louder, and grabbed at Ameni's penis a second time, only now beneath his kilt and loincloth. The human jerked and flushed red. Bakh'asu only continued laughing as his hand stroked up and down along Ameni's throbbing length.

"Oh, you seem so unwilling! Forgive me my error!" He quickly yanked off Ameni's loincloth and tossed it to the floor. "Oh--oops--you may also wish to forgive me this."

Ameni's fists tightened again. He hadn't enough time to react aside from that. He gasped and tightened, body pressing against the wall; Bakh'asu's tongue lolled and he panted as his shaft pushed inside. Simit stood, wings flaring; Ameni bit his lip and barked aloud.


"Yes, little one," Bakh'asu chuckled, apparently thinking the shout was meant for him. "Yes...in...deed..." And he pushed, and pushed, and pushed. Ameni's muscles began to loosen and he moaned, his head tipping back as he began to sink.

Djuta shouted. Rithukh'het cried out. Their bodies quivered.

Ameni felt the shiver of Bakh'asu's body as he laughed, and a caress against his swaying hip--a strangely soft caress, almost tender--and he heard the Moru's husky voice whisper in his ear.

"You are a pretty little one, human, pretty and very sweet inside, aren't you...? Of course you are not my main interest...that would be your lovely lieutenant...though far be it from me to interrupt him when he is preoccupied with his first mate!" He let out a breathless laugh as Ameni's thoughts started racing wildly again, dread and confusion and rage spinning out of control. Bakh'asu nuzzled wetly behind his ear, earning a shiver, and murmured again under his breath.

"All in good time, though, friend...I have waited for years and I can wait a little longer...you, however, cannot." His tongue ran along the rim of Ameni's ear, making him wince; he thrust into him slowly, massaging his hips and running his hands down over Ameni's groin to tangle in the hair there. "Truthfully? I never would have even considered nesakh'ai with your sort, until now...you are actually not so bad, for a scrawny little Kemeti...and had I only known this sooner..."

A hard grunt. Bakh'asu lurched against him heavily, pressing Ameni to the wall so hard that the breath was knocked from him. His hands let go. Ameni let out a ragged gasp of pain and surprise when the Moru then pulled away; he glanced over his shoulder to see Bakh'asu's eyes rolling back in his head, and he sank to the floor and collapsed. Putting a hand to his mouth to fight back the nausea that suddenly flooded him, Ameni stumbled around to see Djuta standing before him, panting and wielding his sword, his kilt damp and mussed. Rithukh'het cowered near the chair, a sticky splash of Djuta's seed dampening her dress; Simit stood just beside her, holding her arm and glaring at Bakh'asu's now unconscious form.

Ameni stared down at the unconscious Bakh'asu as well, and then began to shake. The first and final moments of his involvement with Bakh'asu reminded him of nothing more than the attack by the robber Kana, and he found himself cringing--would he never let that experience go? Yet all that had gone in between...including what the Moru had been saying...

What was that he said of Lord Djuta...? What was that he was starting to say of me...?

Djuta snorted and put away his sword. He stepped over the body, seizing Ameni's arm. Ameni gasped and flinched but Djuta only gave him a concerned look.

"Ameni-human? You are all right now?" When Ameni didn't immediately answer he averted his eyes--and the untypical gesture made Ameni take pause. "I cannot even begin to ask your forgiveness, for not noticing sooner--trust me, he will be dealt with as surely as we dealt with those others." He scowled and spat upon the limp Moru, kicking him in the side. A brief flash of him humiliating the robber Kana as they sought revenge passed through Ameni's mind, and he suddenly felt cold all over, though sweat stood out on his brow. He said nothing, his entire body trembling. Djuta let go of his arm and turned to the two females still standing behind him, gesturing toward the door.

"You will go and find your master again--? Inform him I'll be taking this brute down to the jail cells, to keep him out of trouble until we should figure out what to do with him. I do not think Mahakhi will be much averse to this plan. And have the physician see to you; it does not look like he treated you well."

Simit nodded and left, loping silently out of the room. Djuta turned back to Bakh'asu and his muzzle wrinkled; he grasped the pommel of his sword, yet didn't draw it. Instead he gave the unconscious Moru the most venomous look he could muster. "If his wings were not already so tattered," he growled, "then I would be pleased to do it for him."

Ameni swallowed, though his throat was dry. He couldn't stop staring down at the big brutish Kana--Moru--and feeling sick inside...even as the newly born fire of lust still burned within him, unsated, uncontrollable, all consuming.

And now, unquenchable.

* * * * *

Upon Simit's return, Mahakhi promptly cleared out the meeting, sending the rest of the Kana off with a gruff command so that they left the room scowling and muttering at each other over the audacity of that female to interrupt important matters. Nehekhi stood in the hallway peering into the meeting hall with a tense look on his face. As soon as he saw how the general and his Moru murmured to each other he left, walking briskly back toward the Moru quarters. He chewed his lip as he walked.

She mentioned Ameni-mate! Is this trouble taken care of, or not--? Why have I been told nothing? Do I not matter anymore--?

He forced himself to take a breath, but not to slow down. He couldn't blame Mahakhi for sometimes forgetting to fill him in on important matters personally. After all, it wasn't as if he were the general's favorite or anything...

Though after that one time, one would think I am...

He shook his head abruptly. Then came to a sudden halt when he saw a pair of guards staggering across the hall with a pallet between them, a large unconscious form lying upon it. Nehekhi stared at the slack face of the big Moru, and shivered at the sight of his tattered wings; yet they were an old injury. Ears pricking, he started walking again as soon as they were out of sight, but before he could turn to follow them he caught sight of movement in the hallway to his left. On stopping and turning he noticed the two figures coming toward him, and his face lit up. He went down that hallway instead.

"Ameni-mate!" he exclaimed aloud; the human, walking alongside Lieutenant Djuta, lifted his head to peer forward. Nehekhi saw Djuta's ear flick in puzzlement at the name he used and his own ears grew warm. "Ameni-human," he amended himself as they drew near, and moved ahead to meet them. "You are safe? Did that creature hurt you in any way--? I was not told what was happening..."

"Your human may have saved my life tonight," Djuta said; Nehekhi looked at him and frowned, equally puzzled, then looked back at Ameni. For some reason Ameni didn't meet his eyes.

"Ameni-Moru...? This is true?"

He waited for a moment but Ameni didn't speak. "That big Moru being carried about on the pallet," Djuta filled in. "He broke from the Moru quarters not that long ago and came to my rooms with one of the guard's weapons. I believe he would have killed me had not Ameni-Moru sent for help, and then come along."

Ameni's face went red and he drew in on himself a little. "Ameni-Moru?" Nehekhi said, and his eyes lit up. "You did such a thing--? This is very honorable, Ameni-human! I cannot begin to imagine how much you deserve for such an act!" He glanced over his shoulder. "And that big brute, did you do that too...?"

"This I had to do, unfortunately," Djuta replied. "I was not paying proper mind. While I was with my mate the big dog was--"

"Taking Simit," Ameni suddenly cut in, earning looks from both of the Kana. He stared at the floor, face flushed. "Mahakhi-Kana offered her to him...he was not kind to her. Lord...Lord Djuta had to hit him, before he could do further. I was witness. I alerted him to what Bakh--the Moru was doing."

Djuta frowned slightly, brow furrowing. Nehekhi saw his odd look and frowned himself, but Ameni merely lifted his head to meet his eyes. The captain nearly started when he saw they were wet, yet he wasn't crying, at least, not hard enough for tears to stream down his face. "Lord," he said, his voice just barely cracking. "I wish to ask that I accompany Lord Djuta to the prisoners' cells, and see for myself that the dog is put away and locked up for good this time. So that he may not hurt another Moru."

Djuta opened his mouth slightly, then shut it. He peered at Nehekhi from the corner of his eye but offered nothing else. Nehekhi's ear twitched; he could tell there was something Ameni wasn't telling him, but he could not guess what it could be. His brow furrowed and he rubbed at his neck.

"The prisoners' cells...? Why do you wish this, Ameni-Moru? There is nothing down there to see..."

"I--I wish to simply make certain he is imprisoned correctly and may not force his way out," Ameni said, staring at the floor again.

"But of course he will be imprisoned correctly. You do not trust the general's men...?"

"Perhaps seeing him behind the bars in person will give his mind a little peace," Djuta cut in, glancing at Ameni and then back at Nehekhi; Ameni lifted his eyes slightly to peer up at the lieutenant yet didn't confirm or deny this comment. "You cannot blame him, Lord, for wishing to be cautious, considering the similarity to what happened in your own tribe..."

Nehekhi abruptly let out his breath, relief flooding through him. "Of course," he said, at which Ameni's head jerked up to look at him, eyes wide. "If this helps put your fears to rest," Nehekhi said to him. "Then by all means I will allow it. All you needed do was say so, Ameni-Moru; do you go on with Lord Djuta and do this right now. And when you are done, you may come straight back to me--Lord Djuta may bring you. This is all right?"

A relieved look entered Ameni's eyes and he nodded. Nehekhi felt somewhat better on seeing this--the human's anxiety had been bothering him--and offered him a smile. Djuta saluted and he nodded at the other Kana, before the two of them continued down the hallway after the stretcher-bearing guards. He turned to watch them go, noticing how Ameni kept hunched in on himself, walking just a pace behind and to the side of Djuta, yet almost close enough so as to nearly be walking on his heels. His smile faded a little as he watched them disappear from sight, something niggling at the back of his mind, though he couldn't quite place it.

He looks almost like a Moru following his master...

He shook his head again. This late, there was little use in letting his thoughts wander too much, especially considering all that had gone by in the past hour or so. With a great sigh he paused to regather himself, then turned to once more make his way to the Moru quarters, hoping that the sight of them would somehow help soothe the rest of his rattled nerves.


"Part 21: Closer

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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