Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512967-Part-17--Master
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512967
A most strange arrival appears at the Great Red Tribe...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 17 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THE CITY OF the East Tribe was far too small to accommodate the three tribes which had joined under the standard of the Great Red Tribe, and so renovations had to be made, and quickly. The wall was knocked down in an unprecedented undertaking, Kana and Moru alike toiling to level the ground which spread out rough and uneven in all directions. The great household of T'uris was only partly destroyed, to be rebuilt again larger than before, to house the greater number of captains and Moru who would be living within. New houses were raised wherever there was space, and new streets were laid out when needed, so the whole would not become too cramped. The great market area was enlarged as well, and the Moru traders promptly moved in to set up shop, those from the Palm Tribe of Captain K'tasai garnering the most praise and attention, considering that of the three, the Palm Tribe had been the least subjected to such shortages as the other two had suffered. The Red Tribe was best known for its beer and food, and the East Tribe for its weaponsmakers and armorers; as such, once the market was again opened, it was promptly flooded with business, and saw trading and haggling the likes of which had never been seen before by any of the three tribes. And the taverns were full to the brim every single night for as long as the renovations went on, and though many of the workers were thus hung over in the morning, still they did their jobs without the least bit of complaint.

The Kana of the Palm and Red Tribes replaced their lappets to reflect the change of leadership, and the new standard reflected this change as well, T'uris's disgraced name being replaced with that of Mahakhi. Captain Nehekhi, as such a close comrade of the new general's, moved into his household as captains sometimes did, and Ameni and Thi'usa and the others stayed with Simit and Akhahit and the rest, all the Moru quickly growing used to each other's company and building new companionships. The great wall was rebuilt, larger and stronger than ever, to protect the mighty tribe from its enemies, who would likely grow to be many; but far from making the members of the newly christened Great Red Tribe anxious, this fact only made their chests swell, for those tribes in the greatest danger of attack were either the weakest tribes, or the strongest...and it was quite easy to tell which category the Great Red Tribe fell under.

Ameni awaited any significant changes with anxiety of his own. He had never gone through a coup before, and so to know of not only one, but three, before they had happened had been enough to set him on edge for a great deal of the time. Yet the changeover seemed remarkably uneventful. He had expected at least some sort of unrest or difficulty, yet the night after the overthrow, back in the city of the Red Tribe, his master had returned to him beaming with victory, and Ameni had been obliged to reward him with several sweet hours of nesakh'ai, just as he had promised him. The way the Kana bellowed at the air as he hurled himself repeatedly at his mate was enough to make Ameni wonder over what exactly had happened, to fill his master with such pride. Surely the revolt had gone very well, judging by his response...not that Ameni had any complaint.

He had no complaint, either, with the residents of his new household, as, along with Mahakhi's top captains, several of his top lieutenants lived within the house as well, Resikh and Djuta among them. Ameni had not spoken with Djuta since they had parted ways with the East Tribe, following the attack by the robber Kana, and though it had not been very long at all, still his heart had ached at the thought of never being able to speak with him again...for some strange reason, the lieutenant had made him feel just slightly human again, though he was not sure if this was a good thing. Still, speaking with a Kana almost as if they were equals had helped him stave off the boredom which threatened to overtake him in the company of the Moru, every so often. Not that he disliked speaking with Thi'usa, but Thi'usa had long ago given up most of his Kana traits, and showed little interest in deep discussion, as Ameni sometimes liked to engage in. There was simply no one in the Moru quarters whom he could hold an engrossing conversation with, and this sometimes left him feeling weary and homesick at night, wishing to share just a few words with somebody who could engage his thoughts as his friend Kahef once had, long ago.

When Resikh and Djuta had passed by the Moru quarters shortly after Ameni and the others had been settled in, Ameni had peered out at them, and the way Djuta smiled slightly when he saw him made the weights lift from around his heart. They had parted on difficult terms, yet he felt hopeful that his days would not seem so endless anymore, now that he would have someone to speak with him as an equal sometimes.

Just as the new wall reached completion they received their first emissaries from a neighboring tribe which had been attacked by T'uris's men in the past. Tension hung thick in the air, yet the visitors had heard of the change in leadership as well, and had come in peace. What they saw of the interior of the rebuilt city made them murmur much with each other, and they left impressed, after having purchased some of their own Moru and weapons. Their visit was followed by one from another tribe which had not been attacked but which had cut off relations with the East Tribe following their market shortage; every day it seemed Nehef or Ahai'ikh came to Mahakhi with news of how trade was thriving anew, and the prestige of the Great Red Tribe was spreading quickly, and Mahakhi seemed pleased with these changes.

"What did I tell you?" he said to his lieutenants. "A new era for the Great Red Tribe! Our name will be known all around. T'uris left this place utterly stale. It is about time we had some good change."

This response invariably left the lieutenants rolling their eyes at each other, as if the revolt had been purely Mahakhi's idea...yet this oversight was always forgiven.

A time later, Tai'ihet went into labor fully a month early, and Nehekhi paced outside the birthing quarters as anxiously as any father, seeing as her age was not the best one at which to bear a pup, especially so early. Still, she bore a male pup, without wings but otherwise perfectly healthy. Thi'usa was not in the least bit disappointed by the fact that "his" pup wasn't Kana, and seemed more interested in exclaiming over his tiny hands and feet. Ameni watched the three of them with a smile. It was almost as if Thi'usa had never even been a father before; none had the heart to mention the true parentage of the newborn, so long as he was happy.

Ki'amit's pup, on the other hand, came a month late--"One of them is too eager to see the world, and the other one is too reluctant!" as Nehekhi exclaimed--but just as healthy. Hers was also Moru, a female; again Thi'usa was hardly disappointed. When mother and daughter were brought back to the Moru quarters he held the squalling pup up as high as he could and crowed aloud.

"Take a look at her tiny ears! They are the tiniest I have ever seen! I have never had a girl before! She howls like a Kana!" He then let out a startled cry when something started trickling down his arm, and the rest of the Moru burst into laughter. Thi'usa's chest swelled and he beamed.

"And she PISSES like one, too!"

Mahakhi's work wasn't limited to Nehekhi's females, as Akhahit came to expect a pup of her own, as well. She hovered around Tai'ihet and Ki'amit more often now, cooing over their pups and cuddling them whenever the other two females would let her; Thi'usa informed Ameni this was not unusual behavior, as pregnant females and those with newborn pups tended to flock together "--and prattle as if there is no tomorrow!" he added, rolling his eyes with mock exasperation.

Ameni couldn't hide his amusement. "The Kemeti are exactly the same," he said. "You will be lucky if they ever let you near those pups again, with how they will all chatter forever. A great huge flock of females."

Thi'usa made a face. Then he laughed, unable to maintain his irritation. "Perhaps that would not be such a bad sight, would it, Ameni-friend?"

Ameni also came to know the rest of the Kana better through his renewed talks with Djuta in Mahakhi's courtyard. Resikh, he learned, had known Djuta since they were pups, and they were as close as brothers, although they were not related; they had even grown up in the same household together. In addition there had lived with them another Kana by the name of Be'shen, who, even though he was not a relation either, acted much as Resikh's older sibling--"And knocks some sense into his head every now and then," Djuta clarified, at which Resikh, who happened to be passing, rolled his eyes. Nehef and Ahai'ikh, he added, were just as trustworthy as he and Resikh were, and Ameni could rely on them should he ever need to, though the first and second lieutenant were quite often busy; Nehef, as Ameni already knew, was the chattier and more outgoing of the two, while Ahai'ikh was more reserved and cautious. Captain Ahen, who had visited the Red Tribe in Mahakhi's place so long ago, was fully trustworthy as well, though not as involved in Kana politics as many other captains; he was known for his level head and his wisdom in tense situations which might drive most other Kana to frustration, and he was also known for being very kind toward his Moru. With the Palm Tribe came Lieutenant Ki'ukha and Captain K'tasai; K'tasai had been most pivotal in the overthrow of the Palm Tribe general, and had assumed command of the tribe until Mahakhi could take over; he was not so big as Mahakhi and Nehekhi were, but was still tall in stature and commanded respect with his cool, taciturn demeanor. Nevertheless, the Palm Tribe captain did have one small quirk--"He is much like General T'uris, and prefers his females with wings," Djuta explained; "he even has his own little collection of them, and all the other Kana envy him." Ki'ukha Ameni only knew because of his own reputation, which was nowhere near as respectable as his captain's; the lieutenant was not built like most typical Kana, being slightly shorter, rounder, and softer than average, and Ameni wondered how he had even achieved the rank he had. Djuta's explanation: "He has the unfortunate habit of suffering a stroke of exceptional luck, every so often." Despite this, the lieutenant was somewhat cowardly and timorous in appearance, and there were many rumors about his odd habits in the bedroom, though Ameni wasn't certain what to make of the different stories he heard. For the most part, the rest of the Kana tolerated Ki'ukha and were even polite to his face, though tongues wagged much whenever he was gone. In addition there were several of the lesser Kana whom Ameni met in his daily life within the household, among them Mahakhi's old physician and his younger "apprentice" physician, a slight Kana by the name of Khetai, whose cynical mutterings over the ignorance of the elder physician as he tended to the Moru made Ameni's mouth twitch in amusement. The presence of familiar faces--Lieutenant Hiath'ikh, as well as Taka and the other guards of Nehekhi's old household--gave him a slight feeling of comfort to allay his temporary homesickness, as he grew used to living under Mahakhi's roof once again.

He even had a feeling of things being almost back to normal...whichever word one would use to define that state...when he was allowed to accompany Djuta throughout the household. Of course this earned him some curious looks from Nehekhi, whom he could tell wasn't aware of the relationship the two had started in his absence, yet his master was lenient and let Ameni go free when he wished. He was afraid for a time that they would have nothing left to talk about, yet when the Kana started to inquire after his own past and present, Ameni found himself more than willing to reply. The words flowed over his tongue even more freely than they had before with Thi'usa, and he found himself surprised by his own candor. Why should he feel so safe to share such things with a strange Kana...?

Today they walked around the courtyard perimeter and Djuta was furrowing his brow. "And so you did not ever get to see her again?" he asked; Ameni stared at the ground as they walked.

He shook his head. "No...this was not allowed. It would have been inappropriate."

"Yet if the two of you were in love with each other..." Djuta frowned. "Your people are strange sometimes, Ameni-human. I do not see why you would not simply stay with her, or why she did not stay with you if she cared so much. It seemed very fickle of her to choose one she did not love. And for her to allow the death of your pup...this makes little sense to me, either."

"I am supposing the closest way I can explain it to you is to ask you to look at your own castes. I did not know it back then, yet we Kemeti are much more like you Apsiu than most would like to think. My caste was lower than hers...theirs...thus this was not appropriate."

"I suppose," Djuta said, not sounding entirely convinced. "Though why they should kill any pup, I have no idea."

"You do not kill half-caste pups, here?"

Djuta gave him an odd look. "There is no such thing," he said when he saw Ameni's question was sincere. "A pup is either Kana or Moru. Other than that...it does not matter whether it was a general and his female who produced it, or two Moru, or a lowly peddler and his slave, or a Kana's lover getting his lord's mate with pup. Any Kana boy is raised with pride."

Ameni's brow furrowed, perplexed. "This last one you mentioned--does that actually happen?"

"More often than you would think, Ameni-human. Not all Kana are disposed toward being fathers. There is a big business in playing surrogate father to continue some important Kana's line."

"What of you? I have hardly even learned much about you. In all the times we have spoken, I have learned so little."

"This is because you ask little," the lieutenant said, mouth twitching. Ameni smiled.

"Very well then...what of you?"

Djuta paused. The courtyard pool rippled in the breeze from the river. "Do you have a mate?" Ameni clarified, uncertain if the question had been understood. After a moment Djuta shrugged.

"No, I do not."

Ameni blinked with surprise. "None--? Why is this? I would guess you to have at least one pretty one."

The Kana smiled slightly. "I have not had the time nor the inclination to purchase one, mainly. I have other ways to keep myself preoccupied."

There was an obvious opening for yet more revealing discussion there, yet Ameni refrained. "And so what of pups? You merely do not wish for any...? Are you never...well...afraid of being thought..."

"Sen'akha?" Djuta filled in, glancing at him; Ameni flushed a little and ducked his head. "Truthfully, if they called me sen'akha until the sun sets forever I would not care. That is a piddling matter for others with little else to worry about. And it would be nice to have some pups, but as I said, I merely have not had the real chance just yet."

Ameni sighed. "Well, if you will continue to be so evasive..." He ignored the Kana's slight smirk and lifted his head to look skywards. "Then tell me how you came to be with this tribe. Since according to what you yourself have said, you were not born here, nor raised."

"This is true. Resikh and I came here from our old tribe several years past. There was little real reason; I merely felt the need to break away, and Res thought it best to follow me. His father thought it best to not let his son wander off too far, and so brought the entire household with him. T'uris allowed us in, though he is probably regretting that by now, as he slowly roasts in the Duat."

"It must be difficult to leave one's entire tribe," Ameni murmured, and looked downward again.

Djuta peered at him, then seemed to understand. "I see...you miss your village, do you not? It must have felt badly, leaving it so abruptly."

"This part I actually did not mind," Ameni admitted. "There was nothing left for me there. But coming to a place that is so much different from my own...and then hearing that the first exists no more..." He trailed off for a moment or so. "I did not care for the village anymore. Yet to hear that it is truly gone, for good...I felt like a blade of grass that has been separated from its fellows and now floats down the river alone. I would never have returned there, yet part of me aches knowing it is really gone."

"It is the same when one leaves a tribe," Djuta said quietly, drawing his attention. "It is difficult to leave an entire past behind you. Resikh could keep his own past...I did not have much of one to let go of anyway."

"Surely you had some."

"Not as much as one should have, at such an age. I was a good Kana--I served my captain to the best of my ability. Then the time came to go. I would have been a completely new Kana here, had not Resikh brought some of the past along with him. At least I am somewhat grounded; I hate to think how you must feel whenever you get homesick."

"You served a captain?"

Djuta nodded. "Yes, a good Kana. Res and I both served under Lord Tas'hukh's command."

"You were his lieutenants?"

Djuta paused. "No, we were not."

"Just you were, then...?"

A longer pause. "In a way, I suppose," he finally said. "Though I did not perform the duties most lieutenants perform. Still I did the best I could."

"Do you hope for the same within this tribe...?" The question came unbidden and unthought-of; Djuta peered at him again and Ameni felt like covering his mouth, wondering where that had come from. They stared at each other for a while, then Djuta gave a slight smile.

"One always hopes for the best, Ameni-friend...yet prepares for the unthinkable. Still, Mahakhi's household is one of honorable Kana, so I do not think I shall be wanting for a job." He stifled a yawn as he rubbed at his eye and Ameni realized then just how long they'd been walking. He felt a pang of guilt and didn't protest when Djuta started to surreptitiously steer him back toward the household. Instead he touched Djuta's wrist as they went, and Djuta looked down at his hand.

"Lord, you shouldn't hold off on it too much longer," he said. "And there is hardly a shortage anymore. Nehekhi-Master told me of the grand auction of Moru which will be held in the upcoming week. There must be a way to convince you to pick a mate."

Djuta's brow furrowed. "You are really that worried about me--?"

Ameni pulled his hand back. "Not so much worried...as concerned. All good Kana should father some pups at some time. To keep their family line going, at the least. And to bring pride to themselves when they are gone." He noticed the way the Kana stared at him and fidgeted in irritation. "What? Have I said something so offensive?"

Djuta shook his head. "No...I had merely thought you were worried I was not getting enough nesakh'ai," he said, in a sincere voice; Ameni felt his face grow hot and Djuta started laughing. "And though it may kill you to hear it, I was wondering why you were so concerned about that matter. You are starting to sound like a father hoping for grandpups."

Ameni had to clamp his teeth over the inside of his mouth. "I meant no such thing!!" he practically barked; he scowled at the lieutenant's chuckling and refused to meet his eyes again. Djuta touched his arm and wiped at his own eyes as they walked.

"I meant no offense, Ameni-friend...you must admit you are henpecking me just a bit, though."

"I meant no such thing! You must admit that you Kana are always so big on siring pups, pups, pups! I only thought it best that you do the same!"

"If it makes you feel better, and stop pouting like that, then I'll check out this grand auction next week. Just to see what they may offer."

Ameni finally relented a little and lifted his eyes. "You are not just saying this...?" he asked sulkily.

Djuta smiled. "I will drag you along with me, if you must see for yourself. If I cannot make up my mind then you may choose a Moru for me. But be warned, I'm somewhat picky."

Ameni let out his breath. "Very well," he said. "You will have to speak with Nehekhi-Master...though I do not envision him objecting. I promise you will see all sorts of lovely Moru you will not be able to keep your eyes off of. You will likely come back loaded down with two or three of them, even."

This time Djuta crowed. "You should sell them yourself! No one could resist such a spiel!" He touched Ameni's arm again and they exited the courtyard, heading into the cool shade of the household. "But for now I will just have to sleep alone. Which suits me just fine, since sleep is sleep--and I could use some right about now!"

* * * * *

The small band of four picked their way carefully across the desert, the chill air coming off the river making them huddle in on themselves as they traveled. One Kana led the way, and one brought up the rear, the Sha between them carrying a shrouded figure which held a bundle in its arms, this bundle making up the fourth member of the strange little party. It let out a soft whimper every so often and its carrier shushed it softly every time, until the Kana in the lead flicked his ears in irritation.

"Make that thing be silent! I do not like us making noise out here!"

"I cannot stop him from crying, Lord," the shrouded figure said. A female's voice.

The Kana in the rear scowled. "You'd best try," he gruffed, "else I will stop it for you!"

The shrouded figure jerked its head around, and one eye showed in the moonlight, glittering angrily. The rear Kana nearly balked.

"Lord Hn'hrakhu gave you your orders, Lords. If you kill him you will face his rage!"

The lead Kana snarled. "It," he snapped. "That thing is hardly a HE! And your master is dead!"

"Your lord watches over us still," the shrouded figure retorted, "so you'd best obey his last command to you. Else his ka will pursue you for eternity!"

"That is a Kemeti belief!" the rear Kana snorted. "We do not believe in such drivel!"

"I do," the shrouded figure replied, "thus my ka will haunt you, too, should you try such a thing. And my bones will forever remain to accuse you of this dishonor you've committed against your kind."

This comment at last stilled the two Kana, and they turned to face the front again, ears twitching. They cast the shrouded figure between them dark looks now and then, yet discontinued their arguing. After a time the rear Kana nudged his Sha and it trotted ahead to join the first. The shrouded figure watched him move ahead, yet held its tongue; the two Apsiu rode side by side now and muttered to each other under their breath, though their voices were still audible.

"This is hardly a fitting end for us..."

"Well, even if you do not believe in kas, still, his ghost may very well come back for us! A promise is a promise...and he did die defending the tribe..."

"This matters little. His ghost will hardly come back...!"

"I prefer not to chance it. What concern is it, anyway? We just escort them to the tribe and then begone from there forever! We will not ever have to look at that little beast's face again. It will be someone else's problem."

The shrouded figure's eyes glittered again and it held the bundle a little more closely. The two Kana ignored it.

"We still should not be stuck with this dreadful chore! This is humiliating! We should just put them out of their misery now and be done with it!"

The first Kana snarled at his companion, making him retreat a bit. "I will hardly have my honor soiled because you feel HUMILIATED! We vowed this one last thing to Lord Hn'hrakhu. Distasteful as it is, it was still his last wish! And I will follow through to its end! We cannot be more than a day's ride away anyway--we will dump them off, have ourselves a cool drink, maybe hump a pretty Moru or two, and then find our way to a better tribe! This is all I ask, after all we have gone through!"

The other Kana mumbled to himself, and the first resumed his place directly in front of the shrouded figure's Sha. A wisp of cloud trailed across the moon, briefly dimming the already darkened desert.

The second Kana continued mumbling. "They'd better have pretty Moru," he groused. "Because after all this riding, I should like to mount one for hours!"

"I lost all of mine as well," the first returned. "So keep your thoughts on this one bright thing, and the time will fly by. Besides, I have heard this tribe has the choicest selection for leagues around."

Something flickered off in the desert. The shrouded figure lifted its head and stared out across the sand.

"EVERY tribe claims that! It hardly makes it true!"

"This one is different. They have a right to this claim. They are actually three tribes but lately joined into one! Moru ripe for the taking!"

Nothing changed for a long while, then several faint dark shapes began weaving their way through the desert. The shrouded figure watched their approach in silence. It clutched the bundle tighter, and this let out a little whimper; the figure carefully reached out to take hold of the Sha's reins, its grip tightening on these as well as the shapes made their way toward the group.

"More ripe is likely true...they are probably all old hags. Ugh, I cannot stand old Moru! They have the most awful smell..."

"I would not know, Brother, seeing as I have never had the need nor the desire to mate with one! But I tell you this is true--just you wait until we get there, then you will have to just flip up your kilt and let your cock lead you, the selection will be so enticing..."

Something glinted in the hand of one of the dark shapes. They paused just briefly, then bolted forward. The shrouded figure's eyes went wide and it yanked back on the reins of its Sha. The beast let out a squeal and reared, just as the two Kana's heads whirled around in the same direction. The shrouded figure's hood fell back and a woman's dark hair spilled loose. The Kana saw the look in her eyes and frowned.


Thunk. The second Kana let out a gurgling noise. His companion cried out as his Sha whinnied and jerked away from the second Kana, from whose throat an arrow protruded, its shaft still quivering. He stared off into space with a look of surprise before slowly sliding from his seat and tumbling to the ground. The first Kana had enough time to grab his Sha's reins, trying to regain control over the panicked animal; he saw the female's Sha already fleeing, the woman grasping her crying pup under one arm and casting a wild-eyed look back at him as she went. He blinked at her in disbelief, then turned his Sha about.

"Moru! Wait--!"

A searing pain suddenly tore through his back, and he could only gasp, the feeling was so overpowering. After a split second he felt the warm rush of blood down his spine, and could tell only from his own shadow on the ground that something had gone wrong behind him--when his wings flared, he shouldn't have seen another shadow protruding from between his shoulderblades, in the distinct shape of an ax--

Whump. Whump. Two more arrows lodged themselves in his shoulder and in his neck, instantly paralyzing him. He fell sideways as his companion had done, yet his foot twisted in the stirrup and when his Sha squealed and went galloping away, he was flung to the ground and dragged along after it, his limp body flailing and slamming against the rocks as the mount disappeared into the desert, leaving a bloody trail behind it.

The shadows converged around the first dead Kana and then broke apart again, taking the form of another small band of Kana, their heads adorned with strange masks. They poked at the body on the ground a few times with disinterest, looking at the dark trail the other had left, and then lifting their heads to see the receding shape of the shrouded figure, still barely visible in the distance. The archer among them raised his bow, yet another one of them placed his hand upon it, pushing it down.

In response to the others' questioning looks, he said, "Merely a human...let her be. She is none of our concern."

The archer stared at him a moment, then lowered his bow. The others lowered their weapons as well, and merely stood in the desert and watched the fleeing woman vanish from sight.

"That is the direction of that new tribe," one of them said. "From the sound of it, they think to stand up to us..."

"They think no such thing. They have their own problems to deal with right now. I doubt they have even heard of us, just yet."

"Should we move in on them...?"

The lead Kana shook his head slowly. The mask he wore glinted white as bone.

"No...they are small and weak, as of yet. We will wait until they are stronger...and more of a challenge."

He jerked his hand at the air and several more Kana, before hidden, now appeared, leading Sha. They climbed atop the animals and turned about, heading away from the Great Red Tribe.

* * * * *

The regular guard had not yet been decided upon for the great wall of the tribe, hence the inexperienced lieutenants in charge had to clamber all the way down and flee toward the house of Mahakhi, begging to know what to do. It was quite a while and quite a few words before they got their story straightened out. A lone Sha and rider had appeared at the gate. The rider was Moru. Hiath'ikh and Ahai'ikh, who met the guards at the door, rolled their eyes and said to simply lead him to Mahakhi's Moru quarters until he could be questioned more thoroughly. That was just the problem, the guards retorted. The Moru was female, and what was more...she was human.

This response sent Hiath'ikh scuttling off in search of Mahakhi, while Ahai'ikh called on Nehef and they went to see the sight for themselves. The crowd gathering around the gate was troublesome getting through, but a few pokes from their swords, and flashes of their lappets, convinced most of those present to back away. Once the crowd thinned they saw the few guards remaining, standing watch on both sides of a human female cradling a bundle in her arms. She was taller than most human females they'd seen from a distance, and slender yet strong in build; she bore a slightly hardened look to her face, though her wide eyes showed obvious fear. Her hair was long and glossy dark and unruly and tumbled out even from beneath the hood she wore, half slipping off her head. Her fingers were crooked like talons around her bundle.

"She demands to speak with the general," one of the guards said. "She has a sharp tongue on her for a human!"

Nehef and Ahai'ikh circled around her, looking her up and down in curiosity. She followed their stares with one of her own, her eyes now hardening to match her face. Nehef leaned toward his comrade and murmured in his ear.

"If you ask me, she has had her share of time around our sort already! Take a look at how she fillets us with her eyes alone!"

"Why does a human wish to speak with the general?" Ahai'ikh asked aloud.

They almost didn't expect her to answer, and so when she ducked her head and spoke in perfect Apsi it surprised them. "Lords...I beg to speak with your general. It concerns the final request of Lieutenant Elite Hn'hrakhu of the Cliff Tribe."

The looks on the lieutenants' faces started to change. They peered at each other, then back at the woman.

"The general you wish to speak with...?" Nehef said.

She bobbed her head again. "If you would please just take me through to speak with General T'uris, Lords, I will take up no more of your time, I promise."

The guards looked confused. Ahai'ikh and Nehef turned and took several steps away, ducking their heads close as if to huddle and whispering with each other.

"She does not know!"

"As if she should--? Why should anyone have informed her? I doubt even Hn'hrakhu knows--why else would he send her?"

"Knew, Brother--from the sound of it, he is dead!"

They broke apart and Nehef waved his hand in frustration. "Enough...hand her over to us, we'll settle this."

The guards fidgeted. "You're certain, Lords...?" one asked. "We would hate to be a bother to General M--"

"I said we'd take care of it, did I not? Just return to your duties, and try to keep from gossiping! It's best we handle this as quietly as we can..." he noticed again the other Kana still milling around them, and made a face "...so to speak."

The guards relented and stepped back. Nehef waved and the woman came forward, walking between them as they made their way to Mahakhi's household. More than a few paused to stare at them as they passed, yet they were allowed by without interruption.

Hiath'ikh awaited them at the door of Mahakhi's house yet again, shifting from foot to foot. "He is busy at the moment," he called out as they came up the steps. "And I think he will be thus for quite a while. There are still many details to be checked over regarding the redistribution of goods throughout the city. Is this she--?"

Nehef rolled his eyes. "Who else? She really needs to speak with him--in person. I think there are a few things only he can clear up!"

Hiath'ikh frowned. "I fail to see why he must deal with this so promptly. There are larger things to worry about as we get back on our feet." He paused and peered at the woman again, then looked at the lieutenants. He gave them a scowl.

"You have not even offered her drink, nor a place to sit down!"

The other two blinked. "Why should we--?" Nehef started. "She seems to be holding up well enough on her own--"

"Remember that humans are different from us! Especially when they have a pup to care for!"

Nehef and Ahai'ikh started and whirled to look at her again. She gave them the same hard look as before, though only now did they notice that the bundle she carried squirmed just slightly. Nehef's jaw dropped.

"I did not--she--"

Hiath'ikh gestured at her and she ascended the steps on her own, leaving the other two behind. "I will take her to the physician until the general is finished with his business. Meanwhile you two keep on your toes to wait for him and let him know what is up!"

The other lieutenants huffed a little in consternation but obeyed. Hiath'ikh and the woman vanished inside the house and they started up the steps again, rubbing at their heads.

"She did not even say she had a pup with her!" Nehef groused. "How are we supposed to guess--? I haven't been near a female in so long it's a wonder I even still know what pups look like--as if I should know anyway, as I have not been doing anything to get any of my own!"

Ahai'ikh grated his teeth. "Remind me never to guard with you when you are horny! One of these days you'll probably jump ME!"

Nehef let out a gusty sigh. "Only if you grow teats. I swear..." They made their way into the darkened hallway, sandals clattering. "...if Mahakhi is with one of his females yet again...I am going to go up to the roof and kill myself."

"No, you are not," Ahai'ikh countered. "Not with the Moru auction next week."

"But that is next week!"

"You always have your hand to keep you company until then."

Nehef had never opened his mouth so wide. Ahai'ikh flushed but the other Kana merely burst into hysterical laughter which echoed all the way down the hall.

"Oh...Brother..." he managed to gasp after a moment, "you will HAVE to leave this house with me more often! I cannot believe you just told me to go diddle with myself." He started laughing again. "If I can only manage to drag you into a tavern, you will be corrupted forever!"

Ahai'ikh made a face. "Little chance! You are all the boorish company I need."

"If I said pretty please?"

"Not even for all the hakh'tua in the world. And especially not any from you."

Ahai'ikh's ears were going bright red but Nehef only laughed some more at the comments. He slapped Ahai'ikh's back and they continued on their way.

* * * * *

The woman held the bundle to her, glancing anxiously about the dark room. Ever since leaving the remains of the Cliff Tribe, she'd had no idea what she was going to be getting into, and that held double for now. The two Kana who had accompanied her were now gone, and she didn't know whose hands she would end up in next. Hn'hrakhu had commanded that she be taken straight to General T'uris, and that she receive the best possible treatment, but...he was dead now...so what would become of her...?

And she could not understand why she had been placed in this room after seeing the physician, nor why it was taking so long just to seek out the general...didn't Hn'hrakhu's name mean anything...?

She heard voices and footsteps approaching and clutched the bundle closer so it whimpered. She shushed it and sat still, as she'd long ago learned to do when she was not yet under attack. From the direction of the door, light suddenly poured into the room, and she squinted and blinked painfully, seeing three silhouettes standing before her. A few more blinks revealed that the biggest one wore purple lappets, and she ducked her head again, a learned gesture of respect.

The lead Kana turned his own head to address one of his men. "Why is she in the dark like this?" he snapped.

"Apologies, Lord. After Hiath'ikh was done, we had nowhere else safe to place her. We thought she'd be better on her own for now, than with the rest--with the Moru."

"What is her story again?"

The lieutenants fidgeted. "Actually...she did not tell us much, nor did we ask before we sought you out."

She saw him make a face. "Is either of you good for anything at all? Did you even get her name?"

The lieutenants' ears reddened slightly. "Er...we did not ask, Lord Mahakhi."

Her head snapped up and her eyes went wide.


The big Kana snorted and waved them back. "Fine, I'll speak with her. Stay close by, I might have need of you once I'm done." He turned away from them, leaving them behind in the hallway as he approached. Once he stopped before her she bowed and touched her head to the ground, still holding onto the bundle.

The Kana snorted again. "Lift your head up, lift your head up. Do you speak Kana?"

"Y...yes, Lord."

"Good. Name?"

"Mekhet, Lord."

"Know you where you are?"

Her voice trembled slightly as she spoke. "M-my master bade my keepers bring me to the East Tribe, Lord."

"Yes, this is where you are, though we are called the Great Red Tribe now."

Mekhet let out her breath and shut her eyes. She hoped Hn'hrakhu had been wise to send her to these Kana...

"Who was your master, Moru?" the big Kana asked.

"My master was Lord Hn'hrakhu of the Cliff Tribe, Lord."

"Lord Hn'hrakhu? You mean Lieutenant Hn'hrakhu...?" He trailed off, and when Mekhet nodded again he frowned. "What precisely was it he commanded should become of you...?"

"He commanded that I be brought to General T'uris of the East Tribe. He wished for me to be safe." A moment or so passed, and she at last dared to lift her head, just slightly, peering up at his eyes. Her own eyes held a strange look, somewhere between dread and resignation. "You...you are not General T'uris-Kana...are you?"

It came out barely as a question. Nevertheless, the big Kana shook his head, and she felt her insides shriveling. "I am General Mahakhi. T'uris is dead. He was killed in the coup of the East Tribe. I have taken his place." He paused again, then knelt down in front of her, so she had to force herself not to cringe back. "Lord Hn'hrakhu," he said in a much quieter voice, as if taking her into confidence. "He was not aware of his father's death...?"

Mekhet cast her eyes down. "I...I must only assume he was not, Lord...as he made no mention of this when he commanded that I be brought here. He mentioned nothing of a coup."

"Well, it was not so long ago, so perhaps the news had not spread this far yet. You need not keep shaking like that, as the hatred I bore for T'uris does not extend to his son. Lieutenant Hn'hrakhu is...was a good Kana. I will not mistreat you out of any contempt for his father."

She touched her head to the floor again. "Mahakhi-Kana is most kind..."

He flared his nostrils a little. "How did you come into his possession?"

"His tribe atta--conquered my village some years ago, Lord. They took few of us prisoner."

"Few? Who else?"

"My brother, and others of my family."

"Where are they?"

"I...I am not certain, Lord. Hn'hrakhu-Master was only clear in his commands concerning me. I do not know if he commanded the safety of my family."

"And what of Hn'hrakhu? What has become of him?"

Mekhet stared at the floor. "He is dead, Lord. Another tribe attacked us; many were killed. Hn'hrakhu-Master was grievously wounded. He...he did not survive long."

"And his final request was that you be brought here? To be with his father?"

"Yes, Lord. This he wished himself."

"You were close to him then? For I fail to see why he would command such a fate of a human, otherwise."

"I..." She trailed off, uncertain how to clarify. "...Hn'hrakhu-Master was close to me, Lord."

He tilted his head. The bundle she held was squirming again, and a tiny hand poked out, grasping at the air as its owner whimpered. They both saw its slightly furred fingers, the little claws on their tips. Mahakhi frowned slightly and reached down to gently pull the swaddling aside. The tiny face of an Apsiu pup peered back out, its eyes shut and its mouth opening and closing.

He stared at it for a moment as if trying to determine what to say. "The whelp you carry," he at last ventured. "Is this...is this his?"

Mekhet bowed her head. "Yes, Lord...he wished for me to take him with me."

"I was not aware that the Apsiu and the Kemeti could bear pups together. What was the reaction to this child?"

"Most in the tribe were not in favor of him, Lord...some even wished him dead...though Hn'hrakhu-Master loved him. He saw him as his own kind and did not care that the others would not consider him Apsiu. Master faced some ridicule over this...but he was in good enough standing that none spoke too loudly." She paused, then averted her eyes to the side. "I cannot help but wonder though, if aid would have come to us more quickly, had he never been born..."

Mahakhi poked into the swaddling a bit more and spotted the tiny tip of a wing. He tilted his head the other way and touched the membrane with one finger, making the pup lift its fist again and murmur at the air.

"He has wings," he said with some surprise. "Has he been tested--?"

"Yes, Lord. He is Kana."

A whispering sound caught her attention, and she glanced up to see the two guards still standing in the doorway, now staring at the pup and whispering to each other. She could tell even without being able to hear them what they must be saying. A Kana-human? There is no such thing...halfbreeds are not Kana...

Mahakhi merely scowled and waved them to silence, and they retreated from the doorway, leaving the others alone. He turned back to Mekhet and frowned slightly.

"He gave you possession of his son? A mere Moru?" His frown grew. "Explain, woman."

Mekhet flushed. "I...I cannot explain, Lord. I do not know what Master was thinking, but to save us."

"From who?"

"From the others. Both the enemy and our own."

She hoped she didn't have to explain further. Fortunately, he seemed to understand.

"Very well...Hn'hrakhu-Kana was as a brother to this tribe, so you are welcome here, as his Moru. In T'uris's absence, this means you go to me. I pray I am correct in assuming that when Lord Hn'hrakhu sent you here he meant for you to stay."

"I...I'm not certain, Lord."

"Well, there is little else to be done." He stood, and reached down his hand for her to take hold of. "I find it difficult to believe," he said as she rose, "that he sent you here all on your own, with a pup in tow. Surely Hn'hrakhu was not so careless...?"

Mekhet hesitated. He stared at her, awaiting an answer; when she didn't immediately give one she saw displeasure flicker slightly across his face, and hurried to duck her head.

"Apologies, Lord...yet I do not know yet how safe we are, even among friends."

"Safe...?" He paused, still looking at her, then his ear twitched. "You encountered someone outside the city? Someone who threatened you?"

"It was more than a threat, Lord...Hn'hrakhu-Master sent along two Kana to accompany me, and they were to bring me into the city and leave me in General T--in Mahakhi-Kana's care. They did not like the job yet obeyed. But...we were just beyond sight of the city when..."

Shadows moved out in the hallway. She saw the two lieutenants peer in, eavesdropping on the conversation. Mahakhi nodded at her with some impatience.


"When we were attacked, Lord...by other Kana. Some other tribe; I did not recognize their dress. They dressed oddly, with something upon their heads. And there were only a few of them, on foot, yet they made quick work of the Kana who were with me...I do not understand why they did not kill me, or Hep, as they did not even have to try before the others were dead..."


"The pup, Lord..."

Mahakhi snorted. "Well...whoever they are, they have no affiliation with us. And it sounds as if they knew of our reputation already, to not bother coming after you once you set sights on us. For if they had come anywhere near the city wall, they would be dead by now." He gestured at her. "You will be safe so long as you are here."

Mekhet let out her breath again, but this time the big Kana heard her, and looked down at her. She flushed and hugged the child again. His mouth twitched.

"Careful or you will suffocate him. Come. I will show you to the Moru quarters." He turned and went out the door and she followed, keeping her head low; by now the lieutenants were gone again.

"Have you need of anything?" he asked as they went along the hallway.

"I...I beg your pardon, Lord?"

"Need. Have you need of anything? Food? Drink?"

"Oh. I...no, My Lord, the physician saw to me not long ago...though my son..."

"You have no milk for him?"

Mekhet's face flushed. She had no clue how the Kana had guessed, but it was still embarrassing to admit. "I...I have gone dry, Lord..."

"Very well. We will stop by my rooms first."

Mekhet frowned but said nothing in reply. She wasn't certain why they would find any milk in his rooms, but she didn't protest; it was best to always obey the Kana.

They walked down what seemed to be endless hallways until he came to a door guarded by another Kana with blue lappets, who saluted and stepped aside as they entered. Mekhet ducked past him, trying to ignore his disapproving glance. Mahakhi took no notice, but reached down to unstrap his sword scabbard from his belt as he went, pulling it from him and letting it drop on a table with a noisy clank. Mekhet wondered where the servants were, only to realize he didn't seem to have any. She supposed it must vary from tribe to tribe; Hn'hrakhu had always seemed to have servants about.

He is not here anymore. I must get used to this; it may be the last place I know.

This realization made her fall still, cradling Hep to her shoulder. She had no family left among the Kemeti, that she knew of. She had lived among the Apsiu for so long that it was what she was used to. She'd never even considered being anywhere else.

If they do not want me here...I will have nowhere else to go...

"Akhahit!" Mahakhi called out, working on the back of his pectoral. Mekhet stopped in the middle of the room and watched as he kept going. At first she saw nothing, but then the drapes on the bed parted; she gasped and clutched the child, only to see the face of a female Moru appear, large eyes blinking with curiosity. Mekhet stared back at her.

Mahakhi was busy taking off his pectoral. "I thought you might be hiding in here," he said in a mildly chiding voice. "Simit has been turning very shrewish, without you to keep her company."

The Moru pouted. "To be lonely in there. Besides, to belong best with Master, especially now."

"I think you will seek any excuse, silly woman." He waved toward Mekhet without looking at her. "Akhahit, the pup is hungry, and his mother has no milk. You have plenty to spare; see to him that he doesn't starve."

The Moru--Akhahit--glanced at Mekhet again, and at last noticed the bundle she carried, tilting her head to the side as if curious. She stepped out from the drapes and approached, and only now did Mekhet see that her own belly was swollen.
On seeing this she felt a pang of anger, and held the child away from her at first, but the Moru's outstretched arms and kindly smile--as well as Mahakhi's order--told her she should comply. She reluctantly handed the boy over, ready to snatch him back as soon as he started whimpering and squirming.

To her surprise, the female lowered a strap on her dress and loosed one of her breasts, which were full and heavy. She pulled the swaddling away from Hep's face and the tiny Apsiu peeked out, his eyes still closed but his mouth working silently. Akhahit placed her nipple in the boy's mouth, and rather than cry, he clamped his jaws around her and started sucking hungrily. Akhahit cradled him in her arms and smiled down at him.

"Akhahit here is to bear her first pup in the near future," Mahakhi stated. "Her milk has come early, and so she should be able to care for your son, until you should produce more milk."

Mekhet bit her lip. She didn't like seeing another nurse her son, especially an Apsiu, but decided she had no choice, if she wished to remain on the Kana's good side.

"Master!" a young voice called from the hallway. Mekhet turned to see that the door still stood slightly open, and another Moru, this one even younger, loped in cheerfully, practically launching herself into Mahakhi's arms. He caught her easily--she was much smaller than he was, and looked as if she could have been his daughter--and she kissed him on the muzzle. A third Moru--this one male, with a maimed wing--followed, not as quickly, merely walking; he also approached Mahakhi and smiled at him, and the big Kana leaned down. Their muzzles brushed against one another and the Kana's hand lightly ran down the back of his neck.

Mekhet gawked at them for just a second before blushing furiously and averting her eyes, not certain what to think. Displays of affection between Kana and their Moru were common, at least in private; yet Hn'hrakhu had never been affectionate toward both females and males...

Mahakhi didn't seem to notice her discomfort, and merely smiled at the young female he still held on his arm. "Dji'it, my little beautiful one. What have you two been up to all day?"

Dji'it beamed. "Thi'usa taught me how to play senet, Master. I think he cheats!"

Mahakhi turned to the other Moru, arching an eyebrow. "Is that true, Thi'usa-mate?"

The male Moru--Thi'usa--shot the girl a dark look. "Of course not, Lord; I have merely played it longer than Dji'it has, thus have more experience, is all."

The girl stuck her tongue out at him. "You are a liar, Thi'usa-Moru!"

Mekhet was surprised to see him bare his teeth at her, in a joking manner. "I will go back to my real master if this is how I am to be treated here, little strumpet!"

Mahakhi bellowed with laughter. "You two. Behave yourselves! You know you cannot very well get away from Dji'it-flower seeing as you all live under my roof, now. Wherever you will go, she will find you, and you can hardly come running to me all the time."

The Moru grumbled even when the big Kana put one arm about his shoulders--the girl balancing on his other arm--and hugged him close. "Little strumpet..."

Dji'it stuck her tongue out again. "Oh, grow up, Thi'usa-Moru, you know you are a cheater and a liar."

Now Thi'usa stuck his tongue out at her, and they both made rasping noises. The Kana laughed again and set the girl down.

"Fine, enough of that! You two will be punished. As soon as I find the time and inclination. Until then, you will just have to tolerate one another. Oh." He glanced at Mekhet and blinked; she stared at him, surprised to be noticed so suddenly. "I almost forgot. We have another one among us for now. The child Akhahit carries is hers."

The two Moru turned to look at her--she could tell they had not even noticed her before--and their eyes widened. They made a beeline for her and she shrank in on herself while they looked her over and sniffed her, touching her arms.

"She is human, Master?" Dji'it cried.

"Yes, she is human...please, be careful with her. She's not a lump of clay!"

Thi'usa tilted his head. "Just like Ameni-Moru and Kahef-Moru! Except female!" He turned to the general before he could see the confused look pass across Mekhet's face on hearing the two Kemeti names. "Where are her people, Lord? Why is she here?"

"She has no people. She was of Lord Hn'hrakhu's tribe until he died and sent her to me. She is one of us now."

Dji'it still seemed merely curious, though Thi'usa frowned slightly at the mention of her former master. Mahakhi came forward and waved them away from her.

"Come, come now, I am feeling a bit tired tonight, so the both of you may as well return to the Moru quarters and get some rest, before I paddle your behinds for wandering about like this."

"Oh," Dji'it pouted, promptly losing interest in Mekhet and turning around to touch his arm. "I was so hoping for something else..."

Mekhet's eyes widened. Mahakhi just smiled. "I know I disappoint, but perhaps tomorrow. Or whenever I shall most feel like it, very well?"

"Oh, all right..." The girl stood on tiptoe to kiss him again, then stuck out her tongue at Thi'usa. Thi'usa scowled and took her arm, pretending to drag her from the room while she pretended to struggle, letting out little yelping noises. Mahakhi laughed as they disappeared. Mekhet watched them go before averting her eyes again, to the floor.

Two females. And a male. At least one child. He cares for them all...he spoils them, even.

Would he accept another...?

"My Lord," she said very quietly, uncertain whether he would hear her, as he had turned back to his chests and was busy removing his earrings. He heard her, however, and grunted to indicate she should continue. "If I am not too forward in asking...how many Moru do you possess? How many mates?"

"Moru? I house dozens of them here, though some belong to my men and are not all mine. As for mates, there are four females I am proud to claim as my mates, though they are only the ones I call upon the most; I am certain there are more."

"What of this male who has just left...Thi'usa-Moru, his name is...?"

"Thi'usa is also beloved of me, though he is not mine."

Mekhet nodded and said no more, only stared downward. She heard the little noise Hep let out whenever he was full, and noticed Akhahit place her son on a cot, cooing to him softly and waving her finger before his face; Hep grabbed at it and waved his arms. Mahakhi yawned widely, drawing her attention again, and pushed back the drapes to collapse upon his bed. She looked over at him to see him rub his eyes. He had removed most of his armor, but for his kilt and of course his lappets. She knew from all her times with Hn'hrakhu that it took much to get a Kana to remove his lappets, and nesakh'ai wasn't such an activity.

"Akhahit," Mahakhi said, not lifting his head. "Make certain the child is cared for, and call for one of my men whenever you or Mekhet should need to head to the Moru quarters. I am going to sleep."

"Yes, Lord."

Mekhet stood where she was for a while before realizing he wasn't going to get up again. She waited another few moments, then silently walked over to him, Akhahit lifting her head and watching. Mekhet stopped beside the bed to look down at the Kana. He had placed his arm across his eyes so he didn't see her approach; after a moment of her staring he must have at last sensed her presence for he lifted his arm to look at her, and she bowed, keeping her eyes averted. She caught sight of his body, broad and muscular and dark, much different from her former master's, and flushed, looking at the floor instead.

"Hm?" he said aloud, frowning; then, "You wish for something, Moru?"

Mekhet struggled for words. "I...wished to thank you. Master. For allowing me into your tribe, when no others might have cared for me."

"You do not need to thank me for this. I knew Hn'hrakhu once, a long time ago. He was a good Kana."

"I must confess that I was surprised you were so accepting of this, Lord...for I realize that what Hn'hrakhu-Master did is considered unnatural among both our kinds, and most others would not take it so well..."

He yawned and scratched his neck. "Yes, well, we of the Great Red Tribe have lived through our fair share of the unnatural. You bearing Lord Hn'hrakhu's pup is barely surprising to me now, considering what I have seen. I am merely surprised such a thing was possible, but leave it to Hn'hrakhu to prove it is..."

Mekhet said nothing in reply. She stood before his bed gathering her courage for a moment, before placing her knee upon the bedding and pushing herself up. The Kana uncovered his eyes again with a snort when she joined him in the bed.

"What are you doing--?" he asked, surprised.

"I...this Moru knows the custom," Mekhet said softly, still not meeting his eyes. She placed her hand upon his breast and felt his muscles tighten. "To be brought to the general's household for keeping, and to become his slave and his mate." The color rose in her cheeks and she said no more.

He blinked at her, then furrowed his brow. "You mean you--"

"I offer myself to you, Lord. This is the custom."

The Kana gaped at her again before letting out a coughing sound, looking mildly uncomfortable; she knew she risked his displeasure with such a distasteful proposition, yet if it helped her keep her safety in this tribe... "You have it mistaken. You are mine now, yes. This does not mean you must--"

He gasped and jerked and his head went back, eyes closing and breath coming out in a small shudder. Mekhet's hand moved around beneath his kilt. She caressed the base of his sheath, testing him to see how excited he would become, how large he would be. She wasn't certain if he liked the idea of coupling with a human, yet her touch had aroused him easily enough. As she continued to stroke the air filled with the thick reek of musk, and she knew he omitted it for her. If he were disgusted, he never would have done so. Instead, the scent filled the room almost immediately, its sharp tang filling her nostrils.

From the corner of her eye she saw Akhahit sit up straighter, the female noticing the musky smell as well. Her tail swished from side to side and she pressed her legs tighter together. The musk acted as an aphrodisiac, letting both of them--all of them--know they were ready to mate. Even now Mekhet could catch the much fainter, yet distinct scent of the female's musk joining Mahakhi's. When she looked at Akhahit the Moru blushed and turned away, tucking in the pup.

"Human..." Mahakhi's voice came hoarse, and Mekhet turned to look back at him; he still leaned back against the pillows, panting now. His eyes were glazed. "You misunderstand," he said. "You do not need to offer yourself to me, not at this time. You are still new to us and I would not think of taking you so soon, if at all."

I must keep him happy. If he feels he must keep me here, and keep me safe...

She bit her lip. "I...I know this, Lord. Yet...I am your Moru now. My master taught me much while I knew him. He told me I would be safe among your people, and I believed him. So far, you have been as kind a master as he was. I wish to thank you."

"Your thanks...your thanks are understood." His voice came heavy, even as her fingers continued trailing over the head of the smooth fleshy rod which was slowly emerging between his legs. The scent of him intoxicated her; it was stronger even than Hn'hrakhu's. "You do not need to go further..."

Mekhet pulled her hand back, hearing his sigh of relief. He only snorted again when she carefully parted the opening in his kilt to reveal him, and she stared down at the huge black shaft which rose up from his sheath.

Gods. He is...he is massive.

She felt a twinge of anxiety at the size of him, but forced it down--I handled Lord Hn'hrakhu...I can handle this--and leaned down toward him.

Mahakhi opened his mouth to speak. "Hu--"

Her lips closed around the tip of his penis, tongue gently caressing. His words broke off again in a low moan, head again falling back. His fingers clawed into the bedsheets; his muscles tensed. Mekhet licked and sucked slowly, hearing over the loud hoarseness of his panting a soft whimper. At the side of the room, Akhahit shut her eyes and reached her hand through the slit in her dress.

The Kana's voice was weak now. "Hu...human..."

Mekhet mouthed his testicles, licking beneath the base where they joined his body. She felt his hands grasp her head to pull her away before he could lose control, only rather than do that, they clutched at her tighter, pulling her down onto him, guiding her. She did not need his guidance, though she didn't refuse. He guided her head in a rotating gesture, his buttocks bunching as his hips pumped slowly up into her mouth. She knew how much the Kana enjoyed hakh'tua, the art of pleasuring with one's mouth; and the big general seemed to be no exception. She felt a thrill course through her body on realizing the exact situation she was in. This was no mere lieutenant as Hn'hrakhu had been. This was a general, commander of his entire tribe. Everyone within the settlement was at his mercy, including herself. For some reason, this--as well as the power she had over him now--excited her.

He kept his eyes shut, and guided her head slightly faster, his pushing more insistent, his harsh panting now interspersed with low groans of pleasure. The female Moru, still watching from the other side of the room, moved her hand in and out between her legs, her own eyes glazed and mouth open, still whimpering with need. Mekhet gently nibbled at her master and earned a murmured grunt, his hands seizing her hard and his penis thrusting deeply into her throat, fluid gushing. She swallowed to avoid choking and heard him let out his breath with a shudder, sinking back upon the bed. Akhahit whined softly and her hand slowed, then ceased.

Mekhet sat up slowly and wiped her mouth, keeping her eyes lowered. Mahakhi gave a long sigh, lying still for a moment, before running a hand across his eyes and letting out a low murr.

"Gods...that was most satisfying. I have never felt the tongue of a human female before. You are truly a gift to your species."

"Thank you, Lord," Mekhet murmured.

He sniffed at the air, then pushed himself up on one elbow and gestured. Mekhet looked to see that he waved at the Moru, who still stared at them with wide eyes. "Akhahit. Sweet one. Come here, I can see you are in need."

The Moru rose and came to them, head low but a distinct blush in her cheeks. She pressed her damp hand to her dress and Mahakhi reached out to take hold of her arms, bringing her down to lie next to him and nuzzling at her neck. Mekhet glanced at them with a twinge of dismay, that his attention should shift so quickly to his Moru rather than to her...but at least she had made him happy, she supposed. Feeling a little bit foolish, she started to rise from the bed, but then felt him touch her knee. She looked back at him to see the glaze still in his eyes even as Akhahit nuzzled at him obliviously.

"Wait, please, human," he said. "Akhahit loves for me to mouth her. You would not mind too terribly my doing so, while I mate with you?" He paused, seeming to search for the right words. "I realize it is rather an odd request...and I had not intended this, but your ministrations have left me so heated inside..."

Mekhet flushed with horror. Hn'hrakhu had never...had never taken her with others at the same time! She trembled a little, almost ready to refuse before hearing Hep let out a murmur from his side of the room, and then remembered why she was here in the first place; coupling with the big Kana had been her idea, after all. If he chose to involve another one of his Moru, it was no choice of her own. She crept back up to him as Akhahit nuzzled at his neck and giggled softly, tracing patterns over his broad chest. He smiled at her, and then at Mekhet, including her among them. Mekhet felt the warmth rise inside her even as the reek of their musk mingled and filled her nostrils with its intoxicating scent.

Mahakhi licked at Akhahit's neck and the female smiled, closing her eyes and arching. "You know, pretty one, I do not even know if such an act is possible for all three of us right now! The two of us may manage just fine, yet what of you--? You've put on some extra weight in your belly, remember..."

Akhahit pouted. "Master to put this weight there! And Akhahit to still be able! Most flexible in the stables--not so far along as to not be able! Two, three months from now, then to take Akhahit from behind only."

Mekhet felt like cringing at the female's impertinent speech, yet the Kana only laughed aloud, a deep rumbling sound. "Saucy little tart! It takes two to make you swell up like that, remember! Very well though, we might as well try. But if you tumble over poor Mekhet in the act, you are going to owe her an apology!"

Akhahit's smile returned, and she turned to look at Mekhet. Her glance drifted downward and then her eyes grew wide, and she giggled.

"Oh, Lord! Human to grow wet for you!"

Mekhet flushed and covered her dampening crotch with her hands. Mahakhi laughed again and pulled them away. "No, please. This is merely the first juice of your desire. See, Akhahit has hers..." he brushed the Moru's dress open at the slit, baring her thighs, and Akhahit flushed when he revealed the cream there "...and I feel my own now as well...mmm." He sighed contentedly and Mekhet watched as his long black penis rose again from its sheath, its tip crowned with a bead of pearly fluid. He chucked Akhahit under the chin. "You are ready for me, little one?"

The Moru giggled and pulled upon her dress, quickly removing it, right in front of Mekhet. Mahakhi laughed softly and reached beneath her to rub at her pudenda with his fingers. She shuddered and purred. Mekhet almost gasped when he turned to her next, smiling gently.

"And you...sweet human...you will remove those clothes, and join us? Simply place yourself before me...you should know how we prefer to couple..."

Mekhet knew well. Trying to hide the flush rising in her face, she removed her dress as well, blushing even harder at the appreciative sound he let out on seeing her breasts; at least her looks did not repel him as they could have. She nearly jerked when both he and Akhahit reached out to touch them, then gasped aloud when the female took one into her mouth, as if attempting to suckle at her! Suppressing a shudder of revulsion, she nearly pushed her away before remembering whose bed she was in.

Another laugh from the general; Mahakhi seemed most amused by the gesture. "Well, little Akhahit, I see that you like them! As do I...beautiful playthings, are they not?" He leaned forward to nuzzle at Mekhet and she sighed, shutting her eyes and reminding herself that she had mated with a Kana before, she could do it again. As he kissed her neck he rubbed her breast in his palm, murring deeply. "Ah, yes, she likes this as well...see how she grows hard. Yes, little one, do not deny it, and do not fear, we will all end this eve satisfied." He pulled away, his breath coming slightly faster, and gestured at both women. "Come, Akhahit...and you as well...like so..."

Mekhet turned and placed herself upon her knees, spreading her thighs widely and bracing herself for his weight. She heard Akhahit giggle as her master lifted her up, and the female's arms embraced her own as her legs must have clasped over his shoulders, the Moru balancing over Mekhet's body. Mahakhi's hand tenderly stroked her buttock and she shut her eyes, thinking of Hn'hrakhu. Of the glaze of desire in his eyes, the scent of his musk, the delicious agony of him first taking her...

Mahakhi's thick shaft penetrated Mekhet's tight folds. A low growl filled the air. Mekhet arched her neck and sucked in a breath as fiery pain laced with pleasure tore through her body.

She dropped her head forward when he pulled back, and he let go of one of her hips. She heard a muffled noise and then felt Akhahit grip onto her tighter, whining loudly, her breasts pressing against Mekhet's back. She nudged forward a few times and Mekhet realized he must be rooting between her legs; she'd wondered what the two of them planned to do, in such an awkward position. Instead of repelling her as she'd thought it would, however, the female's grip on her shoulders made her shiver and tighten, and as soon as the Moru must have noticed this, she dropped her head again to lick at Mekhet's neck. Mekhet let out a husky cry, just as Mahakhi thrust into her again. Her entire body jolted.

He kept hold of one of her hips, also holding onto, Mekhet assumed, one of Akhahit's hips to keep them both in place as they all started to shift in unison, the big Kana rooting at the Moru's thik'ahi as he pushed deeply into Mekhet. She shuddered at the feel of him--he was much larger than Hn'hrakhu, thus the sharp tang of pain was even greater--yet all her nights spent with the lieutenant had helped to prepare her for this. Despite his smaller size, he had been capable of aggression...and more than once she had submitted as he plunged into her wildly, his ankles hooked about hers and his claws digging into her skin and his hips pounding hard against her backside, leaving her sore and swollen afterward...yet just as many were the times he had taken her tenderly, easing his way into her body as he breathed her name and caressed her breasts, or even lying upon his back as she slowly moved upon him, his muscles tensing and a rapturous look on his face. He had always loved the feel of her body, so smooth against his own, and after time, she had grown to love his as well...she had never thought of him as her lover, only as her master; yet for a Kana, the enemy of her people, he had treated her well...

And so now, as General Mahakhi's thick penis pushed into her as deeply as it could go, Mekhet gritted her teeth and endured the pain, even as Akhahit's licking and the Kana's touching made her throb with pleasure. He slipped his hand over her thigh more than once to tweak her thik'ahi, each time making her squeal at the sensation. The Moru did not last long before her master's tongue unleashed a rising cry from her throat, and she seized Mekhet's shoulders hard, shuddering in climax before sinking limply over her, threatening to make Mekhet sink to the bed before Mahakhi ceased his pushing to carefully lower her from Mekhet's back. Mekhet's head hung forward, her hair dangling in her face; she peered to the side, panting hard, to see Akhahit roll onto her back, gasping for breath and trembling all over. The Moru let out a weak whimper before clasping her belly and rolling onto her side, away from them, her tail flicking lazily as she burrowed her head into the pillows.

Mekhet tensed when the Kana placed his hands on her hips and lowered himself over her. "I felt she would not last long, my pretty little Moru," he breathed. "Yet that leaves more attention for you, sweet one."

Mekhet responded by lowering her head to the pillows and spreading her thighs wider. "Lord...I hope I please you," she panted.

He let out a gruffing noise. "Of course you do...you cannot tell? I will have to try harder then..."

"Lord, I know I am small...smaller than you are used to..."

"I have taken small females before, pretty one; you are not disappointing me just yet."

"Yet you have not come within me as deeply as you might--I have not felt your sheath against my backside. I know you hold back, to keep from hurting me...yet I am used to Kana...you may come as deeply as you wish, Lord..."

With her head placed on its side on the pillows, she could dimly see the look on his face, and he snorted, his ear flicking. "I will hurt you," he said, simply; she felt herself tighten a little bit, then made herself relax. She shut her eyes.

Always make them happy...

"I may easily bear this, Lord; please, just do as you wish to do, and I pray I may please you..."

He snorted again, both ears flicking now, and his grip on her tightened just slightly; she could sense his mind warring with itself over what to do. Yet she knew enough of the Kana to predict what his decision would be. Which was why, when a moment later he was giving a guttural growl and pushing himself deep, deeper, more deeply within her, she simply bit her lip and dug her fingers into the bed, fighting back a whimper. Off to the side, Akhahit had turned her head to watch them, her eyes wide. Mekhet squinted her eyes hard, entire body tensed as tightly as a bowstring.

The big Kana clutched her hips even harder now, letting out a long, strained groan. He pulled Mekhet onto him even as he pushed into her, his shaft filling her completely, yet he still had not reached as far as he could go. He did not even thrust now but just strained at her, throwing back his head and groaning at the canopy, his wings flaring and tail whipping. There was nowhere left for his massive length to go, yet still he pushed. Mekhet let out her breath and then sucked it in again in a pained gasp; she had not believed he would be so big, inside her. It felt as if he would rip her in two, and her muscles screamed in agony.

Akhahit sat up now and stared at them in what looked to be disbelief.

Mahakhi's claws drew blood from Mekhet's hips, yet she couldn't even feel them. It felt as if her insides would burst. She sucked in another breath, hearing it whistle in her throat as her head grew hazy.

The general let out a blasting snort through his nostrils, his spine arching. "Gods!" he groaned at the air, his voice hoarse and desperate. "It is so tight...it is so tight...!"

Mekhet couldn't take it in silence anymore. Just as he nudged just slightly deeper, she jerked, and a muffled sound rose from her throat, emerging from her lips, and slowly rising into a high-pitched wail which filled the whole room. Akhahit winced at the sound and quickly hopped from the bed, hurrying over to Hep, who awoke at the noise and started to whine. Mekhet had completely forgotten about her son, her wail turning into a scream as the Kana's groan changed into a bellow, his giant shaft at last finding complete purchase inside her, his testicles pressing to her backside. He pulled himself back--and then thrust himself in again, making her buck and scream anew at the unexpected gesture. Gripping her thighs, the Kana dropped his head back again and began pumping his hips into her, filling her completely each time, so that she screamed with each excruciating thrust. Mahakhi's bellowing filled the room.

"Yes! Yes! Good Moru! Yes! Ah! Ah! AH! AH! GOOD MORU! YES! GODS! YES! AH! Ah gods, YES--!"

He gave one last, heavy push, heaving himself at her so hard that she sank to the bed, the Kana's body enveloping her with its weight. Mekhet could not even cry out as the breath rushed from her lungs, sweat pouring over her; she just barely felt him slide out from within her, and thought she felt blood, yet of course couldn't be certain, what with the hot juices which trailed over her, still oozing from his shaft. As soon as she was free of him her hips started to sink too, but she tensed when he gripped them again, and the feeling of his muzzle rooting and his tongue running slowly and wetly over her aching mound was so unexpected that she shrieked and convulsed. A squirt of fluid escaped her, striking Mahakhi in the face; she collapsed into a shaking pile before she could even offer an apology. He rolled her onto her back and she managed to drag her eyes open, trembling hard and gasping weakly. Through hazy eyes she could see him, sitting upright on one knee, shaking his head and blinking and snorting at the wetness trickling down his face. He wiped at it and Mekhet opened her mouth to ask for his forgiveness, before he could grow angry.

Always...make them...happy...

He leaned down over her before she could speak. His eyes blazed heatedly, but then instead of a snarl, she saw his mouth twitch. He took his hand and put his fingers to his mouth, licking her juices from his fingers.

"Exquisite, little Moru," he murmured, his voice husky, pleased. "More delicious than any dessert." And he placed his muzzle to her mouth, kissing her.

The tension died from Mekhet's muscles and she reached her arms up to drape them over the Kana's shoulders, opening her mouth and returning the gesture.

* * * * *

The lieutenants poked about at the pathetic remains which lay mangled at the edge of the river, noses twitching curiously. They would not even have found the body, had not the guards at the gate reported a stray Sha trotting about outside the wall, bleating and nosing around as if in search of food. They still likely wouldn't have even set foot out the gate, had not the guards reported the strange presence of a leg tangled in the Sha's stirrup.

From there, they had easily followed the trail of blood down toward the river.

The Kana who lay here was in a sorry state. Aside from his leg being torn off at the knee, he bore a great gaping gash to his back, and broken arrows still protruded from his neck and shoulder. His limbs were all snapped and twisted about in every direction, his entire body coated in dust and blood, and when Resikh leaned down to grasp his ears and lift his head, it came up with far too little resistance, and thudded to the ground again far too easily as well, his neck as limp as wet papyrus. His tongue was sticking out but some bird or other had already pecked out his eyes.

Hiath'ikh made a face. "How does one get to be in such a sad state! I believe every bone in his body is broken!"

"Well," Resikh said. "The Sha must have dragged him all this way." He gestured toward the treeline. "There is more blood leading off that way."

The other lieutenant barely suppressed a shudder. "Poor dog...I sincerely hope he was already dead when this happened!"

"He was likely so, at least...judging by these arrows..." Resikh pressed his fingers to the dead Kana's neck wound and frowned. "This is bad news for us, though. Didn't Mahakhi say that that human said the Kana she was with had been attacked by some sort of bandits?"

"You do not think it is those robber dogs again, do you?"

"I do not recognize this particular one." He lifted one of the Kana's torn lappets. "It is difficult to make out..." He rubbed away some of the grime coating the strip of cloth, then let out a chuffing noise. "Our brains are lapsing today! It says right here on his lappets--Cliff Tribe. This is one of Lord Hn'hrakhu's men."

Hiath'ikh came forward now and leaned over the corpse. His nose wrinkled and he swatted away a fly. "Then what of the other one? She said two, didn't she?"

"Perhaps he is in an even sorrier state..." Resikh nudged the dead Kana onto his side and started digging about through his pouches. Hiath'ikh gawked and then hissed, taking a step back.

"VILE! How can you do that--?"

"One learns some distasteful techniques hanging around Djuta all the time! Help me search him. He may have something important on him."

The other Kana still grimaced, but dropped to his knees and started poking in the dead soldier's belongings. After a moment or two of poking and prodding Resikh at last withdrew a crumpled piece of papyrus from the Kana's belt, and smoothed it open.

Hiath'ikh stopped his searching and leaned forward. "You found something--?"

"I believe so..." Resikh frowned as he tried to read the faded script. "I believe it was the instructions he was given concerning that human. Lord Hn'hrakhu must have penned these, or ordered them written before he died. It states she was to be brought to General T'uris."

"Yes, well, we have seen how that turned out..."

"Hold a moment. There are further instructions." His brow furrowed and he squinted at the scrap of parchment. "He must not have told her of all his plans," he murmured after a moment, and Hiath'ikh took the papyrus from him, looking it over.

"'Of the welfare of the male, and the others of his kind,'" he read aloud. "'They are to be released to the nearest Kemeti settlement. Of the lady Mekhet and the pup Hep, they are to be brought into the protection of General T'uris of the East Tribe...'" He lifted his head, giving Resikh a wide-eyed look. "The other humans! Did she not say there were more? But--why would he split them apart so? Why free the rest, yet command the female to be kept among the Kana--?"

"Easy," Resikh said. "She is the one who bore him a pup. Do you think any Kemeti would be willing to take her in...?" He looked down at the scrap again and a pensive look flitted across his face. "He must have known she would not part with the pup for anything; not even her own people...this is why he had her brought to Lord Mahakhi..."

"Or, perhaps he simply did not care for the rest of these humans, nor much for her, yet wished to see to the welfare of his pup," Hiath'ikh suggested, drawing Resikh's attention. When the other Kana frowned he followed suit. "You are too much of a hopeless romantic sometimes, Res. Chances are greater he was thinking of his son and nothing more. Half-human though he is, he still looks Kana." He rose and Resikh did the same, and they both turned to glance back toward the distant tribe wall. "Whatever the story is, we'd best take this immediately to Lord Mahakhi. If she still has family, perhaps she may go to be with them, rather than stay here."

"You said it yourself!" Resikh objected. "What Kemeti will take her in, with a pup like that--?"

"Likely none." Hiath'ikh shrugged. "Yet at the least she should know. If Lord Mahakhi is willing to release her, there is another option for her. Perhaps she will change her mind once she finds she may still have family out there." He waved at Resikh and started walking. "Come."

Resikh hesitated. "But what of this--?" he exclaimed, and gestured at the body when Hiath'ikh turned to look back. Hiath'ikh stared at the body a moment, then started fiddling his fingers. When his face began to fade to an unpleasant shade of green Resikh threw up his hands and let out a great sigh. "Oh, never mind! You head back, and I will see to this mess. Aalu forbid you should soil your hands!"

Hiath'ikh bristled. "I could very well handle it! I simply have more important things to do!" he snapped, before turning and stalking away toward his waiting Sha, leaving Resikh to take the body by the arms and drag it away toward the trees.

* * * * *

The human seemed to be in good enough shape, and did not raise her voice to complain, so none of the Kana questioned the way she walked as they led her to her Sha. She carried the strange halfbreed pup of hers on her own, yet the going was slow with how she limped, grimacing slightly the entire way. General Mahakhi emerged from his household to follow her to the gate, and the way he looked at her with a tense expression on his face made the lieutenants dart looks between the two of them more than once. For his part the general said nothing to clarify the situation, merely placing his hands on his hips and flicking his tail.

"She has enough to keep her well until she should reach them?" he inquired.

"Yes, Lord," Nehef said. "Enough food to tide them both over, at least to the nearest Kemeti settlement."

Mahakhi glanced at Mekhet as one of the others carefully helped her up, a pained look pinching her face as she slowly eased herself atop the Sha's back. A second Sha, tethered to the first and loaded with provisions, stood nearby. "You are certain of this idea, Moru? You are welcome to stay here as long as necessary, if you wish."

"My Lord is most kind," Mekhet said in a thin voice. "And if it were not for this, I would gladly stay with Mahakhi-Kana's people...yet as long as my family is out there, I must try to find them. They must worry for me...I cannot bear this thought. They should know I am alive."

"What of your pup?" Mahakhi asked. "They will not accept him, human, so easily as we have..."

Mekhet at last managed to settle herself, receiving Hep from one of the guards who had taken hold of him as she mounted the Sha. She cradled him to her breast and brushed her hand against his head, shushing him when he whimpered. She lifted her tired eyes to meet those of the Kana general.

"I realize this risk...yet he is my son...and I must try to find my family. No matter what, they must know I am well. Afterwards...afterwards, if they will not accept us...then I will seek elsewhere to live. Just as long as they know, and as long as Hep and I are safe together..."

The Kana all stared at her in silence. The breeze ruffled their lappets and the hood of Mekhet's cloak. After a long while Mahakhi snorted and lifted his head high.

"You are welcome to return here should you need to."

The other Kana glanced at him in surprise. The barest hint of a smile flickered across Mekhet's face and was gone before they could be certain they had seen it. "Lord Mahakhi is a good Kana," she said softly, bowing her head; he nodded, and she turned the Sha about. The guards led them toward the open gate, and Mekhet and Hep left the Great Red Tribe, the Sha picking up their pace and trotting away into the desert.

Nehef's ear twitched as they started to close the gate after her. "Do you not think she should have an escort, at the least? With what happened to those other Kana..."

Ahai'ikh shrugged. "She said they were not interested in humans...so who knows. Perhaps some lucky god watches over her."

The gates swung closed. Mekhet, traveling further away from the city, barely heard them as they shut. While the Sha trotted along she cradled Hep to her and loosed the strap on her dress, pulling it down slightly; a moment later the pup's mouth closed over her nipple and he began to hungrily suckle, his mother's warm milk--now miraculously flowing again--stilling his whimpers.

And Mekhet lifted her head, and smiled, and silently thanked the Kana who had watched over her.


"Part 18: Brute

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This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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