Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512962-Part-15--Interference
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512962
The East Tribe lieutenants make a dangerous secret decision...
DISCLAIMER: Underage character(s) involved.

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 15 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THE MORU MARKET was thriving, as always, though more than a few of those shopping for a slave grumbled under their breath about the lack of a good selection. The East Tribe, as large as it was, had long been known for its selection of Moru, and once in a while even received visitors from neighboring tribes who wished to purchase one or more for themselves. Such visitors had not come much recently. The last few who had approached had been turned away at the gate, to mutter under their breath and return to their own tribe to speak against the miserliness of the East Tribe. They were getting stingy with their Moru, now...or else they thought themselves too good to be selling to rival tribes...whatever the case was, there was no point trading with them anymore. Let them keep to themselves, as they apparently wished to do.

And the Kana of the East Tribe itself complained also about the dwindling selection, though nobody thought to ask what exactly was behind it. It was just an inconvenience, which would hopefully lessen in time.

The exact reason for the smaller selection was the reason why Lieutenant Hiath'ikh, and several sergeants he had recruited from among the guards of Captain Mahakhi's household, now patrolled the market. He was grateful Mahakhi had not asked the reason for his interest in the market, but Hiath'ikh had noticed the growing muttering from some other browsing Kana when Mahakhi himself had recently purchased two females. Fortunately for the others, Mahakhi had not noticed that their muttering was apparently aimed at him.

Hiath'ikh had managed to catch "...already has enough Moru of his own; how many more does he need?..." before following Mahakhi from the market. But now he was back, with the sergeants, and he kept a shrewd eye over as many of the transactions as he could. When he spotted one Kana bargaining over the price of three females, he slipped through the crowd and grasped the buyer's wrist hard enough to make him wince. The Moru trader had to stand and wait while they stepped behind one of the tents for a moment or two, and when the buyer returned, a chagrined look on his face, he insisted on purchasing only one of the females, and the other two were sent back. The trader looked irritated, but the buyer merely went on his way, albeit a bit more quickly than he'd been walking before. Hiath'ikh, meanwhile, slipped back into the crowd before the trader could spot him, and continued perusing the tents. At least most Kana were not greedy when it came to Moru, or else didn't have as much time or money as Mahakhi did when it came to mates; otherwise his job would be much more tedious.

He heard a sniffling noise, and turned to see one of the younger sergeants approaching him with a darkened eye. Hiath'ikh's own eyes widened. The other Kana halted and saluted, sniffling again and rubbing tears from his good eye.

"What happened?" Hiath'ikh asked in surprise.

"Ap...apologies, Lord...but I was trying to dissuade one from purchasing a family of Moru for himself...I told him he could make do just as well with only one...yet he did not take this advice very kindly, and, well..."

Hiath'ikh's ears flared and his muzzle wrinkled. "Point me out to the seller," he said, and when the sergeant meekly pointed he brushed past him, pressing some silver rings into his hand. "Get yourself a cold cup of beer and press it to that eye before you drink it. I'll handle this one."

He didn't bother to wait and hear the sergeant's response, instead making his way to the tent of the Moru trader who had been pointed out. Hiath'ikh worried for a moment that his target would be long gone, but again, fortunately, he was still there, and still haggling with the trader. His muzzle wrinkled again. Most Kana were sensible when it came to buying slaves, yet a few could be quite thickheaded.

"Excuse me," he said, stepping up beside the haggling Kana and making eye contact with the trader. The trader glanced at Hiath'ikh only briefly before taking a step back into his tent, as if to leave the scene altogether. He had seen the insignia on Hiath'ikh's lappets, and knew whose household he served. The potential buyer was not so impressed, or else didn't recognize the insignia; he turned on Hiath'ikh with an ugly scowl, baring his teeth.

"ANOTHER one of you? Didn't that little piss learn his lesson? This is a free market, and I am going to buy exactly what I want to buy! If you want a Moru, go find one somewhere else!"

"Do you truly have need of an entire family of Moru?" Hiath'ikh asked in a level voice.

The other Kana--who was taller than the lieutenant by a head, and at least twice as hefty--snarled. "What I need is none of your business! You are not the trader here. Last thing I knew, he was, and he was going to sell me exactly what I asked for." He turned back to the trader. "Fifty gold rings for the entire lot of them! We were agreed before we were interrupted!"

The trader cast a quick glance at Hiath'ikh--then looked back at the buyer and shook his head.

"I remember reaching no such bargain, Lord. The agreement was ten gold rings for the adult male, or five golds for the adult female, or five silvers for the old woman or the youngest pup."

The buyer gawked. "What--? There are more than THOSE four of them! What of the other females--? And you know full well I bargained for more than ONE pup! What's with this, those four combined do not even cost fifty gold rings! You'd cheat yourself out of a perfectly good sale--?"

The trader shook his head again. "The rest are not for sale, Lord. Only one of those four, and I am afraid I cannot sell them all to you. Ten golds for the male, five for the female, this is a very good bargain for such fine Moru."

The buyer's lip curled back in rage. His hand started to go for his dagger, but before it could reach it his wrist was grasped and twisted so tightly that he grimaced in pain and let out a startled gasp. The trader stepped back again and Hiath'ikh leaned toward the buyer.

"I would suggest taking the female," he murmured in the Kana's ear. "Perhaps, if you get her with pup, she may bear you another Moru you can use as you see fit. Or you may pick the male, and try him out with one of your other females. You have more Moru awaiting you at home...surely?"

The Kana continued grimacing; the lieutenant's frail build belied the strength of his grip. He nodded hastily. "The--the female--sounds like a good bargain. I'll purchase the female."

The trader bowed and went back into the tent to fetch the Moru. Hiath'ikh let go of the buyer's wrist and he drew his arm back, rubbing at it with a sullen look as the trader returned with the female following. The buyer passed across his five gold rings, and he and the Moru departed in silence. Hiath'ikh turned away from the tent as the trader bowed and went back to his work, and rubbed his forehead as he crossed the marketplace.

The young sergeant stood at the edge of the square, still gingerly touching his black eye as Hiath'ikh approached. Hiath'ikh gave him a look before continuing, the younger Kana following.

"I thought I told you to fetch yourself a drink?"

"Thank...thank you kindly for the offer, Lord, but I do not much like to drink..."

"Perhaps this attitude would be best for all of us." Hiath'ikh rubbed his head again. "I hate doing this," he muttered. "I hate breaking up families. Moru should stay together. They should not be sold separately, especially when there are pups involved."

The sergeant wrung his hands. "It is the only thing Lord Nehef could think of to sustain the tribe for now..."

"I realize this. But it does not mean I have to like it." He glanced back at the marketplace, hoping the other sergeants could do the job well enough on their own, for now. "The Moru should be the least of our worries. I do not even like to think of the food, or the drink..."

The sergeant said nothing now, and Hiath'ikh could tell he was anxious. He waved at him. "Go home for a while. Be with your family and stop thinking about this for now."

"But my barracks lieutenant..."

"I will speak with him. I don't see the point of any of you being in barracks at this point anyway. Go on."

The sergeant bowed and darted off through the crowd. Hiath'ikh watched him go before resuming on his way toward the main household.

The market should be shut down. Once they start to find out how few Moru are really left, then the trouble will truly begin. But if it is shut down, that trouble will only come sooner...we are only delaying the inevitable...

And rioting would be much better a thing to deal with than famine...

As he thought this he felt a pain in his stomach and pressed his hand to his belly with a sigh. He hadn't eaten properly in quite a while, ever since discovering the alarming state of the food stores. Only needling from Nehef had convinced him to inform the rest of the general's men whom he trusted about this problem, and they had all started cutting back on their eating as well. Fortunately most of them were in relatively good shape, yet he knew it could not last for long. They were so few compared to all the others, Kana and Moru, who did not yet know about the situation, and continued to eat as if nothing were wrong...

So far, making certain that no Kana purchased too many Moru at once, and keeping the market functioning, was all they could do without attracting too much suspicion, but it was obvious the buyers were beginning to grumble. Mahakhi's recent purchase hadn't helped any. Hiath'ikh had even gone so far as to tell Captain Ahen of what was happening, although he was uncertain if he could trust the Kana, as he was so close to General T'uris. He had no other idea what to do, though. The selection of Moru would soon run out, and then the food and drink...not to mention all the rough supplies to make armor, and weaponry, and clothing...as well as Sha and the food that was needed to keep them fed. They could still fish the river, and tend to the small crops which stood outside the city walls, but there was not nearly enough there to keep them fed well enough, and that still did not solve the problem of the Moru or the Sha...and the Kana tended to get quite restless if they had not fought in a while...

To his relief, Ahen had not taken him to task for imparting his worried information, but neither had he offered any clear path to take. Instead he had merely nodded gravely, and told Hiath'ikh to continue what he was doing, and to keep as low a profile as possible. Hiath'ikh had left, feeling an odd mixture of relief and unease. He still could not be certain telling the captain had been the right idea.

He returned to his rooms in General T'uris's household and lay upon his bed early that evening, staring at the canopy, not even bothering to call his own Moru to keep him company. At the moment, every little luxury filled him with guilt. Even the gauzy drapes around the bed reminded him of how well off they were, of how quickly all of this abundance could vanish. And it had been a very long time since he had felt at ease under T'uris's roof.

What has become of our generals? Ours is not the only one who is mad, judging by what Lord Nehekhi said...it is as if some poison has entered their brains...it will not be long before it infects us all. What shall we do?

As if in answer, some small part of his own mind thought, When a limb is hopelessly poisoned--what more can one do than cut it off, and remove the taint...?

Hiath'ikh shook his head violently. Such thoughts! He'd never thought such things before--doing so now would be no help. With a sigh he placed his arm across his eyes and tried to ignore the empty pain in his stomach, and eventually drifted into fitful sleep.

* * * * *

Everyone in the household already knew of Captain Mahakhi's recent purchases, of two female Moru from the market. As they were led by one of the lieutenants through the building they drew many curious looks; judging by their age and resemblance, it was guessed that they were mother and daughter. The mother looked to be just slightly past her prime, so most of the Kana who eyed them as they passed wisely guessed it would be the young daughter who received most of Mahakhi's attentions. Aside from that nobody said anything of it. The Moru were led to the Moru quarters to spend part of the evening, but not long before dark first the daughter, then the mother were called away. The Kana again gave each other meaningful looks. Perhaps the captain was feeling a bit more adventurous tonight than they had guessed.

The older female, as she was led down the hall away from the Moru quarters, kept her eyes trained on the floor. Even most of the Moru had heard of Captain Mahakhi, and that was why she felt anxious for her daughter at the moment. Even among the slaves stories of the Kana's appetite for pretty females ran rampant, and her daughter had never been with a male before. All she could do was reassure her that they were in the house of a good Kana before the younger Moru was taken away whimpering, but now she had been called upon as well, not a few moments later. She furrowed her brow as she walked. This was not usual. Any other Kana would have been too busy with her daughter by now to even bother with her. Unless he required another female's assistance...

She blushed, realizing she'd never even told her daughter that sometimes nesakh'ai involved more than two parties. She hadn't even told her very much at all, come to think of it.

They reached the doorway that she assumed led into the captain's quarters, as the lieutenant leading her halted and knocked on the door, then nudged her forward when it opened. She lifted her stare from the floor to immediately focus on the orange-red eyes of the big Kana towering over her, and felt her face blush. The captain lifted his head and nodded once at the lieutenant, who bowed his head and went away, leaving the two of them alone.

She paused. The Kana was still fully dressed.

He took her arm and gently but firmly steered her into his rooms. Her daughter already waited there, curled up near the wall; she could tell she looked at them, but was trying to keep her eyes averted, as if asleep. The Kana pressed on her shoulder so she sat upon the edge of his bed, and he knelt so he looked into her face. She lowered her eyes and turned her head slightly.

"Do you speak in this tongue?" he asked in the language of the Kana. She was surprised again; his voice was oddly quiet despite his imposing size.

She nodded.

"What is your name?"

"Th...Thibu'het, Master."

"Thibu'het. What is your child's name?"

"Her name is Dji'it, Master."

"Dji'it. Thibu'het. What happened to your mate, her father?"

"He was Kana, Lord, like you."

"I see then. Listen, Thibu'het. I bought your daughter because I wish to mate her."

Thibu'het flushed and shrank in on herself.

"However I bought you as well for you could not seem to stand being apart. I do not like breaking up a Moru family, no matter how small it is." He paused. "It is true, what the trader said; your daughter is untouched?"

"Y...yes, Lord. She is barely come of age, still."

"Yet she is ready to mate, is this not true?"

"I...I believe it is, Lord. She has had her bleeding-time, at least."

He touched her arm and she flushed again; he was acting quite oddly, for a Kana. "Thibu'het. I will take her, make her my own. She will give up her maidenhead to me. I had intended to do this now, at this moment; I was prepared for her. Yet I wished also to refrain for a moment to tell you what I intend, so you do not worry for your daughter."

"I...this is too kind of an act for you, Master."

"I wish you not to worry. You are both my Moru now, my responsibility." He paused and blinked. "My gods. Have I even told you my name, or do you know it yet?"

Thibu'het quickly lied, not wanting him to know what she already knew of him. "I believe I heard the Moru trader speak it, Lord, but my memory is so poor...forgive me..."

"Well then...my name is Mahakhi. I wish you to know who you belong to, as well."

"My master is most kind."

He didn't immediately reply, so she lifted her eyes just slightly to peer at him. She noticed him glance toward her daughter, and could see the frustration in his eyes. She felt her ears burn and her stomach twist, and balled her hands on her lap. He didn't have to be talking to her right now. It was his right to take her daughter as he saw fit, and she had no right to protest. Yet she had, at least unconsciously, and now he was refraining. Because of her.

The tiniest chance of an idea crept into the back of her mind and she lifted her head just a bit, looking at him. His fingers dug into the edge of the bed beside her, and she could smell the faint tinge of his musk, his excitement, held under control for the moment. Tentatively, she touched the hand that still rested upon her arm.

He turned to look at her, surprised.

She removed her hand again, quickly. Her head lowered. She kept her voice and her face meek and submissive, knowing from experience that this worked best with powerful Kana. "My...My Lord...you know already that my child is untouched, still pure and young."

His brow furrowed slightly in puzzlement. "Yes, I know this, Thibu'het; what of it?"

"She has not even been taught what to expect from a Kana. I feel she would fail you, miserably, Lord."

His nostrils flared and he gave a slight snort that might have been disappointed. "Well...this is to be expected, from a new one. Do not worry about her. When the time comes, I will be careful."

"But--but she won't know how best to accommodate you." She touched him again, ears burning red. "Forgive me, Master, for suggesting...a lowly Moru should not suggest what her master should do...but for your consideration...I, myself, have been with Kana before, and know what to expect from them."

His look humored her. "Apologies, Thibu'het...but you are hardly young enough to bear many more children for me. This is one reason I selected your daughter, as she is young and fresh, and promising; I feel she could drop many strong pups from her womb."

"Yes, Lord--but nesakh'ai is also about pleasure--and how may she pleasure you, not knowing how? Please, Master, allow me to be forward."

"You speak much already for a little Moru, so I shall not stop you now."

"Please, take me instead this night, Lord; I know already how to pleasure Kana. I know even hakh'tua, passing well, though I am not the most skilled. She does not even know what it is. Take me, here tonight, and allow her to see what is expected of her before you go to her...please, My Lord?"

He blinked, glanced over at the young Moru by the wall, then back at her. His brow furrowed again as if in disbelief. "You...wish me to couple with you, in front of your daughter?"

Thibu'het nodded vigorously. "Yes, Lord...I know it sounds foolish...but I know she will watch, and learn...if it does not put you out too greatly...I would do my best to pleasure you, whether or not you did this."

Another slight snort. She had never seen a Kana look so flustered before, and almost would have laughed, had the situation not been so serious. "I must admit, this is a most strange offer, coming from a Moru..."

Thibu'het squeezed his hand. "Please, please consider it, Lord..."

"Hush, now, did I say that I would not consider it?" Mahakhi's nostrils flared and his ear twitched as he pondered the suggestion for a moment. "All right...I had wished to take your daughter this eve, I must confess that since first seeing her my desire has only grown. Yet all she has been able to do is curl herself up upon the floor and whimper like a lost pup, and there is no way I could enjoy her like that. I had planned to put that off at least until tomorrow night. Now that she is here, and you are already here, I see no wrong with it. Sap still flows within me, pressing to be released. When is the last time you had nesakh'ai?"

Thibu'het felt the heat rise in her face. "I...I must admit, Lord, it has been some while now..."

"It has been only two days for me...yet this is a great deal of time, within my mind." He touched her face, earning a blush. "I am much used to spending the time among my Moru, but I have long needed something fresh as well." He seemed to fidget uncomfortably. "I do not...do not desire hakh'tua at this time. Perhaps another time." He stood with a hard snort, taking her arm and guiding her up along with him. She noticed the slight swell against his kilt, and moved closer to him.

"Master...would you wish for me to touch you?"

"Touch..." he said, dazed.

"Yes, Lord..." She reached beneath his kilt, searching and finding that he had already removed his loincloth, perhaps before calling for her; a moment later her cool fingers gently wrapped around his testicles. Though he hardened, he had not risen from his sheath yet; he must have been exercising an incredible amount of control. Still, he let out a strange choked sound, his ears flaring wildly.

"Yes...well...I need no assistance, Thibu'het...please, upon my bed."

She obeyed, peering over to make certain her daughter watched. In the corner, the young girl sat with her arms drawn up to her face, peeking at them surreptitiously. Thibu'het needn't have worried, as Mahakhi was so preoccupied by now, he would never have noticed her stare. She yielded to the pressure on her arm and climbed atop the bed, readying herself to teach her daughter her first lesson among the Kana.

* * * * *

Dji'it sat peering over at her mother and the Kana who had bought them. They sat talking to each other for what seemed to be an inordinately long amount of time, considering that Kana didn't normally converse with their females at any great length. Several times her mother touched their master in an inappropriate manner, and Dji'it flinched, expecting violence; yet the Kana didn't protest. If anything, he seemed interested...in her now. When her mother reached under to touch him, and he steered her to his bed, her head spun with even more confusion. What was going on?

Mother said I was brought here to be with him. Yet he does not plan to take me, after all?

She watched her mother kneel upon the bed, spreading her legs. The big male--he was the largest she'd ever seen, anywhere--braced himself over her, legs at her sides. He pulled up her mother's dress, and the Moru's tail rose. Dji'it caught the reek of his musk now, and the subtler scent of her mother's mixed in with it. So, he was taking her mother...not her? What sort of sense did that make?

The Kana--Mahakhi--pulled up his kilt and even from her safe location, she was awed by what she saw.

She'd never seen a Kana naked, and it both excited and frightened her. Their new master was tall and broad, fur dark brown in color, giving him an already ominous look. But more so was the thick black sheath between his legs, which swelled even as she looked at it. He reached down to stroke it with some discomfort, his fingers working into the skin even as his other hand carefully prodded between Thibu'het's buttocks, testing, she assumed, her readiness. Her mother already breathed harder and deeper than before. The Kana reached beneath to gently squeeze his own testicles, then rubbed his sheath again; then he moved his hand with a desirous sigh.

Dji'it's eyes grew as surely as the swelling between their master's legs grew. Something began to emerge from the sheath, and she sucked in a breath, balling a fist to her mouth. First, a rounded, fleshy head, followed by a thick black shaft--a long shaft, that went on and on and made her dizzy. It slid from within him, rising, rising tall and taller, incredibly taller, until she felt he would burst from the pressure of keeping it stored inside for so long. Were all Kana so massive, down below?

He bent over her mother and touched her face, murmuring something. The Moru nodded slightly and placed her head upon the bed. Their master shifted himself into place, gripping her hips, before arching the small of his back forward, his own hips plunging upward into hers. Thibu'het's hindquarters rose from the force of the thrust and she let out a low squall. Her hands clawed the bed and she shook hard. Dji'it wanted to jump up and run to her, make certain she was all right--that immense black shaft seemed as if it would split her in two. Yet she kept her place, and her mother did as well, moaning into the bedclothes while the Kana pushed, lappets swinging, filling her, more each time. He bared his teeth and his eyes were slits; his tail and wings quivered with the effort. Dji'it curled in on herself even tighter, tears welling in her eyes. Her mother, perhaps she could handle him, if he did not use his full strength; already he pushed at her deeper than before. But she, she herself was fresh and new, untouched by any...how could she possibly be touched by him? He was over twice her size. He would kill her for certain.

I should be the one there, not Mother. Did she promise him something? So he would take her instead of me? If he hurts her, I'll never forgive myself...

He pushed at her for what seemed to be a good while, Dji'it sobbing silently, praying for it to end soon. Her mother had told her long ago of how she herself had been born, of what the Kana had done to her...he had been most vicious, and her mother herself had been naive and untouched, until the Kana had forced himself inside her, twisting and breaking her arm when she'd dared to protest. He had not even been her proper master, yet he had somehow escaped punishment. On giving birth to the result of the assault--Dji'it herself--she had been traded to another Kana, and another, and shuttled around since then, no one wanting her for long--though most of them had been interested enough to try her out for themselves. In this manner the older female had grown used to them and their ways, even while protecting her young child; she didn't know how, but they'd managed to stay together this long, without being forcibly broken up. She had even once saved her daughter from a potential rape by one of their masters, by substituting herself, purring and murmuring words of encouragement that caused the Kana to flush and snort and let go of the girl, taking Thibu'het's arm and dragging her out of Dji'it's sight...though their sounds had made it obvious what they were doing. After several hours with the older Moru, he'd had little interest in Dji'it, and she was spared.

Was that what happened now, the same thing again, yet with another master? Were all Kana so alike after all?

She heard him groaning with each thrust, and lifted her head in time to see him whuff loudly, squeezing Thibu'het's hips, his buttocks spasming. He put back his head with his eyes shut and tongue lolling. Thibu'het whimpered and shook beneath him and braced her legs to accept his weight when he sank down over her. She couldn't bring herself to turn away when he sat up and drew himself out of her, flaccid member sliding back into its distended sheath. He ponderously lay back upon the bed, taking Thibu'het's waist and bringing her up and over him so she lay upon his belly. She nestled her head against his neck while he stroked her back and murmured something in her ear.

Dji'it knew this was an odd way for a Kana and his female to act after nesakh'ai, yet said nothing. She put her head down again and pretended to be asleep.

* * * * *

Thibu'het gave a small tired purr, snuggling against her master. She hadn't thought she would much enjoy the act, not after so long and with such a big master, but he had been most pleasurable. She was used to males, so his size hadn't bothered her; rather it had been most effective in exciting her in just the right way. She traced her fingers around his nipple, listened to his heartbeat beneath her.

He murred back and gave her a lazy smile. "Did you enjoy this, little Moru?"

Thibu'het smiled at him in return. "Yes, Lord. It has been a while for me...and so this was most appreciated."

"I hope that I was not overzealous."

"No, not in the least, Lord...I did enjoy being with you."

He tilted his head and scratched her ears, earning a shiver and another snuggle. His gaze shifted to the side and he frowned slightly. "So...do you believe the girl even watched us? She seems rather out of sorts, over there by herself..."

Thibu'het turned her head to look over at her daughter. The girl sat next to the wall as before, head down, only she shook a bit and sniffled.

"Oh." Thibu'het blinked. "She must be concerned about me...she does not know that you could not hurt me, Master."

Mahakhi furrowed his brow. "She thinks you are in pain? She does know that nesakh'ai is about pleasure as well, does she not?"

"That, or she is afraid that the same will become of her...please, Lord, may I go to her? I confess that I have not taught her as well of nesakh'ai as I should have, so perhaps she does not know. I must let her know I am all right."

He gave a small gruffing sound that indicated slight displeasure at losing his bedmate, but permission as well. Thibu'het crawled toward the edge of the bed. "Go ahead then, see to her. Make certain she is well. And prepared, also." She glanced back at him warily and he gave her a pointed look. "Remember...I will mate with her. Not tonight, as you have managed to do the job just nicely. I may call for you again, in the future. But I desire your daughter as well."

Thibu'het swallowed and then nodded. "Yes, Master." She crept from the bed and toward the crying girl, drawing a sheet around herself, and knelt down beside her as Mahakhi lay back with a sigh and shut his eyes.

It had not been so bad, for a new purchase.

* * * * *

The guards paced boredly atop the walls, occasionally swinging their spears at birds that flew over, as there was little else to do. A few of them even dozed in the midday sun, while two others played senet, wagering future payments of beer in the taverns. One of the pacing guards sighed as he walked past the gambling Kana, swinging his spear dangerously close to the board just to hear them grumble in irritation.

"If you do not stop talking of beer," he muttered, "then I will stand here and piss all over your board, just to spite you."

"You know you cannot even do this," the guard standing at the far corner called out. "Your bladder is as empty as mine!"

"Well, if they would not talk so much of beer, then I would not be so inclined to dry-piss all over their game."

"Dry-piss!" The other guard guffawed. "I should like to see this. At least it would be a change."

The pacing guard didn't seem to be too amused by his own joke, and only continued pacing. One of the dozing guards snorted awake, looked around, scratched his head, and yawned.

"Drat. I was having some rather nice nesakh'ai with a plump little Moru, right here atop the wall in full view of everyone, but it appears to have been only a dream after all."

"You can bugger him if you like," the guard at the corner said, pointing at the pacing guard. "He will even dry-climax for you!" And he started laughing again.

The pacing guard whirled around and shook his fist. "I will dry-shit in your throat if you do not SHUT UP!"

One of the guards at the senet board abruptly rose, wings flaring and hand going for his spear. The pacing guard turned on him next and drew his own weapon with a snarl.

"Do not even test me! I've not had a good beer nor a Moru in days and by now I'm thoroughly willing to push ANYONE off this wall!"

Instead of accepting his challenge, the second guard merely pointed into the distance. "Something approaches!"

Everyone else stood now, turning and shielding their eyes as they followed the direction of his gesture. Indeed, a small dark spot appeared to be coming slowly their way, weaving back and forth through the air.

The guard at the corner frowned. "That is just a bird!" He sat down with a snort and crossed his arms sullenly.

"That is not a bird," the senet-playing guard insisted. "I've been watching it the past few minutes, and it is far too big to be any bird. It's coming straight this way."

"Well...as straight as you can call whatever that is it's doing," the pacing guard said, watching the shape weave back and forth.

"If it's not a bird, then it's a Kana," the other senet player spoke up. He pulled out his spear. "And that means we will finally have something entertaining to do here!"

The rest of the guards held up their spears in the same gesture, their talk growing excited. The only three who did not follow suit were the pacing guard, the first senet player, and the one who sat at the corner, still sulking; the first two frowned, and the pacing guard raised his voice.

"As tempted as I am to say the same, you'll hold your spears if you know what's good for you!" He received a round of grumbling and made certain to add, "At least until he proves to be hostile. Then, you may impale him as much as you wish." The muttering cheered up a bit, and they all craned their necks to watch the shape progress.

Whatever his intent was, the approaching Kana didn't look as if he would be much of a threat. He bobbed and wove, bobbed and wove, even descending to the ground every so often before rising again. After some time he seemed to realize that they were watching him, at which he finally landed on the ground on hands and knees, and then started running.

"Ohhh," one of the Kana atop the wall moaned. "They are hardly fun if they aren't flying!"

"Maybe I can get his leg," the second senet player suggested, poising his spear, only to receive a swift stomp to the foot from the pacing guard.

The Kana below at last drew close to the city wall. Even the trumpeter had been too busy watching his progress to blow on his horn, not that the stranger would have warranted much of a greeting. It took him a few moments to reach the gate with its great double doors, at which he halted at last, his sides heaving and his fur glistening damp with sweat. He merely stood there gasping for a long while, so the Kana atop the wall started jeering.

"What's up, Moru?" one asked. "Obviously not you."

"Lose your tribe?"

"You would have gotten here in much better shape if you were a Kana who could actually fly!"

"I've been needing a nice Moru messenger. Can you carry packages?"

In response the stranger lifted his hand toward them to reveal a scroll clenched between his fingers. The guards peered at it curiously.

"What's that, Moru?" the guard at the corner sneered. "Your pedigree papers?"

"Of course! He is one hundred percent pure Moru. Born and bred!"

"That is why he refuses to fly!"

"I need..." The Kana below--he wore the lappets of a sergeant--finally managed to speak, his voice coming out in a hoarse croak. "I need...to speak...with Captain Maha...Captain Mahakhi."

The guards blinked, looked at each other, and looked down at him again. Several of them guffawed.

"Right you do! Go back to your own tribe!"

"We already have enough madness here, Moru. I think I hear your Sha calling."

"Yes, and he's telling you to ride him next time!"

Their laughter grew. The sergeant merely waved the scroll and tried to speak louder so his voice cracked.

"I need to speak with Captain Mahakhi! It is of the utmost importance!"

"He's using big words. Careful! He thinks he's Kana!"

The sergeant gnashed his teeth. "IMPORTANT MATTERS CONCERNING THE RED TRIBE!" he practically screamed, and only this silenced the jeering guards atop the wall. They looked at each other again.

"Did he say Red Tribe...?"

"Those are the ones who visited us some months past, are they not?"

"Who cares who they are? Why should we let him in?"

The pacing guard frowned. "I do not know...last I heard, Captain Mahakhi had some affiliation with the Red Tribe. Perhaps he tells the truth." He cupped his hand to his mouth to shout down. "Who has sent you here? Say the right name, and we just might let you in!"

The sergeant cupped his hand to his mouth as well. "I come on behalf of Captain Nehekhi. This message must be delivered to Captain Mahakhi."

"That is the right name." The guard spoke under his breath so only his companions could hear, and their frowns grew as well. "Very well; hold on a moment. And stop sticking your tongue out like that, if it gets any drier it'll fall right off."

The sergeant closed his mouth and rubbed his arm across his muzzle. The pacing guard turned and gestured at those on the other side to start opening the gate. His companions immediately surged forward, protesting.

"You cannot really mean that!"

"Brother, just let the sand carry him away. We have enough to deal with as it is!"

"If he was really sent by Lord Nehekhi," the pacing guard said, "and if he came to speak with Lord Mahakhi, then it just might be that HE is concerned with what we have to deal with!" He waved at them for silence. "I will explain later. Open the doors! He's just one Kana; if he causes trouble, we can kill him."

The others grumbled a bit but went back to their posts. Word was again sent to the guards below, and the great double doors began to creak open. The messenger held his place, staring at the gate with a weary look on his face.

By the time the doors had come open, a new crowd had gathered around the inside, talking and craning their necks to see the arrival. Several Kana in blue lappets emerged from the street and nudged aside the lesser soldiers, who bit back their protests when they saw who they were. The lieutenants halted just inside the gate and were on hand to take custody of the sergeant as soon as he slipped inside the doors.

"A message for Captain Mahakhi--" the messenger had just enough time to say, before two of the lieutenants had taken him by the arms and were pulling him away, a third leading the way, the fourth turning to the guards who still remained at the gate, looking puzzled.

Lieutenant Nehef leaned toward the guards as if taking them into confidence. "Do you remember," he said, "that time I beat you at senet, and you had to treat me to a round of beers at the best tavern we could find?" When he was answered with a bit of grumbling he continued, "Well, what would you say if this time I treated you to a round or two...every one of you..." the guards' ears pricked, their interest piqued "...if you just forget about this little arrival for now, and don't tell anyone about our visitor. That's a tiny enough price to pay for wetting your muzzles, isn't it?"

"The best tavern we can find?" the lead guard said skeptically.

Nehef nodded and smiled. "The best you can find. My treat, and you will have to be dragged home stinking drunk."

The guards' faces lit up and they started murmuring to each other. Nehef put a finger to his mouth, gesturing at the Kana the others were taking away, and the guards grinned and nodded, mimicking the gesture. He turned and left them then, quickly moving to speak with the rest of those who had gathered at the gate out of curiosity.

"Crowd control," Ahai'ikh said as he and Resikh escorted the protesting sergeant. "Nehef has always been best at playing others!"

"Are you going to take me to speak with Captain Mahakhi?" the sergeant asked. "Because he is the only one I am allowed to speak with. Would you please unhand me--?" He jerked his arm from Resikh's grasp, then tried to pull free from Ahai'ikh. "I can walk on my own, Lords! And I do not feel any of you represent Lord Mahakhi!"

"Lord Djuta and I serve his household directly," Resikh informed him.

The sergeant looked hopeful. "Then you will take me to see him--?"

The Kana walking ahead of them stopped and flicked his hand to the side. The sergeant started to cry out when the other two pulled him toward an alley, but Ahai'ikh managed to cover his mouth in time. They scurried through a side doorway into one of the many buildings lining the street and wound up in a blacksmith's shop. The old Kana busily hammering away at a new sword glanced up at them just briefly, then dropped his head and went back to his work, ignoring them.

Ahai'ikh let go of the sergeant's mouth. "UNHAND ME!" the Kana managed to yell, before realizing he had already been let go. He paused to glance at the two flanking him, his chest rising and falling rapidly, then bolted forward. The butt-end of a sword greeted his throat, and his eyes grew and he stepped back.

"You would not like me to use the proper end," Lieutenant Djuta said. "There is a reason we are lieutenants and you are not, and I assume swords have much to do with it."

"What do you want with me? I told the front gate I came to speak with Lord Mahakhi only. If Lord Nehekhi learns that I have been--"

"You were sent directly by Captain Nehekhi? Of the Red Tribe?" Djuta asked.

The sergeant scowled. "Who are you to ask me? I do not even know you three!"

"Res told you that we serve the household of Lord Mahakhi himself. Therefore what you came to say to him, you can say to us."

"Unacceptable! My orders were clear. Lord Mahakhi only and no one else."

Ahai'ikh frowned at him. "I speak on direct behalf of General T'uris himself, Moru! You'd so blithely turn us away?"

"With respect, Lord, I was not sent to speak with General T'uris, but with Captain Mahakhi. He is the only--"

He yelped with surprise when Resikh and Ahai'ikh took him by the arms again, holding him still. His protests only grew louder when Djuta searched his person and finally produced the scroll which he had tucked back into his clothing before entering the city. When the lieutenant pulled it out and studied the seal on it he started struggling anew.

"Lord! You MUST give that back! That is for Captain Mahakhi's eyes only! If Lord Nehekhi hears--"

"Silence, goose," Djuta said, breaking the seal and pulling the scroll open. "Lord Nehekhi does not have to hear anything."

The sergeant stopped protesting, if only because it would draw more attention to the matter; a few passing Kana were peering in the windows at the commotion before moving on. Resikh and Ahai'ikh craned their necks as Djuta read the letter, and Ahai'ikh even began to fidget.

"Enough, Brother," Resikh said. "What does it say already?"

Djuta didn't respond, merely continued looking at the letter. "It cannot possibly be that long--I have heard Lord Nehekhi was never one much for words!" Ahai'ikh muttered to Resikh, when Djuta let the scroll snap shut and waved at them to let the sergeant go. They did so with a confused look, and the affronted Kana rubbed at his arms, furrowing his brow.

"You are expected to return with a reply?" Djuta asked him.

The sergeant scowled. "I was, but now it's rather too late! Only Lord Mahakhi was intended to see that, for very important reasons!"

"Cease your whining. You will be given a response to carry home with you."

The sergeant snorted. "As if I will be returning! He will flay my wings if he finds this out!"

"As I said already, Lord Nehekhi does not have to hear anything." Djuta waved at Ahai'ikh this time. "Take him to the nearest tavern and get him soused. Then set him up for the night. He should have a reply waiting by then."

Ahai'ikh opened his mouth in surprise, then shut it and frowned. "Sent off to babysit!" he grumbled, taking the sergeant's arm and heading for the door. "I always miss the most interesting parts!"

They went out the door, the sergeant still protesting, and it shut behind them. Djuta headed for the side entrance they had used earlier, Resikh following.

"Well?" Resikh asked; when Djuta gave him a look he wrinkled his muzzle. "The scroll! You can't mean to hold even me in suspense...?"

"It barely says a thing," Djuta replied, and gave it to him to see for himself. Resikh unrolled the papyrus and looked it over before giving a perplexed frown.

"'From Captain Elite Nehekhi of the Kana, Captain of General Djiu of the Red Tribe, to Captain Elite Mahakhi of the Kana, Captain of General T'uris of the East Tribe, life, strength, and health!'" he read aloud. "'Greetings are given to our brethren in the north. Your immediate response is requested in an urgent matter pertaining to your brethren among the Red Tribe. Your presence is likewise requested for assistance in this matter. All due preparations will be made in anticipation of your arrival. Your most trusted men are welcome within the household, and all will be provided with food, bed, and Moru as are fitting for them. A private audience is requested of Captain Elite Mahakhi, life, strength, health!, to be held in the household of Captain Elite Nehekhi. Please inform no others of the details of this request outside of your most trusted men who shall accompany you. Forgiveness is begged for the abruptness of this message. All will be clarified upon your arrival. Please send your response via your most trusted messenger, and address your response to Captain Elite Nehekhi of the Red Tribe. Life! Strength! Health! May your wings never tire, Captain Elite Nehekhi.'" Resikh frowned at the letter and then looked up at Djuta. "This is what all the commotion was about? Why did we even send them away?"

Djuta pushed his way out the door and they stepped into the alley. "I believe rather it is what is not said in the letter that we must focus on," he said, and Resikh glanced it over again.

"I do not see what you're getting at, Brother."

"Take a closer look. I know you are not stupid." Djuta pointed out several phrases. "'Your brethren among the Red Tribe'--'your most trusted men are welcome within the household.'"

Resikh's frown grew. "I still am not seeing it."

"Why would Lord Nehekhi expend so many words when he could have simply said that Mahakhi would be welcome within the Red Tribe? And that he would be welcome to visit? Instead he says among the Red Tribe, within the household. I do not think Lord Nehekhi is speaking on behalf of General Djiu, nor even on behalf of the Red Tribe. He is speaking on behalf of himself and his own men."

Resikh had to look at the letter again. "Why would he be sending a private message to Lord Mahakhi...?"

"I think it might have some bearing on their last visit here. Remember what Nehef got all twittery about. He said they had shared words together."

"And so...?"

"Think, Res. Why else would two captains with senile generals wish to write to each other privately?"

Resikh glanced up at him with a sharp look, then his face grew tense. "If this is what you think it is..." He rolled the scroll up as if afraid to look at it now. "Then what are we doing whispering about it? Isn't this what everyone has been wanting? Nehef goes on about it every day, and poor Hiath'ikh is practically starving himself to death--if Lord Nehekhi and Mahakhi--"

Djuta took the scroll and put his hand over Resikh's mouth, pulling him into another alley. Resikh murmured around his hand before pulling it away with a peeved look. Djuta merely shushed him.

"Support is strong, but not yet what it should be! You've heard all the grumbling in the Moru market, haven't you?" Resikh scowled. "They grumble because they do not know the extent of our trouble yet. T'uris's men have been good at keeping it quiet."

"Then our men will just have to be better at getting the word out."

Djuta paused and stared at him. "What?" Resikh finally snapped.

The other Kana shrugged. "Oh...nothing. I had merely thought Resikh walked away, and someone else had replaced him, for the Resikh I know would never speak treason."

Resikh gawked, then shoved Djuta hard on the shoulder. "I do not know why I put up with you! YOU are the one who nags even more than Nehef! At least I do not have to deal with him every single day and night. And now when I finally give in you joke with me!"

Djuta rolled his eyes. "Quit crying! I am merely surprised that you now need so little convincing, yet others still do."


"Namely the captain. Did you forget who was actually supposed to read this letter?"

Resikh bit his lip. "Captain Nehekhi is his friend. You think Mahakhi would so easily ignore him...?"

"Ignore him, no. Never. But I do not believe Lord Mahakhi knows the extent of the trouble, either. He just purchased himself two new Moru the other day, did he not? And even now he spends far more time with his slaves than with his men. He would not do this if he truly knew."

"And so what good is this doing us?" Resikh pulled the letter from Djuta's hands and waved it. "Should he not see this immediately, then? If anything can convince him, it is a plea from his good friend from the south!"

Djuta took back the letter and tucked it into his belt. "This is not enough," he said quietly. "This is a plea for assistance for the Red Tribe. Even if Mahakhi were willing to give it, then where does that leave us? He still has no good reason to..." He trailed off, and Resikh nodded to show he understood the point. "I am also leery of the idea of Lord Mahakhi and his best men leaving the East Tribe at this time, to help another," Djuta added. "With them, and us, gone, then who will keep an eye on what is happening here? We are the only reason the tribe has not yet fallen completely apart!"

Resikh stood in silence with a troubled look on his face. "And so what are you suggesting we do?" he finally asked. Djuta sighed and rubbed at his skullcap.

"I will have a mock response sent with the messenger. Mahakhi's scribe will readily assist. Lord Nehekhi will not be receiving any visitors just yet."

"Do you really think this is the best idea, Brother? From the sound of it, they are in grave difficulty as it is..."

"I pity them, yet we are in even graver difficulty. At least Djiu is not starving his men to death." Djuta paused. "And I fully believe that once things are resolved here, then Mahakhi will be ready to give a much better response himself. The Red Tribe may have to suffer a bit longer, but in the end, the suffering of both our tribes should be over."

"So what are you going to do then about the messenger?" When Djuta just looked at him Resikh jerked his head toward the opening of the alley. "I hardly think he will be assuaged by being sent back with a mock response. No matter how much drink Ahai'ikh forces into him."

"You got a good look at that sergeant. Have you ever seen him in your years here? Do you think he knows Lord Mahakhi?"

Resikh stared at him for a moment before understanding came to his face. He turned toward the mouth of the alley.

"I will make certain to ask. If he does, we'll find a way to convince him the letter is real. If he does not, then I'm certain 'Mahakhi' can make a brief appearance to sate his curiosity."

Djuta nodded. He stepped out of the alley beside Resikh and his mouth twitched. "You are growing ever more devious by the day, Brother."

Resikh flared his nostrils but Djuta accepted it in the spirit it was intended, and they departed from the alleyway.

* * * * *

Nehef, Ahai'ikh, and Hiath'ikh soon learned of the message which had arrived, and Ahai'ikh was quick to tell the other lieutenants of the messenger himself when suggestions were offered as to what to do. "Do not bother trying to foist off some false reply on him!" he said with a gusty sigh and a roll of his eyes. "He is too much of a goody-goody for that. He would be screaming trickery ere we get him to the gate."

"Have you ever seen him hereabouts in all your time here?" Resikh asked Nehef.

Nehef shook his head. "I do not recognize him, and I thought I knew all within the tribe! If he was once one of us, it must have been when he was but a pup, else I would remember him. Nehekhi must have hired him in the Red Tribe."

"Well, that settles it then," Djuta said. "He will simply have to meet Lord Mahakhi before he leaves." The other lieutenants, aside from Resikh, all stared at him as if he were mad. Then Djuta turned to look at Hiath'ikh and raised an eyebrow. "Do you feel in the mood to speak with your visitor, Captain Mahakhi?"

Nehef's face lit up in understanding; Ahai'ikh rolled his eyes again. Hiath'ikh simply looked mortified. "I?" he exclaimed, then stood up from the table at which they were drinking their beers. "I refuse to take part in such a wretched scheme!"

"You have to," Djuta replied. "You are just as much involved in this as we all are!"

Hiath'ikh waved wildly at the other lieutenants. "Why do you not ask one of them to do it, then? Nehef? Resikh?"

"The messenger knows who we are," Resikh explained. "He's seen each of us at the gate. You are the only one of us he would not recognize, but in the slight chance he's seen you at Lord Nehekhi's estate!"

Hiath'ikh's face went red. "I did not hang about with the messengers, if that's what you're insinuating! Besides, do I even look like a captain? He would see straight through me. All of this goes without mentioning the utter despicability of such an act! Have you any idea how many lashes to the back one can get for impersonating a captain--?"

Ahai'ikh rolled his eyes a third time. "Who else do I know who is a goody-goody...?"

Nehef grasped Hiath'ikh's wrist. "Settle, 'Thikh! It's only this once! And you must admit that it could not be for a better cause. Djuta already explained the situation in full; this is the best thing we can do right now."

Hiath'ikh bristled and yanked his arm free. "Why do we not simply hand the message to its rightful owner? You saw the tone of the letter, and I saw the state of the Red Tribe! I could even speak on its behalf. Lord Mahakhi would certainly back up Lord Nehekhi!"

"The time is not ripe enough just yet," Resikh insisted. "Both captains have ample reason to unseat Lord Djiu, yet not quite enough to oust T'uris. Support is simply not strong enough yet."

"And why must both be accomplished at once? Let Lord Mahakhi handle Djiu, and then when the time is right..." Hiath'ikh put his hands to his face. "Gods, I cannot believe I am even saying this aloud!"

Nehef waved his hand. "It is only what EVERYONE else is thinking! But that's just it, 'Thikh, thinking. T'uris still has at least a few top men in his pocket. Rather than squander all our resources on ousting Djiu, I say we put them to use right here at home!"

"Besides, Djuta has a point," Ahai'ikh added. "Who is to say what might happen if all the best men of the East Tribe are away helping the Red Tribe? T'uris may stoop to anything when he has no more resistance to face him!"

This last argument finally seemed to weaken Hiath'ikh's reserve somewhat, and he sighed and lowered his arms. He gave the group of lieutenants a cross look. "Fine then! Put me in red lappets and call me Captain! But should this hare-brained scheme fall through, guess who I am dragging down with me--four other lieutenants who shall soon have aching backs!"

Nehef grinned broadly. Ahai'ikh and Resikh looked somewhat relieved, while Djuta nodded at Hiath'ikh.

"You are doing a good thing," he said.

Hiath'ikh just snorted. "See if you can tell yourself that when you're the one being whipped," he muttered, but sat down to join them again just the same. "Give me more beer. I will need it in order to dull the pain!"

* * * * *

Some time had passed since the acquisition of Mahakhi's two new Moru, and so the females had started to grow more accustomed to the Kana's household. It was a strange place in that it always seemed so busy and yet scattered; not being so used to Kana matters as the captain was, Thibu'het and Dji'it noticed these affairs more easily than Mahakhi did, how the lieutenants tended to rush to and fro as they were being escorted to and from the captain's quarters. The Moru sensed something was in the air, yet said nothing of it; it was not the place of Moru to speak of such things.

Several times both of them were called to his rooms, and for as long as that happened, Thibu'het seemed to be happy. She had to continually reassure Dji'it that the big Kana was not hurting her whenever he took her--"Sometimes, Little Lily, nesakh'ai can be a pleasant thing, once you are used to it"--but Dji'it found this difficult to believe. Especially seeing the difference in size between her master and herself; she did not think anything at all about it could be pleasant. Her mother took the time spent in the Moru quarters to explain the different things she and their master had previously done in his bed, and several of the other Moru explained yet other things she had not even seen or heard of yet. Every account made her face go redder and redder. She even resented her mother a little bit. Why had she decided to keep all of this from her until the last moment, when she had barely any time to learn?

Finally the day came when a lieutenant arrived to escort only one of them to the captain. Thibu'het looked distressed, but offered no objection, letting go of her daughter's hand as the younger Moru trailed away, pleading with her eyes to be able to stay among the Moru. She expected her mother to come after her, offering to take her place again, yet she did not. The door closed and she was left on her own, following the strange lieutenant down the dim hallway. Her heart twisted in her chest, and she twisted her fingers nervously to match.

She looked up at the Kana leading her. He was not quite so big as the captain; why did her master have to be so huge? She did not wish for nesakh'ai whatsoever, but at least the lieutenant looked more bearable. He seemed distracted as he walked down the hallway, glancing from left to right at every door and hallway they passed. When they came upon a guard he slowed and murmured something to him; Dji'it pricked her ear to catch the words, "...in the courtyard, as we planned him to be?"

The guard nodded and rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, for the hundredth time, yes. He liked your suggestion so much that he even had a bed dragged out there just for this. I really hope you have not started some new trend, bedding down by the courtyard pool."

"It is only to keep him from his personal quarters and his meeting room for now. Thank you and please keep your eyes open! If he decides to go for a walk afterwards, do all you can to keep him from the meeting room especially; try to find a way to stall him a bit."

The guard rolled his eyes again. "Trust me, once he is alone with her--" and here he nodded at Dji'it "--I doubt he will be the least bit interested in going for a walk!"

The lieutenant nudged her arm and they resumed on their way down the hall. The conversation had prompted Dji'it to suspect they were not headed for the captain's rooms after all, and she found out she was right when they turned in the direction of the central courtyard. Almost every large Kana household possessed a central court, and sometimes even side courts, with their big pools filled with waterlilies, modeled after the houses of the Kemeti; Mahakhi's household was no different. Dji'it's heart clenched again when she at last spotted the bed the two Kana had spoken of, a large ornate thing standing just beside the pool, its drapes shifting in the breeze; Mahakhi himself stood near the pool as well, touching the water with one foot. He turned his head as they entered, the lieutenant bowing, and nodded at him. Dji'it noticed he wore his kilt and pectoral and the ever-present skullcap with lappets, but aside from that, the rest of the typical Kana warrior getup was missing.

"That will do," he said. "Return to your duties...and make certain no one disturbs us. If they must, tell them to make use of the north or south pool instead."

"Yes, Lord. Please enjoy yourself." The lieutenant bowed again and turned and walked away, leaving Dji'it standing where she was. She watched him go, wringing her hands in near panic. She gasped and jumped when a shadow fell over her and whirled back to see that her master stood right in front of her, and he frowned slightly at her reaction.

"Which tongue do you speak best?" he asked her in Moru. Dji'it swallowed, trying to remember everything her mother had told her, and answered him in a faint, whispery voice.

"I...I understand Kana, Lord."

He seemed surprised at this. "So you can converse ably in my tongue?" She nodded and he gave a slight smile. "Well, then, this at least helps matters, as my Moru is atrocious."

"You..." Dji'it had to swallow to find her voice. "...You sound able enough at it, Lord."

Mahakhi blinked, then let out a bellowing laugh. Dji'it flinched before realizing that her comment had amused him. "Then one of us must be an excellent liar!" he exclaimed, and took her by the arm, turning and leading her toward the pool. Dji'it followed, if only because her feet refused to work on their own. They reached the steps leading into the water and he looked down at her.

"Do you like the water, little Dji'it?"

Dji'it swallowed and nodded, sensing that was the expected response. He smiled and descended a few steps, holding her hand and gesturing at her to follow.

"You will join me in the pool?"

Dji'it blushed and drew in on herself, staring at the ground. "I...I do not have any clothing that is appropriate for the water..."

He seemed mildly confused by this, then an understanding look came to his face. "Actually," he said, turning to face her, "I had expected that clothing would not be involved...clothing is not needed, when one is in the water, in private."

Dji'it swallowed a fourth time and started trembling. Nevertheless, she reached for the straps on her dress and pulled them down from her shoulders, stooping to lift her dress at the hem and pull it up and over her head. She did this entirely within view of the Kana, blushing furiously the entire time. When she had removed it she let it fall from her numb fingers and drew her arms in front of herself, crossing her legs and holding one arm across her breasts, one hand over the space between her legs, feeling utterly humiliated. Thankfully he did not object to her stance as she'd expected him to, but when she saw him reach for his kilt she let out an inadvertent gasp and ducked her head, her ears going bright red.

Mahakhi paused and looked at her, then took his hands away from his waist. "You have not been so close to a male before, have you?" he said; when she shook her head he nodded slightly and descended the rest of the steps into the pool. "I will remove it down here--where you cannot even see it. See?" She lifted her head to see that he stood within the water up past his waist, and he lifted his hand to draw his dripping kilt out, giving her a smile. She chewed on her lip as he draped it over the edge of the pool, his loincloth joining it, and then gestured at her again. "Please, join me. At least down here you will not be out in the open air like that."

She didn't know which she would fear more--being seen naked by one of the guards, or joining her master in the pool for the obvious reasons--yet obeyed his request. She stepped delicately down into the water and found that the area of the pool which reached up just past his waist was deep enough to submerge her up to her chest, and she let out a tiny sigh of relief at the cover the water offered, rubbing the stiffness out of her arms.

She gasped and let out a startled yelp when he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her down into the water, her head plunging beneath the surface. For a brief panicked second she opened her eyes to see nothing but blue, then started wildly paddling her arms, bubbles flying from her nose and mouth. She popped up again with a sputter, flailing around in confusion, before her master's head splashed from the water a short distance away, shaking the droplets from his lappets. He started laughing at the look on her face.

"I had thought you liked the water!" he exclaimed. "Yet you look like a duck that has forgotten how to swim!" With this he splashed her, causing her to let out a little shriek and shield herself futilely with her hands. This made him laugh harder and he splashed her even more. Dji'it sputtered again and shook her head, bobbing around the pool to try to get away from him, yet he merely followed her about, tossing water at her and chuckling. Her mind raced, confused.

Is he--is he playing with me--?

The thought seemed ludicrous--Kana did not play!--yet that looked to be exactly what he was doing. She grew so frustrated at the gouts of water which kept hitting her that at last she lashed her own arms out at the water's surface, flinging it back at him. Mahakhi had enough time to raise his arm before the water slapped him in the face, and he snorted and spat, then bellowed with laughter. He popped up enough to fan his wings, and the waves they produced nearly knocked Dji'it under. She gave an indignant cry and started flinging water at him as hard as she could, even yanking up several of the lilies and hurling them at his head. One wedged itself between his skullcap and his ear and the sight of the flower there upon the big Kana's head made her blink and then giggle wildly. His eyes widened and she realized she should not be laughing at him--Moru were not ever meant to laugh at their masters--yet he simply grinned, pulling the flower from his head and swimming toward her. Dji'it stood in a slightly shallower part of the pool now, clasping her arms across her middle as she giggled. She did not even notice how he set the flower bobbing on the surface of the water again and came up before her until his shadow fell over her, then she gasped and jerked her head upright. He stared down at her silently, and she wondered if she had offended him after all.

Mahakhi took Dji'it's face, tipped it up to his, and kissed her. She stood trembling, water running slick down her body; she'd never felt more exposed. He, the second most powerful Kana within the tribe, with the most men under his command, and his pick of all the Moru and females. He was much older than she, a full adult with much experience; while, at fourteen, she still had much to learn about the way things were. He was immense! She had seen him naked, before when he'd made love to her mother; now they stood in the water, thoroughly soaked, yet his waist was below the waterline so she didn't have to see anything that would have embarrassed her.

He touched her neck. "You tremble, little one."

She tried hard to stand still and nodded, once. "I...I am new to this, Lord."

"You need not be afraid of me...I would not hurt you with intent, do you know this?"

Dji'it averted her eyes, her cheeks burning. "My...my mother was hurt once, long ago, by a Kana..."

"Your mother?" He peered down at her with a frown. "By whom, and how?"

She swallowed. Perhaps it had not been best to bring this matter up with him, yet it was too late to go back now. "Her...her master...he was not at home, and one of the guards...from what she tells me...she refused, as she was meant for the master, but he forced her, and he broke her arm...she gave birth to me after that, thus no one wanted us, so they kept trading us...I believe many of them were interested in me, they started to look at me since I was about nine or so...but my mother kept them from me, by giving them herself...and so I have remained untouched, until now..."

He gave a small snort. "This Kana who mistreated your mother, know you his name? The name of your father?"

She flushed. "I...no, M-Master...he is alive, and unpunished--"

"Unpunished?" The big Kana snorted again, eyes growing dark. "He who was your mother's master at the time, know you his name?"

"Y...yes, Master...he was K'tasai, the lieutenant, yet that was so long ago, and I do not know where..."

"K'tasai...I know of a K'tasai. Yet he is a captain now, as am I. His tribe lives to the south. Has he even learned of this?"

"I don't know, Master...I'm sorry."

"Eh, no apologies from you, you did nothing of blame." He touched her face again and she shut her eyes, biting the inside of her mouth. "You and your mother may rest peacefully. I'll send a messenger and bring this up with him as soon as possible. Whoever this vile creature is, he will no longer escape rightful punishment." When his touch grew a bit heavier she lifted her head, sensing he wished her to look at him and not daring to disobey. His eyes softened.

"But again I promise. Neither you nor your mother will receive such treatment while within my house. If you have spoken with my other Moru, you will know this is true."

"I...I know, Master..." She trembled a little.

He leaned down and his muzzle lightly pressed to her neck. She shut her eyes and shook harder. He caressed her arm.

"Have you ever thought of being with a male, little one?"

"I...yes, Lord, in the past...but I did not let my imagination go too far..."

"How old are you?"

"My years are fourteen."

"Fourteen...gods." He lifted his head skywards, eyes shut tight, before lowering it again with a sigh. She couldn't tell whether he was ashamed or excited. He looked her in the eyes, lightly brushed her cheek.

"I have told your mother already...know you what I expect of you, little one?"

"I...yes, Master...I--I believe s-so..."

"Please do not be afraid." His look grew pained. "You must not fear me...since I have seen you I have swelled inside, and burned, and desired you most greatly...you will always have a treasured place among all my Moru."

Dji'it nodded, and didn't protest. Yet she couldn't stop shaking.

He moved closer, took her arms. His body pressed to hers and she stiffened with a gasp. He had already emerged from his sheath, and she could feel his shaft slide its way between her legs.

He nuzzled at her ear. "Do you feel me, little one?"

She nodded, mute.

"It is for you, my offering for you." He swayed his hips gently. A moment later his rough hand moved up her side to her front and came to rest upon the tiny bud of her breast. She gasped again and felt her nipple harden. Her head grew giddy.

Her master's voice was thick. "Dear sweet little Dji'it...do you know what your name means, in our tongue?"

"N-no, Master..."

"It means 'water flower,' a lily." His other hand roamed down her body as he nuzzled at her. "My sweet little flower...we are already in the water, so you must be in your element. I long for you, Dji'it, to spread your flower, to take it, to pierce it, for my own...you will grant me this?"

Dji'it whimpered and nodded. The Kana then rained kisses upon her, feeling her body. His musk, overpowering, filled her nostrils. The heat from his body made her weak.

She felt his fingers slip between her legs, gently prodding. She gasped and instinctively clamped them together.

He gave an unhappy sound. "You are young," he murmured, "thus you are small, too small for me. I will hurt you."

She said nothing.

"Yet my desire for you, it is so great I cannot contain it much longer, nor spend another night without you...I shall go mad if I must go unsatisfied, without the taste of you, once again." He pressed his head to hers. "Little flower...I must have you. Yet I must hurt you also, if this is to be."

She whimpered again.

"I will try to make it as painless as possible...I will try to ready you first, as you are unprepared. You will have to trust me though."

She still didn't speak. He placed his hand beneath her and lifted her from the water, carrying her, as light as a feather, toward the steps of the pool. They emerged from the water and approached the luxurious bed which had been prepared right at poolside, strewn with furs and pillows and sheets; as she remembered again what it was for, she tried to keep her fear inside her, so he couldn't hear it. He parted the drapes and gently laid her down, caressing her cheek, and then moved to her legs, taking her thighs in his hands.

She pressed them together again.

He frowned at her. "Little one...I must have you this night. Please, do not make this difficult...the longer you draw this out, the longer it must take. Relax...please do not make me feel as if I must force you."

Dji'it reluctantly obeyed, letting her muscles go loose. Mahakhi spread her thighs and she turned away, tears welling in her eyes. She felt him poke at her, pulling lightly on the flaps of her pudenda, before his fingers started to slip inside her. She gasped and moved but his hand prevented her from shutting her legs a third time.

"No, little one...allow me. This will make it easier for us, both. Relax."

She did so, lying still but trembling hard as her master inserted one finger inside her, not very deeply, but the feeling was a strange one. He rubbed the inside of her.

"Does this discomfort you?"

"N...no, Master."

"How about this?" He worked two fingers inside of her.


A third joined them, and then the fourth. "Does this hurt you, now, little one?"

"I...it feels...it feels strange, Lord...I cannot describe it..."

She felt his thumb join the rest of his fingers and finally winced, body arching as his fist stretched her opening too wide to bear. He pulled his hand from her, and touched her face again.

"I believe my girth will not be too much trouble for you, at least not afterwards...but my length very well may be. You are still so small." He took her shoulder, lifted her toward him. She saw the heated look in his eyes. "Come, my little flower...the time must be now. I burn for you inside so badly. I fear I may hurt you more the longer we wait, I shall not be able to control myself. This will hurt, but it will be only the first time."

The Moru bit her lip, all of her mother's instruction fleeing her. "I...I'm not certain h-how..."

"Just rise up, with me...and follow what I tell you to do...take these pillows here...and place them beneath you."

Dji'it did as she was told, pulling the soft pillows in underneath herself, frowning with confusion. He moved them somewhat so they propped up her waist and she began to understand. He guided her arms and head down, then touched her thighs.

"Spread yourself for me, Dji'it. Do not make me force you..."

She obeyed, shaking and whimpering. The tears began to seep from her eyes. She was so terrified. Not only of the pain she knew she would receive, but of displeasing him. He had been a kind, if demanding, master so far...if she proved to be less than desirable, after all of this, she knew he could very well decide to kill her. And her mother. The thought was more than she could bear.

A tiny sob escaped her.

She felt his hand upon her hip and heard his voice, still speaking softly. "Please, little one...cry, if it eases your fears...but then, I hope you will only join me...this can be pleasurable for both of us, not just myself. If you will let yourself enjoy it..."

Her mother's voice came, in the back of her head... Sometimes, Little Lily, nesakh'ai can be a pleasant thing, once you are used to it...

She said nothing. His fingers spread her pudenda, opening her wide. "Prepare yourself," he whispered huskily, and she dug her knees into the bedclothes to feel the head of that thick black shaft--round and wide and hot--press against her like a cork stoppering some foreign bottle. She bit her lip and squinched her eyes. Mahakhi squeezed her hips, and slowly, oh so slowly began to bring his hips forward, pushing, very gently, easing up, into her. She felt the head push within, and though it felt odd it was not uncomfortable; then the swollen rod pushed itself in further, a bit deeper, a bit deeper; she began to bite into her lip harder as it started to fill her almost to bursting, the discomfort rising. It then met some resistance and had to push somewhat harder, until she felt a snap and a gush inside of her and bucked sharply with a wail of pain, the tears springing to her eyes and pouring down her face. He gave her no chance to recover; even as they felt the pressure break, he had seized her hips and pushed himself inside yet more quickly, completely, until he filled her to the brim, and even then his member had not reached its satisfaction. With a low murmur he pushed her hips to him, onto him, and bucked his own hips hard. His penis slid into her fully, and with this she gave another shriek, dissolving into small broken sobs.

Her master pulled from her and she felt the slick blood upon them both. She wanted to curl in on herself, the pain and shame were so great. Yet she could not move. She stayed still, crying softly, as her master clenched her tightly and began to move in rhythm now, slowly, and then not as slowly, a loud murr rising in his throat, his fingers sinking into her on each lustful push. He rumbled with pleasure, and Dji'it gasped for her breath and stayed silent as the massive Kana mated with her.

She didn't know how long they moved, but she did not want to ask. She seemed to ache all over from the pressure and exertion. At one point he took her hand and brought it up, made her touch him, below and between her legs; she bit her lip harder and moved her hand along the hot velvety sac that hung there, swinging with each thrust. She could hear his wings rising and falling, fanning the drapes so they billowed, and the snorting and puffing he let out as he moved was like the sound of a bull. She felt herself start to go numb and welcomed it, shutting her eyes, praying for release. He had told her it would be pleasurable, for her too; she had believed him, yet the pleasure didn't seem to come. She let go of his testicles, sinking into the pillows; he merely bore into her harder and deeper, a harsh groan rising in his throat, until she felt a second burst within her, searing hot; his hands felt as if he would crush her bones as he plunged and gave a loud bellow. She could not cry out, could only gasp and tremble at the final motion, her stomach lurching and eyes streaming. He sank over her and let out a long sigh and suddenly the tightness within her felt not so tight anymore; he seemed to shrink up, and a moment later pushed on her buttock and slid himself out. She couldn't take it anymore. She rolled from the pillows and down into the coverings, whimpering and shaking, curling up tightly. She hoped he wouldn't beat her. She pressed her elbows to her stomach, willing the pain to go away.

There was silence for a moment, then something--his fingers--brushed her cheek, and she heard him let out that same unhappy sound he had before. When she winced at his touch the sound grew louder. "My poor little flower," he murmured. "It hurt you, more than I'd intended, did it not?"

She didn't answer him, but tried to stifle her sobs.

He picked her up, brought her to him; unable to help herself, she pressed herself against him when he cradled her in his arms. He kissed the top of her head and stroked her breast.

"My poor little sweet...I'm so sorry it hurt you so badly. I had thought you were stronger...I was wrong." Another touch to her face. "But believe me. The next time we are together, it will not hurt. It will be nothing like this, at all. It will be the most wonderful glorious thing you have ever felt."

"I...I feel...n-nothing," Dji'it whispered, chest hitching.

"Nothing?" He looked in her face, brow furrowing. "The only thing for you now is pain?"

She tried to nod, wishing to apologize, but could only hiccup.

Mahakhi frowned now. "My dear little thing...this is not right." He laid her upon her back and came over her. "I cannot understand why you felt not a thing...but I cannot end an evening satisfied myself, without satisfying my mate...I would never be able to sleep knowing this."

"M-my m-master need not w-worry for m-me..."

"No...you are my mate. I hope one day for you to bear my pup. I will not treat you as some mere slave." He kissed her. "Little Dji'it. Part your legs for me again, and trust me."

She started crying softly but obeyed. She couldn't bear the thought of him inside her again, not now, when she was so sore; but he made no move to enter her. Instead his fingers splayed her open, poking and searching.

"Aha. I've found it..." He smiled at her and brushed her forehead. "Relax, and leave the rest of this to me. You need do nothing, but enjoy it."

She wondered what there was to enjoy when he pressed a bit of the flesh between her legs between his finger and his thumb. A bolt, a feeling she could not describe shot through her then, and she gasped and jolted, hips bucking upwards before falling back to the bed. Her eyes grew wide, her breath coming fast.

"Wh--what is this, Master--!"

"Silly little flower." He nuzzled her ear with a soft laugh. "This is merely the pleasure spot on females. We call it the thik'ahi. Every one of your kind has it, and it is what makes nesakh'ai so glorious. I must have been too hurried, before, to touch it properly as we made love...otherwise you would have been transported to the heights of heaven, as you transported me." Another kiss. "Hush, little one...now it is your turn to be pleasured."

He proceeded to gently rub his thumb and finger back and forth, rolling the sensitive skin between them. Dji'it moaned loudly, unable to control it; her body started juddering wildly. She felt her nipples harden again, and a thick viscous moisture began to leak from within her, wetting his hand as he worked. At one point he took his fingers away and nuzzled at her with his mouth, lapping up her juices as well as the blood that still remained upon her; her cries reached the ends of the courtyard and echoed off the water. Oh gods, what he was doing to her! She'd never known such a feeling existed, at least not for females. She wondered if her mother had ever felt such a thing. Then, she didn't care. His fingers moved faster, rubbing harder, and he leaned down to lick at her nipple as he touched her. She began to writhe and moan, arms and legs tangling, trying her hardest not to kick and scream. However, it was only what she did, when some strange thing, some physical feeling, grew and grew and suddenly washed over her like waves breaking on the banks of the river, breaking her into pieces, causing her to flail her legs and wail at the air. His kiss, rough to her mouth, stilled her cry, and he squeezed her breast; her violent shaking slowly came to an end and she sank inward on herself, panting weakly and exhausted.

His own breath came slightly harder to her face. He rubbed her neck and smiled, his eyes burning. "Sweet little one, sweet as dew in the morning," he whispered huskily. "You taste of it, even. I am so loath to ask you...but I still have need. I know you are hurting. And so, if it does not trouble you too greatly, I will take you in behind...this will not hurt you, nearly so much, and you may rest while I pleasure myself once more...or you may participate, whichever you choose...though I need to take you again, so badly."

Dji'it didn't protest, but neither did she sob or cry. She allowed him to roll her onto her belly, and she sighed and even parted her thighs for him without being asked, her tail swishing to the side. He grunted appreciatively and gave her a tiny pinch to the buttock that caused her to let out a small squeal. He spit upon his hands several times, rubbed them together, then took hold of his shaft, already rising back out of its sheath, and rubbed it all over, moistening it. He wet his fingers and inserted them into Dji'it's opening; she stiffened, but didn't cry out. The girl even smiled to herself lazily and sighed, only for her mouth to form a soundless O and her muscles to tremble as Mahakhi once more slid inside her, taking her hips, pushing, pushing, pushing inside her, to the hilt. The feeling was tight, yet it did not hurt quite so much, and there was no barrier to break as there had been the other way. She lay and listened and waited the whole time he moved, until she could tell his climax was coming on, at which point she began to speak to him, awaiting it, hoping--

"Dear...dear Master...I hope that our second coupling...may be as good as your touch upon my thik'ahi."

He rumbled, a pleased sound. "Sweet little flower, do you begin to enjoy?"

Her ears blushed. "Yes...yes, dear Master...but especially, what you did before...to this poor undeserving Moru..."

"Ah. My little one means this, then?" She moaned and panted quickly to feel his fingers slide beneath her to stop upon her thik'ahi, rubbing again, in tune with his strokes. She started to shift beneath him. He murred and moved deeper when she wrapped her ankles around his, arching her back. He picked up his tempo and began to plunge; Dji'it cried out with him, the feeling so good now that she did not mind the slight increase in pain. She clasped his other hand and threw back her head.

"Yes, Master," she panted, her voice rising from a whisper to a wail. "Yes--yes--yes--!"

Mahakhi grunted loudly. And this time they both exploded together, within each other--Dji'it felt her cream stain the bed, and didn't care; she felt her master's seed flood within her, and didn't care. She let out her breath and began to sink, only to feel him pick her up again, shifting, and a moment later she lay curled up within his arms, snuggling her head beneath the neck of her Kana master. She panted heavily to catch her breath, sucking in the smell of his musk, and traced her fingers over his broad dark chest, appreciating the rumble in his throat as he caressed her back, a lazy smile on his face.

His smile broadened. "I take it then that you have enjoyed yourself after all, my little flower?"

She didn't reply. She merely put her head next to his, tired and satisfied, no longer the maiden Dji'it, but now Dji'it, mate of Mahakhi. She smiled to herself as well and lightly licked his neck, giggling and caressing his warm sac, shivering at his soft pleased growl of response.

She was beginning to love her master.

* * * * *

Nehekhi's messenger was promptly fetched the day after the lieutenants' discussion. It took a bit of wrangling and explaining, but Djuta and Resikh finally convinced him that the captain awaited him in his meeting room. Nehef and Ahai'ikh kept their eyes open to make certain that Mahakhi stayed occupied with his newest mate, and the lieutenants thanked the gods for once that the captain seemed more interested in females than in political matters. When Ahai'ikh gave the signal that Mahakhi was due to be occupied for a good while, Nehef signalled the other two, who retrieved the sergeant and hurried him down the hall.

"Not so fast!" the messenger cried, stumbling as they pulled on his arms. "How disrespectful can one be to a poor messenger--?"

"Hush up!" Resikh snapped. "You are but a sergeant in the Kana army. We are lieutenants! If anything you should be respecting us!"

That silenced the sergeant just long enough to get them past Mahakhi's rooms without incident. Djuta and Resikh let out their breath once they turned down the hallway housing Mahakhi's meeting room, and the sergeant gave them an odd look.

"What is going on here?" he asked uncertainly. "Why is Lord Mahakhi in such a great haste to see me now, when before he could not give me the time of day--?"

Djuta pinched the sergeant's ear. "Bite your tongue, Moru! Captain Mahakhi has many important duties in this tribe as one of the general's top men, weren't you told? He would quickly have taken you in, you having been sent by Lord Nehekhi, had he not been so preoccupied with more pressing matters." He caught the face Resikh made at this comment but ignored it. "Now he has some time freed on his schedule, and he is able to meet with you. Feel thankful you were not forced to wait any longer."

The messenger just grumbled. "I am the one who will feel the lash of Nehekhi's tongue for taking so damned long..."

They reached Mahakhi's meeting room, where Nehef and Ahai'ikh waited to escort the sergeant in. They opened the door and Djuta and Resikh had to crane their necks to see Hiath'ikh within, scowling beneath his red lappets as if they weighed as much as his entire suit of armor. The sergeant hesitated on seeing him, and they could tell that the lieutenant's slight frame, in contrast to Kana captains' usually more muscular builds, threw him off; but the others slammed the door before he could say anything.

Resikh leaned against the door and let out his breath. "Gods! I am only glad he did not ask why T'uris's men were guarding Mahakhi's quarters! If we ever plan to use such subterfuge in the future we'd do best to get our stories straight from the first."

Nehef pressed his ear to the wall. "I so wish I could hear exactly what 'Thikh is saying right now. Captain Hiath'ikh! What a grand funny tale this will make later on. I will blackmail him with it forever."

Resikh's mouth twitched. "If you think that will be good, you should have heard what Djuta said about Lord Mahakhi's 'pressing' matters!"

Nehef started laughing. "Yes, his matters must be quite pressing--I bet he is pressing her down onto his bed right about now!"

"You two need hobbies," Djuta said.

Nehef laughed again. "And before you were so eager to run away with me! Res, I say that you team up with me from now on, and Ahai'ikh should stick with Djuta. What a sour Kana."

"Do you mean me or do you mean Djuta?" Ahai'ikh protested. "Because if you mean me then I will show you sour once we are done!"

The door opened and Hiath'ikh stepped out. He glared at them from the corner of his eye and muttered, "Every last one of you will regret this," before turning and flouncing away, his stomping almost comical. Nehef sought to hide his amusement as the sergeant came out with a meek look on his face, clutching a scroll.

"I am...ready to return to my tribe now," he said sheepishly. Then to Djuta, "Your captain is in a very poor mood. Was it something I have done?"

Nehef took his arm and started leading him up back up the hallway. "Oh, not you, certainly," he said as they went. "Mahakhi just has this temper when kept from his females for too long."

"Oh. I would have asked to come at a better time had I known...when you see him again will you give him my apologies? I feel I was most short with all of you the time I've been here..."

Ahai'ikh rolled his eyes once more. "Oh, gods! Now he has the poor wretch begging forgiveness! I do not know how he does it sometimes."

As if in response, a strange noise came from the center of the household, the high-pitched wail of a female. The Kana's heads jerked up and they stared toward the ceiling for a moment before lowering them again. Ahai'ikh flushed a little but said nothing.

Djuta pushed himself away from the column he'd been leaning against. "Well, that's done. We'd best clean up the room and get Hiath'ikh out of those lappets before he forgets who he is."

"I will see to the room," Resikh said, and disappeared within.

"And what of the Red Tribe?" Ahai'ikh asked as he and Djuta started on their way in the direction Hiath'ikh had gone.

Djuta simply shrugged. "They are on their own, for now."


"Part 16: Corruption

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This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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