Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512957-Part-13--Return
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512957
Nehekhi's household is rocked by a horrifying discovery...
DISCLAIMER: Underage character(s) involved.

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 13 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

NEHEKHI'S RECEPTION BACK at the Red Tribe was somewhat chilly, to say the least. Several lieutenants of General Djiu greeted him at the front gate, and though they gave their courteous hellos, he noticed how they scanned over the Moru and other Kana riding with him, paying particular attention to the packs upon the Sha. They said nothing outright, and didn't even touch anything, except for one accidental-looking brush against a pack as they made their way into the city. Nehekhi knew the gesture was only meant to look accidental. He kept his eyes focused on the street ahead, ignoring the few genuine hellos that were tossed out at him now and then.

He heard a snort, and a Sha rode up beside him. "Did you see those looks they gave us?" Lieutenant Taka muttered under his breath, muzzle wrinkling. "As if we are criminals! And to touch your Sha like that?--there is no excuse for such treatment. Not when we are the ones who have been wronged."

"May I trust you, Lieutenant?" Nehekhi said, not looking at him.

Taka blinked. "Of course, Lord. You know you may trust me."

"Then I ask you to call upon those of your men who you trust and gather them at my household. Step up security especially at the Moru quarters. I know such a thing as this will not happen again, yet it is other things I fear at the moment."

His lieutenant frowned. "Lord...?"

Nehekhi just barely tilted his head to look back at Djiu's men, who followed at a distance, talking among themselves. "There is a reason Lord Djiu sent us a welcome. And it was not a friendly one. I suspect he will call to talk with me, yet will have very little to ask about my Moru and more to ask about myself and Lord Mahakhi."

Taka glanced back at the other Kana, but only briefly, so as not to draw attention. He leaned toward Nehekhi and whispered.

"You believe Lord Djiu is spying on us...?"

"At the moment, I could believe anything. Do not repeat my suspicions to your men. Simply ask that they do as they are supposed to."

Taka nodded and saluted. "I will attend to it immediately." He turned his Sha and called out to a few of the other Kana riding behind them, then they rode off ahead, disappearing into the thinning crowd. Nehekhi took a moment to gaze at the mudbrick houses and stalls lining the street. The way the common Kana trudged through the dust made him feel tense.

I had never noticed it before...but the houses, the stalls, the street, the Kana themselves...all of them look so drear, and almost hopeless...is it as it is with General T'uris?...is Djiu responsible for all of this...?

He turned to the few Kana remaining with him and instructed them to head off to the taverns as if seeking relief from the long ride, only bidding them to keep their ears open for any recent gossip. He did not trust them quite so closely as his lieutenant, yet knew they were reliable enough to do such a simple task without arousing suspicion. As they dispersed he sighed and glanced back at his Moru still riding behind him.

"When I get you all back home, I will immediately order your room refurnished with the softest, cleanest straw...and any of you who wish will be given showers in my own quarters. And you will eat so much you will grow sick from it."

The smiles which lit up the Moru's faces made him feel a little better, and he turned to face the bleak street again. He nodded now at the few passing Kana who bothered to say hello. Best not to antagonize anyone else around here, nowadays.

* * * * *

The Moru quarters were nearly abandoned, a few elderly and very young Moru being the only ones remaining there from the raid which now seemed like so long ago. They stood and crowded toward the door when the rest of Nehekhi's Moru began entering, and everyone began touching and murmuring to each other. Ki'amit handed herself over to two elderly females who looked over her injuries; Thi'usa and Tai'ihet immediately received their young son from Ikua, embracing him and mewing. Ameni turned away from the scene and sat down by the door, letting out his breath. He did not feel like going to any of them. For the moment, it seemed as if he were an outsider again, like he did not truly belong here. He wished for Nehekhi's company, but knew the master was currently busy. He wished for Djuta's, then reminded himself that the lieutenant was several days' journey away.

He may as well be half a world away. I shall never see him again.

This thought made his eyes sting. He rubbed his hand against them and sighed again. Although the Moru all around him were quietly rejoicing to see each other again, he had not felt quite so miserable in a while.

"Moru? You are all right?"

He looked up to see that the guard who had escorted them had yet to close the door, and was peering down at him with what looked to be concern. Ameni frowned. Surely things had changed here, when Kana guards were concerned about mere Moru. He nodded, so the guard turned away and closed the door behind him, leaving the room in dimness. Ameni leaned against the wall and resolved to keep watch over the room the rest of the night, as he had little else to do. The Moru quarters felt so small and foreign to him now.

He put a hand up to his neck to feel the collar that had been placed there again. Nehekhi had told them that they no longer needed to wear these if they did not wish to. Ameni hoped it was not because of the bruises that the spiked collars of the robbers had left on their necks. Thi'usa had refused the collar; although Ameni had not felt like wearing one either, the look he'd caught on Nehekhi's face had made him accept one. Thi'usa hadn't noticed the hurt expression in their master's eyes when he refused. He knew it was only the collar Thi'usa had been refusing, yet apparently Nehekhi had taken it a different way. Ameni would wear his until the time was right to take it off again.

He turned his head to look back at Thi'usa and Tai'ihet. They sat beside the wall, Thi'usa holding the tiny hands of their son and walking him along the floor in front of them as they softly laughed. In the corner, Ki'amit sat purring as the old women brushed her fur and smoothed her dress. They all seemed so happy here.

Then an odd thought crossed his mind. I do not even know if Lord Djuta has a family. I did not ever ask him about himself.

And now I will never see him again.

This thought brought a fresh stab of pain; Ameni shut his eyes and lowered his head to his knees, willing back the tears.

* * * * *

After instructing all of the Kana of his who had remained at the household during his visit to the East Tribe, a tedious process which seemed to take forever as every little delay irritated his nerves, Nehekhi finally retreated to his private quarters, shutting the door behind him and letting out his breath. None of the Moru had asked for a shower at the moment--he expected them to be too busy reacquainting themselves with their quarters, for the time being--and so he had the rooms to himself. He leaned against the door for a moment or two, gathering himself, then pushed himself away from it and walked into the room, pulling at his pectoral and tossing it carelessly on the bed. His girdle and kilt followed, and he removed his sandals and loincloth as he stepped into the squared area of the shower, picking up the large waterbowl. He shivered and bared his teeth as the cold water poured down over him, setting his fur on edge, but at least it helped clear his thoughts.

I must think up some story. Truly, hardly anything happened...at least little of a political nature...yet Djiu will find meaning in just about anything...have I let on in the least bit to my men what my relationship is with Lord Mahakhi? If they know this can I still trust them?

A knock came at his door. Nehekhi ground his teeth in irritation. "What?" he snapped, shaking the water from his head.

"Lord Nehekhi? I come on behalf of General Djiu--he's heard of your return, and wishes to speak with you..."

"Already?" Nehekhi muttered, wiping his hands across his eyes. "Come!" he yelled, and the lieutenant waiting outside stepped into the room just as he stepped out of his shower, still naked and dripping. The younger Kana's eyes grew round and his face went bright red; he started to turn away in obvious embarrassment.

"You'll turn your face away from a superior officer?" Nehekhi growled, making him turn back around meekly. Of course the lieutenant was only acting on orders from the general, but he needed to let off some steam on somebody. The flush in the Kana's cheeks gave him a small bit of satisfaction, and he picked up a linen and started drying himself off. "What exactly does General Djiu want with me? I only just got back, and have yet to even settle in. I have very little news for him as it is--I went, I retrieved my Moru, and I returned. That is all."

"Apologies, Lord, but Lord Djiu was very particular that you visit with him; he wishes to know of your interactions with the East Tribe, as you were functioning as an emissary on his behalf--"

"Emissary?" Nehekhi looked at the lieutenant in disbelief. "He truly used this word? Or do you make it up?"

"It was the exact word he used, Lord, I do not lie. He wishes to know what our standing is with the East Tribe, exactly, and--"

"Go on ahead and tell Lord Djiu I will speak with him as soon as I am properly presentable," Nehekhi said sharply. "It may be a few more moments, it may be an hour yet. I have yet to tend to my Moru's needs, as they were the reason I visited with the East Tribe, not as some 'emissary' on his behalf. You may also inform him that our standing with the East Tribe is none of my knowledge and none of my concern, though why he does not already know that is beyond me. And then when I am ready I will go and speak with him, though I doubt I will give him much more information than I have given you. You can remember all this, Lieutenant?"

The young Kana swallowed hard and nodded. "Y-yes, Lord...I believe so. I apologize for bothering you..." He slipped out the door without even a farewell, and Nehekhi heard his sandals clapping loud and fast against the tiles as he fled. He sighed, holding his pectoral in his hands and staring at the mirror.

"Did I truly say all of that? And tell him to say it...?" He lowered the pectoral and his head as well, rubbing at his eyes. "Gods, I might as well just ask to have my wings flayed...though that would hardly seem worse than anything else, by now." He put the pectoral away and dressed himself in a simple kilt and sandals instead, foregoing his sword and putting only a dagger in his belt. When he stepped out the door he saw Lieutenant Taka coming up the hall, and the other Kana waved.

"Lord, the Moru quarters are secure and everyone is settling in; there is anything else you wish me to do--?"

"Not at the moment. Simply tell the others I am going out for a bit, to clear this all up with Djiu." Taka made a face and Nehekhi nodded. "Yes, already he is upon my tail."

"With respect, Lord, a decent Kana at least allows his men a brief respite after a travail; not that you have ever been anything but decent."

"I realize about whom you speak, Taka; and I agree. But be careful who you say it to. You will look after the house while I am gone?"

"Of course, Lord. When you return dinner will be ready for you."

"I want you to also call the human to my quarters before I return. I may have some things to say to him when I arrive. Allow him to do as he wishes in my room until I come back."

"Yes, Lord."

His lieutenant saluted and turned away. Nehekhi shut his door and went in the opposite direction, trying to keep the darkness from his face.

* * * * *

He had intended to go straight to Djiu's household, simply to avoid any more potential trouble, but his stubborn streak won out and he paused at a tavern for a drink, sipping it as slowly as he could before heading on his way. He mentally berated himself as he walked a little more briskly--he was merely a captain, he had no place making a general wait--but a voice inside his head answered, Djiu has no place doing what he has done, either.

What had he done, that had not been his place...? If he expected to live much longer, Nehekhi had to stop questioning things.

Thankfully he didn't run into the poor lieutenant he had snapped at before; he would have to find the youth's name and buy him a beer at some later time. His step slowed again as he neared Djiu's quarters, and he pricked his ears. There were no odd sounds coming from the room and he sighed, walking ahead. Perhaps things had settled while he had been gone? Perhaps without Ameni about to constantly give Djiu ideas, those ideas had faded...

He nodded at the lieutenant guarding the door when he saluted and opened it for him to enter. Nehekhi stepped into the room and put his arm to his breast in a salute, then froze that way.

Djiu stood at the table, holding a mirror and adjusting his pectoral and lappets, fussing at them until they were perfect. Upon the bed at the other side of the room lay a human female, her body mottled black and blue, blood streaming from between her legs, and her head bent at an impossible angle.

Djiu flicked his hand at the lieutenant. "Get rid of that, will you?"

The lieutenant made a face as he turned away, obeying. Nehekhi stood silent and watched as he bent and gathered the female in his arms, her head swinging back and forth as he lifted her from the bed. She left a bloody stain behind her. When he turned to the side Nehekhi paled to see her vacant eyes staring at him, her mouth hanging open. Then the guard turned away and headed for the door, exiting into the hallway with his grisly burden. Djiu finished adjusting his jewelry and set down the mirror, turning to give Nehekhi a too-pleasant smile.

"So, you've finally returned. I trust it you found your Moru safe and sound?"

Nehekhi's throat worked but no sound came out. He would have simply stayed that way had not the voice in his head battered at him, reminding him who he was speaking to. He swallowed and finally spoke, surprised that his voice even worked at all.

"I...they were in the care of the East Tribe, Lord...safe but not entirely sound...though they are doing better now."

"This is good to hear. A Kana is nothing without his Moru." He put away the mirror and went over to his clothing chests, opening them up and poking around. "I must purchase some new kilts...I have hardly a thing to wear anymore..."

Nehekhi swallowed again, feeling the hot bite of bile far back in his throat. "If...if I may ask, Lord, who was this...female you just had escorted away...?"

"Hm?" Djiu glanced over his shoulder, then at the door. "Oh. Her? Merely nobody. I do not remember any of their names, if I even ask. Simply a diversion to pass the afternoon, is all."

"She looked hardly to be in her teens..."

"As I recall it she was about fourteen or fifteen, though yes, I admit she looked younger...quite interesting, is it not? They are so different looking from us, yet so similar as well." He turned and stood, holding up a pair of kilts. "Which one shall I wear...? I wore this one the day before yesterday, yet this one has gathered a bit of dust..."

"When did you..." Nehekhi trailed off, trying very hard to choose his words carefully. "When did you acquire her, Lord?"

"Hm? Oh. Last night. It was quite a stroke of luck. We did not even have to stage a village raid. She and her family, I take it they were, were passing by in the desert in a caravan...it's a pity her mother was not with her, and her grandmother was far too old to be appealing, though she does have a younger sister I may call upon at a later time...the first kilt it is, I do not wish to appear dusty." He put the second kilt away and started digging in a second chest. "I had meant to ask you, I heard that your little one lost her pup...this is true? How is she?"

"She...she is doing well, much better, Lord..."

"Ah, this is good to hear; do not worry, I'm certain she shall soon recover, unlike these human types." He stood again, looking over a girdle before shaking his head and putting it back. "No, the color doesn't match...and what of your human? Ameni? How is he? I realize you must have missed him most of all..."

Something sparked in Nehekhi's head, and he slid the dagger from its sheath, walking briskly across the room and jamming it in Djiu's back. At least that was what he saw happen in his head. It was so clear that he had to shake the image away to convince himself it had not really happened. Djiu still stood looking over his armor. Nehekhi took a breath and let it out. He took so long replying that the general glanced back at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Nehekhi-Kana...? Your human?"

"He...he is well, also, Lord." Nehekhi bit down anything else he might have felt like saying.

"Merely well? This is all?" Djiu set down the girdle he was holding and came toward him. Nehekhi stiffened and Djiu offered a knowing smile.

"Do not tell me you don't know what I'm talking about, 'Hekhi...you think I don't know what you see in that human? True, he is a male, and that I do not fully understand...but I will not judge you on that...I know you are a good Kana, nonetheless. But I do understand his type. Their smooth skin...their furry heads...their bare breasts? Or with yours, his bare shaft--? Not even a sheath to hold it in, no less! And their odd little faces? Such strange little mouths and noses and ears. But so appealing. She, I could have nibbled on her ears forever." His smile grew and he spoke in a confidential tone which made Nehekhi want to vomit. "And they feel just so interesting when they are against us, and we are within them, do they not...? I know you know what I speak of...such delicious little creatures...not very sturdy, but perhaps I should take a hint from you, and keep one about me for more than a night, as this tends to grow wasteful..."

Nehekhi took an abrupt step back, sucking in his breath. Djiu tilted his head and gave him a puzzled look. Nehekhi's breath came fast.

"Captain?" Djiu's expression changed just slightly, his eyelids lowering. "There is something wrong...?"

Nehekhi forced himself to take a breath and let it out slowly. He swallowed, commanding his hand to remain at his side rather than continue creeping toward his dagger. "With r-respect, Lord..." he said, clearing his throat. "I have only just returned, and have yet to settle my Moru in--you do seem to understand what I must be feeling..."

"Ahh." Djiu's smile returned, wider than before, and he nudged Nehekhi's arm. "I see! All my talk has gotten you all bothered, has it? Very well then--go and have some fun with your human. I shall be thinking about you the rest of the night." He laughed. "I am sorry to have detained you from such pressing business--I understand completely!"

Nehekhi saluted and when Djiu nodded he turned toward the door. He took a few steps toward it before slowing and stopping. He paused, then glanced over his shoulder.

"General Djiu..."

"Hm?" The other Kana had moved toward his bed and was now pulling off the sheets. "Positively ruined...I shall have to replace them yet again...yes, Nehekhi, what is it you want?"

Nehekhi had to swallow again. His throat had never felt so dry. "I...I feel perhaps I am asking a bit much, Lord, but..."

"But--? Go on, go ahead, ask what you will, I am in a good humor today. What do you need?"

"I...well, your comments had gotten me interested...and I was wondering if you might be so generous as to...perhaps let me play a bit with your other female, this night." As he spoke he had to force the words to come out neutral, his face to remain straight. Djiu frowned and he started speaking hastily. "All of your talk about them, Lord, just piqued my curiosity...I have never been with a human female before...and though I realize she is yours, and it is not my place to ask for her, still you can easily acquire more, and I had thought she would be an interesting addition to Ameni..."

Djiu suddenly burst into laughter, startling him. "Why did you not simply say this?" he exclaimed. "Of course! I will have her brought to your household immediately. She is a pretty little thing and I am sure you will enjoy her! And Ameni, as well! Perhaps he will be even more adventurous with one of his own kind to keep him company tonight, eh?"

Another swallow. Nehekhi saluted. "I had hoped the presence of another human might convince him of a few new tricks, Lord..."

"Very well! You go on your way and she will be there immediately. I wish you an excellent night, Captain! Though I doubt I will see you any time early tomorrow morning!" He started laughing again as Nehekhi left the room, his legs shaking and his hands cold. As he went out the door he heard Djiu call out to him one last time.

"Do you know, Nehekhi, I was actually beginning to have my doubts about you--? I had thought you were actually in opposition to this little pastime of mine! I am glad you came to visit me today. To think I had any worries about you! You are truly a good Kana, Captain."

And you are truly a sick bastard, General, Nehekhi thought, but as with the dagger that was all he did, was think it; before his feet carried him quickly away from that place.

* * * * *

Djiu was true to his word, at least; Nehekhi had to stop at the tavern for another drink just to brace himself and steady his shaken nerves, but by the time he reached his doorstep he found the general's lieutenant awaiting him with a young girl in tow. Nehekhi barely glanced at her--she looked to be all of ten or eleven years old, if that--before taking her arm, thanking and excusing the lieutenant, and entering his household. He walked so quickly that the girl had to jog just to keep up, and the few times he glanced down at her he saw that her lip was quivering and her eyes were welling up. He did not speak to her once as they made their way to his quarters, although by then she had started sniffling aloud. He grated his teeth and excused his guards--they gave him an odd look before retreating--and pushed open his door. Ameni was within, sitting on the bed; he rose as soon as Nehekhi entered, a surprised look on his face. The Kana shut the door and immediately let go of the girl's arm, pushing her forward into the room. She stumbled to a halt between the two of them, then stopped there, hugging herself and sniffling.

Ameni blinked at her, then looked at Nehekhi again, brow furrowed.

"Look at her!" Nehekhi leaned against the door and waved at the girl. "I am not good with these things. Ask her her name and age!"

Ameni blinked again, seeming even more confused by his master's strange behavior, but obeyed. He spoke to the girl in their own tongue; she lifted her head to meet his eyes, and said something in return. Ameni turned to Nehekhi.

"She says her name is Merit, and she is eleven years of age."

"Eleven. Apparently I am better at these things than I thought." Nehekhi pushed himself away from the door, coming toward her. Merit whimpered and cowered in on herself, but all he did was gesture at her again.

"Do you know where I found her? I did not have to find her. Djiu delivered her straight to me. I just saw him dispose of her elder sister. With her flesh the color of lapis and her head dangling off her shoulders like a twisted stem!" Ameni winced but he continued speaking, going to the side of the room to pick up a jar of beer. "She was but three or four years older than this one," he said as he opened the jar and started pouring. "The latest in a string of them, going back gods know how far. Do you know I was just congratulated, Ameni-human? For my ability to satisfy myself with one mere human, whereas I could easily be disposed toward a new one every single night!" He downed the cup of beer in one swallow and wiped his hand across his mouth, then turned back to look at them. Ameni still stood beside the bed, staring at him; Merit peered at him as well, rubbing at her eyes. Nehekhi waved at her, making her cringe again.

"He had plans to busy himself with her tonight. I told him I was interested instead, and he had her delivered."

"Lord..." Ameni stepped away from the bed, holding out his hand.

"He thinks that right now the two of us are busy with her. That we will be occupied the rest of the night, and I will wear the two of you down."


Nehekhi picked up the second cup he had filled with beer and downed it as well, wiping his mouth and letting the clay vessel clatter to the floor. He scowled. "I wonder if he expects to retrieve her with a snapped neck, just like her sister."

"Lord." Ameni grasped his arm, having reached him, and the feel of the human's fingers digging into him made him cut himself off and take a breath. Ameni met his eyes, his brow still furrowed.

"Lord, even if she does not speak your tongue, she still senses what you are saying. Please lower your voice! And these words! What in the Duat has happened? Why are you acting like this?"

Nehekhi let out his breath and shut his eyes. He put his hand over Ameni's, felt the human take his and clasp his fingers. "I have...just seen too much, is all," he said after a while. "Tonight was actually the least of it...but a mere twig may be all it takes to break a wall, if that wall has been weakened enough..."

"This is about Lord Djiu's females, is it not? This is bothering you now?"

"It has bothered me always, Ameni-human, I was just too cowardly to ever say anything against it. I have been hiding behind my lappets too long to bother."

"As I remember you have spoken of it before, Lord, with me; have you forgotten? Do you not remember what I told you then?"

"Aye, I remember, and a damned difficult time I'm having of it, holding my tongue." His muzzle wrinkled. "I have never wished to use my dagger more...nor have I felt it was ever more deserving. His back is far too smooth--it would do well with some holes in it."

Ameni flinched and gripped his arm again. "Nehekhi-Master, remember what I said. Patience! I heard what you told your lieutenant earlier, and this is a good start. But it has to be a slow one. You cannot endanger yourself, even for a human."

"I put myself in danger for you, Ameni-mate, did I not? But nothing nearly so grave as this, it's true." He sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "Gods, but I have grown so sick of this tribe. It is not just Djiu anymore, even if he is the only guilty party--I can sense it in the air, in the streets, in the very buildings. Even home does not feel quite the same. There is a taint everywhere." He sighed once more and dropped his hand. "I fail to see how you can stress such patience, Ameni-mate, when we are slaughtering your own kind to pacify a passing whim--how you can urge restraint, when the Kana are doing such things to your kind."

"I am Moru," Ameni said, and he said it with such a serious face that Nehekhi had to stare at him. He squeezed his master's hand. "Rest on it, please, Lord? Your mind will be clearer in the morning--trust me."

Nehekhi looked at the floor, his eyes weary. "I just cannot stop thinking of all those females I have not bothered helping."

Ameni tilted his head up and gestured toward the middle of the room. "You have helped one."

Nehekhi glanced at Merit. She still stood as he'd left her, still sniffling but her tears fewer. He felt a pain in his heart, looking at her. Ameni let go of his arm.

"There is a cot in the corner; I will bring it out. I'll tell her she may sleep in here tonight, and that you will not bother her, and then you will decide what to do in the morning...if this is acceptable, Lord?"

Nehekhi paused before nodding wearily. "Do this...and give her something to eat and drink, as well. I am tired; I am going to lie down now."

Ameni nodded, already tending to the girl. Nehekhi turned his back on them and retreated to his bed; as he settled himself down he saw the anxious look on Merit's face, but was slightly placated to see it replaced by relief and childish eagerness when Ameni must have mentioned the food. They both went over to the food table, where he started gathering a plate of figs and bread for her to eat, her little hands reaching up for it as she stood on tiptoe, her earlier fear seemingly forgotten for now.

For now. At least she is not entirely alone, for now; Ameni-human may handle this without me. I would merely get in his way, this time...

With one final sigh, Nehekhi rolled over onto his side, burrowing his head into the pillows and willing himself to sleep.

* * * * *

The tavern was suitably dim, so Nehekhi's lieutenants could sit in the back corner practically unnoticed. The tavernkeeper was a friend of theirs and so drinks came quickly and often without the need for them to yell for more. Lieutenant Taka even made a point of ordering drinks to be delivered anonymously to a particularly loud group seated near the middle of the room, a group which just got louder when the beer was passed out.

He took a sip and nodded at the raucous group. "Like stupid geese, they are. Honking their brains out."

"At least they are not entirely useless," a second lieutenant said in an amused voice. "We have made a bet on which one will be the first to vomit. I am guessing it will be that fat sergeant there. He just looks ripe for puking!"

Taka rolled his eyes. "Just keep listening to what they are saying, not what they might be spraying." This earned him a chorus of laughter from the rest of Nehekhi's men. "We have more important things to do than place bets on whose bile rises first. Look, already they're talking again and I'm missing it! Hush up, all of you!"

They quieted, keeping up only enough of a murmur so as to keep suspicion away from themselves. The group in the middle of the room continued chattering cheerfully, and the sergeant even lifted his cup skyward, yelling, "Thanks to whoever for the drinks! You are truly brothers, whoever you are! I would offer you a Moru if I had one, but all the best ones were taken away!"

There were a few laughs, but another at the table slapped his arm back down with a scowl. "Quiet, fool! One day you must truly learn to shut your damned mouth. You'd think you would have learned already."

"Ah," the sergeant said, tipping back his head and downing his drink. "You are the fool, to let that keep getting to you. Grow up and move on as I say! It was just some unpleasantness; at least we got off with our wings intact, hey?" He held up his empty cup and clanked it against the few that were offered. "Which is pretty light, compared to those other two!"

"It's a good day to not be a lieutenant!" another sergeant guffawed. "They are the ones who get it worst. I wonder if their bones are still bleaching in the desert!"

Whatever else might have been said was drowned out by laughter. Taka frowned and glanced slightly at the second lieutenant, who met his eyes with the same tense look, before looking back at the noisy group.

"I thought we were here to listen in on anything about you know who," he murmured from the side of his mouth. "Why do I get the feeling this is not who they're talking about?"

"Quiet and keep listening. Whatever this is, I do not like the sound of it. When the barkeep comes, order them another round of beers. Perhaps that will be enough to trip their tongues a bit more."

The others obeyed, and true enough when the second round arrived the group crowed even more loudly than before. "Did I not tell you?" the sergeant cried, holding up his cup again with an unsteady arm. "The gods MUST be smiling on us! To spare us and then to grant us all this drink! I told you all we needed to do was lie low for a bit, and things would be fine!"

"They will kick us out of here soon enough," someone else groused. "Their general is being an ass, so I've heard..."

"Pssh, do not worry about that right now. We will leave before then and simply move on elsewhere. Though I will regret leaving this particular tavern!"

"It is always good to have friends in many places," the second sergeant affirmed, raising his cup. "I do not think I will go back to the East Tribe for a long time! Good riddance!"

"Good riddance!" a few others chorused, and their cups clanked.

Taka's frown grew. "East Tribe...?" He nudged the second lieutenant. "Were they present, when we were there? I do not recognize their faces, and I thought I observed pretty well..."

The second lieutenant shook his head. "They were not with Lord Mahakhi's household, at least. And I never saw them set foot in any of the taverns, as hard as that is to believe."

A glance at the others proved they did not recognize the rowdy group either. They fell silent and continued listening with growing unease.

"You are just unhappy because you did not get the young pretty one," another one of the Kana was saying to a comrade. "I told you when we saw her she would go to the lieutenant! He always got first pick."

"First to die, as well!" another said; more laughter.

"If I ever come across any of those four dogs of Mahakhi's anywhere when they are alone, I will slit their throats myself," somebody muttered. "The two who killed the lieutenants were bad enough, but the two who flushed us all out were the worst! Lapdogs! Panting and drooling! I hope they roast in the Duat!"

"With the lieutenant!" Loud crowing, then another raising of glasses. "Served him right for keeping the pretty one from us. Just because she was with pup did not make her so special!"

"And what was with that Moru and that human? What sort of pairing was that...?"

The drunken chattering and laughter faded in Taka's ears. Everything in the room seemed to grow dark and hazy, except for his view of the noisy table. He stared at them so hard their image started to waver, and it was only when he felt something cutting into his palm that he even noticed he was grasping the pommel of his sword so tightly that his fingers hurt. The lieutenant beside him glanced at him with wide eyes, breaking the haze.

"Brother!" he whispered urgently. "They are talking about--"

"I know." Taka nodded, not taking his eyes off the crowd. The others with him stared at them as well, their expressions ranging from disbelief to growing rage. He stood abruptly so they looked up at him, then rose themselves.

"Brother," the second lieutenant said, "we were supposed to listen for gossip..."

"I rather think this has superseded that order," Taka grated, silencing him. He had to force himself not to draw his sword right then and there, and gestured at the men with him. "Take the back exit to the alley. They might recognize us. I will tell the barkeep to keep an eye on them and tell us where they have gone. I do not think they will attempt riding out of the city in this soggy state."

"And what if they do flee again?" the second lieutenant challenged.

"Simple." Taka turned to the back door and strode forward, pushing it open with his hand. "We do what Mahakhi's men failed to do. Hunt them down and kill every last one."

* * * * *

Nehekhi managed to keep hold of Merit for three days, before telling Ameni that it was about time Djiu was starting to grow suspicious. "What will you do with her...?" Ameni dared to ask, knowing it wasn't his place to do so; he was confused that the Kana didn't answer him, but instead simply left with the girl in tow. She cast Ameni an anxious look as they went. Nehekhi returned alone a few hours later and it was a while before Ameni could bring himself to ask what had become of her, not certain if he wanted to know.

Nehekhi sat down in his chair and shut his eyes, rubbing at them with a sigh. "There is a butcher who lives in the southeast corner of the city..."

Ameni's face paled. "Lord--!"

Nehekhi actually gave him an irritated look. "Peace, for gods' sakes, human! You think so little of me? He is an old friend of mine and I can trust him. He does not like what Djiu has been up to either. He knew a way to get her out of the city and set her on the way to the nearest human settlement."

"But Lord, that is so far away for such a young girl to travel alone! How will she survive--?"

"He will accompany her partway. Of course he must leave her before any others spot him, but she should be able to handle the rest of the walk on her own. Trust me, Ameni-mate, it is much better than what she would have faced here."

Ameni let out his breath. "I hope she is well," he murmured.

Nehekhi noticed the tone of his voice and peered at him, then stood and went to join him on the edge of the bed. He took Ameni's hand and held it upon his knee in silence for a moment.

"Ameni, tell me truthfully. Are you lonely here?"

Ameni blinked and looked up at him with a frown. "What do you mean?"

"Just as I said. I realize I do not spend as much time with you as I used to, what with all of this dreadful mess going on, and I wonder if it ever wears on you that you are alone here."

"But I'm not alone, Lord. There is Thi'usa to keep me company, and Tai'ihet and the others."

"No, no; this was not what I meant. I meant, are you lonely here without your own people? Others like you?"

Ameni fell silent. His conversations with Lieutenant Djuta back among the East Tribe flowed into his head, but he suppressed them and looked down at the bed.

"Of course not, Lord. I'm Moru now."

Nehekhi's mouth twitched. "Your lips may say the words until your head actually believes them, but even I know this will never be the truth. Yes, you are Moru in title, but you will never truly be Moru." When Ameni lifted his head with a hurt look he squeezed his hand. "You know what I mean, Ameni-mate. Just look at Thi'usa-Moru and then look at yourself; and then can you say truthfully that you two are the same? Anyway this was not what I was speaking of. I saw how you acted with the little one. You seemed so much happier while she was here. As if she gave you something worthwhile to do. Do you feel useless here, Ameni-mate? Without common company? I hate the thought that all this time I have been starving you of what might keep you alive and happy. A human should not be without other humans."

"I am happy here, Lord; as happy as you are, that is. Lord Djiu's...activities...worry me, but I have not a thing against being among the Moru. I had no ties to sever back in my own village, you know this."

"Absence of ties does not mean absence of fondness. I know how I felt when I was lost in the desert without the hope of seeing another Kana again."

"We are merely different in this, Lord. I assure you I'm all right."

Nehekhi didn't seem to believe him, but sighed and looked away anyway. Ameni squeezed his hand now, feeling guilty. He hadn't noticed it until the Kana had brought it up, but it was true; Merit's presence had cheered him somewhat, taken his mind off of recent events, and had made him feel useful. No others in the tribe could have cared for her as well as he had, because of the mere fact that he was human. It didn't mean he wished to leave this place, however. At least, he didn't think it did. Looking back on his life in the northern village, though, made him hesitate a moment or two, before he shoved the memories from his mind. They were as useless now as his memories of Djuta; it was one more thing he would never see again, so there was no need to think of it further.

"And so what shall you tell Lord Djiu?" he finally asked, just to break the silence. Nehekhi's ear flicked and he added, "To explain what happened to his plaything."

"I will tell him she died as I was busy with her." Ameni flinched but Nehekhi only shrugged. "Since I feel it is the only explanation he will accept in good cheer. The disgusting brute."

"I hate the thought that you may gain a reputation as poor as his, Lord..."

"Eh, things can hardly grow any worse here than they already have; by now I do not even care about my reputation anymore. My own men are all that matters, and as long as they know..."

A knock came at the door, making both of them glance toward it. "I told none to disturb me," Nehekhi said with a frown. He let go of Ameni's hand and Ameni slipped it back into his lap as the Kana rose. "What?" he called aloud.

"Lord, I bring some important news. I do not think it should wait," a muffled voice replied.

Nehekhi sighed. He cast a glance at Ameni before walking across the room to open the door, nodding at his lieutenant, who saluted in return. "Yes, yes," he said impatiently, and waved him in. "Come on. I haven't all night." He shut the door behind the other Kana and went to fetch a jug of beer. "You've heard something in the taverns, Lieutenant...?"

"A few days ago, Lord, but we wished to gather more information before alerting you. It is...rather unpleasant."

Nehekhi made a face. "I knew this already. But what I've seen already of Djiu can hardly get any more unpleasant."

Lieutenant Taka's ear flicked. "Actually, Lord, this news does not concern Lord Djiu..."

The captain turned around to look at his lieutenant, his frown growing. "And so what have you been spending your time doing out there...?" he asked in a voice which left little room for argument. Taka flushed and saluted again.

"When we were listening for news on Lord Djiu we happened to overhear a rough bunch of Kana in the tavern...they were quite drunk and their tongues were quite loose."

"If this is not about Djiu, I do not think I care to hear it, Lieutenant."

"Actually, Lord, I know you will not," Taka said, making him pause. "But you would ask to hear it anyway."

Nehekhi stared at him for a while. "Speak, then, before I begin to doubt you even more."

"Lord, the discussion they were having in the tavern made reference to time spent with the East Tribe. From the sound of it I know they were not welcome guests there."

"So--? Many others have spent time with the East Tribe. I do not see how this concerns me. Perhaps you had best just be blunt and get to the point?"

The lieutenant nodded. "From the way they spoke, Lord, it was obvious they were speaking of an encounter with Lord Mahakhi's lieutenants, which did not go well for two of their number; the rest of them were let loose after some time, with the warning never to return to the East Tribe nor to pester the Red Tribe, yet from the looks of it they are slow to understand this, or else very foolish." As he spoke, Nehekhi's face grew darker and darker, yet he did not interrupt. "They were speaking quite loudly about the fun they had had before being attacked by Lord Mahakhi's men. They mentioned also a young female with pup, and a human Moru..."

"Cease, Lieutenant." Nehekhi's voice was coarse like granite, making the other Kana fall silent. "I do not know if I wish to hear the rest of this."

"With respect, Lord, I believe it's best that you do. For I ordered these Kana followed for the past few days, to discover any more news of them. They are in fact a wandering band of robbers and swindlers known by several of the neighboring tribes. They do not settle in one place for long. They make their living upon stealing and selling the goods of others, including Moru, and so far have remained uncaught, except for their meeting with the East Tribe. Lord Mahakhi ordered only the leaders killed and the rest spared for he could not hope to deal with the fallout if all were slaughtered unexplained. They have ties to Kana within the different tribes and this is how they manage to escape unscathed; General T'uris was a known benefactor who often overlooked their doings, and there are several among our neighbors who are also known to keep watch out for them."

"I do not know if I wish to hear this, Lieutenant," Nehekhi said again.

"We carefully questioned some of our own and discovered at least three ties to them within the Red Tribe, Lord. One is an old Sha-trader living not far from the gate; it did not take too much convincing for him to inform us of the others involved. A second is one of General Djiu's own lieutenants, though we have no reason to believe Lord Djiu himself has knowledge of what happened. It was this lieutenant who coordinated the plans to get the Moru out of the city unnoticed, through the Sha-trader's house. As he is one of Djiu's men he is untouchable to us at the moment. The third..."

"Lieutenant." Nehekhi and Taka met each other's eyes and the younger Kana paused.

"I do not believe I wish to know," Nehekhi said.

Taka held his stare. "The third is one of General Djiu's captains," he finally said. Nehekhi shut his eyes and turned his head away. "The old Sha-trader confirmed that the one behind the raid was Captain Siktu."

Nehekhi said nothing. Ameni still sat on the bed in silence, though the look on his face showed he hadn't known these details himself. The lieutenant stood for a while staring at Nehekhi's back before speaking again.

"Lord, we will follow your orders no matter what you command."

Nehekhi's ear twitched. "And what does this mean?" he asked in a sullen voice.

"Just as I say, Lord. The lieutenant serves Lord Djiu directly and lives within his household, yet Captain Siktu does not. He has many enemies within the tribe. If he were to meet some unfortunate fate..."

"Do not speak further of this, Lieutenant." Nehekhi's voice came out sharp now, making the lieutenant pause. He glared over his shoulder, nostrils flaring. Taka faltered but then drew himself up again with a look that bordered on a scowl.

"Permission to speak freely!"

"Granted. But only as far as I am concerned. Otherwise you will watch your tongue."

Taka frowned. "You do not wish revenge upon this dog--?"

"You really believe this?" Nehekhi finally turned around, his eyes blazing and his teeth bared. "I would like nothing more than to tear his eyes out of his face and shred the leather of his wings! Yet what good will that do either of us at this point in time, Lieutenant? It will only draw attention to us just when we need it least. Siktu may not live with Djiu but he is still one of his top men. Doing what you suggest would not be in our best interests."

"With respect, Lord, do best interests truly matter so much anymore?" Taka challenged. "When there is one who is willing to arrange the kidnap and assault of another's Moru just for some grudge? He stepped far over the line of Kana law when he ordered your household invaded. Killing him would be justified!"

"Enough!" Nehekhi snapped. "I have had more than enough trouble with everyone. I will hardly stand by and let you take the blame for my oversights! You and my men will not do a thing to avenge my Moru! This is my business alone!"

The two Kana appeared to have completely forgotten that Ameni was still present, his gaze shifting from one to the other. He remained silent, his eyes wide, taking in what they were saying, his fingers clutching the sheets.

Nehekhi started to turn away now just as the lieutenant finally allowed himself a scowl. He crossed his arm to his breast in a salute which drew the captain's attention, making him halt and turn back with a perplexed look.

"Then grant me and my men permission to avenge ourselves!" Taka said, standing stiffly at attention.

Nehekhi's brow furrowed. "What--?"

"With respect, Lord--when your household was invaded, you were not the only one who was dishonored. My men and I all suffered a great indignity when we failed to prevent the attack. We were just as humiliated and dishonored as you were. Therefore we have just as much right to seek vengeance as you do." He saluted again. "Permission to avenge ourselves, Lord!"

Nehekhi's eyes grew dark. "You know already that according to Kana custom I can hardly refuse you this right! So what you think you're going to accomplish by asking me is beyond my understanding!"

"I realize you cannot refuse our request, Lord, yet I still ask your permission."

Nehekhi scowled this time. "I do not grant it!" he growled. "Yet I cannot refuse it either!"

A third salute. Taka kept his face neutral. "If and when the fallout should arrive, Lord, then you realize you are not responsible for what may happen to us." He turned on one heel and strode for the door, disappearing outside and closing it behind him. Silence filled the room for a brief moment or two, before Nehekhi turned back to the other side of the room, his lip curled back and his wings flaring.

Ameni sat forward on the bed, uncertain what to say, if anything. He ended up cringing and putting his arms over his head when Nehekhi let out a bellow and swept at the small food table he kept nearby, sending it crashing into the wall. Ameni cowered fearfully as the Kana swung out at everything within reach, destroying every box, stand, and jar he came into contact with, roaring the entire time. The outburst lasted only a few seconds, but when it was over still Ameni sat shaking, a swath of obliterated wood and enamel surrounding Nehekhi. The captain stood panting, his claws crooked and his arms lined with small cuts; his wings flared and lowered again, and he stared at the ring of destruction he'd wrought.

Then he took a deep breath and let it out, his wings and arms lowering.

Ameni stayed perfectly still. Nehekhi lifted a hand to rub his eyes, suddenly seeming very tired, and looked again at the wrecked wood. He glanced up at Ameni and his expression changed to one of shame. Ameni cringed again when Nehekhi reached him, though all the Kana did was put his arms around him.

"I am sorry, Ameni-mate...I shouldn't have done that...you know I would not hurt you..."

Ameni clung to his arm to let him know it was all right, even if he couldn't stop shivering. He had never seen Nehekhi act so violently before, not even when they were in the desert together; to see it now was disconcerting. "I...I understand," he managed to mumble, and Nehekhi hugged him tighter.

"I am just so tired of all of this...power struggles...politics...others putting their noses where they do not belong! Siktu and I have never been friends, whatsoever; he has always despised me, for whatever reason. By now I do not even know why. I know he hated me long before you came. And I did not mind that he detested me so, for I could just as easily detest him right back. It did not matter. But...to take it out upon my Moru...my own Moru...you who have done not a thing in the world to him! You who would not even know his name if he did not always cause me such grief! If he had come after me, it would have been tolerable; but to go after all of you...in such a way...while I was gone, no less...to not even show the decency of fighting my guards, to not even show the decency of doing so himself!...he sends mere dogs to do his work under cover of stealth!...I have never felt such rage before!"

Ameni winced. As he spoke, Nehekhi's claws had dug deeper into his shoulders so his grip now hurt, yet he said nothing. He felt a dampness now, and was surprised to realize Nehekhi must be crying. He could hardly breathe, for how tightly he was being held.

"If he had come to my doorstep and called me a Moru himself, I would not nearly have cared so much," he murmured, "yet he does something as despicable as this...even if I do not deserve his hatred, you and Thi'usa and Ki'amit and the rest deserve it even less...a girl...a mere girl! To know that he knew, and he ORDERED this!" Ameni gasped when Nehekhi let go of him, covering his ears with a grimace when the Kana bellowed at the canopy, his teeth glinting and his hackles rising. "He knew she was with pup! He ordered my guards disabled! Defenseless! DUNG-EATING DOG!"

Ameni grasped his arm in a desperate attempt to calm him down. Nehekhi lowered his head and his bellow died off in a pathetic whimper, but his chest still hitched and he wiped tears away from his eyes.

"It was not even my pup," he moaned. "Yet I feel as deeply as if it were. Poorest Thi'usa and Ki'amit! Tai'ihet and Hiakh and Kiakh! And you! Thi'usa-mate is afraid of touching them now, and gods know how they are feeling...they may very well have no more pups ever again..."

Ameni grasped his arm harder. "Lord...I do not believe this is true."

Nehekhi managed to lift his head and look at him, though his face was aggrieved. He snuffled and wiped at his eyes again.

"What do you speak of, Ameni-mate...?"

"Thi'usa...it is true, he is having some trouble...but Ki'amit and Tai'ihet, they are stronger than you believe. Trust me."

"Stronger...? They it was who were treated worst of all, Ameni-mate, and have the greatest reason to mourn. I do not belittle your pain, but Ki'amit was with her first child, and Tai'ihet may very well have no more as it is. With what those dogs did, it may very well be this way for both of them."

"I cannot say that they will have pups in the future, Lord, but they still might. Trust me."

Nehekhi snuffled again, still wiping his eyes. His brow furrowed. "What makes you so certain of this, Ameni-human...?"

Ameni averted his eyes, trying to think of a way to explain what he had seen happen in Captain Mahakhi's quarters back at the East Tribe. "It...is rather difficult, Lord. But you must believe me."

Now Nehekhi frowned. "What do you speak of?" he said again, and Ameni hesitated, knowing he had to give some sort of answer, but not certain what kind. "Ameni-mate," the Kana said, catching his attention. "Please tell me what you are speaking of. If you think it will get you in trouble, then it will not. But I wish to know what you mean."

"It...is not I who may get in trouble." Ameni paused, then went on when Nehekhi continued staring at him. "Among the East Tribe...shortly before we left. I managed to have Tai'ihet and Ki'amit brought to Lord Mahakhi's quarters, as they requested it...there was some trickery involved...but you need not hear of all that." Nehekhi's look of confusion grew, but he didn't interrupt. "I...er...through some mistake managed to overhear their intent. Tai'ihet and Ki'amit...managed to convince Lord Mahakhi of their desire to have children, and..."

He trailed off, rubbing at his neck, not knowing how to finish. Nehekhi only continued staring at him with a perplexed look, then understanding dawned in his eyes. They widened and he opened his mouth as if to speak, then shut it and blinked in seeming surprise. His brow furrowed again.

"Tai'ihet and Ki'amit?" he asked, in what sounded to be disbelief.

Ameni nodded. He peered at Nehekhi as the Kana continued staring into space and blinking. "I cannot believe Tai'ihet and Ki'amit would do such a thing," Nehekhi murmured, but Ameni could tell he was more stunned than anything. He shrugged.

"I was surprised myself, Lord...yet they were quite insistent...and...well, with how long they were preoccupied, I rather believe there is a strong chance they may have pups yet." His ears burned, but he knew it had to be said.

Now he found himself to be the subject of Nehekhi's scrutiny. "You watched the ENTIRE thing?" he asked, at which Ameni's entire face burned. Nehekhi's eyes widened again, then the corners of his mouth turned up and he started laughing aloud.

"Ameni-mate! I do not know which of the three of you is worst! The tricky females who would talk a Kana captain into doing their bidding, or the tricky human who would watch them at it!"

Ameni had to avert his eyes, but he smiled nonetheless. "I had thought you might be angry about it," he confessed. Nehekhi only continued laughing and hugged him again.

"Angry? I do not see why. Mahakhi is a good friend of mine. Would that someone like him were in charge here, many things would be better. Tai'ihet and Ki'amit are wise! They do not even know him, yet they chose as well as I would have hoped...silly females...I should have loved to see the look on his face..."

"I saw it," Ameni admitted. "And yes, it was just as much as you would have expected."

This brought about a fresh round of laughter, and he was grateful that at least for now his master's troubles seemed to have been forgotten.

* * * * *

Days passed, and little changed in the Red Tribe, though in the absence of any exciting occurrences many emotions settled down. For a while Nehekhi kept a close eye on his men, yet they seemed to be up to nothing more than scouting the taverns, both for gossip on Djiu and, he assumed, on the robber Kana, but they did not act on this information. As time went by he found himself wondering why they did not, as Lieutenant Taka had been so insistent on revenge...did they merely bide their time, as he'd asked them to? He found this difficult to believe, but it was the only explanation he could think of.

He did not see Captain Siktu very often at all, which was for the best, except for the rare occasions when they passed within sight of each other on the street. The hatred and rage that boiled up inside of him then was so great that he began to excuse himself from General Djiu's meetings. At any other time he knew the general would have refused his requests outright, yet it seemed that since the incident with little Merit he was more openminded toward his inferior, and Nehekhi was able to escape most of the meetings without rebuke. He knew he could not stand in the same room with Siktu and hope to hold his temper. He hated that he felt relieved that Djiu's obsession, and the general's belief that Nehekhi shared that same obsession, allowed him such a freedom. Nothing good should have come of the general's madness, yet he didn't know how else he would have handled it.

He continued checking on his Moru, whose recovery was better than he could have hoped, aside from poor Thi'usa, who seemed to have only gotten worse. According to Ameni, he sought out only male company now, usually the human's, while Tai'ihet and Ki'amit were left to themselves. He was so absorbed in his own sorrow that he did not appear to notice when Ameni asked on the females' behalf that they be allowed to see the physician. Nehekhi waited outside while they were both examined, and the looks on their faces--and the little sprouted seedlings they presented to him a day later--told him everything. Even the most ignorant Apsiu knew what effect the urine of a pregnant female had on planted seeds. He made sure to hug them both and give them his congratulations before sending them back to the Moru quarters, the two women giggling the entire way. At least one thing appeared to have gone well lately.

After a time even Djiu's activities seemed to settle down somewhat, as Taka reported that the general had captured several females from a distant settlement and appeared to be satisfied with their performances, for now. Nehekhi knew it would not last long, but he dared to sigh with relief that at least it had slowed down. He wondered aloud what about these particular females was so special, at which his lieutenant said wryly, "Well for starters, Lord, they are all of a brothel-house...and so they know many odd techniques the old bat has never even heard of before. And for a second thing, the eldest of them seems quite willing to serve a Kana, while one of the younger ones seems to enjoy the different things he inflicts...and so I imagine he will be busy with them for a while, at least until they run out of things to teach him..."

Nehekhi waved off the rest of the story, not certain he could stomach it. Well, at least a reprieve was a reprieve, no matter how distasteful.

He only wished he did not feel the need to worry so much about when it would end.

And for some reason, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it for a time, he would often find himself staring out the window or the balcony toward the north, and feeling a strange heaviness in his heart. He did not belong here. None of his men or Moru did. But the Red Tribe was where he had lived a good part of his life, and no matter how dismal it had become he was too reluctant to leave it.

Exactly when had living among his tribe become such a burden?

* * * * *

Life in the Moru quarters continued much unchanged, as well, but for two things.

Ameni knew Thi'usa did not know. He had barely touched Ki'amit and Tai'ihet since...what had happened to them all. It still pained him to think of it, to think of the pain all of them had gone through. He knew Thi'usa had mated at least one of them, at least once, but the rest of the time he spent to himself. When he needed release, he pleasured himself in secret, or else would slip in beside Ameni at night, and Ameni would pleasure him, discreetly. Just the other night Thi'usa had lain beside him, eyes shut and whimpering softly, as Ameni had stroked him. These were the only ways he could satisfy himself.

Ki'amit and Tai'ihet, for their part, kept themselves disguised. They abandoned their tight-fitting dresses for looser, coarser clothing, so their advancing state was not as noticeable. The other Moru were beginning to realize, however, staring at them as they went by. Thi'usa was too wrapped up in his own woes to see. Which was why one day, when the two women gave Ameni a meaningful look, he nodded silently to let them know he understood. Women had their needs, as well, and Thi'usa had been ignoring theirs long enough.

When Thi'usa joined him that night, Ameni gently pushed his hand away as it felt about at his kilt. Thi'usa drew his head back, eyes hurt.

"What...what have I done, Ameni-mate, to make you turn me away--?"

"You have done nothing to me, sweet Thi'usa, yet you have neglected your true mates." Ameni nodded in the direction where the two females slept. "They long for you nightly, yet you never join them."

Thi'usa flushed and averted his eyes. "How...how can they long for me? After what has happened...?"

"Take a look, Thi'usa...you long for me, do you not? As I've longed for you, for ages." The Moru flushed harder. "I will not deny this, Thi'usa. When you come to me, I've so longed to feel you inside me, to feel myself inside you. I've refrained only because I know how you feel, the distance you need. Yet now you are pushing everyone away when you need them most."

"I...I push no one away..."

"Then go to them. Be with your women. They miss you deeply."

"But Ki'amit..."

"Ki'amit is fine. Have you even looked at her recently? Already she has grown much stronger. Tai'ihet, as well. She came to me the other night, asked for hakh'tua. She felt wrong asking for nesakh'ai when you would not grant it to her. I had to satisfy her instead."

Thi'usa looked mortified. "She--she did not wish to--to betray me with you?"

Ameni nodded, then nudged him. "Go. It is obvious you have needs. You've had them for a long time. Do not be ashamed by this, we all have them. Your mates especially. Be with them."

"But you--"

"I will be fine." He smiled, and pressed his hand against his kilt. "I was thinking of some ahi'akhta, myself. Now please, remember how happy you claimed you would be once you got back here? Think about that, and go to them. Make them happy!"

Thi'usa hesitated before leaning forward to lightly kiss him, then rising to his feet. He made his way to them uncertainly in the dark. Ameni had not lied about ahi'akhta. If the three did enjoy one another, he intended to watch. He knew Thi'usa would not mind terribly. He also wished to see what Thi'usa's reaction would be once he finally got a good look at the two females. He was only surprised he hadn't noticed them earlier.

He saw the Moru find his way in the dark to the two reclining females. He stooped down on his haunches and gently shook one. She lifted her head--it looked to be Ki'amit--and Ameni saw Thi'usa place his hand against his crotch. The female nodded willingly, and pushed herself up. A moment later a third shape sat up--Tai'ihet?--and rose as well. Thi'usa led them to the far side of the room, to a dim corner where they could enjoy a tiny bit of privacy away from the others. Ameni watched them.

Firstly Ki'amit worked at the straps on her dress and let it fall. Thi'usa's head jerked back when he saw her naked, and Ameni saw his eyes widen. Tai'ihet dropped her dress to the floor as well, and the Moru's look only grew more astonished.

Ameni smiled. There could be no denying what Thi'usa's surprise was about.

* * * * *

In the corner, Thi'usa gaped at his two mates. When Ki'amit had lost her dress, he could not believe his eyes. When Tai'ihet did the same, he almost felt his heart stopping. They both smiled at him and gently folded their arms, Tai'ihet's below her breasts, Ki'amit's behind her back. Both of them sported swollen, distended bellies, their breasts likewise heavy and full. He knew they had not looked like this before.

"What...what is happening with you, dear mates...?" he whispered, confused.

Ki'amit giggled. She stepped forward and looped her arm about his, smiling up at him shyly and speaking in Moru.

"Do you like us better this way, dear Thi'usa?"

Tai'ihet stepped forward now, taking his other arm. Her smile was not as coy, but knowing. "Silly one, you should recognize us," she chided. "You have done this to us, once before."

Thi'usa blinked furiously. "I--you--you are--?"

Another giggle from the younger Moru. She cupped her hands to her belly and swayed from side to side.

"Another one, a young pup for you, beloved!"

Tai'ihet placed her hand to her abdomen and caressed it. "And one from me, as well."

"But--but--" Thi'usa couldn't stop stammering, his bewilderment was so great. "But I hardly--only once, I--"

"This is all it takes, is it not, sweet one?" Tai'ihet pecked his cheek. "Remember how it was with you and Ki'amit--hardly you were with her before she was with child!"

"Ki--Ki'amit, perhaps," Thi'usa cried. "Even after--even after what they did to her. Perhaps she could bear me a pup. But what of you? We have tried so many times, you and I, and you could not carry after our last--I had thought it might be the end of your eggs!"

The Moru gave a small shrug. "Perhaps then we merely thought wrongly, mate. For my egg has surely grown within me now, and I surely carry your child beneath my breast."

"And I as well!" Ki'amit piped.

Thi'usa could only stare at both of them in turn, blinking and opening and shutting his mouth wordlessly.

Tai'ihet caressed his shoulder and her lips met his neck. "Come now, mate...I well remember...how you were toward me, when I was heavy with your pup...and how you were toward Ki'amit, when she too carried your seed...you desired us both greatly, but would not touch us, until we told you this was fine."

"It is still fine, especially now!" Ki'amit added with a bright smile.

"Please, dear one...we have not been together in so very long...please, satisfy us, and we shall satisfy you, most pleasurably."

"Yes, yes! Hakh'tua, nesakh'ai! Whichever you would like! Let us please you, mate!"

The two Moru took his arms, brought him down to the ground. As they sank into the straw Thi'usa felt his head begin to spin. Within moments the females' hands were all upon him, caressing, touching, stroking, lips meeting his face. He opened his eyes in a haze to see Tai'ihet on hands and knees, coming forward and over him. Her breasts swung fat and pendulous over him. He moaned softly and reached out, his hands landing upon the mass of her belly. He began to stroke her warm fur, feeling her tense against him. The two women smiled as they moved over him.

Thi'usa dropped his head back and moaned aloud.

* * * * *

Ameni lay back in his own area, smiling at the proceedings. He'd noticed Thi'usa's shock on seeing the unexpected state of his females--their milk-heavy breasts, their bellies filled with pups...but judging from the sound Thi'usa let out as they lay back in the straw, not to mention the way Thi'usa's penis emerged and hardened swiftly when one of the women touched his sheath...he was definitely excited, and pleased as well. Ameni lifted the front flap of his kilt and untied his loincloth. He cupped gently under his testicles and slowly worked his hand up, testing his readiness.

In the corner the three Moru writhed against each other, kissing and biting. Their hands wouldn't stop moving. Thi'usa's leg latched over Ki'amit's possessively, drawing her down to him, and the young girl giggled. He whispered something in her ear and her giggling grew louder.

"Of course, sweet one! That for you, anything!"

Tai'ihet murmured something to her mate and he seemed to grit his teeth, hips jerking upward. A tiny squirt sprayed from the tip of his penis. Ameni had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at his friend's great excitement. He doubted he'd have to remind his friend not to abstain for so long in the future. Tai'ihet responded to her mate's arousal by leaning down to flick her tongue over him, and he finally abandoned restraint.

He sat up, gently pushing Ki'amit to the side. When he rose upon his knees the young girl turned and laid herself flat upon the floor, on her belly. She spread her legs widely and clutched at the straw, panting.

Thi'usa brought himself up and straddled her. Tai'ihet followed suit, only, being most flexible, she placed her feet upon his shoulders, balancing herself over Ki'amit, and drew herself closer with her toes until his nose was buried within her. She let out a sigh. Ki'amit wriggled and Thi'usa positioned himself. His shaft buried deeply inside her and she squealed, causing him to start.

"Have I hurt you, sweet one--?" he managed to murmur around his mouthful.

Ki'amit whimpered. "N-no, of course not, beloved! This is merely a cry of joy. Please, bring to me more joy, and more!"

"Yes, mate," Tai'ihet whispered huskily, her thighs trembling. "Please...be our master...pleasure us."

Thi'usa could only obey. His two mates gasped and sighed as he began to move, clutching one of Ki'amit's hips in one hand, one of Tai'ihet's thighs in the other. They created a most unusual spectacle in such a position, and Ameni greatly liked watching them; he hadn't even known such an act was possible. He gently rubbed his fingers up and down his length.

After a moment someone nudged his shoulder. He glanced up and smiled at Hiakh, who gave him a curious look and then nodded at the occupied parties. "Ameni-human--is that who I think it is?" he asked in Moru.

Ameni nodded. "Yes. They finally convinced him. I think he is more aroused, this way."

"And so they are with child? Both of them?" Hiakh clucked his tongue. "The lucky Moru! How he does this, I have no idea...it is as if the gods favor him or something...if you'll excuse me..." He turned and crept away, and Ameni heard a muffled laugh. He glanced behind him to see Hiakh crawl back to the bed he shared with his brother. Kiakh laughed and held his arms out, and Hiakh murmured something and pressed down against him. After several moments their motions made it clear that they were coupling, Hiakh pressing between his brother's open legs while the other Moru moaned deliriously. He blinked once or twice; he'd known the two enjoyed nesakh'ai with others, but not alone, together, such as this. He supposed it could merely be the situation. Thi'usa was groaning loudly by now, and a few of the other Moru made little disguise of wandering off to darkened corners or else mating right where they lay.

Ameni sighed and turned back to watch them. Thi'usa pushed deeply and groaned, his head moving back away from Tai'ihet's vulva. Tai'ihet tightened and whimpered; Thi'usa quickly bent to lick her juices away, a delicacy, Ameni knew from experience. Meanwhile Ki'amit whined and arched as well when her mate drove himself into her to the hilt. The three of them quivered, locked together in their shared moment of orgasm. When it had finally passed, they sank down into the straw, panting hard and untangling.

Another nudge to the arm. Ameni opened drooping eyes to look up. Now both Hiakh and Kiakh knelt beside him, their faces flushed. He hadn't even heard them come, he'd been so preoccupied. Kiakh's eyes drifted toward Ameni's penis, thrusting hard and glistening into the air, his fingers wrapped around it.

They barely even had to speak.


"Do you think...?"

Ameni smiled. "Of course...of course...come, let us now..."

He welcomed them with open arms. The two brothers beamed down at him. He loved this part, the tangle of their limbs and the insistent pushing of their hips as they attempted to find the most enticing position. He vaguely remembered how he'd once been afraid of them, when he had first come to the Moru quarters of Nehekhi...yet that had been ages ago and a world away, and things were much different, especially now.

Ameni dropped his head back, finding himself pressed to the ground with Hiakh on top of him, and Kiakh gently easing himself in his mouth, his tongue lolling over his teeth in a happy grin. Thi'usa stood now, leaning back against the wall with legs widespread, and clutched Tai'ihet to him. Her own legs were propped upon the partition behind him and his hands supported her buttocks. He nuzzled at her neck, and her breasts, as his hips quivered, rapidly, his tiny pushes impaling her like spasms. His fingers clenched her tighter with each one. Ki'amit knelt behind Tai'ihet, her muzzle poking between the older female's buttocks; Tai'ihet's own head fell back, and even through his haze Ameni could tell she greatly enjoyed the attentions she was receiving. Her round belly heaved against her hungrily nuzzling mate.

"Yes...dearest Thi'usa-mate..." she panted thickly.

"When I am done," Thi'usa grunted, quivering, "then I shall so take you, sweet little Ki'amit...and then perhaps both of you shall mouth me, and I shall mouth both of you...we will not let this night go to waste...we have much catching up to do...before you have grown so heavy with my pups, I shall not be able to take you again, until afterward..."

"Do...do not fret, dear mate!" Ki'amit murmured, her fingers stroking Tai'ihet's leg. "We shall allow you to take us, no matter how heavy we are--"

"You shall have to stop us from coming to you!" Tai'ihet gasped. "I expect...I expect that we shall be begging for your services...even as we are heaving with labor!"

The females giggled and Thi'usa gave a gruffing laugh. He groaned and grasped Tai'ihet harder, gritting his teeth. "Yes--and perhaps I shall not be able to turn either of you away! Oh! Tai'ihet! I come into you! I come!"

"Oh, Thi'usa-mate! Ki'amit-Moru! Nuzzle me! Harder, deeper!"

"Of course, Tai'ihet-mate--hurry, dear Thi'usa, push deeper, now--!"

"I come, my sweet mate!"

Ameni arched and gasped. He had not even witnessed the last of the conversation. He was too absorbed in the feel of Hiakh within him, his hips grinding, the taste of Kiakh within his throat. The man and the two Apsiu writhed and contorted in a frenzy of lust and need, while Thi'usa, bellowing his climax at the air, proved to his beloved mates just how magnificent a Moru he truly was.


"Part 14: Humanity

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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