Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512956-Part-12--Trickery
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512956
The time comes to leave the East Tribe, and odd farewells are given...
DISCLAIMER: Nonconsensual scene(s).
Underage character(s) involved.

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 12 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THIS HUMAN FEMALE had been much more resilient than the rest that General Djiu had sampled so far. For the most part, he grew bored with each one after several hours of nesakh'ai, and at least one had even expired in the process; weak thing. Most of them ended up shaking and whimpering in fear, and while there was nothing wrong with fear, there was everything wrong with a cowering female who was too afraid to even give hakh'tua properly. Another one of them had met her end when she'd gotten a little careless with her teeth; the guards had entered silently to carry her body out while Djiu still stormed about his room in a rage. The rest of them were as wispy and cowardly as those he had already tossed aside.

The one curled up beside him at the moment was the exception. The first few hours spent with her had been nothing special, and he had had to slap her a few times to even get her to act excited enough for him. What was the point if the female didn't seem to be enjoying it in the least? After what seemed like forever he had finally come, and gotten his sword from beside the bed, resolved to either beat her with its broadside and send her back to the Moru quarters, or cut off her head and just be done with it. Except, when he'd turned back, he'd been surprised to see her kneeling and looking at him. She still shook, tears still streaming from her eyes, but she'd offered a quavery smile and had crept forward on the bed. That night Djiu received the most sublime hakh'tua he'd had in a long while, and the buzz it left in his head was enough to convince him to let her live at least until the morning.

The sunlight was beginning to stream through into his room by now, yet he didn't feel like rising. He lay upon his back with a soft breeze blowing upon the gauzy drapes of the bed; he took a deep breath, smelling the combined scents of the night before, and was more than a little pleased with how strong his own musk still was. He might have been slightly past his prime, according to Apsiu standards, but he was still a strong Kana.

He glanced at the female curled up with her back to him. He didn't know her name or age, but didn't much care. She was nubile, she had firm breasts and smooth skin, and she hadn't bitten him, so that was good enough for now. Djiu pushed himself up so he sat back against the pillows and stared out at the river and the palm trees vanishing into the distance.

His men had been giving him bothersome news lately. Apparently, some had taken offense with his latest orders for raids upon the humans. Including some of those he had considered closest to him. Not long ago Captain Nehekhi and several of his men had left the tribe--to seek out the Kana's missing Moru, he knew, yet still he felt a twinge of doubt. Captain Siktu had been telling him of Nehekhi's uncertain loyalties, although he had refused to consider them...until now. Nehekhi had been headed in the direction of the East Tribe, which had just recently visited them...and Djiu had not considered the visit important enough to attend. From what he'd heard, however, Nehekhi had spoken with the other tribe instead, although it was not his place to do so...and now he had gone to visit them. To get his Moru--Djiu told himself this again. But Nehekhi had once served the East Tribe, and his old commander still lived there...

Djiu chewed on the inside of his mouth. He disliked the suspicions that were beginning to creep up inside him--Nehekhi had always been loyal to him, had even not spoken up so far in condemnation of his raids on the humans despite his ownership of a human male--why should he doubt him? He was only gone to retrieve his stolen Moru if possible; it was the same thing anyone in the same situation would do. Djiu himself would have gone along, had not he been busy with his own things...

He looked at the human female again and lazily ran a claw down her back. She gasped and her head popped up; she glanced over her shoulder and seemed to remember where she was as soon as she saw him. Her dark, unruly hair fell in her face in a way he found appealing and he smiled at her. She offered a tentative smile in return, though he could see how she just barely trembled. It didn't matter.

He pushed himself up further and pulled the sheets aside to bare his legs, yawning and stretching his wings. The female sat up slowly, drawing her own legs in toward herself though he couldn't resist running a claw up one of them as well; she shivered when he did so, but didn't pull away. Djiu continued smiling at her and patted at his lap.

"Should we start this morning off properly? Hm? Is your mouth as tender as it was last night, or would you prefer other things?"

She glanced down at his lap, then up at his face again. Her brow furrowed in confusion; she spoke, and for the first time Djiu realized he couldn't understand a word she said. He blinked in surprise, then frowned. Apparently she saw the expression, for she quickly rolled over and slid toward him, putting on a too-bright smile and reaching her hand for his lap. Her fingers brushed against his kilt and he looked up at her face just in time to see her lick her lips. She said the same gibberish she'd spoken a moment before, then licked her lips again and rubbed her hand against him.

Djiu blinked. "Hakh'tua," he said aloud. She stared at him, so he put his hand over hers and, though it made him feel ridiculous, licked his lips as well. "Hakh'tua!" he said again. "That is what we call it!"

"Hakh'tua," the female said, slowly and a bit clumsily, not getting the exact pronunciation right. Still, it was progress. Djiu nodded, then reached his hand between her legs to tweak at her opening. She gasped and closed her thighs instinctively, her face flushing. Djiu shifted his hips in a simulation of coupling.

"Nesakh'ai," he intoned.

She swallowed. "Nesakh'ai."

In response to this he took her hand and slipped it beneath his kilt, running it up and down his sheath. Her face went even redder and he felt her fingers curl as if she wanted to pull away, but she allowed him. "Ahi'akhta," he said, and she echoed this as well.


Djiu's muzzle wrinkled. "Mm. You slur the sounds all together. But I suppose it'll do." He stretched his wings again. "And so what would you prefer? You were passing good at hakh'tua, at least last night."

"Hakh'tua," she said again.

"Though now I have to wonder if you are any better at nesakh'ai or anything else, as well."

"Nesakh'ai?" He could tell now from the look on her face that she was neither agreeing with him nor suggesting activities of her own; rather she was merely echoing what he himself was saying, unable to put the newly learned words into context. Djiu let out an irritated sigh and sat back, pushing aside the front flap of his kilt to bare himself. She glanced at him, then went red and averted her eyes. He waved his hand impatiently, rubbing at himself so he could grow hard as she came toward him.

"Hakh'tua, hakh'tua then...gods. If I had only known how much trouble you would be once you started to talk." He shifted his hips a bit to make himself more comfortable when she leaned over his lap, placing her leg over his and bending down to take him in her mouth. Djiu sighed and closed his eyes, letting the human set the pace before placing his hand upon the back of her head and guiding her. He liked the feel of her hair between his fingers, and trailed his claws through it as she sucked.

"Mmm...well, at least you do not use your teeth, like your friend did." He sighed again and leaned his head back against the pillows. "I should enjoy this much more, if my mind were not so heavy...damn my own men for giving me too much to worry about once I am starting to truly enjoy myself. As if seeking out a pleasant diversion should weigh so heavily upon them anyway. What harm do I do them by passing my time with your sort? As if you serve any better purpose..." He shivered and murmured, slowly moving his hips; her tongue swirled around him.

"I would not be quite so bothered," he continued, a line of worry forming in the middle of his forehead, "if I knew exactly which ones I could trust. I had always thought I could trust Lord Nehekhi, but lately...he has been distracted...I had assumed it was merely that human of his...I do not see the favor one would find in another male, though now I certainly see the appeal of your kind...but he has been evasive lately. He spoke..." he gasped and shivered again "...spoke with the East Tribe, without my consent...this is not like him...and Siktu, he has always been by my side, but lately...lately I have sensed this feeling from him..."

He gasped yet again, and reached down to grasp the female's head. She looked up at him but didn't take him from her mouth; he could tell by her expression that she wasn't certain what he wanted. Djiu crooked a finger under her jaw and gently pressed upward, so her mouth slipped from around him, leaving him gleaming and quivering in the air. She discreetly wiped at her lips with a puzzled look; the Kana hadn't come yet. Djiu sat up and gestured at his side.

"Come now, let's see if your nesakh'ai is any better," he said breathlessly. He noticed the slight flinch that passed over her face on hearing the word, yet she offered no argument, simply turned about and placed herself on hands and knees without being instructed. Djiu felt a thrill of pleasure, and pushed himself up onto his knees, approaching her.

"You do not go into all those dramatics like your friends did, either; perhaps you are a useful little human-Moru after all. Look at this, you know exactly how we Kana prefer it." He ran a finger down the curve of her spine, feeling her shiver; he leaned down to lightly flick his tongue behind her ear in a soft kiss, hearing her gasp, before moving behind her to position himself.

"When we are done, if you do well here too, I will think of giving you a treat. This is so much easier without me having to hit you to obey. As much as I have to do that I do not like it. Mates are always best when they comply on their own. I will have to teach you a few more things...as in a few more choice words for things we shall have to try together...yet so far you seem able enough to hold your own." He clutched her hips and grunted; she gasped loudly when he pushed into her. Her nesakh'ai had been nothing special last night, but as he was already hard and close to completion, he supposed he could be a little more lenient this morning.

"Mmh," he murmured, "you are a little tight." He reached down to pinch between her legs, where he pushed into her; she gasped yet again and he lightly slapped her buttock. "Tight! Tight! Loosen yourself up!" He didn't know if she had understood or not, but she seemed to obey; he felt her muscles relax just slightly as she let out a shaky breath, and found his thrusting made easier. With a satisfied sigh he gripped her waist and pushed in rhythm, devouring the sight of her smooth skin and sinewy muscles before him.

"I believe I will resolve," he panted, "to keep my own ears further open from now--from now on. Damn Siktu's words and damn Nehekhi's--Nehekhi's indifference. If I am to survive as general of this--of this tribe then I must fend for myself. I will no longer be able to--to trust anyone but myself. This is the only way." He grunted and picked up his pace, ignoring the female's short cry. "They may think--they may think I am old--that I am senile--but I am still in my prime--I am still their general. They dare not speak up against me! I am he who made them who they are! I am General Djiu, of the Kana!" He slid his hands up to grip the female's shoulders and she cried out again when his claws dug into her skin. "I am General Djiu of the Kana!"

He leaned over her and grasped her nape in his teeth. He heard her suck in her breath and hiss in pain, and bumped his hips against her all the faster, grunting heatedly. "They will think twice...before they try to deal with me," he rasped, and raked his claws down her breasts, enjoying the way she shook and whimpered beneath him. "I am General Djiu of the Kana!" He bit her nape. "General Djiu of the Kana!"

"G...G..." The human female stuttered, shaking and moving with his hard thrusts, yet managed to form the sound of the words on her tongue. "G...Gen...eral...Dj...Djiu of the...K...Kana..."

Djiu gave a guttural growl of power and pleasure. "That's right," he rumbled under his breath. "General Djiu of the Kana. None speak out against me." He let go of her nape to grab her hips again, spine upright, and began plunging himself at her so hard she screamed. His wings flapped at the air, his mad bellow bouncing off the walls.

"General Djiu of the Kana! General Djiu of the KANA!"

The female grimaced and bared her teeth, fingers digging into the bedding and body tightening and shaking wildly. "G-G-General Dj-Djiu of the K-Kana!" she cried.

"Kana!" Djiu roared. "KANA!" And with a hot gush he bellowed and came, loosing his seed inside the female; she cried out once more but he hardly heard it over the blood rushing in his ears. It must have been only a moment, but it felt like his climax went on for ages. He bared his teeth in a feral grin, head thrown back and lappets swinging, as he poured himself forth; his plan was a good one. Trust no one, except himself. Not even Nehekhi, not even Siktu. It had gotten him by fine enough in the past, and it could get him by now. All he needed to do was rely upon himself, and he would be fine.

"General Djiu of the Kana," he rasped, as the last of his seed left him and he pulled himself out of the female, letting her sink to the bed as he turned himself over and did the same. They both collapsed sweating and panting in the sheets, she upon her belly, he upon his back, and as he tried to catch his breath he thought once more over what he'd just decided. Yes, it was a good idea. Nobody was trustworthy enough in these times. Only himself.

"Only rely upon yourself," he panted, reaching out and touching the female's face. She opened her eyes to look at him, panting herself from exhaustion. He trailed his claws through her damp hair, brushing it back from her face. It was beautiful, in such contrast against her smooth skin.

"Only trust yourself," he murmured again. "No other. This is the only way one may truly survive."

"General Djiu of the Kana," she whispered huskily. He smiled and caressed her face.

"You may call me Master Djiu. Master Djiu. This is what a Moru calls her master."

"Master Djiu," she echoed, and it delighted him so much that he smiled even more widely, running his hand up and down her long neck. She smiled in return and laid her head down upon the pillows, even reaching out her own hand to lightly touch his leg.

"You are a good Moru," Djiu murmured. "I will give you your treat after all. You have earned it." When her eyes drifted shut, he didn't even bother waking her up to send her back to the Moru quarters, instead letting her ease into sleep. He swung his legs out of the bed, feeling rejuvenated, and set about bathing himself in the corner and dressing himself in his best armor. He straightened out his lappets before the small handheld mirror and smiled at her reflection behind him.

"Sweet little creature." He approached the bed, leaning down to kiss her on the cheek; she smiled slightly in her sleep and snuggled into the bed with a sigh. Djiu picked up his sword and tested its sharpness against his finger, then slid it into its scabbard at his side. He smiled at his female once more and blew her a kiss.

"I will wait until you are thoroughly rested before I kill you. You may not understand, but you have heard too much; yet you've earned yourself a little treat, pretty one. Sleep well."

She merely continued smiling in her sleep. Djiu left her in his bed and departed from his rooms with a noticeable spring in his step.

* * * * *

Nehekhi sat in one of the courtyards of Mahakhi's household, staring at the sunlight glinting off the pool. He had spent all morning seeing to his Moru, checking their injuries and speaking with them and making certain they were all right. Ki'amit he felt sorriest for, for the brutal manner in which she had lost her pup, but she seemed to be in brighter spirits than he would have expected. He suspected Tai'ihet to be responsible; ever since he had acquired Ki'amit, the older female had taken her under her wing, and the two were nearly inseparable. Ameni and Thi'usa and the rest seemed to have held up just as well, though it pained him to see their bruises and sleep-deprived eyes. As such he found he actually had to take leave of them for a while else all of his emotions threatened to flood to the surface and erupt, and he knew that was the last thing his Moru needed to see right now. He felt calmer here in the courtyard, but a sense of gloom and sadness also enveloped him. He wasn't certain why. Something did not feel right.

He heard footsteps come from the household behind him, then a voice: "Lord. I found him."

Nehekhi didn't bother turning his head. Another pair of footsteps joined the first, and he heard a dismissal, then one grew closer as the other walked away. A shadow crossed the bench he sat upon.

"Nehekhi-Brother," Mahakhi said in a slightly surprised-sounding voice. "You've been here all afternoon?"

Nehekhi continued staring at the water. "I apologize that I stepped out," he said quietly.

Mahakhi grunted. "Nonsense." He sat down next to Nehekhi and the two of them stared at the pool together; the big captain took a breath and let it out. "I should come here more often myself, if I only had the time."

Nehekhi looked down at his hands resting in his lap. "I should still be with my Moru, yet I find it difficult to even speak with them now. Everything seems strange. No matter what I find to speak about, it never seems appropriate. I am afraid of saying the wrong thing around them."

"I do not think you can ever say the wrong thing, Brother. But I believe I know what you mean. Do you remember that raid we went on, when you were still but a lieutenant? Upon that settlement of humans to the east? Three of our best were killed that day; and though everyone tried to speak praisingly of the event as befits the Kana, the taverns were oddly quiet for a while afterwards. That was one time when the beer did not flow nearly so freely as usual." His nostrils flared. "It has been a long while since we've been on a proper raid," he murmured.

Nehekhi lifted his head. "This is what has been bothering me. Lord T'uris." He looked back toward the household. "I have not spoken with Lord T'uris yet. He does not even know I am here, does he? I will be negligent if I don't go announce myself..."

"I advise against it, for now," Mahakhi said, surprising him. He gave the big Kana a puzzled look and Mahakhi waved dismissively at the air. "He is...not in the greeting mood, lately. Perhaps at a better time."

Nehekhi allowed his muscles to relax, but frowned. "I sense things have not been well with the general."

Mahakhi snorted. "This is putting it simply. As I said, we have not raided in at least a good six or seven months now, at least. We are lucky to have such good stores of food, but luck only lasts so long. He shows no interest in acquiring more goods. The men are getting edgy but he does not notice. He spends all day with his nose buried in those scrolls of his."


"Aye, human scrolls, if you can believe that. That is the only thing he raids for anymore, it seems. Hardly worth a decent soldier's time, and not nearly enough to get the blood going. It is a wonder we have not all killed each other off out of frustration by now. As hideous and inexcusable as that attack by those robber dogs was, I think it gave the men a good excuse to swing their swords for a change."

Nehekhi stared down at the pavement. "So you are not the only ones with your troubles."

Mahakhi cocked an ear and tilted his head. "Eh...? Your own general, as well?"

Nehekhi nodded slowly.

"What's up with him? Djiu, was his name? He seemed decent enough the last time I saw him, though that was dreadfully long ago and he was not even a general then..."

"I think perhaps it would have been best had he stayed not a general...it seems to have gone to his head. His head, as for it...something in it is not right. I believe he is going mad."

"Mad?" Mahakhi seemed intrigued now. "Does he go raiding for scrolls, too...?"

"It is much worse than that...and I cannot help but think it is my fault." Nehekhi fiddled absently with the edge of his kilt. "Ever since I brought back Ameni from the sandstorm, he has shown this...obsession...with humans. He has taken to raiding their settlements, but not for goods. For slaves themselves. Female slaves."

Mahakhi's brow furrowed.

"It is exactly as it sounds, and worse," Nehekhi said in response to the look. "It would not be so bad, even if it were simply one or two...yet he goes through them as if they are jugs of cheap beer...disposes of them when he is done with them...some of them more broken than others. At least one of them, I have never spotted again. It is this insatiable appetite he has. When he gets bored with one, immediately he must have another...and if there is no other then there must be a raid. Men, boys, the old, they are all slaughtered. The women and girls, they are brought back well and alive...but they are not well for long, and as for alive, I do not know how long that lasts, either..."

"Gods," Mahakhi muttered. "He does sound mad...has no one thought to do anything? To say something to him?"

"None that I know of so far, except for this mongrel named Siktu...he is one of Djiu's favored men and even he cannot seem to get a word through to him. He too blames it on me. Who can say? He seemed normal enough, until I brought back Ameni-human..."

"Such a one as this never starts out normal. There is always a seed of oddness in them somewhere; simply seeing Ameni might have been enough to make it sprout and grow. This does not mean it was your fault." Mahakhi's frown grew. "From the sound of it, Brother, we are both having adequate troubles with our generals...times are not easy for the Red Tribe and the East Tribe."

Nehekhi sighed. "I am actually somewhat relieved to be here, for a while. I do not know what state things will be in when I return...and I do not want to know. Not yet, at least. I must thank you yet again for allowing us to stay here for a time. It may be a bit before I feel we can return to that place."

"Stay as long as you may need, Brother. In fact I think your Moru have grown to like this place as well." He said it in a jovial enough voice, so Nehekhi knew it was meant as a joke; still it bothered him a bit. He hadn't considered the difficulty his Moru might face leaving here; this made his own departure feel as if it would be all the harder. He said nothing about this; what Mahakhi had told him about old T'uris was enough to keep his mind preoccupied.

I do not understand it. T'uris was always exacting, and sometimes a bit foolish, but never so negligent...and Djiu was always so attentive, and courageous, and levelheaded...yet now, it sounds as if their minds are slipping away...they neglect their troops...disregard their men...and entertain odd fancies...it is as if they are two halves of the same fruit. What has happened? If Djiu was not my fault, then how does one explain it...?

"Perhaps one day T'uris's logic will simply flutter out the window like a bird," Mahakhi muttered aloud, drawing Nehekhi out of his thoughts. "Then perhaps he can be shepherded off to join those robber pets of his...they deserve one another, with how he coddled those vermin for so long. They even killed one of his own; it still did not matter. It is up to us sometimes to make it matter." He stood up before Nehekhi could ask him what the comment meant, and stretched his wings. "Take care, Brother; I have some duties to attend to. Perhaps you can join me in the taverns tonight. T'uris is so lost in his own world that I gave some of the men permission to stage a small raid nearby...I assume you will not wish to participate, but some beer afterwards could do you good."

Nehekhi managed a small smile. "I will greatly consider it, Brother. Come ask me again in the evening and I may join you."

Mahakhi nodded and turned to walk away. Nehekhi watched him until he disappeared into the hallway, then started to turn back to the pool before a flicker of movement caught his eye. Pretending to be interested in the plants standing beside him, he watched from the corner of his eye as a shadowy shape dressed in blue lappets stepped out from behind a column and vanished into the building.

* * * * *

"Brother! You have to hear this!"

Ahai'ikh halted in his patrol of the grounds and turned to peer back at Nehef, who was jogging toward him. He waited until the other lieutenant was practically upon him to flare his nostrils and glance away disdainfully.

"Where have you been all day? Leaving me here to walk the property by myself?"

"Eh...?" Nehef frowned at him in confusion. "Why would you wish to do that? Why not just step out for a bit if you're so inclined?"

"Because you seem to have forgotten our punishment." When Nehef still looked blank Ahai'ikh scowled. "Remember? For not being clear with Lord T'uris? We are practically grounded here for the week. Guard duty! Where did your head go? Because it's certainly not on your shoulders!"

"Ohhh," Nehef groaned. "I had forgotten! Forgive me, Brother. I wouldn't have just left you here, truly..."

"Well you'd best have some interesting gossip to tide us over until evening, else I'll crack your skull. My own skull is cracking from sheer boredom."

"Well, this should patch it back together." Nehef took Ahai'ikh's arm and led him along, whispering excitedly. "You will not believe the conversation I overheard between Lord Mahakhi and Nehekhi!"

"Overheard?" Ahai'ikh pulled his arm free. "Or eavesdropped?"

"You are too upright! No wonder your skull is cracked! I simply stopped by to speak with a few of our brothers and meant to come right back, when I heard them talking in the courtyard...all right? It is not as if I sought them out..."

"You still stood and listened in," Ahai'ikh said, but he nudged Nehef in the ribs. "Go on and spit it out! What did they discuss? What was so interesting that you had to run here just to tell me about it?"

"Apparently the East Tribe is not the only one having...eh..." Nehef looked around them before finishing, "...problems in general."

Ahai'ikh rolled his eyes. "Be careful, Brother, else someone might be clever enough to figure you out!"

"Stop joking. I mean it. Nehekhi told Lord Mahakhi some story about his own general...it was not a pretty one. Apparently General Djiu is even looser in the head than is T'--"

He coughed when Ahai'ikh nudged him hard in the ribs. "Enough names!" he hissed. "I get the point. Move on!"

Nehef rubbed at his bruised middle. "From what I could tell he has this preference for dragging back human females from raids and...er...having 'fun' with them, until they collapse or expire, whichever comes first." Ahai'ikh shuddered and made a face. "That is exactly what I was thinking, Brother. Lord Nehekhi, at least he has only one human he passes time with, and apparently treats him well...but this sounds nothing the same...and even his own men disagree with it."

Ahai'ikh's ears pricked. "You're certain? He said so?"

The other Kana nodded. "Even one of his own top men, too. A lot of them seem to be rather unhappy with things."

Ahai'ikh stared thoughtfully at the floor as they walked. "Interesting..." He lifted his head. "But I fail to see what this has to do with us, if anything. Aside from being a juicy piece of gossip."

"Think about it," Nehef stressed in a low voice, grasping his friend's wrist again. "A man unhappy with his general...speaking with another man unhappy with his general...put them together, and one or the other tends to...well, let us just say, get thoughts in his head."

Ahai'ikh halted now and pressed his hand against Nehef's muzzle. "Hush! Do you even know what you're suggesting--?"

"Of course I do. Not that I'm suggesting anything," Nehef retorted, pulling Ahai'ikh's hand away. "I don't feel I even have to suggest, by now. I checked the food stores shortly before I came here, and they are running dangerously low. No one even knows, for T'uris keeps the information to himself. We should have been rationing months ago if we wished to survive much longer without a good raid."

Ahai'ikh's brow furrowed in worry. "The food is running so low...? You are certain?"

"I would not lie about such a thing, Brother. This has gone beyond a bit of mere silliness in the head, to endangerment of the entire tribe. Speak with Hiath'ikh. He knows. He himself has not been eating properly for the past few weeks. As if it will matter in the end!"

Ahai'ikh sighed and sat down beside a column, even though they were still on duty. Nehef joined him and managed to hold his silence until Ahai'ikh spoke again.

"And so what do we do? Lord Mahakhi and Lord Nehekhi are not hotheads. You know they would never consent to such a plan on their own."

"Never? I do not think you realize just how desperate everyone has been getting. I have spoken with almost all of T'uris's top men, Brother, and I will be damned if I can find more than half a dozen who still serve him faithfully. And even they have their doubts about his policies."

"Fool! What are you doing talking to them like that? Have you no idea what trouble you're getting yourself into--?"

Nehef waved his hand. "Hush, get over it, will you? I said I spoke with them. I did not say I conspired or plotted! But you would be surprised what I've heard through gossip. I heard there is only one captain remaining of the grand tribunal who does not feel T'uris has gone mad."

"Only one...?" Ahai'ikh lifted his head to stare at the other Kana.

Nehef nodded, eyes bright. "Only one! Do you know what that means? It is practically a cinch, Brother. All that's needed is a little convincing of the right people. You and I know all the right people. The two most important just passed their time speaking with each other mere moments ago, in fact."

Ahai'ikh looked down at the tiles. "I do not know...it is easy to be deceived, Brother. T'uris can have spies anywhere."

"Do you really think he would have any left by now? When their bellies are going to go as empty as anyone else's?" Nehef stood up and leaned on his sword. "I will tell you what, Brother. You and I will round up some of our comrades and show them to the food stores. If that does not convince them, then nothing will."

"What of the shortage of desirable Moru?" Ahai'ikh suggested, also standing up. "Surely that would have some effect on them, don't you think...?"

Nehef laughed. "Food and nesakh'ai. Of course! These and fighting are the three things a Kana thinks about most! See, Brother? Already you're thinking. We need raids to acquire decent Moru, and it has been ages since the market has been decent."

"You speak with who you trust," Ahai'ikh said. "I will speak with who I trust. Do not be so foolish as to drag out those with uncertain loyalties just yet, Brother. We have to test the waters first."

"I tell you I have more than tested them already, but if you insist, so be it. I will also tell Hiath'ikh to keep his ears open. He may not be first lieutenant but he certainly hears a lot more than I do." Nehef rolled his eyes in an exaggerated gesture, then turned and waved. "I will see you later, Brother! Do not talk so much that your throat grows chapped!"

"You are the one likely to talk!" Ahai'ikh shot back. "You whose mouth runs like a donkey with diarrhea!"

The Kana merely let out a raucous laugh in response, vanishing through the courtyard. It was only after he had gone that Ahai'ikh halted, remembering, and whirled around once more to yell after him.

"WAIT A MOMENT! We are still being punished! COME BACK, YOU LAZY CHEAT...!"

* * * * *

Several days passed in the Moru quarters. Every day Nehekhi came to see to his Moru, yet there were no signs of any of them getting ready to depart. Ameni felt that asking to leave would be rude, especially since he felt his own business was not finished there. As if, as a Moru, he could have business, but for some reason the thought of leaving wore heavily on his mind.

He wasn't certain what to make of Thi'usa. The other Moru had seemed happy enough on hearing of their imminent return home, but as the days went by he seemed to grow listless. He jerked awake from sleep every night with a yelp, and though he allowed Tai'ihet and Ki'amit to comfort him, he made no other moves toward either. Ameni found this behavior puzzling; he'd adored the two females well enough, before. Now he almost seemed to want to shrink away from their touch.

Ameni decided not to ask after him, either.

I believe I know what the problem is...I too would be reluctant to touch them, after what happened...still, he seemed to be doing so well before...why is it bothering him now?

He tried to mull over Thi'usa's problem rather than his own, in order to distract himself, but his thoughts kept returning to someone else. And he wasn't certain why. Half of him wanted never to leave; the other half wished Nehekhi would put them upon their Sha and ride away immediately. Ameni shut his eyes and ground his knuckles against his forehead.

What is wrong with my head lately...?

Something touched his arm and he nearly jumped. He looked up in surprise to see Tai'ihet, Ki'amit standing just behind her. They gave him a puzzled look before speaking.

"Ameni-human," Tai'ihet said softly. "To wish to ask question."

Ameni blinked, then nodded. "Of course. Feel free."

Tai'ihet glanced over her shoulder, and Ameni noticed she was looking back at Thi'usa, who was dozing against the opposite wall. She turned back to him with furrowed brow.

"To notice change? In Thi'usa-mate? Not so welcoming as before..."

Ameni pushed himself upright. "No, you're not the only one who's seen it...I've seen it as well. It seems rather sudden. I have to wonder if whatever wakes him up at night is what's keeping him away."

Tai'ihet looked both thoughtful and confused. "Thi'usa-mate to not want Tai'ihet and Ki'amit?" Ki'amit asked tentatively, peering from behind the older female. Ameni shook his head quickly.

"I'm certain that's not what he intends...I know he still cares for both of you. However...perhaps he is still facing what happened. I had wondered why he did not react too much, after he was brought back...maybe it's just now catching up with him..." As he said this he frowned and rubbed at his neck, not quite certain if what he was saying made sense. The females looked equally puzzled.

"But Tai'ihet and Ki'amit to be fine," Tai'ihet said. "No need to fear touching. Bruises, yes, but bruises to go away in time." She held up one slightly discolored arm, making Ameni flinch in memory of what he'd seen her go through; the casual manner in which she and Ki'amit spoke confused him just as much as Thi'usa's behavior must be confusing them.

"I know..." was all he could get out.

"Ki'amit..." Ki'amit started, then blushed. She balled her hands against her belly with a somewhat meek look. "Ki'amit to want to try again. Still young, still have pups. Why Thi'usa-mate to no try?"

Ameni just stared at her in disbelief. It took him a moment to find his voice. "Maybe..." He swallowed, then tried again. "Maybe it will take a little longer with Thi'usa-Moru. To think over what's happened. You two...well, you seem to have taken it much better than I have...though I do not know why...perhaps Thi'usa just needs more time. Bruises heal, yes, but some wounds take longer than others."

He could tell from the looks on their faces that they still didn't quite understand, but they glanced at each other and shrugged slightly. Ki'amit even sighed as if in disappointment. Ameni was ready to lean back again when Tai'ihet's face lit up and she whispered something to Ki'amit in Moru; although Ameni knew the language, he was not quite as proficient at it as he should have been, and he couldn't properly hear it anyway. Ki'amit got the same look Tai'ihet had and nodded excitedly. Tai'ihet turned back to Ameni.

"Ameni-mate; to ever speak with guard? To leave Moru quarters?"

Ameni frowned. "To leave...? Yes, I've been out of here before...but always supervised...and not very often. We're safest here. Why...?"

"Tai'ihet and Ki'amit to speak with captain," Tai'ihet said, confusing Ameni even more. He sat up again.

"What do you mean...? What captain? Why?"

"East Tribe captain. One to bring us here. Owner of household." Tai'ihet waved at the ceiling, biting her lip as if concentrating. Ki'amit whispered something in her ear. "Mahakhi!" she said aloud, as if just remembering his name.

"You wish to speak with Mahakhi?" Ameni exclaimed in disbelief.

Tai'ihet waved her arms and hissed, shushing him. "Not to be so loud! Need to see captain. Tai'ihet and Ki'amit. Important. Before leave."

Ameni shook his head. "I don't believe he would see you...you are only females. He hardly even speaks with Moru, from what I can tell; he only spoke with Thi'usa and myself because we were in the best shape to talk." He remembered the night the three of them had spent together and his face grew hot, but he decided not to mention that. Nesakh'ai and talking were two completely different things...right?

"To be important," Tai'ihet complained.

Ameni sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "Well...I can speak with the guard. I can see if he can find someone who can get you in with the captain...but I can't guarantee it will work. Your best chance would be to feign illness. They only seem to allow you to leave if you need to see the physician."

"To be ill." Tai'ihet nodded, then made a sick face and put her hands to her stomach. Ki'amit followed suit, moaning in such an exaggerated manner as to make the situation almost ridiculous. "To need physician-Kana, immediately."

The human sighed. "Very well...I'll speak with the guard. But do not moan so loudly, Ki'amit. You sound as if you and Thi'usa are enjoying each other."

Ki'amit's eyes goggled and she started laughing before a withering look from Tai'ihet silenced her. Ameni got up and went toward the door, testing the handle before pulling it open a crack. The guard standing outside--it was a different one from before--turned his head to look down at him.

"Moru?" he said.

"I beg forgiveness for bothering you, Lord," Ameni said. "But two of the females are sick. They must see the physician." A moan came from behind him and he added, "Immediately."

"Sick?" The guard's ears pricked and he turned around, pushing the door open and peering inside. He spotted Tai'ihet and Ki'amit, holding their bellies and whimpering, and his eyes widened. He stepped away from the door and waved at the hallway.

"Hurry! Can they walk? Bring them out!"

Being female seems to have its advantages, Ameni thought. If it were merely me holding my belly I would have been told to wait. He took Ki'amit by the elbow, as she was the frailer of the two, and allowed Tai'ihet to lean on his shoulder. They slowly made their way out into the hall, the guard shutting the door behind them with an anxious look.

"What symptoms are they showing?" he demanded. "Is it the sickness? Have they any fever?"

"No, no," Ameni hastened to say. "I do not think it is the sickness...I think it is related to...what happened before."

"Oh." The guard flushed and waved them forward. "Come, I'll take you there."

"Actually," Ameni said, drawing his attention before he could stride away, "I wished to ask for one of Lord Mahakhi-Kana's men to escort us..."

"I am one of Lord Mahakhi's men," the guard said, baffled.

"I meant one of his trusted lieutenants...I apologize, Lord, and mean no offense, but it's a somewhat grave matter...um..." Ameni racked his brain, trying to think of any excuse to get the guard to call for Lieutenant Djuta--for he suddenly realized that was who he wished to speak with at the moment. He felt a twinge of guilt on using the females' situation to his own advantage, before remembering that they were feigning, as well.

No excuse came to mind.

Thankfully, Ki'amit provided him with one. She started crying loudly, though Ameni saw no tears leave her eyes. She shuffled behind him and buried her face against his shoulder.

"Afraid of strange Kana!" she wailed. "Mahakhi-Kana's lieutenants good Kana! Trust them! To not trust strange guard Kana! To hurt Ki'amit!"

Tai'ihet put her hand on the girl's shoulder and gave the guard a reproachful look for good measure.

The guard flushed again and started stammering. "I--I would not hurt a female!" he insisted, but Ki'amit only cried louder. Ameni had to fight back the urge to kiss her, her act was so convincing. At the end of the hallway a couple of other guards peered out, wondering what the commotion was. The young guard with them waved his hands and shushed them, looking nearly ready to panic.

"All right! All right! I'll find a lieutenant...just--stay here, and hold on, and please stop crying! I would not hurt you, I promise! I'll go find a lieutenant!"

"It must be one of Mahakhi's most trusted men," Ameni added. "You see that she only trusts them as well."

"Of course. Of course," the guard said quickly, turning and fleeing down the hallway. Ameni squeezed Ki'amit's arm in gratitude for her show, and peered from the corner of his eye to see her offer a very slight, coy smile in response before burying her face against him again.

"Ameni-human to smell nice!" she whispered, making his face go red.

"Remember," he whispered in response, "you are here to see Mahakhi and I am here to see his lieutenant! You'll have enough time for...whatever it is...later!"

She started giggling, and Tai'ihet touched her shoulder to make her stop. They stood waiting in the hallway for several moments before footfalls started coming closer, two shapes emerging from the shadows ahead. Ameni stood straight, still holding onto Ki'amit's arm, hope rising in his breast. Ever since Djuta's complete refusal to acknowledge him the last time he'd seen the Kana, he wished to know what was going through his head, why he had done that. That was what had been bothering him so much lately; he was surprised he hadn't even realized it until now.

His hope was dashed when he saw that the Kana accompanying the guard was not Djuta after all, but the other lieutenant...Resikh, Ameni remembered his name was. He felt his heart sinking, and cursed himself for not clarifying even further which Kana he'd wished to see. But he couldn't think of a way he could have made his request for Djuta's company seem innocent. Of course Tai'ihet and Ki'amit didn't know the lieutenants' names. Still, he could barely mask his disappointment as the two approached, the guard waving at Resikh, then at the waiting trio.

"They have to go to the physician--but this female is afraid of me accompanying her. She will go there only under the care of one of Lord Mahakhi's trusted men--and I assume that you qualify--so I hand them over to you, Lord."

Resikh's brow furrowed on hearing the strange explanation, and he looked straight at Ameni. Ameni swallowed, just about able to hear his thoughts. How does this Moru even know who I am, much less trust me, human?

"She...she remembers you and Lord Djuta from the main gate, Lord," he said lamely. "She remembers how kind you were toward her...helping her down from her Sha when she could barely walk, and such..."

He knew Resikh had not been the one to help Ki'amit down from her Sha, but it was the only cover story he could think of. Resikh continued staring at him for a moment before his gaze drifted to Ki'amit; He does not remember helping her down, either! Ameni quailed. You cannot remember that which you did not do! Then Resikh raised his eyebrows and nodded slowly.

"Ah," he said. "I...believe I remember. At the main gate. Could barely walk." He gave Ameni another look before adding, "Of course."

The guard seemed to relax slightly. "So you will take them there, Lord? I do not wish to make her cry again; one could have heard her straight in the Duat!"

"I'll handle them," Resikh said. "Don't worry. You may go back to your duties."

The guard saluted and resumed his place at the door, though he hardly looked willing to guard the place now. Resikh started walking back the way he had come, and Ameni pressed on Ki'amit's and Tai'ihet's arms to indicate that they should follow. He glanced back at the guard out of impulse a few times, but the other Kana didn't even bother looking in their direction.

"I take it you have no real need to see the physician," Resikh said after a moment.

Ameni's head jerked back to stare at him. The Kana met his eyes and Ameni could tell he knew. He felt a quiver of tension in his throat, but managed to find his voice anyway.

"Actually, Lord...they had wished to speak with Lord Mahakhi. This was the only way I knew away from the quarters--"

"Mahakhi?" Resikh's head whirled to gawk at him. He looked back at the females as well, but they held their ground even better than Ameni did. He looked to Ameni again for explanation.

"I do not know their reasons, Lord," he said. "Just that they say it is important that they see him as soon as possible--before returning home to our tribe. They would not tell me further than this."

Resikh cast another glance at the women. "Important!" Tai'ihet parroted, and Ki'amit nodded vigorously. Resikh bit his lip and looked back at Ameni.

"You do realize it is highly unusual for a female to ask to speak with a Kana, do you not?"

Ameni nodded. "I told them this, but they will not listen."

Resikh appeared to ponder this for another moment before sighing and rubbing at his neck. "I will have to think up some explanation," he murmured under his breath. "To get them past the guards...I have the feeling I am going to be paying for someone's drinks sometime soon." Ameni suppressed a smile on hearing the lieutenant give in. "And I'm willing to bet this will bring no small number of laughs at the tavern once it gets out." He started muttering so Ameni could hardly hear him, though enough of his words met his ears to make sense. "...A Kana, at the command of women..."

"I thank you greatly, Lord," Ameni said. "I'm certain they are grateful also..." He gave them a look, and they started nodding in response, both talking at once.

"To be too kind, Lord...good Kana...to thank Lord...to have strong wings and an honorable heart..."

Ameni was the only one to notice a distinct flush rise in Resikh's face. The lieutenant waved at them to quiet down as they neared Mahakhi's rooms. The guards at the door peered in their direction with a curious look and Resikh stopped now, holding up his hand and turning to face them. "I will need a little help here," he whispered. "I cannot for the life of me think of any reason why a female would demand an audience with a captain! Could you at least give me some story to tell them? Anything, so I do not look like a total fool?"

"I do not know the reason myself," Ameni confessed, but Tai'ihet stepped forward and put her hand to Resikh's ear. He tilted his head to the side as she whispered something to him, Ki'amit nodding the entire time. Ameni noticed the Kana's eyes go wide, then his face turned an even brighter red than before. He frowned in puzzlement, wondering what she must be telling him that would get him so flustered. Resikh pulled away from her in midwhisper and nodded hastily, waving at her to fall silent. He coughed, while the females just smiled.

"Er...wait here until I am done. I need to speak with the guards. This will take only a moment." He turned away and strode toward the two guards waiting at the door. Ameni saw them greet each other, then Resikh started talking. He couldn't hear what he said.

"What did you say to him?" he whispered to Tai'ihet. "I don't think I've ever seen a Kana look so disturbed before."

Tai'ihet only smiled. "No business of Ameni-Moru's," she replied, at which Ki'amit giggled.

Ameni feigned an offended tone. "Oh. So it's adequate business for Lieutenant Resikh, and Lord Mahakhi, but not for your friend. Perhaps this is why Thi'usa is so cold, if this is how you have been treating him."

They both giggled this time. Ameni looked up when he heard a similar reaction from the guards ahead. They started guffawing and slapping their knees, Resikh standing in front of them with an irritated look on his face. Ameni could only frown, perplexed.

Resikh said something else to the guards, at which one of them exclaimed, "You will owe us beers for the next two weeks! As many as we can drink!"--followed by more laughter, then the lieutenant came walking back toward them, scowling. He halted before them and jerked his hand at the air.

"You two, come along. I have yet to explain your appearance to Lord Mahakhi...gods. I'll just let you do that yourself. I do not think I can stand waiting around to see his reaction." He turned away once more and Tai'ihet and Ki'amit followed, the younger Moru waving playfully at Ameni as they trotted away. Ameni stood waiting in the hall, uncertain what to do; he watched the guards step aside as the other three disappeared inside the room. After a few moments Resikh reappeared, the guards lightly punching his arms and reiterating his apparent promise of drinks, laughing loudly once more as he came toward Ameni with an even darker look than before. He was practically baring his teeth by the time he reached the human, and by now Ameni was too timid even to request a stay away from the Moru quarters. Perhaps he could try again later.

Resikh waved at him, and they started on their way back. Ameni held back a sigh and watched the floor tiles go by as they walked. The next time he tried this trick, if he could even pull it off a third time, he would remember to be more specific with who he asked for. While he was glad that the women had at least reached their goal--whatever it was--he still couldn't help but feel disappointed that he had not.

"You wished to speak with Djuta, didn't you?"

Ameni's heart felt as if it fluttered up into his throat. He actually halted in his tracks, forcing Resikh to stop as well and look back at him. Just as before, once he looked at the lieutenant he could tell he knew.

But--how did he know? How could he have--?

He opened his mouth and started moving it wordlessly. Resikh's expression softened and he turned around, walking past him and waving again. Ameni numbly followed as they went back toward Mahakhi's rooms.

"He's spoken about you before...said that you seemed to enjoy talking with him in the courtyard and such."

Ameni had to swallow. "What--what did he say?" he asked, forgetting to include a title in his panic. Resikh gave him another reassuring look.

"Do not worry; he didn't speak of what you said. Just that you enjoyed his company. Kana do not often get to converse at length with Moru, especially human ones. I think you made an impression on him."

I made an impression on him? Ameni couldn't believe it. Not with how the other Kana had practically ignored him the last time he'd seen him. He fiddled nervously with the edge of his kilt, trying to think of another reason why Djuta would have refused to speak with him. Perhaps Resikh was wrong? They had parted on good terms, as far as he knew, so how he could have offended the other lieutenant was beyond him. It was possible that Djuta's friend had not read him correctly, but if Djuta had really been talking to him...

"I cannot remember where..." Resikh murmured under his breath, scanning the dim hallway ahead. "...Ah, here we go." He made a face and waved at the guards still standing outside Mahakhi's door not too far away, then opened another door in front of him. He gestured Ameni toward it. Ameni stared at it, not understanding.

Resikh leaned toward him. "There are some informal bouts of training going on in the courtyards at the moment. That was where I just came from, in fact. It's likely to go on far into the evening. Yet I can hardly leave you standing out in the hallway, or take you along with me." He leaned back and waved at the guards, then pantomimed drinking a beer. They grinned and waved once more in response, then he turned back to Ameni. "Mahakhi's sidequarters are rarely used...and then mostly for storage. You should be safe in here on your own for a little bit while I go find Djuta. None will think to look for you in here if they should notice you missing."

"But what about..." Ameni peered over Resikh's shoulder at the guards, who were no longer even looking at them. Resikh shook his head and steered him toward the door.

"They will keep silent, for now. At least until I run out of beer money! But you should be fine until then. Go inside and wait for a bit. I may have to look for him, with all this sparring going on."

Ameni obeyed and stepped into the room. He could hardly see anything ahead of him until Resikh fetched a flickering oil lamp from a stand in the hallway and handed it to him. "There should be another one over in the far corner," he said, pointing. "And an old bed over there if you wish to nap in the meantime. Just keep quiet, and none will even look in on you. I'll be back when I can."

Ameni nodded, clutching the lamp in his hands. He watched as Resikh backed out of the room and shut the door with a soft thud, and could barely hear his footsteps as he walked away. Then the room fell into heavy silence, and he stood there with the small light flickering in front of him.

It was a moment or two before he could convince himself to unfreeze and get his bearings. He looked around the room, and noticed Resikh had been right. This resembled living quarters, much similar to Mahakhi's, but everything was dusty and stacked around as if in great disuse. Sha yokes and weapons were piled right next to jewelry boxes and furniture, and everything had a dim brownish tint to it. His gaze fell on the old bed Resikh had mentioned, and for the first time he felt his face grow hot. Its presence made him uncomfortable, with the thought of who was coming. He quickly glanced away from it, his hands shaking so the lamp guttered, and he hurried to go light the other one in the corner.

It took a few tries before he could get the wick to take the flame, and he burned his finger doing so, hissing and putting it in his mouth. He set the first lamp down before he could cause an accident; burning down the captain's spare quarters wouldn't be a good idea, certainly. Just as the lamp's base met the table with a clink he heard a voice speaking, and gasped and whirled around to look at the door. It was closed.

Ameni stared at it for a long while, his heart hammering and his breath caught in his throat. What had that been...? He strained his ears, lest he discover he'd just been hearing things...when it came again. Muffled and indistinct, but definitely a voice. It was a moment or two before he realized it came from the other side of the wall he stood beside.

That's right...Lord Mahakhi lives there.

Ameni's tensed muscles relaxed when he realized how silly his reaction had been. Hadn't Resikh assured him he would be safe here? He rubbed at his suddenly cold hands and silently rebuked himself, turning to go sit on the bed and calm himself down. After only several steps, however, his pace slowed and he stopped, thinking.

That was also right...Mahakhi should be speaking with Tai'ihet and Ki'amit right about now. They were in there with him. This thought sparked his curiosity. They'd been very coy about not telling him why they needed to speak with a Kana captain, much less the head of the household...what sort of sane Moru made such a request? And how would the captain react to it? From what little Ameni knew, he was often busy with important things, and speaking with two females could not be that important. Unless they knew something Ameni didn't know.

He had to know what they were up to.

Ameni turned back to the wall, looking it over. He stepped up to it and placed his ear against the mudbrick. The murmuring inside grew louder, but no clearer, and he could not make out what was being said, though it sounded like two male voices conversing. He bit his lip and looked around a bit further. He had heard of the old trick of placing a cup to the wall to listen through it, but of all the things that were stored in here, pottery did not seem to be one of them. What lousy luck.

He tapped his knuckles absently against the wall as he walked along it, peering into the contents sitting all about him. Not one measly bit of pottery? With how much the Kana loved to drink, it was impossible to believe there were no pots or jars or cups stored in here. At the other side of the room was a perfectly good suit of armor, gathering dust; so why not some cheap mugs as well--?

Ameni's hand suddenly went through the wall, and he gasped and jumped back in surprise. The wall rippled before him, and he blinked and rubbed his eyes, bewildered...mudbrick did not ripple like that!

And then he noticed that what he had just tried to knock upon was not mudbrick, but a drape. It was the exact same color as the mudbrick wall, even decorated with the same basic paintings, and set in slightly so its edges did not give it away at a far glance. Now that he stood directly before it he could make it out; the dim lighting must have also done well to conceal it. Beyond curious now, Ameni reached out and gingerly pulled on the edge of it, peering within.

Blackness. The drape concealed a hidden room or passageway of some sort.

Ameni pulled it further aside to see what lay ahead of him. Now he could make out a door set at the opposite end of what amounted to a very short hallway, evidently connecting the two separate quarters. Of course. It made sense that Mahakhi would want an easy way to access his storage room, without having to exit into the hallway, pass his own guards, walk down the hall, turn, and enter another door. Perhaps at one point in the past these had even been the same room, only to be split in two for matters of convenience. It happened all the time in the Kemeti villages, when storage space was required.

Ameni stepped forward to examine the door when the drape fell back into place behind him. For a brief, irrational second he panicked when the darkness replaced itself around him, fearing he'd gotten trapped and reaching out to tear the curtain aside...when he noticed a spot of light falling just above his head. And the voices were as clear as if they were out in the hallway, with the door open.

Ameni peered up at the spot, then turned back around. In the darkness he could see it now--a small hole. In the door. He had no idea why there would be a hole there--perhaps it had been poked into the soft wood on accident, or purposefully, he did not know--but there it was. Slightly higher than he could see, but reachable, with the help of a small stool. And the storage room had one of those.

Feeling almost giddy now, Ameni pushed the drape aside and hurried back out into the room. He dug around until he found a little folding stool, then went back into the hidden room with it. He locked its legs into place and set it on the floor in front of the doorway, then carefully stepped up atop it. The hole was still just a tiny bit too high, but when he stood on tiptoe, the light flooded his eyes, and he had to blink to make sense of what he was seeing. The voices came to him first.

"Let me know then if I can be of any further assistance later on, Lord."

"Of course. Make certain to keep your eye on T'uris's men, mind you. If his mind does finally snap I don't want him taking it out on any of mine."

"Will do, Lord. I will speak with you again soon." A pause, then the voice came again, quieter and seemingly speaking to someone else. "And apologies I kept you...two...waiting. Farewell." The sound of a door opening reached Ameni's ears, and he rubbed at his eyes just in time to see a Kana lieutenant he did not recognize leaving Mahakhi's room. The little hole looked out directly into Captain Mahakhi's private quarters. And standing within was not only Mahakhi himself, but Tai'ihet and Ki'amit as well.

Ameni's mouth fell open. He could not believe his luck.

"Now." Mahakhi turned to the two females and gave them a curious look. "You had something to say to me? Something important enough to come all the way from the Moru quarters?"

"Yes, Lord." Tai'ihet spoke in Moru, so though her language was a bit more difficult for Ameni to understand, it was less stilted. "We wished to thank you for rescuing us from those dogs."

"You have saved all of us!" Ki'amit piped in.

"This is only what I hope any Kana would do," Mahakhi replied. He spat on the floor, flaring his nostrils. "Do not worry about them, either, little ones. I have seen that they were well taken care of."

Ameni remembered the time he and Thi'usa had had that night, with their daggers and knives, all too ready to punish those vile beasts who had assaulted them...he shivered and tried to shake the memory from his mind and concentrate on what the others were saying.

Tai'ihet was nodding, Ki'amit following her lead. "Perhaps true, perhaps true, but the thanks that were given were not nearly enough."

"Not nearly!"

"We wished to say thank you personally, Lord."

"Thank you, so very much! If only all Kana were as you!"

Mahakhi let out an odd chuffing sound that Ameni assumed must be from embarrassment. The thought of the big Kana captain being embarrassed amused him. Truly, it wasn't every day that an esteemed Kana warrior had to face two women in such a manner. "Please, little Moru...this is not necessary. I treated all of you only as I would have treated my own precious Moru. To me you are not worthless brutes, you are all in need of care and protection. I...I only wish I had been able to reach all of you sooner." His voice took on a note of regret. "You especially, little Ki'amit...I have heard of what happened to your child."

"Oh..." The girl's voice fell and she averted her eyes. "Well..."

"It was far too late," Tai'ihet softly cut in. "None of us could have stopped this..."

"If I could find he who caused it directly, I would cut open his stomach and make him eat his own innards until he choked upon them, little ones." Ameni now thought of what had really happened to the lieutenant who had assaulted Ki'amit, and found that Mahakhi's punishment sounded tame in comparison. "There is no excuse for harming the child of a Moru, whether it is born or not. I am sorry for you and for Thi'usa. He was once a good soldier."

Tai'ihet looked curious. "Oh--you know Thi'usa?"

"Yes, very well...he was once one of my men. An extraordinary Kana. I respect him still."

Ameni put his hand to his mouth to stifle a chuckle. I wonder if they have any idea that his idea of "respect" includes coupling with his former subordinate as a lover...?

"Thank you, Lord, for your concern for dear Thi'usa...he has been most good to us, both of us, and all of us."

Mahakhi tilted his head. "He treats you well? I would not doubt it. He was always a loyal Kana. He is Kana to me still. I only regret he shall not see the birth of his child by you, poor Ki'amit." He paused, then added, "I thank both of you for this opportunity to speak."

He gestured toward the door, and stepped forward, apparently believing the conversation over. Ameni frowned in puzzlement; that had been it? The cause of all the secrecy was a mere thank you? As Mahakhi started toward the doorway, however, the two females moved closer to him and stood on tiptoe, both of them putting their muzzles to his ears so he was forced to bend forward to hear them. They started murmuring, Mahakhi looking just as puzzled as Ameni felt. Ameni kept still and listened, able to catch only a few words out of the whole.

"...poor...is afraid neither of us shall ever be able to give him children...Ki'amit...last chance...I grow older...not very many more eggs..."

"...for us both...happiness for sweet Thi'usa...to tell him they are all his!"

Mahakhi lifted his head and frowned at Tai'ihet, then murmured something back which Ameni couldn't hear. Tai'ihet answered him even more quietly, and then fell silent. The captain snorted. The silence resumed, and a moment later Ameni wrinkled his nose when he smelled a thick musk enter the air.

He frowned, recognizing the scent but confused as to what it meant at this moment. What...?

His eyes were watering from staring out the hole so intently, so he had to pull away to rub at them. When he looked back in he saw that the two females still stared up at Mahakhi, who stared back at them both. Ameni now noticed that his tail was standing out almost straight and the short fur on his hackles seemed to be standing up as well. Then Tai'ihet turned a bit and lifted the flap of her dress, exposing her buttock.

Ameni's eyes widened.

Mahakhi snorted again. Ki'amit hopped forward sprightly and put her hand on his arm, sliding down his body to kneel at his feet. She looked up at him and then worked at the front of his kilt, pulling it up. She started licking at his testicles, working her way around his swelling sheath. That was where the musk was coming from, of course, but Ameni still had no idea what had triggered this.

One of them must have said something that had really turned him on!

He stood on tiptoe, more curious than ever now--what could the two of them possibly be doing this for?--and watched. Mahakhi took Ki'amit's shoulder and gently pulled her away from him. He turned his attention to Tai'ihet, who still stood nearby holding onto a column, now with the whole back of her dress pulled up and tail raised before him, exposing what Ameni knew to be the just pleasantly tight pinkness that resided between her legs. He ached on remembering the feel of her. Mahakhi took a step forward, spread her buttocks, and mounted, pushing heavily inside with a grunt. Ameni choked back a gasp of surprise.

Whatever Mahakhi had in mind...and it was obvious what he intended...he didn't keep at it for long. He thrust at Tai'ihet, still standing, pushing and grunting heatedly for about five minutes before jolting and shuddering as he released his seed. Tai'ihet let out her breath and sank against the column, panting softly. Mahakhi then turned and looked down at Ki'amit, still sitting on the floor. She squealed when he did so and at first Ameni thought she was trying to run away from him as he caught her--only to realize that instead, she was turning herself over onto her belly for his satisfaction. She spread her thighs wide and a second later the big Kana had thrust himself inside her, gripping her tiny hips and baring his teeth and rutting madly. She squealed again, but this time with a breathless giggle. He mated with her not much longer than he had with Tai'ihet, only about ten or so minutes, before their shared shuddering indicated their sweet release. He pulled out of her, penis hanging limp and flaccid before it started to retreat back into its sheath. He panted heavily.

Ameni blinked. What had he just witnessed? Why had they insisted on coming in here...defying all Kana customs...and coupling with Mahakhi? He found it difficult to believe this had been something they had been wanting for a long time--from what he could tell, they had never even spoken to the captain in person, until now. And so why would they suddenly be so interested in nesakh'ai with him...? Ameni rubbed at his head, perplexed, and started to pull away from the peephole.

But apparently...it wasn't over!

Tai'ihet presented herself to Mahakhi again. The Kana had to wait a short while, but then he gruffed something at her and she nodded as if to indicate she was ready. This time he pushed her up against the wall and took her. Another ten minutes. Ameni watched his buttocks and tail quiver. A short time after that, he again took Ki'amit, upon the floor. There was another brief rest; then, Tai'ihet, and almost as soon as he had pulled out from her, he sat upon the edge of his bed with little Ki'amit sprawled in his lap, giggling as she rode upon his member, reaching beneath herself to play with his dangling testicles. As they rocked, Tai'ihet, recovering her strength, got up on the bed behind him and licked at his neck and shoulders. He panted hard, and tipped his head back to speak to her.

"Just be patient and wait your turn, woman," he growled. "I'll get back to you once I have finished with my sweet little one here..."

They both laughed softly. "Please, Lord, take all the time in the world," Tai'ihet murmured.

"Yes, Lord!" Ki'amit giggled, then gasped. "OH! We should hardly want for you to hurry it, and miss your chance!"

Ameni frowned, more confused than ever. Chance--?

Mahakhi groaned loudly and clasped the little Moru to him. She shivered and moaned.

"Truly, Lord, your seed is so strong within me this day," she gasped, her head thrown back, "I have a feeling, nay, I know, that this will end up fruitful."

"Yes, yes," Tai'ihet agreed, placing her head upon his shoulder. "Our lord Thi'usa, he need not ever know...we shall both couple with him as soon as possible, with a bit of convincing, even if his heart is not in it...and should either of us grow to carry your seed, Lord...then we shall claim it as his."

"I shall bear him a child!" Ki'amit cried. She pulled herself off of Mahakhi, who panted as if exhausted. "And Tai'ihet, she shall give him one more, while she is still in her time!"

"You..." The captain tried to speak, evidently tired. "...You two...are sure of this plan...?"

Tai'ihet nodded. "Yes, Lord; we have both long wished to bear children for our dear love. I, though, have simply grown nearly too old, and Thi'usa's seed cannot seem to find purchase in my soil any longer."

"Poorest Thi'usa is afraid to touch us now," Ki'amit added, suddenly subdued. "He is afraid of hurting me, after what they put me through. Long have I longed to mate with him again, but he does not know. He is afraid I will not give him children, but he is even more afraid that I will not want to."

"Thi'usa-mate's seed is...not always the most accurate," Tai'ihet said delicately. "He sometimes has troubles. He confers it upon the others, Ameni-mate, Nehekhi-Master, much more often now; but with us, he has become very shy."

"When he is with us, he often cannot bring it out of him now," Ki'amit said, her brow furrowing. "It is very strange."

Mahakhi frowned. "You both mean to tell me, that since all of this, poor Thi'usa has been unable to couple with you? This is what you mean?"

"Yes and no," Tai'ihet said, as Ki'amit seemed too confused herself to answer. "He has the desire, but he is afraid to...we have managed to convince him to lie with us only a few times since then, and those times have only grown fewer...and we believe he was more badly hurt inside, in his head, by what was done than he will allow us to see...he was so badly humiliated, you see, My Lord..."

Mahakhi nodded, his look somewhat distant. "Yes, yes, I'm afraid I do...so you say that you have had nesakh'ai...but the nights are not always fruitful...he cannot always satisfy you? He often does not come anymore?"

Tai'ihet seemed relieved to be understood. "Yes, this is it, exactly, Lord."

Ameni felt a twinge of understanding. So that was what this had all been about...Thi'usa-Moru. While it was obvious the women were enjoying their time with Mahakhi, it was Thi'usa they had been thinking about all along. When he thought about it now it made perfect sense--they had just been asking him about Thi'usa before insisting on coming here, hadn't they...? He smiled slightly at the ingenuity of the idea, and found it hard to believe the two Moru had come up with such a clever plan on their own--yet apparently they had. His admiration for Tai'ihet and Ki'amit grew.

Mahakhi sighed, drawing his attention again.
"The poor Thi'usa...I shall have to speak with him about this." He turned to look at Tai'ihet. "And so, you have no problem with me..."

"Oh, no, Lord; we do not." Tai'ihet gave an apologetic smile. "We have not been completely truthful...we know already of your love for dear Thi'usa, but it does not matter to us. He is so sweet to all!"

"So sweet that all cannot help but love him!" Ki'amit giggled.

The older female touched Mahakhi's arm in a gesture that would have been rude under any other circumstances. "Rather, we were afraid that you would have a problem...should you get us with child, My Lord, it will be your child...should we bear a Kana, it would have been yours..."

"But we wish for our children to be Thi'usa's," Ki'amit finished. "He has so longed for me to give him one, yet I cannot if he will not even touch me...we had thought we may have more luck with you, Lord. You are certain you could give up pups so easily...?"

The captain shook himself out of his thoughtful mood and gave her a paternal smile, taking her hand. "Yes, yes...I would know who they are, that is all that matters, so long as they are raised properly. I know Thi'usa would be an excellent father; if I could not rear my own pups, he is the first I would wish to handle the duty. Whether you have Kana or Moru, boys or girls...you have my blessing to name them as his own. He need never know of this night--if we are indeed successful, all he need be told is that they are his alone."

Ki'amit clapped her hands and giggled. "Oh, thank you, Lord, you are most kind to us!"

"Indeed, indeed!" Tai'ihet smiled and draped her arms over Mahakhi's shoulders. "We hope we both give you children--er--give him children, that you gave to us!"

"They would make you proud!"

A soft chuckle. Mahakhi reached out to caress Ki'amit's face. "Yes, well...I will come to see them every now and then...they must get to know their Uncle Mahakhi, yes?"

"Yes, Lord!" the two Moru chorused cheerfully.

Another laugh, this one heartier. "Very well...however...our business is not quite settled here yet..." Mahakhi tapped Ki'amit on the nose with a playful look. "I do believe we had a bit more nesakh'ai to get out of the way, did we not? As you two both told me before we started--the more times we do this--the greater your chances of pleasing your mate!" He stood and started removing his clothing, grinning broadly. "So hurry up, hurry up! Both of you, upon this bed! Your temporary master desires to help both of you out as much as he possibly can!"

The two females burst into laughter. Immediately they both leapt upon the bed on hands and knees, their openings bared for him. "Yes, Master!"

Ameni smiled to himself and prayed that their plan would work as the big Kana leapt upon Ki'amit, who let out a tiny shriek, and started bouncing heavily, the better to sow her fertile fields with his abundant seed. Good luck to you, Ki'amit-mate, Tai'ihet-mate. And good luck to Thi'usa especially...

A noise just then came from the direction of the hallway, a scuffling sound at the door. Ameni gasped and lost his balance, toppling backwards from the hole in the wall and landing on the floor with a thud. He groaned and rubbed at his head as the door came open, then started glancing about for a place to hide.

No one's supposed to come in here! What if I'm found...? While watching Mahakhi? What will they do to me for that...?

He pushed himself up and rolled over, still looking around. He peered out from behind the drape to see a Kana silhouette standing in front of the doorway, looking around as well. Ameni recognized Djuta even though he could not see his face at first, and pushed his way out of the alcove. Djuta's response was to gasp and jump back, drawing his sword with a loud shhhkk which made Ameni jump as well.

"Ameni-Moru!" Djuta blurted this out with surprise, blinking at him. Ameni had to shield his eyes against the glare from the hallway; seeing this, Djuta pushed the door shut behind him and sheathed his sword again, coming forward. He passed Ameni, looking the wall up and down.

"How did you do that...?" he murmured, poking at the mudbrick.

"Oh...there's a hidden alcove." Ameni flushed when Djuta discovered it, pulling the cloth aside and peering in, then entering. He prayed the Kana wouldn't be curious enough to look through the hole inside; a moment later Djuta exited and gave him a look which told him his prayer had not been granted. He dipped his head to stare at the floor, feeling his ears burning.

"Well," Djuta said, draping the cloth back in place, "at least you must not have been overly bored while waiting for me. I fail to see why this was never blocked off, but it's not my concern." He came toward Ameni again and cocked his head. "Lord Resikh said that you wished to speak with me? You were not feeling well again?"

"Actually it was Tai'ihet and Ki'amit who were...er...not feeling well. I just...used this to get away from the Moru quarters."

Djuta's mouth twitched. "You should be careful else the other Moru will start taking after you. It sounds like the females are learning already." He paused when Ameni didn't respond, and an awkward silence filled the room. Ameni was again reminded of the presence of the bed in these quarters, though he couldn't tell why it bothered him so much. He stared at the edge of his sandal so long that his eyes began to hurt.

"Ameni-Moru?" Djuta said quietly. "There is something wrong?"

Ameni lifted his head and glared directly into Djuta's eyes. "The other day in the Moru quarters, when you told us that Lord Nehekhi had arrived," he said. "You saw me but you looked right past me. You did not say hello. You did not even meet my eyes."

He gawked and clapped his hands to his mouth, appalled. Had he really just blurted that out? The startled look on Djuta's face told him he had. Djuta blinked again, then his look grew carefully guarded, as if trying to gauge Ameni's feelings. Ameni felt like crawling back into the hiding space, but instead looked at the floor again.

"I see," Djuta said after a moment or two. "You felt I was ignoring you."

"Of course I did," Ameni muttered. "What else could I be expected to feel? It was as if you did not even know me."

"Surely you know that I do."

Ameni glared at him again, unable to help himself. "That is what made it so bothersome! After the time we spent talking, I had thought I warranted a bit more than a passing over!" Something snapped in his head then and he thought, Gods, did I really say that? He gritted his teeth and made himself take a breath before lamely adding, "I apologize for the outburst, Lord...of course the Kana owe Moru nothing."

"You are merely thinking like a human." This remark made him warily lift his eyes. Djuta still wore the same mild look, no anger whatsoever in his eyes. This just made Ameni feel even worse. He bit the inside of his mouth to stay a string of babbled apologies and glanced toward the wall. Djuta approached until he stood but an arm's length away.

"Ameni-Moru," he said in a voice which caught and held Ameni's attention. "Surely you know I would never intentionally spite you."

Ameni suppressed a sigh. "I had thought I knew this," he said miserably. "But now I'm not certain. If that was not spite, then what was it? All I wish to know is this, and then I'll let you be. You won't be bothered by me anymore."

"You have never bothered me, Ameni-Moru. Take a look how Resikh had to call me away from sparring and I came immediately here. I would not do that for just anybody, and so far you are the only Moru who's been worthy of the interruption."

Ameni blinked and his ears warmed again. He lifted his head to tentatively look at the Kana. "I am...?"

Djuta gave him a slight smile. "I would lie? Truthfully, you are the only Moru so far I have been able to hold a decent conversation with. And no, I was not going to tell Lord Mahakhi about your hiding space." His look turned serious and he tilted his head again. "But you truly believe I was spiting you that day? If this was the idea I gave you, then I apologize, Ameni-Moru. I hadn't meant it to seem that way."

"But you did mean to do it," Ameni said, picking up on his choice of words. "So why did you do it? Why did you not even look at me? As if you did not even know my name?"

They stared at each other for a moment before Djuta gave a slight sigh. Ameni bit his tongue now but managed to keep himself quiet. When the Kana saw he was not going to back down he sighed again and rested his hand on the pommel of his sword.

"I had thought it would be best if we did not speak again. I realize this decision was abrupt, and it was the wrong one...as of course you did not know what I intended...yet I did it only because I thought it was best for you."

"Best for me...?" Ameni stared at him in disbelief. "Best for me?" he exclaimed again, and his voice only rose with every word. "After those conversations you claim were so interesting--you thought it would be best for ME if we did not speak ever again--? What gave you this idea? Whatever convinced you such a thing would be best for ME--?"

"Your master will be returning home tomorrow," Djuta interrupted him quietly, and this effectively stilled Ameni's voice. He dropped his arms--not even having noticed until now that he'd raised them as he started yelling--and stared at the lieutenant, eyes wide and mouth still open, unable to speak.

"I found out only a short while ago," Djuta continued, "yet I knew from the moment he arrived at the gate that it would be soon. I have seen Moru separated from their friends and loved ones far too many times, Ameni-human, and even though I am Kana I feel a stab in my heart each time. Although I did enjoy the talks we had I feel now it was a mistake that we had them. Word travels about here. I have heard how you've been feeling about Lord Nehekhi's presence." Ameni slowly drew in on himself, not quite able to believe what he was hearing. "Even Thi'usa-Moru--who was raised here--is more eager to return than you are. I feel I am the one to blame for this; you came to enjoy my company too much. If you were to remain here I would not mind the odd stares I would get from conversing with a Moru, but you are to return home soon, and the thought of you being reluctant to do so...it bothers me that I am the cause of it. If I had not spoken with you overmuch, this would not have happened." He met Ameni's eyes, which had shifted away from him during his speech. "I had thought you might merely decide to forget about me. Even if you had not, and had not asked to speak with me today, you still would have come to hate me. And that would have been better than you not wanting to return home."

"You...wanted me to hate you?" Ameni's voice came out as a mere whisper of disbelief.

Djuta lifted a shoulder. "It was not my original plan, but as I said, if you had not called on Resikh today, we would not be talking now; I would not be explaining myself, and you would still be resenting me, if you have even stopped. I would have much rather you returned home feeling hatred toward me than returned home not wanting to return home at all."

Ameni could only stand as he was, mute. Djuta's explanation made sense...he wasn't certain why he had never thought of it before. The Kana had spoken with him rather frequently...although he had found it strange at first, he had started to welcome their talks. And when he thought of why he was not as eager to return home as he had been at first, Djuta was the first reason that came into his mind.

He stared at the floor. "I...had not meant to cause you this trouble, Lord," he murmured, feeling guilty, though he wasn't certain why.

He heard a soft noise, then suppressed a gasp when the Kana's hand touched his face, lifting his head. His eyes blurred but Djuta only gave him a slight smile.

"You did not ever trouble me, Ameni-human. I am grateful we had the chance to meet."

He pulled his hand away. Ameni let out his breath and Djuta glanced at the hidden alcove, then back again. "Well. We'd best get you back to the Moru quarters before you are missed...and from the sound of it, I think Ki'amit and Tai'ihet are finished, as well." When Ameni opened his mouth in surprise Djuta merely waved. "Resikh told me all about what he had to do to pull that one off...though I feel he got the short end of the deal, personally. Lord Mahakhi would definitely have allowed two such Moru into his quarters without Resikh needing to bribe his guards out of a month's worth of drink!"

"Month--?" Ameni echoed, as they went toward the door. "But the guards told him only two weeks."

"You forget how much he had to bribe them to let you in here, Ameni-friend. Poor Res is going to be digging out of my pocket the next thing I know, or else shoveling Sha dung to earn back his pay."

Ameni couldn't help it; the image of the lieutenant digging into a pile of manure made him burst into laughter. Djuta smiled again and led him away from the room.

* * * * *

The Sha were loaded so heavily that they sagged beneath the weight, but they had been well rested enough that they accepted the burden with hardly any grumbles. There were enough of them to carry each and every one of Nehekhi's Kana and Moru, plus more to handle extra supplies and food for the journey back to the Red Tribe. The captain and his men had all gathered out by the front gate, which stood halfway open; they were surrounded by most of the men of Mahakhi's household, everyone talking and exchanging farewells. Ameni sat atop a Sha with the other Moru and watched the different Kana say goodbye to one another. He recognized Lieutenant Hiath'ikh clasping Nehekhi's hand and wishing him well; Nehef and Ahai'ikh both saluted him, clasping his hand also; Djuta and Resikh saluted and bowed their heads, and Mahakhi stepped forward to take his hand, before the two of them embraced. Nehekhi was turned away from him so Ameni could not see his face, but he was surprised by the look on Mahakhi's. The big captain's brow furrowed, his eyes squeezed shut, and he looked almost ready to weep. Ameni had to glance away from him, feeling as if he were spying on something he was not meant to see.

"Goodbye, Brother," Mahakhi said, clapping Nehekhi's back. "May your wings never tire...and may they bring you back here someday, else I will fly over and drag you back here myself!"

He released Nehekhi, who pulled back and rubbed at his eye. "Goodbye, Brother. I thank you, again and again, for all you've done for me. Whatever you may need from me, ever, simply ask and I will do it. I owe you everything."

Mahakhi made a gruffing sound and waved as if to dismiss him. "Just bring your tail back here at the soonest possible moment so we can get stone drunk together like we used to! That is all I ask! You need to learn how to visit!"

Nehekhi gave him a watery smile, then turned back to his Sha, mounting it. Ameni looked at the throngs of Kana surrounding them, waving and yelling their goodbyes. He almost made himself not look at Djuta, remembering what the lieutenant had told him the day before...yet when his eyes strayed to him anyway, he saw that the Kana already looked at him, and he smiled and held up his hand in a slight gesture of farewell. Ameni felt his own mouth smile in return, and though he did not dare wave, he hoped it was understood.

Nehekhi turned to look back at his men. He snuffled and swept a hand at one eye, an unusually emotional gesture, but his own Kana said nothing of it. "Let us go home," he murmured, turning back to face ahead and nudging his Sha's flanks. The rest followed suit, and they filed their way out of the gate and out of the city. Ameni glanced back once to see the East Tribe Kana lining the top of the wall and crowding around the gate they had just exited, waving and hooting as they departed. He had to turn away once more, else he felt he would be staring at them forever. Instead he tilted his chin to his chest and squinched his eyes shut, hating the feel of tears against his eyelids yet being helpless to stop them.

Something touched his arm. He lifted his head to see that Thi'usa rode beside him. He offered Ameni a soft smile, his fingers upon Ameni's hand. Ameni turned his hand upwards to clasp the Moru's, holding it tight. He did not let go for a long time.


"Part 13: Return

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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