Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512954-Part-11--Reunion
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512954
Nehekhi's grateful thank you to Mahakhi evolves into much more than that...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 11 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THE SHA MADE little noise as they stepped across the barren desert, tiny poofs of dust rising with each hoof fall. They hung their heads low as they walked. The Kana atop and alongside them did not speak often either, although they were a large bunch. The only captain among them hung his head just as the beasts did, and had made no conversation during the entire journey. The lieutenants and sergeants and lesser soldiers following peered at him every so often out of pity, but didn't dare speak up. They felt themselves lucky that his rage had dissolved into sorrow long ago, though this didn't make them feel any better.

One of the lieutenants taking up the right flank, Taka, muttered under his breath. "This is my fault...if I had only done my job better, and not complained so much, and kept my eyes open..."

"There were too many of them," another lieutenant protested. "Even if you had been as alert as possible you--we--could not have done anything to stop them."

"I should have been more alert anyway! This is what it is to be Kana!" Taka spat. "Do not tell me we could not have done more...I know this already...but I should have been more attentive anyway!"

"I should have called more guards," a third lieutenant murmured. "I know a few from one of the taverns, they are recently out of a household to look after...if I had only asked them..."

"I should have checked the entrances more carefully," the second lieutenant said.

A few more murmurs arose from the other Kana trailing along behind.

"I should not have gone drinking the day before..."

"I should not have forgotten my sword back in my room..."

"I should not have asked for that day off..."

Nehekhi's ears flicked with each comment. The rest of the Kana didn't appear to notice that he could hear them, yet he said nothing to silence the muttering. Each "I should..." made him wince anew.

I should have listened to Ameni-human...I should not have left the tribe when I did...I should not have put those others before my own...I should have been a better master...

He knew that the bulk of the blame lay upon himself, for not properly advising the guards, and for not fully staffing his house with them in the first place, and not the least of all for not listening to Ameni's premonition...but it was too late now. His Moru were almost all gone, and the trail, if there had ever been one, had grown long cold. They headed north now toward the East Tribe in the feeble hopes that some clue to the disappearance lay there. He had no reason to believe one did, but he had no other place to look. His lieutenants were insistent that the other tribe must be involved. He didn't bother arguing with them, his heart was so heavy.

I should have listened to him...why did I not listen to him...?

A soft whistling noise caught his attention and he lifted his head, looking skywards. The rest of the Kana halted, the Sha snorting; Lieutenant Taka narrowed his eyes at the sky and then reached to draw his sword.

"A scout!"

Sshhhkkk. Nehekhi's ears flicked when everyone else drew their weapons in unison. Taka drew his Sha up beside Nehekhi's and whispered loudly.

"They're trying to spy on us! I knew they were involved!"

"If he is a scout, then he is a poor one," Nehekhi said. "He would not be flying right toward us like that."

The lieutenant opened his mouth to protest, then bared his teeth and poised his sword. The Kana high overhead spread his wings wide so they fanned out and caught a gust of air, billowing and gently lowering him down toward the ground. He came to earth a distance away from them with a soft thunk, then pushed himself upright and began jogging toward them.

Taka made a face and dismounted to stand beside Nehekhi's Sha. "He is a fool, is what he is."

He waved, and the other lieutenants dismounted and took up positions. The Kana jogging toward them slowed his approach, seeing their hostile stance, then stopped. His gaze shifted from one to the next as he panted, looking nervous. He clutched something small in his hand.

Nehekhi grasped his Sha's mane and let himself down from its back. His lieutenant gave him a questioning look but the captain ignored him, stepping to the front. The scout--a young sergeant, from the looks of it--noticed this and shuffled from foot to foot.

"By any chance is there a Captain Nehekhi among you?" he called out as loudly as he could.

The other Kana blinked in surprise on hearing the name. "I am Lord Nehekhi," Nehekhi called back, trying to hide his confusion. The scout looked immediately relieved, and started walking toward them again. He held out his hand; Taka brought up his sword with a sharp snarl, making the younger Kana halt, but Nehekhi pushed the weapon away and gestured at the sergeant so he continued.

"I would not trust him, Lord!" Taka hissed. "He may be holding a dagger!"

Nehekhi waved at him in annoyance. The sergeant saluted and held out his hand again, revealing a tied scroll.

"I was asked to deliver this on behalf of Captain Mahakhi."

A jolt surged up Nehekhi's spine on hearing the name of his old commander. He accepted the scroll with numb fingers, fumbling several times as he tried to pull it open. He finally sliced the tie away with one claw and unrolled the papyrus, his eyes quickly scanning over its contents while his lieutenant looked on in puzzlement. After a moment he let out his breath in a gust, his wings sinking slightly.

"Lord...?" Taka stared at him intently, brow furrowing. "Your Moru? Are they...?"

"They are alive." Nehekhi rolled the scroll shut and tucked it into his belt without meeting the other Kana's eyes. He offered no further explanation, so Taka looked to the messenger to provide one. The sergeant saluted and spoke to Nehekhi as if he had asked the question.

"They are in Lord Mahakhi's care at the moment, Lord. Several days ago General T'uris's lieutenants retrieved them from the custody of a gang of bandits who have been traveling about the area. Captain Mahakhi has been tending to them since and sent me to inform you of their whereabouts."

Taka scowled. "So they ARE with the East Tribe? I was not wrong after all! It was only after your tribe's representatives disappeared that Lord Nehekhi's Moru did, as well!"

"I assure you this act had nothing to do with us, Lord," the sergeant replied. "We do not control the actions of this group, nor did we have any way of knowing what they were up to. But Lord Mahakhi has already ordered that they be dealt with. In the meantime the Moru are being cared for to the best of our ability."

"Likely story," Taka grumbled, but Nehekhi gently touched his arm, making him snort in surprise. The captain lifted his head to meet the sergeant's eyes and received a salute. He gave a halfhearted nod in response.

"Are they badly hurt?"

"Some of them were injured, Lord, but they are all alive. They have had time to rest and recover; they are ready for you to claim them, should you wish to return to the tribe and do so. Lord Mahakhi is fully willing to provide your men with as much food and water as you need for the return journey to your tribe."

Nehekhi nodded again. "Thank you. Take one of our Sha and please lead the way."

The winded Kana gratefully accepted one of the extra Sha from another of Nehekhi's men. Taka tugged on Nehekhi's elbow to secure his attention and murmured so the rest of the Kana couldn't hear.

"Lord, do you really think..."

"What I think is that I know where my Moru are," Nehekhi interrupted. "And that I'm going to go retrieve them now. This is what we set out to do. I have no reason to distrust Lord Mahakhi. Just follow orders and do as I say."

Taka flushed a little and nodded. Nehekhi nudged his Sha to follow the messenger and the rest of his men fell into line behind him. The lieutenant remained behind and took a moment to wave a few of his comrades near. They separated themselves from the group and crowded around him.

"Keep your eye on him and on this Lord Mahakhi," he muttered. "Just in case."

The others nodded and silently went on their way. After they had gone a little distance, Taka finally snorted and followed with a skeptical look.

* * * * *

Ameni did not talk for a good two days after being returned to the Moru quarters of Mahakhi. Thi'usa had no difficulty speaking of the atrocities that they had committed upon the robber Kana--going into excessive detail in each retelling as the rest of the Moru crowded around him, eyes wide and ears pricked, enraptured by the tale--and even the women, Tai'ihet and young Ki'amit, hissed and bared their teeth and pantomimed stabbing their assailants with daggers every time the story reached its bloody climax. Ki'amit's acting always drew hearty laughs from the older male Moru of the group as it was so unlike what was expected of a female, but nobody ever mocked or protested. Ameni conspicuously stayed away from them whenever the tale was told anew as he found he couldn't handle hearing it over and over again, much less once. Every time it just seemed to get gorier and gorier, and the images in his head changed to match. He took to plugging his ears with his fingers in a futile attempt to escape it, but the feral grins on the faces of the listening Moru were still visible as Thi'usa waved his arms and made slicing motions with his arm. The way the shadows played over their faces, they looked almost like the robber Kana themselves sometimes.

Ameni squinted his eyes shut and whimpered but didn't say anything, not even when invited over by one or another of the slaves. He sat in the far corner with his arms wrapped around his knees and rocked back and forth, then put his hands over his head. Closing his eyes only seemed to make the images worse. He couldn't stop seeing himself jabbing a dagger into his captor's throat, the look of utter fear and pleading in the Kana's eyes as Ameni was bathed in his blood. What made him any better than those dogs now? All of them were the same, even little Ki'amit. He could tell she would have done the same thing had she been there...they all would have done the same things he had done...

Thi'usa did not bother inviting him to the stories anymore; Ameni could tell he was not being shunned or ignored, as the Moru always glanced at him before going off with the rest of the slaves to recount the experience, but they did not speak to each other. The rest of the Moru gave him odd looks every so often. He sensed their puzzlement but he couldn't tell them what was going through his head every time he shut his eyes or looked at their faces. He tried staring at the floor for a while to make the visions go away, but the straw kept turning into mangled flesh, and the smooth tiles kept running red with blood and urine. He clutched his head and whimpered again.

Why can't I make them go away? I thought it would be better now--I thought it would be over. I can't keep going through this. Why can't I take it back? Why did I do that...?

He dropped his hands to the floor, pushing himself onto hands and knees. He found himself crawling toward the door before he even knew what he was doing. When he reached it and pulled it open so a crack of light flared in, the Moru turned to stare at him in surprise. The Kana standing watch outside the room gave him the same look, taking a step to the side and blinking down at him.

"Human! What are you doing? Stay in your quarters; it's safest in there. I thought you knew better."

"I...need..." Ameni's voice came out as thin and frail as aged papyrus; he didn't even recognize it at first. He put one hand to his throat as if to feel around for it behind his tongue, and the Kana responded by turning to confront him.

"Your face is gray!" His ears flicked and a tense look crossed his face. "Do you need the physician...?"

Ameni hastily shook his head and swallowed. "I...there...there was a Kana, who said I could call for him if needed...I..."

"Oh." The guard looked skeptical. "I'm not certain how much you know of our ways, human, but Moru do not call upon the Kana. Either you need to see the physician, or you must stay here. This is the way it is."

Panic tinged with anger flared in Ameni's chest, but he fought it down. "I...I need to see the physician, then," he murmured. "I do not feel well..."

The guard sighed. "Very well...can you stand on your own feet? Come along. Try not to fall over in the hallway, either."

Ameni grasped onto the door and pulled himself up. With a brief glance back he saw Thi'usa stand up to see what was going on, but didn't answer the question in his eyes. Instead he turned to follow the guard away from the room and down the hall. Ameni's stomach twisted in on itself all the way. He hadn't feigned feeling ill, but the physician was not the Kana he wished to see. He sensed it wasn't a physical illness that was ailing him.

He stumbled a little bit as he stared at the floor, and a hand grabbed his arm to keep him on his feet.

"I told you to stay on your feet, human! Do you need to be carried there--?"

"Don't be so snippish with him, Brother. Can't you tell he's about unconscious? And you make him walk anyway? You have river water in your veins."

The voice sounded familiar, and Ameni's senses perked up. He found himself being turned about and then faced another Kana who gave him a wide grin in greeting. Ameni struggled to remember his name, but his brain wasn't working properly.

"Hey, Moru-human! You remember me, right? Nehef? I would have gone with you on that raid, but I had duty back here...lucky me, eh? Did you have a lot of fun anyway? I heard those dogs won't be likely to drag their feet back here any time soon!"

"He was headed to the physician," the other Kana protested. "We haven't time to sit and chat right now. I'm supposed to be guarding the quarters."

"Then go guard them already! I can take him. Do you mind overmuch, human? It's not as if I have anything important to do now..."

Ameni swallowed and grasped Nehef's wrist. The lieutenant looked down at his fingers in puzzlement; Ameni's knuckles were white. He forced himself to turn and bow toward the guard.

"I...I would prefer to be taken there by Lord Nehef...I apologize for the trouble, Lord."

The guard's ears flicked and his nostrils flared in consternation. Finally he snorted. "Very well. Just get back before you are missed. Or my hide will be tanned because of you! And you too, 'Brother'--" he glared at Nehef now "--make sure he returns to where he belongs, or I'll make certain your back is just as tanned as my own!"

Nehef snorted in return. "You are a mother hen. Go cluck over the rest of your chicks. You will hardly miss one!" He took hold of Ameni's arm and started leading him away. "He will be back before you can even settle your rump down over all your eggs. Stop fretting like a silly goose and act like you really are a Kana."

"Hen! Goose!" the guard snapped as he likewise turned to walk away, tail flicking. "Birds and Kana both have wings, Brother, but only one of them has sense! And I do not think it is you!"

"He is a pick," Nehef said to Ameni as they walked along, the Kana's grip on his elbow holding him up. "Do not mind him; just talk back to him long enough and he will cave in like a pile of mush. You said you were not feeling well? Is it a pain in your stomach, or in your head...?"

"I...wished to see Lord Djuta," Ameni said softly, staring at the floor. "Not the physician...but the guard would not take me there...so I hoped I could call him from the physician's quarters. I...I did not mean to lie or inconvenience you, Lord."

Nehef raised an eyebrow. "Djuta? Why do you wish to see him? He knows nothing of medicine, you realize. I do not think he could much help you."

"My illness is not a physical one," Ameni murmured so the Kana could just barely hear. Nehef frowned and he spoke louder, desperation creeping into his voice. "He said that I could call upon him when I wished...I have not wanted to bother him, but I wish to see him now, if possible. If you could just tell him, please--"

"Easy, easy, human!" Nehef held a hand up to his mouth and made a hushing noise. "All right! All you had to do was ask. Just don't be so loud about it! Moru are not supposed to ask after Kana, you know."

"I know this, but he said..."

"I understand what he said; Djuta is always saying things like that. And I just called that OTHER dolt a mother hen! If anyone under this roof is a hen it is Lord Djuta." Nehef rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Very well, come along. I'm not certain where he is but I'll let you be tended to by the physician while I seek him out. Even if you are not really sick perhaps he can give you something to drink, just to put some color back in your face. You look like a walking mummy, and I bet you would make small children cry. Come along. It's not too far."

Ameni fell silent and followed, allowing Nehef to lead him toward one of the numerous doors. He didn't protest as he was led in and set down on a cot, the lieutenant attempting to explain his situation to the skeptical physician before leaving the two of them alone. He then sat and allowed himself to be subjected to as many little tests as the old Kana could think up, his eyes and ears and tongue examined in minute detail, his chest and elbows and knees thumped with a tiny mallet until he thought he would scream with frustration. Luckily the door opened again and he heard the physician start arguing with someone.

"He is my patient! If one is not doing well, it's my duty to see to them. I do not see the white lappets upon your head!"

"My rank is higher than yours," another voice replied, "and so you will deliver him into my custody. Remember who you work for, Physician, and remember that you thus work for me as well."

Djuta's voice made Ameni's senses light up, and he opened his eyes and lifted his head with hope. The two Kana stood before the door, the older one waving his arms and snapping out insults. Djuta turned his head to see Ameni staring at them and waved at him, making the physician sputter in disbelief. Ameni carefully got to his feet and approached them.

The old Kana gave him a venomous look. "You go sit back down! I will not have a human walking about dispensing the illness to everyone within reach!"

Djuta wrinkled his muzzle. "Quiet your voice, old man! I already told you he's coming with me. He's not your concern anymore. See to your other patients instead."

The old physician looked into the room behind him. "There ARE none!" he snapped, but by the time he turned back Djuta and Ameni had gone.

Ameni didn't speak as they walked up the hall again. The queasiness inside him had subsided somewhat, though he still held a hand to his stomach and bit his lip, hoping not to be ill.

"Where do you feel safe?" Djuta asked him quietly.

Ameni swallowed. "May we sit in the courtyard? It's open there, and I feel like no one is watching us..."

Djuta said nothing in response, but slightly altered his course. Ameni followed with his head down. He felt angry with himself for bothering the Kana, when it was obvious he had more important things he should be doing; but on the other hand he also felt relieved that Djuta had actually come. He didn't know why he trusted the lieutenant so much, especially after their raid. Djuta had acted much the same as the rest of them had...but that had been a different Djuta, hadn't it? There was no way that could have been the same person as this one...

His knee bumped into something, and Djuta touched his arm. Ameni blushed and stepped around the stone bench before sinking down onto it, slumping so his elbows rested upon his knees. Djuta stood a moment before sitting down beside him. They sat in silence for a long while; Ameni hated making him wait, but was grateful not to be pushed. He wasn't certain what he had to say anyway.

"Something is bothering you," Djuta finally said.

Ameni swallowed again and knotted his hands. "I've...been thinking about the raid a couple of days ago...it keeps going through my head. What we did."

Djuta just stared at him and said nothing. Ameni closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. The backs of his eyelids shone red and he felt his hands shaking.

"What we did to them...Thi'usa and I, and everyone else...we...we did nothing but what they had done. We were no better than they were. Every time I close my eyes I see red, all around me, all over me--my legs, my hands, my face...the floor runs with it. It's mine and it's not mine. I can see him staring at me and begging me not to kill him. I can hear his skin and muscle and cartilage tearing open. I can hear him gurgling at me and I can feel the warmth all over my hands and I can taste salt in my mouth. I wake up covered in sweat, when I can sleep at all, and I have to get into the light to make sure it's not blood. If I close my eyes I see it all over again, but if I keep them open I can see the others and hear them talking about it...over and over...talking and laughing. Just like those Kana. I plug my ears but all I can hear is screaming." He pressed his hands to his face. "I thought that once we did it, it would be over. I thought I would be able to sleep without seeing things all the time. After what happened to us, I truly thought that was the worst I could ever feel--seeing those things happen to Thi'usa-mate, and Ki'amit, and the others...but now I feel worse. I thought once it was over I could rest. I thought I would not see these things anymore. How could we have done that to them? What we did? What made that any better than what they did to us? What makes us any better?"

He had to bite off his words else he would have babbled forever. He sat and waited for Djuta to answer him, but it was a long time before the Kana spoke.

"Do you wish for the truth?" he asked. "Or the simple answer?"

Ameni pulled his hands down and stared at him. He had to force himself to speak.

"The truth. I have no use for a lie."

"Then there is no answer," Djuta replied. "None that you would like to hear."

"Tell me anyway. What justified that? What makes us any better than them?"

"Nothing does," Djuta said, and Ameni stared into his eyes in disbelief. Djuta's own stare didn't waver. "There is nothing that makes what we did any better than what they did."

Ameni's shoulders sank. Djuta fanned his wings slightly.

"It is simple revenge, Ameni-human, and nothing else. Sometimes it helps a victim move on, sometimes it doesn't. It does not ever solve anything. It just is. And it is no better than what was done to you. I know this is not what you wanted to hear...but it is the truth."

"Then...how are we better than they are?" Ameni's voice was thin, weak. "How could we do that to them...?"

"You cannot compare us to them in this moment, Ameni-human, as we are nowhere near the same right now. In our best and in our normal moments we are far better than they are; we do not go about stealing others' belongings and raping and murdering women and children. But when we are in our worst moments we are no better than they are. Then we are the same. Every one of us is capable of doing that. I would not say it in front of you then, but one of the reasons I did not wish to bring the females was because I knew they would be the most vicious of all if allowed to come. I have seen women and children when they are filled with rage, and they are bloodthirstier than any Kana. If one is pushed far enough they will push back, as hard as they can. In our worst moments we are all alike. There is not one bit of difference between us. It is only before and afterwards that we are different."

Ameni stared at his shaking hands. "I do not want to think that I can do this," he whispered. "Or you, or Ki'amit. We are supposed to be better than they are--we are supposed to be civilized. Honor, and compassion. We cannot become the things we hate--it solves nothing. It just makes it worse."

"You are right," Djuta said. "It solves nothing, and we are supposed to be better than that. But this is not how it is. Even your people resort to these measures when angered enough. A mad dog tears apart the one who is beating it--can you claim we are all so much better? This is just the way we are. You can strive to show compassion, but you know now that you are always capable of everything your enemy is capable of. In your best moments you are better than they are because you do not choose to do these things. Take comfort in that."

"I chose to stick that dagger in his throat. That was no better."

"No, it was not. Nor was what I did, or Thi'usa. If Ki'amit had been there, I do not like to think what she would have done--it would not have been any better, either. This is the way of things, Ameni; in our worst moments we are all brutes." He paused. "But remember also that you were pushed."

Ameni took a shuddery breath and let it out. "What I keep seeing...then. I wish it would go away. When will it ever go away? I can't bear to see this thing that I did, over and over again in my head..." He pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes as if to blot out the vision. He only succeeded in making his eyes sting, though when he opened them onto the glaring white of the courtyard tears flooded them and blurred everything into the same vague smear.

"It may never go away," Djuta replied. "It may fade, in time, but I doubt it will ever completely go away."

Ameni's chest started to hitch. He couldn't bear the thought of awakening every night to the same dreams. "And then how does one live with it? Knowing they are no better than the one who did this to them? And seeing it over and over...?"

"You just do. There is nothing else you can do." Ameni felt the Kana squeeze his wrist, and twisted his hand around to clasp Djuta's tightly. "But if you think it helps you any, then you may talk to me about it whenever you wish."

"Thi'usa and the others," Ameni murmured. "Why do they not react the same way? They laugh...and mimic it all...I do not understand how they can accept it, so easily. I thought that I would feel lighter once it was done, but I do not...why is it any different for them? What did I do wrong?"

"This is simply how they react. It is different for everyone. Perhaps because they are Moru, and are used to their station in life, they can accept it better. On the other hand you were raised not to seek revenge through violence, I would assume; perhaps it is just more difficult for you to accept that you can do this, because you have not learned things the way the Moru have."

"I am Moru," Ameni corrected him.

"You are human," Djuta replied.

"I am Moru now."

"You may claim you are Moru, and live as if you are one, but you will always be human."

Ameni opened his mouth to protest, only to hear a long, low moaning sound fill the air. His head jerked up and he stared at the sky in confusion. Djuta's ears pricked as well, though he looked in the direction of the main gate. The sound seemed vaguely familiar to Ameni, though he couldn't place it.

To his surprise Djuta grasped his arm and pulled him to his feet. "You must go back to Moru quarters now," he said as he led him from the courtyard. "You may speak with me again, at a more convenient time."

"What is that noise? Is something happening--?"

"It is an alert. Someone must approach the gate. I'll be expected there." He let go of Ameni's arm once they reached the hallway and made a shooing gesture. "You know the way back to the Moru quarters on your own? Do you think you can make it?"

Ameni nodded. He wished to ask about the alert, what it could mean, but sensed the Kana's haste and let him jog off down the hall, disappearing from sight. Ameni suppressed a sigh and made his way to the Moru quarters, although it was quite a difficult going, getting his feet to carry him back there.

* * * * *

The low blaring noise of the alert drew the attention of every Kana--and most of the Moru--in the tribe. Some rushed atop their roofs to crane their necks and peer toward the wall, while others crowded out into the street. Guards and soldiers kept most of them at bay, keeping the entrance clear. The gates began to open almost immediately, so the party must have been expected. Most of those striving to see who had arrived had no idea who could be expected at this time.

Nehef and Djuta arrived at almost the same time, panting from their rush from Mahakhi's house. Resikh and Ahai'ikh awaited them, both fidgeting slightly until their companions appeared. Resikh grasped Djuta's arm and started pulling him toward the gate.

"Brother! I was starting to think you wouldn't show up. Do you have any idea what Ahai'ikh was suggesting?"

"You are woefully late also," Ahai'ikh groused at Nehef. "I had thoughts of teaming up with Resikh and leaving you behind in the dust. At least the two of us are rarely late as you fellows are!"

"You have dung in your skull!" Nehef scoffed.

"They must," Djuta said, "to have not figured out yet that we are secret lovers, and this is why we are always late to meetings."

"Of course!" Nehef added, waggling his tongue suggestively at Djuta. "And if it were not for this blasted alert we would still be preoccupied with much better things!"

Ahai'ikh made a face. "Do not put images in my head! Ugh! I will be seeing THAT all day!"

Resikh merely rolled his eyes and shook his head, turning away. "Do not take too much offense, Brother. Your idea is starting to sound like a good one, now. I think we would make much better comrades than those two."

"What? You mean you are not interested in a foursome?" Nehef grabbed Djuta around the waist and stuck his muzzle in his ear. "I really thought one of you would at least be interested in watching--"

"You four louts!" another voice shouted, and Hiath'ikh pushed his way through the crowd. "Stop drooling all over each other and hurry up! By the time you get to the gate the party will be over!"

Djuta shoved a laughing Nehef away and signaled Resikh to come closer. "What is it, exactly? This is an odd time of day for us to all be out here."

"I think it's..." Resikh peered out of the great doors as they finally came open, then nodded. "The messenger Mahakhi sent...he's got company, also."

Hiath'ikh moved to stand beside them, on tiptoe with his neck extended as if it would give him a better view. He spotted something and his face lit up.

"It is Lord Nehekhi's men! I recognize them! They came for the Moru!" He turned and hurried away, pushing a few stray Kana out of his path. "I must go tell Lord Mahakhi..."

"That is our cue, then," Nehef said, waving to Ahai'ikh. "T'uris will want to know what all the commotion is about...or not...but still, we'd best tell him anyway. Perhaps we can try again to explain all that business with those dogs...I do not think he was listening the last time!"

"Do not remind me," Ahai'ikh said miserably, following him. Resikh fidgeted a bit, then tapped Djuta's arm.

"What do you suppose? Shall I stay here and let him know where to head, or would you prefer to do so?"

Djuta paused a moment before shaking his head. "I will go tell the Moru...I sense nobody else will bother taking the time. They'll want to know what's going on out here. Perhaps it will let them rest easier until their master comes for them."

Resikh nodded. "I'll speak with Nehekhi then...he is going to need to see Lord Mahakhi first off. See you soon, Brother."

He strode off toward the group of approaching Kana, saluting Nehekhi and his men as they rode in the gate. Djuta turned and slipped away through the crowd, going back toward Mahakhi's household. None of those gathered paid him any attention as they were too focused on the newcomers, everybody jostling and pushing to get a good look at the dusty arrivals. A few guards nudged them back with spears as Resikh halted before the arrivals and saluted again, ducking his head in a short bow. The returning messenger saluted before climbing down from his Sha, rubbing at his arms; Captain Nehekhi gave Resikh a pensive look.

"Welcome, Lord," Resikh greeted. "I trust the journey wasn't too long."

"You are Lord Resikh," Nehekhi said, as if digging to remember the name. Resikh bowed again.

"Yes, Lord. We did not know each other well, but I serve Lord Mahakhi's house."

Nehekhi's ears pricked. "Lord Mahakhi. Is he here? I need to speak with him about..."

"Yes, Lord; he awaits you at his house. He is fully aware of what happened to your Moru. They are waiting for you there as well. All I ask is that you follow me to speak with Lord Mahakhi first."

Nehekhi responded by climbing down from his Sha, handing the reins to one of his men. A lieutenant held up his hand as if to stall him, but Nehekhi shot him a warning look before he could speak. He walked forward to join Resikh, not slowing his step; Resikh picked up the hint and started off in the direction of Mahakhi's house. The rest of the Kana followed, albeit slowly, so the two of them walked ahead on their own.

"My Moru," Nehekhi said in a low voice. "You must think by now I am a horrendous master, to let them simply be taken like that..."

"I realize it was no fault of your own, Lord. They spoke of the attack on your estate. It could have happened to any household. Robbers of Moru are simply not expected in these areas."

"Yet I heard from your messenger that it was a group of robbers responsible for this and that you have knowledge of them; where are they? What has been done about this?"

Resikh's ear flicked as he tried to think of a way to put what had happened into words. "Rest assured they've been properly dealt with, Lord," he finally said, knowing it was vague but hoping the other Kana wouldn't mind. "They will no longer go about stealing others' Moru."

Nehekhi started rubbing his hands, staring at the ground ahead of them. "I heard they were injured. How badly were they hurt? Is any of it serious at all?"

"They are fine now, Lord..."

"Do not gloss it over for me, Lieutenant. I wish to know what happened to them. How badly were they hurt?"

Resikh was silent for a few moments. Nehekhi lifted his head to stare at him, and although the lieutenant didn't meet his eyes he could feel the other Kana's eyes boring through him. He bit the inside of his mouth and hesitated a bit before speaking.

"They...some of them were beaten, Lord. Quite badly. Your female Tai'ihet in particular, though there were others whose names I do not know." Nehekhi's face started to fall, making any further description even more difficult. "They were...humiliated, also. Some of them worse than others..."

"Humiliated?" Nehekhi's voice came sharp. "What do you mean? Explain exactly! I'm tired of all of you coddling me. Tell me what happened to my Moru!"

Resikh's wings hunched and he suppressed a cringe. "Most of them were assaulted, Lord. Sexually." A look of utter despair fell upon Nehekhi's face. "Some of them by the robbers, some of them made to act upon their fellows. They are still somewhat sore but physically all right, now, Lord. But the young one...Ki'amit, her name...she..."

"Oh, no." Nehekhi put a hand to his eyes and nearly stumbled as he walked. "Gods, no. Please don't tell me...her pup..."

"She has lost it, Lord." Resikh's voice was quiet, almost a murmur. Nehekhi put his other hand to his eyes and let out a moan. The lieutenant stopped speaking and they walked in silence for a while, their sandals kicking up clouds of dust from the path. Resikh fiddled with the pommel of his sword but said nothing, not knowing what he could say.

After a few moments Nehekhi let out a sound and pulled his hands away, rubbing at his damp eyes. "It was to be her first pup," he murmured. "Thi'usa was the father...he was so proud of her. Damn those dogs for doing that to them...she is just a young girl. And my Tai'ihet! Beating my Tai'ihet! If you had not taken care of them already I would crush their throats!" His hands clenched so his claws dug into his palms, then he gasped and halted abruptly. "The human! Ameni! There was a human with them--is he--?"

"He is here as well, Lord."

A slight bit of relief flickered in Nehekhi's eyes. "Was he hurt, as well...?"

Resikh coughed. "He was, Lord..." he had to avert his eyes, he could not stand seeing the grief on the captain's face "...but he is in better shape than most. It was he and Thi'usa-Moru who informed Lord Mahakhi of what had happened. He is quite resilient, for a human."

"He is my Ameni," Nehekhi murmured, starting to walk again, albeit with a drag in his step. Resikh slowed his pace to allow the Kana to keep up, and spoke no more the rest of the way to Mahakhi's household.

* * * * *

The guards stationed outside General T'uris's quarters were doing much cringing. The noises coming from within weren't very pleasant, and although a word reached them now and then, they didn't care to guess at what exactly was being discussed. They did bother to share a glance which indicated they should like to treat Lieutenants Nehef and Ahai'ikh to beer whenever they should leave the place, hopefully alive.

T'uris stormed back and forth between his bed and a large reading table which had been placed in his room. The torn scrolls littering it showed just how furious he was. Nehef and Ahai'ikh held their posts, standing at attention, but every time he turned away they rolled their eyes at one another. T'uris whirled on them and clenched his fists.

"HOW is it that you let this thing happen?" he railed, his eyes very nearly flashing red. "We do not espouse vigilantism! Do you have any IDEA what thoughts you've put in my men's heads? Do you have ANY explanation for this behavior?"

"With respect, Lord, we already informed you several days ago, just after it happened," Nehef said calmly. "We had thought this explanation sufficed as you offered no argument--"

"THIS IS BECAUSE I WAS NOT LISTENING! Are you happy now, Lieutenant? I should have your lappets flayed off!" T'uris flung his hands in the air, then swept the scrolls from his desk. "I have told you time and again NOT to bother me when I am in my library! You should have come sooner! Instead you wait DAYS until you approach me at a convenient time! By now the blood is dry and my men will be thinking they can do this whenever they please! We do not go about slaughtering our brothers!"

Nehef's muzzle wrinkled up in a dangerous way and Ahai'ikh quickly cut in. "With respect, Lord, how could you even compare them to your best men? We serve you faithfully; we are brothers. They were dogs; they took even the life of one of your mates, do you not remember--?"

T'uris rounded on him. "THAT WAS NEVER PROVEN!" he bellowed, making Ahai'ikh flinch. "We do not kill those who are not proven GUILTY! You as a Kana know this!"

"Perhaps they would have been found guilty, had anyone bothered to take them to trial," Nehef retorted.

T'uris halted and turned to stare at him. His eyes narrowed and his lip curled back as he approached his lieutenant. Nehef held his stare but Ahai'ikh just barely saw his wings quiver.

"You question my methods, Lieutenant?" T'uris growled in a low voice.

Nehef was silent for a moment or two before summoning up the ability to speak. "No, Lord," he replied. "I only wonder why it took anyone so long to act on this problem in the first place."

T'uris's nostrils flared. He turned back to the scroll table and picked the scattered papyri up, jamming them into a little drawer. "It was NOT your place to remedy things!"

"If you'll remember, Lord, we were not the ones to address the problem," Ahai'ikh interjected. "We merely informed you of the aftermath--there was no slaughter, only two died in the encounter--"

"We also asked your approval ahead of time to send a party out to seek them," Nehef added. "It was not long before this. You gave consent."

"I suppose I was in my library then, as well! Perhaps I should make a new law stating that anything I say while in there is subject to a second going over by me, at a more appropriate time!" T'uris slammed the drawer shut. "And if you two were not the ones reveling in the bloodshed, then who was?"

Nehef's ear twitched. "That would be Lord Djuta, General."

T'uris halted, turning slowly to look at his lieutenants. His eyes were stunned, but the look gradually changed to one of resentment. His claws dug into the top of the desk.

"Djuta," he muttered under his breath. "I knew he was bad luck the moment I admitted him into this tribe..."

"He is also one of your most skilled men, Lord," Nehef dared to say. "If it were not for him, the robbers would still be plaguing our tribe and bothering our Moru...and we know you would not submit to that, would you?"

The general looked at him once more, his face dark. He came toward the two with narrowed eyes and when he spoke now, his voice was dangerously low.

"I will deal with Lord Djuta later. As for you two..." He stopped before them and looked from one to the other, and lowered his voice to almost a whisper. "If I hear of one more attempt on your parts to undermine my authority, no matter who gives his consent...do not think that just because you are first and second lieutenant that you are immune to my wrath." He leaned away from them, standing straight again. "And do not think I do not know what's been going on. The hours you spend at Lord Mahakhi's household. The chatter you engage in in the taverns with the other soldiers. If you think for a moment I do not know where your loyalties truly lie, then you are much stupider than you think. I still have men who serve me much more faithfully than you two would believe." He turned away from them and began retrieving the rest of the tattered scrolls. "Dismissed."

Nehef and Ahai'ikh saluted, although he wasn't looking at them anymore. They turned and exited his quarters into the hallway, Ahai'ikh darting Nehef an anxious glance as they did so. They knew each other well enough to know what they were thinking without speaking.

What do you think he knows, Brother? Are we safe?

Just keep on as we have been doing. With the way things are looking I do not think we have anything to worry about from

"Lords?" a voice called. The two stopped and looked back. One of the guards at the door waved at them.

"You are free later on tonight?" he called, and pantomimed pouring from a mug. "We can all snatch a beer together. Our treat."

Nehef cocked an ear. The guard lowered his hand to lean on his spear and grinned.

"Maybe we can chatter a little bit, too."

Ahai'ikh blinked. Nehef grinned back at the guard and nodded. "I like the sound of that. We will be there."

The guards saluted and the two lieutenants turned back the way they were headed; as they did, Nehef made certain to catch Ahai'ikh's eye. Once again the other Kana didn't need to ask what was meant.

What did I tell you? We have nothing to worry about.

* * * * *

Nehekhi did not much care for talking at the moment. He sensed the lieutenant's relief at this, as he knew he wouldn't have had much to say. He had never known Resikh very well before leaving to join the Red Tribe, and so the two of them had little they could discuss. Instead he listened to the clack of their sandals upon the tiled floors. After a while he lifted his head to look upwards at the columns and ceiling, and felt a pang in his chest.

"It has been ages since I have last been in here," he murmured. "Yet it has hardly changed at all."

"Lord Mahakhi is not much of one for decorations, Lord."

The corner of Nehekhi's mouth twitched in almost a smile. "No, he never was." He cast a look at Resikh as they walked. "Forgive me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember you were not always with this tribe. At least I do not recall ever training with you."

"Your memory is not faulty, Lord. Lord Djuta and my father and I came here from another tribe. We had already undergone our basic training by then. General T'uris did not need any more men at the time and so we were assigned to Lord Mahakhi's house."

"General T'uris," Nehekhi said in surprise. "He is still leading? He was growing old, even when last I was here. I assumed he was simply a figurehead by now."

Resikh's ear twitched. "He is still general, Lord, though there are a few who are not happy with this fact."

Nehekhi frowned in puzzlement at the odd comment when a shadow appeared at the end of the hallway. He turned his head to peer at it and his spirits rose when he recognized the one approaching them. Resikh slowed and took a step to the side, saluting and bowing his head.

"I'll be going back to my post now, Lord. Please enjoy your stay." He looked awkward, as if knowing the welcome was the incorrect one to give somebody retrieving their injured Moru; Nehekhi nodded at him anyway and the lieutenant retreated. He turned back to the other Kana still approaching and crossed his arm to his breast. Captain Mahakhi did the same, and then a huge grin spread across his face once he stopped before him.

"Nehekhi-Brother," he said, and Nehekhi felt the same grin come to his own face. He held out his arm and Mahakhi clasped it, then pulled him into an embrace, clapping him on the back.

"Mahakhi-Kana," Nehekhi said in response, and after a moment they let each other go. Mahakhi looked him up and down and his grin grew, his wings fanning.

"You wear those red lappets well, Captain Nehekhi," he said, and poked at Nehekhi's midsection. "Though I believe you've put on a pound or two! Are you getting soft in your old age, Moru?"

Nehekhi's grin spread as well. "I would not talk so casually. You look a bit rough yourself! Still spending more time with your women than with your soldiers, are you?"

Mahakhi let out a bellow of laughter. "If you were any other Kana, I'd have lopped off your head by now. But since you are Nehekhi I will only laugh. How have you been doing, Brother? You never visit, and you do not even so much as send a message. Not that I am big on reading, but one would think you had disappeared from the face of the earth."

Nehekhi's smile softened. "I am sorry I did not keep in touch, Brother...there were many times I intended to, but you know how duties get..."

"Yes, this I know. Very well! I am even guiltier than you are, in fact." His look grew apologetic. "I know you wished me to visit with our last party, but I just could not make it. I would have come, otherwise. If not to speak with Lord Djiu, then to see to the decadent lifestyle of one of my best students."

Nehekhi actually laughed at this, and was surprised by how odd it felt. "I hope you do not think I am that far gone," he said; then, "Truly, Lord, I understand...we are Kana and sometimes duty simply gets in the way. But to clear your misconceptions, I do not think I am as decadent as you think I am."

"Oh? I have learned that you've acquired a human for your collection, Nehekhi-Brother, and if this does not count as decadence then I do not know what does." Nehekhi's smile must have dimmed, for a line of worry formed on Mahakhi's forehead, then the big captain let out a sigh. "I apologize for that...I should not have joked. Of course this is what you are here for, after all."

"My Moru," Nehekhi said. "They are...?"

"They are safe, under this roof. They have been treated as well as, even better than, my own."

Nehekhi let out his breath. "Even when last I lived here there were stories of how spoiled your females were," he said, "so my Moru must be in the proper hands."

Mahakhi blinked, then laughed again. "You are joking! Well, at least that means you believe me. Do not worry about them, Nehekhi-Brother. They're doing well. From what I've heard Thi'usa has been keeping my own Moru up nights with his stories."

"Thi'usa--? Stories--?"

"It is...rather difficult to explain." Mahakhi scratched behind his ear. "I hate to do this to you, friend, but I beg that you come back to my quarters for just a moment. I wish to clear a few things up while you are here."

Nehekhi bit the inside of his mouth. "Then may I see my Moru?"

Mahakhi nodded. "I would not dare to keep you apart from them any longer than necessary, Brother. This should allow them enough time to receive news of your arrival, as well. I'm certain they will be grateful to see you."

Nehekhi nodded, trying to quell the anxiety flaring inside him. "Very well. I know they will be fine until I can see them again. It's just that..."

He trailed off; Mahakhi took his arm and started walking back up the hall, Nehekhi accompanying him. "I understand," he said. "We will speak of it in my quarters. I will give you a mug of beer to calm your nerves, and then you will see your Moru again."

* * * * *

"An alert? Someone came to the gate? Did you hear anything else...?"

As expected, everyone in the Moru quarters was abuzz with questions, most of them aimed at Ameni as he had been the only one away at the time of the trumpet blare. Thi'usa pestered him the most, though Ameni was woefully low on information. For some reason he felt compelled to lie about being with Djuta rather than the physician, and wasn't sure why. All he knew was he felt uncomfortable telling Thi'usa where he had really been, and so made up a story as best he could, while trying to remain moderately truthful.

"All I did was hear it," he insisted after the third or fourth round of questions. "The physician said it was an alert and I had to come back here. He did not say who it was and I did not ask. The lieutenant showing me back had to go to the front gate so I came back on my own. This is all I know." His face grew cross. "Are there not frequent visitors here anyway? Why does an alert always draw so much attention?"

"You are still naive about a few things, Ameni-mate," Thi'usa said. "Did you never notice it's the same way in the Red Tribe? All the attention the East Tribe drew when they came? We are not the most social when it comes to intertribal relations. We have good reasons."

"Reasons such as...?"

Hiakh started making gestures with his hands. "Old tribe," he said. "To accept party of visitors, most good Kana to be killed off at dinner!" He made a sickening slicing sound and pantomimed slitting his throat a few times. "Hardly a good soldier to be left--to take all Moru and burn city!"

"Burn the city...?" Ameni felt a shiver, although the quarters were warm. He glanced at Thi'usa uneasily. "This happens often?"

"I would not say often, Ameni-mate, only because we do not often accept unexpected visitors. At least not in any large numbers. Unspoken Kana knowledge is that the more men a leader arrives with, the shadier his intentions. Even invited guests are not always held in great welcome. You yourself must have seen the reaction to the East Tribe Kana when they arrived among us. There were quite a few unhappy whispers going about."

"They did not prove to be correct," Ameni retorted. "I have yet to see any from the East Tribe so much as raise a hand against us. They have been far kinder than most Kana would probably be."

He realized he had raised his voice when he noticed Thi'usa and the others staring at him puzzledly. He flushed in embarrassment, wondering where the outburst had come from; Thi'usa only tilted his head.

"I never said they wouldn't be, Ameni-mate. I grew up here; I know how the East Tribe is."

A slight noise came from the door and it opened. Everyone's heads popped up and they craned their necks with sudden curiosity. Ameni saw the guard at the door step aside as another Kana entered; his heart rose when he recognized Djuta, and he got to his feet. He hardly noticed the odd look Thi'usa gave him as he did so.

Djuta stopped and looked around the room, not at Ameni in particular. "All Moru of the Kana Captain Nehekhi," he called out, and the few Moru who had not bothered paying attention before did so now. "I have news. Your master has arrived from the south to take possession of you again. At the moment he speaks with Lord Mahakhi. He and his men are expected to rest here for a while, but within several days you may be expected to return to your home."

The faces of Nehekhi's Moru lit up, the slaves looking more joyful than they ever had before. Instantly a loud chatter arose and they grasped at each other, laughing and exclaiming; all except Ameni, who still stood facing Djuta. The Kana turned without meeting his eyes and left the room, the guard shutting the door behind him. Ameni stared at the door for a long while, the words of the rest of the Moru meeting his ears but not making much sense.

"To come back! To be here!"

"To come get us!"

"Good master to not leave us! Good Nehekhi-Master!"

"To go home! To go home!"


He did not even look at me.

His name was hissed now, and he nearly fell over when something tugged on his kilt, pulling him back down. He caught himself before he could hit the floor and Thi'usa gave him an irritated look.

"What's gotten into you?" he demanded; Ameni just stared at him, uncomprehending. "Why did you stand up and gawk at him like that?" Thi'usa continued. "You didn't even bow your head! I know you are human, Ameni-mate, but sometimes you can still be incredibly foolish."

"What...?" Ameni managed, confused.

Thi'usa let out a gusty sigh and raised his hands in an exasperated gesture. "You do not simply stand before a Kana officer and gape at him! Especially not if you are Moru! Lord Djuta is forgiving, but you'd best remember not to do that again!"

"I..." Ameni drifted off. "I wasn't thinking."

Thi'usa stared at him for a moment, then his face lit up. "I understand! The news! Nehekhi-Master! He's come back for us!" He let out a gleeful laugh; Ameni was startled to see him so cheerful, even while bruises still littered his arms and legs. "I knew that he would. I knew he would come looking for us and would not rest until he had found us! You surely heard the news, didn't you, Ameni-mate? We will be going home soon! Back home!" He let out an odd wailing sound which Ameni would have taken to be keening, had not the Moru obviously been so happy. This was taken up by the rest of Nehekhi's Moru until the quarters were filled with the deafening sound. Ameni spotted Hiakh and Kiakh embracing each other, and Tai'ihet and Ki'amit held each other's hands as they laughed and wailed.

Yet all he felt was numb.

"Ameni-mate...?" Thi'usa's voice cut through to him once more and he blinked and lifted his head. The Moru had stopped wailing to stare at him again, his brow furrowed. He touched Ameni's knee. His fingers were warm, not cool like Djuta's had been, earlier, in the courtyard. Ameni wondered why he had noticed that.

"What is it?" Thi'usa asked softly. "Something bothers you?"

"I..." Ameni trailed off, then drew his knees up to himself and put his arms around them. "No, nothing."

Thi'usa's look of confusion grew. "Are you not happy that Nehekhi-Master has arrived?" he asked. "It has been so long! I miss home so much. We will be going back!" He smiled. "Don't you agree, Ameni? Haven't you missed home?"

"Of course," Ameni said. His voice faltered. "It's just that..."

He trailed off again. Thi'usa waited for him to finish, then drew his hand back toward himself, frowning.

"You...do not want to go back home...?" he said in a tone of disbelief.

"Of course I do!" Ameni snapped. "It's just..." He glanced at the closed door, imagined Djuta walking out of it. "It's just that...they have been kind to us here. They...they've treated us with respect."

Thi'usa's confusion seemed to grow. "Does Nehekhi-Master not treat us with respect, too?"

"Yes, he does! I did not say he didn't! But he...I..." He drew in on himself, suddenly feeling very self-conscious, and stared at the floor. The silence was deafening; he wished Thi'usa had not even noticed his distracted state, but now that he had, there was no deflecting his attention. The Moru had always been perceptive of others' feelings.

"It's just that...I..." Ameni swallowed, and it went down hard. "I feel human, here."

Thi'usa's eyebrow crooked. Ameni could tell he didn't understand. "You are human," he said, but it didn't sound anything like the way Djuta had said it; Ameni could tell the meaning of the comment had passed him by. "Why do you need to feel human?"

"I had forgotten what it felt like," Ameni said quietly.

"But I thought that was what you wanted. You are one of us now. Feeling human has no place here. We are Moru."

Ameni sighed to himself and stared at the floor again. "Never mind," he murmured.

He sensed Thi'usa's eyes on him a while longer, and wished he would turn away, before hearing the Moru stand up. Thi'usa touched his knee, nearly making him flinch; fortunately he didn't seem to notice. "You are just not used to the thought of us going home yet," he said in a confident voice. "I understand, Ameni-mate; I admit I too had some thoughts that we would always remain here. I am glad I was wrong, though. Once Nehekhi-Master comes, it will hit you and you will be very happy to leave this place! I promise it!"

He stepped away to go speak with the rest of the Moru, who had resumed their excited chatter. Ameni sighed and rested his head upon his knees, shutting his eyes. All he could keep seeing was Djuta heading out the door.

He did not even look at me.

Is Thi'usa right? When Nehekhi-Master comes...can I forget about this place? And return home? Just like that, as if I were never even here?

Can I just turn my back on it all...on everyone here...

...on him...?

* * * * *

Mahakhi hated the look Nehekhi wore on his face, all the way to his quarters. The other Kana did little but stare into the cup he'd been offered even after he took a seat. Mahakhi sighed, trying to keep his frustration to himself; he thought of how he would feel if his own Moru had been taken away and treated so awfully. Still, he had always detested gloominess; it achieved nothing. He allowed Nehekhi to sit in silence for a while before pouring himself a drink and sitting nearby. When Nehekhi still didn't respond he lifted his cup and spoke loudly, drawing his attention.

"To fallen brothers," he said.

Nehekhi lifted his head, blinked, then raised his own cup. "May their wings never tire," he added, and downed the beer as if it had no taste at all. Mahakhi stared at him before drinking his own and setting his cup aside, leaning forward in his chair.

"Nehekhi-Brother, your wallowing does nothing. Your Moru are alive and well; be happy about it!"

Nehekhi shut his eyes. "They are not well. Not so well as they would have been had I listened to his warning!"

Mahakhi frowned. "Whose warning...?"

"The human's. Ameni's."

"Ah...him. I had meant to ask..."

"He came to me when I was lost in the big sandstorm. I would have eaten my own Sha raw, had it not been for him and his fire. He built a fire for me, out of his own walking stick. He had no reason to do this, yet he did. Even when he first appeared he hailed me as a brother." His mouth twitched in what Mahakhi was surprised to see resembled a grim smile. "I realize he did not know I was Apsiu at first, but this did not stop him...though when I killed my Sha I could tell he was startled...he ran very, very fast then. But still he came back and built me a fire." He pressed a knuckle against his eye. "He is a good human. I do not know what you think of me because of this, but I care about him very much. He tried to warn me...I did not listen."

"You had no way of knowing if he was right or not, Brother. I'm betting even he did not know for certain."

"I am still a fool for not having proper guards about my house. I have always been lazy. I should have known something like this could happen."

Mahakhi stood and snorted. "If you must blame anyone, blame T'uris. He is the one responsible for letting this happen."

He picked up the jar to pour himself another cup of beer. Nehekhi stared at him in confusion, brow furrowed.

"General T'uris...? What has he to do with this--?"

"It is because of him that that pack of mongrels was allowed to run loose in the first place. They could have been cut down long ago had he not done his best to shield them all the way." Mahakhi downed his drink and wiped his mouth, giving Nehekhi a pointed look. "Do not worry about them now. I have made certain they will bother no one any longer."

Nehekhi looked ready to ask him what he meant, but bit his lip and said nothing. Mahakhi sat back down and pushed his chair closer, reaching out to clasp the other captain's forearm. Nehekhi's gaze drifted toward the floor again.

"As I said. Do not drown yourself in this grief. Your Moru have been battered but they have survived. I am grieved that your female lost her pup, but even she has been laughing with the rest of them. They will recover. Even now I bet they are whooping to hear that you have come for them."

"I do not deserve them," Nehekhi murmured.

Mahakhi's nostrils flared, then he gripped Nehekhi's forearm hard enough to sting. Nehekhi grimaced and started to pull away but Mahakhi held him fast, making eye contact.

"Who was it who trained you? It was I. Who recommended you for promotion to captain? You'll remember it was I as well. I do not train undeserving Kana. I do not give my praise lightly. You remember how hard you had to fight just to earn a nod from me."

Nehekhi nodded in response. "I remember."

"You know I would not lie to you now. Your Moru are fine. They will recover. They need only you to take them back home and move them on with their lives." He stood up and gestured so Nehekhi did likewise. "I wished only to let you know that you have nothing more to worry about from the dogs who did this. They are gone, and they will not trouble any of us further. I am only sorry I waited so long to act." He strode toward the door. "You may go to see them now, if you like."

Nehekhi followed him, still staring at the floor. "Do you think they will forgive me?" he murmured; Mahakhi touched his shoulder and drew his attention, then clasped the side of Nehekhi's neck in a familiar gesture once they faced one another. He lifted his head so his red lappets hung over his shoulders and gave the other Kana a look that was more confident than he felt.

"You have nothing to seek forgiveness for." He let go of Nehekhi and opened the door; a guard standing in the hallway saluted and stepped aside. "Take him to the Moru quarters to see to his slaves."

"Yes, Lord."

Nehekhi started out the door. Mahakhi began to turn away, only to feel a hand upon his arm. He looked to see Nehekhi staring at him. The younger Kana's eyes glimmered; Mahakhi's ear twitched but he said nothing.

"Thank you," was all Nehekhi said, but the voice in which he said it told Mahakhi much more.

He blinked in surprise, then gathered himself and nodded once. Nehekhi let go and turned away, walking off down the hall after the guard. Mahakhi stared after them until they had disappeared from sight, then let out a small sigh and silently closed his door.

* * * * *

The chattering of the Moru began to die down after a while. They often glanced at the door hopefully, then distracted themselves with more talk when it didn't open. Ameni wondered what was taking so long. They'd been told to expect their master soon, but that had seemed like ages ago. In here, without windows, he could not tell how much time had passed, though he guessed it hadn't been nearly as long as it felt. Despite his own misgivings he badly wished to see Nehekhi again. He just wasn't certain what he'd say, or how he should act.

So much has changed since I last saw him. It's been such a short time, but still...I feel like a completely different person, now. Everything was so simple when I was just a Moru, but now...now I don't know what to think...

He let his eyes go closed and started to doze a little, trying to catch up on lost sleep. He still felt hurt over Djuta's refusal to acknowledge him again, but was also grateful that at least the others seemed to be happier. Perhaps once they returned home, he could forget about this place, about these strange Kana, and once again be the simple Moru he'd been before...not the human, but the slave. It was so much easier being a slave, and knowing what to do, rather than being human and having to act on one's own. For once he understood the other Moru's confusion when he'd tried to explain what life had been like as a human...by now that life was far behind him.

At least, it should be...if only he hadn't reminded me...

A jostling noise came, and a band of light fell across his face. He squinted and blinked and shielded his eyes in confusion, slipping out of a half-dream. The rest of the Moru turned their heads quickly, craning their necks. It was just a lieutenant standing at the door, but he stepped aside and another Kana took his place. Even in silhouette Ameni recognized his shape and build, and could even see his eyes widen in recognition. He had never seen Nehekhi look so elated before.

Ki'amit and Tai'ihet were the first to leap to their feet. "MASTER!" they cried, and ran toward him. Nehekhi held out his arms like a father welcoming his children and crushed the two females against him in a powerful embrace. Ameni stood, yet his legs refused to move. Instead he stood and watched as the rest of Nehekhi's Moru rose and crowded around him, all yelling and cheering and reaching out for him. Nehekhi continued hugging Ki'amit and Tai'ihet, rocking back and forth; he pressed his muzzle to their necks and caught their scents and kissed their faces.

"My mates! My little ones! I've missed you so much!"

Thi'usa pushed his way through the crowd, eyes brimming and a huge smile on his face. "Nehekhi-Master! It's me! It's me!" He waved, as if the Kana must have forgotten who he was. Nehekhi lifted his head from nuzzling at Ki'amit's neck and beamed, his own eyes wet; he seemed reluctant to let the females go, but reached his arm out for the Moru just the same. Thi'usa laughed as a child might have and threw his arms around him. Nehekhi nuzzled at him as well, then at Hiakh and Kiakh when they approached, then at the rest of the Moru as they cried for his attention.

Ameni watched with a sort of detached fascination as the Kana embraced and nuzzled every last one of them. He knew their master was simply capturing their distinct scents, refamiliarizing himself with them, as each of the Moru did the exact same thing to him; it was more an instinctive gesture, than anything. Still, the last time he'd really noticed it had been before he'd grown used to living among them. He'd taken the gesture for granted, until now. The Moru each allowed themselves to be scented, giggling and laughing with joy as they turned themselves over to their master. Nehekhi wept openly even as the guard still standing at the door watched, but the other Kana merely smiled and looked away. Mahakhi's Moru sat and watched in curious silence, seemingly amused by the spectacle.

"My poor Moru!" Nehekhi cried. He hugged Ki'amit and one of the other adolescent females again. "My poor mates! I am so sorry! My poor poor Moru!"

"Nehekhi-Master to come back!" Ki'amit exclaimed, jumping up and down against him with a wide smile. "To go home! To go home with Nehekhi-Master!"

"Yes, yes, of course, little ones; we will stay here a few days, just to rest, but then I will take you all home with me. Every one of you! You will be back in your own quarters! I will have every one of you bathed in the finest waters and given the finest straw to sleep upon! And I will visit you all myself, every day! You will be safe there now, I promise. This will never happen again. I have missed you all so much, my poor little Moru!"

Ki'amit and the others started talking again, all at once; Ameni's attention drifted and he looked toward the doorway. He didn't know the name of the guard outside. He wondered why Djuta had not brought Nehekhi here. It was almost as if the other Kana had not wished to be present, even after all the trouble he'd gone to to make them comfortable. Why hadn't he come...?


Ameni blinked and turned his head. Nehekhi had turned toward him and stared at him now over the crowd of Moru still milling around him. They stared at each other for a moment before Nehekhi let go of the females and gently nudged his way through the crowd to reach him. Ameni stared up at him; the Kana's eyes still glimmered, even more so now, and then he felt the breath almost knocked out of him when he was swept into those powerful arms and pressed to Nehekhi's breast, his head against the Kana's shoulder. He gasped and felt Nehekhi's wet muzzle at his neck, a hoarse whisper meeting his ear.

"I am so sorry, Ameni-mate. I did not listen. Please, please forgive me."

Ameni blinked in surprise. Kana did not ask Moru for forgiveness; at least, they were not supposed to. He could tell none of the others had heard the apology; it was meant for him alone. The way Nehekhi's voice cracked told him more than he wished to know, and he immediately felt himself filled with a horrible remorse for having made him feel that way. Instantly all thoughts of Djuta and the others fled his mind, and he felt his arms go around his master, holding him back. He shut his eyes tight and felt tears stream down his face. Right now, at least, the embrace felt just right, the only one that mattered. He'd almost forgotten what his master had felt, sounded, smelled like. He pressed his face against Nehekhi's shoulder and took a deep breath, catching the scent of his musk, and felt Nehekhi do the same.

"Nehekhi-Master," he murmured; and then, although he did not know why he said it, he knew he must have a reason, anyway. "I am sorry. I am sorry..."

* * * * *

A day passed, and then nightfall drew itself around the Kana settlement. The taverns started echoing with the sounds of raucous singing and laughter, and certain parts of certain households rang with similar sounds, some of them louder than others. It grew late enough that even the most hardened drinkers started heading home, albeit haltingly, staggering and needing to be helped along the rutted streets. Some of them headed home to sleep; others, to celebrate a little longer, until unconsciousness should take hold.

Nehekhi had already done his own celebrating, seeing to his Moru and making certain they were well. Though he could hardly stand to see the bruises and lack of sleep so evident upon their faces, the joy in their eyes made up for their battered state, at least a little. He made certain to examine every one of them, fretting at the worst injuries even as the slaves reassured him they were all right. Oddly, they seemed to be telling the truth. Even Ki'amit was happier than he'd ever expected her to be. The only one who seemed even remotely distracted was Ameni, and even his foggy stare had vanished the moment his master held him.

What was more, he seemed to have accepted Nehekhi's apology, and though he said nothing of it, this little fact unburdened his heart greatly.

Now that night had fallen he paced down the hallway toward Lord Mahakhi's quarters. He wished to thank his old commander for helping him, even though he had already done so earlier in the day. Now that he thought back on it, he realized just how ill mannered he'd been in his distracted state, when Mahakhi had spoken with him. He'd brushed off almost every comment the other captain had offered. What sort of behavior was that toward the one who had given his Moru back to him?

Now that he'd seen them for himself, perhaps he could thank his friend properly.

He met the guards he recognized from Mahakhi's door standing a little way down the hallway from the captain's quarters. They hailed him when he approached, and when he stated his business they gave each other an odd look.

"Lord Mahakhi may be preoccupied at the moment, Captain," one of them said.

"I do not mind," Nehekhi replied. "I was the one who was preoccupied earlier; I believe I owe him a greater thanks than I gave before."

"Perhaps you might come at a later time?" the other guard offered. Nehekhi simply shook his head.

"I will not bother him long...I promise. This is a matter between two Kana."

The guards shared the same look, but stepped aside. One of them murmured something that sounded like, "...more than between two Kana," but Nehekhi paid him no attention. It did not matter how late or inconvenient it was, though he wondered over his own impatience to see him at the current moment.

He came to the door leading to the Kana captain's rooms and pushed it open without hesitation, even though he heard the distinct sounds outside, a muffled sound interspersed with giggling and soft gasps. Of course it made sense now, what the guards had been trying to warn him about; Mahakhi's reputation for being "preoccupied" had been well known even when Nehekhi had been training among the East Tribe. Stepping inside, he wandered around the room a bit before stopping not too far from the bed where the big Kana thrust atop one of his females, holding another up before him, hands supporting her thighs, and nuzzling at her anus as he pushed. The two Moru giggled and whimpered incessantly. They didn't seem to see or care for his presence until he had already been there a while; the female on the bottom, whose name he recalled as Simit, opened her eyes and by chance caught a glimpse of him, letting out a small cry and moving up closer to her mate. Mahakhi finally opened his eyes and his glance moved toward the doorway, though his nose didn't move from its spot between the female's legs.

Then he noticed it was Nehekhi, and did pull away in apparent surprise. "Nehekhi-Brother!"

"Greetings, Lord Mahakhi."

"Why...why have you come here, at such a time?" Mahakhi let go of the second female and she crawled off the side of the bed, drawing her clothes to her. From the way their clothing was scattered, they'd evidently not been much interested in taking their time. The Kana seemed unusually flustered as he pulled out of Simit and attempted to smooth himself down. "I was not told to expect a visit from you."

"This is because I did not request one. Please do not blame your guards. I came on my own, to again thank you for returning my Moru. They mean much to me, more than you can know."

"Know?" Mahakhi lightly slapped Simit's behind, causing her to squeal and join her companion, out of Nehekhi's sight. "Oh, your Moru. Yes, I well know they mean much to you; they told me as much."

Nehekhi's ear twitched. "Told?"

"Yes--the human and Lor--ah...Thi'usa-Moru." His own ears flattened slightly. "Er...forgive me. After all this time I still tend to think of him as Kana." As if suddenly remembering who and where he was, he coughed and rose from the bed, dressing in a light loincloth which he pulled down to cover himself. "In any event...you have already received my welcome for their safe return. I'm glad that you should be reunited, even if my stables will soon be somewhat empty without them."

The corner of Nehekhi's mouth twitched up. "Oh...so you should wish to keep my Moru as your own, should you?"

"You know this is not what I meant, Nehekhi-Brother. Merely that they are fine Moru, and you must be proud of them. I regret that they were put through such...indignities." His face darkened. "Rest assured that their...tormentors...have received everything due them and should not try such an act again in the near future."

Nehekhi nodded absently. "I will of course remember this...but you said that they had spoken to you? Ameni and Thi'usa? When did you get to speak?"

Mahakhi stared at him for a moment, unspeaking. Nehekhi held his stare. After a moment the big Kana blinked once, then his gaze drifted aside and he gave a small cough.

"I may as well tell you directly. I instructed you in being truthful to your superiors, I would be hypocritical to lie to my student." He paused, then met Nehekhi's eyes. "I do not know how much they've told you. But I will assume they told you only the essentials. During the time that they spent here, Thi'usa and Ameni...Thi'usa and Ameni, and myself, spent time together."

Nehekhi's brow furrowed. "Time...?"

"Yes. No. More than just time." Mahakhi snorted. "Already I speak in riddles." He took a breath and started again. "Thi'usa and Ameni and I...we passed the nights together, shared nesakh'ai together. We loved one another."

"Oh." Nehekhi stared at him, silent, for a moment. "You did not force...?"

"No; never would I do this, Nehekhi-Brother, you know that. We...they...it was what we all wished for. I have...loved Thi'usa for a long time. He told me he has felt the same for me. I could not contain it any longer. I took him, as if he were mine...and while I did so, your Ameni-human came to pleasure me. When Thi'usa and I finished...then I took him, as well. After this, we spent several more times together, and they spoke with me."

Nehekhi said nothing.

"I do not claim them," Mahakhi said, placing his hand to his breast. "This I swear, Nehekhi-friend. They are your Moru, not mine. But you cannot hold against us our moment of love. Thi'usa told me he cares for you just as much."

"He..." Nehekhi's voice faltered in surprise. "...he did?"

"Yes, of course. He said that he loves you, and Ameni-human, and his mates...and myself as well. I ached so badly. I also wished to comfort them, after what those bastards put them through." He scowled. "I fear he may never again be the Kana I knew once. But he is still the Kana I loved."

Nehekhi let out his breath. "Well...if this is what you say, Mahakhi-Brother, then I believe you. Thi'usa and Ameni-human would not lie. And neither do I believe would you."

Mahakhi peered at him. "You...you would not hold this against me, Nehekhi-friend?"

"No...of course I would not. If you have indeed loved Thi'usa longer than I have." He rubbed his pectoral. "I apologize then for coming with mixed intentions. I believe a part of me suspected more had happened, but I did not know what it was. Ameni would say nothing."

Mahakhi came toward him and placed a hand on his arm. "You do not need to apologize, Nehekhi-friend...rather I feel I should apologize for not having told you, and Thi'usa, earlier. It was unforgivable of me to withhold this information."

"This is understandable, and forgivable." Nehekhi now noticed the two females peering from behind the bed, and put his arm to his chest and bowed his head. "I believe I interrupted you while you were occupied. If you will excuse me, I will return to my quarters now, and bother you no further." He turned to leave.

"Wait, Nehekhi-Kana."

Mahakhi's grip on his arm stopped him. Nehekhi looked at it, then back at him. The Kana's reddish eyes locked onto his, a strange plea in them.

"I have not told you all yet," he said in an oddly quiet voice. "While I tell you the truth of how I felt about Thi'usa, I must tell you the truth of how I also feel about you."

Nehekhi blinked. "Mahakhi-Kana...?"

The Kana moved closer, holding both of Nehekhi's arms now. Despite Nehekhi's size, the other captain was taller than he, and he had to look up to meet his eyes. His grip was strong, and Nehekhi suddenly realized he felt weak, smelling his musk.

"I can tell you catch the scent," Mahakhi murmured, eyes softening. "You must know the truth now. I desire you, I love you as well. I always did, yet it was never proper to say so until now."

The smaller Kana said nothing, being unable to speak. He breathed through his slightly open mouth, eyes dazed. Mahakhi responded by leaning down and licking his neck. Nehekhi almost started. He felt his tail rise instinctively and his breath caught in his throat. Mahakhi's hand moved to his upper arm, caressing.

My commander! He...he has always felt this way...? Why did I never know...?

Why did I never know how
I felt...?

"I can tell now that you feel it as well." The big captain nuzzled at his throat. "Your tail, dear Nehekhi...and your breath...do you love me, or are you merely surprised?"

"I..." Nehekhi trailed off, mute. Even while he was confused beyond belief, the other Kana's actions, his kiss, his soft caress, were exciting him in ways none of the other Kana he'd ever been with had excited him. For once, this person was above him, had once been in power over him. He felt a heat rising in his loins, where he'd never expected to find one.

"Nehekhi...? Can you speak?..."

Mahakhi squeezed his arm. Nehekhi's response was to dig his claws into the Kana's flesh, gouging him and drawing blood. Mahakhi hissed but didn't seem to interpret the gesture as an attack. Instead it only appeared to fuel him hotter, and his teeth sank into Nehekhi's neck, seizing at the skin in an aggressive gesture. Immediately Nehekhi went limp against him; somehow the pressure on his neck instinctively drained all the resolve from him, and like a bitch subdued by a dog he went loose, panting heavily.

"Dear Nehekhi," Mahakhi murmured, pulling him close and stroking his breast. "You respond to me favorably, you breathe in my musk, and raise your tail and wait for me to do as I will...is this truly what you would wish, or do I take advantage of your confused state?"

Nehekhi said nothing, though his lips met Mahakhi's chest, tongue caressing. Mahakhi reached beneath his kilt and past his loincloth and seized his testicles, earning a high-pitched yip. Nehekhi couldn't control his emotions now, battling out of control within him. He whimpered and dimly heard Mahakhi growl deep in his throat.

"Dear little Nehekhi...please, join me in my bed...I will take away your pain, and my own, I will make you mine...if only you will come with me..."

He pulled, and Nehekhi obeyed. They moved toward his bed, the two females springing back sprightly when Mahakhi laid him down upon it, massaging his thighs. The Kana gruffed at them.

"Simit; Akhahit. Come, join me, assist...be useful. Pleasure him, while I do likewise."

The two Moru stood straighter, looking at each other, and then came closer. Nehekhi moaned softly to see them. He'd seen Simit before, and so knew her; always she had managed to make him feel hot inside. In her current state of excitement, she exuded a musk similar to theirs, and her nipples peaked hard through her fur. The second female, Akhahit, he did not know; she wasn't as tall and as lithe as her companion, but her face was round and beautiful to him. She walked with her legs close together, and he could see the thick fluid that had collected there since Mahakhi had put her down. With a cry he held out his arms to her.

"Come, come, little one; allow me to drink your dew. And you as well, dearest Simit; I have long desired your touch upon my fevered skin. Please, come to me, both of you."

Mahakhi smiled slightly. The two females immediately obeyed, giggling as they climbed upon the bed to join them. While their master sat back upon his heels, Akhahit positioned herself at Nehekhi's face, while Simit placed her mouth around his already protruding member, fingers gently caressing the soft sheath and sac beneath. Nehekhi moaned before plunging his face into Akhahit's rich bounty, shuddering with pleasure at their expert touches.

...And at the other touch that joined theirs, a hand slipping beneath him, between him, pushing gently inside him, fingers exploring. Mahakhi bowed over him with a smile, his arm moving back and forth as he tested his new lover.

Nehekhi could not speak. Akhahit mewed and moved against him, hands pressing on his chest as she balanced atop him. Simit murmured around his massive size, swirling and warm. He was hard, hard and full, and quivered, shutting his eyes, not certain how long he could last. The Kana's fingers withdrew from inside him. The women moved faster, moaned harder; he clutched Akhahit's buttocks tightly, relished her squeal of delight.

A loud snort, then came Mahakhi's voice, rough with desperation. "Enough, cease, both of you. Come from him. Hurry, before it is too late. I must have him now."

Nehekhi moaned softly to feel the two females leave him, one of them--Simit, he assumed--giving him a quick, daring kiss to the cheek before their giggling subsided somewhere off beside him. He felt so cold and bare without them adorning him, and shivered. Only to feel a heavier weight, a muskier scent pressing against him. He automatically reached out to welcome it, wrapping his arms tight and murmuring like a young child in search of its mother.


"Dear Nehekhi, already you consider me one of your own...may I consider you one of mine?"

"Anything, to take away this pain," Nehekhi begged, writhing against him. This fire inside him was unbelievable! "Take it away from me, dear mate..."

A heavy snort came from the Kana. "I shall do so," he said roughly, "again, and again, this night, for as long as we both may tolerate it..."

Nehekhi mewed. The big captain reached beneath him to turn him over; Nehekhi immediately placed his head upon the bed, parting his knees widely. His tail quivered upright and he waited anxiously for his master to take him. Mahakhi's hands upon his pelvis sent shivers through him. He arched his back, felt himself opening wider, mewed again, begging for completion, for union, for their bodies to join in one...

* * * * *

A low moan came from the captain's quarters. The females--Simit, Akhahit--and the Kana himself--Hiath'ikh had expected to hear as he walked past. But this other moan...it wasn't one he recognized. At least, not from this household...though something about it was oddly familiar.

The lieutenant slowed his pace past the room, coming to a stop with one ear cocked. On his way to and from his duties, he often passed Mahakhi's quarters, and often heard the big Kana within, usually preoccupied with his various mates...and every time it made him ache to hear them. He had always done his best to serve Captain Mahakhi faithfully, yet the recognition and honors he had received over the years did little to diminish the feeling inside him. He had not been quite so willing to tell those of the Red Tribe who he had long looked upon with adoration, lest the word get out, but he had imagined Mahakhi's face as the four of them had made love together. Ameni...Thi'usa...Nehekhi...as good as they had been to him, they had been only substitutes, for what he had really wanted.

Nehekhi... Hiath'ikh's ears pricked in surprise when the moan came again. It couldn't be...

He tilted his head and listened more closely, forgetting his guilt at overhearing what was going on behind closed doors. For a moment nothing came but the incessant giggling of the females, and soft heavy panting; but then the voice--a male voice--moaned again, "Master..."

To which Mahakhi's voice replied gruffly, "Yes, I am your master, sweet little one...and I shall make you remember this, many times this night..."

Hiath'ikh felt his stomach pinch in on itself. Did he dare say he knew the voice, as one that had cried out before? With him...?

Anxious yet dying to know, he crept toward the door, keeping his eyes open for any of the guards, even though they seemed to have temporarily taken leave, and he could be counted as one anyway. The noises of sexplay grew louder when he cracked the door open, swallowing his hesitation, and he peered inside, blinking several times to clear his eyes.

The two females--he had been right, Simit and Akhahit--sat upon the corner of the bed, curled against the post, their arms and legs twined. They stared at the action and giggled with one another, covering their mouths. Their other hands gently rubbed at the other's sensitive area, gathering cream, and he could tell they pleasured themselves while watching; he'd rarely seen females do this, but when he had, he much enjoyed it. His eyes shifted to that which they stared at and then widened with shock.

As he had known it would be, it was Lord Mahakhi...only instead of the females, he must be taking one of his male Moru--something Hiath'ikh had never seen. For this was definitely a male he coupled with; the stiff member projecting between the subservient one's legs attested to this. But then Hiath'ikh noticed he had wings--and then his cry grew.

Hiath'ikh's entire insides twisted now. He had recognized the cry, even as he now recognized Lord Nehekhi's face, contorted with lust and desire, his body accepting Mahakhi's hard thrusts. The Kana captain's hips bumped at him repeatedly, plunging deeply inside. His claws bit into his skin, a growl in his throat.

Hiath'ikh let go of the door and it slowly swung open. Forgetting himself--the others weren't likely to notice him either--he stood in the doorway, staring. His mind couldn't form the thoughts to say the words he wanted to say...whatever they were.

He...he is with Nehekhi-Kana...

After a moment something touched his arm and he nearly jumped, only to see it was one of the females, holding his arm and staring up at him. He had been so busy staring at the two Kana that he hadn't even noticed her approach. The other joined her, and he couldn't stand their giant eyes.

"Wh...what do you want?" he whispered, wrinkling his muzzle. "Go away, before you get me in trouble!"

"To not have trouble," the taller one--Simit--said. "To know Master's wishes."

"Wishes? What are you talking about, wench?"

"To see Lord Hiath'ikh at door," the other one--Akhahit--added. "To welcome Kana. To bring him joy, yes?"

Hiath'ikh tugged his arm free, embarrassment surging up in his breast. "Go away, both of you! I made a mistake coming here. If you tell him, I'll--"

"Please to come with!" Simit coaxed, taking his arm again. Akhahit did the same with his other arm, and they led him inside, giggling and pulling. Hiath'ikh tried to pull free at first, only to find himself weakened by need. So what if they decided to pleasure him, in front of Mahakhi...they seemed to know what they were talking about. They led him to the other side of the bed, not too far away from the other two, so Hiath'ikh had a clear view of Nehekhi's head and Mahakhi's face as he pushed. He quickly looked away, unable to contain himself; already he felt his sheath swelling, the head emerging from within, and his breath started coming faster. The two females' fingers traveled over his body so exquisitely...and they removed him of his clothing so quickly, their tongues and hands skilled at keeping him satisfied. Simit caressed his member and he growled appreciatively.

"Look, dear Master," one of them said. "To look who comes to join us."

Hiath'ikh's eyes opened abruptly to see Nehekhi--and Mahakhi now--staring at him, examining him, even as they still pushed. The lieutenant almost saluted, only to find that he already was saluting them--in a way--and shrank back with embarrassment, attempting to cover himself. He could not have felt more humiliated had he been caught naked in the middle of the Kana barracks, in front of all the trainees. How in the Duat could he even begin to explain how he'd ended up here...?

"Ahm...I'm...I'm sorry, apologies, apologies, Lord," he stammered. "I--I had meant to keep on walking. But--they surprised me, and--and tempted me with their wiles..."

Mahakhi gave a pleasured growl. His voice was heavy when he spoke. "Truly, they are unique among Moru, are they not? I could not trade them for all the other Moru in the world."

Hiath'ikh whimpered when one of them kissed his ear. He opened his eyes and tried to speak, only to have Mahakhi ask, "Why have you...come, Lord Hiath'ikh?"

Gods, why that question! Why, of all the questions he could ask, did he have to ask that one...? "Oh--" His voice started cracking as he desperately sought for an excuse. "I--I meant merely--"

"Come," Nehekhi moaned suddenly. Both Hiath'ikh and Mahakhi looked down at him. "Coooommmmmme..." the Kana writhed, arching his neck "...to me, you will not regret it." He put out his arms and pushed himself up laboriously, considering the weight he bore, and balanced himself on his hands. Then he lifted his head, seeming to bare his throat.

"Dearest Hiath'ikh," he murmured. "Remember...remember how Thi'usa, and Ameni, and myself...managed to bring you joy. Come, come to me...I shall give you hakh'tua...and we shall enjoy this night together."

Hiath'ikh blinked. Mahakhi chuckled.

"Ah, I knew he would feel sorry for you...come now, do as he says...do not disappoint him. He hates seeing you so lonely, and for that matter so do I..."

The lieutenant sat still where he was, his breath coming fast. Mahakhi ceased speaking and picked up his pace, so Nehekhi rocked harder and faster toward him, his eyes glazed and distant. Yet when Hiath'ikh raised himself the Kana held out one hand and moaned softly, a gesture to come to him. He opened his mouth wide, still moaning.

Hiath'ikh licked his lips nervously. He brought his fingers down to play gently over his penis, and was surprised by how hard and big it seemed. His breath grew even faster. The haze of lust in his head cleared it of its inhibitions, and he felt an overwhelming need consume him. He crawled across to them on all fours, stopping before them. His hand cupped his member.

"Y...yes," Nehekhi whispered, nodding. "C...come..."

Hiath'ikh obeyed, his mind whirling. This evening, if late returning to his quarters, he had intended on spending the eve with his slave, a good Moru who would let him do almost anything he desired; he had not been with him in so very long, and he had just been envisioning hakh'tua. Now, here it was, waiting for him...

And he is here...I do not touch him, yet he is in the same bed with me, he is so close to me...

"You..." he panted, peering down at Nehekhi. "You are certain, Lord...?"

Mahakhi gruffed at him. "Come, do as he says; this shall be an excellent show to watch!"

A shiver passed through Hiath'ikh's body on the thought of his beloved, being so eager to watch him--to watch him! He needed no more convincing than that. He moved toward Nehekhi's waiting mouth and guided his penis inside, felt the Kana's lips closing around him, and shuddered. He shut his eyes and his hands reached out to caress Nehekhi's face. He ended up clasping his head and pumping his hips forward slowly, groaning, before pulling back, and then pushing again. Nehekhi sucked noisily. Mahakhi grunted aloud and snorted.

"Mm...yes, just as I said...an excellent show..."

Simit and Akhahit giggled. Hiath'ikh kept his eyes shut and continued moaning loudly, rotating his hips and pushing into that warm silken mouth, thinking of the one who watched him...

And so this continued for a time, the three Kana savoring each other--Mahakhi bowed over and inside Nehekhi, Hiath'ikh plunged deep into Nehekhi's willing throat--the two females even joined in, one of them nuzzling at Hiath'ikh's hindquarters, the other at Mahakhi's so he snorted loudly and quivered--and when Nehekhi murmured loudly they knew it was his time to come, to bring an end to their blissful lovemaking. Simit quickly moved her head underneath Nehekhi, her mouth closing around his straining member just as he groaned and spurted a thick hot stream. Mahakhi jerked and quivered anew, his hips pulsing rapidly at his mate as he released. And Hiath'ikh moaned loudest of all, head tossed back, Nehekhi's smooth tongue caressing him, the captain's warm throat swallowing his seed. Hiath'ikh's hands slipped down to caress the Kana's shoulders.

Akhahit giggled, her tongue still playing over Mahakhi's anus. The big Kana let out his breath and grasped Nehekhi's buttocks, pulling himself out. Nehekhi collapsed with a whimper, and Hiath'ikh felt like doing the same; the coupling had been glorious, though all too brief...and still he had not felt the body of his captain...though at least his eyes could relish it from afar, he found he still ached, deep inside...

Which was why he was so pleased to discover they were not yet done with that night's revelries. The two giggling Moru actually suggested what they should do next, and the males readily agreed. A moment later found Hiath'ikh and Nehekhi grasping Simit between them as they took her from both ends, their hands playing over each other's bodies and their mouths meeting as they groaned with lust and need; Mahakhi lay nearby, Akhahit nibbling at his ear and stroking his chest while he smiled contentedly, his hand running rapidly up and down his distended penis. She was certain, like Simit, to catch his seed when it left his body. After this, he and Hiath'ikh took her, the three of them deciding to stand against the bedpost, bodies contorting and pushing and straining; Hiath'ikh shivered and moaned softly to feel the big Kana's fingers flutter over his thighs--the first real touch of his commander upon him--and he climaxed accordingly, Akhahit squealing with pleasure. This time, Nehekhi and Simit lay upon the bed, hips at each other's mouth, gently pleasuring each other while they rested, murmuring and laughing quietly to themselves.

And when the five of them piled again upon Mahakhi's bed, the females giggling and surrounding the lucky Nehekhi, who gladly took them both to him with a smile, Hiath'ikh was finally blessed. Blessed, for Mahakhi turned his attention to him next--him!--turning him away from the others and leading him to the far corner of the bed, to give them a bit of privacy. There, he gently pressed the lieutenant down into the sheets, hearing his rapid, shallow pant, and, parting his waiting buttocks, slowly eased himself inside until Hiath'ikh let out a soft wail, at long last feeling free to say the words his tongue had never before dared say.

"M...Mahakhi-Kana...my beloved Mahakhi-Kana..."

For the next hour the big captain rocked leisurely, his hands caressing Hiath'ikh's entire body, tongue licking at his neck and shoulders, teeth lightly biting at his nape, bringing his submissive mate to the sublime heights of pleasure and back again, weakly protesting, with the seed that flowed so freely from his rod. Although disappointed that the most ecstatic and long-awaited coupling of his entire life had ended, Hiath'ikh shivered and smiled to feel Nehekhi move forward, lips nibbling and tongue flicking, savoring his flow. Simit and Akhahit laughed softly and caressed him as well. When the great Mahakhi withdrew, the females bent down to lick at him in behind, cleaning him off, and Hiath'ikh sighed with great contentment, sagging to the bed as the women--and his beloved mates, including his dearest captain, whose reddish eyes still gleamed at him with pleasure--eased him down and ran their fingers over him, murmuring to each other of the wondrous fun they had had.

This was his greatest dream, come true.


"Part 12: Trickery

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This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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