Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512951-Part-9--Rescue
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512951
Thi'usa thanks his rescuer, his old commander, in the most pleasurable way possible...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 9 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!


The bellowing came from the entrance to Lord Nehekhi's house. Two of the lieutenants stood here, futilely trying to block the approach of the master of the house himself, both of them talking at once. The look in Nehekhi's eyes was wild; another Kana, coated with even more dust than Nehekhi was, stood just behind him, panting in exhaustion. Nehekhi didn't even seem to feel the exertion from flying an entire day's journey in just under fourteen hours. His wings even flailed as he pushed the lieutenants aside so hard they nearly fell over, the captain storming into his house.

"What is this I've been told? My Moru? Missing? Where are they!"

"Lord, we--" Lieutenant Taka started, only to find Nehekhi already gone down the hallway. The two lieutenants left the messenger behind as they hurried after their master. He had reached the Moru quarters by the time they caught up with him, and they both reached for their ears even before his bellow echoed off the ceiling.


Nehekhi's wings flapped, open and shut, open and shut. He looked ready to fly through the ceiling, and the two didn't doubt that he would have if he could. Instead he turned in circles, clawing at his face and tearing at his lappets.

"WHERE ARE MY MORU? You were kept here to GUARD them! Do not tell me they are gone! They CANNOT be gone! MY MORU CANNOT BE GONE!!"

"Lord, we--there was an incident. Some Kana--some strange Kana, from the East Tribe--they came into the household after you departed. They struck down everyone--we hadn't a chance to defend even ourselves, much less the Moru--"

Nehekhi roared so loudly that they both cringed back. "DO NOT CALL THEM LESS!" he raged. "They are my Moru! You are my guards! You are replaceable! MY MORU ARE NOT! My slaves, my pups, MY MATES! You were to have protected them! How dare you fail me in this! I SHOULD SLICE OFF YOUR WINGS!"

The younger lieutenant grimaced. "Lord, there was nothing we could have done," Taka repeated, in a louder voice. "There were more of them than of us--and we feel someone within the tribe may have tipped them off. If I had had a chance, Lord, I would have fought them off with my life. I guarded the Moru quarters myself--not a moment goes by when I do not tear at myself inside trying to figure out what else I could have done!"

"I as well, Lord," the younger lieutenant added. "And the others--we have searched the entire tribe. Even Lord Djiu has assisted, with his best men. They are not to be found--yet we have already sent scouts after the East Tribe. You have only to say the word and we will follow them into the Duat itself!"

Nehekhi's bellowing finally died down, and he stood staring at the two, his chest heaving and teeth and claws bared. The look in his eyes was no longer one of fury, however, but one of confusion and despair. Even as they stood staring at each other the lieutenants noticed his eyes begin to fill with tears, and they turned their own slightly away, to grant him some respect. Nehekhi turned his head to look back into the empty rooms. He slowly lowered his raised hands.

"H...how...how many were taken? All of them? Some of them...?"

"Most appear to have been taken, Lord...all but the few weakest and oldest. We have already moved them to safer quarters and they have been guarded most closely ever since. We called some of our brothers from the barracks to help us patrol your household until you should return. We also asked Lord Djiu to double the watch upon the wall in case we missed something--but it does not appear to be so. We have searched everywhere, Lord. They are not here."

"My Thi'usa? My Ki'amit and Ameni?"

Taka had to suppress a slight grimace at the mention of the human's name, but shook his head nonetheless. "I...I am afraid they are among the missing, Lord. All but Ikua and a few of the others. They took even the pups...I am sorry, Lord; I know it means nothing but I am so sorry I failed as your guard..."

"No..." Nehekhi's voice came out soft, yet despairing; the two lieutenants stood in silence as he stared into the empty room, the tears beginning to spill from his eyes. His wings hung limp behind him. He finally managed to raise one hand to press it to his eyes, gritting his teeth and whimpering deep in his throat. His fingers came back wet and he wiped his eyes.

"You...it is not your fault. You did your duty. I was the one who failed...failed to adequately look after my own house...caring for some other tribe as if they matter more...I did not even heed Ameni-mate's advice. He warned me this would happen...he tried to warn me..."

"Ameni-mate...?" Taka frowned in confusion. "He knew...?"

"No, not so much knew as felt it...felt something bad in the air...and he was right. I was so foolish. I could see his fear...and I brushed it right off. I brushed it off, and now look what has happened...my poor Ameni-mate, Thi'usa, Tai'ihet..."

Nehekhi's hands made their way up to his face, covering it. His knees bent and he slowly slipped to the floor. The lieutenants stood in awe as their commander broke down crying in the middle of the hallway, his body racked by sobs. The hall was silent for a while but for this, and the two other Kana shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably, uncertain whether they should leave or stay. Taka reached out one hand to touch Nehekhi's shoulder, rethought this action, then spoke instead.

"We will do everything we can, Lord."

He would have continued speaking, but couldn't think of anything else to say. He glanced at the younger lieutenant, but he was at a loss for words also. All they could do was stand in silence as Nehekhi wept.

* * * * *

The Kana robbers had set up camp for the night. Most of them slept in the open, where the air was cooler tonight; the stolen Moru of Nehekhi were confined to one of the great tents, their wrists and ankles bound to restrict them from fleeing. Not as if they would try to run, anyway...they had been traveling downriver for at least a few days now, and Ameni was certain he would have no idea how to get back to the Red Tribe on his own, much less with a band of terrified, injured slaves in tow. He could not even tend to the most grievously injured of them, for every time he tried he was beaten back by one of the Kana who had kidnapped them. There had yet to be any repeats of that first horrendous night they'd spent with the brutes ravaging them, though he could tell from the looks the strange Apsiu gave them that it wouldn't be long before it happened again.

He tried to think of a means of escape, any means, and always came up wanting. Even if he could run away, there was no way he could urge some of the others on, with the shape they were in. Tai'ihet could barely walk following her brutal pummeling of a few nights ago; he wondered how she had even survived. At the moment most of the Moru slept fitfully, some of them moaning in pain every so often, others whimpering in the throes of a nightmare. Ameni thought of their master, so far away now, and felt a surge of irrational anger.

Damn him for leaving us! I knew something would happen! Why did he not listen to me? Did he not care? Where is he now? Has he just given us up, then? Is this to be our new life? No longer just slaves, but even less now than cattle...?

He shut his eyes, feeling them grow damp. He couldn't weep, not in front of the others. He suspected at least a few of them depended on his strength, and he had to maintain the illusion for their benefit. He no longer cared about himself, but he grieved that he couldn't take care of them, either.

And he hated doubting his master so...surely Lord Nehekhi could not have known something so hideous would befall them, else he never would have gone...would he...?

A soft rustling noise drew his attention, setting his nerves on edge. He remembered how odd noises in the hallway of Nehekhi's household had first warned him of the Kana attack, though not early enough. Now it seemed every odd sound gained his attention, whether it was warranted or not. There was a slight opening in the tent here to allow for the passage of air--one tiny kindness the Kana had granted them, in this stifling atmosphere. The Kana fires burned outside and he could hear the robbers snoring; when he moved himself forward just slightly, he could even see the one who had been set up to watch the camp, though his head had fallen forward in sleep. From the looks of it none of them were even awake.

Could we...?

Then he spotted it. The hair on Ameni's neck prickled. A shadow emerged at the edge of the camp, just beyond the fire's reach, though from its silhouette--lean, with squared ears and large wings--he could tell it was Kana. It crept past the guard, barely glancing down at him as it went before disappearing into darkness at the other side of the camp.

Ameni held his breath. He scanned the camp feverishly, and his suspicions were affirmed. Over to the right, another shadow appeared, wielding a spear; and over there, on the left, a third...and a fourth...the more he looked, the more he saw of the dark silent shapes as they wove their way between and among the sleeping Kana, glancing them over before moving on, weapons drawn. Ameni didn't dare breathe lest he draw their attention. From the looks of it, they were not allies of their captors. The way they sneaked about with their weapons held aloft would have made him start shaking, if he wasn't already frozen in fear.

Thieves...? Robbers...? What do they intend to do?

More of the shadows emerged, and he noticed how they were now taking up positions in the camp, one assigned to each sleeping Kana, several more around the edges. From the looks of it there were more of them than there were of the robbers, and this only increased Ameni's fear--until he gave himself a mental slap.

Wake up! What can they possibly do that would be any worse than what we've already gone through? Why am I afraid of them? They're not here for us--at least, not yet. So even if they are butchers. Let them do what they wish. They can't be any more vile than these ones are.

Ameni let out his breath. Not too far away, he saw someone sit up, also peering out the tent flap. He met Thi'usa's eyes, telling him without words what was going on outside. The Moru stared at the ominous scene with an anxious look, but said nothing. The rest of the Moru had not been sleeping well, for one by one they began to sit up as well, also remaining silent as they peered outside. Ameni very, very carefully reached out with his feet to push the flap a tiny bit more to the side, and saw that the strange Kana had finished taking up their positions beside each of the robbers. One of those standing just outside the ring of the camp stepped into the firelight and Ameni saw him raise a horn to his mouth.

BROOOOONNNNNNNNGGGGGGG. The loud blare of an alarm rang through the camp, and every one of the sleeping Kana popped upright in confusion, eyes and mouths wide. They instinctively reached for their weapons, only to be met with sword- and speartips pointed directly at their throats. They stared upwards in bewilderment at the strange Kana who had so easily surrounded them in their sleep. The other Kana kicked their weapons aside, beyond their owners' reach, and the robbers had no choice but to sit and stare in disbelief.

Ameni sought out the lead lieutenant, the one who had assaulted Ki'amit. He was at the left side of the camp. His eyes were full of hatred; Ameni glanced to the side to see the Kana who had blown the horn approaching him with a swagger and a grin, tucking the horn into his belt and pulling out his sword instead to take the place of the Kana already guarding him.

"Well, well," he said, cocking his head so his blue lappets fell to the side. "If it isn't our friends again. Your memories must be quite short; what was it we told you about trespassing upon East Tribe land?"

The robber lieutenant bared his teeth. "This is hardly East Tribe land! You do not own this! It is free desert!"

"Free desert?" The other lieutenant turned to look back at another one of his comrades, also dressed in blue lappets. "Did you hear that, Ahai'ikh? He believes this land is free!"

"This is not the way it goes," the third lieutenant--Ahai'ikh--replied. He stood with his own sword leveled at the neck of one of the robbers. "The land you lie upon now is East Tribe territory."

"It was not the last time we were here! You cannot go about randomly gobbling up land! You do not own this!"

"To the contrary," the second lieutenant said. "Things have changed since our last little run-in, and General T'uris has declared all property within a day's flight distance to be that of the East Tribe. You sincerely did not know? Then we will give you ample time to scurry off just as before. After we take a look at what goods you've pilfered this time."

The robber lieutenant's eyes widened. "You--you cannot do that! It's hardly fair! They belong to US!"

The second lieutenant smirked. "Truly? I've heard you tell that tale before plenty of times. And I always find it odd how each time, we trace the property back to someone else's name. Why is that, Lieutenant? Have you any answer?"

The robber lieutenant fell silent, then scowled. "People tell lies," was all he could say, and the other lieutenant laughed.

"I see. You are upright and everyone else is a liar. Ahai'ikh, check that tent and see just what goods they've snatched this time. If it's weapons, then General T'uris will have a grand time of dispensing them among the troops. If it's food, then we can have a decent meal right now. We haven't eaten since we left, and I'm betting we would all appreciate a proper dinner. Even you are starting to look edible," he said to the robber. "I believe we will be taking your Sha, too, since whatever is in that tent has made you fat and lazy and you'll need your exercise." He poked the robber lieutenant hard in the side, earning a yelp, and then kicked him to his feet. The other strange Kana started doing the same until the robbers were all standing; the kidnappers were then thrashed and hit and spat at while they fled the camp amongst a flurry of derisive laughter. The lead lieutenant stood and watched them leave while Ahai'ikh started walking toward the tent. Ameni gasped and pulled his head back just as the lead lieutenant's voice echoed through the camp.

"Round up their Sha over there; and grab those weapons. Those will come with us. My stomach is growling! I'm growing bored of dealing with these dung beetles every few weeks. We should just lop off their wings and be done with them."

Ameni carefully crawled back into the dimness of the tent as the second lieutenant's shadow grew smaller before him. The other Moru followed suit, huddling as closely to each other as they could. The shadow stopped at the entrance and pulled open the flap with a curious smile on his face. He blinked as soon as the shapes of the Moru became apparent, then his smile slowly vanished. He stared at Ameni and the battered slaves in silence for a moment or two before turning his head away, as if doing so gave him difficulty.


Through the open flap, Ameni saw the lead lieutenant's ears prick when he heard his name called, then the other Kana approached. He stepped up beside Ahai'ikh and his own smile faded away as well at the sight within.

"It's not food," Ahai'ikh said, simply, and an awkward silence ensued.

Ameni and Thi'usa sat side by side, waiting for anything to happen. The two Kana took a step away from the entrance and started murmuring to each other under their breath.

"Where do you suppose they got them?"

"Who knows. They could not have bought them, though; too high quality."

"They must be stolen, knowing them. I'll bring the Sha around and see if we can gather them up to take back to the tribe. From the looks of it I doubt some of them can walk." The one speaking--Nehef, Ameni told himself--glanced into the tent once more before turning and walking away. The remaining Kana, Ahai'ikh, gave them an odd look before letting the flap fall back into place. Ameni would have called the expression pity, if he hadn't known any better. Why should the Kana pity them, when it had been Kana who had done this?

Scattered yells started arising from the other corners of the camp as the soldiers rounded up the robbers' Sha, the beasts snorting and stamping into the center of the little settlement. When shadows again approached the tent, part of Ameni tensed to try to flee, but he looked at the rest of the Moru with him and fought the urge. Instead he clasped Thi'usa's hand behind his back, not even aware he was doing so until the Moru squeezed his hand in return. The other slaves stared at him, and he remained as calm as he could to tell them what to do. They kept to their spots.

The tent flap opened. Ameni took a breath and steeled himself for whatever should come next.

* * * * *

The following evening was a strange one. The day before, Ameni would never have been able to imagine what situation he would be in next, that instead of still being captive in the camp of the robber Kana, subjected to whatever brutish fancies came to mind, he would be sitting atop a Sha as if he were Kana himself, his head nodding from lack of sleep. The crunching of hooves surrounded him; nobody talked, not even the group of soldiers who accompanied them on each side. Ameni wasn't certain what he'd done to deserve riding rather than walking, as there were not enough Sha to seat them all; those Moru who were in the best shape had to walk alongside the rest. But he hadn't bothered arguing against it. As soon as he'd been seated atop the beast's back, his legs had given out and he'd nearly slumped forward in his seat; every so often one of the Kana with them would nudge him in the shoulder just as he started to slide sideways. Aside from that, they left him alone.

Ameni was grateful for the peace, but anxious of what must be awaiting them.

He had heard the comments tossed about in the camp, and knew they were headed for the East Tribe, the same group of Kana who had recently visited his own tribe before the kidnapping. Thi'usa had informed him of their noble stature, but Ameni had his own reasons to doubt. From the looks of it, the robber Kana and the East Tribe knew each other well and had frequent dealings. Who was to say what the nature of their relationship was? Perhaps, rather than punishing errant robbers as Lieutenants Nehef and Ahai'ikh had been seeming to do, they were instead punishing East Tribe members who had not done their job satisfactorily. For all he knew, the robbers had been sent out by these very Kana, and had just been robbed themselves.

He kept these thoughts to himself. At least they were not being beaten and raped, yet.

After the desert darkness had long settled in, he heard one of the lieutenants--Nehef--sigh to himself. A moment later, the long, low note of an alert sounded, jerking him awake. He lifted his head as much as he could and his eyes widened.

A massive city wall arose before them in the distance. Ameni's heart skipped a beat. It was much bigger than the wall of the Red Tribe, both in width and height. He estimated the settlement within to be anywhere from two to four times bigger than his own. And if the settlement was that big, he could only imagine how many Kana it housed...

The Sha picked up their pace as the Kana with them urged them on in anticipation of reaching home. Ameni clung to his mount's reins, muscles tensed. The wall loomed ever closer, and now he could see sentries standing atop it, the trumpet bearer again sounding the alert; their group must be expected, as no alarm was given. He could make out the confusion and curiosity on the guards' faces, however, when they began to slow. The Kana started crowding atop the wall, the guards from the other sides of it joining their brethren at the front gate to see who approached. The giant doors began creaking open as Kana within pulled on their ropes.

Ameni felt his fingernails dig into his palms. He tried to relax them, and let out a shuddery breath. He glanced at the other Moru and saw their expressions were much like he imagined his own to be. They stared with large eyes at the sight, their necks craning as they passed through the gate. Ameni tightened in on himself when groups of Kana inside the settlement began crowding around them, craning their own necks to get a better view.

Nehef held out his sword, gently nudging some of the guards aside and clearing a path before them, though he did not snap like Lieutenant Taka often did. And instead of jostling and pushing like the Red Tribe Kana had, the East Tribe Kana easily parted to clear the way without argument. Ameni noticed their clothes. They were outfitted not much differently from the Red Tribe Kana, though their armor seemed newer, their weapons shinier. Their reserved demeanor confused him, considering how openly they stared and murmured to each other.

The crowd was practically nonexistent off to his right, and from the corner of his eye he spotted two more lieutenants making their way toward the procession. One, his fur an odd goldish-gray color and his eyes the color of bronze, was still slipping on and straightening out his clothing, while the second, with light brown fur and brown eyes, rubbed at said eyes and yawned as if just having woken up. They slowed at the edge of the street and frowned at the unusual group.

"Nehef?" the first called out; Nehef saluted. "What is all of this?"

Nehef lifted one shoulder. "What we confiscated from those dung beetles yesterday. They seem to be improving their tactics, if they can steal a herd of Moru without notice."

"They're stolen?"

"Obviously, since they could never afford this. We'll have to figure out where they came from."

"They have collars," the second newcomer said.

"Most of them are scraped and damaged. They were wearing these other collars above them..." Nehef grimaced. "Do not get me started. When we get to some decent light perhaps we can look at them more closely. We were going to take them to the general and see what he would decide to do."

"T'uris is preoccupied," the bronze-eyed Kana said in a wary voice. "I wouldn't suggest seeking him out at the moment."

"The captain might be a better idea," the second added. "He should know what to do."

Nehef nodded. "I'll speak with him instead. He has the biggest stables. Break the crowd up a bit, will you two? We need to get them through."

The other two lieutenants retreated, and a pathway opened up before them. Nehef nudged his Sha in the flanks and they passed through the settlement toward one of the larger houses of the tribe.

"'Preoccupied,'" Ahai'ikh muttered after a few moments in silence. "I wonder how loudly he's snoring at this moment."

Ameni saw Nehef shrug. "Who knows, though I'm more concerned about the captain. He is likely to be much more preoccupied!"

"True, but at least more open to talking. I hope this does not take all night."

"He will probably want to hurry things along, if you get my drift."

After this they said no more, so Ameni was left to wonder what was going to happen. He glanced at Thi'usa in the hopes that the other Moru would explain, but Thi'usa rode with his head down and his face hidden, as if not wanting to be seen. Ameni couldn't blame him, after what they had been through; he was grateful to see Tai'ihet and Ki'amit asleep atop their Sha, some Kana riding alongside them helping to keep them propped up as they went. He turned back to face the looming household, and only then did its sheer size impress itself upon him. He swallowed, feeling his throat go dry. Such a huge residence must house a powerful Kana.

Based on their recent experiences among a band of ragged Kana, he did not think he was ready to deal with strong ones.

The stepped entranceway to the household emerged and Ameni did his best to quell such thoughts. At least they were still alive.

So far.

* * * * *

As first and second lieutenants to the general, Nehef and Ahai'ikh often had their hands full with taking care of different matters in the East Tribe. General T'uris was not the most skilled at making proper requests anymore, however. He was by no means senile or weak in the head, but his ideas were sometimes odd, and his decisions had lately become so erratic and meaningless that many of his men had long ago stopped caring much for him as a leader of the Kana. The Kana were meant to be examples of both physical strength and mental clarity, and at the moment, the general of the East Tribe seemed to be lacking in the latter.

Although a powerful tribe, resources among the East Tribe Kana had been waning lately, and no new raids had been ordered. The army was growing fidgety from a lack of anything better to do, and those who were not growing fidgety were growing lazy. The elites detested seeing what was happening to their military, but were powerless to do much unless it meant disobeying the general. And no good elite would be caught doing that.

So, they found ways to not be caught. No specific orders had been given to pursue the robber Kana who frequently pestered the tribe, for example, but that had not stopped the lieutenants from calling together a small party to set out and thrash them. It had been Lieutenant Nehef's idea. The outing was both useful, in that it took care of a little but persistent problem, albeit temporarily, as well as amusing, as it offered some of the Kana the chance to escape the growingly stuffy settlement and make use of their fighting skills upon a legitimate target. For a while the two lieutenants had watched the increasing dissatisfaction of the military with a feeling of mild tension. At least that was allayed, for now.

What they had not expected was to end up with a herd of lost Moru on their hands.

This household contained the largest Moru stables of the entire tribe, so as soon as they entered and made their way to the proper rooms, Nehef and Ahai'ikh ushered the group into the stables to take temporary residence among the other slaves. There was much staring. The lieutenants closed the door before anything could be said, and started on their way further up the hall.

"You are certain this cannot wait until tomorrow?" Ahai'ikh asked. "If he's busy, perhaps we should let him be for now..."

"He must be informed immediately. Some of them are in poor shape. He would like to know, if it were his Moru..."

The two Kana lieutenants walked briskly down the hall toward their captain's room, murmuring to each other. The collars worn by the Moru indicated that the pathetic creatures must have been stolen from another tribe. Some of them didn't look too well; one of the females bore bruises all upon her face and arms, and staggered when she walked, while another, younger one was stained with blood and wept quietly and continuously. The others, in particular the males, did nothing but sit and stare morosely. And what was strangest of all was that one of them was a human. He was the one who had bothered making eye contact with them, and though he hadn't spoken, he'd clearly confirmed what they were thinking. As T'uris was such an uncertainty, Nehef had decided that their captain would be the better choice to deal with them.

Besides having the largest Moru stables of the tribe, Captain Mahakhi was much closer to the lieutenants than T'uris was; so although Nehef and Ahai'ikh owed him no real allegiance, still they reported to him more often, out of mere camaraderie. The Moru had put up no struggle on their way to the house, but seemed more anxious and on edge than ever. The human--and a battered winged Moru who walked beside him, and looked as if he may have been Kana once--kept casting nervous glances back at them. The lieutenants tried to appear nonthreatening but in charge to anyone who passed, staring at the odd little band. That had been the easiest part of the ordeal.

"I cannot help but think I've seen that winged one before," Ahai'ikh murmured to his comrade, who could only shrug.

They slowed their step as they reached the captain's quarters, hearing the steady grunt-grunt-grunt of their commander coupling with one of his females. Ahai'ikh hung back, fingering the pommel of his sword, while Nehef rapped lightly at the door, and when that failed to elicit a response, poked his head in, coughing quietly and calling out.

"Lord Mahakhi."

In the shadows, he saw the big Kana lift his head, hips still positioned atop the Moru who lay upon her belly on his bed, panting. His voice was husky and gruff. "Did I tell you not to bother me this eve, Nehef?"

"Yes, Lord...but this is rather important."

The Kana gave a frustrated sigh but pushed himself up. He paused briefly to nip at the female's ear, earning an excited yip--"I'll finish with you later, my little sweet"--before pulling himself out of her and leaving his bed, smoothing his kilt down as he approached them. The two lieutenants bowed their heads respectfully as he passed--even as Kana, they were dwarfed by his size--and he swept out into the hallway, flicking one hand to indicate that they should tell him where to go.

"Moru quarters, Lord," Nehef said, hastily scrambling ahead of the captain and hurrying down the hall again. "I'll explain as we go."

"This had best be important," the big Kana said gruffly, before following.

* * * * *

Ameni sat, back to the wall, beside Thi'usa, arms wrapped around his knees. They had barely spoken since these new Kana had taken them away from their captors. From what he could tell, they were among the East Tribe now--those same Kana who had visited their own tribe not long ago. He felt that the robber Kana had not been of the East Tribe as he'd originally thought, as their attackers had been thrashed off quite unceremoniously--to where, he had no idea. He didn't much care about their fate. Now they had to deal with these new Kana, and he also had no idea whether they intended to rescue them, or whether they intended to do...something else.

By now most of them were too exhausted to put up much of a fight; what had seemed to be endless hours of rape and battering had put an effective end to that. He hoped their end, should it finally come, would at least be quick.

The door to the stables came open, light flooding in. The Moru--both Ameni's tribe and the strange ones already dwelling within--squinted their eyes and backed away. Ameni shielded his eyes to make out the forms of three Kana approaching--two of them the lieutenants who had brought them here, and following them an unfamiliar one, who passed them to stand in the light their lamps cast upon the floor. For not the first time that day Ameni felt himself fill with dread.

This warrior was larger even than Nehekhi, who until now had been the biggest of the Kana Ameni had met. Should the two have been standing side by side, this one would have towered over his master by almost a head. His fur was dark brown, his wings coal black; but his eyes, circled by a small patch of golden fur, were a strange orangish-brown which, when the light hit them just right, seemed instead to be bright red. He wore the red lappets of a captain, just as Nehekhi did, so Ameni assumed he must be master of this stable. He stopped abruptly, glaring around at them, and Ameni found himself wishing the day had ended with their "rescue."

"These are they?" he said, voice deep and gruff.

"Yes, Lord," Lieutenant Nehef replied.

The big Kana snorted. "They seem rather in a poor shape..."

"We believe they've been mistreated most badly by those others, Lord. They do not belong to them."


"We believe so, Lord. They could never afford Moru such as these."

"Nor would they find any use for them besides this." The captain snorted again, coming their way. Thi'usa lifted his head, and Ameni saw his eyes go wide with recognition. Then he ducked his head again as if to avoid being seen. The Kana passed by him, unnoticing.

"You said there are females? Where are they?"

"Over here, Lord...there is one young one who is not in good shape."

Thi'usa whined softly. Ameni's hand crept out to squeeze his own.

"Which one?"

"This one, Lord...she gives her name as Ki'amit, but aside from that does not speak much but to weep."

"Ki'amit? That sounds familiar. What is wrong with her?"

"Well..." The lieutenant murmured something Ameni couldn't hear, followed by, "...and we believe she lost it, some time in the past few days. She was not far along as it was..."

"Mm," the big Kana grunted. He sniffed at the few females huddled next to the wall before turning away. Ameni heard Thi'usa let out his breath. "Make certain they are tended to, the little one in particular. Call my personal physician if need be."

"Yes, Lord, already we have seen to it."

"What is this?" With a start Ameni realized the Kana had stopped and was staring at him, eyes surprised. He swallowed, throat dry, but didn't respond. It would have been improper.

Nehef and Ahai'ikh paused beside the captain as well. Nehef's mouth twitched. "He is human, Lord."

"I see this, Lieutenant. But what is he doing here?"

"He seems to be considered one of them. He wears the same collar as the rest, and he speaks their tongue."


"Yes, Lord--I was going to mention this. They wear collars of ownership, yet they have been scuffed and damaged. We weren't certain who they belong to..."

The big Kana stepped forward and both Ameni and Thi'usa--still hiding his face--cringed back. The Apsiu's fingers looped around Ameni's collar and tugged him forward slightly. He shut his eyes at the feel of the huge creature's breath fanning over his face as he examined the gleaming band with a frown.

"This bears the symbol of Lord Nehekhi's house," the Kana murmured. Ameni opened his eyes, wondering how he knew the name. "I had heard he'd captured a human and brought it in, but I thought it was just some story..."

Ahai'ikh said, "We thought we should bring them to you in case you should like to return them, Lord Mahakhi."

"Mahakhi?" Ameni blurted out. He'd heard that name before--from Lieutenant Hiath'ikh. At the war party between the tribes. This was the same commander who had spared East-Town from slaughter.

Is it really him...?

The big Kana, hearing his exclamation, immediately glared at him, red eyes narrowing.

"You speak out of place, Moru?"

"N...no, Lord Mahakhi." Ameni swallowed. "I--I only wondered how you knew my master's name."

"He is well known among us. I commanded him once, before he became captain. You belong to him?"

"Yes, Lord."

"How have you come to be in this tribe?"

"Those...those other Kana, whom your men took us from...they carried us away from Master Nehekhi's house while he was away. He doesn't know we are gone."

The Kana snorted and stood up straight, brushing himself off. "Well," he said. "You will stay here for the night, at least until we can contact him and get this matter cleared up. I know he would like his Moru ba..." He trailed off, frowning, then squinting closer at the Apsiu beside Ameni. "Thi'usa?"

Ameni blinked. They knew each other, as well? Thi'usa slowly lifted his head, keeping his ears and eyes low, but nodded in a slight gesture of affirmation before bowing his head almost to the earth. His voice came out as barely a whisper. "Yes, Lord Mahakhi."

The Kana seemed stunned. "I...I did not recognize you. You've changed." His red eyes softened, so they looked merely brown again. "What have they done to you?"

"I...they...they mistreated us, not only I, but all of us, most badly..."

"You poor thing." The captain knelt down again; Ameni backed away, but the Kana ignored him, reaching out for Thi'usa. The Moru quailed and shut his eyes tight when Mahakhi lifted his head in his hand, examining the bruises upon him and scowling silently.

"I never agreed with them when they proclaimed you Moru," he muttered, "and now as if that is not bad enough, they do this."

"I...I am better off, than most, Lord..."

"Better? You worry about the others?" He glanced briefly at Ameni, then back at the other huddled Moru.

"Yes, Lord," Thi'usa replied. "My...my mates...they were among those of us taken as well. They...they were treated most poorly." He sniffled, and before he could stop it large tears welled up in his eyes and he started to whimper.

"Oh." Mahakhi blinked, now seeming both surprised and awkward. "The young female who lost her child. She...she was yours?"

"Y...yes Lord..." Thi'usa's tears came harder and he rubbed at his eyes.

"I see..." Mahakhi cast another brief look toward the females before returning his gaze to Thi'usa. "Well...I cannot do anything about this. But they will all be safe here, as will you. Are you able to walk?"

"Yes Lord."

"And you. Human." Ameni lifted his head to find the orange eyes fixed on his own. "You can walk as well?"

He nodded. "Yes, Lord."

"Then you will both come with me. I will speak with you in my quarters." He stood, putting his hand upon Thi'usa's arm; the Moru immediately followed. Ameni rose as well, making certain to keep his head lowered respectfully. The captain turned back to the two waiting lieutenants, who saluted when he faced them.

"Nehef, go on ahead and fetch Simit and return her here," he ordered. "I need to speak privately. Ahai'ikh, make certain all the Moru are fed and seen to properly."

"Yes, Lord." The lieutenants parted, and Ameni stepped forward, leaving the stable when the captain flicked his hand and motioned them out.

He wished he knew what awaited them next, but guessed that only time would tell.

* * * * *

As they walked the hallway, Ameni's eyes shifted to the side to watch one of the lieutenants, escorting a Moru female, pass in the opposite direction. She was taller than many females he'd seen, bearing wings, her fur a slate gray; she looked at them openly and curiously as they passed, a slight blush to her cheeks. He assumed this must be the "Simit" Mahakhi had referred to, and could only assume what they had been busy at.

"Thi'usa-Moru," he whispered as quietly as he could. When the Apsiu moved his head he continued. "You know him?"

"Yes," Thi'usa whispered back. "Lord Mahakhi. He...he used to be my commander, as well as Master Nehekhi's. We both trained under him. There is rumor he could have claimed the rank of general, had he wished. He...he is exacting, but he is not cruel."

He seemed to want to say more, but instead fell silent. Ameni understood and let it be. He kept his eyes on the floor for most of the walk, until they reached the Kana's quarters and Mahakhi motioned them inside ahead of him, shutting and bolting the door behind him. He gestured again, and the two of them sat upon the floor while he paced before them.

"You say you were all taken--stolen?" he prompted. "Lord Nehekhi is away?"

"Yes, Lord," Ameni answered. He sensed Thi'usa didn't much feel like speaking. "They came the night after his departure. We passed through someone's household, so they must have...must have been informed we would be unprotected."

"What of Lord Nehekhi's own guards?"

"I'm...I'm not certain, Lord. I saw one who was unconscious, but I do not know of the rest. We were blindfolded."

The Kana frowned. "And how long have they had you?"

"I cannot be certain, Lord...it seems to have been at least a few days. Perhaps up to a week. I cannot be sure because...because it felt much longer than it must have been." He trailed off and had to lower his eyes as he felt them beginning to burn. For some reason he didn't want to cry in front of the captain.

"Eaters of dung," Mahakhi muttered. Ameni felt a start of surprise at hearing the menace in the Kana's voice. He lifted his head again to look up at him, and Mahakhi made a point of gesturing at his window. "They are desert dwellers--scum. There was once a time when they lived among us, but they disgraced themselves, repeatedly, until we ousted them from our presence. They have always been good for nothing but thievery and drunkenness--but in the past months they have only grown worse. We had thought that once they were gone we would be through with them, but they have still managed to cause this tribe no end of trouble since General T'uris washed his hands of them."

"You cannot drive them off permanently?"

Ameni bit his lip, knowing he had forgotten to include a title of respect, but the Kana didn't seem to notice or care. He snorted and turned away.

"Hardly. Some of them were even favored by T'uris, once. Despite tossing them out he refuses to deal any more with the matter. The doddering fool doesn't know better. After all I suppose he was much like them, growing up."

"They have done this before?"

"Hm? Steal Moru? Not that I know of. Yet as they say, there is a first time for everything." He paused in his pacing and looked back at Thi'usa; Ameni fell silent as well when he saw the odd look in the Kana's eyes. When Mahakhi spoke, his voice was unusually quiet. "Thi'usa-Kana..."

Thi'usa's face flushed. "I...I am Moru now, Lord."

"You have always been Kana to me, Thi'usa." Mahakhi paused again. "Tell me, how is Lord Nehekhi to you? Is he a good master?"

"I...yes, yes he is, Lord. He is kind to us. As good a master as you must be."

Mahakhi's ear twitched and he blinked. Then his face softened into a smile. "Thi'usa Kru'sieb. This is what we always called him when he was still a sergeant, you know," he said, looking at Ameni. "Thi'usa Silvertongue. He had a way with getting what he wanted with words alone, and I see he has yet to change."

Ameni smiled. Thi'usa flushed even deeper.

"P-please Lord, I am no longer Kana...I have not been for a long time."

Mahakhi's nostrils flared. "A snoutful of nonsense. Like I said. You have always been Kana to me." He stooped and knelt before Thi'usa, touching his face again. Ameni knelt off to the side and watched. Mahakhi lowered his voice, as if Ameni were not even there. "I remember the rivalry between you and Lord Nehekhi when you were training. You even excelled over him, much of the time. Never would I have guessed that things would come to this. I think your wing would have healed, if they had allowed it."

Thi'usa shrank in on himself as if ashamed. Mahakhi's look softened further.

"You have changed, even while a part of you has not. I recognize you, and yet I don't. You act every bit the Moru. Yet you are still the same Kana I knew. This they cannot change, no matter how badly they may tear at your wings."

Thi'usa squeezed his eyes shut. "I...I hardly deserve such words, Lord..."

"Nonsense. You and Nehekhi, you were always my favorites."

Thi'usa blinked and lifted his head, eyes round. "We--we were?"

"Of course." The big Kana winked, and to Ameni it was an odd gesture, coming from him. "Do you realize now, why I made you two work so hard? Always against each other? Rivals are fierce opponents, yet they are steadfast friends. I knew you two did not hate each other."

"This is true," Thi'usa murmured.

"And neither did I hate either of you. I am proud I was able to train you. You both brought me much honor, just as my own sons have."

The Moru lifted his head higher, his face very nearly alight with pleasure. "We have?"

"Of course. I would not say this were it not true."

Thi'usa beamed for a moment before his ears and his head lowered, eyes drifting shut. "Then...I must have dishonored you greatly, as well, to now be a slave," he said in a soft, pained voice. "Please forgive me, Lord."

"What? No. Of course not." Mahakhi frowned. "I will not forgive you for dishonor you did not bring. Why do you insist on apologizing for this?"

"B...because I too was honored to train under you, Lord. Though I did not always seem so. I know I was difficult. That I gave you much trouble sometimes, and that even after I was made Moru I refused to let you see me, although it was not my right to do this."

"I remember," Mahakhi murmured. "I cannot tell you how much that worried me at the time, but it was long ago and long forgiven. I know you would not want to see me because you were shamed. This is why I did not press Lord Nehekhi to let me see you."

"But I did wish to see you," Thi'usa blurted out. "Even with my wing and all--I was always angry that you did not insist on Lord Nehekhi letting you see me. That I did not get to say farewell to you before we left the tribe. I was angry I did not speak with you again because I--"

He cut himself off, his face going red. He shrank down even more. Mahakhi looked pensive.

"You what? Please, tell me, Thi'usa. I never knew you wished to see me. Why were you angry with me?"

The Moru seemed to struggle to find his voice. Ameni was surprised when he was able to speak. "Because I...I had grown to...love you, Lord."

Ameni's eyes widened. Mahakhi blinked. Neither of them spoke, being too stunned to do so.

"I love many," Thi'usa said hastily, as if to excuse himself. "I love my master Nehekhi. I love Ameni-Moru. I love my mates Ki'amit and Tai'ihet. I love them all, but I love them all the same. They...they each bring me joy, in their own ways. And...and I have loved you, too, Lord Mahakhi. You too have brought me joy...though there was never an appropriate time to say it, and even if there had been, by then, it was too late to do so...I waited too long, and lost my chance..."

He trailed off, turning away with an embarrassed look. Ameni carefully studied their expressions. The captain stared at Thi'usa for a good long time, and Ameni couldn't tell what he might be thinking or feeling. Then, again his eyes softened; he reached for Thi'usa's face.

"Dear Thi'usa-Kana..."

With his hand he tilted Thi'usa's head up, and Thi'usa stared at the Kana with large eyes. Mahakhi smiled at him gently.

"You say, now that you do not have to face me on a daily basis, that you love me? That you have loved me, for a long time?"

Thi'usa's cheeks went red. "I--y-yes, Lord Mahakhi...please forgive me."

"Forgive you? For not telling me this? I do not think I can forgive you so easily. Not with words." He leaned forward to touch his forehead to Thi'usa's; the Moru let out a tiny gasp. Mahakhi just stroked his cheek. "You withhold this from me for years. How do you expect that I will feel when you finally tell me? Angry that you feel so, or disappointed that you did not say it sooner?"

Thi'usa stammered. "B-but--I--I--"

"Please, you need not fear my anger, sweet Thi'usa...I have always respected you. You have always been everything that a true Kana should be. You have innocence in you, something I have not had for a long time. I believe this is why...this is why I have been drawn to you as well." He tipped his head to nuzzle at Thi'usa's neck, and the Moru shut his eyes, whimpering anew.

Ameni stared. They had apparently forgotten he was even there. He felt it would be wrong, for some reason, to interrupt them now. So he sat still and watched, mouth slightly open, breath starting to rise in his throat.

"You..." Thi'usa whispered, "...you have...long cherished me?"

"Of course, dear Thi'usa...though I must have hidden it well, or your eyes were for someone else...and it was not fitting for a commander to love one under his command...but now that you are not..."

"I--I don't understand..."

"Hush. There is little to understand. The only thing that matters is now..."

Mahakhi's tongue moved to Thi'usa's muzzle, licking the side of it. Thi'usa shivered and reached out to touch him in return. His hands stroked up the captain's broad chest, to his shoulders, down his arms. The Kana pressed closer to him, their bodies touching. His leg slipped around Thi'usa's, using his bent knee to push their hips together.

"I have gone unsatisfied this night," he whispered huskily, nibbling lightly on Thi'usa's ear. "Though perhaps, we may satisfy one another...?"

Thi'usa shivered again and let out a small breathless noise. His hands clung to the big Kana. "I...I wish for this, more than anything right now...you are a good commander...please show me that you are still a good commander..."

A deep murr came from the Kana. "Feel my sword, then, dear Thi'usa...I unsheathe it for you."

In response, Thi'usa reached to pull up the Kana's kilt, untying his loincloth. Ameni gawked. Thi'usa's hands found and gently squeezed Mahakhi's testicles, swinging freely between his legs...but it was what was above those that caught his attention. From Mahakhi's thick furry sheath, his penis slowly arose, sliding slick from its covering, almost a foot long, larger than any Ameni had ever seen. It was shining and black, from tip to base; he had never seen one such as this. His heart beat faster and for a moment he lost his breath entirely, his hand instinctively clutching at his crotch to still the stirring there. He was confused that he felt so excited, especially considering what had happened to them not so long ago; yet that incident didn't appear to be hampering Thi'usa's enjoyment any...why should it hamper his...?

Thi'usa wrapped his arms around Mahakhi's shoulders. Mahakhi growled with pleasure and lowered his mate to the floor, not even bothering to take him back to the bed. Their hands and tongues roamed over each other, tasting, examining. The Kana's fingers trailed over Thi'usa's own swelling, seeking down, further, disappearing between his buttocks. A moment later the Moru arched and whined.

Mahakhi gave a breathless grin. "You are not untouched?"

"I have been with my loves, Lord...we have enjoyed many a time together."

"Then so we shall, dear little Kana...I hope that you enjoy me within you, for I know I shall enjoy you..."

Thi'usa merely whimpered. Ameni watched as the Kana spread his legs further apart, so Thi'usa's thighs pressed under his arms, parted wide. His legs still bore bruises from what the robber Kana had done to him, yet the two Apsiu paid them no attention. The tight pink knot of Thi'usa's anus loosened as soon as Mahakhi touched it, a response brought on by many moments of pleasure spent with the rest of them; at this the big Kana pushed himself up on his haunches, spreading his own legs, moving himself forward.

"Fill me, Lord," Thi'usa whispered.

"I shall plow you deep," Mahakhi growled, and before his mate could respond, the thick black shaft pierced through him, slowly sliding its way inside, completely, to the hilt. Mahakhi dropped back his head with a rapturous shudder while Thi'usa tightened against him, crying out. Ameni panted softly, unable to contain his own excitement.

Mahakhi took hold of Thi'usa's thighs and, upon his knees, began to push himself forward and in, again, again, again, hips bucking slowly, Thi'usa beginning to let out a soft, high-pitched whine as his own shaft flailed over his belly, purple and pink. It did now look as if the big Kana plowed him, plowed him hard and deep. As he pushed, Mahakhi began to grunt, once with each stroke...grunt...grunt...grunt...and Ameni could tell his pleasure from the flicking of his tail and from the subtle tightening and bunching of his muscles as he moved. His eyes shut and he tilted his head back with a guttural groan.

"L...Lord..." Thi'usa begged.

Mahakhi moved his hands up and down his legs. "Do I satisfy you, little Thi'usa?"

"Y...yes, Lord...you feel most good inside me...please...please continue..."

The Kana kept his Moru held down, ceaselessly pushing, thrusting. His kilt fell down in the back, but Ameni could clearly see the thick blackness pressing into Thi'usa, the full round darkness that hung beneath it. He clasped the swelling at the front of his kilt in frustration. He so longed to see, to feel more...

Wait, Ameni-human...there is more than one way to make love.

Swelling with desire, he put his hands to the floor and crept over to the two preoccupied Apsiu, their bodies locked in a dance of love, shifting and sweating and groaning loudly. Ameni reached them and moved behind Mahakhi, licking his dry lips. He could see the Kana's thighs right before him, the outline of his muscles moving beneath his kilt; the low rasping sounds of his pleasure set him on fire. Almost without thinking, he moved forward abruptly and lifted the Kana's kilt.

Mahakhi snorted and stiffened, especially when Ameni touched him. He slipped his fingers between the captain's buttocks for a moment, testing, then parted the flesh itself--saw the tight black knot--leaned forward, eyes closing, tongue prodding out to touch it. As soon as he tasted the salty bittery taste of Mahakhi's body he felt he could never get enough. He heard Mahakhi give an appreciative murmur, and burrowed his face into his backside, licking and sucking. After a moment the knot loosened, even opened itself for him; his member ached with yearning. Still he prevented himself from climbing atop their rescuer, satisfying himself with licking and tasting.

Mahakhi let out his breath and started panting. With one hand he rapidly stroked Thi'usa's erection.

Ameni satisfied himself with this pastime as the two Apsiu rocked, slowly and steadily, upon the floor, their hips locked together as one. Thi'usa whined and Mahakhi growled, his fur bristling. Ameni had no idea how long they went. It felt as if it were forever, yet not long enough, as he knew for Thi'usa. As the two began to gather speed his cries only grew louder and more frequent.

"Oh gods. Oh gods," Thi'usa cried, weeping, arms circled around his lover's waist. "Oh gods...please fill me!"

Mahakhi's voice was rough. "I come soon, my sweet...I come soon. Your friend, he assists me...he is most good. I cherish you both. You are a good Kana, and you are a good Moru."

"Thank you, dear Lord."

"Thank you, Lord Mahakhi."

Mahakhi smiled and grasped Thi'usa's penis harder. "Our eve will be fruitful..."

Even as he said it--Thi'usa cried out and bucked upwards, driving Mahakhi's member fiercely into him. Thick fluid spurted over his chest, splashing against the captain's chin. Mahakhi grunted happily and climaxed, hips shuddering, releasing himself. Ameni, still licking at his anus, sighed and pulled away, rolling to the floor and rubbing himself. The Kana pulled himself from Thi'usa and left him lying and spent, before Ameni started in tired surprise, feeling his great hand touch his own face. He opened his eyes.

Mahakhi smiled at him. "And what of you, little one? You are still hard...you have not been satisfied. I said this night shall be fruitful...shall I satisfy you, too...?"

Ameni's heart squeezed up into his throat, hammering hard, in tune with the heated pulsing which was close to driving him wild with desire. "Yes, Lord," he whispered, his voice thick. He smiled drowsily and held out his arms, welcoming the Kana's crushing embrace.

And several moments later, when he knelt upon the floor arching with ecstasy, Mahakhi murmuring to him, "Do you like my sword, human...?" he trembled and nodded, grateful for their delicious union, adoring it in its carnality. His fingers locked with Mahakhi's and he begged him to plow him deeper, harder; the request was not denied. Gorgeous pain melted into exquisite bliss as he felt himself filled as deeply as could be.

And when Thi'usa joined them, sliding himself under Ameni to suck at him, allowing Ameni to mouth him as well, he bent closer to push his face into his lover's crotch, favoring his scent, familiarizing himself with Mahakhi's own smell. The big Kana leaned over him in their embrace, Ameni crying out--"Plow me! Take me! Deeply!"--favoring the Kana's lustful grunting, "Mm. Mm. Mm"--and for what felt like forever the three made love, and loved one another, and whispered throaty words of pleasure and desire.

Ameni had not felt so happy in what seemed to be a long time. Neither had Thi'usa, he was certain. This night, they were the happiest they had been since before the capture, and after their climax, Mahakhi bellowing out his pleasure at the air, they all rose and drifted toward his large bed, Thi'usa and Ameni falling asleep exhausted in the Kana's protective embrace. He kissed the tops of their heads, sighing contentedly as they curled up and snuggled close, their legs touching.

Now, finally, they could rest...


"Part 10: Vengeance

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This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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