Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512949-Part-8--Terror
Rated: XGC · Serial · Adult · #512949
Ameni and the other slaves are taken prisoner--but the horrors have just begun...
DISCLAIMER: Nonconsensual scene(s).
Underage character(s) involved.

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 8 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

FOOTSTEPS CLATTERED DOWN the hall, growing closer. The guard lying upon the floor groaned and lifted one hand, placing it to his head. There was a throbbing behind his eyes, and an even greater one in his neck. When he tried to open his eyes even the flickering lamplight hurt.


The footsteps slowed and shadows started moving around him. Hands grasped Lieutenant Taka's arms and pulled him upright. He gritted his teeth and rubbed his aching head, blinking around him. Several of the other guards of the household stood in a circle above him, tense, worried looks on their faces.

"Are you all right?" the one who had pulled him up asked.

"What happened?" Taka muttered, looking around. The others seemed as confused as he was, though he sensed their unease, and it then became his own.

"Some Kana attacked the household," the other lieutenant explained. "We do not know who they were. But they seemed to know what they were doing. They appear to have gotten all of us. We didn't have even a chance to fight back. There were not many of them, but there were more than there were of us. They struck quickly and then disappeared! We just sent to the watch at the gate to see if they noticed anything, but we have yet to hear back. They cannot have been gone too long."

"What were they here for?" Taka grasped onto his comrades' arms to pull himself up, grimacing as he did so. "There's nothing here of any great value! If they were intent on robbing somebody why didn't they strike Lord Djiu's estate? Unless he sent them?"

"Somehow I doubt this, Brother, though we can't tell. But nothing appears to be missing! While checking on the others we looked briefly into the rooms and even Lord Nehekhi's is intact. It makes no sense whatsoever!"

Taka continued rubbing his head in confusion. "Hold," he said after a moment. "I was here when they got me--they came right up to me. Perhaps the Moru heard or saw something..."

As he said this, the rest of the Kana lifted their heads to look at the door to the Moru quarters. He noticed the looks on their faces change, and the fur on the back of his neck prickled. He slowly turned to look at the door himself, only to notice now that there wasn't one. It had been torn from its hinges, splintered inward, slivers of wood still clinging to the frame. The group stood and stared at it in silence for a moment or two.

"Do you think they escaped...?" someone murmured, as if in hope.

Instead of answering, Taka strode toward the doorway and stepped inside, glancing about. The little lamp the Moru usually kept burning all night had been extinguished, and in the small square of light from the doorway he could see several beds, or what remained of them, the straw and coverings torn and scattered every which way. A few wary eyes glittered from the furthest corners of the room, but not nearly enough eyes. There should have been more. A lot more.

"The Moru," he whispered in disbelief. "They were after the Moru!"

"What--?" The other Kana crowded around him, craning their necks to peer inside. Taka grabbed a lamp from the wall outside the room and entered, holding it high. A few Moru huddled beside the walls, staring at him wide eyed and trembling. The vast majority of the pallets were barren. A few drops of blood darkened the floor a short distance away, but aside from that it was as if the slaves had never been there at all.

"You!" He barked at a few of the remaining slaves in the far right corner. "Where are they? Did they run away?"

One old Moru shook his head. "Kana," he cried in a reedy voice. "Kana to come and take! Carry away fighting!"

"They were kidnapped?" one of the other lieutenants said dumbly. Taka turned and pushed him out of the way, striding back up the hall. The others hovered outside the Moru quarters for a moment or two before following.

"Those Kana stole them all?" someone asked.

"Why would they break in here just for Moru? Can't they get their own anywhere?"

"They wanted Nehekhi's Moru," somebody else said. "This was not random. Somebody set it up, planned it, everything!"

"But why Lord Nehekhi? Why not someone else?"

"You heard how that meeting went. Did you hear what Captain Siktu had to say? This has his reek all over it!"

"Would he be that stupid?"

"Lord!" the second lieutenant exclaimed, jogging up to the side of their leader. He panted as he spoke. "Do you think they're planning on reselling them? Perhaps--perhaps taking them to market, to make some money--?"

"This would be the best thing I could wish for," Taka growled under his breath, not breaking his stride. "Did you not notice? The young women--the young men--all the children. They took everyone but the eldest and the sickly. They took all the best Moru. And they did not touch a scrap of anything else of worth in this house. I do not think they were much interested in money."

The others looked confused again before realization set in, and their eyes widened. They started protesting aloud.

"Lord Nehekhi will KILL us if he finds out we let this happen!"

"What he does to us is likely to be much more merciful than what they are likely planning on doing..."

"That young one has just gotten with pup! And Thi'usa--his favorite!"

"And that HUMAN!"

They all started talking and shouting at once, nearing panic. The young lieutenant tugged at Taka's arm with an anxious look on his face.

"You--you did say they cannot have gotten far--right, Brother? We can simply ride after and catch them--right? Before Lord Nehekhi comes back and finds out?"

"Trust me," Taka said. "It's not NEHEKHI we have to worry about! From the way this was all carried out, even if they've not gotten far, we have no way to know which way they went. We did not even see them enter or leave!"

"There is always the front gate," someone exclaimed. "The watch must have noticed something! We'll go out and ask all that we can." With this several of the guards broke from the others and went jogging, disappearing from sight. Those still remaining let out their breath and looked slightly relieved, but tensed again when Taka spoke.

"Somehow I do not think the watch will have much to offer us. This was carried out well--I doubt they'd make such a mistake as to be seen at the front gate. Plus there was no alert sounded. They must have gotten in some other way, or used a disguise of some sort--"

"The East Tribe!" another guard shouted. "They could have come in with THEM! I would not doubt it--very odd timing they had! Coming along right when all this bad business with Djiu is going on!"

"I still believe it was Captain Siktu," another voice argued. "You did not see how scarlet he turned when Lord Nehekhi told him off! I would not be surprised if it were him behind all this!"

"I would not be surprised if it were both of them," someone else added, and with that they all fell silent. The thought was an ominous one. After a moment the lead lieutenant shook his head to clear it.

"At the moment it does not matter who's behind it. We have to find those Moru first. I would much rather be torn apart by Nehekhi than even think about what they might be going through!"

"Do you...do you think they'll let them live, Brother...?" the young lieutenant queried as they exited the household and strode out into the street, turning in the direction of the front gate.

Taka lowered his head slightly so his lappets flapped back against his shoulders, and thought a long while before he responded.

"I can hope that they do...though I fear the Moru will wish they were dead, before long."

* * * * *

Ameni fell roughly to the ground. A chorus of laughs erupted behind him and he wanted nothing more than to jump up and smash the mouths responsible, yet knew it was useless. He could hear Thi'usa fighting behind him, and the Moru was pushed to the ground more violently than he had been, striking his chin against the hard earth. Ameni tried to reach out for him, only to remember again that his arms were tied.

He lifted his gaze and it fixed upon that of a young girl, silent and frightened. Ki'amit. She crouched against the tent wall before him, hands clutched to her slightly swollen belly. Tai'ihet was beside her, her arms looped around the girl's shoulders. They seemed surprised to see him, and he could sense their hope. He gritted his teeth and had to look away. There was no way they could escape these brutes.

Even now he wasn't certain exactly what was going on. Master Nehekhi had left his household to go to a neighboring tribe, and in the night, these ones had come. They had violently broken their way into the Moru quarters, stunning the guards and knocking them down. The Moru, and Ameni, had been rounded up and dragged out so quickly they hadn't had time to think, or fight back. Those few who tried were hit so hard they collapsed into unconsciousness. They had been tied, collared, and blindfolded and then led from the settlement under cover of dark, stumbling and not knowing where they were going. Now they were here, blindfolds removed, but still restrained and being treated no better. Ameni noticed that the females' hands were tied before them, rather than behind like the males'; perhaps this was a slightly good sign. He looked around him to see that they appeared to be inside a great tent like the Kana used when traveling the desert; spacious and multiroomed, it was supported by tall sturdy poles, and around the huddled Moru stood a group of scruffy-looking Kana with leers on their faces. Ameni couldn't tell who they were.

"Moru!" a voice suddenly shouted out, and the confused babble and crying that had arisen died down. The Moru glanced around until the source of the voice stepped forward. A Kana lieutenant in blue lappets stopped in the middle of the crowded room, looking about at them with a grin on his face.

"Well, well, take a look now. Our very own Moru herd. Only the best in the land, from Lord Nehekhi's stables themselves!"

Hoots and laughter from the other Kana. They wielded spears at the men's backs.

"See that we have all sorts of high-grade Moru as well," the Kana continued, spreading his arms. "Young ones, older ones, strong ones, delicate ones, men, women, and children! Everything you could ever desire in a slave! Do you wish for an elderly butler? This one over here would suit you just fine! A young handmaiden? Well, this one here seems a bit fat for that--" he passed over Ki'amit and the other Kana laughed loudly, her face turning red with shame "--but over here is one who could perform the task! A nice plump mate? Look at the birthing hips on that one! Your 'interests' lie elsewhere? This male looks most delectable, and see, he even has a little human companion to go along with him!"

Thi'usa bared his teeth and jolted forward. Ameni tried to stop him, only to feel a blow to the back of his neck. He collapsed again with a hiss while two Kana stepped forward, dragging Thi'usa to his feet. The Moru snarled and thrashed in an effort to break free; the lieutenant punched him in the gut, and he doubled over with a wheezing noise, going limp.

Howls and hoots filled the air. Ameni had to fight to keep himself from reacting the same way Thi'usa had. The lieutenant merely grinned.

"See, a feisty one, too! Hardly a low-grade Moru among the bunch! Before we sell them all, what say we enjoy them a bit ourselves, first!"

Cheering. The Kana hefted their weapons and shook them. Nehekhi's Moru peered around them with fear. Ameni panted for breath, trying to push himself up. He didn't like the sound of this. These Kana were too brutish, uncivilized, not like Nehekhi's men at all.

"Who shall pick whom?" the lieutenant shouted. "Choose one you like, take them for yourselves! Choose two if you wish, there's plenty for all! You! Which do you desire?"

"I wish for him!" another lieutenant shouted, pointing. "The winged one!"

Several of the Kana murmured appreciatively as Thi'usa was dragged up and forward again, still gasping for breath. "Ah, yes," the first lieutenant mused. "See, I told you already, a most fine specimen! This one looks to have been Kana once! Beautiful wings, lovely muscles, a superb form! Come now, remove that thing from him; let us see how good he truly is!"

One of the Kana restraining Thi'usa yanked at his kilt and loincloth to pull them off. Thi'usa gasped and scuffled at the ground; Ameni could barely stand to see the look of humiliation in his eyes. He growled and moved forward, only to be held back.

"Ahhh, see!" the lieutenant continued. He stepped around Thi'usa and gently but quickly ran his hand down his thigh, earning a flinch. "Strong beautiful legs, perfect loins! Judging from his sheath, his rod looks to be a decent fit as well! Yes, you are truly lucky--here, claim your Moru!"

The second lieutenant stepped forward, practically salivating. He seized the collar around Thi'usa's neck and yanked on his head. Thi'usa hissed. Ameni followed suit and began struggling.

"Oh! See this, friends!" The first lieutenant waved at Ameni. "What did I tell you? The Moru and his human! Such a display of loyalty! I should suppose they are quite close to each other--perhaps even bedmates! Friend, perhaps you should take the human with you, as well? To prevent any trouble, that is!"

"Well, if he is included as part of the deal..." The second lieutenant licked his lips and grabbed the collar around Ameni's neck. Ameni winced. The collars they had been fitted with were studded with tiny spikes on the inside, so the movement pained him greatly, and he couldn't resist as he was pulled forward with Thi'usa.

At least I am with him, he thought, desperately, so perhaps they are not complete monsters--

As he was dragged through the crowd, hands reaching out and pinching and fondling him and Thi'usa as they went, he heard the first lieutenant continue his speech.

"Take a gaze at this fine pair, twins, they appear to be! Inseparable! Who will be the one to claim these handsome young men?"

"I will! Give them to me!"

"Here you go, my lucky friend; treat them well! And see this, here--my, he must be barely into his teens! Such a lovely mouth and eyes he has! You, will you take him? I know that you prefer this sort--consider him yours! Ah! What is this vision of beauty? Come here, sweet! See her long legs and her long arms! So strong and sturdy, she has obviously borne many healthy sons! Alas she is a bit old to bear many more--but she must certainly know much in the ways of pleasure! Who shall this little pretty go to--?"

"Me! She is mine!"

"She is yours! And, aaahhhhh...such a sweet little face! Come, do not be afraid, young one! See, friends, this is the reason I told you this raid would be such a good idea--you do not come across Moru of a higher value than this! She would fetch quite a price on the market, would she not?" An appreciative murmur arose from the other Kana. "Mmm. Do you know, I think I will keep this one for myself! Ah, I am sorry, friend, but I am the one who saw her first. Perhaps when I am done...oh, come now, sweet, do not be afraid! I can tell that one has already had much fun with her, see, she bears the fruit of his labors within her tender young belly!"

A loud laugh. Thi'usa gasped and jerked to a stop--"Ki'amit!" Ameni glanced up at him as he twisted around and started to fight his way back toward the front of the crowd. He started to follow, only to gasp with pain. The lieutenant pulling them hissed in his ear.

"What do you two think you are doing! You are to spend the night with me, not them! Come now! Do not cause me any more trouble!"

"Ki'amit! KI'AMIT!" Thi'usa howled, jerking against his collar, thin streams of blood trickling down his neck as if he could not even feel it. Ameni supposed he didn't, in his state. Ahead he could see Ki'amit being dragged from the crowd, protesting, to the side of the first lieutenant who grinned at her with a lascivious look in his eyes. He roughly kissed the young Moru, earning a series of snickers and hoots from his men.

Thi'usa wailed and thrashed. "KI'AMIT! LET HER GO!"

The lieutenant lifted his head and frowned at him. "What? What is this? Who's making so much noise? You! Can you not control your own Moru?"

"Apologies, friend!" the second lieutenant cried. "They are giving me difficulty! I think the Moru lusts after your female!"

Thi'usa screamed. "She is MINE! NOT yours! Let her go, now!"

The Kana all laughed loudly. The first lieutenant gave a condescending smile. "Well, perhaps she was, but now you are ours, and she is mine. Go on now, enjoy your new master; you as well, human; while I enjoy my own claim. Come now, pretty little one..."

"No! NO!" Thi'usa grunted when the second lieutenant struck him in the head, knocking him back to the floor. Ameni knelt down for him, only to be jerked back viciously.

"Ah no you don't!" the lieutenant snapped. "You I shall just tie over here, until I am finished and ready for you! The two of you are too much to handle at once, despite what my friend says!"

Ameni stopped fighting. He couldn't think of anything else to do. Things were steadily looking worse; he couldn't see where the other Kana had gone with Ki'amit, nor what had happened to Hiakh, Kiakh, Tai'ihet, or the others that he knew. He searched the crowd in a panic as the shouting and laughter grew ever louder, the Kana dragging their new Moru away wherever there was a bit of space.

He looked for Ki'amit, but could not even see the lieutenant who had taken her away. Where had they gone?

A snarling hissing noise, followed by a loud cry, drew his attention. The crowd parted a bit until he saw Tai'ihet against the tent wall, teeth bared. A young Kana stood before her crying and rubbing at his torn cheek; his elders guffawed at the scene and slapped his shoulder.

"To be beaten by a female--this is truly a good one!"

"Come now, are you going to allow her to treat you that way? Prove you are a Kana and not a little Moru bitch!"

"Perhaps he was right when he said she was strong--perhaps we should make her a Kana, as well!"

They began howling in great amusement. The young Kana wiped the blood from his face and hissed, narrowing his eyes at Tai'ihet. Her own hiss died; Ameni saw fear and uncertainty enter her eyes. A moment later a fist had slammed into her own cheek, driving her head in the other direction; and then a knee violently slammed into her gut.

He gasped with horror. "Tai--Tai'ihet!" He struggled forward, the Kana boy punching and kicking at the sinking female.

"You I said STAY!"

The collar yanked Ameni back so he choked and gagged. The lieutenant tied the leather strap to one of the poles and knotted it tightly.

Ameni gasped and craned his neck, attempting to loosen the collar so he could gulp in a ragged breath. The crowd had gathered around Tai'ihet again so he could not see her, though he could still hear the sickening sounds of her beating. What sort of monsters beat a woman! Together, in such a vile manner! She had done all the fighting back she could; what did they think they were proving?

The crowd thinned and he squirmed to get a glance. He then wished he hadn't. As he had expected, Tai'ihet had been pummeled to the ground, and she lay upon her back, panting and bloody; yet she still fought, snarling and biting, even as a few of the Kana held her down. The boy was already raping her, her dress pulled up to bare her breasts, the young Kana clutching her thighs and pushing himself forward rapidly with tail quivering. Ameni moaned and struggled anew. He received the tiniest bit of comfort when the boy attempted to lean forward and suckle at one of Tai'ihet's breasts--this was when the female lunged forward and clamped onto his ear, teeth sinking into the sensitive skin and shaking him like a dog shaking a rat. The boy screamed in pain and fury; he pulled himself out of her and kicked her in the stomach so hard Ameni heard a crack. He gasped and tears sprang to his eyes. A moment later the Kana was still screaming insults and striking her even as a second male began thrusting himself between her spread legs.


The hoarse cry was not his own. He dragged his gaze to the side to see Thi'usa kneeling not too far away, his eyes filled with horror. He too had seen what was happening at the other side of the room. He tried pushing himself to his feet; the Kana lieutenant stepped in front of him and placed his foot down on the back of his neck, knocking the wind out of him.

"No, not yet, you don't. I know you are both excited--so much going on and you not a part of it yet! Well, here we shall go! I may not be as big as some here, yet I am certainly pleasing enough for a Moru!"

Thi'usa gasped and jerked back, too late. The Kana, already having lifted his kilt, grasped his head and pushed into Thi'usa's mouth with a groan. Ameni shut his eyes tightly and turned away. He could not watch this, for his friend's sake. He heard Thi'usa whimpering and felt his humiliation, yet could do nothing but grant him his tiny scrap of privacy.

The laughing and screaming sounds around him continued. He opened his eyes, just a bit. Even though he did not want to. It was as if a bit of him forced himself to watch this, to make a record of it, for the future. Still, he wished he could claw his eyes out because of what he saw.

His vision blurred through his tears. Over here, the young boy Moru, held down upon his belly while a Kana much larger than he was enjoyed him. Over there, Ki'amit's young friend, an adolescent female, with two Kana pushing their penises into her mouth at once. In the corner, Hiakh kneeling upon the floor, Kiakh bending over him with tears streaming down his face, raping his own brother as a Kana laughed and raped him; the three struggled against each other, a second Kana swaying his hips into Hiakh's mouth as his twin sobbed aloud, begging forgiveness. Nowhere did he see Ki'amit.

Perhaps--perhaps, she had gotten away?

A low satisfied groan, and another whimper. He turned to see the Kana pulling himself from Thi'usa's mouth. Thi'usa clamped his lips shut, semen dribbling down his face; his eyes were shut tightly as well, tears pouring down his cheeks. Ameni wanted nothing more than to go to him, to comfort him.

"Ahhhhh," the lieutenant sighed. "My friend was right, you are very good! A high-quality Moru! I am willing to bet your friend is just as skilled. He will merely have to wait but a moment or two! Your loins are so lovely and creamy, your hair so beautiful golden; you are so smooth to the touch! I must taste you. Come now, upon your knees--!"

Thi'usa let out a bark and shot up, nearly knocking their captor over. He could not defeat the collar, however; it dug into his neck, dragging him back down so he struck the floor. The Kana hissed at him and pushed him onto his belly, seizing his bound arms with one hand and his thigh with the other.

"So you wish to try to escape!" he snarled. "Not so with me around! You would not get far anyway, you little piss!"

"Ki'amit!" Thi'usa sobbed. Ameni's heart wrenched in his chest. He wanted to tell Thi'usa she had made it, she had run away, but he could not lie like that.

Damn the gods, where had she gone--?

He continued scouring the shifting noisy crowd, seeking her, seeking her terrified face, anywhere--no luck. He did catch one more glimpse of Tai'ihet, but she was unconscious by now, battered and bloody, who knew how many Kana still kneeling down upon her to take their turn. He looked away. He couldn't bear it.


He whirled around. The Kana had forced Thi'usa down, and now held his legs spread open, positioning himself. His penis flailed out, dripping and erect. Ameni's eyes widened and he screamed, jumping up.


"Shove off, dung beetle!" the Kana snarled. "Your little playtoy is MINE for now!"

Ameni bared his teeth and crooked his fingers as if they were claws; he barely noticed the brief look of surprise on Thi'usa's face at this feral gesture. "Let him GO!"

"You shall have him again when I am finished with BOTH of you! Until then, shut up!"

CRACK! Another blow to the back of his head. Ameni's eyes rolled; he slumped into half-consciousness, able to see, to dimly hear, although he could not act or move. He lay limp and watched the Kana rape his beloved, yelling lustily as he bounced, Thi'usa crying but no longer struggling. His mind itself struggled to understand what was going on, to no avail. Why would they do this? What had the Moru ever done to them...?

They...they've won. All of them. They've beaten us. They've...won...

He shut his eyes and willed himself to lapse into blackness, but a small voice persisted in speaking to him, as if from a great depth. Still, he somehow heard it.



Ameni's eyes opened.

They have not won Ki'amit!

He sensed this was why Thi'usa no longer fought. Even as he sobbed, rocking forward with his assailant's motions, his streaming eyes roamed over the crowd, seeking his sweet one. Ameni groaned and lifted his head, following suit.

Please. Let us find her! Let her give us hope!

Ameni squinted and scoured the tent. Images came to him in bits and pieces, broke up, then disappeared once more...Hiakh and Kiakh again, over here, their captors clutching their heads and pushing into their mouths...no...the unconscious Tai'ihet being dragged to her feet, and from the room...no...damn it, where was she?

The lieutenant sighed and quivered; Thi'usa bit off a gasp and jerked beneath him. The Kana gently pulled his buttocks apart and eased himself out, turning to Ameni and licking his lips. "You then, human. You were so very interested in nesakh'ai? I am finished with your partner, for now; I've always wanted to try human flesh. If I like you well enough I shall then have you both! How does this sound?"

Ameni growled and lashed at him, gagging himself. Thi'usa's eyes grew. The Kana laughed and slapped his leg.

"Oh, all right...whichever!"

He grabbed the leather strap, tugging on it hard. Ameni gurgled and his eyes bulged. Thi'usa gasped and sat up as he sank to the ground. The Kana smirked and moved over to him.

"No! Let him go! Me again! Me instead!" Thi'usa cried, flailing uselessly.

A snort. The Kana gave him a derisive look. "Fah, I already said I shall try him, and then you. Be patient!"

Ameni didn't fight him, even though the feel of the Kana's fingers between his buttocks made him want to retch. He lay still, deciding it was the best way to get this over with. Thi'usa had barely fought, and he still bore dark bruises to his stomach and legs. He would have told his friend not to worry for him, if he were able; instead he lay limp while the Moru struggled and begged, almost ignoring the tight pressing feeling of the Kana entering him. As long as he didn't fight, it wouldn't hurt. He needed to look for Ki'amit.

"Ameni-Moru!" Thi'usa sobbed. "No, no, no...!"

I do not feel the pain, Thi'usa-sweet! Ameni thought to him. Do not worry for me! I take the pain for you!

And then...a rending scream came, tearing through his heart so deeply that he gasped with shock, eyes flying open. Thi'usa's expression was likewise. The shriek broke off into a series of pathetic sobs, followed by a round of hooting and shouting. It was not this that had caused his sickening terror. It was what he knew, even as he was afraid to admit it.


He knew the scream, had heard it before, in the throes of pleasure; now, it sounded pained, pained beyond any agony he had ever experienced.

The crowd's noise died down a bit, and he could now hear a rhythmic grunting sound, interspersed with the tiny sniffling sobs. Someone whistled, and then everyone laughed. A tiny cry made them laugh even harder.

The tears filled Ameni's eyes again, mercifully blurring everything.

Oh dear gods, please, no...

"K...Ki'amit..." Thi'usa whispered, his eyes panicked. "No, gods, please no...!"

The crowd, blurred and distorted, parted. Shifting shapes colored Ameni's vision. He blinked. He...should not have blinked. Damn the gods again, he should not have seen what he saw.


Standing upright, pressed against a supporting pole of the tent. Kept prisoner against it by the first lieutenant, who leaned his head down to murmur in her ear. Every so often he would let out a pleased grunt instead. His hands were not upon her; these were placed upon the post. But his hips...gods, his hips pumped against her repeatedly, into her, swiveling in tight circles, pinning her own to the pole. Ki'amit's eyes were shut, her face wet with tears, her teeth biting into her lip. Her rapist murmured and grinned with pleasure. He bumped into her, hard, and she lurched and screamed again, louder than before, her body arching and racking. The Kana hooted, thinking it a sign of release; the lieutenant laughed at their challenge and began pounding into her voraciously.

Thi'usa struggled to his knees. "Ki'amit! NO! KI'AMIT!!"

Ameni gasped brokenly and blinked his eyes.

Ki'amit stopped fighting. She sank against the pole and began to slide to the floor, kept aloft only by the thrusting motions of the Kana. Ameni was briefly glad that she fought no more, would feel no more pain, only to notice the dark red running down her legs. Thi'usa saw it at the same time that he did, and screamed, pain and grief in his voice.


"Damn you, SHUT UP!" The second lieutenant pulled out of Ameni--Ameni shuddered to feel his seed spray upon his back--and struck Thi'usa hard in the neck. The Moru crumpled, eyes glazing. Ahead, the first lieutenant thrust and bellowed, the room erupting in cheers; he grasped Ki'amit's slender shoulders and pulled himself from her, keeping her upright and pulling her against himself as he turned and grinned and waved at the crowd. Blood ran down his thighs to pool on the floor, yet he was not bleeding.

Ameni's insides twisted. Oh, gods, no...the child...

"Moru! Please me!" A slap to the cheek; the second lieutenant's fat member appeared before his face, glistening and purple. "Now!"

Ameni snarled and lunged out. He felt the same sharp pain in his neck and sank, sank into dimness, even as something filled his throat to choking; he no longer fought anymore. There was no longer any point to fighting.

They had lost.

* * * * *

Guards and soldiers alike roamed the Red Tribe, seeking the missing Moru once their absence was finally reported. The watch at the main gate had not seen anything untoward, and so no one could understand how such a thing had even happened. A runner was sent to find Lord Nehekhi, but he was at least a day's travel away. Even General Djiu ordered some of his men to search the settlement, for, as he himself said, no good Kana should ever be without his Moru.

And so late into the night the streets were lit up by the ever-present lamps and torches of the searchers, who filed through every household and dug through every cellar, with no luck. Even the house of the old Sha trader was searched...but as the soldiers were seeking a large group of Moru, and not a small hidden trapdoor, they did not even spot it hidden behind the jars of beer and wine.

Why would they have had any reason to suspect a Kana so decrepit that his very flying ability itself was questionable? From the looks of it, it was obviously the result of an organized gang...and as the Moru turned up nowhere in the tribe, suspicions started turning toward those who had just recently vacated the area. The Kana started to mutter under their breath about how they had been cheated and robbed by their brethren from the north, and although Djiu was wise enough to order no sudden strikes, still the ill feelings remained, and simmered.

And Captain Siktu retreated from his balcony into his quarters with a satisfied smile on his face, sipping at a cup of wine, not even upset with the somewhat messy state the searchers had left his own house in...for they had found nothing incriminating there, either, and he knew they would not be back any time soon.

And under a desert moon, the spacious tents of the robber Kana were packed up, and the large illicit group, the Moru now limping and hanging their heads in silence, started making its way to the north country.


"Part 9: Rescue

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.

I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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