Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512948-Part-7--Delegation
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512948
Public desires and private plans lead to trouble among the Kana...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 7 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

TENSION WAS HIGH in the Red Tribe, though most kept their reasons for being on edge to themselves. Some of them were not even aware of what might have caused the odd feeling that permeated the air all around them, but they held their tongues as well. Much disquiet seemed to be centered around the general, Djiu...and thus tongues were for the most part tightly fettered. It was never wise to speak against a general unless one was certain they had the approval of the majority of the Kana army...and right now, nothing was certain.

A group of delegates from the East Tribe, some distance to the north, arrived one day to speak with the leading Kana of the tribe. Ameni was in the city for one of the first times in his entire existence among the Apsiu, carrying some wooden boxes meant for Captain Nehekhi's home and some medicines for the house physician, as it had been discovered that the young Moru, Ki'amit, was finally with child; and of course Nehekhi and her mate, Thi'usa, insisted on the best care for her from the very beginning of her pregnancy. He had slowed his step to shift the weight of his burden around when the strangers passed by in the street. He paused to watch them go by. There were perhaps a dozen or so, most of them captains and lieutenants, with perhaps a sergeant or two among them; they walked in a dignified manner, unlike the Red Tribe Kana who jostled each other to get a look at them as well. A few insulting comments were tossed, and the East Tribe Kana--at least, the lesser ones--lost their composure and tossed the comments right back. There was some derisive-sounding laughter, followed by an offended flapping of wings and some clods of dirt kicked at each other, before the leaders of the newcomers snapped at their inferiors to ignore such dogs and continue on their way. Ameni stared as they vanished in the direction he was going.

"What is happening?" he asked one of the lieutenants escorting his group. Hiakh and Kiakh were with him, as well as Thi'usa and a few other of the male Moru of Nehekhi's household. They were returning from a day spent haggling among the merchants, and his legs felt ready to give out. The disruption was intriguing, yet he wasn't certain he'd be able to tolerate yet another delay getting back home.

"Raiding plans, most likely," the lieutenant said with a bored yawn. He carried no articles but his own sword. "Every so often we will 'entertain' visitors with the best plans on how to most effectively raid humans."

Thi'usa frowned, then cast a look at Ameni. Ameni pretended not to notice. He wasn't certain whether to be angry about the comment, or to feel flattered somehow that he was now considered Moru and not human.

"They did not look as if they were very welcome here," he said, instead.

"They are not. The East Tribe...they tend to believe themselves superior to us. Their general is a doddering old fool." He paused almost imperceptibly, then added in a lower voice, as if meaning to say it to himself, "Perhaps he should pair up with our own."

The Moru with Ameni--plus the human himself--blinked in surprise at the comment, but didn't offer any of their own. Thi'usa gently nudged Ameni in the ribs so as not to make him spill his burden.

"He knows not completely of what he speaks. The East Tribe acts in no such way. If they seem superior it is only because they are superior. They have very skilled fighters, among the most renowned in the land, and even if their general is a doddering old fool, some of their captains are among the most superb warriors you would ever hope to find."

"How do you know this?"

Hiakh poked Thi'usa before he could speak and gave him a cross look. "To be silent! To talk, to get in trouble. To not need another thrashing."

Thi'usa flared his nostrils, losing interest in the visitors and making a face at the other Moru. "You are one to talk, prattler! And I hardly remember you ever receiving the FIRST thrashing, though you likely deserved it!..."

Ameni sighed and retreated to his own personal space. He found himself wishing for some sort of interesting change from the tedium; perhaps he could convince one of Nehekhi's lieutenants to confide in Thi'usa what he'd heard at the meeting, then glean that information from Thi'usa himself. This was the way news was spread even among the Moru. Then again he reminded himself that perhaps he should not know what was going on.

Am I so eager for change? Perhaps boredom is the safest thing in these days.

"Hurry up, Moru!" the lieutenant leading them barked. "My feet are aching. How long can it possibly take all of you to carry those trifles? This is the last time I escort slaves to the market, unless I am going to sell them..."

Thi'usa's nostrils flared. "Ti'hep'ha," he muttered, and Ameni had to force himself not to smile. The best definition of the word was weakling. Hiakh and Kiakh smiled openly but said nothing. Instead they shifted their loads for more ease of carrying, and picked up their pace in anticipation of reaching home.

* * * * *

Nehekhi paced about in the main hall of his household, hands folded behind his back and his gaze on the floor. He hated lying. And he especially hated what he'd done. General Djiu had agreed, a few months before, to allow a delegation from the East Tribe admittance to talk over raiding plans. But that had been a long time ago and things had obviously changed since then. Every time Nehekhi or one of the other captains who were interested in meeting their neighboring brothers brought the matter up, he had feigned preoccupation with another matter. Or perhaps he had not been feigning at all. Nehekhi's lip curled back, thinking of what had held most of Djiu's attention lately.

And as much as they could have used allies in a raiding party, now was certainly not the right time for it.

Still, when a letter had arrived by messenger about half a week before, one of Nehekhi's men had intercepted it as requested. The messenger hadn't wanted to leave his note in the hands of a mere lieutenant, but a decent bribe of silver rings had convinced him to go on his way. Nehekhi hated bribing as well, but at least it had gotten the job done.

As such, Kana from the East Tribe had arrived without Djiu's knowledge, and now that they were here it would be quite a time sending them back without any communication. Nehekhi did not like the thought of organizing a raiding party with another tribe, no matter how well he knew it. But if it disguised his true intentions--examining the other Kana for signs of discontent with Djiu's recent actions--then he supposed it was a necessary evil. Raids would be carried out no matter what he did or didn't do.

He hoped the Kana would not be too suspicious when they found out that the household they were being directed to was his own, and not Lord Djiu's. He halted in his pacing when one of the guards approached and bowed, signaling his visitors' arrival. Nehekhi nodded curtly and then turned about and saluted the small group of Kana that came in a moment later. They saluted in return before the lead captain nodded at them, a silent gesture for privacy. The other captains seemed puzzled but obeyed, the lesser Kana doing so without even a second glance. The first Kana turned back to Nehekhi.

"Greetings, Lord Nehekhi. You look well."

"As do you, Lord Ahen. I'm grateful that you could make it, out of all the rest."

The tall Kana's stern expression softened somewhat and he gave a slight smile. "I can tell you are disappointed he did not come. I hope you realize he is very busy with his duties; Lord T'uris has been most demanding of late. I know how much you value his opinion and so I hope you do not mind that I came in his stead."

"I would lie if I said I am not disappointed to miss him again, but I understand. And I am glad that you could come. I feel I need someone trustworthy to speak with lately as it is."

"Oh? Things are so difficult in the tribe?"

"Yes...and no. Perhaps I merely jump at shadows. Please do not mind, Lord, if I do not outright tell you what has been on my mind. Merely the fact that you can sense my unease is help enough. Not everything has been well with our tribe lately...but you will probably learn this in time." He pulled a scroll from the belt of his kilt and unrolled it. Ahen cocked his head in curiosity to see the familiar text written upon it. "I see you recognize this?"

"It is the scroll our messenger carried to Lord Djiu. At least, this is what we were told...?"

"Please do not seek punishment for your messenger. It was I who ordered him paid off. I would rather you came to me first, instead of Lord Djiu."

Ahen frowned. "You are authorized to speak for him?"

Nehekhi made the mistake of biting his lip before answering. "I see you are not," Ahen said before he could. The other Kana let out a soft sigh. "Things must be bad, if it has gotten to the point where even you are using deceit."

"I did not intend..." Nehekhi trailed off, then started anew. "I fully intended to deceive you and the others, Lord." Ahen's ear flicked. "But it was not for any personal gain. Rather I simply believe you are better off dealing with me than with Lord Djiu. He...he has been somewhat preoccupied lately, and may not be well disposed to seeing you right now."

Ahen's brow furrowed. "Yet he is the one who agreed to this meeting, is he not?"

"Months ago, yes. Things have changed in the meantime. He would have dismissed your messenger outright if he had gone to him and not to my lieutenant. You would not be here speaking with me right now."

"With respect then, Lord, why are we here? If we are not wanted, you should have let Lord T'uris know this. I do not mean to insult you, Lord Nehekhi, but we came here with good will to speak with the general. If we are not welcome here, it would have been best that we knew before we arrived."

"You are welcome here, Lord. Believe me. It is just that..." Nehekhi sighed in frustration. "Please do not ask me to explain...let us just leave it at that Lord Djiu is currently indisposed to meeting visitors, and you and your men and ours may converse within my own household instead. Is this well?"

Ahen simply gave him a cross look. "It is several days' journey, at the least, from here back to your tribe," Nehekhi added. "Surely you do not mean to make that trek back without so much as a drink of beer or a bite of food, if not a decent rest for the night. You will stay? At least for the night? And if by morning your views have not changed, then you may leave. But I do hope you intend to stay and carry on our plans as if nothing untoward had happened. Please, Lord?"

Ahen paused for a moment or two before letting out a sigh and uncrossing his arms. "Very well...if only because our Sha are still worn," he said, and Nehekhi's tensed wings relaxed. "You had best be clear with me from now on, Lord," Ahen added, noticing the change in Nehekhi's stance. "I do not know what's going on between you and the general, but I should not have to remind you that seeking ways around his orders will not bode well for you as a captain in his army. I am shocked actually by this change in your behavior. I hope things are not quite as bad as you're making me think they are."

"Believe me, Lord..." Nehekhi said, then realized he didn't know how to finish the sentence. As his ill luck would have it, Ahen paused and waited for him to continue. "Believe me, Lord, when I say I will not try to deceive you again," he finished, and bit the inside of his mouth at the look on Ahen's face. Apparently the other Kana had seen through his comment; he had not actually confirmed nor denied how bad the situation with the Red Tribe was. Ahen had always been a perceptive one. After staring at Nehekhi for a moment, he finally turned away and exited the room.

As the door swung shut Nehekhi let out his breath, trying to calm his nerves, before hurrying to cut across the courtyard that lay outside his room, so he would not have to follow Ahen's own path through the building. He made his way back to the kitchens, to prepare the members of the East Tribe for their obligatory night within his household.

* * * * *

"Lord Djiu, I beg your attention immediately."

It didn't seem to matter how desperate Captain Siktu made his voice; General Djiu did not appear interested in any news he might bear. The general sat with a scroll pressed to the table in front of him, and from the looks of it it was the most absorbing thing in the world. Siktu kept trying to steal glances at it but it only appeared to be a map of some sort. "Lord, it's necessary that I speak with you," he pressed.

"Hmmm," was all Djiu offered. He continued peering at the map; when Siktu glanced at the lieutenant guarding the door, the lesser Kana shrugged.

"It is a layout of the land in the immediate area, Lord. Lord Djiu has called for his best cartographer."

"Cartographer?" Siktu blinked in surprise. "We know the locations of all the other tribes of any importance, Lord; in fact, I--"

"Oh, go find something better to do than bother me," Djiu groused. "You really think I would waste my time on such things? I know we know the location of these tribes. I am looking for something different..."


"Yes, Captain, different." Djiu shot him a warning look. "If you continue bothering me at inconvenient times..."

"I thought it important to let you know, Lord," Siktu cut in before he could lose the general's interest. "One of your men has overlooked your orders--or rather given orders in your stead--obviously without permission from you. While you are busy with important affairs in here, out there he acts as if he has your authority to speak for the tribe!"

"Hmm?" Djiu's attention began drifting. "Explain what you babble about, Captain..."

"It is Lord Nehekhi again, General. He is clearly a nuisance. Do you remember the East Tribe? Well, he has invited 'delegates' of said tribe here to spend the night. And not at your illustrious house, might I add! At that filth pile that Nehekhi calls his own home! He had the audacity to intercept their messenger before he could reach you and to pay him off with a bribe so that he might speak to them on your behalf! I truly do believe, Lord, that if you had meant to meet the East Tribe, you would have assented to their visit long ago."

"This is so."

"Yet Nehekhi thinks to hurry things along to his own advantage. Even now he is housing them under his roof! He went so far, I have heard, as to claim that they may hold their war party planning in his own household!"

"Hmm." Djiu peered more closely at the scroll. "I do not see what bearing this has on me."

Siktu stood in stunned silence. He finally allowed himself to move close enough to make out the map Djiu was so engrossed in. As soon as he noticed it held only faint traces of the Apsiu tribes' locations, and focused instead on settlements of another nature, he stepped back, suppressing a grimace of disgust.

"You...you are planning on raiding more of the human settlements, Lord...?"

"What of it?" Only now did Djiu snap to life, glaring at him so harshly that Siktu took another step back. "Those last females I had were frail pathetic things from an already decimated settlement. I have it on reasonable authority that a much larger settlement lies somewhat to the west of us--many males, many children, and all the things of life that they need. In a situation like that surely their females must be allowed to grow soft and fat. If I am going to pick one she had best be more resilient than those sickly things I entertained last time. I cannot believe the nerve of that one, expiring on me like that! As if I wish to couple with a dead body! Disgusting! She could have at least waited a few moments more so I did not have to rush it..." His arguing trailed off into annoyed grumbling, and Siktu was at a loss for words, uncertain what to say that would make the situation any less awkward.

"Well...Lord..." he finally started, taking a breath to steady himself. "I believe it says much for Nehekhi's intentions when he starts to speak in your place. I think he has plans for your position."

"Plans? Nehekhi?" Djiu furrowed his brow. "No, he is not the sort to try such a thing. I know him better than that."

"But, he has disobeyed your orders, Lord--!"

"I did not ever order the East Tribe never to visit us. I did delay getting back to them, and would rather they had just stayed home, but I did not insist they stay away. Nehekhi just takes a burden from my shoulders while I focus on this." He looked down at the map once more. "Perhaps I really could have included him on the raiding plans..."

Siktu ground his teeth in frustration. He turned away from Djiu, toward the doorway. "I have some personal matters to attend to, Lord. If you'll please excuse me..."

"Mm-hm," Djiu murmured. "Lieutenant, show him to the door."

Siktu barely bothered to hide his resentment at this command, but said nothing. The lieutenant saluted and they left the room together as another guard took his place. He did have the presence of mind to wait until they had gone a distance from the general's room before starting to grumble to himself.

"What sort of business is this, raiding humans for mates? Nehekhi, yes, I expected this of him...but of Djiu...what is this? Has Nehekhi infected him? How many others?" His muzzle wrinkled. "Incredibly distasteful...I can hardly stand the thought. What they must be doing behind closed doors! Repellent!" He glared at the young lieutenant keeping pace beside him. "Does he have any hint of anything? At all? You have managed to keep it all in check, haven't you?"

The lieutenant saluted. "As best as I could, Lord, but you know how they are. Why did you not just choose some of your own men? You can rely upon them most!"

Siktu snarled, making the youth cringe back. "Fool! And practically build a trail back to me? You think I'm that stupid? I would not involve my own men in something so risky! The better that outsiders be involved, then they will not trace it to its source. It is time this ridiculous activity stopped once and for all."

The lieutenant winced. "Are you...are you certain, Lord, that...well, that this is the best means by which to do so? I mean, I would understand if you went after Lord Nehekhi, but..."

"I did not ask you to question me, brat! Mind your tongue! I have already done all I can against Lord Nehekhi short of slitting his throat in his sleep. And believe me that I have long thought of that, even! I would have done it ages ago if I were assured immunity from the tribunal! But even a captain must be tried as a civilian must. The court--hah!" He snorted derisively. "A lot of good it does when our laws do not even protect us from human filth!" He managed to calm himself down just enough to continue. "All the messages got through safely? Even the last one?"

"Yes, Lord; we made certain that none of Nehekhi's men noticed."

"He has spies all over the city, you know. You can hardly recognize them all!"

"This is why we always waited until none were within sight but those loyal to you, Lord. Trust me, none know your plans, but us, and the others you called for."

"And when shall they arrive?"

"They could not enter the city with the East Tribe's men for they would have been recognized. There are some of T'uris's men who know them on sight. When there are none guarding the north gate but our own, we will allow them entrance, and--"

"No. This is not good enough. Know you the trader of Sha who lives in the very northeast corner of the settlement? The old man with the nicked wing?"

"I--yes, Lord, I believe I do..."

"Seek him out instead. He is so crippled with pain nowadays that he cannot even fly, but we have ourselves a small agreement. I keep those who would test his flight ability off his back, and in return he does small favors for me." The lieutenant's eyes had gone wide but he let Siktu continue. "Seek him out after nightfall, but make certain you are not followed. I'll assume you already know how to do this else we'd have been sniffed out already. Tell him I sent you and ask that he open up his cellar for some guests of mine from outside the wall. This should be enough for him to understand. You can repeat this?"

"I--yes, Lord. Ask him to open his cellar to receive some guests from outside the wall. Er--if I might ask, Lord--?"

"No, you may not. Let us just say that his cellar runs a bit deeper than most...and wine is not the only thing that goes into and comes out of it. Instruct your scout friend to seek out a disguised opening that lies a short distance outside the settlement, and to keep watch for them there. They must not approach the north gate. Tell them to keep to the desert until they have just about passed the settlement, then to double back and seek out your friend. This is how they will get into the city and hopefully how they will get out again...if there is not too much resistance." His nostrils flared. "I thank the gods for once that Nehekhi has always been foolishly lax with his guards...for once his absentmindedness will pay off for me. If Djiu will not nip this problem in the bud, then I will do it for him. Perhaps I cannot convince Nehekhi what is best for him...but I am betting that I can convince him through others."

The lieutenant looked wary, but only said, "Do you believe there will be room enough in the old Kana's cellar for them all to pass through unnoticed, Lord?"

Siktu looked at him from the corner of his eye before snorting again. "An intelligent question. You ask an intelligent question for once, Lieutenant." The lieutenant flushed and looked away. "I believe it will be a tight fit going out, but as most of them will by then be bound, they can then be shuttled through like packs of grain. Large, living packs of grain..." the corner of his mouth twitched in the hint of a smile "...but packs of grain just the same. If any spy the group, advise them to say that they are merely transporting the Moru they just purchased, and that they are servants of the visitors from the East Tribe." His smile finally burst forth, but as a nasty grin. "If trouble is to fall upon the heads of our visitors, then so much the better. It would be good to kill two birds with one stone." His grin vanished and he gave the lieutenant a withering look. "Do you understand all, Lieutenant?"

The young Kana saluted. "Yes, Lord. I'll be off to advise the others immediately."

"Good. But take not too long. Lord Djiu must not notice your absence."

"Yes, Lord." The lieutenant saluted once more before jogging off down the hall. Siktu allowed himself to smile freely now that he was alone, and the relief and satisfaction that filled him were better than anything he'd ever felt after nesakh'ai. If it were to come down to passing the night with a delectable selection of females, or settling all matters with both Nehekhi and the meddling East Tribe, he found he much preferred the latter.

That did not mean he had to pass up the former, however. With a stretch and a flap of his wings, he picked up his pace, in anticipation of reaching his own bed, if only for a short while.

* * * * *

The guest rooms at Nehekhi's household were not the most sumptuous in the settlement, but neither were they the least. Captain Ahen made certain to silence what grumbles he could as he paced from room to room, supervising the other Kana. "Quit fussing," he snapped at one; then, "Mind that we are guests here, and our host was not obligated to house us. The Red Tribe has not been as fortunate as we. Anyone who is ungracious is free to head home on his own."

"I do not like this, Lord," one lieutenant murmured as he passed. He gave the younger Kana a critical look, and the lieutenant glanced down at his hands, fiddling his fingers nervously.

"You sense a problem, Hiath'ikh?" Ahen pressed.

"I...well...not so much a problem, as...well, something does not feel right, Lord. I cannot explain it..."

"Perhaps you'd best seek to learn how to explain it, Lieutenant, for I could not understand otherwise. I thought that Nehekhi was a comrade of yours?"

"I know him, yes, but..."

"Yet you feel ill at ease under his roof?"

"Well...not at being under his roof...but at being here, at all." Hiath'ikh took a breath and let it out. He stopped fiddling his fingers and stood straight, meeting Ahen's eyes. "The agreement, long ago, was that if we came we should stay at General Djiu's residence. How is it that now he has passed us over so nonchalantly, and Nehekhi has taken on this duty? Lord Nehekhi is not one of Lord Djiu's top captains. If Lord Djiu is merely busy this duty should have gone to one closer to him."

"Perhaps they are all preoccupied, have you thought of this, Lieutenant?"

"Yes, Lord, but...it still does not seem right. They have not shown even any interest in us. Only Lord Nehekhi and his men have been reasonably hospitable. I have the feeling that..." He frowned and furrowed his brow. "Well...that something else is going on. Something they have been busy with since long before we arrived. Something else holds their attention, besides us."

Ahen stood for a time and waited for the lieutenant to continue before sighing. "Even if this is so," he finally said, "it is not contrary to custom for our hosts to be busy with other things. Perhaps we arrived at a bad time; we did reach here a day or so earlier than expected. If they are preoccupied, then we must simply tolerate it as best we can. Remember, we were not promised an audience with the general himself. If we can serve our purpose just as well with Lord Nehekhi supervising, then so be it. Personally I saw little need for us to even come here; although I am glad for the chance to have seen Nehekhi again, my wings are tired and my back hurts and I would far rather be at home with my mate and pups. There has not been a tribe worth raiding in our area for ages, it seems; why Lord Djiu suddenly believes there is is beyond me." He stretched his wings as if to illustrate his point and let out another deep sigh. "I am going to seek out which room is my own, now...you and the rest are settled in? There will be no trouble?"

"Yes, Lord. Of course we will not make trouble. I apologize for concerning you."

"This is unnecessary. I understand your hesitation; I would be lying if I were to say I did not sense something odd going on behind the scenes, also." Ahen sniffed. "But what it is is not for us to say or to deal with. Perhaps if we are lucky we can finish with our business here and begone before it grows any odder. I do not like the feel of things around here, either." He turned and stepped out the door, nodding at Hiath'ikh's salute. "Rest well, Lieutenant. We may be up for quite a bit of haggling and squabbling in the evening."

"Yes, Lord. Rest well."

Ahen left the lieutenant's room, unable to suppress a yawn as he headed for his own. He rubbed at one tired eye and thought on all the other Kana had said, and it echoed what little the others of the East Tribe had said as well. We do not like these Kana...there's something off about them...is it just us, Lord, or do they look at us oddly, and does the air itself not smell strange, as if other parties have been here before us...?

You are not the only ones
, Ahen thought to himself. The air does smell oddly, here, and not just in one sense.

With one last sigh he pushed his door open. And resolved himself not to think about the smell in the air for the rest of the night.

* * * * *

Ameni hated the near-constant waiting he was subjected to, being one of the slaves of Nehekhi and not having quick access to news the way the Kana did. As such, he found himself pacing too much lately, especially after hearing of the important meeting to be held in this very household. The rest of the Moru didn't seem to understand his anxiety. Thi'usa attempted to shrug off his worries with the explanation that the meeting was a common one, although it was usually held at the general's house...this news only made him worry more. None could answer his question about why the meeting was being held here this time, so he ignored their further comments, and after a while they began to ignore him as well.

He paused every so often to look at the door with longing, wishing Nehekhi's guard would stop by with news for Thi'usa so he could overhear. The door remained closed. He began his pacing again.

Even the slaves know this is not normal. Something is up. This isn't right. He wouldn't go ahead with things this soon, after I have warned him...would he?

He wanted to believe Nehekhi was smart enough not to act rashly, but based on the anger he'd seen in the Kana's eyes, on hearing of Djiu's raid upon the humans, he couldn't be certain what his master was capable of...

A rattling, creaking noise suddenly came, and he almost gasped and froze. The door opened and a beam of light shot inside, blinding him for a moment; he recognized the lieutenant who often came to speak with Thi'usa, and stepped back into the room, the better to silently listen in on whatever they should say. Thi'usa saw the guard as well and started to stand up, but the Kana waved his hand impatiently.

"He's asking for the human. You!" Ameni blinked when the Kana gestured at him. "Come on. He cannot be kept waiting all night."

"Me?" Ameni said, and Thi'usa echoed this sentiment.


The lieutenant rolled his eyes and sighed. "Do I look as if I have made a mistake? Don't ask for explanations, I have no clue either. All I know is he asked for the human to come along with him to the meeting hall. So hurry up, make yourself presentable and come along."

Ameni glanced back at Thi'usa, biting his lip. The Moru stared at him in confusion before nodding, albeit hesitantly. Ameni brushed at his kilt and slipped on his sandals, following the lieutenant from the room. The door sounded loud when it shut behind them, and he jumped.

"Come along," the Kana muttered. "Some days I wonder if he hasn't gone insane."

Ameni held his tongue and followed. Their sandals clacked against the floor for a while before more clacking joined the sound, coming from ahead. The lieutenant slowed his step when three Kana emerged from the dimness. Ameni recognized one of the guards, and thought the taller of the other two seemed familiar as well, though he couldn't be certain where he'd seen him before. They slowed to a stop when they all reached each other, Nehekhi's two lieutenants and the unidentified captain and a young Kana in black lappets, who was breathing heavily and covered in dust, clutching a tattered scroll in his hand.

The guard with Ameni frowned and looked from one to the other. "Something I have missed?"

"I was escorting them back to the main gate," the other lieutenant replied. "This messenger arrived moments ago. Lord Ahen is needed back at the East Tribe. Some difficulty with his family."

The first lieutenant looked up at the tall captain. "You will not be joining us at the meeting, Lord...?"

"I am afraid not," the captain said. "Some matters have come up which I must attend to. I'm certain the others can handle it on their own. The main reason I came was to see how Lord Nehekhi is doing, after all." He noticed Ameni now and his brow furrowed slightly, his head tilting as if to get a better look at the human. Before he could say anything the guard stepped in front of Ameni and saluted.

"I apologize for you having to go then, Lord. I hope your family does well. If you need new Sha, you may borrow some from Lord Nehekhi's stalls."

"This isn't necessary; we'll be flying back, to save some time. I've instructed the men to return my Sha along with them. I have already spoken with Lord Nehekhi, but please send him my apologies again. It was good to see him after all this time."

The lieutenant bowed as the three other Kana went past. "As you wish. Safe journey, Lord." They stood and waited in the hallway until the others were out of sight, then he nudged Ameni in the ribs, prompting him to move again. The Kana picked up his pace so Ameni nearly had to jog to keep up.

"Come on, we'll be late by now. He'll look foolish if we keep him waiting too long."

Ameni almost tripped over his sandal, but caught himself in time. An open doorway appeared, light pouring into the hallway, and Ameni's heart lifted when he recognized the Kana standing outside waiting for them. He had to suppress a smile when Nehekhi's eyes lit up as well. The captain nodded at his lieutenant as they drew close, receiving a salute in return and taking Ameni by the arm.

"Thank you, Taka. Did you cross Lord Ahen by any chance?"

"Yes, Lord; they're on their way out. He said to apologize that he could not make the meeting."

"Ah, I know he came only because my..." Nehekhi paused, then continued, "...because my friend could not make it. No matter. I doubt much of import will pass here tonight anyway; did I bother you in the midst of anything, Ameni-human?" Ameni blinked, caught offguard by the question; he glanced anxiously at Lieutenant Taka, but the guard had turned away, and Nehekhi was guiding him inside the room. "I hate the thought of having disturbed you..."

"No, Lord; not at all. Is this..."

"Yes, this is what all the fuss is about; but you'd best hold your tongue at least until the speaking is all started; or rather the yelling...they might stare at you a bit oddly if you speak up too much. As it is you will already receive some odd looks, but I'm hoping they will be too interested in their own affairs to wonder much..."

Ameni allowed himself to be guided toward the side of the room. There was a long wooden table surrounded by other Kana--some of the Red Tribe, some of the visiting tribe--and as Nehekhi entered so quietly, at first they did not notice him. After a few moments of talking they finally spotted him and his human companion, however, and Ameni received a few strange looks, but they said nothing. Apparently Nehekhi carried a lot of weight in this settlement, too much for them to openly question him. Nehekhi let go of his arm but stayed standing where he was, so Ameni stood obediently by his side. After a few opening comments aimed at each other and at Nehekhi, the rest of the Kana, finding he would not be persuaded to move from his post, turned their attention away from him and began talking over some scrolls that were spread out over the table before them. They all seemed to talk at once, so Ameni couldn't be certain what they said, though most of it seemed to be raiding plans and suggestions for the improvement of both tribes...even Nehekhi's look grew bored, and he leaned against the wall with a sigh as if not wishing to be at his own meeting in the first place. Ameni tried to think of why he had been included in this meeting, to no avail; he could tell from the reactions he'd received from everybody so far that bringing slaves to war parties was not normal. The longer he stood and waited for something to happen, the duller and duller the session seemed to grow, until the talking just changed into so much droning; the night began to draw on, and Ameni felt himself growing tired and restless.

His master tickled his fingers along his shoulder and arm for much of the time the others talked. They had noticed this too, he saw. Every so often one would glance toward them oddly, then continue talking. Aside from a few interjections he had offered on his own, none of them asked Nehekhi to contribute, even though the meeting was being held in his own house.

"What we need to do is step up training," one Kana said. "More of it. Morning, noon, and night."

"No, no, no," a second Kana countered. "If our sons receive too much training, they will be too tired when the actual fight comes!"

"Too tired--this is better than unprepared!"

"What good is preparation--when you are too tired to even fight?"

They started arguing. Nehekhi sighed and continued tapping his fingers up and down Ameni's arm. He cocked his head at the human and smiled reproachfully.

"They always fight, like this, when they hold raiding parties. Fight fight fight, all the time, every occasion these meetings come around. They never learn."

"It seems rather pointless then for them to continue to meet, Master..."

"Eh, I have no say over whether they meet or not; they would do so even if I did." His eyes softened. "How are you this eve, Ameni-Moru?"

Ameni blinked. "I'm...I'm fine, Nehekhi-Master. Tired, but fine. Why do you ask? And if I may ask also, why did you bring me here? I have nothing to offer."

"Oh, yes, you have much to offer...you always do, sweet human." He chucked Ameni under the chin and Ameni cast a nervous glance at the arguing Kana. Had they seen that? "This place would be dreadfully dull without you here to keep me company. I am sorry it has tired you!"

"No apologies are necessary, Master...your word is always correct."

Nehekhi snorted. "Yes...unless one of them says it is not." He paused, then reached out to gently squeeze Ameni's arm. Ameni kept his eyes focused on the meeting though his heart began to beat a little harder. He started when his master put his arm around his shoulder, and touched his muzzle to his face.

"Master!" he whispered in a panic. "What are you doing?!"

"Fah, this meeting is too long...too boring." A grin. "I thought perhaps we might entertain ourselves?"

"Master--not here! The Kana are watching!"

"I'm hardly concerned..." Ameni cringed to feel the Kana's muzzle dampening his cheek and neck, Nehekhi's hand running down his back. He began to nibble on Ameni's ear and the human couldn't help it; he gasped.

The Kana continued arguing. Ameni bit his lip to avoid crying out when Nehekhi raised his kilt in back and slid his hand up between his buttocks, fingers testing Ameni's readiness. Ameni immediately tightened, then relaxed--as he had learned to do. His body began to tremble and he shut his eyes with a soft whimper.


"I well understand your need, Moru...for it is my own."

"Please, Master...not here. Please..."

"I have gone beyond all hope of postponing this." Warm tongue against his neck. "Many of them have long suspected as it is. I should not have to deny us whenever they are around. Those who are dismayed by us may turn away. I wish to have you now, dear Ameni-human..."

His hands clutched Ameni's waist. Ameni trembled harder; he could not fight. Nehekhi brought him closer, took his hand, placed it on his hardness; Ameni's fingers instinctively curled. Nehekhi gave a small shaky sigh.

"I will pleasure you with ahi'akhta, Master..."

"No...this will not suffice. Come. Lift your kilt...spread yourself...prepare your bounty for me. I will feast until I am not full, but you are."

Ameni obeyed; it was his duty. He lifted his kilt, exposing himself, then stood on his tiptoes, hands holding his buttocks spread.

Nehekhi panted now. He brought the man closer again before fumbling with his own kilt, remembering to push it up. His rod thrust out gleaming and hard. Ameni moaned oh so softly as he descended, his master bringing him down; at the bittersweet penetration he grabbed his master's hips and arched as he began to push his own hips, moaning more loudly.

The other Kana stopped arguing at the noise and all turned to look at them at once. And their eyes all widened.

Nehekhi, the noble Kana, leaned against the opposite wall, clutching his human slave to him, their legs entwined, the human's head falling back and his body quivering in obvious pleasure. Nehekhi's hands upon his hips guided him--and that was the biggest shock of all--the fact that their hips moved in unison, rocking evenly and clearly. Nehekhi's own head fell back, tongue lolling from his mouth, small groans of lust escaping him.

A couple of the Kana immediately stood up, toppling over their chairs. "Lord Nehekhi!" one demanded with an absolute look of disgust. "What is the meaning of this?"

"His human slave?" another croaked. "His HUMAN slave! His Moru are not enough for him, so he brings a human. I knew he was up to something when he first insisted on bringing that worthless thing back with him."

Ameni pushed himself down upon his lover. "Master," he cried.

The Kana's ears pricked. "I heard it!" one shouted, pointing. "He calls him 'Master.' Perhaps he thinks he is Moru, or Lord Nehekhi believes he is!"

Nehekhi suddenly lifted his head from Ameni's shoulder and snarled at them as best he could, considering his labored breath. "Foolish idiots! Blather all you like. Have you never--taken opportunity when it comes? I am hard and full of sap and need to release it. Half of my Moru have been ill--"

When did THAT happen? Ameni wondered.

"--and rather than expose myself to that illness, I have taken to sating my desires with the only one who may not become ill. Yes, he is human. But he is also my slave. My desire is his obligation."

"How can you say that of the vile beasts?" the Kana in highest rank shouted, hitting the table. Through his haze Ameni barely recognized him as the captain who had been giving Nehekhi so much trouble over the past few weeks. He grated his teeth even as Nehekhi's motions didn't cease, the Kana running his hands up and down along Ameni's front. "Look at him! He has some power over you! For you to find this likable--?"

"I...I don't know," one of the other Kana, a lieutenant of the East Tribe, murmured, eyeing the two moaning lovers nervously and licking his lips. "It looks as if they find much joy in each other..."

The first Kana whirled on him and spat. "Filthy vermin! Keep your mouth shut! You have always wanted to couple with human females, this is no news to us!"

"It's certainly news to me," a third Kana quipped, and several of them laughed.

"You...you have two choices," Nehekhi called out.

The other Kana turned to look at him.

"One," Nehekhi panted, shutting his eyes with pleasure as he moved. "You may stay and finish your meeting and depart in good spirits before the night is through. Or two, you may leave now, if what I decide to do in my spare time bothers you so greatly. He is human, yes. But he is also mine."

Most of the Kana responded by immediately turning and leaving. Ameni let out his breath with relief, having expected a fight. The captain, the one who had argued longest with Nehekhi, scowled at them--he spat also at Ameni--"I am disgusted, Captain, but I am hardly surprised, seeing it from you"--before turning and stalking out. The air grew unusually quiet but for the two of them remaining.

"Ah...see?" Nehekhi sighed, placing his head upon Ameni's shoulder. "They leave so easily. They are offended, yes, but they know what they expect from me--NOTHING! Just as long as we are happy and may play our games of love..."

"Dearest Master," Ameni groaned, before noticing the face before him and crying out, clinging back to his master for protection. Nehekhi opened his eyes and stared as well.

Before them stood a Kana, the same one who had briefly suggested they must be having fun together. He was a young lieutenant from the looks of it, though his build was so thin and wiry that Ameni wondered how he had ever achieved that rank. He licked his lips again, nervously, and darted a glance about the room.

Nehekhi growled at him. "Hiath'ikh? I remember your name correctly? There is some purpose for you being here?"

The other Kana scuffed his foot against the floor. "Yes, Lord...I came with...I came with Lord Ahen. I...I wished merely to tell you that not...not all of us find this display so disgusting." His eyes darted up like a bird's. "As long...as long as you find it enjoyable, and have sons of your own..." When Nehekhi said nothing he asked, "He is your slave?"

"Yes," Nehekhi replied, and sighed, nuzzling against Ameni's neck. The human moaned softly and Hiath'ikh's ears perked up. "He is mine. I found him in the desert after the last great sandstorm. We cared for one another. He first became my Moru then."

"Master," Ameni whimpered.

"I see," Hiath'ikh murmured, rubbing his fingers. "He calls you Master already...have you disciplined him?"

"Discipline?" Nehekhi's head shot up and he snarled, causing Hiath'ikh to recoil. "None was necessary! He is mine! He knows who he belongs to! I am his master. He pleases me without discipline!"

Hiath'ikh hastily put up his hands. "I...I have no argument with you, Lord Nehekhi! Rather I find it petty that the others would revile you on account of this. You two....you two seem to enjoy one another. Much so. Am...am I right?"

"Yes." Another nuzzle. "He is as loyal and beautiful as one of my Moru. Even Thi'usa pales next to him."

The lieutenant's eyes widened. "Thi--Thi'usa?" he stammered. "You and--you and Thi'usa have--"

"Yes. Thi'usa is also my Moru, did you not know this already?"

"That I knew--but--that you two are--"

"That we love one another? I love all of my Moru. Perhaps this is not 'normal' for you, but it is for me. They are loyal to me this way. Is this right, dear Ameni-mate?"

Ameni whimpered again. As if in agreement his arms went up to loop around Nehekhi's neck and he pressed himself to him, letting out tiny sounds of desire.

Hiath'ikh continued to stare at them as they coupled, and Ameni could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes. Nehekhi smiled slightly.

"You are truly so curious, Lord Hiath'ikh?"

"C-curious?" Hiath'ikh took a quick step back. "Oh--no, Lord Nehekhi! I--I was just wondering over how I could not have known of this sooner!"

"We three have been together," Nehekhi said softly.

Hiath'ikh's panicked expression paled. "Three...?"

"Yes. Ameni-Moru, Thi'usa, and myself." His smile grew. "I awoke one morning and needed to sate my desires from the night before. So I called Thi'usa. He came most willingly, for we had loved one another before."

Hiath'ikh's tongue moved quickly over his lips a third time.

"He was perfect for me that morning...most perfect. I bent him over and took him, like a Kana should. If you had felt him, if you had known the pleasure we felt that day..."

Ameni moaned, just barely.

"And then Ameni-human came to my rooms. Wished to know where I had been. I had been neglecting him, poor dear. And so I invited him to join us. We had to convince him, but it was worth it. And so I took him, while he took Thi'usa...you should speak with Thi'usa-Moru, he would tell you how enjoyable he is."

Hiath'ikh looked ready to faint.

"He is skilled with hakh'tua and ahi'akhta as well. Are you not, dear Ameni-mate?"

In response, breath coming fast, Ameni reached out--but not for Nehekhi. He dimly knew what his master wished for. His hand touched against Hiath'ikh instead, and the Kana jumped and gasped, starting to pull away.

"Please wait, dear friend!" Nehekhi coaxed. "Why leave, right now? Surely you wish for some satisfaction? No one else outside this room need know of what has transpired tonight. You can do all you wish."

"I...I will be missed if I don't get back..."

"Then we will be short. Trust us. What do you need most at this moment?" And Ameni's hand trailed up under his kilt, stroking him. Hiath'ikh's eyes rolled back and then shut, and his chest began to rise and fall a bit more quickly.


"Yes, Hiath'ikh? Please...you need not fear saying anything to us." Nehekhi smiled at him gently. "You are among friends, here."

"I..." Hiath'ikh's eyes opened, and he looked away, seeming ashamed. "Siktu...Lord Siktu was not entirely incorrect. I...I do enjoy visiting with the human females in their brothels, when we are able."

"They allow this?" Ameni whispered, before flushing crimson and clinging to his master again, knowing the question had been inexcusable. The Kana didn't seem to care, however.

"Yes, if the pay is right...they allow this. They were afraid of me, at first, with good reason. We had taken their town. I am certain a few of our number must have...forced some of the human women to obey them. Though they would of course deny this. I was placed to keep an eye on those in the tavern, where the harlots were. They...they made me feel welcome, after some time had passed..."

"East-Town," Nehekhi murmured. "I had heard of this incident. You were the one who convinced our people to leave the rest of the humans in peace?"

"I...well, I cannot take full responsibility. My captain did agree with me when I had presented my case. But I did ask that we leave them be, as they had nothing for u--" He broke off with a whimper, Ameni's hand caressing him.

"So, you spared them...this must have cost you a great deal of suffering from our own kind."

"Well...they do not much appreciate me...though they tolerate me for being under Mahakhi's command...they have much respect for him." He blinked slowly at Ameni. "Moru-human, you truly serve Lord Nehekhi as slave? Yet you enjoy being kept here?"

"Yes," Ameni sighed. His hand went up to touch Nehekhi's face and he smiled up at his lover. "At first I was not so certain...but we have grown close. I cherish my master."

Nehekhi smiled. "You see, he hardly needed discipline...he is my Moru. My sweet little Moru." He kissed Ameni's neck.

"Yes." Hiath'ikh's own eyes seemed sad now. "He is a sweet little Moru, is he not?"

"Please," Ameni, this time, said, reaching out for him. "Will you not join us? My master seems to wish that you do so. Please, be with us. Let us make you happy, Lord Hiath'ikh."

Nehekhi chuckled. "A bit forward, he is, but he means well...Lord Hiath'ikh? Surely, you will join us?"

The Kana backed away slightly again. "I--n-no, no, I would not interrupt the pleasure between a Kana and his Moru--"

"Nonsense, you hardly interrupt. I believe Ameni grows to like you. He does not welcome just anyone. Please, do join us, dear friend."

Hiath'ikh's emotions seemed to war with each other. Ameni took his hands and drew him close. This time the Kana didn't protest, but allowed himself to be slowly pulled forward until he pressed to Ameni, sandwiching him against Nehekhi, who still moved, swaying into him. Nehekhi continued nuzzling his neck while Ameni placed his arms around the other Kana, doing the same. He heard Hiath'ikh's breath pick up, felt the hard bulge against his leg, and allowed his hands to run down his back and up under his kilt again, kneading gently. He slipped his fingers between the tight buttocks, carefully pressing one inside.

The Kana gasped and jerked against him. From the tightness Ameni could tell he had not had nesakh'ai with a male before. He smiled slightly and pressed his lips to the Kana's neck.

"Master, he is an untouched one..."

"Oh? Truly?" Nehekhi lifted his head and the other Kana looked embarrassed. "Lord Hiath'ikh...do not be ashamed. I had thought, though, that you had more experience."

"I...I have been with my own females, and--and with several of the humans...I seem to remember, they plied me with drink and I had three of them with me at once." He flushed even deeper. "But my memory is vague. As for--as for my own--men--I...I have not been with one, just yet...though I have had thoughts..."

"Thoughts?" Another smile. "Please tell. No one but us need know."

"Well...I have desired another...for a long time now...but I must not tell him. I cannot tell you who he is. My very position would be in danger. So please, do not make me say so."

"Do not worry. We will not force you." A nuzzle. "Will we, Ameni? Let us make our guest comfortable. Tonight is his night, now that he has decided to join us."

"Yes, Master!" Ameni hugged Hiath'ikh to him. This time the Kana did not resist. His mouth opened when Ameni kissed him, and his own hands lightly roved over his body, touching Nehekhi as well. Ameni stroked his shaft when it emerged from its sheath, felt his frustration in the hot angry spurts of breath he let out. Then he opened his eyes as his tongue ran along the Kana's neck, and stiffened with yet more surprise, calling out before either Nehekhi or the one who watched could silence him.


Hiath'ikh now stiffened as well, whipping his head around. The former Kana stood at the doorway staring at them as if mystified, before noticing their own stares and ducking his head abruptly. He started to shuffle backwards toward the door when Ameni tried to stop him, throwing up one arm.

"Dear Thi'usa-Moru, come back! We spoke of you earlier!"

The other two appeared to be surprised by his invitation but didn't object. If anything, Nehekhi seemed amused. Thi'usa lifted his head, cheeks flushed and foot scuffing the floor with embarrassment. He shifted from foot to foot.

"I--ahm--I apologize for interrupting, Master, Lord. I did not know...I thought a meeting..."

"The meeting has ended," Nehekhi replied. "As always with nothing more than an argument. Lord Hiath'ikh has decided to join us this eve. Please, you are welcome also! Ameni-human seems grateful to see you."

"Please join us," Ameni pleaded.

Though Thi'usa looked embarrassed, Ameni could tell how he truly felt. The Kana--and the Moru--were not so easily humiliated. Not often, at least. Most often when seeing others engaged in nesakh'ai, they would join each other if it were suitable, to relieve their own needs. Ameni's memories of the times he and Thi'usa, and Nehekhi, or the Moru males, or the Moru females, or all of them, had spent together were still quite fresh, simply because they were so frequent.

"Please, dear Thi'usa-mate," he added.

Thi'usa looked up at him again, and finally came forward, keeping his head low out of respect for the Kana lieutenant. Hiath'ikh watched him approach with some trepidation, before turning to look at Nehekhi.

"He--he is Thi'usa, formerly one of our own--?"

"Yes, this is he. He is mine now. Tonight, he may be yours, should he choose."

Hiath'ikh began to tremble. "Should...should he choose..."

"Yes," Thi'usa murmured, raising his eyes, his head still low. "If my master wishes pleasure..."

"This is your choice to make, dear Thi'usa-Moru, though Ameni so wants you near."

Thi'usa's eyes softened. "Then...then it is my desire as well. Dear Ameni-human, dear Hiath'ikh-Kana..."

Ameni smiled at the look of ecstasy that came over Hiath'ikh's face to feel Thi'usa press against him. So, he would not be going unsatisfied this night; they would all receive their pleasure, together. It had started out as a strange evening, but it would resolve itself in the same manner...they would be happy. He wondered if Hiath'ikh could be convinced to stay the night with them, depending upon how good he was...though he knew that suspicions must already have arisen among his other men...

These things are not for me to worry about now. What I must concern myself with...is with their desire...and my own...

He held Hiath'ikh to him, while his master held him. Thi'usa looped his arms under Hiath'ikh's own and leaned his head to the Kana's, shutting his eyes and murmuring low, like a Moru. The lieutenant could only continue trembling, the slightest whimpers rising in his throat. Ameni continued to stroke him.

"Bring him pleasure, dear Thi'usa-mate...though be careful, he is unplowed, that way..."

"I will be as gentle with him as I was with my dear Ki'amit upon our first night..." Thi'usa's hands slid beneath Hiath'ikh's kilt, seizing his trembling hips. Ameni did the same and their fingers locked, caressing. When Thi'usa slowly lifted his kilt, Hiath'ikh's back arched, to part himself, and his tail rose, the instinctive gesture of one in need of sex. Ameni sucked in the smell of his musk, printing it on his memory, pressing his face to the Kana's breast. Hiath'ikh suddenly jerked again and cried out, long and loud. Thi'usa panted hard, savoring the feel, before beginning to push.

Ameni followed suit by squirming forward. Nehekhi let go of him in front and his penis slid between Hiath'ikh's legs. The lieutenant gasped and Ameni murmured into his neck.

"Do not fear us, dear one...we only bring you pleasure this night."

"Your pain is over, Lord," Thi'usa panted. "I have plowed you and found you ripe and fertile for me to dig further..."

Hiath'ikh whimpered. He clung to Ameni tightly and Ameni swayed into him as Nehekhi thrust, and then swayed back into his master when Thi'usa did the same. Oh, it was such a glorious feeling. Hiath'ikh's own member thrust against him and he reached between them to place it between his legs as well, earning a moan; the two of them ground their hips against each other as if they were a Kana and his slave, making love. Nehekhi chuckled at them.

"Look, sweet Thi'usa, they forget about us already. Which one of us started this in the first place!"

"And which of us brought Hiath'ikh-Kana such pleasure?" the Moru pouted. "To fall for that human instead...feh."

"If they have such joy with each other, shall we simply entertain ourselves, instead? What do you say, pretty one?"

"This is the best idea my master has had in a long time."

Ameni moaned softly to feel Nehekhi break free of him; Hiath'ikh let out his breath with some disappointment to feel Thi'usa do the same. The two chucked their respective partners under the chins and smiled conspiratorially.

"Since you two cherish each other so much, we'll let you satisfy one another!" said Nehekhi.

"And meanwhile my master and I shall do the same. Ingrates!" Thi'usa added.

"H...huh?" Hiath'ikh murmured, uncomprehending. Ameni laughed.

"I think they're jealous of us, dear Kana...let them have their fun then, the spoilsports."

"But...I..." The lieutenant's hand went to his backside and he looked crestfallen.

"Not to worry!" Ameni kissed his neck before he could complain. "Thi'usa...well...he is a spoiled little brat."

"Ameni-human!" Thi'usa exclaimed. "You will get no hakh'tua from me for that!"

Nehekhi clucked his tongue. "Hush, little Moru, let them do their thing...we'll do ours. Come to your master, now..."

Ameni laughed again at the other Kana's confused look. "They merely tease you, Lord. Come. I'll gladly take Thi'usa's place for you."

Now Hiath'ikh's confused look turned to him, and the lieutenant blinked. "You...you mean...?"

"Yes, of course, sweet Lord...I would be most honored to plow you, or to feel you plow me, whichever you should so choose...which would please you the most, dear Kana?"

"Oh..." Hiath'ikh blushed. "Well...what he was doing...what he had done, felt so good to me..."

"Then I shall take you, and if you are unsatisfied, you may take me..."

The others' noises briefly interrupted them. "Oh! Master...!"

"Unh. Yes, sweet little Moru...let us make them jealous. When they see how good we are together, without them...unh..."

A soft chuckle from the human. "You two have your fun. We'll make our own." He touched Hiath'ikh's shoulder. "Please kneel, kind Lord...Thi'usa has taken away the pain...now I shall bring you the pleasure."

The Kana dropped to his knees almost immediately, then to his hands, parting his legs and raising his tail with excitement. "Yes, yes! All right. This is acceptable. Please come inside me, Moru!"

Ameni smiled at him as if he were a boy about to receive a treat, which he very well could have been. A moment later the Kana cried out softly as Ameni rocked into him, his hands running all along the lean body and stopping at his penis to squeeze it gently. He began to stroke. Hiath'ikh arched underneath him and gave a soft sob.

Beside them, not too far away, Thi'usa lay upon his back with his hips turned sideways and one leg raised to the air. Nehekhi clasped his hips and ground into him deeply. The two made their own sounds of love, Nehekhi grunting softly and his Moru moaning with pleasure. The four of them writhed upon the floor, oblivious to everything but their own physical needs and sensations. Ameni almost lost track even of when he grunted himself and spurted inside his mate, but he loved the Kana's reaction, the jolt that coursed through his body, straightening his spine and causing him to tremble and gasp with the shock. He pulled his hands away and felt their wetness. When Hiath'ikh had managed to turn himself around--beside them, Nehekhi let out a loud groan and Thi'usa whined--Ameni smiled at him and pressed himself close, touching his slick wet hands to his lips. At first the Kana pulled his face away in confusion, but when Ameni licked his fingers, each one slowly and teasingly, his reserve faded and he nuzzled against Ameni's hand himself, tasting his own juices. When Ameni started to lick his chest in return he shut his eyes and sighed.

"Oh, by the gods..." He trembled. "If I had ever known of such pleasure before..."

"It's never too late, sweet one," Ameni breathed. He kissed Hiath'ikh's neck and then his shoulder, running his hands up and down his stomach. After a moment the Kana seized his arms and kissed him in return, somewhat roughly. Ameni could tell by the force of his grip that desire and need still burned within him.

He pulled away, turning and crouching upon the floor. Thi'usa, who was crawling over a supine Nehekhi to offer his hard bounty to his waiting mouth, turned and looked at them before giving a cry. "Master, Master! Lord Hiath'ikh learns what your Moru really are for. He has finally decided to put that shiftless human in his proper place!"

"Serves him right," Nehekhi chuckled. He grabbed Thi'usa by the buttocks, earning a high-pitched yip. "Come on, come on now, this is for me...!"

Ameni ignored the Moru's giggling as Thi'usa leaned down and forward and plunged himself into Nehekhi's mouth. Hiath'ikh's cool fingers were slowly parting Ameni's own buttocks, and he could hear the Kana's breath, soft and quavery above him. The Apsiu leaned down to speak in his ear.

"Little Moru, is there a way I can be certain not to hurt you...?"

Ameni murmured and shifted. "Yes, Lord...please, if it is not too much to ask of you, take your tongue to my opening...I know that it sounds abominable...but it is pleasurable for us both...and it will prepare me for when you enter. Perhaps, I should also moisten you as well...?"

"Moisten--? Oh! You mean hakh'tua! Yes, of course! But not to completion, please, little Moru...I do so wish to take you inside!"

"Of course, dear Lord...just let me move a bit...and allow me..."

He patiently waited for the Kana to lie down upon the floor and then positioned himself over him, as was most comfortable; then he placed his mouth around Hiath'ikh's quivering member, hearing him let out a shaky sigh, before something warm and wet met his anus, prodding gently and licking. He fought to keep from shivering himself, though it was difficult. Oh gods. He loved to be tongued. So far Thi'usa was the best one he had found for this practice; the ex-Kana was certainly skilled with all the arts of the mouth, and he had even taught Ki'amit, who was pretty good at it herself; Ameni had several times gone off into a private corner with her just to drink her juices and hear her laughter as she licked him. It was a wondrous feeling.

He had to remember his own duties, and he spread his saliva thick upon Hiath'ikh's shaft, until the Kana moaned, no more, and they shifted positions once again. Sufficiently moistened, he spread himself with his hands and waited for his mate to do the same; felt the head of his penis begin to slowly enter, and smiled at the sound the Kana let out, a pleasured and yet forlorn moan, as if he had realized what he had missed for so many years. Which would the Kana find better, he wondered; a tight human female, or a willing male?

Hiath'ikh's fingers twined with his own. Their hips rocked slowly together. They both moaned at the air, their bodies arching in unison.

Thi'usa's voice came to Ameni's ears. "Ah, see, already they improve!--oh GODS, Master--!"

The Moru bucked and flung his head back, his own hips quivering at Nehekhi's mouth. The Kana pulled away, a thin stream of white leaking from his lips. "Most delicious! Both you, and what I see going on over there...what do you say we should join them, eh, little Moru?"

"A most wonderful idea, Master!"

"You just place yourself wherever looks most convenient for you...in the meantime, I believe I shall see for myself what Lord Hiath'ikh has to offer..."

Ameni opened his eyes a slit. Thi'usa smiled at him coyly and licked his cheek. At first Ameni suspected the Moru would want to mouth him, as he had done numerous times before; but when Thi'usa flattened himself down upon the floor, spreading his legs wide and glancing over his shoulder still with that coy smile, Ameni knew he had to follow the throbbing in his own member. He moved, bringing the panting Hiath'ikh with him, and crouched down over Thi'usa; his whimper brought the Moru sitting up slightly, their bodies meeting, and the human wriggled his hips to slowly push his way inside. Thi'usa whined and Ameni let out his breath. Oh, yes. This was perfect. Thi'usa lay upon the floor again, spread wide and supporting himself on his elbows, while Ameni plowed into him, and Hiath'ikh plowed into Ameni. And--

"Oh by the gods, what is happening to me...!!"

Ameni glanced back. Hiath'ikh's head hung back and his tongue hung from his mouth. His fingers dug into Ameni's wrists and he moved oddly.

Ameni saw why. Above him, another face appeared, and Nehekhi glanced down at all of them, smiling to let them know who was really in charge here. Ameni was the only one who smiled back at him; the other two were far too overcome. He could almost read his master's thoughts as their eyes met.

Well, what do you think of our little evening, human?

I think you are the most wonderful master, and these are the most wonderful loves I have ever known.

"Oh, by the gods, Lord Nehekhi..." Hiath'ikh trembled wildly. "You are massive!"

A low chuckle. "Yes, well, my little Moru are used to me by now...but you are not...so I have decided to leave you with a little something to remember me by...you do please promise to return to visit us again in the future, yes, Lord Hiath'ikh?" He pushed, his hands upon the Kana's shoulders. "We should all like to see you again, very much."

"Oh...I...I do not know..."

"Please, Lord Hiath'ikh!" Thi'usa begged.

"Yes, please!" Ameni let out a happy sigh as he felt his fluid course from his body. "We should all love this very much..."

"Oh, Ameni-mate...!" Thi'usa jerked and dampened the floor. His muscles relaxed and Ameni sagged against him.

"Oh...I...I will have to see...I cannot be seen here...they must suspect me alr...already...oh...oh gods...Lord Nehekhi...oh please..." Hiath'ikh trembled harder, as only he and Nehekhi continued thrusting. "Oh...oh...oh gods...Nehekhi...yes...all right...I shall come back to you...to you all...every one of you...for you to bring me such joy...such desire as I have never known...oh yes...oh yes...oh yes!...I shall come back to you...if you will welcome me thus...yes!...I will gladly return! YES!"

Ameni stiffened to feel Hiath'ikh's seed, searing hot. Some more of his own, since building up, leaked within Thi'usa, who shuddered, face buried against his arm. Nehekhi growled loudly and sank his claws into his mate's shoulders one final time, releasing. "OH GODS!" Hiath'ikh cried, and a moment later slumped against Ameni heavily, crushing him against Thi'usa. Above them, Nehekhi gave a loud sigh, and pulled himself out, then pulling Hiath'ikh from Ameni, and Ameni from Thi'usa, to have them all lie upon the floor, panting to catch their breath. Their kilts were crumpled and mussed and pushed up to expose their loins, and for a brief while Ameni amused himself admiring Thi'usa's beautiful creamy sheath and golden hair, tracing his finger over his velvety sac while the Moru laughed softly. Hiath'ikh, lying beside them, watched them with some sadness and longing in his eyes, but Nehekhi leaned over to kiss it away.

"Do not regret any of this, sweet lieutenant. The others may suspect, but as long as you are allied to me and to your captain they will never dare question you. And my Moru can keep a secret."

The other Kana flushed and averted his eyes. "Er...th-thank you, Lord..."

"And I mean what I say. You are welcome to return at any time that you wish. Ameni-human and Thi'usa-Moru here are not the only splendid little treasures under my roof. Ameni has two sweet friends, Hiakh and Kiakh; and Thi'usa has two lovely mates of his own, Tai'ihet and Ki'amit. I'm certain they should all like to meet with you!"

"Ah! Yes!" Thi'usa sat up, Ameni laying his head in his warm lap. The Moru beamed at Hiath'ikh. "Ki'amit should like to meet you, I know! Ahm--I mean--Lord!"

"And I should like to see your return, also, Lord," Ameni added in a soft but satisfied voice. "You and Thi'usa-mate and my master made a dull evening much more interesting."

Hiath'ikh stared at each one of them as if in disbelief at what he was hearing. Then a small, timid smile worked its way to his face, and only grew.

"Yes then...yes...I should like this very much!" he exclaimed with pleasure. "Thank you, good Moru!"

* * * * *

Come morning, the delegates of the East Tribe, having rested and packed their Sha with a fresh supply of goods from their hosts, mounted the beasts and nudged their flanks, guiding them toward the main gate and away from the settlement. Most of the Red Tribe turned out to see them off; the farewell was not an overly jubilant one, nor was it very rude. Ameni, watching from the gate of Nehekhi's household, was surprised by the relative quietness of the tribe, the remaining Kana dispersing as soon as the visitors were gone. For some reason the visit had just not captured their interest or enthusiasm very much. He wondered why.

Nehekhi took him aside shortly afterwards, speaking in a confidential tone. "I must be leaving the tribe temporarily," he said, causing Ameni's mouth to open in protest; the Kana's fingers stopped him from speaking. "Let me continue. You do know what that meeting was about, don't you?" Ameni nodded. "What you don't know is some news I have heard concerning Lord Djiu. It is a minor matter, but one which requires my attention. There is another tribe to the southwest of us, a much smaller tribe, and they have been our allies, on and off, for the past few years. You know that Djiu has had plans of seeking out a bigger human settlement. Well, as you may know this other settlement is much larger and well armed against ones such as ourselves, and based on some of what was said last night...and what wasn't said...and some things I have heard today, I have my suspicions that he may have this other tribe as his target. Whether it is to raid them for weaponry, or to bully them into accompanying him, I do not know. I cannot wait until he has acted to find out. I have a few friends there and will go to the tribe under the pretext of visiting them. This should at least stall off anything he has planned, and at most warn them to any coming danger. I do not like leaving you so soon and without warning, but I fear what will happen if I do not act right now. You must understand."

Ameni grasped Nehekhi's arm. "I have a bad feeling, Lord...I don't think you should go. Not now."

Nehekhi gave him a sympathetic look. "I understand your worry, but this is for the best of our friends. I do not plan on breaking my promise to you, Ameni-mate. I will not go after Djiu or his men. I will only warn my friends. Whatever happens then is their decision, beyond me. I will then return home to you."

"Can you not send another to do this for you?" Ameni asked, not quite understanding the desperation and dread that had suddenly risen up inside him. An overwhelming feeling of anxiety flooded through him on hearing Nehekhi's words, and no matter how soothing Nehekhi made his voice, and reassured him, still the feeling would not go away. The Kana stroked his face.

"I am the only one with friends in that tribe...so I am the only one who can reasonably visit them, without provoking too much suspicion. I trust Djiu will wonder about my timing, but he thinks too much of me at the moment to go prying too deeply. I will be gone only a day or so, Ameni-friend, I promise. The tribe is not far, and if I fly, I may make it there even faster. I will tell Djiu that it is time I worked out my wings...this should probably convince him it is a pleasure visit, nothing more. I have not been to visit with them in ages; I will even offer to bring him back a new sword or two, if it allays his suspicion. They are excellent swordmakers; this is one reason I fear they will face his gluttony next." Nehekhi paused to look Ameni in the face, then frowned. "Ameni-mate? You've gone pale and your hands are shaking...feel you not well?"

Ameni looked down to notice that his hands were indeed quaking. He tried to hold them still, uncertain of where this feeling of dread had come from. The last time he'd felt this way, had had such a sense of impending disaster, had been back in his own village, before...everything had happened. He well remembered how that had turned out. He clasped his hands together to keep them from shaking any more badly, and met Nehekhi's eyes. His throat worked but still no sound came out.

Nehekhi's look of concern deepened. "Shall I call the physician for you, Ameni-mate--?"

"N...no, this is not necessary." Ameni somehow managed to speak, casting his gaze downward. "I merely...worry about your safe return, is all."

He hated lying, as he was so awful about it. Nehekhi seemed to accept this explanation anyway, and smiled, trailing his claws down Ameni's cheek.

"Do not worry yourself too much, Ameni-sweet. As I said it is a short distance away, and Djiu has yet to try anything! I wish merely to head him off before then. I will be back before you even miss me."

He kissed Ameni's forehead, then called for one of the lieutenants to escort him back to the Moru quarters. The guard left with him and Ameni noticed it was the same lieutenant who had accompanied him in the market, as well as to several other places; Taka, he remembered Nehekhi had called him. He glanced back at the entrance as Nehekhi started talking with another one of his men and found he recognized the face of the other lieutenant as well, although he still did not even know his name. He turned his head to look at every door as they passed them on the way to the slaves' quarters, and most, as usual, were unguarded. For some reason this bothered him today more than usual, though he couldn't say why.

"Come on, Moru," Taka said impatiently. "Why do you always drag your feet? Get settled back in the Moru quarters, take a long nap, and forget about all of this mess. Kana matters aren't for your eyes."

Ameni sighed but obeyed. He couldn't help but try to steal one final glance back at his master, but by then the other Kana was gone.

* * * * *

Gnarled hands pulled at a rope handle that moments before had been obscured by several vases of wine. The old Kana struggled with the heavy door before it finally came open with a creak of protest, but only partway; after a few futile tugs, several hands emerged from the other side and pushed upon it, jarring it open wide enough for the occupants in the tunnel behind it to crawl out. The old Kana stood back as a lieutenant slipped inside, followed by several scruffy-looking Kana in dusty armor and lappets. These stepped to the side as more entered the room, including several lieutenants whose appearance was at least slightly better than that of the others. One of them looked about the room and flared his nostrils.

"Awful lodgings! I have slept in better tents...and where is Lord Sik--"

The first lieutenant reached out and pressed his hand to the other's mouth, halting his speech. The second lieutenant gave him an angry startled look, as if offended by the gesture; the scout held a finger up to his own mouth.

"He's instructed no one to speak his name, Lord. Especially not any of you. Just in case ears are listening."

The second lieutenant scowled. "Then where is he? I thought we were to meet him here?"

The scout shook his head. "It is too risky. You needn't even speak with him. Everything's set up for your departure. Lord Nehekhi has left the city--his is the house to which you are to go. There are very few guards and they have grown lazy. You can easily take them. This is a layout of the house." He pulled out a scroll and unrolled it, holding it up so the light of the one flickering oil lamp shone through it from behind. The group of Kana crowded around him to see. "Notice the red X's. This is where the guards are usually stationed around this time of night. There may or may not be one at the Moru quarters, but only one. Most of them are solitary so you may easily take the house."

"It is hardly the house I am most interested in," the lead lieutenant muttered, then narrowed his eyes so they glinted. "How many Moru exactly does this captain possess? Are there any females among them?"

"I do not know the exact number," the young scout said in a somewhat annoyed tone. "The number is decent enough to keep your crowd happy, yet small enough to be manageable should you do your job properly. And of course there are females. Lord Nehekhi is no pauper."

"Are there any young ones?"

The scout's muzzle wrinkled and he turned away as if in disgust. The old Kana took a step forward and the lead lieutenant glanced at him as if just noticing him, looking him up and down in a superior manner.

"If I might answer, Lord, Captain Nehekhi is well known for the quality of his Moru. I have heard that just recently one of his young females has been gotten with pup."

"Really?" The lead lieutenant seemed interested in this news, and licked his lips. "Will I know her when I see her?"

"You cannot help but notice her, Lord; she is a young one, just as you asked, with pale tan fur and dark tips to her ears. Her mate is a former Kana, but I believe you could easily best him..."

"Enough chattering," the scout interrupted. "It is the darkest hour and the city watch is at its thinnest right now. I suggest you go. Take the back alley until you reach the nearest tavern, then slip out beside it and cross the street. You'll recognize the household by the little blue cloth that has been placed out front. Take this with you when you go. Approach the main gate as if you have business there. Based on your last appearance I do not think the guards will much fear your presence." The lieutenant's nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed again but the scout continued. "Act as if you have come on word of the East Tribe seeking Lord Ahen's Sha or some such. When they tell you it's been returned already, or whatever their response might be, take your chance to push into the household. From there on what you do is up to you. But be quiet and as quick as possible when heading back here. If you are questioned, repeat your story about the East Tribe. Tell them that you are transporting some Moru you have purchased. But be very quick about it else the word will spread that no such Moru have been sold recently. This is not a huge tribe and such a discrepancy is certain to be quickly noticed." The lieutenant nodded impatiently and the scout gestured at the old Kana. "Come back here immediately and make a show of wishing to purchase some Sha to transport your Moru. You will be let in and allowed to slip out of the tribe the way you came. Travel to the river and use the treeline as cover until you are far enough away; my brothers and I will stay behind to try to quell whatever questions may arise. As soon as you have left sight of the tribe, you are on your own and the Moru are yours to keep. Just never return here, else your wings will be flayed and your heads stuck on spikes!"

"Insolent brat!" the lead lieutenant snapped. "How dare you address me this way--?"

"The watch is thinned, Lord," the old Kana said, gesturing at the door opposite them. "If you wish to go now..."

The leader of the small group snorted. "It is only because of the promise of this young female that I keep myself from cutting your ears, pup," he grumbled to the scout, but turned away without a further word, waving briskly at the rest of them. The scruffy band slipped from the cellar and up the steps after the old Kana, leaving the scout to himself. As soon as they were gone he leaned against the wall and rubbed his hand across his forehead.

"I do not need this extra worry."

He sighed, then stood and, after shutting the trapdoor, followed the rest of the Kana, taking the oil lamp with him so the little room was plunged into darkness.

* * * * *

Taka, the guard stationed before the Moru quarters, yawned and rubbed at his eyes. It was the longest part of the night, when the shadows had grown as much as they were going to, draping the halls in darkness and settling the household into silence. The Kana's eyelids drooped and he leaned on his spear, drowsing. The entire day had been nothing but keeping an eye upon the household, interspersed with short meals; without the master present, there were not even tavern breaks or random chores to break the tedium. He would have rather been sent on menial tasks in the city than stuck guarding a silent house all day long. At least in the city one might chance across an interesting fight or some such.

He considered sending out for one of the others and heading off to get some rest, then reconsidered, as this would involve walking to the end of the hall, and he could just as easily nap right here; he just had to be certain not to impale himself in his sleep. Which was quite possible, as he leaned against the weapon even more, yawning more widely than before.

A slight noise off to the side made his ear twitch. His senses immediately awoke, as it was unexpected to hear such a noise in the house at this time of the night. Still, he didn't manage to turn his head fast enough before something heavy slammed against the base of his skull. With a grunt he toppled to the floor, his spear clattering against the tiles as it slipped from his hands. Bright lights danced before his eyes and he blinked and shook his head, grimacing at the pain that splintered through it. He rolled himself over onto his back and bared his teeth, blindly reaching out for his spear before a foot came down on his wrist, stopping his quest. Another sharp, heavy pain lanced through the side of his head this time, and his limbs went limp, his head rolling to the side, unconscious.

In the Moru quarters Ameni's eyes flew open and he suppressed a gasp. His body tensed but he didn't rise from his pallet, instead straining his ears to hear whatever had woken him up. At first there was nothing, then an odd shifting, thunking noise outside the door which set his nerves on edge. He pushed himself slowly upright.


A glance at the Moru beside him confirmed that his companion had heard the noise as well. Thi'usa's eyes were wide and almost luminous even in the nearly nonexistent light. More eyes--Tai'ihet's, Ki'amit's, the twins'--glittered as their owners awoke, blinking and confused but tensed and silent. The noises suddenly stopped and Ameni began to climb to his feet, pushing himself toward the door.

A crashing, splintering sound drove him back, and the door vanished before him, lamplight flooding into the room. His eyes filled with tears at the sudden glare and he held up one hand, blinking in confusion, trying to see what had happened. The very first thing he spotted was the lieutenant, the same impatient one as before, lying sprawled on the floor with his head turned away so Ameni couldn't see his face. Only next did he glance up to see the several dark, looming, sword-wielding shapes that entered the room, their own eyes glittering as they fixed on those of the Moru staring back at them in open surprise.

Ameni caught the faint twitch of a smile on the lead Kana's face before everything went dark.


"Part 8: Terror

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© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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