Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512943-Part-4--Diversion
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512943
Ki'amit invites Ameni--and some choice others--to an alluring nighttime diversion...
DISCLAIMER: Underage character(s) involved.

Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 4 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

THERE HAD BEEN much talk in the Red Tribe since their new arrival had made his home in Lord Nehekhi's household. Nehekhi could hardly walk down the street without hearing whispers and murmurings, which quickly grated on his nerves. He ignored most of it the best he could, and was fortunate that most of the Kana were not interested in approaching him outright. If all of the Kana who whispered about him were to come to him asking questions, surely he would have been overwhelmed by the mob.

At least most of those who did question him were merely curious. They had never seen a human before, except during raids, and most of those had ended up dead at their own hands. He frequently had to tell them no, they were not welcome to come see the strange creature. He couldn't help it when a few would stop by his household while he was away and trick what guards there were into letting them in, so they could peer into the Moru quarters. Nehekhi knew this must cause Ameni-human no small amount of consternation, and he detested the intrusions but couldn't think of a way to stop them without making the relationship between himself and the human too obvious. In the other Kana's eyes, the two of them had to be nothing more than master and slave. Albeit a very odd slave.

He was relieved and grateful for his own connections in the tribe; those helped stave off most of the attention, fortunately. He didn't mind answering honest questions from the lieutenants, who seemed more amused by his acquisition--"Where did you find him? Did he follow you home? What do you feed him? Do you have to give him extra blankets?--he has no fur covering him! Did you have to carry him across the sand?--look at his pink feet! Have your other Moru 'welcomed' him yet...?" The captains and the general, however, were another story.

General Djiu had known Nehekhi for a long time, and this served the captain well. He called Nehekhi to him several times, each time to question him further about the human, and each time Nehekhi patiently answered the questions as best he could. Inside, however, he sighed with exasperation. When would the interrogations ever end?

Today Djiu was in quarters with Captain Siktu...Nehekhi ground his teeth as he entered the room. Siktu had never made a secret of disliking him, so the arrival of the human had given him plenty of food for thought.

"How is your human doing, Lord Nehekhi?" Djiu asked as he browsed over some raid plans that had been drawn up earlier. Siktu just sneered at Nehekhi from the corner of his eye. Nehekhi ignored him.

"He is doing the same as he did the last time you asked this, Lord, and before that. Without meaning discourtesy I wish to ask why your interest in him? He is merely a slave."

Djiu raised an eyebrow. "Merely? He is unlike all other Moru, you must admit. How does he do with your other slaves? Is he useful at all?"

Nehekhi's mouth twitched. "The others treat him as their own, Lord. As for usefulness, I try not to put him to hard labor, but he can hold his own well enough."

And as he said this, though he didn't dare speak it aloud, he thought about how well Ameni had held his own while he and his Moru Thi'usa had been making love to him...

"Best be careful, Lord," Siktu said suddenly. "Else he might end up catching the illness like your other Moru, since he is so like them now."

Djiu's ear flicked. Nehekhi dropped his civility and snarled outright, making the other captain take a step back. The general raised a hand.

"Enough, Captain. That was an unnecessary remark to make. Remember we all lost some of our dearest from that. And calm yourself, Nehekhi. I am certain Lord Siktu meant no real harm." He glared at the other Kana before turning back to his plans. "I was curious about all this, Lord Nehekhi, because of our plans here. If humans make good Moru, why then do we not make better use of them during our raids? If their males are strong enough of constitution, why do we not use them rather than kill them? And their females..."

Both Siktu and Nehekhi looked stricken. "You can hardly mean this, Lord," they exclaimed almost in unison, before glaring at each other. Djiu lifted his head.

"Why should I not? Cheap Moru are growing difficult to find, especially whenever the illness runs rampant. Our slave force has been considerably thinned. If humans were suitable enough..."

"They would not be, Lord," Nehekhi said hastily. "Amen...the human I possess...while he is healthy enough in his own right, as I said, I do not put him to hard labor; I do not think he would be suited for most of the jobs our Moru can fulfill."

"Did you not see him for yourself, Lord?" Siktu exclaimed. "Pale and bald and as weak as a newborn puppy! If all humans are like this, we would have hundreds of rotting corpses on our hands, stinking up our city! Such creatures would surely drop dead the moment they are put to serious work!"

Djiu flared his nostrils. "Enough whining, Captain! It was merely an idea!" He glanced at the plans and fell silent for a moment before narrowing his eyes and licking his lips, tail flicking from side to side. "Though I have long wondered about their women..."

Siktu gave a just barely audible hiss of disgust. Nehekhi held his thoughts to himself, though the general's insinuation disturbed him as well. "By your leave, Lord," he said before he could snap out anything else. "I should be returning to my household before the other Kana grow ever bolder. I've had trouble keeping my privacy."

"Oh?" Djiu looked up at him and nodded. "Very well. Should you need any more guards, simply let me know. I wish for the safety of your house, Nehekhi; you have always been a loyal Kana."

Nehekhi nodded and saluted, crossing his arm to his breast. He turned to leave the room as Djiu again became absorbed in his scroll, but waited only until he was far away from the general's quarters and exiting out into the street again before letting out his breath. Gods! What a horrendous creature he could be when the mood struck him!

Nehekhi loved General Djiu as a friend and mentor, but the elder Kana lacked in other important areas. Nehekhi sighed as he thought this over. For one thing, he sensed the general's hold over the tribe was rapidly weakening. He could no longer so tightly control such Kana as Siktu, who now made their displeasure more vocal with every passing day. To lose control over one's inferiors was a bad thing among the Kana, when such a position as general was very uncertain. Nehekhi would not doubt if someday he awoke to find another in his place, and Djiu nowhere to be found. It was only a matter of when.

Even more than that, though, what disturbed him was the general's growing obsession with human women. Most of the others had known of it before, but it had only been on Ameni's arrival that he had started speaking of it more openly and in more aggressive terms. The disapproval of his men didn't do much to deter him anymore, as Nehekhi had just seen. He feared that it was his own decision to save Ameni that had spurred this obsession on. From the sound of it, Djiu had plans to carry off what women he could find on their next raid...something the Kana did not normally do. How would his men react then? They did not have to be safe within their own city walls to overthrow their general...

Djiu's own words to him from a few nights ago, when he had last questioned him about Ameni, came back to him now, making him shudder...Soft smooth female flesh...just the softest of fur between their legs, and nowhere else...I am willing to bet that they are a much more comfortable fit than our own, also, with how tiny and delicate they are...would that I had a way to know for certain...

He knew that General Djiu's own preferences for mates ran toward younger females, but even their age had declined lately, and the Kana had grown more assertive in his lovemaking, if the loud pained noises Nehekhi sometimes heard coming from his quarters while the captain was visiting were any indication...at least once so far he had seen one of the general's younger females heading back to Moru quarters, shaking and bleeding. Nehekhi didn't doubt that he was preparing himself for conquest of the human females, whenever they should raid the nearest Kemeti settlement. And the thought disgusted and appalled him, especially now that he had a human in his own care.

Am I the one responsible for this? By bringing Ameni-human here? If so, then what am I to do to prevent this from happening? Or can I even do anything at all...?

He alone was only one Kana, and even with what support he had in the tribe, he did not like the idea of trying to overthrow Djiu on his own. He shuddered again and sighed. It seemed the only thing he could do was keep his eyes open, and watch out for himself; he could hardly look after the welfare of a settlement of humans.

A lieutenant saluted him at the entrance to his house and Nehekhi frowned. The younger Kana was panting as if having run all the way there, and once he handed a scroll to Nehekhi, he knew why. The captain took the papyrus and pulled it open, scanning over the words inscribed therein before scowling. He crumpled the scroll up and tossed it down onto the steps, glaring at the lieutenant.

"Siktu sent you, did he? What is he now, my watcher? I cannot even come to my own house and not expect him to be here, somehow?"

"Please, Lord, I am only his runner. You must know I only obey his orders."

"Remember that your master is not the master of my house. He has no right to send anyone along to inquire after my Moru. Only the general has that right. And I have been as forthright with him as I am going to be!"

The lieutenant grimaced a little. "Please, Lord; I mean no offense. But Lord Siktu claims that it was on order of General Djiu that he has sent me here. He claims that the general asks to see this..." he stooped to pick up the scroll, smoothed it out, and looked it over "...'Ameni' of yours, so he may--"

"May what? Lop off his head? Have his own way with him?" Nehekhi took the scroll and tossed it into the street this time. "I do not fault you for following your orders but next time make certain they are right! I just came from the general and he asked no such thing of me. Go back now and tell your lord that if he should try a trick like this again, he will next be receiving a runner from me! And the message I send will not be so thoughtful as HIS was!"

The lieutenant flushed and saluted, scampering down the steps and away from the building. Nehekhi sighed again and trudged into his house, wings hanging. What a wearisome day this was turning out to be; and it was not even noontime, yet. He tried to lift his spirits a little by envisioning a pleasant afternoon spent with his Moru...he did not know who he would prefer to be with most this day, though anyone would have done well to alleviate his mood...but gloom settled upon him again when another lieutenant, this one one of his own, came his way, saluting grimly as Nehekhi came to a reluctant stop.

"Sorry to trouble you, Lord; but you have some visitors."

"I already met one at the door!" Nehekhi protested. "What ones could these be?"

"They claim to have come from the East Tribe but I do not recognize them. I think they are merely rabble-rousers of a sort. But they were very insistent and they claim they were sent by their general to see the human for themselves...it is a very odd convoluted story...I thought it better to let them in rather than risk them tossing a fit in the street. They are under close watch in your meeting room, though, and I instructed one of the others to serve them the very worst wine from your cellar. When they leave here they will likely be leaving with stomach worms or some such. Yet they still wish to speak with you."

Nehekhi's mouth twitched in a bit of a smile. "I am glad at times that you can think on your feet," he said, to which the lieutenant smiled and saluted again.

"I only do my best, Lord. They're waiting for you in the south hall...best to speak to them before they start keeling over in pain."

Nehekhi gave one last sigh before nodding and making his way toward the south end of the house. His Moru would have to wait; perhaps he could think of them, and a relaxing bath, sometime later...

* * * * *

It was over an hour before Nehekhi's lieutenants at last ushered a group of scruffy-looking Kana from the household, nudging at them every so often so that the visitors turned and snapped irritably. They made many protestations of raising a complaint with their general, but when one of the lieutenants offered to fly ahead to speak with him directly on their behalf, they quickly grew quiet and hurried on their way. They left the tribe without a further word and without so much as one glance at Nehekhi's Moru, though they did cast several dark looks back at the wall as they went, disappearing in the distance.

Captain Siktu stood atop a corner of the wall, watching them leave. A few of them noticed him and slowed their step, but a sharp jerk of his head sent them scurrying again. His nostrils flared as if the unkempt group had left behind some kind of bad scent, though he said nothing about it, and merely handed several gold coins to the lieutenant guarding this section of the wall, ensuring his silence about Siktu's presence there. Siktu descended the wall in peace and headed back to his own household.

As he went, he pulled out the scroll he had been handed back by the scruffy Kana, written in his own hand...a summons to visit the tribe at his behest...and tore it into tiny shreds, scattering them beneath the hooves of a Sha as it plodded by. His tail flicked from side to side and he put whatever future unpleasantness might ensue out of his mind. Problems could take care of themselves now.

* * * * *

Ameni sighed and tried to retreat into sleep, but it was futile. The activities of the day had him wide awake...as did his own thoughts. Nehekhi-Master had been busier than usual lately with the general's men, unable to see him. Aside from that, Ameni, being rather new, was not comfortable asking any of the other Moru, even Thi'usa, to help him with his...needs. So for the past several nights he had lain in bed frustrated, unable to satisfy even himself.

Off at the other side of the room, where Thi'usa usually slept, he could hear the Moru and his older female, Tai'ihet, making love as they often did late at night. He could tell it was Tai'ihet, as instead of giggling and crying out as the younger female, Ki'amit, did, this one instead let out a long husky moan. But he definitely recognized Thi'usa's hurried grunting, and found himself wondering how he took her.

He turned his head to look over his shoulder, toward the small light that sometimes burned behind the partition where Thi'usa liked to retreat. The top part of the partition had since been torn off by Ameni himself, in a fit of rage, so he could see beyond it; and he wished he hadn't looked. For as soon as he saw Tai'ihet pressed prone to the floor, the Moru bouncing atop her buttocks, panting hard with tail raised, he had to look away, the pain flaring up inside him stronger than ever.

Where was Nehekhi-Master and when would he take this pain away!...

He tried to block out the sound of them--and of some other couple nearby engaged in the same pleasures--then, when that didn't work, he tried moving his hand down underneath his kilt and grasping himself. He had tried ahi'akhta before, with little success...he longed to be inside somebody. Still, it was all he could do. He had reached a rhythm stroking himself, and was panting softly, readying himself for completion, when he heard a slight shuffling beside him, and then a voice whispered, "Here, this is he."

He snorted and let go of himself, sitting up abruptly, only to send the Moru who knelt beside him--he recognized Ki'amit--scuttling back with surprise. "Ki'amit-Moru!" he whispered at her in lower Apsi, reproachfully, but was ashamed to see her flush. "What are you doing awake so late? Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

Ki'amit's large dark eyes blinked, her cheeks still red. "I...well, I did sleep, Ameni-human, but I awoke and couldn't sleep anymore..." Her gaze drifted toward the two occupied behind the partition, and suddenly Ameni understood. "I wished to...enjoy nesakh'ai with Thi'usa-Moru, but he is busy at the moment...and he may need his sleep once he is done. I hate to wake him, even when I am needing."

Ameni frowned. "So...why do you come over here?"

"I was telling Kiakh and Hiakh about you." She gestured to her side, and Ameni now noticed the two brother Apsiu she had been engaged with before he had attacked Thi'usa by mistake, a few weeks ago. He flushed slightly on seeing them again but nodded. They stared back at him with eyes almost as large as Ki'amit's.

"Why do you wish to introduce us in the middle of the night, Ki'amit?" he asked, turning back to her. "Surely there are better times?"

"I'm sorry if I awoke or interrupted you, Ameni-human. I did not mean it. I--we were merely curious...that's all."


"Yes. We...well...we had decided, since Thi'usa is occupied, to play amongst ourselves." Ameni flinched but they didn't notice in the dark. "But then Hiakh told me...he told me he has seen you the past several nights, giving yourself ahi'akhta, and he says you never seem to be happy with it. And you moan the master's name in your sleep."

"I do?" Ameni felt his face going every shade of red. Them knowing of his masturbating was bad enough, but this?

"Yes...I apologize, it seems you did not know this. You must miss him. We all do...he is a good master, but often busy."

"I know, I know...but...what has any of this to do with me? Why are you here?"

"Well...Hiakh told me this...and Kiakh suggested...perhaps that we come to you." Now she flushed a little, averting her eyes shyly. "You do not need to feel shy of us...we much enjoy each other, and I believe you would enjoy it too. It is not too much for us."

Ameni blinked. "You--you're asking if I--if I want to have nesakh'ai with you? All three of you?"

"Yes, yes--much as Thi'usa and we were doing, when you--well...you know."

Ameni couldn't quite believe what he was hearing. "But you hardly know me, Ki'amit..."

The Moru smiled, cheeks dimpling. "Oh, I know you well enough, Ameni-human--you are close friends with my Thi'usa." Ameni's ears burned when she said this; he had no idea if she knew how he and her mate--and their master--had been "occupied" together not that long ago. "And Thi'usa told me that you and the master love each other very much," she continued, "and he loves you as well, that the three of you enjoyed a splendid time together."

Now the blood drained from Ameni's face. "He...he told you that?"

"Yes." She frowned at him. "Why does this upset you, Ameni-human?"

Ameni put his hands to his face. "Are there NO secrets around here at all?"

"Secrets?" Ki'amit seemed puzzled. "Why would this be secret? We all know of each other and what we do..." She paused, then smiled again. "Well...Ameni-human? I hate to think of you so unhappy. You've been good to my Thi'usa. He speaks kindly of you. Hiakh and Kiakh are quite gentle, you needn't be afraid of them, and all you must do is say the word and they will stop whatever you wish them to."

The twin Moru just stared at him.

Ameni swallowed. "Ki'amit...where does this leave you? You have no feelings for me; it's not right."

"Oh!" The girl giggled. "You must not have noticed. I think you are quite handsome, for a human." Another giggle. "Forgive me for being forward!"


"But Thi'usa thinks so highly of you, he must have his reasons. I wish to know you too. This is an excellent way...please, Ameni-human, will you join us?"

He stared at her for a long time before swallowing again, throat dry. He felt queasy--this was the girl he had tried to save from apparent rape not that long ago, from these two Moru, as well as Thi'usa...yet not that long after he had found himself making love to Thi'usa. While his master made love to him. And he dimly remembered giving Thi'usa hakh'tua afterwards, how much he had enjoyed it...

Surely things had become much more complicated, much more confusing, since he had become "Moru"...they did not treat sex in nearly the same way his own people did.

So why do I let this hold me back? I am supposed to be one of them. I should learn to think like one...shouldn't I?

He pressed his legs together tight while he stared at her. The ache inflamed his middle. The young Moru stared back at him with a curious look in her large dark eyes, and after a moment her gaze drifted downward slightly. She started with a small "Oh!" and put her hands to her mouth, giggling again.

Ameni looked down. He then tried to cover up his apparent erection with his hands.

"Oh dear...apologies, Ameni-human, I did not mean to laugh at you!" Ki'amit wiped her eyes. "I laughed only over it being so convenient...right when we talk about it. Surely it is a sign? Please, friend, will you join us? We may take care of that need; perhaps if we are lucky, Thi'usa may even join us when he is done. If he's too tired by then--his loss!" And she stuck out her tongue, and laughed anew.

Ameni smiled at her faintly. He found himself liking this girl, and his excitement only grew, despite her very young age--he had her pegged at between thirteen and fifteen--he knew she had been with at least three of the males here--not counting the master, if she had ever been with him yet...what more would one person be?

He nodded at her. "All right...all right. But...may we please find a bit of privacy from the others around us?...I'm not quite used to doing it in the open, as the rest of you seem to do..."

"Oh! Of course, Ameni-human; I'm sorry I did not think of this earlier. There is another partition at the other side of the room, not far from here. Please, follow us."

She stood and walked on tiptoe toward the side of the room opposite Thi'usa's side. Ameni rose and followed her, only to gasp with surprise when one of the twins--Hiakh?--Kiakh?--pinched his behind and smirked.

"Hiakh, shame!" Ki'amit whispered. Ameni peered ahead and saw that the small partitioned section was very similar to the one Thi'usa had used, with the sloping board and all. "Don't think I did not see that. You have no respect. I wonder why I allow you sometimes..."

"Oh, little Ki...you know you do because you love me, right?" The Moru winked at her and pinched her, earning a squeal. She slapped him lightly.

"Silly fool! You may put yourself in my mouth. Consider that your punishment for being so rude."

Hiakh gave an exaggerated groan of disappointment. Ameni moved closer to Ki'amit's side and spoke so he hoped only she could hear.

"Ki'amit-Moru...if you do not wish to do this, I understand. I will not be angry with you."

She gave him a puzzled look. "You have changed your mind? So soon, Ameni-friend?"

"Well...no..." Ameni flushed, still feeling the uncomfortable hardness between his legs. "It's only that...I do not wish to feel as if I am forcing you into anything..."

Ki'amit laughed. "What a silly thought! It was I who came to you, remember?"


"Truly, Ameni-human, what is it that wears on your mind? You look distressed. If I was rude in approaching you, I'm sorry; it was only because you seemed so unhappy, night after night...I have had times when ahi'akhta just was not fulfilling..."

Ameni's face grew warm thinking of the young female pleasuring herself. "This is not it. It's just that...well, where I am from...how old are you, Ki'amit?"

"How old? I have fifteen years; why, Ameni-human?"

"Where I am from, such mates as your own age are sometimes taken, but...at least, in my village, we sought mates of an age similar to our own..."

The girl gave him a blank stare. Hiakh and Kiakh fidgeted impatiently. Ameni tried to think of a clearer way to state his thoughts.

"In my own village, it was not considered proper to seek a very young mate...especially if the man was older...such as we two are."

Ki'amit blinked. "You think I am too young for nesakh'ai?" she said.

"Well...it is obvious your people hold different standards for this sort of behavior...and there are men who will take women of your age, but...they are generally not considered able to consent to intimate relations, and--"

He cut himself off in surprise when Ki'amit started laughing. She put a hand to her breast and had to lean against the wood to keep her balance. Hiakh and Kiakh tilted their heads in curiosity.

"Oh...oh...I am sorry, Ameni-friend," Ki'amit gasped. "I do not mean to laugh at you again! It's only that your people sound rather odd. How old are their women? Surely they cannot wait much past my age, else they will be too old to bear pups!"

"It is not always just a matter of children; if a girl is too young to consent, then nesakh'ai may be considered rape."

"Oh, I see--such as when you tried to rescue me from Thi'usa?" She started laughing again and Ameni flushed. "Please, Ameni-friend," she said when she was able to catch her breath. "Thi'usa is my mate--he would not ever force me to do anything. Nor would Master Nehekhi, or any of the others here. I offered Thi'usa-mate my maidenhead; I wish to bear his pup, someday."

"I understand this, Ki'amit; it's only that I am not used to mates so young as yourself. It seems...rather awkward."

"You needn't be afraid of hurting me, Ameni-friend! I have already been with Thi'usa-mate, and with Hiakh and Kiakh. I prepared myself even before I was with Thi'usa." She blushed and giggled. "I should probably not be telling you such things...but if we are to be together, then it does not matter. I am good with ahi'akhta! Tai'ihet-Moru taught me. I use my fingers..."

"Tai'ihet taught you ahi'akhta?" Ameni gawked at her in disbelief.

Ki'amit nodded. "Who else would? Surely not Thi'usa! You MUST know that males are built differently from females! A girl cannot just stroke herself and expect to get anywhere." She burst out laughing, and Hiakh and Kiakh grinned. "Truly, Ameni-Moru...what are you so worried about? I know that I am young, by your people's standards...but I am of the right age to bear pups...if I wait until I am the age of your women, it may be too late. You needn't worry about hurting me, or about forcing me. Ever since Thi'usa first took me, it does not hurt anymore; we have had much fun together, since then. Hiakh and Kiakh keep me company sometimes when he is busy elsewhere. I like nesakh'ai; there is no harm in it. If we are all happy with it, what harm can there be? I said already, that you are rather handsome for a human, and I've been wishing to see you for myself." Her cheeks went pink and she put a hand to her mouth, giggling softly.
Before Ameni could say any further, she moved toward the leaning board behind the partitioned area. "Kiakh...Ameni-human. Which of you wishes to come inside me how?"

Ameni froze. He looked at the other Moru, who, he found, was staring back at him. He licked his dry lips, uncertain what to say.

"Ohhhh!" Hiakh suddenly crowed, and laughed. "Take a look, take a look, little Ki...may I take you after all? I believe my brother is not interested in you at the moment--he's interested in the human!"

Ameni started. Ki'amit and Hiakh started laughing together while Kiakh flushed with embarrassment. "Is this true, sweet Kiakh?" Ki'amit asked between giggles.

The Moru lowered his head and stared at the floor.

"All right, all right then, if Ameni-human wishes it...Hiakh, you may take me behind...Ameni-human, you may take me in front. Little Kiakh, if Ameni-human wishes, you may take him, or if not you may come in my mouth, and we may switch later on as before." She looked at the two of them, large eyes blinking. "Is this acceptable?"

She squeaked when Hiakh grabbed her and, laughing, brought her down to the board with him. She struggled against him angrily, hitting his arms, but not very hard as he pulled up her dress in back; Ameni felt a hard lump in his throat to see the Moru was excited and ready for her already. Her dress slid up in front as he pulled on it, and she slapped his arm again.

"Silly fool, just take it off!"

With another laugh he complied and removed her dress. Ameni jerked. Her button breasts, so perfect...and the space between her legs, it was smooth and bare, her hips slim. Thi'usa had said he wanted her to bear him a child; her hips certainly didn't look to be child-bearing hips.

"Come, come, dear Ameni-human!" she coaxed, holding out her arms to him. "We are ready for you--please join us, let us take away your need!"

"Yes, little Ameni-human!" Hiakh echoed, grinning at him over her shoulder. "The more of us, the more fun we shall have. What do you wait for? Do not wait for me, I'm ready as it is!" So saying, he grasped her hips and pushed his own upwards. Ki'amit gasped and tossed her head back with a shudder.

Ameni felt the need to wait no longer. She was ready, she was willing, so was he--that was all that he needed. Breath rising in his throat, he surged forward, and within seconds was upon her--forcing her legs wide--then inside her. She let out a tiny shriek as her two mates started to move rapidly, not even taking time to build up a rhythm. Ameni sucked at her breasts--oh gods, he enjoyed them--and sank his fingers into her soft flesh. He so enjoyed her tightness, and found that her age aroused him. She was so young, so fine...

"Oh--oh--I just--realized--we're doing--this the--wrong way!" Ki'amit gasped, moving between them.

"Huh?" Hiakh panted. "There IS no wrong way!"

"But--it was so much more pleasurable--more comfortable--the way Thi'usa and we did it--please, let us switch, let me move--"

Hiakh growled with impatience and Ameni gasped as they were forced out of her while she turned herself over and around. Hiakh entered her first of all the second time, a rumble rising in his throat; he clutched her to him, and Ameni briefly wondered if he was the one who had enjoyed her thus the last time. Ki'amit wriggled her behind at him, breath catching softly.

"Come, come, Ameni-human--I do hope you enjoy."

Gods, I will. He seized her buttocks, parted her legs so they hung over Hiakh's sides, and plunged himself within with a relieved groan. Ki'amit cried out, and they were moving again.

"Oh...oh gods yes...oh yes..." he whispered throatily.

Ki'amit wriggled again. "He--he speaks!" she gasped. "Please, speak to me more...tell me more...do not be shy..."

Ameni barely heard her; he wouldn't have stopped now had someone told him. She was even tighter back here, but smooth--she must have anointed herself beforehand, expecting a busy night--and all he could do, besides move, was mutter with lust.

"Gods, yes...ohhh...gods, yes," he panted, pushing firmly. "Oh yes...oh yes..."

The Moru whimpered. Her head fell back, baring her neck. "Please..."

"Yes...yes...yes...oohhhhh...gods yes...you feel so good..."

"Please, please..."

Ameni groaned loudly, frozen in midstroke, then continued afresh. "Yes...yes...you feel perfect...you fit me fine...I love this...yes...I love this...oohhhhOOOHHHHH--!"

He spasmed wildly on feeling hands grasp his shoulders, something thick and hot pushing into him from behind. Thick panting came to his ear. He had forgotten about Kiakh.

"Little Moru," the other murmured, nuzzling his cheek. The velvety feel of his fur against Ameni's skin made him shudder. "I hope I do not hurt you..."

"Oh--oh--no--you do not--oh--keep--keep--moving--oh--"

Kiakh complied. Oh GODS! Ameni's mind shrieked, the four of them shifting, thrusting in unison. He had never known such exquisite pleasure, not before coming to live with the Apsiu. It seemed every day was a celebration of carnality for them. They so delighted in coupling with one another, and there seemed to be no shame, as was so pervasive among his own people. He briefly pondered the situation now--he was having sex with an adolescent, while she had sex with a male--while another male had sex with him. He would never, ever have done something like this in his "normal" life. But here, now, it was all he was, all he had, all he treasured--and the longer he pushed, relishing Kiakh's hot motions within him, his hot motions within Ki'amit, the more dearly he felt toward the others with him, the more he...loved them.

Perhaps Nehekhi-Master and Thi'usa were right, when they spoke of loving more than just one...can it truly be possible? If not, then what am I feeling right now...?

"Dear...dear Ameni-human..." Ki'amit's labored voice came through his thoughts. He opened his eyes to look down at her, the back of her head, and reached under her to squeeze her tiny breasts. She stiffened and moaned. "How...how do we please you...Ameni-human? Do...do you find us...satisfying?"

"Yes." Ameni put back his head and moaned when Kiakh licked his neck. "Yes...you please me...very much. Very much. Oh...all of you...please me...so greatly...so much...so fine...so good...oh, gods, yes!..."

His hips trembled. Kiakh's breath was husky, his musk strong upon Ameni's body. Beneath Ki'amit, who writhed at their touches, Hiakh heaved and shuddered.

Ameni pressed himself close to her body, taking in the scent of her, licking her neck, her back, her ears as she whined. He felt Kiakh suddenly pull away from him and groaned in protest--he had loved the feel of him so much!--but assumed he must be going to his lover's mouth to let her pleasure him that way. A moment later, though, he felt the Apsiu press himself inside again, and sighed contentedly, submitting to his stronger pushing. This was as it should be.

But...he opened his eyes with surprise to see Kiakh standing before him, moving himself in front of Ki'amit as Ameni had first suspected, straddling over Hiakh's head and pressing his hands to splay his hips, accepting Ki'amit's mouth as it closed around his shaft, whimpering and taking her head in his hands, rocking slowly.

Ameni blinked in confusion. What?--

His eyes grew. What was going on? If Kiakh was there, then--

As if in answer--a hard, lustful grunt came from above him. He shuddered wildly again and twisted his head around. The hands that grasped him now, the rod that thrust within him so magnificently, they belonged--to Thi'usa.

"Thi--Thi'usa-Moru!" Ameni gasped in disbelief.

"Yes--dear little Ameni-human..." The Moru nuzzled and licked Ameni's neck. His fingers now gripped Ameni's hips tightly. In front of them, Kiakh moaned and Ki'amit quivered.


"I was with Tai'ihet...yes...we enjoyed each other very well this night...I do hope we did not wake you, Ameni-friend, though if we did, please know...please know we did it out of the supremest pleasure..."


Thi'usa's eyes narrowed with pleasure. "When we were...mmh...when we were done, I heard soft noises...and I came here to see what my Ki'amit might be up to...at first I...mmh...intended to leave her in peace with the brothers, as they enjoy each other so much, but then I...mmh...saw you here as well...you, dear Ameni-human, who not so long ago would cringe at this!...mmh...I saw you here, enjoying my Ki'amit so greatly, and I...mmh...I desired you as well in this moment, and what better time to...mmh...to let it show." His eyes shut tight now and he grunted continually. "My dear little Ameni-mate...I truly do love you and cherish you, you have been so kind to me. Mmh. Though we have been together before...mmh...I do not feel I have shown you the extent of my true love...mmh...and so I hope I may prove it now, prove it to you how much I...mmh...truly do love you, and would never harm you, or sweet Hiakh and Kiakh, or my dear little Ki'amit-Moru..."

Ki'amit pulled her head from Kiakh's crotch and sobbed softly. "Please, please...all of you...please...I cannot go much longer..."

"You have heard my little mate," Thi'usa whispered huskily in Ameni's ear. "Let us finish this...and enjoy each other's pleasure!"

And so they did, taking several more moments to savor each other...Hiakh embracing Ki'amit closely and sucking at her neck, his hips rotating beneath her, hands massaging her buttocks and caressing Ameni's hips as well...Ameni grasping Ki'amit's shoulders, head bowed and panting heavily, one hand reaching beneath her to play with her breast, then caressing Hiakh's thigh, then going up to trail over Thi'usa's skin, hips pushing slowly at first but faster now into Ki'amit's tight little behind...Kiakh standing before Ki'amit, rocking on the balls of his feet, head fallen back, long low moan escaping his throat, grasping the girl's head and pulling her to him, pushing into her, his bright pink shaft sliding smoothly in and from her accepting mouth...Thi'usa, gripping Ameni tightly, grunting softly, trembling with desire, buttocks clenching, then releasing as he thrust into his lover...and between and among them all, Ki'amit herself, accepting Kiakh into her mouth, Hiakh from in front, Ameni from behind, Thi'usa's motions controlling them all now, his firm, steady pace picking up, picking up, picking up, until the five of them rocked and pushed and thrust madly in an orgy of passion and pleasure, which ultimately climaxed when Thi'usa himself did so--spurting deep within Ameni, who cried out and came within Ki'amit; whose resulting shudder brought about Hiakh's orgasm, his hips bucking sharply upwards as he gave a harsh groan causing her to suck madly, bringing about Kiakh's climax, the Moru bleating and pulsing at her mouth, filling her with his fluid. And, exhausted, the orgy ended, the five of them collapsing upon each other, wet and panting and spent.

And Ameni barely noticed when the nearest group of Moru in the room started cheering, evidently having watched throughout most of the spectacle and having enjoyed it greatly. He was so lost in bliss that he did not even notice this time as couples paired off in different parts of the room, aroused by the sight, to copulate themselves...he was full and sated and drowsy, and finally happy.

Gods...I'm growing to love my new home.


"Part 5: Understanding

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This item is NOT looking for literary critique. I already understand spelling/grammar, and any style choices I make are my own. Likewise, I am NOT seeking publication, so suggestions on how to make this publishable are not being sought.

This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

If in the course of enjoying the story you do find something that you feel could use improvement, feel free to bring it up. Just know that that's not my primary purpose in posting this here.

If you have any questions about the story or anything within it, feel free to ask.

I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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