Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/512939-Part-3--Trio
Rated: XGC · Serial · Erotica · #512939
Ameni discovers Thi'usa and his master in a compromising situation!...
Note: This item has been rewritten and edited. All text in rose is BRAND NEW MATERIAL for this chapter of the story. In addition there are many minor changes to the original text itself. Please enjoy this new, expanded version of Part 3 and be on the lookout for updates to the next parts!

TIME PASSED IN the Apsiu settlement of the Red Tribe, and Ameni, the human, slowly grew used to life as a slave. He spent his nights sleeping, or else lying awake listening to the sounds of the other Moru whispering or making love; and he spent his days in the care of the former Kana Thi'usa, who patiently taught him the Kana and Moru tongues. Ameni learned that Moru--or Lower Apsi, as it was called--was not that much different from Kana--Higher Apsi--though much more basic, a language relying mostly on grunts and murmurs to be understood. Higher Apsi was another story. Though Ameni understood it when heard, he could not work his tongue around the guttural sounds, and the women of the tribe always had a good laugh at his expense. Sometimes he would find himself the student of not only Thi'usa, but of Ki'amit, Tai'ihet, and the other females as well. Their attention made him blush, but they were friendly enough even when they giggled at him.

He learned more about the slaves themselves, as well. Thi'usa, he had already been told, had been Kana once; an injury to his wing had led to him becoming Moru, or a slave. Those who could not fly were all made slaves. Ki'amit was one of Thi'usa's mates; although she belonged to the master, Nehekhi, Ameni learned that he was lenient with his Moru, and allowed them to do mostly as they wished. She was a young girl with a bright smile and a soft voice, and giggled often when Ameni stumbled over his words. Tai'ihet, the older female of Thi'usa's two mates, was not nearly as silly, being dignified in appearance and calm in manners, though he sensed her humor as well. She, Thi'usa told him, had been shared between Nehekhi and himself; but this was natural for them. Ameni was surprised to learn how open the Apsiu were in their relationships, most of them taking more than one mate, and sharing mates with others. It was something he had never even thought about. It was only rarely that he ever saw such arrangements lead to jealousy, and then almost only when parental claims were involved. When they could not settle a dispute, they would often simply compromise by both claiming the child as their own, so some pups ended up with two mothers, or two fathers. It was bizarre, but in its own way it worked.

Hiakh and Kiakh, he learned, were the twins he had seen with Ki'amit and Thi'usa on an earlier night. The females often made a point of warning him about the two; from what he could understand, they were not dangerous, but tended to be curious about newcomers, and enthusiastic in their greetings. Thi'usa took care of Ameni's anxieties by rebuffing the two whenever they came too close, like a lion guarding its territory; Ameni had to admit to himself that he was flattered to be looked after so protectively, even if it was rather strange a situation to be in. The twin Moru always retreated at Thi'usa's growls, but Ameni could tell the three of them were friends. The others always responded by laughing and wandering off to find someone else to entertain them instead.

He became acquainted with Nehekhi's Moru sons--they even looked like their father, stocky and cheery and curious--and on one occasion a Kana lieutenant stopped by with two young boys in tow, allowing them in to see one of the females. Ameni assumed she was the mother, though Thi'usa told him this was not so; she was merely a wetnurse, although the boys were happy enough to see her. When they saw Ameni staring at them their eyes grew and they toddled over to inspect him; he had the chance to smile, and see them smile back, before the lieutenant shooed them from the room, giving him a dark look. Thi'usa told him these had been two of Nehekhi's Kana pups, and that occasionally they were permitted visitations with the females to afford them the privilege of two parents.

"Who raises them?" Ameni asked in confusion. "I didn't sense that Lord Nehekhi had the time."

"When they are very little they are raised by the women," Thi'usa said. "They are old enough now to live in proper quarters. As soon as they are weaned from the teat they are considered full Kana and are raised among their own kind. As soon as they can properly handle small weapons, they will begin training."

"When will that be?"

"Oh, I believe it shall be soon. One is two, and the other is three. I would say that they shall be learning the dagger and the bow and arrow by the age of four."

"Four years?" Ameni exclaimed in disbelief. "They will allow mere children to handle dangerous weapons?"

Thi'usa gave him a curious look. "Of course. They will be supervised, yes, but how else do they learn? How do your kind learn to fight?"

"My kind are considerably older before they are entrusted with such responsibilities. How does he even know they are Kana? Their wings are so small, surely they cannot have use of them yet...?"

"Actually, Ameni-friend, this has already long been determined. We...they...are much more skilled with their wings than you would think. A Kana's wings are very powerful. A pup may slow his ascent from as young as a few weeks old."


A nod. "Yes...the wings are powerful, as I told you. It is an instinctive response to flap them when one is falling."

"Do you mean to tell me that they take these children when they are mere weeks old and drop them--?"

Thi'usa laughed. "Do not make it sound so horrid, Ameni-friend! They do not toss pups off of buildings if that is what you meant!" He folded his own wings and calmed himself. "No, they do not do this. They do hold a public meeting--the important men of the family, an outside witness, sometimes even the general--and test a pup's wings a few weeks after his birth. He is merely held up and allowed to fall. If his wings can support his weight, however briefly, one can determine that he is Kana, and he is raised as such. If they do not support him, which is only rarely, then one of the witnesses will catch him before he may come to harm. He is then raised Moru. One's status may change later in life, but at birth it is simple to tell which is which."

Ameni sighed and shook his head. "Your kind is very strange to me," he said, whereupon Thi'usa gave a loud laugh.

"And your kind is strange to me, too!"

Along with the lieutenant who would stop in to let Nehekhi's sons visit, another, different, lieutenant would occasionally stop by to talk with Thi'usa. Ameni wondered why the two would even talk to each other, due to the differences in their status. Hiakh and Kiakh told him it was because they had known each other as Kana in the army; when Ameni protested that Thi'usa's being a Moru should have deterred the Kana from wanting to speak to him, the twins could only shrug.

"Sometimes comradeship to mean more than rank or lappets."

With these few words, Ameni learned much more about the Apsiu than he had learned in his entire time among them so far.

When he asked, Thi'usa told him what the communications had been about. Apparently, Lord Nehekhi had been meeting with their general and the top captains in the tribe to discuss his stables' latest "addition." "It is...unusual...for a human to be amongst us," Thi'usa explained. "I believe you know this already."

"Yes," Ameni said. "All too well, I'm afraid."

"Apparently Nehekhi-Master has attracted himself some unwanted attention by acquiring you. The general and his men have been questioning him indepth about your presence here."

"Have I gotten him in trouble?" Ameni exclaimed in dismay. "I did not mean to; I thought it would be easiest on us both if I came along. Should I have turned away--?"

"Oh, please, do not worry, Ameni-friend. Nehekhi-Master has much importance in the tribe; he cannot be dismissed so easily. The lieutenant who has been coming here, he is only one of those standing up for him. There are others as well. He has been wise to make many comrades who will defend him, no matter what choice he makes. They do not understand why he brought you here...as I am not sure I understand, myself...but they will not turn upon him. Even if the general himself is against the idea of you being here, he would have to think several times before attempting anything."

"Still I am worried," Ameni said unhappily. "He would not be being treated like this if it were not for me."

Thi'usa lightly touched his arm. "Please, Ameni-human. He would never have brought you here if he had felt he hadn't a chance. He is much more clever than that. The most he will receive is questions, and perhaps a few insults, but this is what we have all received from time to time. And also, he would not have brought you if he had not worried for you himself. He must be very concerned about you to have done so. You must be a good friend."

Ameni flushed. He was remembering just how good a friend he had been to Nehekhi in the desert while the two of them had been alone...in fact, Nehekhi's complete absence from his presence had started up an ache inside him, which wouldn't go away. "Yes," he murmured. "I suppose."

"Do not worry about it. That lieutenant is a former comrade of mine; he will keep me apprised. So far Nehekhi-Master is holding his own. Some of the captains are snickering at him, but the general is more baffled than angry. He need only convince them of his reasons for bringing you here, and all will be fine. Soon enough I am willing to bet that they will simply forget about you."

Ameni didn't believe this statement for a moment, but accepted it anyway. Even if he could never be accepted here as a Moru, he would take his master's peace of mind above his own, any time.

Ameni noticed that once in a while, one of the Moru would be called from the room and would not return for hours at the least, or a day at the most. He puzzled over this but didn't ask what it meant; at least they were returning. Thi'usa patiently taught him the language, and though it felt tedious and incredibly slow to Ameni, in fact the time passed swiftly by, and he learned the tongue so well that even Thi'usa remarked upon his agility of memory. Soon Ameni spoke the languages of the Kana and the Moru as well as his own, and understood them fully, also. He only wished he had more occasion to test his skills, but kept this thought to himself as well. And so the time passed, and Ameni grew more comfortable among his Moru companions.

It had been fully a week now since Ameni had been brought to Nehekhi's home, and still he had not seen his master since their time spent with the physician. The other Moru he dwelled with assured him the master was busy with his personal affairs, and had not forgotten them. "Believe us," Thi'usa said. "He has been much busy lately, and he will have much explaining to do to everyone, as for why he now keeps a human in his household."

"I thought he explained that to them already," Ameni said, surprised.

"Oh, yes, he did...but they are an impatient bunch...they will demand a new reason every hour, it seems. But please do not worry about it. The master can take care of himself..."

And so he spent his time listening to Thi'usa enunciate more words in both Apsiu tongues, mimicking his sounds, stumbling yet eventually getting them right. He was a quick learner; he had even mastered many of the lesser-used words, and as he lay still at night, rather than listen to the sounds of the other Moru around him, he would instead go over the newly learned words in his head, memorizing them, storing them away for later...

One day he awoke to find that Thi'usa was absent from the room, although he looked around their quarters thoroughly. He finally gave up and went to Ki'amit, asking her if she had any idea where he had gone.

The girl shrugged, and managed to answer in his own tongue--he assumed Thi'usa had taught her, or she had picked it up on her own, listening to them. "To receive summons from Master. To go and obey."

"Master?" Ameni echoed. "You mean, he's back? In the house?"

A nod. "Most likely has been. To be busy. To call for Thi'usa-Moru."

Ameni frowned and looked toward the door. He had never seen any guards stationed around--Nehekhi seemed to be the only one of power within the household, aside from the occasional lieutenant who served him--but that didn't mean they weren't there. "Are we...allowed to leave this room? Or must we stay here unless summoned?"

Ki'amit gave him an odd look. "No," she finally said, "to be able to leave...but not far...and not long...Master to trust us to stay, but to leave house, to be killed. Moru to leave masters, to receive death."

"I know...I merely wish to find the master myself. I've been wanting to talk to him..."

"Master to be busy, best to not bother..."

"I know; I won't bother him too much. Thank you, Ki'amit-Moru."

Leaving the puzzled girl behind, he made his way to the door, testing the handle; it opened easily, not even locked. What sort of household was this, where a Kana let his Moru run free? He peered into the hallway, but true to Ki'amit's word, there were no guards. Nehekhi really must be the only one under this roof at the moment. Shaking off a mild feeling of anxiety, he shut the door, and silently made his way down the hall, hoping he could find the Kana's quarters. Truth to tell...he had no idea where he was going.

The house was big and sprawling, but not huge; he simply followed the hallways, glancing curiously at all the river-themed decorations, until he came to a section which looked more..."important" than the rest, and assumed any office Nehekhi might have would be down here. If he were busy, then he should be in his office. If the Kana even had offices. He slowed down and listened as he went, and did hear a noise, as of talking, from far off near the end of the hall. Nehekhi had to be there. Perhaps talking with another Kana. Ameni swallowed but went on. He would think of what to do or where to hide when he got there. It had gotten too tiresome, waiting in Moru quarters for his master to arrive.

Why has he not asked after me? Has he forgotten me so soon...?

He walked along, silent but for the soft brush of his feet against the tile floor. Nehekhi appeared to like tiles, as the whole house was covered with them. It was better than bare earth, like most other Moru had to sleep on; Thi'usa had informed him of what most Moru quarters looked like. Ameni would have to ask him what it was with Nehekhi and tiles...where had he even gotten all these? Surely Kana weren't so skilled in the arts that they could have made them...

From down the hallway, a voice spoke faintly in the Kana tongue--"I do, I truly do."

Ameni checked his step and proceeded in complete silence, in order to gauge the tone of the conversation, who Nehekhi might be talking with. He wasn't willing to walk in on any of the outsider Kana, with how they had treated him. Memories of the gray one in the black lappets made him shiver, and he prayed that one was nowhere near. He could never hope to defend himself against such a Kana.

He stopped walking now when a familiar voice answered the first--"You truly--do you truly mean it?"

Ameni frowned. He knew that voice. Yet--he didn't know any of the Kana from the tribe, aside from those living under this roof. He hadn't met any, aside from those who had first "greeted" them on returning. So...why did he recognize it?

Nehekhi's voice spoke again: "Yes...you know that I do...I would not lie to you, dear friend."

"But...there is another...is there not?"

"Yes...but you have another as well...this does not mean that what I say is untrue."

He now realized how labored their speaking was, as if it were difficult just to talk. His frown grew. There was something...strange about this.

As if to affirm this, the second voice suddenly cried out. "Oh! Then I do believe you--that you would never lie to me--that you do mean what you say to me--oh!"

Ameni's frown grew.

What in the Duat...?

Nehekhi spoke again, now with a rapid pant in his breath. "Yes--you do know--I do mean it--I would never lie to you--dear one--"

His panting died down and there was silence for a moment, then they started speaking again, softly at first so Ameni strained to hear.


"...you do know...that I love you too..."

Ameni's ears pricked.

"...of course...of course...mm...I know that you do..."

"...I don't know what to say...every time I try, my voice freezes..."

"...you...mm...you're doing just fine...just fine...mm!...oh...yes...just fine...you are just fine...oh...oh...oh!..."

"...I feel...I feel I should know what I want...should decide..."

"...no need to...mm...no need to choose...if you...mm...love us all...OH!"

The second voice gasped and let out a high-pitched whine. "Oh gods...Master..."

Ameni's eyes grew wide in disbelief.

Is it...?

"...you feel...you feel so good...you see...this is...this is why I call you...you satisfy me, you help make me whole...you will always be Kana to me...oh..."

"...but...the other..."

"Yes...he I cherish also...but he is new...unused...he needs his rest...while I...mm...I am feeling more virile by the moment...oh...you...you do that to me, dear one...you always have...ever since I've known you, you have...oh, gods...you set me afire...you feel so good to me..."

Ameni took a breath and let it out, abruptly. It was obvious now just what was going on in there. But there was only one way to deal with awkward situations among the Apsiu. He strode toward the door and pushed it open, as if he had not heard one word of what was transpiring. And as soon as he entered, he saw exactly what he was expecting he'd see. That didn't mean it still didn't surprise him.

Nehekhi stood up straight from where he'd been bending over Thi'usa, taking him, coupling with him from behind, hands still on his hips, eyes wide. His kilt was bunched up over his own hips and Ameni saw how his tail stuck out, quivering; his chest hitched with his still-labored breath. Thi'usa, himself, let out a startled squawk and immediately dove for the floor, arms going to cover himself up. He was completely naked, and despite his haste Ameni had still managed to see his penis standing upright, pink and quivering. He pulled away from Nehekhi when he ducked, face flushed with lust, but the look in his eyes was absolutely mortified. Apparently, he didn't like being caught in this situation.

Nehekhi's response was completely the opposite. "Ameni, Ameni-Moru!" he cried, a giant smile beaming across his face. He stepped away from the cowering Thi'usa and toward Ameni, arms spread. Ameni was still too surprised to step back when the Kana lifted him in a powerful embrace, immediately nuzzling at his neck. He wheezed for breath.

"Oh how I missed you, Ameni-Moru!" Nehekhi exclaimed, tongue licking at his ear before he set him back down. His eyes were alight, as if he were some young child given a much-awaited treat. "I'm so happy to see you recovering--you were so tired when I brought you back, you just slept and slept--I thought you would sleep forever--but wait--do you even understand me?" He abruptly broke off, looking confused, and then started to speak in Ameni's language. "To have missed you, Ameni-Moru--"

"No," Ameni said in Apsi. "I understand. I always have. But...it is a difficult language to speak."

"OH!" The Kana beamed again with delight. "You speak my tongue! Haltingly, I admit, but you will only improve--Thi'usa must have taught you--have you done this, Thi'usa?"

They both looked now at the Moru cowering upon the floor, arms crossed over himself out of shame. He couldn't meet their eyes. When they waited for him to reply, all that he could say was, "I--I am not sen'akha!"--in an oddly desperate voice.

Ameni frowned; Thi'usa had not taught him that word. Nehekhi only bellowed with laughter.

"Silly, silly Moru! Of course you are not sen'akha. You have two females of your own--probably more! Do not be silly. I doubt any of us are truly sen'akha. It's a silly word." He nudged Ameni in the ribs. "Right, dear Ameni-Moru?"

"I came here because I wanted to talk with you, and you've been gone so long--"

"So you missed me as well! I apologize, little one. I had thought you needed your rest! Apparently you are made of the same stuff I am!"

"--I wasn't certain if I was allowed to leave the room, and Thi'usa was nowhere to be found--"

"Ah, this was my fault, little Ameni-Moru...I apologize if you were expecting him." Nehekhi finally lowered his voice, a bit more subdued. "You see...I have been thinking about you since I brought you back...but you were so tired...and Thi'usa and I have been close, good friends for a long time, even before he became Moru..."

"You--you knew each other before--?"

"Yes, he was a good Kana. Outstanding fighter. We often ended up rivals. We both had our eye on beautiful little Tai'ihet, for example." He smiled at Thi'usa in a knowing way. "Alas--she has yet to give me a Kana son--though she has done well with Thi'usa, gave him a babe of his own, a darling little boy. Usually, we get rid of those females who do not bear us Kana." He shrugged. "But she is most exquisite at hakh'tua, and beautiful as well, and she has her children to raise...so I allow her to stay. She takes no food from my mouth."

Ameni chewed on his lip but let the question remain unasked. Nehekhi apparently understood his expression, for he smiled again, gently this time, and nodded.

"Yes, Ameni-Moru...she is one...I love her dearly, I always have. I still visit her, when I long for a female to earn my attentions..."

"You are not jealous?" Ameni asked, glancing back down at Thi'usa. The Moru had relaxed a bit while they talked, but now he covered himself up again, flushing.

"I...no...I am not jealous. To be jealous would make me contradictory. I love Tai'ihet, Ki'amit, and my master...I love them all equally. My master loves Tai'ihet, he loves me...he loves you. I am not jealous."

"You do not love more than one?" Nehekhi suddenly asked, peering at Ameni with some curiosity.

Now it was Ameni who flushed. "No...we're not usually like this, among my kind. We love one and one alone."

"Do you never grow bored?" Nehekhi exclaimed.

"No--well...sometimes...but love outweighs that. At least, it should..."

"You sound not convinced. What would you do, who would you choose, if you did love more than one?"

"I...truthfully, I don't know. I would have to decide...on my own."

Both of the Apsiu stared at him as if he were the last of his sort on earth. Nehekhi tilted his head with an odd frown, trying to comprehend what Ameni had said.

"And so...you choose only one mate, among your kind," he said. "What if she does not give you children, Ameni-mate?"

"I could divorce her, and seek out another one, if I wished..."

"Divorce?" Nehekhi's muzzle wrinkled. He brushed at his kilt. "Please explain."

Ameni bit the inside of his mouth. "Well...this is the procedure one goes through...when a marriage does not work--"

"Marriage?" Thi'usa echoed.

Ameni fell silent. Apparently this would be more difficult than he'd thought.

"Yes," he said, slowly. "This is when a man and a woman decide to live together...as mates. The woman remains faithful to the man, and the man remains faithful to her."

"To only one?"

"Usually...only the richest take more than one wife."

Nehekhi frowned. "This is hardly a convenient way of siring pups, human. One mate cannot bear the burden alone!"

"Well...children are not the only reason one takes a mate--"

"Oh! Of course! One also takes mates to satisfy one's desires, Ameni-friend; of course this must be so. You will be hard pressed to find a Kana who will admit it freely, but we do tend to love our Moru."

"I suppose this is so," Ameni admitted, giving up. "I wished to ask you...if it's not rude of me...what was that word you used?" He looked at Thi'usa now, who stared back. "That one just a moment ago...'sen'akha.' What does that one mean? Is it an insult?"

Thi'usa flushed bright red and hid his face. Nehekhi started laughing.

"Oh! I see he skipped over that word. Truly, 'Usa, you worry too much. No, Ameni-mate, it is not an insult, at least, it was not meant to be one. Though many use it as one, sad enough. It's a difficult word to explain...how do I put it properly?" He tilted his head back in thought. "Well...Thi'usa-Moru and myself. One could call us sen'akha at the moment."

"No!" Thi'usa protested. "No they could not!"

"Rest easy, silly one! That's only now. When you are with Ki'amit-Moru, you are certainly not sen'akha!"

"I don't understand," Ameni said in confusion.

"I realize this...as I said it's a difficult word to explain...I do not think it is even an accurate word, as things change so often." His nostrils flared. "Well...let me ask you this. Do you have any among your kind who keep only to one type of mate? Their own type?"

"What do you mean, 'their own'?"

"As I say. A man, who seeks out men only; or even a female who seeks out females, but never males--"

"Oh." Ameni's face reddened. "You mean...I believe I know what you mean. Someone who...er...prefers their own sex."

"Yes!" Nehekhi smiled. "Was this not what I said? This is what is meant by sen'akha. But as I told you it's a very fickle word. Just because a male takes a male does not make him sen'akha, as silly Thi'usa here seems to keep thinking..."

Ameni frowned as he looked at the two of them, Thi'usa starting to protest weakly again. So a male having sex with a male does not make him homosexual. Then what exactly does?

"This is permitted here?" he said aloud, and they looked at him again. Nehekhi let out a bellow of laughter.

"PERMITTED! You speak as if it's a crime!"

"It is not, but where I am from, it is greatly frowned upon. Especially if one receives."

"Oh, gods...your people are strange. I must admit to you that there are some among us who dislike it and sneer at those who are primarily sen'akha--but I believe they merely like to look down their noses at others. Such is life. There is nothing wrong with taking or receiving from a male--just so long as you have pups of your own! For this reason even those who say they are sen'akha must have female mates, but this does not stop them from seeking out those they truly desire! Anyone who scoffs merely has a problem in his head. Is this not right, Thi'usa-mate?"

"I would not know!" Thi'usa insisted, covering his head. Nehekhi rolled his eyes and leaned toward Ameni as if to speak in confidence.

"Thi'usa-friend himself has a few difficulties with the idea...he insists someone will say he is sen'akha and laugh at him, though why he is afraid of this, I have no clue. He has his own mates, and his own pups, so he has hardly a need to worry." His eyes lit up and he clasped his hands together.
"Oh! Ameni-Moru...dear little Ameni-Moru. You said you had missed me. Granted, I have been gone from you long; I even dreamed of you last night, but believed you needed sleep, which was why I called Thi'usa to me."

"I--yes," Ameni stammered, turning red. He wasn't certain what the Kana was getting at.

"I had the most wonderful dream about you, little Moru...but the thing is, it was not of you alone." He glanced down at Thi'usa, who looked back up, questioning. "I have told dear Thi'usa of it already; he agrees it was a good dream. Though he is timid to try."


"Yes; for you see, dear Moru, I dreamed of myself and of you, and then I dreamed of Thi'usa...and we were together."

Ameni stood silent, staring at him. "To...together?" he finally whispered.

Nehekhi nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes! A most wonderful dream! I awoke full of sap. I called for Thi'usa straightaway." He paused briefly. "But you see--even while I adore him--the dream is still unfulfilled. I have never had a dream fulfilled before. Ameni-Moru! It is as if your coming here now is a sign. Please, will you join us?"

"Join you?"

"Yes, yes! Nesakh'ai!"

Ameni started shaking his head and backing away. "Oh--no. No, I must get back to the Moru quarters--"

"Why no?" Nehekhi's face fell. Then he smiled again, kindly, and stepped forward to take Ameni's hands in his own. "Please, Ameni-Moru. You have nothing to fear. You must still believe me when I told you I would never hurt you? I would never let another hurt you either. Neither of us ever would." Thi'usa stared up at Ameni now, as if waiting for his answer.

"You...he...knows...?" Ameni looked at Nehekhi in confusion.

"Knows?" Nehekhi tilted his head. "Of course he knows, Ameni-mate. Why wouldn't he? Will you join us then?"

Ameni shook his head again. "No...you don't understand. I don't think I could take it. From both of you? With both of you? I've seen it done with Ki'amit, I don't think I would much like it myself..."

"Please, dear Moru!" Nehekhi wheedled, nearly whining. Ameni cringed. "You do not trust me? I promise to you--we would never hurt you. I understand you being reluctant." He glanced at Thi'usa again. "He is the same way. Yet he would be willing to try...as he loves me, and I believe he loves you also."

Ameni's head spun to look at him. Thi'usa met his eyes, but said nothing.

He loves me...?

"And what better way to spend the time with the ones you love, than this? Please, Ameni-Moru. Please make me happy. You will be made happy, as well."

Ameni stared at the crouching Moru for a while longer. His throat worked but no sound came out. Eventually, he managed to just barely speak.

"...If we were to do this...all three of us...how would it go? Who...who would do what?"

"Oh. An understandable concern. Let me see...you could take Thi'usa...and I could take you." He looked at Ameni. "Does this sound comfortable enough?"

"I--I don't know," Ameni stammered. The Kana's forthrightness bewildered him. "I've never--been with two people at once. When I was with you--" and he could tell Thi'usa knew the extent of their relationship already "--that was the first time I've been with a man. I'm not certain it would happen again--and especially not with two people..."

"Do not worry, little Moru. It is quite easy. I am the only one who takes you. And you take Thi'usa. It will be...awkward, yes. We cannot lie down. We must stand, or kneel. It will be exhausting. You may be uncomfortable, being between us. But I do believe you would enjoy it--your pleasure would outweigh your discomfort." Another pause. "Well, Ameni-Moru? Will you comply?"

It was as if his use of this word--comply--now used not to enforce compliance, but to ask for it--had the same effect on Ameni anyway. His shoulders drooped slightly. "...Yes," he finally said, voice quiet. "I...I'll try nesakh'ai with you."

Nehekhi's face lit up anew. "Wonderful, wonderful, little Moru! You and Thi'usa will make my dream come true!" He put out his hand, gesturing to the crouching Moru, who took it and stood, but still covered himself pathetically as Ameni approached, fumbling with his own kilt. Truth to tell, the human had no idea what to do.

It was as if Thi'usa...understood, somehow. For as Ameni approached, he uncovered and revealed himself. Ameni paused and sucked in a breath. The Moru was...beautiful. His fur was the palest golden tan, his eyes gold to match; and Ameni was surprised to see that the hair ringing his sheath was of the finest downy gold as well. He suddenly realized he must have overestimated the Moru's age, or else he looked a lot younger when undressed and full of desire. As for his member itself...it hung free and half limp now, partly from its sheath, pink with its deep purple head. Ameni thought of it being inside the young girl a week ago...

And his breath caught in his throat. His hands trembled at the front of his kilt, a strange fire rising up inside his loins. The Moru...attracted him. Eyes glazing, he approached, putting out his hands; when they had met each other, Ameni pressed himself up against him, tongue meeting his neck, his nipples, his shoulder, down his broad chest. And that member, so firm and magnificent, began slowly to rise again, as he watched, pink and purple protruding longer than the length of Ameni's hand. He started to pant, as well as Thi'usa, whose own eyes glazed. Nehekhi watched them with a smile--Ameni could see the swollen appendage hidden behind his kilt, though their master did not speak--and he moved behind Thi'usa, hands stroking those wonderful buttocks, seeing his tail rise, the instinctive Apsiu response to the desire to mate.

Thi'usa turned his head and murmured over his shoulder, "I am not sen'akha..."

"I know..." Ameni squeezed his hips. I doubt any of us truly are, around here...

Thi'usa turned from him completely, and put his hands on the column supporting the ceiling. Ameni positioned himself--yes, he grew hard--amazingly so--and clutched his trembling hips. Thi'usa's fur was so soft, it felt as if he hugged the hips of a young virgin...

He felt someone grasp his own hips and jerked. Nehekhi nuzzled his neck, smiling. "Do not worry, little Moru," he murmured. "I will wait until you are ready. Thi'usa waits for you. Do not disappoint him, and I will not be disappointed."

He obeyed. His fingers touched Thi'usa's opening, and the muscle relaxed almost instantly. Evidently the Moru was much used to this. Breathing heavily, he stepped forward, pushing slowly, and entered...

Ameni let out a long groan...

Thi'usa bleated, clinging to the column. Ameni savored his feel. It had been so long, seemingly, since he had been with Nehekhi, and he had missed this feeling. Several times during the past week, he had been awakened by the sounds of the other Moru coupling, including Thi'usa and his mates, and he had clenched his hands around himself...ahi'akhta...stroking in a futile effort to relieve the pain. He had so longed to be inside someone...to have someone inside him, even...

He groaned again, tossing his head back. His master had entered him, hands upon his shoulders, muzzle at his neck, snorting gently. His body shook. This was so glorious.

"M...Master," he whispered.

Nehekhi touched his face. "Yes, little one? You speak so soon?"

"Yes...I...I long to feel you in me..."

"Hush, little Moru...your wish has come true. Remember he whom you please, and I will please you..."

Ameni's fingers sank into the soft skin. Thi'usa gasped. Gritting his teeth, he bucked his hips forward and felt his master press into him as well. He cried out loud, careless of whoever might hear. Thi'usa bawled and bent over, legs spreading wide, testicles hanging loose and penis standing straight. Ameni put his head to his back, between the wings, and listened to his fast breath.

"H...human," Thi'usa whispered hoarsely. "P...please...ahi'akhta...pleasure me...please..."

Ameni let go of his hips, hands moving in front to stroke the Kana's stiffened member. Thi'usa whimpered his thanks, and as Ameni stroked he began to speak, desire fogging his mind.

"Dear Thi'usa-mate...dear Moru...I wish to pleasure you...I long to pleasure you...so much now...so much..."

Behind him, Nehekhi kept up a steady motion, rocking into him, hips rolling evenly, hands keeping his mate in place. Ameni lusted over the sound he let out, a low murring growl.


"Dear Nehekhi-Master..." Ameni moved one hand back to touch the Kana. "I love to feel you...deep inside me...deep in me...deep in me..."

The Kana leaned over him, breath against his cheek, whispering in return.

"Dear little Ameni-mate. I hope I please you as you please me."

"Not worthy enough...of such a kind master...to feel you...to feel you inside..." Ameni murmured deliriously, not even aware he was speaking his thoughts aloud. The other two Apsiu listened to him intently, aroused by his words.

"Yes, Ameni-Moru?" Nehekhi murmured, and then spasmed convulsively. "Ooohhhhhh."

"Oh gods, yes!" Ameni gasped, chest heaving. "Like that--like that...dear mates...my dear mates...inside you, and inside me...all of us...together...oh...gods, I love both of you...both of you, dearly..."

Thi'usa wept softly. Nehekhi nuzzled at Ameni's neck.

"Do you mean this, Moru? You...mm...who would not have known the love of more than one at a time? Do you love us both, truly?" He started to pant.

"Ameni-Moru," Thi'usa moaned, tears streaming from his eyes. "Do you love us both?"

Ameni kept his eyes closed and concentrated on pushing. Push...push...push... He was too far lost in ecstasy to reply for a moment. And then...

"...Yes...I love you both...both of you...Thi'usa-Moru...Nehekhi-Master...I love both of you...I cannot be without either of you...please...both...oh...oh...please...oh...oh!"

He shook. Nehekhi's arms wrapped around his chest and squeezed. Thi'usa wailed and bucked his hips back against him. Ameni screamed to feel himself impale Thi'usa, to feel his master impale him. One hand squeezed Thi'usa's member, hard, the other squeezing Nehekhi's hip. The size of them! The Kana himself was bigger even than Thi'usa, with a wide girth...he pushed himself in to the hilt, groaning harshly, and Thi'usa began moving against Ameni's stroking motions, as if pumping his hips into Ki'amit.

Ameni found himself pinned between the two rutting Apsiu, unable to move. He gasped for breath, head lolling back. Nehekhi's strokes threatened to crush him against Thi'usa, who threatened to crush him back upon his master. The pressure hurt now, but he no longer cared. Eventually the big Kana began to rut so hard he started to lift Ameni from the ground, impelled by his weight upon his member. Ameni shrieked and flailed his legs.

"Oh gods, Master, Moru! Oh gods, OH GODS--!"

And they both came at the same time, as if they had planned it--Thi'usa wailing and spraying a strong steady stream against the column, Nehekhi grunting forcefully and releasing inside Ameni so explosively that he felt as if his insides would burst. He arched, hard, head landing back against his master's shoulder. Nehekhi's tongue moved along his ear, his face.

"L-little Moru...satisfied enough for this morning?"

Ameni moaned in reply, eyes fluttering shut and muscles going loose. He hadn't the strength to say anything else. He felt himself slipping into a semi-conscious state just as Thi'usa's voice came to him, seemingly from far away.

"...Oh...let us have more pleasure with him! I do so long for more..."

"Well...I had planned for us to switch places...for him to take me, and for you to take him...but look at how tired he grows, already. He must not be used to such pleasures, poor human..."

"Oh, please, Master...just a bit more...I will be careful with him, I promise..."

"Well...if you do not hurt him, Thi'usa-Moru..."

Ameni lay sprawled upon his stomach on the floor, gasping for breath, unable to reply to their talk, though he could hear it; his muscles would not allow him to move. He didn't even know how he had ended up here. And so, when he felt a pressure against his backside, as Thi'usa sat upon him, eagerly spreading his buttocks wide, he could offer no protest. Not even when Nehekhi himself knelt in front of him, panting heavily as he looked in his semi-conscious eyes, then pulling up his kilt--Ameni caught an excellent view of his shaft, so huge, veins swollen--and directing it down toward Ameni's face.

Ameni wanted to say "Stop"--How can I hope to take all of that in my mouth?--but couldn't. The hot flesh pressed to his lips, past them, inside him. His jaws opened to accommodate it. Nehekhi groaned happily and, holding Ameni's head to him, started to move.

"Oh!" Thi'usa gasped. "Hakh'tua. May I take my turn when you are done?"

"Yes," Nehekhi grunted, thrusting his hips, eyes shut tight. "...You may--mmh--take him--mmh--once I am--mmh--through with him, and--mmh--I will take him, once--mmh--you are through--MMH..."

Thi'usa laughed with delight and rocked atop Ameni's buttocks, breathing hard, urging himself inside, deeper, deeper...

Ameni lay and allowed himself to be subjected to their animal lusts. He was too exhausted to do otherwise...though he doubted he would have resisted them, anyway, with how his body continued to respond, a hot hardness growing between his legs. These Apsiu--did they never stop coupling with one another? Or two another, or even three another? Every one seemed to be intent on copulating with every other one. He was willing to bet the only untouched Apsiu in the tribe were the children...and perhaps even not some of them. The other day, as he had looked out the window, he had seen a Kana dragging a crying protesting child, around eight years of age, he supposed, down the street and into his home, and a moment later all that could be heard was a faint rhythmic slapping, bouncing sound mixed with the child's sobbing, the horrid noises finally ending with a sharp hideous grunt that he knew must not be good...he had yet to see how the child was doing, or to learn if this was common behavior among their kind...

His master came in his mouth, hard, groaning and shuddering; his hands clutched Ameni's head tightly, and Ameni had to swallow his seed quickly or else choke. Thi'usa gave a breathless laugh, then--"OH!"--and jerked. Ameni trembled at the feeling of warmth spreading between his legs, some leaking onto his thighs as the Kana pulled himself out. His mind slipped back into a haze of exhaustion.

"...please, dear Master...please, let me..."

"...yours, dear Thi'usa-mate...and allow me...to come back here...and to please myself once again..."

"You were right, Master...he is most delightful...so firm and yet so soft...so tight, too..."

"This is because he is human, but he does feel very good around one..."

"So pleasing...so beautiful..." Thi'usa's tongue ran along his face. "I admire him...I am pleased I could play at nesakh'ai with him, and now hakh'tua...oh Master, you are good to us, you are!"

"Many thanks to you, dear one...but please...let me concentrate...mmph." Ameni jerked as Nehekhi entered him, then lay still again, allowing Thi'usa to rotate his head and roll his hips just as he saw fit, trembling joyously and moaning his passion at the air...and, as tired as he was, Ameni actually enjoyed the feel of the younger Apsiu's rod within his mouth, the crisp musky smell of the downy golden fur of his crotch, the softness of his fleshy sac rubbing against his face, the sleek smooth member thrusting within his throat...he much welcomed Thi'usa's seed--it had a sweetness to it--and shuddered to show his appreciation, even as his master climaxed and bowed over him with a heavy sigh. Thi'usa laughed. Ameni felt a hand caress his cheek.

"Oh, Master...look...he likes this! Look at how his tongue moves!"

"Yes, yes, dear one...indeed he does...you must honor him, boy...he has mouthed me in this manner, once or twice, and he was always very good..."

Nehekhi-Master heaved himself out, and Thi'usa sighed contentedly, doing the same; the two Apsiu then helped the staggering, exhausted Ameni to his feet, both of them nuzzling at him and cooing comfortingly, their hands running along his body. As they walked him slowly back to the Moru quarters one of them--or perhaps both--ran their hands up and down his hanging member--ahi'akhta!--and when he stopped in his steps to moan and spray the floor they laughed softly and ran their hands down his chest, before bringing him back to the Moru quarters, spreading out his pallet, and laying him upon it. The curious stares of his fellows and the soft grunts and whimpers of those similarly occupied did not even bother him this day, as by the time his head settled upon the pillow he was already lost in pleasant erotic dreams...


"Part 4: Diversion

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This item IS looking for people who are simply interested in reading, especially in long/multipart stories, and who like to comment frequently. My primary intent is to entertain others, so if you read this and find it entertaining, please let me know so and let me know why.

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I do hope you enjoy! :)

© Copyright 2002 Tehuti, Lord Of The Eight (tehuti_88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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