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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #511665
Buffybot patrols a nuclear-destroyed world
Summary: The Buffybot patrols a nuclear-destroyed world. Spoilers/Timeline: After Buffy's death Rating: R for content Pairing: N/A Disclaimer: I'm just having fun and not making money, so please don't sue me. Distribution: Please email Author. Feedback: Yes please. I love feedback and I want to know if you enjoyed this story. Feedback makes writing worth it. Author Notes: A Buffybot horror story, something that I think has never been done before.

Chapter 1-School Time A mouse moved in the house and climbed over the Buffybot, switching it on as it went. The many systems of the Buffybot turned on at once. They had been off when the radiation came to Sunnydale and had therefore escaped radiation damage.

The bomb had gone off far to the north of Sunnydale and after only three days, three days during which most humans had died, what remained was too weak to harm the Buffybot. Buffybot knew nothing of this of course. Nobody had fed into her memory systems what a nuclear war was or what it did. To her this was just a normal day.

Time….8:45 AM Monday September 1st 2002Tasks……Take your sister Dawn to school…

Buffybot walked upstairs to find Dawn and found her asleep on her bed under her covers.

"Dawn, wake up, it's time for school." She prodded Dawn and there was no response. "Dawn, wake up and get dressed." Dawn remained still and silent. Tasks….Make your sister go to school as long as you can do it without hurting her. Buffybot pulled off the covers and Dawn stared up at her empty-eyed. Her face had turned a shade of green in the heat and her eyes had lost their colour and clouded over.

Flies buzzed around her and landed on her eyes and mouth but she didn't move. Her stomach had swollen up as she rotted inside. Buffybot was only programmed to know death when it happened right in front of her. Vampire corpses always turned to dust. And she was programmed never to hurt, let alone kill, humans. Dawn was already dressed in the clothes that she was wearing when she died, a purple shirt, blue trousers and socks, black shoes, a watch and a necklace that was embedded in what was now swollen, rotting flesh.

Buffybot was not programmed to smell and could not smell the stink in the air. "Come on Dawn, time to go to school." Buffybot was used to a reluctant Dawn at this time in the morning. She picked her up and took her down to the car. Buffybot had been programmed to drive to school and back at the right time and at the speed limit. The roads were strangely empty today with abandoned cars all other the place, many with dead bodies inside. "People should stick to the speed limit, shouldn't they, Dawn?" There was no answer.

She parked the car and took a strangely silent and still Dawn into school. Dawn's classroom was empty except for the teacher who had chosen, when he felt the sickness coming, to die at his desk. His body was slumped in his chair, the mouth, full of flies, hanging open, an empty bottle of vodka in his hand. Buffybot set Dawn down at her desk and looked at the time on her watch, which had remained functioning when she had been switched off. "

Time…9:05 AM Mr Davis…..Dawn's teacher……Dawn is five minutes late for school….Say sorry to Mr Davis….. "

I'm sorry, Mr Davis, that Dawn is five minutes late, but at least she's here. Most of your students are not here yet." Say goodbye to Dawn……..Kiss her cheek once…….. "Goodbye Dawn. Enjoy your day. I'll be back at 3:30PM to take you home." Buffybot kissed Dawn's dead cheek and drove home. After a few minutes tidying up and doing routine duties Buffybot began to realize that she was alone.

Chapter Two-Find your friends Find Rupert Giles…….Go to library……. Giles sat alone in the library, his glazed dead eyes looking at a book of protection spells that he never got the chance to use. The windows were shut so the flies were unable to lay eggs on his body. Rupert Giles……Watcher……..Very clever……… "Hi Rupert. You are very clever. What shall I do?" Rupert did not answer. In fact, he did not even look at her or show any sign that he knew that she was there.

Wait 30 seconds…….Rupert Giles is busy……Come back in a few hours……Find Xander and Anya…..

When the radiation came, and Xander and Anya knew that they would die painfully, Xander had stabbed Anya to death as a mercy killing, in his mind, laid her out in his bed as if sleeping and committed suicide by taking an entire bottle of sleeping pills.

The two rotting, fly-blown bodies now lay in the same bed, the door left open. Buffybot entered the house knowing nothing of this. Xander and Anya…..Your friends……… "Hi Xander and Anya. What shall we do today?" When they said nothing Buffybot's electronic brain told her to leave them to sleep unless there was an emergency.

Find Willow and Tara…….

Willow and Tara lay dying inside the pentacle that they had drawn when the nuclear bombs hit. It had protected them from some of the radiation but only enough to keep them alive a little bit longer then most people. There were empty apple cores and an empty jug that had once held water, as well as pillows and a potty and spell books within the pentacle with them.

Willow's blurred eyes saw Buffybot come in. "Buffy….bot? You have to help us…please…".Willow coughed up blood. "Willow, what is wrong? Who has hurt you?" Buffybot was programmed to know when humans were wounded. "Radiation…because of…"Willow died and the glow of life left her eyes. And when she saw her lover die, Tara let herself die too, not having any further reason to live.

Willow hurt and sleeping…….Tara is sleeping…….Radiation has hurt Willow……Radiation must be the name of some vampire or demon……Put Willow and Tara in their beds………Find and slay Radiation……………

Buffybot put them in their beds, kissed their cheeks and left them to sleep. She went back home and cleaned up any mess in the house. Then she went to fetch Dawn from school. She found Dawn where she had left her with the teacher, her school lunch uneaten, the teacher still at his desk. "Come on Dawn, we're going home."

She picked Dawn's body up and took her home. "How was school today, Dawn?" Dawn remained silent. Buffybot told her what she did that day and took her upstairs to her room where she left her with some chocolate biscuits. After finding Giles was still "busy" she went back home as the sun was setting. She turned on the lights only to find that there was something wrong with the power.

Power failure……..Leave it to the humans to deal with………Sunset….time to slay vampires and weaker demons…..Leave large demons alone if you are alone……..

Chapter Three- Time to Slay "I am Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I slay." She took "Mr Pointy" and set off to patrol the streets and the cemetery. Some vampires had been killed, others had left Sunnydale to try and find living humans to feed on, but there were a few still alive and present.

Three of these, who had not fed for three days since the bombs and missiles fell all over the Earth, saw her and attacked. "Are you Radiation?" The vampire grabbed her and bit her only for his fangs to meet metal. Three vampires…..Slay them……. She staked the vampire and he crumbled into dust. She decided that "Radiation" must be one of these vampires. She soon staked the other two and decided to check the Bronze. It was filled with rotting bodies, empty and dark.

She continued her search. "B…..oh Buffy….it's you. At least I won't die alone." Being a Slayer, Faith had survived long after the guards and all the prisoners in her prison had died from radiation sickness. She had taken the keys from a dead guard and escaped. She spat out a tooth. She had only a few hours to live and she knew it. "Buffy, I love you…kiss me, love me…please…it's my last wish…" "

Faith…..Slayer…..Friend…..Radiation must have hurt Faith as well…..Obey all reasonable orders from your friends…… "OK. You are my friend. I killed Radiation."

Buffybot kissed Faith and spent the next few hours loving her as she had once loved Spike, kissing her and cuddling her. Faith tried to tell her what had happened but Buffybot could not understand because she was not programmed to do so. When Faith died in her arms Buffybot thought she was asleep and put her to bed in her house in the spare bedroom and then recharged herself.

Epilogue- Every day and night was the same. Every day five times a week Buffybot took a rotting and then skeletal Dawn to school to meet her dead teacher. She left her in her bed at weekends. Every day she checked on her friends who were always asleep or busy. And every night she patrolled Sunnydale to slay the few vampires and weaker demons that were left, avoiding the stronger ones as she was programmed to do.

When Dawn turned to bones Buffybot tied and then superglued them together. She wondered why she was ignored by her friends, no matter how much she talked to them, but her programming would not allow her to deviate from doing menial jobs by day and being the Vampire Slayer by night. She would keep on doing her duty until the end of Time…. *End*
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