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Two bombers and eight fighters plus a never ending journey. |
In today's travel with the use of the Concorde, jets of all sizes none of these stand out as the planes within my story. World War II was frightful everyone knows that. My story surrounds some of the planes in that era. As the American bombers spotted the enemy, the Japanese fighers converged in the sky for battle. The aircraft carriers of the Japanese fighers were seen by the American bombers. Artillery ready, the fire power was exercised to the maximum. American bombers went down too quickly to count. Japanese fighers the same but more. One of our soldiers/pilots spotted eight fighers firing precisely upon the target the cockpits now carried dead bodies to their watery graves. Two American bombers lost their fight for freedom perishing also. Four components and important parts are now introduced. 1. A little boy on a plane 2. Two American bombers 3. The eight Japanese fighters 4. An aircraft carrier for the Japanese Little Cedric Stokes was upon the jet ride he and his mother took for her vacation get away. Seated next to the window, Cedric saw two old looking planes flying beside on the right side. Cedric was able to unfasteen his seat belt to see on the other side of the plane where he spotted eight planes all with the red circle on white with the red rays spanning out over the rest of the flag. These last planes he saw were eight in number, all in formation. What was their purpose? Where did they come from? What was their destination? Questions I'll answer in the rest of my story. The eight Japanese fighters were looking for the aircraft carrier. The two American bombers were looking actually for themselves for having something that would benefit today's world on board. Cedric got the flight attendant to have the pilot to see him. Not wanting to disappoint the young passenger, the pilot came to him. The bombers and fighters still alongside of the jet caused an alarmed look on the face of the pilot. He hurriedly tried to make contact with the bombers but of course was unable. Being fluent in Japanese, he did the same for the fighters with no answer, of course. One knowledgeable passenger, a doctor or professor was on board. His name was Professor Ludvic Trapp. He told the pilot of the circumstances which caused the planes to be out there. In World War II, the bombers and the fighers had got to that location in the sky when both sides were shot down. Professor Trapp had a clear recollection of the events that brought these planes to an abrupt end. Subcribing to the details laid out by the professor, the pilot fount a map of the area. Up ahead was found the barrakcs of the pilots in the bombers. Run down, delapadated old quarters in ruins were seen from the air. The carrier for the Japanese fighters was recorded having gone down in the bottom of the ocean years ago. Now the story is told over and over again for the same two bombers and eight fighters have been spotted again and again. When both get to a certain point in the sky, the bombers vere off to the right and the fighters vere off to the left to continue their missions that ended sometime ago but they keep coming back. |