Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/506490-So-Long-My-Sweet
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #506490
Young girl takes her revenge back on her X! co author Mark Miller
"You came back because you love me."
"That isn't why."
"Then why?"
"I don't know!"
"Admit it than, you love me."
"Stop saying that!"
"Kiss me, and I'll stop saying it."
"I don't want to kiss you."
"Yes you do." He whispered, "It won't hurt a bit" and then she was in his arms, her bare skin against his her mouth sought by his for their first true kiss.

Expecting boyish haste, she was astonished when he began to kiss her quiet slowly. His lips were gentle against hers. Without thinking she opened her mouth and he accepted her gift.

Suddenly his self-control seemed to rip away the years from her. She became the impatient adolescent, anxious to explore his body and touch and caress it. She wanted to taste and devour him.

"Hush!" he whispered "There's no hurry.. I am not going anywhere."

She longed for him to be rough and forceful, to take her breath away, to ravish her. She shifted her thighs, trying to rub herself against him.

Mark laughed softly, "I never realized I was so desirable. Did you want me this much when you where sixteen?"

Shocked, she began to struggle but Mark was too quick for her, stopping her mouth with his lips and stilling her body by simply pressing his own down upon hers.

How dare he!

She felt fear, and yet the fear excited her even more. His thigh was between hers now, it was obvious that she was so aroused she couldn't think straight. He laughed again, the sound vibrating in her mouth.

"Say it"
"I love you"

His arms and legs clamped around her.

"Now I've got ya, bitch!"

But it wasn't Mark saying that, this man voice was low and scratchy and gleeful.

This wasn't Mark at all, not anymore. It was a stranger, face bloody and eyes bulging, squeezing her so hard with his arms and legs, that she was sinking deep into the soft bulges of his body, being enveloped by him. She tried to scream, his mouth covered hers. His writhing lips felt slimy. He stuck his tongue into her mouth. Only it wasn't his tongue. Slimy prickly cockroaches started shoving itself in her mouth. She screamed.

Suddenly she came wide-awake, and found herself staring up through the water.


She pushed herself through the surface, choking and spitting water.

Well that's the last time I daydream about Mark in the water, she thought as she climbed out of the pool.

Stepping away from this oasis, her still naked body reflected the small beads of water racing down the contours of her sun-kissed and glistening skin, "Oh my soul, why do you plague me so?" Wrapping the plush blue and white towel about her chest and waist, her mind drifting for a moment toward the ever-familiar image of her passionately wanton lovers embrace.

"Why are you so far from me?" She questioned distraughtly, her voice softly pitched cracking with the weight of her desire. "Oh, to have you with me again," her eyebrows low and firmly positioned over the eyes reflecting a temptresses glare. Love and lust battled in he heart and mind, a devilishly sinister sneer formed at the corners of her mouth, a mouth she'd used so many years ago to analyze every inch of his frame. A taste on her tongue, like the taste of his kiss caused her knees to weaken with remembrance, the memory of their passion regularly plaguing her mind, as if their intimate exchange had occurred only moments ago and not years earlier.

Her lustful imagination waned throughout the afternoon and into the evening.

Her ample breasts heaved forward as she sat up in bed raising her arms to the sky and yawning. A snowstorm had replaced the broadcast she'd dozed-off watching on the television only moments earlier. With a touch of the red button, she laid the remote on the nightstand and paused to look through the still opened blinds of her window. "Your out their somewhere, I wonder what your doing," twisting the dowel rod, she drew the star filled evening slowly out of her sight. Turning the lights down, she walked from the bedroom into the bathroom. Moving the phallic shaped knob toward "H," the steamy vapor blanket quickly filled the air, the pulsating water spewing abundantly warm and ready to entice her body.

The smell of scented amber and vanilla permeating the house as the soft light of candles flickered romantically, their shadows gyrating on the walls in a seductive dance. Pulling the over-sized shirt over her head her dark brown hair to fell across the sensuous ridges of her back like waves from a great fall. Her hand within the elastic band as her mind again traveled to that evening, "Mark," she remembered how he slowly released the lacey black panties from her hips caressing her body with his fingers down the length of her thighs, passed her knees, and over her calves dropping them onto the floor around her feet. "Oh, god," she strained, rubbing her hands across the length of her neck, in between her breast's, onto her stomach just below her waist, "oh what I wouldn't do." Standing naked and kicking the panties out of the way, she turned again toward the distorted glass of the shower door taking the handle in her right hand.

As she pulled the door slightly open a banging sound emanated from somewhere in the house. Hello! She called...hello...hello! Again there was no reply. Walking down the corridor toward the front room of the house a chilled feeling matched the chill of the air conditioning causing her nipples to fully erect. Turning on the light in the corridor she looked around the house, it appeared empty, just like she'd left it. "I must be going nuts," Turning again toward the bathroom, an eerie feeling meshing with the air and sending a shiver down her spine.

The warmth of the shower was a welcomed change from the cool air of the house. She stood for a moment, silently allowing the water to wash over her chest and down the front of her body. She didn't feel right, not scared, but not normal, there was something going on in the house, she felt sure of it, but what? She'd never had a break-in, no robberies had ever occurred in her neighborhood, at least none that she was aware of, still, something was different. Turning, allowing the water to brush across her back, the lights were low and steam had fogged the shower door completely. Try as she might, she couldn't get the feeling to go away, she paused every few seconds thinking she'd heard a noise, "what are you doing? she thought there's nothing there, now stop it."

The water flowed into her hair as the white soapy suds washed down her body. "There it is again." The distinct sound causing her to quickly rinse the soap from her hair and face. She turned toward the fogged shower door and with her hand wiped a clear path, fright gripped her by the heart as the distorted figure took shape in the doorway of her bathroom, the lighted corridor contrasted the dimly lit bathroom causing the figure to silhouette. Aaaaaayyyyyy! She screamed, dropping the shampoo bottle to the ground. Who is it? Who's there? What do you want? She screamed. To which the figure did not respond. Who are you? Answer me...answer me.

The soft orange glow at the end of the cigarette burned and faded as the mysterious voice spoke,

"Hello Brenda...sssshhhhhhhhh."

"Who are you?" Her voice relaxing at the familiar sound of the strangers figures tone.

The soft orange glow from his cigarette dropped to the waste of the mysterious stranger, "don't worry yourself, I mean you now harm, you know me well," the voice replied.

"Oh my god," she exclaimed, her voice reflecting sorrow, joy, and want. I've waited so long to hear that voice and now I don't know what to do, she silently thought as the water from the shower began to turn cold.

Turing off the water and opening the door, she looked at his face, a face she'd seen in countless dreams, for countless years. "You look like I remember." She stepped out of the shower, her nakedness unnoticed by her and the man as they made eye contact for the first time in years. "You broke my heart you ass-hole."

The stranger, standing silently, reached for the towel hanging on the wall to his right. "Come over here, let me dry those beautiful eyes."

"Fuck you!" she blurted back at his offer. Why would I want anything to do with you after what you did to me?

"Come over here." his voice soft and inviting prompted Brenda.

"I can't, Mark," she proclaimed still dripping wet from her shower exit.

"Come over here," he repeated.

She walked toward Mark, her voice again reflecting her passionate disfavor. Try as she did, Brenda could not resist the invitation of the man she'd so longed to b next to again. "I won't," she said as she continued to walk toward him, "I won't let you..."

"Ssshhhhh, come to me."

"I won't do it," her body reflecting the opposite of her voice as she came to within a couple of feet of him, her face staring down at the floor, mumbling toward him, her words were almost unrecognizable, "why...why are you...you...why did you...? You broke my heart you son-of-a-bitch!" Smacking Mark in his face.

The two stood looking deeply into each others eyes for a moment, a flood of memories roaring back into clear view, as if they'd left each other only moments before. (SMACK!) she hit his face again, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Turning his face again toward her's, his tear-filled eye's caught her off guard. She couldn't help herself as the weight of the moment caused her to plunged toward him, backing him out of the bathroom and against the corridor wall. Her breast mashed into his masculine chest as her lips devoured his lips. She could not resist the flood of desire left by years of his absence from her life. "Oh god" she spoke softly as she grabbed her breath continuing the vigorous exchange of passion.

She ran her hands from the edges of his broad shoulder's up the length of his neck, across his face and around the back of his head clutching in her two fists his strawberry blond hair. Forcefully pulling his head backwards, she ran her lips up and down his neck as a vampire sinking her teeth into her next victim. "Oh my god..." she sighed as the passionate groans of lust emanated from the lovers embrace.

His hands freely ran down the length of Brenda's thighs and then slowly returned along the same path, he gently grasped at her butt, clutching one cheek in his right hand the other in his left before forcefully squeezing. The strength of his touch making her wince in pleasure and pain. He pulled his hands, one under the other up her spine, his fingers digging into her flesh as if trying to rip it from the bone. Grabbing the back of her still wet hair, he pulled it down, her face jerking back uncontrollably, he sunk his teeth softly into her neck and clutched her left breast I his right hand. Caressing her nipple with his tongue and lips, she moaned in agreement with his vigor.

"Take me Mark, she pleaded, take me please..."

Plunging his mouth around hers he scooped her into his strong arms and walked toward her bedroom, their kiss lasting the entire length of their journey.

"Oh god, I want you so...I want you now...right now."

Mark sneered in-passionately as Brenda ripped the navy blue shirt from off his back, tearing it into rags as she pulled it from about his neck and arms. She grabbed at the waist of his khaki pants, and forcefully tugged them toward her. Her hands worked with skill as she loosened the fly and unclasped the button. Drawing her hands around Mark's waist, she sunk them into his back freeing the pants, as she grabbed at his butt. She tore the pants to around his ankles, he was not wearing underwear, and she smiled. Looking at his naked body, reflecting her own, she could see her stimulating will was matched only by his fully aroused desire for her.

She smiled at him and he at her as she thrust him back against the bed, his head buried in a mound of pillows. As she reached for the lamp on the bedside, he ran his fingertips across her stomach, over her breast's, and stopping on her chin. He wanted her and
she wanted him.

She laid her head down and watched Mark sleep like the first time. She even had a headache like before.

Memories of the past came rushing back. It was the same hotel they both came to on New Years Eve. She was sixteen and madly in love. He was twenty-two.

They went to a party earlier but left right after the fireworks, because Mark mentioned being tired and having an early shift the next day.

Brenda remembered laying down on this same bed except she couldn't fall asleep that night. It was the first time in her life sleeping near a man. She was overwhelmed with fear and excitement.

In the middle of the night Mark made love to her. She remembered staring at him afterwards for a long time just like now except this time he wasn't asleep but dead.

He was slim and nicely built and had a good tan. It's too bad she had to kill him.

"I am sorry - you made me do it Mark!" she wept "Why did you make love to me and dump me," she cried "remember when you kissed me good-bye, you promised to call but you never did!" she wiped the tears away with the back of her hands "I waited two years for you!!" she yelled.

Oh great now I am talking to the dead, I am must be going nuts, Brenda thought.

Tears started rolling down her face hard, and her headache started feeling like a bunch of maniacs chewing on her brains.

She crawled in between the sheets and buried her face in the pillow.

Most of her headache was gone when she woke-up. She was still face down on the bed, as if she hadn't moved at all during her nap.

She drooled all over the pillow.

The sheet underneath was sodden with her sweat. She thought how nice it would be to take a shower. *She remembered Mark coming into the shower and the feeling of seeing him again last night.

There was a very strong odor that almost made her gaga when she lifted her head slightly off the pillow than she remembered.


I killed him.

She kept her face buried in the pillow for a while.

Finally she looked at him.

His eyes where open, but he wasn't seeing her. He wasn't exactly Mark, anymore. Whatever been Mark was gone. He looked like a wax dummy that didn't quiet get it right.

She stared at the body and wondered what to do with it.

He was too big to carry out to his car. His head was already caved in from hitting really hard with the table lamp. That's what killed him.

There was no choice.

She dragged his body into the bathroom straddled his butt, and grabbed him by the knobs of his hipbones and hauled him up bring him higher and pushing him into the tub.

Brenda was exhausted but she had work to do. She turned on the water closed the bathroom door, grabbed the keys to the hotel and left.

She came back half-hour later with a huge butchers knife she bought from across town.

With the butcher's knife, she removed both his arms. They didn't come off as easily as his head. You need a couple of good blows to whack them off. It's not that easy with the shower water running either, so she had to really work on it. The arms where easy compared to the legs.

When she had Mark down to his torso she got the Hefty garbage bags out and dump it in. She needed four bags to pile all his parts in.

Exhausted she stumbled away from the bathroom, and laid down on the bed. It felt wonderful minus the stink. She laid back panting for air, sweat pouring off her naked body.

Eventually she pulled herself up and got dressed.

Every hour she took two bags and put them into the trunk of Mark's car. It was too early in the morning for anyone to notice anyway.

When she was done with the bags she cleaned all the blood from the bathroom, removed the bed sheets wrapped it tightly and put it in a plastic bag she intended to take with her.

Brenda finally checked out of the hotel. She went out to Mark's car and drove the car down to White Oaks

It would be at least a couple of days until they find the car and body. Brenda thought.

When she got there she wiped the car clean inside and out incase of fingerprints. She left the keys in
the ignition, hoping some moron would steal the car.

She checked her watch she had two hours left. Brenda went into the mall, picked up the public phone and ordered a cab.

While waiting for the cab she went into the ladies room and got herself cleaned up. She threw the plastic bag with the bed sheets underneath the women sanitary dirty napkins.

When she came out of the ladies room she felt fresh and renewed. The cab was already waiting for her.

"Where to ma'am? Asked the cubby cab driver.
"Where you heading to?" he asked.
"Back to Paris."

© Copyright 2002 Lulublue is losing her mind (lulublue at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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