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Are you exploring all of Writing.Com? You might be surprised if you venture out. |
Adventures in Storyland By Marilyn Mackenzie ![]() ![]() Exploring at Writing.Com can be quite an adventure. New words can be the day’s adventure – in English, Spanish or French. Emotions can be stirred, and new friends can be the result of sharing kind words or constructive criticisms. Most folks arrive here because they’ve been invited to visit by a friend. They settle in, to rate the writings of their friend; perhaps they even try writing something of their very own. They may even step out a bit further into the Writing.com realm by finding a few favorite authors and a forum or two. But for many, the experience ends right there. The Writing.Com adventure shouldn’t stop with what’s familiar to us. There are so many portfolios to explore, so many different kinds of writings to find here! Venture out into places, categories, you wouldn’t normally visit. Each of us have favorite writers, favorite categories, to explore. Reading them is like sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa. It’s comfortable, friendly and warm. But there is so much more to life – to Writing.Com – than one or two categories or one or two friends. Venture out of your comfort zone. You might just be pleasantly surprised. You might learn something. You might even discover a lonely and discouraged writer about to give up on writing because no one has visited his or her portfolio. Another writer shared about the experience of exploring the category “none” or “other.” A few nights ago, I discovered a rarely visited category – documentary. How neglected this category seemed. I visited a few pieces that had been written in April and had never been rated. How sad. How lonely that writer must have been. Not everyone has discovered the many ways to advertise and plug their own writings. Thankfully, we now have ways of finding newbies and can welcome them and offer a helping hand to them. But what of the writers lost in space, in places where no one ever ventures. After clicking “read” you’ll discover numerous categories listed at the bottom of the page. You’ll find listings for Biographical, Business, Fashion, Food/Cooking, and many other categories to explore. Take a look around. Spend time exploring the vast and wonderful place called Writing.Com. You might just find a lonely soul just waiting to be noticed, rated and reviewed. You might just discover a new friend. And, something you read today might inspire you to write something tomorrow.
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