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Rated: E · Other · Mystery · #477337
Shame on kim and jennifer, or wait, was it them? Dreams VS reality
As Kim walked down the aisle of the electronic store she really wished she had 5,000 dollars.
“Hey, let’s talk,” said Kim’s friend Jennifer.
Jennifer half pulled Kim to the bathroom. When they got there Jennifer looked around suspiciously
“What do you think? We need some money and you know it.”
“Yeah I guess so,” said a bewildered Kim
“I think we should rob this place.” Jennifer said excitedly
“Uh, no I uh don’t think that’s a good…”
“You see all we have to do is wait until the guy at the register goes to the back of the store.” Jennifer had a habit of interrupting, but it didn’t bother Kim much until now.
“No Jenn, its wrong you should know that!” Protested Kim
“Then we crack open the register and walk out.” continued Jennifer as though she hadn’t heard Kim.
“But Jenn, what if we get caught?”
“Fine! Don’t be a good friend, don’t do this with me. You can just go, leave, walk away. I always knew you were a flake!” said an angered Jennifer
“Okay, okay, I’ll do this with you but I’m not taking anything.”
Jennifer and Kim stayed in the shadows for a while until they saw the man make his way to the back of the store.
“Lets go.” whispered Jennifer
As Jennifer pulled a bobby pin from her pocket, they made their way to the cash register, and Kim had a sudden idea.
“If I do take something, I’ll have that 5,000 dollars I’ve always wished for.” she thought to herself
Kim stood at Jennifer’s side as she picked the lock with the pin. It opened without a sound and Jennifer grabbed a handful of money. Then, hesitantly, Kim took the stack of 100-dollar bills from under the tray and shoved them in her handbag. The two girls walked out of the store casually as though nothing was abnormal. Kim started to count the bills as they boarded the bus home. There were 50 bills, meaning she had the 5,000 dollars she had always wished for.

When Kim woke up the next morning she panicked. She hated and feared getting in trouble. She was so sure the dream was real. Suddenly she no longer wished for the 5,000 dollars. She rushed to her handbag and opened it. Warm relief rushed into her as she found the bag “money free”, as she hoped it would be. She continued getting ready as she normally would on a Monday morning. She went downstairs to eat breakfast and watch the news. As she flipped on the T.V. she started buttering toast. When the commercials ended she looked up to see the reporter in front of the electronic store. She dropped the knife to listen.
“The store behind me was robbed yesterday. Unfortunately the surveillance cameras were out of film, and the one employee had gone to the back room to replace it. So we have no pictures of the suspects.” said and enthusiastic reporter
“Did I…? But where’s the money?” Kim said under her breath as the doorbell sounded and the phone rang simultaneously.

As Kim pondered dreams versus reality she remembered the old adage “Be careful what you wish for.”

I wortethis story for a class assignment, i never got a grade so i want to know what u think. please rate but udont have to. =)

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