Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/474307-Rainbows-In-The-Night
Rated: E · Poetry · Family · #474307
AWARD WINNER OFF & ON THIS SITE. Tribute to my mom before her death.

Tribute To My Mom

"May We All Be Rainbow People"

"May We All Help And Heal The World"

The room is almost black but for a few dimly lit candles flickering a bed is the center of focus. There is an aura of quiet, and solitude, and ancient wisdom. We speak in low, hushed whispers; we speak of Heaven, angels, birds, and of the spirit being set free. Many hours have passed by; weeks and months; I have held a hand, talked, listened, and comforted, almost beyond my human endurance. The night is quickly growing darker; the stillness encircles and surrounds us like an enveloping shroud. Tears shower my face; I clutch the hand tighter as we say a final goodbye. The sadness I feel and the burden I bear overwhelms me to my uttermost soul; I close my eyes and raise my head in prayer.

My mind imagines a bird, where as before it was imprisoned; long trapped in a cage of pain, loneliness, and suffering; it has now been set free. This ethereal bird with wings spread wide and glistening in the sun; is now rising, dipping, gliding, full of enthusiasm. It glances back at me for one last look of farewell; it tips its wings as if giving a final wave; it soars with great expectancy, over a glorious and radiant rainbow.

Tribute to my mom written before her death.
She kept a copy to read on her wall every day until her death.
Then it was read at her funeral.

When Published By Publisher

Published 1997

Pub & Award Off this site

And Winner of Gift Points from Anna Lynne
in her Weekly Newbie Challenge Contest May 2006

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