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Rated: E · Poetry · Children's · #472080
My children of the world
** Image ID #472063 Unavailable **

My children are what's most important to me,
We love and live joyous and free,
We laugh and frolic about on Cape Cod by the sea,
We are perfectly content with just us three.

My son Brandon is fourteen, he's well mannered and polite,
He is honest, loving and giving, he never feels contrite,
He is tall for his age, he stands six feet in height,
He is always there for us, making sure thinks are alright.

He works hard at school, is the apple of the teacher's eye,
He's a caring big brother, a trusting friend, on that they can always rely,
When I watch him sleeping I'll let out a big sigh,
cause I'm remembering him as a toddler and all the days that have gone by.

I often think of his future, what kind of man will he become,
I've taught him to be respectful to others,
to strive to be the admired one,
I tell him to always remember to relax and have some fun.

Olivia my last born child, a hell raiser she can be,
She is very mature for her eight years,
knowledgable and witty is she,
She is an equestrian rider, an energetic swimmer, and is quite a companion to me.

She is hilarious when telling a story, she is a born elaborator,
and when she is angry I sometimes refer to her as "Livvy the terminator",
but her brother has his own nickname for her, he calls her "crank the alligator."

Being born with a rare disease, I was told birthing children was a pipe dream,
When I was pregnant with my son, my face was as radiant as the brightest moon beam,
an even though my delivery was as smooth as French Vanilla Cream,
The doctors were so embarressed at being wrong,
To me, they were actually mean!

So when six years passed, and I returned
expecting and elated,
My doctor was angry, curt and extremely exasperated!
He tried with all his cunningness to convince me to have my baby eliminated,
That nine months later handing me my baby daughter, I felt as a mom, completely liberated!

I have decided no more babies, for I am grateful to God for my two,
Now my life is filled with surprises, instead of being lonely and blue,
When my children make me proud, as they so very often do,
I'm so glad I followed my heart, instead of the advice of the paranoid medical few.

My days are now completed, packed with homework, video games and Scooby-Doo,
They are my children, my friends, my confidants, and my own little personal crew,
They mean the whole world to me! {/C:grey}

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