Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/470787-The-King
by Jules
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #470787
A Short Story which is an analogy of Jesus' life.
In a far away land, across the vast oceans and depthless skies, lived a kingdom that was untouched by evil’s hand. This kingdom was perfect and the laws were never broken. Humans and animals lived together in peaceful harmony, and death was not a known phenomenon. Life was simple, and everyone was blissful. Life continued on as time passed, and no one seemed to age. Until one horrendous day when this kingdom was ripped apart from its seams, and wickedness ran its course, destroying the pure life as the people knew it.
Chloe was down by the well when her sister came hastening towards her in immense panic. “ It’s all gone Chloe. All of it is gone,” came the shriek from Sarah’s lips.
Chloe reached out and grabbed Sarah’s hand as a chill flushed her body. Chloe had never felt like this before, and she was frightened beyond belief. “ What’s gone?! What is it? Why do you terrify me with these words?!”
Sarah tried to remain calm, but she could not comprehend what had just happened. “ Our sheep, our goats, and all our cattle are gone,” Sarah replied hesitantly.
“That is foolish talk. They must have accidentally been freed from their pen. Look around for them,” came Chloe’s composed answer.
“No, they are gone Chloe. I saw an older man come and open the gate, transporting them onto a wagon, and hauling them away. I did not recognize the man from any of our family, friends nor acquaintances,” Sarah responded.
“Maybe father has made a deal with a stranger to trade our livestock for something in return,” Chloe again responded to Sarah’s claim.
“Come see for yourself, and your eyes will behold a sight that you have not encountered in this lifetime,” came Sarah’s unnerving reply.
And so, the sisters rushed back to the farm, and they both saw evil’s first strike against their perfect kingdom. What was to come would be more shocking than any human has ever laid eyes on, and human kind would forever be changed.

“ Devastation has hit our people again Master. This raging tempest has already destroyed family relationships, and friendships that were formed since birth. Our armies have tried to stop its forceful combat, but they have come away massacred. There is nothing left to do, and so we surrender all our power to you. What can be done sir?”
“I have a plan, and I know it can be done. The only problem is the payment.”
“Payment Master? Why would there have to be a payment? We rarely pay for anything.”
“The time has come, and I have been dreading its arrival, but I knew it would be here sooner or later. I have known about it since I was born, and this plan was written on my heart. Now it must be carried out.”

“ This here man was caught ending the life of Mr. Binum, and running away from the scene with the evidence in his hands.”
“Take him to the King. He will know what to do.”
“ His name is Calvin, and he was caught acting on immoral urges.”
“ Here it goes everyone, the plan has to commence, and it begins now.”

“ What is the king talking about? What kind of plan? I didn’t do anything to deserve such treatment. I had a little disagreement with him, what’s wrong with that?”

The day had come for the reckoning, and the King started to sound ridiculous. He locked himself in his royal quarters and began to create a new list of laws for the people of his kingdom. When he re-emerged from his imprisoned state, he began to read off everything that he had written down.

“ For every law that has been made, I have written a new law to coincide with the old.” The King began to read off the laws as the people of his kingdom watched on him patiently. “ For every life taken, execution must be permitted. For every theft, possessions must be taken. For every adulteress act, reproduction must be prevented.” The King continued on down the list as the people became weary and scared of what they may commit in their lifetime. However, the King came to the end of the list, and read it off in the most thunderous voice he could conjure. What he said was as follows:
“ For every man, women or child who has committed such an act that has been forbidden by the laws, will be pardoned and set free if they come forward with their confession and a softened heart.”

The crowd was silent, but one small voice stood out amongst the stillness. “ We are not going to punish these wicked people in their acts? Who is going to stop it from happening over and over again? Is there any way that this evil may be stopped dead in its tracks?” The crowd roared with frighten voices as they thought of the penalty this man was going to endure. But the King was solemn.

“That is the price that must be paid. I will die in the place of all of you. You will lose your king, but gain your kingdom. You will lose your Master, but gain your freedom. I will step down from my throne, and cast my crown aside. Take off my robe, and become vulnerable to the power of evil. My life is now yours. Take it.”

The crowd stood in awe as they watched the King’s speech. They whispered to each other thoughts of confusion, hatred, anger and shamefulness. They just stood there, and questioned the words of the King. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an unfamiliar army of men came bursting through the King’s courts and captured the King. The King’s people watched in amazement as this foreign army dragged their beloved King away, and they didn’t try to stop them. The King was sentenced to death for blasphemy against the laws of the Kingdom, but in fact, the King had written them himself.

The skies became dark, and thunder roared as the King was nailed to a tree. Cries of pain and anguish filled the skies, as the King was raised for all to see.

Where did this army come from? What did they want with the King? Could life still go on while their adored King died before their eyes? This King had done everything for his Kingdom, and he did not do anything wrong. Why was this happening, and who was this for? The crowd stood hushed once more as the King passed on. This had been the first death that most of the people had witnessed, and it was the death of the one person who didn’t deserve it. Pure life had died, or did it?

The body of the King was taken down from the tree and set aside for his people to take care of. The King’s highest servant reached down and caressed the King’s head in his arms. “Why did you do this? We need you! How could you abandon us like this? How are we supposed to fight off this evil? We have no power! You were our strong leader! What can we do now?”
All of a sudden, the sky lit up, scaring the shadows away from the kingdom floors. The foreign army vanished from sight. Peace came upon the kingdom, and everyone returned back to his or her homes. However, the King’s highest servant stayed with the King’s body until dusk, shouting out questions into the open air. As the servant stood up and set the King’s body back on the ground, peace flooded his body and a still, small voice could be heard in his ear. “ The ultimate price of freedom is death. Live as if your King died only for your sin.” The servant was awe struck and fell to his knees. For he was the one who stole the cattle that started evil’s reign.

© Copyright 2002 Jules (nothomeyet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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