Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/470680-Chapter-18---Their-Wedding-Night
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Emotional · #470680
They learn the true depth and meaning of their love
Chapter 18 - Their Wedding Night

         After saying goodbye to each other, including the usual promises to keep in touch, each family, and Pastor Markham went their separate ways.

         Erick and Crystal had put their casual clothes in the back of the wheelchair. After the others left, they went to work getting their clothes changed to embark in comfort on their simple, but very meaningful honeymoon.

         ”Honey, I’m sure glad it’s easier to get this ensemble off of you than it was to put it on," Erick laughed as he lowered her half slip to the floor. She held him with her arm around his neck as he picked her up to get her foot out of it.

         ”Me, too, darling,” she chuckled. “It felt like it was taking forever to get me dressed this morning, didn’t it?”

         ”Yes, Beautiful, it did,” Erick seconded, smiling. “But I loved every minute of it, honey. And I think it just felt that way because we were so anxious to get here on time and to say those wonderful vows. I love you, Crystal!” he exclaimed warmly as he laid her on the couch to begin dressing her below the waist.

         ”God, Erick,” she wailed as he put her panties on her and reached for her skirt. “You’re going to start me crying again,” she said, unable to decide whether to laugh at the idea of it or just let the tears roll.

         ”I’m sorry, baby, but I can never stop telling you how much I love you,” he said warmly as he helped her sit up and reached for her bra.

         ”I know, honey, and I really do love you for that,” she said as she pulled herself together. Erick fastened the bra and reached for her blouse.

         After loading up their gifts in the truck, Erick and Crystal drove to her parents’ house to pack their clothes and say goodbye to Al and Helen. Erick and Crystal would be leaving the next morning for the drive back to Lexington.

         An hour and forty minutes later they gave their truck keys to the valet, and watched with care as all their luggage and gifts were put on a cart and rolled into the lobby of the top-rated hotel in town. It was one of the old early 20th- century places that had been meticulously cared for over the years. The ones most of us have seen only in pictures. Genuine marble floor in the lobby, spit-and-polish marble and solid hardwood staircase up all ten floors. And elevators with those brass-plated doors and the old half-circle, rotary dials above them showing which floor each one was currently on. Now you’ve got it. That type of luxury hotel. And the place they would spend their wedding night. Naturally, in the Bridal Suite.

         ”Can you believe our church paid for this?” Crystal squealed as they reached the registration desk.

         ”I told you they were good people, sweetheart, and I meant that,” Erick began, “but this is even a surprise to me.”

         ”May I help you folks?” asked the clerk.

         ”Even the old fashioned hospitality to go with the décor,” Erick said, smiling. “Yes, you should have a reservation for Metcalf. Erick.”

         ”Yes, sir, we pride ourselves on our hospitality. You may be surprised to learn that most of our employees have been here their entire careers, including me,” he said proudly. “I think you’ll be very pleased with our service. Ah, yes, Mr. Metcalf. It’s right here,” he said, lifting the card from the reservation drawer. Ah! The Bridal Suite! Congratulations to both of you!” he said, grinning. Erick and Crystal looked at each other. The clerk’s enthusiasm was even making them smile.

         ”Thank you,” Crystal blushed.

         ”You’re quite welcome,” he said. “Roy!” he called to a uniformed gentleman a short distance away.

         ”Yes, Frank?” Roy said as he approached the desk.

         ”Take this lovely couple to the Bridal Suite, my good man!” he proclaimed.

         ”It would be my pleasure,” Roy said warmly. He took hold of the cart containing their baggage and gifts. “Follow me, Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf!” he said with a hearty tone. Erick and Crystal quickly decided the desk clerk could be right. Roy looked to be in his late 50’s. Slightly graying hair, but not much of a belly on him. And he sure didn’t act his age.

         ”Roy, if you don’t mind my asking, how long have you worked here? You sure seem to like your job,” Erick asked as they piled into the elevator.

         ”I don’t mind a bit, Mr. Metcalf. I’m 56 and I’ve worked here for 33 years. I don’t like my job, I love it. The people you work with are great, and so are many of the people you meet,” he said as he looked Erick and Crystal right in the eye. “Like you two.”

         ”What’s so special about us?” Crystal asked, wonderfully surprised at such an open compliment, but also curious.

         "I can answer your question better, Mrs. Metcalf, if I can be straightforward with you both without your being disturbed by it,” Roy said. “In my job I have to be careful not to offend the customers.”

         ”Please do,“ Erick said. “I’d like to know, too.”

         ”Thank you, both of you. Alrighty then,” said Roy. “I’m making an assumption, Mrs. Metcalf, that you have never been married before. Have you?”

         ”No, I haven’t Roy. I’m 18. Why?”

         ”But you have, Mr. Metcalf?”

         ”Yes, once,” Erick said. He knew that both he and Crystal were intrigued about where this was going.

         ”You two are special for two reasons,” Roy continued. “You’re not afraid to live your life for yourselves despite what others may think. You’ve got the plain old-fashioned guts to do it. It’s obvious he’s old enough to be your father,” Roy said to Crystal. “Yet you’re not afraid to love him as a man. And you,” he said to Erick, “were not afraid to go after the love of your heart, despite what others would say about your ages. And the second reason is, if I may say so, Mrs. Metcalf, that neither of you gave up on a life together because of your handicap. Pardon me, I mean your disability. We have to refer to it as a disability now,” he apologized. “You haven’t let that stop the two of you, either. You learn a lot about people in a job like this, especially over 33 years. I’ve seen a lot of young couples come through here. Some loaded with cash they inherited or won in a lottery, or at a casino. Expensive clothes, cars, and all the rest. And some come in here in ordinary clothes, drivin’ a Chevy instead of a BMW, working every day of their lives, with barely enough cash for the room and their meals. I’ll give you one guess who’s happier. You tell me, Mrs. Metcalf. Because most of the couples I’m talking about here are within ten years or so of your age. Who’s happier?”

         ”My first thought is that you’d say the ones with the money,” Crystal said.

         ”I didn’t ask you what I thought,” Roy laughed. "I asked who do you think is the happiest?”

         ”I’m going with the couples that barely have the money,” Crystal said without hesitation.


         ”Because they’re going to make sure they only spend that hard-earned money on the things that are truly important to them. They’ll enjoy their stay here a lot more than that couple with all the money. Because it’s something they wanted to do.”

         ”Right you are, Mrs. Metcalf!” Roy shouted. Erick and Crystal both grinned, thoroughly enjoying the conversation. “To that couple with the money this is just another place to stay overnight on their road of life. To that struggling couple, though, their stay with us will be something they’ll fondly remember for the rest of their lives. And I just flat-out enjoy being a part of that moment in their lives, and watching that happen for them. Of seeing the wide, warm smiles on their faces when they leave, and knowing I had a part in putting them there,” Roy said warmly as the elevator doors opened. “Follow me, folks!” he said as he pulled the cart down the long hallway. He unlocked the huge, ornate double doors and pushed them open. "After you, Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf!”

         Erick grinned and set the brakes on the wheelchair. Walking around in front of it, he reached out, leaning over to embrace Crystal. “Stand up, darling,” he said lovingly, that huge grin still on his face.

         ”God, Erick, you’re really going to do it, aren’t you?” she wailed as tears filled her eyes.

         ”Yes, darling, I am,” he said warmly and tenderly as he scooped her up in his arms.

         ”God, I love you, Erick,” she cried as the tears streamed down her cheeks. She laid her head on his shoulder, still looking ahead in anticipation. Roy smiled widely, warmly yet silently, seeing the love for each other that Erick and Crystal had in their eyes as he watched Erick carry Crystal over the threshold of that Bridal Suite. Shortly, he followed them in, pushing the wheelchair ahead of him with one hand, pulling the cart behind him with the other.

         Erick had seated Crystal comfortably on the huge sofa in the main room of the suite and was pulling his wallet from his pocket as Roy entered.

         ”Where would you folks like me to put these?" Roy asked, grinning.

         ”In the bedroom, please, Roy,” said Erick. As soon as Roy was out of sight, Erick motioned to Crystal, then showed her a bill he’d pulled from his wallet and smiled. Crystal nodded wildly in agreement.

         ”There you are, folks,” Roy said as he returned, heading for the door.

         ”You sure can tell he loves his job,” Erick thought to himself. “He doesn’t even hint for a tip.” “Wait up, Roy,” he shouted, smiling. “There’s something here that belongs to you.” Roy turned and walked back to Erick.

         ”What’s that, Mr. Metcalf?” Roy asked, smiling, obviously not having a clue.

         Erick loved Roy’s dedication to his job. He smiled. “This,” Erick said, holding up a $20 bill so both Roy and Crystal could see it. ”We’re sure not millionaires, Roy, but you sure are making our stay here the most enjoyable one we’ve ever had, separately or together. This is for you.”

         ”Thank you, Mr. Metcalf,” Roy said warmly as he took the bill from Erick’s outstretched hand. “I won’t insult you by turning it down,” Roy said, smiling broadly.

         ”C’mon, Roy, you and I both know that old line,” Erick laughed. “You should work on something more original. One of your own for moments like this. One of your Roy-isms.” Roy let loose with a belly laugh, and Erick and Crystal grinned.

         ”You know, I think you’re right,” Roy said, grinning himself now. “Thank you both. I want you to know that you’ve made me feel even better than I felt when we entered that elevator downstairs. Thanks for making my day,” he said as he headed for the door.

         ”Thanks for making ours!” Erick and Crystal shouted after him.

         "You're very welcome," Roy said, grinning as he lifted the "Do Not Disturb" sign from the inside door handle. "I'd say it's a fair exchange!" Still smilling, he held up the sign and put it on the outside doorknob, waving to them. Erick and Crystal shouted together, "Thanks, Roy!", just before those big, ornate double doors closed behind him, leaving them to their private thoughts on this special day. They knew he’d heard them.

         They were right. Roy’s wide grin stayed with him as he entered the elevator to go greet the next arrivals.

         Warmly, lovingly and with deliberate emphasis, Erick grinned and said, “Well, Mrs. Metcalf, how does it feel to have those rings on your finger at last, and see that I really meant what I asked you three years ago when I asked you to marry me?” He quietly sat down beside her on the couch and took her hand in his, playing with the rings.

         ”God, Erick,” she said, laying her head on his shoulder, a dreamy look in her eyes. “I can’t even begin to put how wonderful I feel into words. The biggest thing, for me, will always be the fact that the accident not only didn’t change your mind, but that you never even gave it a thought. And knowing that one fact tells me more about how deeply you love me then almost anything you’ve ever said to me. I love you, sweetheart, with all that I am, and I’ll always be grateful for your love. I need you!” she wailed as tears of love began freely flowing down her face, and over his shirt. He let go of her hand, put his right arm around her shoulders, nudging her to lean forward just a little. When she did, he slid that arm behind her shoulders, and pulled her to him.

         ”Go ahead, Angel. Let it out. Your dreams have come true, darling. And nothing makes me happier than being a part of making them come true, and seeing the love and joy on your face that I see right now. I’ll love you forever, Crystal, my love, and I will be right by your side for the rest of your life. Because I need you just as much as you need me. Never forget that, darling!”

         A few minutes later, her eyes dry, Erick asked, “Sweetheart, how would my lovely wife like to make use of our remaining evening time?” He squeezed her tightly and kissed her forehead.

         ”Darling, what would you say to ordering a light dinner from room service, watching our wedding video, then um… getting a little more… comfortable?” She grinned shyly at him.

         ”That sounds good to me, honey,” he said warmly. “But are you sure you’re up to dealing with all those tears? You know you’re going to be crying pretty hard before the tape is done,” he said lovingly, squeezing her at the same time.

         ”I know I’m a very emotional person, especially so soon after the accident, darling, and I thank you for putting up with me. Yes, I’ll do just fine, baby. I need to see it. I’m being typically female here, sweetheart. There’s a part of me that still has trouble believing it really happened. You know - it’s too much like a fairy tale. I know that when that realization hits I’ll probably cry like a baby. But part of me needs the proof in front of my eyes. You know - that you still married me even after the accident. That you really and truly went through with it. Most brides don’t have their choice. They don’t have the tape. We do. I need this. I’ll be fine, darling, OK?”

         ”How can I deny my bride a request like that, you gorgeous girl?" he asked, grinning. Crystal giggled and shivered as Erick kissed her cheek and nibbled her right earlobe.

         They looked at the menu that had been on the coffee table, and ended up choosing two different appetizer samplers. “Not the best nutritional combination, is it?” Erick laughed. “Chicken fingers and cheese sticks.”

         ”True,” Crystal said, smiling, "but it is our wedding night, lover. We’re allowed to skip nutrition if we want. Besides - I um… don’t want to feel too full later. When we um… enjoy ourselves,” she blushed deeply, a look of total love in her eyes.

         ”That’s exactly why I’m not complaining about a light dinner, Beautiful!” he said, that look of total love reflected in his own eyes. Erick phoned room service and placed their order, then put the wedding tape in the VCR. Once the food had arrived, he started the tape and rejoined Crystal on the couch. They snuggled together tightly as the procession started.

         ”Look at them, Erick!” Crystal shouted as she watched the two littlest family members come down the aisle. “That’s a cute look on their faces, isn’t it? You can tell they’re enjoying it because it’s different for them but that they’re nervous at the same time. I love it! I’m sure glad they made this tape for us, honey, or I would never have seen them do this! We have to thank Pastor Markham, you know!” she squealed.

         ”We will, baby, we will,” Erick laughed as he squeezed her. He was smiling inside, too. It really felt good to see her so very happy after all she’d been through. Especially the accident. Then his mood changed into the strongest love and devotion he’d ever felt for anyone in his life as he once again watched his Crystal walk down that aisle toward him. He was too choked up to speak. He looked at Crystal, only to find she was already watching him as well as the tape.

         ”It’s okay, darling,” she said as she saw the tears in his eyes and the lump in this throat. “You don’t have to say a word, sweetheart,” she said, becoming emotional herself as she leaned over and kissed him, holding his head with her hand. “I see all I need to know right now in your eyes. And I love you.”

         They both looked again at the screen as their vows began. It wasn’t long before both of them were openly crying as they heard themselves saying those wonderful words to each other all over again. Erick picked her up and sat her down in his lap so they could hold each other even tighter as they watched their exchanging of rings.

         And finally, as she watched Erick pick her up and carry her up the aisle, Crystal totally broke down in a flood of happy love and tears. Erick heard her deep sobs and held her even tighter.

         The tape done now, Erick ignored it, letting the VCR handle the rewinding chores unassisted. He squeezed Crystal with all he had as the two of them shed wonderful tears of love and joy at being so unquestionably reminded of how truly deep and wonderful their love is.

         Five full minutes later, having cried themselves out, they looked deeply into each other’s eyes. They both knew, without a word passing between them, that it was time. Erick stood up, still holding her, and slowly, romantically walked toward the bedroom.

         Crystal, her heart still overflowing, found herself unable to wait any longer. As Erick tenderly carried her through the suite to that special place, she was already kissing his neck, his cheek, and nibbling his earlobe. She felt his heartbeat quicken against her side, and knew, once again without words, that her beloved soulmate was feeling everything she needed to say.

         Without missing a step, Erick kicked the bedroom door closed behind them, walked slowly to the bed and with a gentle but firm squeeze first, laid her tenderly down before him. Sitting beside her, he ran his fingers through Crystal’s wonderfully long hair again. They looked in each other’s eyes as the gentleness of his strokes made her shiver with delight. They both noticed it, and smiled.

         ”I love you, Erick Metcalf,” Crystal said, so softly that Erick felt tears fill his eyes at her words.

         ”I love you, too, Mrs. Metcalf,” he said just as warmly. Their eyes were still locked on each other’s, and he had not missed a single stroke of her hair.

         ”Are you ready, my love?” Erick asked tenderly.

         ”Yes, my darling, I am. Um… sweetheart?”

         Erick noticed a touch of fear in her voice. ”What, honey?”

         ”You’re not… disappointed that… we’ve already done it the first time, are you? That… I’m not a virgin for you tonight?”

         Erick had always known she wanted this night to be perfect for him just as he did for her. But he had been unprepared for this deep an expression of that desire on her part. As the tears cascaded down his face, he took her hand in his. “Sit up please, darling,” he said through his tears as he helped her. Then he embraced her, squeezing her with all he could muster. As the tears continued, Erick said, “No, no, no… God, no I’m not disappointed, my love. How in the world can I be? All I have are truly happy thoughts. I was fully able to give you what you needed that night, when you really needed it for yourself, and here, now, we are together, you’re wearing my rings, on our wedding night, the special moment we’ve waited these long, hard three years for.” Still holding her tightly, he leaned back just far enough to look her in the eye. Her tears had started now, too, at his words. But he wanted her to see him say it. Looking her squarely in the eye, Erick said softly, tenderly, “No, my lovely bride, I’m not disappointed in any way. We’re together, and those rings are on your finger. That’s all that truly matters to me. I love you.”

         Just as her question had been too much for him, his answer was too much for Crystal. All her fears about that important moment vanished in a rush of deep, racking sobs as she buried her face in Erick’s chest. He knew without a doubt that she had believed him, and that once again he had been able to give her just what she needed. They held each other close and let their tears flow until there were no more tears for either of them to cry. And this time, Crystal beat Erick to the punch.

         ”Darling, it’s definitely time. And I want you to know why. It’s because, now, after what we’ve just shared, this night is as special to me as that first night was, but for its own reason. Neither night can ever be repeated. Both are once in a lifetime. That night was so very special because I willingly gave my virginity to you. Something I can never get back. Tonight is very special because it’s our wedding night and our dream of this night for three long years is a reality. Our wedding night can never be repeated either, my love,” she said as she looked at the rings on her finger. “And it will mean just as much or more to both of us as that first night together. I love you, Erick. Yes, my love, it’s definitely time. I need this with my husband,” she said with deliberate emphasis. “I want this with my husband. Now. Please,” she finished, holding him as tightly as she possibly could.

         Erick was glad he had no more tears to cry. He wanted to cry buckets at her wonderful words, but he also wanted to respond as lovingly to her as she had to him. And without those tears, he had his chance. “Darling, I can’t even begin to think what I would have done if you had turned me down. I’ve never been in love with anyone in my life as deeply as I love you, and will be forever thankful for your wonderful, precious love. I love you,” he finished as he reached for the top button of her blouse. “You’re right, my love, it’s time. It’s the perfect time. I love you.”

         Crystal, also fresh out of tears, looked at Erick with the deepest love in her eyes that she’d ever felt as he undressed her so tenderly. It felt, to her, as if he’d saved his most tender, loving touch for this moment. “Thank you, my love,” she said softly, almost inaudibly. Erick heard the sincerity of her words in the lack of volume in her voice, and smiled.

         ”I knew you would thank me, darling, because you wanted to. But you didn’t have to, you know,” he said even more softly as he motioned for her to lay down so he could finish undressing her. “Remember, my beautiful bride,” he said lovingly, looking right in her eyes. “I married you because I love you. That’s the biggest reason, yes, but I’m being selfish here, too,” he said smiling. “I had to marry you.” Watching her eyes intently he said, “I had to. Because I’ve known for three long years that I can’t live without you. So I had no choice. I love you, Mrs. Metcalf!” he said, the emphasis once again deliberate. He leaned down and kissed her. She willingly opened her mouth to receive his tongue and used her arm to pull him even closer.

         As they kissed, Erick remembered her nervousness that first night they’d been together, about what he’d think of her body. Even though they’d been together for weeks now, he had decided to make certain she felt no trace of that fear tonight. As he stood up a moment later, he said just as softly, “Okay, my lovely bride, you just relax and let your husband get a good, long look at that beautiful, attractive and very desirable body of yours while I get um… comfortable. OK, gorgeous?”

         Crystal couldn’t speak. She was blushing too hard to utter a sound, and she loved the look on Erick’s face as he looked her up and down. It was filled with more love, devotion and desire for her than she’d ever seen, and yet a look of knowing satisfaction that he’d made her realize, once again, how truly attractive and desirable she is to him.

         As he approached the bed, and with their eyes locked on each other as they had been that first night, Crystal positioned herself to welcome him. Into her embrace, and to their first union as husband and wife.

         Not one word passed between them as they became one. They needed no words. With the depth of their love, their eyes said it all. For both of them. The only audible sound was a welcoming, thankful moan of love from Crystal as they united.

 Chapter 19 - The Next Day  (ASR)
Memories, an even deeper love and a special surprise
#738614 by Incurable Romantic

© Copyright 2002 Incurable Romantic (jwilliamson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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