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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fanfiction · #469277
The present 'trio' become...fathers?

~~~~Chapter Eight: Congratulations - It's A Boy!~~~~

A pin could be heard in Albus Dumbledore's office as the three boys from the 'past' found themselves now face to face with their 'future' counterparts. Rather two adult men and one giant black dog. It was clear that the looks of apprehension, fear, and astonishment were on all sides however. Not one of them really knowing what to do, nor even what to say.

Oddly enough it was Hermione who finally broke the silence. 'This...is definitely getting stranger by the moment...' she said quietly, glancing between everyone.

'You said a mouthful 'Mione, though I don't think strange half covers it,' Ron said giving odd glances to the younger Sirius and Remus, and again he glared at the young Severus.

'We are not zoo animals you know. And why do you keep glaring at Severus that way err....Ron? What's he ever done to you?' the younger Remus said a bit irritably, noticing the glares even if no one else might have.

'What's he ever done - ' Ron began however was cut off by a sharp glare from Hermione.

'Ron,' Hermione said warningly, 'It's obvious that the err..Sn...er...Severus over there,' she pointed a finger at the young Severus, 'is not the same one as our err...Professor Snape.'

'Cripes, you mean he really is a Professor here? Anyone have a broom on them, think I have some words...or rather a broom...to eat,' the younger Sirius said with a wavery laugh, then blushed a bit and tried to hide behind Remus.

'As always the observant one, Ms. Granger,' Professor Snape said in a sarcastic tone of voice, finally snapping out of the stupor he had been in at the sight of a 'younger' version of himself. Turning to Albus he said in a clipped, cold voice, 'Care to explain what is going on here, Headmaster? Or are you going to be your usual cryptic self and tell us virtually nothing?'

'There are a few explanations I could care to give, Severus, however I'm not sure myself yet what exactly has happened. I will tell you things as I see them so far though. Snuffles if you would be so kind as to join us in your human form first...then we can proceed,' Albus said nodding at the dog, who was oddly enough backing away from the 'younger' Sirius far as he could.

At Albus's words the dog turned to face the headmaster then gave him a slight nod and transformed. Seconds later the adult version of Sirius Black was standing before everyone, wearily eyeing the young Sirius before him, an odd look on his face. 'I'll tell you this much...they don't smell like us, Remy' he said in a strange voice.

'You would know that wouldn't you, Black. Smelling yourself and Lupin often these days are you?' the older Severus said with a low, venomous tone.

'It's far better then smelling you, you greasy haired slimy Slytherin git,' Sirius muttered under his breath, causing the older Remus to chuckle slightly and shake his head. 'And what's so funny, Remus?' he said scowling.

'You two will never change will you, why I even try anymore is beyond me. I am wondering what you meant though, Sirius. What do you mean by he doesn't smell like us?' Remus said turning his gaze back to his own younger self a moment.

'Give him a sniff, you'll see what I mean, Remy,' Sirius said pointing a finger towards the younger Remus.

As the older Remus took a hesitant step towards the younger version of himself, the young Remus looked up at his counter part and did something that caused the other people in the room to become a bit startled. The younger Remus was not being hesitant at all, and stood nearly nose to nose with his older self. A mocking expression came across his lips and said in a low, almost threatening growl, 'You can't win...but let's play the game anyway shall we?'

The younger Sirius stepped forwards quickly and took Remus's arm saying sharply, 'Moony don't!' at the same time oddly enough the younger Severus took hold of Remus's other arm and said in a pleading, worried voice, 'Re, no!'

The younger Remus ignored the words though, and suddenly a staring contest was now going on between the two Remus's. It was clear to everyone in the room something major was going on between the two as both of their eyes were turning yellow and both were emanating a low growl towards each other. After nearly five minutes in which not a soul in the room moved nor spoke, the older Remus blinked and shuddered, then stepped back with an ashen look on his face. He whimpered softly and shook his head, closing his eyes as if he was in pain, then shuddered again before reopening them dazed.

The younger Remus however gave a low, husky chuckle, shook his friends hands off from his arms and stepped back with a very satisfied smirk now on his face. 'I told you that you couldn't win. I give you credit for lasting as long as you did though,' he sneered at the older Remus.

'Well I didn't foresee that, I'll admit. I do hope however that the two of you can come to terms with the outcome and be civil towards each other gentlemen, in view of things as they are,' Albus said clearing his throat, then gave both Remus's a questioning look.

'Err....anyone want to tell me what the hell just happened?' the older Sirius said concerned for his friend and glancing at him worriedly.

'Obviously you don't much 'bout Werewolves do you, surprising for someone who's obviously with one,' the younger Sirius said giving the his older self a strange look. Turning to the younger Remus however a huge grin spread across his face and he nodded encouragingly at him. 'Nice work, Moony! Have to say you had me worried there for a moment mate, but I've never seen you lose one of those yet,' he said jovially.

'I agree, had me pretty worried as well. Given the changes though, I should have known it would be a given that you would stake the claim over him,' the younger Severus said with a knowing grin at his friend.

All of a sudden the older Severus seemed to remember something he'd remember from long ago, and turning to Albus said in a strange voice, 'You have got to be kidding me. If that was what I think it was....you can bloody well find yourself another Potion's Master until one, if not both of them, are gone. I will not subject myself to such utter humiliation a second time,' Severus said giving both Albus, and oddly enough the older Remus a very cold look.

The younger Severus looked up at that comment and a smirk came across his face. 'Oh I see, sounds like another Slytherin has had their hands in the Gryffindor biscuit jar. What's the matter, couldn't handle it? Was he too much for you, or were you just not good enough for him?' he said cooly towards his older counterpart, whilst getting stared in confusion by everyone in the room except the younger Remus who was blushing and the younger Sirius who was just all out stunned.

The younger Sirius however seemed to understand full well what was going on and looked up angrily now at the younger Severus, then gave a strange accusing look to the younger Remus. 'You said you were just study partners! How could you? No wonder why you don't want to date the girls we've been picking for you! Oh Remy...Remy tell me it's not true! Tell me you and he aren't...aren't...oh hell Moony tell me you are just friends!' he said downhearted all of a sudden, a strange feeling he'd never felt before suddenly started to well up in the pit of his stomach and his chest constricted at the thoughts running through his head.

'W-We are just f-friends, Siri...h-honestly we are....come on,just because I haven't b-bedded half the...g-girls...in the school...like you have...d-doesn't mean err...I-I mean...that I don't like...g-girls...I-I do. I-I told you that I-I just didn't like those particular g-girls was all...I-I'm not ready yet and err...w-we really are just f-friends, Padfoot...I-I swear it!' Remus stammered, too embarrassed and ashamed suddenly by Sirius's accusation. He wasn't going to let on to the fact he was more than surprised that Severus had let Sirius think there had been anything between them other than their friendship. Not that he hadn't dreamt of it, but he was way too convinced Severus wasn't the way he was, nor ever would be more than just his friend.

'BOYS!' a voice boomed out suddenly, causing everyone in the room to turn and face the speaker, who happened to have been none other then Albus himself. 'Now that I have you're attentions again....' he said in a less aggravated tone of voice, and though not angry was clearly reaching an annoyed stage.

'So sorry, sir,' the younger Remus said sheepishly, whilst the younger Severus said quietly, 'Please continue, Headmaster'. Sirius however said, 'Sorry Professor, we'll behave, promise,' Their older counterparts turned to stare at them in confusement at the way their younger versions seemed to just cave in under the Headmaster's words.

'Professor? If it's...umm all right....might I ask a question?' Hermione said now stepping back into the conversation.

'Of course Hermione, please go ahead,' Albus said softer now and smiled at the young girl.

'No offense but...what exactly did happen a moment ago between Professor Lupin and err...Remus?' she said, giving the older Remus a concerned glance. He was still a bit pale and shaky, and though she was able not to blush for a change at seeing him again, she was very concerned for him.

'You mean there is actually something the Know-It-All Head Girl Granger doesn't know? How utterly delightful,' Snape said in a very cold, nasty tone of voice which earned him glares from nearly everyone in the room, including his younger self. Hermione however had for the moment cast her eyes downward at the dressing down by her professor in front of her friends and the Headmaster.

'Professor Snape, you will refrain from using such words in my hearing, or in anyone else's hearing, if you would be so kind,' Albus said a sharply, and even the older Severus realised he'd stepped a touch out of queue on that comment.

'Forgive me, Headmaster,' the older Severus said in low voice, then turned back to Hermione. 'If you really want to know what happened, I suggest you ask the experts,' Snape said, and nodded his head sharply towards both the Remus's.

'I really don't see why it matters anymore,' the younger Sirius said in a lazy tone of voice. 'Remy won so who cares.'

'I happen to care. What was it that he won?' Harry said cutting into the conversation, puzzlement in his voice.

'Oh for the love of Salazar, doesn't anyone know about Werewolves here? Obviously you are friends with one, so why haven't you gotten past what they teach in school? Or at least have gone to the source himself?' Remus snorted and gazed into the air with a huff.

'Whoa...did you just say what I think you said?' Ron asked, staring at the younger Remus in total shock and backing up a step. 'I knew it, I knew you couldn't really be him. The real Remus would never have said that!' he said glaring at the younger Remus this time.

'If you will please calm down, Mr. Weasley,' Albus said giving Ron a look that said quite a bit, 'we can discuss this rationally. I will explain things in due time, but not just yet. Now please continue young Remus, so we can move on with this.'

The younger Remus nodded at Albus then turned to Hermione, this time a smile was now on his face for her and his haughtiness gone. He had felt bad at the way the older Severus had dressed her down and wanted to assure her he wasn't going to either. 'It's very simple really Hermione. I just proved who the alpha male was...and it wasn't him,' he said with a touch of prideful satisfaction in his voice.

'Alpha male? I don't understand, what's an alpha male?' Hermione asked confused.

The older Remus finally had collected himself and stepped back into the conversation, avoiding any looks at his younger self. 'It's err....well consider it a territorial issue, Hermione. When two Werewolf males are in the same place for an undetermined amount of time...one of them needs to stake claim over the other for leadership...err..amongst other things, even if there's only a pack of two. It's a domination game of sorts between our kind. We are as possessive of our territory as we are with our lifemates err...lifemate that is. However, even if I had been twenty-five years younger, I don't think I could have bested him for that claim. Which now I understand what you meant, Sirius, and you're right. They are not us,' Remus said thoughtfully.

'Lifemates? Werewolves can have more than...oh...err...never mind, dumb question,' Hermione said blushing slightly. 'I think I understand now about the territory thing though. But how could you not be stronger than him Professor?' Hermione said turning to the older Remus puzzled again.

The older Remus thankfully didn't notice the blush, but the younger version of himself did and with a slight grin turned to her. 'Because he is a pure-blood who comes from a line of pure light. I do not. My blood-line gives me a stronger advantage, I suppose in that aspect I am actually grateful to my bastard of a father in a way. Probably the only good thing he ever did for me was give me the ability to be sly, cunning and the need to dominate. Shame that he doesn't realize that sometimes I'm more like him then he thinks I am,' Remus said smirking a bit at the irony of that.

Everyone in the room except for Albus and the younger Sirius and Severus turned and stared at Remus full on. 'Sly? Cunning? That sounds more like a Slytherin attitude then any Gryffindor, and that's not possible coming from a Lupin,' the older Severus said in astonishment, echoing everyone else's thoughts as well.

'It is possible...when you are not from this world, Severus. Which is what needs to be explained,' Albus said in a matter-of-fact voice. For the next few minutes Albus then explained to the others in the room what he had figured out and part of what had been discussed already without going into too much detail. He explained that the boys were not just from the past, but a entirely different past at that.

'You honestly expect us to believe this rubbish, Headmaster? Granted I can see a few...differences...in my younger self then what I remember being like as a student, however you are asking me....all of us that is, to accept something that has never been done before? Do you think we are imbeciles?' the older Severus said with a deep scowl on his face.

'Actually, Professor, we don't know if it has or hasn't been done before. It could have happened, but no one might have ever thought to record it in either world is all,' Hermione said quietly, though it earned her a cold black-eyed gaze from her potions professor. Ignoring him this time though she continued, 'What interests me most is the stone you talked about, because that's exactly what Harry did get for Christmas from Bill...a Heka Pensive Stone.'

'Ah yes, that is what I wanted to know myself actually. Do you have it with you now by any chance, Harry?' Albus asked.

'He doesn't but I do, Professor. I picked it up right before we left the commons. Here you go,' Hermione said fishing the pink stone out of her robe pocket and handing it Albus.

Albus took the stone and closed his eyes, holding it tightly within his grasp as if he was trying to get information from it. About two minutes later he reopened his eyes and gave a small sigh, shaking his head almost sadly. 'It's as I feared then,' he said softly.

'Umm, sir? What is it you feared?' the younger Severus said worried now.

Albus turned his gaze towards the three boys. 'Without the stone you found in your world, the brother to this one if my suspicions are correct, is where the problem may lie,' he said quietly.

'You're not saying we can never go home again are you? Because we lost the stone?' the younger Remus said paling a bit now. 'Professor...we have got to home. You don't understand....we have got to go home as soon as possible...' he said and fear was clearly in his voice now.

'Remus....?' the younger Sirius said suddenly and gave his friend a strange look, then looked at Severus oddly too. 'You're not thinking what I think you're thinking...are you?'

The younger Remus turned to his friend and nodded, practically fainting now. "My father....oh Salazar, Siri...my father! When he finds out what we've done...that's we've gone...and maybe not coming back....he'll blame...oh...oh no no no no...' Remus said in a half choked sob now.

'Remus, you don't really think he would do something like that do you?' the younger Severus said totally concerned now, not only for his friend either. Much as he didn't get on that well with James or Peter, he certainly didn't wish that for them.

The younger Remus nodded and his shoulders slumped forwards. 'Oh Salazar...it'll be a scandal. He'll lose his permit and he'll think I deliberately did this to thwart him. James and Peter...he will take it out on them just because he can...because they're my friends and Gryffindor. I just know he'll do something to them anyway, it's the way he is. He'll probably...' Remus said and swallowed heavily and said in a weak voice, 'he'll...he'll probably kill them for this!'

'No...no, Remy....no you don't know that for sure. I know our Headmaster will intervene, get them away something, he knows your dad and his err...well his ways of dealing with people. Or you mum! Yeah! She will, she would never let anything happen to Jamie and Pete...right? I am right...aren't I? She wouldn't...wouldn't let your dad...I mean...she would get them away right? Tell me I'm right, Remus...for the love of Godric, tell me I'm right!' the younger Sirius pleaded, paling himself now because he knew he was grasping for any excuse not to think otherwise.

The younger Remus shook his head fiercely. 'No, Siri you're wrong, dead wrong. Mum's been with father too long now, you know he controls her when it comes to things like that. She can't stop him when he's like this, you've seen that with your own eyes. You of all people know what a truly darksided mind is like. Dammit, Siri, you're own parents were going to kill you before they went to Azkaban rather then let you go live with the Potters and be 'corrupted by good' remember? They blamed you in the end for something you didn't even do! My dad is no less the same, he will kill them if he so much as thinks Jamie and Pete helped me get away from him.'

'I hate to say this...but he's right, Sirius. Remember when Mr. Lupin had me stay back after dinner to talk? He wants to meet my father...and I have no doubts he wishes to join Voldemort, and I'm pretty sure my father already has. I also know proof positive that he's going to make Remus join Voldemort too, the same way my father will try to make me do.

'What? No...no I don't believe that. He hates me...why would he want his outcasted son to join Voldemort?' Remus said shocked.

'"He will still yet be useful in other ways in the future...should things go well.", that's what your father told me back at the tent after dinner, Remus. The look in his eyes...it told me all too clearly what he means by 'things going well' and what your 'usefulness' will be,' the younger Severus said in a pained voice and gave the younger Remus a sad, apologetic glance.

Gasps from everyone else present except Albus and the younger trio resounded round the room at those words. 'I don't believe this!' the older Sirius said giving the younger Severus a glare now. 'Remus's parents were the nicest people I've ever met, and they would never have joined Voldemort....nor would they have ever killed anyone. And my parents certainly were not death eaters, they were Gryffindors on the side of light till the day they were killed by Voldemort!' Sirius said thickly, now glaring daggers at the younger version of himself.

'That's exactly the point. We aren't you...and our parents aren't yours either. My parent's were dark and they were traitors. I never said they were whatever you said...death eaters, I don't even know what a death eater is. They died in Azkaban two years ago for your information. They were spies during the Grindelwald wars....fighting against Albus Dumbledore and the side of light whilst pretending to be their friends, all the while feeding the dark side information. When they died, believe me, I said good riddance to bad rubbish. You have no idea what they did to me...what they made me learn...what...what they made me...do...all those...horrible things...I had to hear and se...before...before...I was taken away from them,' the younger Sirius said in a hollow, pain-filled voice and again began to shudder at some hidden memories of the past. Once again the younger Remus came over and whispered a few things to comfort him and calm him down whilst the younger Severus looked on in pity and full understanding.

'This is preposterous, Headmaster. Intolerable even. I refuse to believe that there could be such a place that is so far off our reality that it's not even believable. Whatever you expect us to do about this I don't know, nor care to know. Send them back and be done with this farce. It's clear they don't want to be here any more than we want them here,' the older Severus cut in now in a steely voice, and gave the younger three boys a cold yet odd look.

'Severus enough, you heard what Albus said. He doesn't know how to send them back yet,' the older Remus said in a quiet voice, focusing his gaze now on the older Severus. 'I know it's an inconvenience - ' he began to say but Severus cut him off.

'An inconvenience?' the older Severus nearly spat in disdain. 'Not the word I would use, Lupin. Having one Sirius Black in this world is bad enough, having two in which one of them is even more prone to the dark is another matter all together. Black has already tried to kill me once in this world incase you have forgotten, with two of them I may as well leave now before they devise other means to end my life,' Severus said darkly and scowled at the older Remus deeply.

'Hey I never tried to kill Severus in our world, it was Malfoy I was after, that annoying pain in the arse wanker. Severus might have followed us round from time to time, but he never tried anything against us like that prat Malfoy did. How was I to know that he would send Severus in his place when I told Lucius to come to the willow. I swear it wasn't my fault on that Severus. Honestly it wasn't, it really was Malfoy I was after that night,' the younger Sirius muttered and gave the younger Severus an apologetic glance.

'Lucius is annoying I admit, but you didn't think bout the consequences, Sirius. Even if it hadn't been me, could you have imagined what would have happened if Potter hadn't been there at the last second? Do you think Lucius would have been so generous about not saying anything later on? I don't think so. Remus would have been put down like a common dog, or at least in Azkaban for life as a killer, and it would have been your fault,' the younger Severus said scoldingly to the younger Sirius, who was looking down at the floor shamefaced.

'Well..I wasn't thinking 'bout it like that all right? I thought I'd scare him and he'd back off that's all. I was just so sick of Lucius treating Remus the way he was. He was always making him run off to the dorm in tears and shaking and afraid. Remus had nightmares because of that prat, I had to stop him don't you see that?' Sirius said now in defence.

'Enough, you called a truce remember? This is not the time nor place to bring back memories like that anyway. Lucius leaves me alone now, Siri, so it doesn't matter anymore. Severus and I have made our amends with each other, and now we've all got to get along or we'll never get home. And personally I do want to go home despite that git father of mine. After all we've been through by now together...I'll expect you to play nice, Sirius or...or we will just have to teach you yet another lesson in humility again...won't we, Severus,' the younger Remus said with a smirking grin towards Sirius and a wink at Severus which caused the younger Sirius to groan slightly.

'Oh that's just great, you are not going to submit me to that humiliation here, are you, Remy? Oh very well, I said I would keep the bargain and I will....honestly I will. Awe come on, I mean it. I promise that you two can do what you usually do to keep me in queue if I get that annoying...just promise to stay off the really bad stuff this time...won't you?' the younger Sirius pleaded, giving in at seeing the skeptical look on both his Remus and Severus's faces.

Remus and Severus grinned and nodded their heads. 'Deal. We won't do any poisoning, no turning you into a pink Fwooper, no stealing your clothes and turning them bright yellow for a week or...er...that is...no really 'horrid' pranks. But only if you behave, Sirius Michael Black. One step out and you'll be finding yourself turned into a Puffskein, and I'll have Sev use you for his next Quidditch practice!' the younger Remus chuckled, the younger Severus chuckling as well and nodding.

'Sev? SEV? No one has the right to call me that name anymore! Especially not you of all people!' the older Severus said harshly, then glared at the younger Remus in a way that would have made anyone's blood turn cold, though the younger Remus seemed only to smirk at him and seem totally unaffected. 'No...this is not happening...I refuse to believe this. You did not just call me...him...that..that blasted name! I know you did not just say that name!' Severus said yelling now.

'Professor Dumbledore?' Harry said suddenly before anyone else could interject anything, though he gave the still seething Snape and the older Remus a strange glance.

'Yes, Harry?' Albus asked.

'What is going to happen to err...them...now? Can you get them home?' Harry asked quietly. Somehow he felt there was far more going on in the room then what met the eye, and now very odd looks that the older Severus was sending to the older Remus made him wonder even more so why he had gone off like he had.

Now all eyes in the room were suddenly focused on Albus, each hoping for the answer they wanted. Shaking his head he gave a small sigh then clasped his hands before him on his desk. 'I don't really know, Harry, not yet anyway. If they had had the stone from their own world, perhaps it would have been a simple means to reverse whatever it was that brought them here. However, since the other stone is not here, we'll have to search for alternative means to send them home,' he said quietly.

'But do you think you can? I mean if anyone could it's you, Professor Dumbledore,' Hermione said.

'I have every confidence that there is a way, Hermione, we just have to find it. I will exhaust everything available to me, I promise you that much. Perhaps even yourselves, should all of you be able to come to an agreement of sorts, would be willing to offer help as well,' Albus said, his eyes twinkling again now.

'Oh I would love to help professor! Err...I mean...that is...' Hermione said joyously at first, but suddenly blushed at offering her help too quickly.

Albus chuckled however and nodded his head her way. 'I suspect you will be the most helpful of all in these matters, Ms. Granger, if no one else will,' he said glancing round the room at the others now with obvious intentions.

'I...I suppose it is also our fault we're stuck here....so umm...we'll offer our help...agreed?' the younger Remus said turning to his two friends who nodded back.

'Ron and I will help too, Hermione, right Ron?' Harry said elbowing his friend in the ribs.

'Err...sure Harry, whatever. If it'll get them away from us why not,' Ron mumbled and sent Harry a strange look.

'Are you sure you're a Weasley, Ron? Bill's the most quiet, studious bloke I know. Never says a bad word or anything 'bout anyone. Always got his nose in a book rather then anything else. He's really a heck of a kid...for a first-year that is,' the younger Sirius said giving Ron an odd glance.

Ron looked at the younger Sirius a moment and suddenly a slight grin came across his face. 'I guess some things are the same then in where you come from. That's exactly what Bill was like till he left Hogwart's from what I've heard. Now he sports all these strange Muggle clothes, long hair, a fang earring and breaks 'bout a dozen hearts a week all round the world,' he said chuckling.

'Hard to believe that could be the Bill I know. Look...I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot with you. We were just as surprised by all this as you were when you first saw us, 'course now I understand why. We're not really as bad as you think we might be....I know our parents are pretty bad, that doesn't mean we are though. Even Severus here isn't a bad bloke, annoying as all heck sometimes but...not he's not so bad...as I'm finding out as of late...' the younger Sirius said giving the younger Severus a grin, then turned to extend his hand out to Ron. 'Mates?' he asked.

Ron looked at the outstretched hand and oddly enough it reminded him of the scene long ago between Harry and his arch enemy Draco Malfoy. However this wasn't a Malfoy, and for some odd reason Ron didn't understand he felt compelled to take this younger Sirius's hand, so he did. Smiling back he nodded and said, 'Sure why not. Mates than.'

'Well, I'm glad to see some of us have decided to resolved issues. Severus...or rather, Professor Snape?' Albus said turning to the older Severus.

'What?' the older Severus muttered.

'Severus we will need your help too, you know that. Not just in the fact that if the younger Remus is still here in two weeks we will have to provide the Wolfsbane for him and the older Remus, but in your special skills as well,' Albus said quietly.

The older Severus glanced quickly at the headmaster, surprised that he would even dare imply what he just had in the company of those in the room. Not dropping his guard however he said through clenched teeth, 'That may not account for very much, Headmaster. Since my...'reassignment' as it were, I no longer hold the specific 'privileges' I once did.'

'I would not ask any more than what I know you are capable of, Severus,' Albus said in understanding. 'However you still have some access to a far wider range of 'information' then we here in this room at the moment. I will comprise a list of a few things I would like you to check up on, in whatever way you are able to so.'

Severus grimaced but nodded slightly. 'Very well, I will do what I can. Now in the meantime, what do you intend to do with these...children,' he said giving the three boys a dark glance.

Albus sighed and stood up then, coming round his desk to stand before it. 'Here is where we have other issues I'm afraid. I do not wish to sort them just yet, considering things I dare say that will not be a good idea at the moment. However, the castle as you know will not make allowances for them since they will not have proper sorting either, which leaves us with little options. Sirius, Remus...I believe what I asked of the two of you will not allow you to return to the castle for almost another week if I am correct?' Albus said turning to the older Sirius and Remus.

They nodded slightly at him before Remus replied, 'We're ahh...are still in negotiations with those specific parties, Albus. I'm sorry to say it will take at least three more days here in Hogsmeade, and possibly three more days in Romania with Arthur and Charlie Weasley to solidify the contracts, should all go well.'

'Yes, and I do hope all goes well. You will of course keep me informed,' Albus said knowingly.

'Of course, Albus, we haven't let you down yet,' the older Sirius said with a grin. 'So...what then? Where will they go?'

'Unfortunately, since I can't very well put them in a dorm room despite it being the holidays, nor can I leave them on their own....I'm afraid...' Albus began and turned to look at the older Severus, who was trying in vain to slip into the woodwork.

At being noticed however he practically growled at what he knew was coming. 'No. Absolutely not. What you're suggesting is...is....preposterous. I will not have my schedules interrupted, nor my rooms infested by children. There must be another place for them to go,' he grumbled.

'Unfortunately, Severus there is no other alternative. They will stay with you in your guest rooms for the moment,' Albus said in a firm tone of voice.

'Why not Minerva? Or Filius? Or even Hagrid? Why me?' Severus whinged to everyone's surprise. It was the last thing anyone would have ever thought Severus Snape, Potion's Master of Hogwarts and the least favourite professor of the school would ever do, especially in front of the people present.

'Stop acting like a spoiled child, Severus, you know it has to be you. Minerva, nor any of the other staff will be informed of who they really are for the moment,' Albus said exasperated now.

'Err Albus....how exactly do you intend on hiding that knowledge? I mean...it will be a bit obvious to have a young Sirius, Severus and err...myself running round don't you think? I seriously doubt that the rest of the staff that didn't leave for the holidays wouldn't notice something was a bit strange. Considering the fact we either went to school with some of them or the rest would remember us from our school days,' the older Remus said puzzled.

'Yes probably they would, if they thought the boys were indeed Sirius Black, Severus Snape and Remus Lupin. However, they will not be,' Albus said with a twinkle in his eyes.

'Professor...I know I'm not the smartest bloke in the world here but...what in Merlin's name do you mean by that?' Ron said completely confused.

'It's very simple really, Ron. I remember the young Severus, Remus and Sirius quite well. Though these three are closely resembled to their counterparts in this world when they were younger, there are also enough differences to allow the plan I have in mind to work,' Albus said.

'And what exactly is it you have in mind, Albus?' the older Sirius said.

Albus looked at Remus, Sirius and Severus closely for a moment before a smile spread across his face and he chuckled, his blue eyes twinkling like bright stars. 'Gentlemen,' he said jovially, 'I do believe that you have just become fathers. Congratulations, it's a boy!'

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