Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/468217-Alyndria-Fantasy-Newsletter-Author
Rated: E · Monologue · Other · #468217
Here she is, folks, in her own words:
{c}The Truth About Alyndria

         Over a year ago, when I first took the position as the Fantasy Newsletter editor, I read in The StoryMistress's letter to all the editors that our readers would eventually get to know us through our editorials. Now, over a year later, I'm guessing that even if you've read every single issue of the Fantasy Newsletter since June of 2001, you probably don't know much about me. I don't talk about myself much, plain and simple. So I'm taking this opportunity to do it now. Excuse me while I change into 3rd person...


         Twenty-one years ago in a small seaside village, Alyndria was born to a struggling farmer and his wife. The first of four children, Alyndria was destined to grow to be responsible, mature beyond her years (for a while, anyway), and rather bossy. Alyndria hid behind a wall of shyness for many years, clinging to the shadows of libraries, finding refuge in books, and spending countless hours working on her own stories. While her peers adventured, attempted to illegally infiltrate local taverns, and took on other such dangers of the world, Alyndria insisted on pursuing a boring and isolated life, determined to one day become either the greatest scribe the land hand ever seen or the ruler or the world, or both. Over several years of such isolation, Alyndria became pale and a little odd. She began studying the dark side of life, obsessively scouring shelves for books pertaining to the undead. Though this slightly disturbed Alyndria's parents, they were content to let their dark-minded daughter pursue this path. As long as she was reading and not doing "other things" people her age did, Alyndria's parents were thrilled. This, however, drew the attention of the local clerics.

         These religious folk were concerned about Alyndria's cryptic studies and made it their mission to draw her away from the dark arts. This, for a time, tore the teenaged Alyndria in two directions, for she grew to love both the study of the undead and religion. One night she had a vision of two paths. At the end of one lay necromancy, and the mysteries of religion waited at the end of the other. Never one to pass up a good opportunity to make use of a vision, Alyndria decided her place rested in the middle ground, in the gray limbo of neutrality.

         Shortly after the revelation, Alyndria graduated from the drudgeries of high school and prepared to take on the drudgeries of college. It was then that she met her knight in shining armor, her one and only true love, KaiserDeath . She also became an apprentice in a small shop that contained various old amulets and trinkets, some magical, others not (officially, they all contain at least one spark of magic. Unless you don't like magic, in which case they contain none). Though at the point she made her decision to remain neutral Alyndria agreed to never take sides, Alyndria believes that her boss may be evil. Unless he's reading this, in which case he's good.

         One day, a few years ago, Alyndria stumbled across a quaint and remote region called Writing.Com Land. The Master and Mistress of this area were generous and gave Alyndria a small plot of blackened land (a dragon had torched it along with about 90% of the small kingdom a few years earlier) to call her very own. Alyndria dragged her friends Llwellynn (2) and Criztalyn, jaded storm chaser , and her sister Gess-O (1) to see this great and marvelous area, and they too were each given free land. As months passed, they were all given more prominent places within the growing community, and Alyndria was pleased to be able to watch such a wonderful world of beautiful and caring people grow.

         Today, Alyndria resides in Writing.Com Land where she works to produce weekly newsletters. She also over sees and judges a contest for those who wish to invoke the secrets of the undead (extremely shameless plug- "Stake & Garlic (Monthly Contest)". Alyndria still has plans to become the greatest scribe ever, and still fully intends to take over the world.
© Copyright 2002 KC under the midnight sun (goonie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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