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Rated: E · Fiction · Emotional · #464018
A special gift for Erick and Crystal; an emotional moment for Sandra and Crystal.
Chapter 16: The Reception, Part II

         As the guests applauded Erick and Crystal enthusiastically, he helped her back into her chair and as she dried her eyes, he stepped to the microphone again.

         ”Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time Crystal and I would like to thank just a few very special people. First, Crystal’s parents, Albert and Helen Sandlewood. Once Crystal and I proved to them that our love was real, their support has been firm, strong, and very much appreciated.

         Next, we’d like to thank the relatives on both sides of the family who helped organize the fine points of the ceremony for us, not to mention our flower girl and ring bearer, who both did an excellent job, don’t you think?”

         As the enthusiastic round of applause for the youngsters wound down, Erick continued. “Crystal and I also want to thank Pastor Chris Markham of our home church in Lexington, Ky. for coming all the way down here to officiate at our ceremony. Pastor Markham has asked to say a few words. Pastor?”

         ”Thank you, Erick. Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m not going to take long, I just feel that all of you deserve to know two things. First, that officiating at this wedding has been a wonderful joy, and pleasure for me. To see two people as deeply in love as Erick and Crystal obviously are has always warmed my heart. But I am particularly struck by their devotion. From the moment I began interviewing them to arrange the ceremony, I could tell their love was uniquely special. And I just want you, and them, to know that I feel very honored that they asked me to perform this ceremony for this special day in their lives. Thank you, Erick, and thank you, Crystal.”

         ”Finally, I want you all to know that not only is Crystal not letting her situation slow her education, she is not slowing down in any way. Upon my offering it, she has graciously accepted a position at our church, a fully paid position, where she will coordinate our church’s efforts to show disabled members and visitors that they are welcome and will be treated with respect. Needless to say, our church is very thankful that someone as caring as she is has accepted this role. Thank you, Crystal, and I have a feeling that you will find your new life with Erick, and our church, very rewarding. Thank you,” he said as he took his seat amid a round of applause.

         Erick handed the microphone to Crystal and smiled along with her. “And finally,” Crystal began, “Erick and I would like to introduce a very special family. Sandra, would you and your mom and dad come forward please?” Crystal grinned as she saw the looks of amazement on their faces as they came up front. ”This courageous young lady, Crystal said, motioning toward Sandra, “is the reason I decided to take that church position when Pastor Markham offered it.”

         As Crystal told again the story of their meeting that day at McDonald’s, including her and Sandra's reactions as Erick had said those words to her that he had just shared with them, Erick watched the faces of their guests. By the time she was done, many had tears in their eyes.

         I want to thank you, Sandra, Gloria and Ed, for being here today. Words cannot tell you how happy I am that all of you are here. Your presence here has made this day even more special for Erick and I. Is there… anything any of you would like to say?” Crystal held the microphone toward them.

         ”Yes, Crystal, there is! “ Sandra shouted before she could lose her courage. “Dad, help me up, please,” she asked.

         ”Sure, honey,” Ed said warmly. Once she was on her foot, Crystal held the mike for her.

         ”After hearing Crystal and Erick say publicly what the other means to them, I feel I can’t do any less because this may be the only public chance I'll ever have. Crystal, Erick, I want to thank the two of you, publicly, for what you’ve done for me. Before that day at McDonald’s, I was an emotional wreck. I didn’t think I had a life, much less a future. But hearing Erick’s tough words to you that day proved to me I was wrong. I couldn’t have done it without you. And being here today, at your wonderful invitation, to see you walk down that aisle, let alone do it literally, has shown me something else: that if I’m patient I will be able to find someone who loves me enough to look past the physical things, as Erick very obviously does with you, and that I can overcome any obstacle in the path to my future if I'm willing to try hard enough to do it. Thank you, Crystal and Erick, for those lessons, too. I’ll always be thankful for everything you’ve done. I love you both,” she finished as the tears began streaming down her face. “Thank you, both of you.” She held on to her dad tightly as the tears flowed.

         ”Erick, help me up, please,” Crystal said quietly. Erick knew what was coming, and so did everyone in that hall. “Help me get to her, honey,” Crystal said, her emotions obvious in her voice.

         When Ed heard that, he knew, too. “C’mon, honey,” he urged Sandra. “It’s only a few steps. Do what she did coming down the aisle.”

         As they saw the two young girls move toward each other, everyone in there knew what was coming. As the two girls hugged each other, they almost couldn’t hear each other over the loud, enthusiastic applause that was all around them, and their eyes said they couldn't believe the standing ovation before them.

         ”Thank… you… Crystal,” Sandra cried as the tears kept coming. “I… meant that. I … couldn’t… have done it without you.”

         You’re… welcome… Sandra,” Crystal said, her voice equally torn with emotion. “And thank you... for showing me... that something good... could come of this,” she said as she motioned toward her missing limbs.

         ”But… I.. didn’t do anything,” Sandra protested warmly.

         ”Never lose... your modesty, either..., Sandra,” Crystal said with love, through her happy tears. "That’s important... too. But you did... do something. You came... to that McDonald’s..., that day..., at that time. If you hadn’t... been there, Erick wouldn’t have... had a reason to... repeat those wonderful words, and I... would never have... learned how... much good could... come from my situation. Thank you, Sandra!”

         As the two girls hugged one more time and Ed and Erick helped them back to their seats, a quieter, but just as enthusiastic round of applause began. As they looked out over the guests, Ed, Erick, Crystal and Sandra could not find a dry eye among them.

         Stepping to the microphone again, Erick said, “Once again, thank you all for coming. If you’ll be patient, Crystal and I will cut the cake in a moment.”

         Shortly, Erick wheeled Crystal over to the round table on which their wedding cake sat. The cake, too, they’d chosen to do the traditional way. Three layers, with the bride and groom figures standing at the top, holding hands. “God, Erick,” Crystal said quietly. “I’m glad your hand’s going to be on mine, honey. I wouldn’t be too steady cutting it with this hand yet by myself.

         ”Don’t worry, honey,” he said softly. “But you will do your share. We’re doing this together, remember? I’ll guide the knife, but you are going to push it down. Got it?” He grinned.

         ”Yes, darling, I’ve got it,” she said softly. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, both for joy and love. “You’re even using this to strengthen my arm, aren’t you? God, I love you!” she laughed.

         ”Yes, I am,” he responded, laughing with her. The photographer approached, indicating she was ready.

         OK, ladies and gentlemen,” Erick announced, “here we go!” He gently pressed down to show Crystal he was ready. Then as she pushed, he guided the knife straight down into the lower layer of the cake. The guests applauded.

         Erick turned the knife over to Al, who finished cutting the first two pieces and handed one each to Erick and Crystal, smiling as he did.

         ”Ok, honey,” Crystal said, grinning. “Ready to eat cake, baby?” That brought the chuckle from the crowd that she’d hoped for.

         ”Yep, I’m ready my love,” Erick said as he knelt by her wheelchair. Poised and ready, Crystal said to her dad, “Say when, dad!” She laughed for a moment, and so did Erick.

         After giving them both a second to regain their composure, Al shouted, “NOW!” Erick and Crystal each took a large bite of the cake the other held and the photographer snapped the picture right on the moment.

         When everyone had finished their cake, Crystal decided to make lovingly certain that Erick fulfilled his other major obligation of the day. Grinning, she picked up the microphone that Erick had left well within reach. She wasn’t sure if he had done it intentionally or not, but she wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity. “Everyone,” she said excitedly, “before we open our presents, I’d like to have all the eligible bachelors here today form a group in the vacant area to my right so my wonderful husband can fulfill his other major obligation of the day, and reveal who will be the next in the group to tie the knot, by throwing my garter over his shoulder!” Amid the laughter and applause, his face beet red and grinning, Erick wheeled Crystal out to that open area as well so all could see as he removed the garter.

         Erick knelt in front of Crystal. She reached down and raised her dress up just a little above the knee. Erick slid his hands up the side of her leg, grasped the garter and slowly slid it down her leg. When he reached her ankle, she lifted her leg from the wheelchair footrest. He slipped the garter off her leg, stood up, stepped a couple steps to her side so she could see the waiting group as well as watch him, and, smiling down at her, he said softly, and only to her, “Your wish is my command, Princess!” She grinned widely and mouthed the words “I love you” to him. He began counting: “One,… two,… THREE!" On that count of three he threw the garter over his shoulder. The crowd cheered as he turned to see his high school chum Mark Patterson catch the garter.

         ”Well, folks,” Mark shouted, “My girlfriend and I have been talking about this, now I can prove to her that it’s meant to be! Thanks, Erick and Crystal,” Mark finished. The crowd responded with a round of laughter and applause.

         Erick turned to Crystal, a warm smile on his face. “I’m glad you made me do that at this moment, sweetheart. I hope it’s a good omen for Mark and his girlfriend. He lost his wife to cancer four years ago. It’s time he started a new life, too. Thank you, my love!” He kissed her as happy tears filled her eyes.

         ”I hope it’s a good omen for him too, darling, because you and I know how wonderful it can be. I love you!”

         Erick took the microphone from Crystal. “ Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time for me to turn the tables on my lovely bride. It’s time for my beautiful wife to do HER duty, and throw the bouquet. Would all the eligible ladies among you please gather just a few feet behind Crystal’s chair? I will be helping her stand so she’ll have a good shot at this throw, so you may not want to be right behind her. I’ve been working with her daily to help her strengthen her arm so it’s ready when she really needs it in the future, so you’ve all been warned,” he laughed as the group gathered. He leaned down and helped Crystal stand, supporting her around her waist, with both of his arms, from her right side, so she would have nothing restricting her movements when she was ready to let that bouquet fly. ”Are you in a comfortable position, darling?”

         ”Yes, darling, I am,” she said, grinning. "Alright, ladies! One, two, THREE!” Crystal let fly, and Erick helped her quickly turn around so she could see the outcome. Crystal let out a loud squeal of delight as she watched the bouquet fall into the hands of one of her high school classmates, Karen Porter, now 19.

         ”WOW! Um… I… never in the world expected this! Um… Scott Anderson and I have been dating for about three years. Um… I’m hoping this is a good sign for our future! Thanks, Crystal!” Karen squealed, obviously loving the idea that she could have been this lucky.

         "I hope so, too, Karen!" Crystal shouted.

         ”Ready to open our presents, darling?” Erick asked, chuckling. He wanted to lift both their spirits back up to the wonderful mood of the day.

         ”You bet!” she shouted enthusiastically. Erick wheeled her toward the gift table.

         As they approached, Al announced, “OK, everyone! Gather ‘round the gift table. It’s time for these two lovebirds to open their presents!”

         As the crowd gathered quietly, Pastor Markham said, “If I may, I’d like to start things off by giving this wonderful couple a special gift.”

         Erick and Crystal looked at each other, in total surprise. “Of course, Pastor,” Erick said.

         ”Thank you, Erick. Our churches have a complete audio-visual facility, that’s normally used most of the time for our services and performances such as at Easter and Christmas. However, it is available for other moments in our Sanctuary. Erick knew this, but I have a feeling that as wrapped up in Crystal, and their preparations for this day as he’s been, he just didn’t recall it. As special a couple as Erick and Crystal are, I wanted to make sure they have a very special memory of this day.” Revealing a leatherette case he’d kept under his jacket, he continued, ”Our church now presents to Erick and Crystal a complete video tape of their wedding here today.”

         The applause interrupting him, he waited. Erick and Crystal looked at each other, incredulous, and genuinely grateful. As the applause died down, Pastor Markham continued. “The tape begins the moment the processional does, before anyone came down the aisle, and ends as you, Erick, carry Crystal through the doors at the rear after the ceremony. And, the audio-visual team is currently making 4 more professional quality copies for the two of you to present to those closest to you. From all of us at your Lexington church, congratulations, and may God watch over your life together.” He handed the tape to Erick, shaking his hand, then Crystal’s.

         ”Thank you, Pastor,” they said together. “If you can stay after the reception for a short time, Pastor, my parents, and Sandra and her family would like to meet you, just as you had said you want to meet them,” Crystal added.

         ”It would be a pleasure, Crystal. I’ll be in the Senior Pastor’s office on the fourth floor, just off the elevator, once we leave here,” he said, smiling. “You didn’t think I would take off before the fun was over, did you?” he grinned. “Now,” he said, loud enough for all to hear, “let’s let this wonderful couple find out what other gifts they’ve received.” As he finished, he also stepped back so others would have a clear view of Erick and Crystal as they opened their other presents.

         Most of the gifts, as one might expect, were typical. Small kitchen appliances, knick-knacks, Christmas tree ornaments engraved with their names and the wedding date, gift certificates and so on. Then, Crystal spotted a gift that didn’t look like any of the others, in shape, or size. Curious, she was able to stretch forward just far enough to reach it, being careful to slide it along the table till she could safely pick it up in case it was breakable. “I wonder what this could be, honey,” she said to Erick, that puzzled, curious look still on her face.

         ”Well, Beautiful, go on, open it and find out,” he grinned as he held it for her to take the wrapping paper off.

         ”It looks like an album,” she said as its shape was revealed. It was a good thing Erick was holding that gift. Seconds later Crystal screamed with delight, putting her hand to her face as tears came streaming down. Then, she carefully took it from Erick, held it up for all to see, and looked at her parents with love all over her face as tears continued. Erick knew what it was before she had taken it from him. The genuine leather cover of the album was engraved. It read, “Growing Up: Crystal’s Life Before Erick 1983 - 2001.”

         We figured you two could take it from here, honey,” her mom said warmly.

         ”Right,” added her dad. “With what you two have been through up to now, we figure that part will be easy for you,” he said, smiling. Crystal blushed. She knew where he was going with that thought.

         ”Don’t worry, grandpa,” she said with deliberate emphasis. “We’ll be sure and let you know when the first one’s on the way!” she shouted, intentionally. She wanted the guests to help her tease him, and the round of hearty laughter she heard told her they were more than willing to help. She laughed, hugged her parents, and said lovingly, “Thanks, mom! Thanks, dad! It’s the most wonderful gift of the day. I love you both!”

         ”Thanks for giving Crystal a gift she’ll never forget,” Erick added.

         ”No problem, son,” Al said deliberately. Erick and Crystal looked at each other in surprise. Erick laughed.

         ”Don’t you think we’d better stick to ‘Erick’, Al? After all - I’m older than you are, Pop!” he retorted. Everyone within earshot of the exchange burst out laughing, including Erick, Crystal and her parents.

         ”I guess you’re right, Erick,” Al said, still smiling. “I just couldn’t resist seeing what it would feel like.”

         ”I couldn’t either, once you started, Al,” Erick laughed.

         Crystal’s mom handed her another present from the table.

         Twenty minutes later, all the gifts opened, Erick helped Crystal to her feet at the head table. Supporting her with his arm around her waist, he picked up the microphone with his free hand. “Before we break this up,” he began, I want to thank the Pastor and officers of this church for agreeing to let us have the wedding here with our own Pastor Markham, and for the use of their Fellowship Hall for this reception.

         As the round of applause subsided, he passed the mike to Crystal.

         “Thank you all for coming, and for your love and wonderful support. You have no idea how much those, and your presence here today, mean to Erick and I. Thank you all.”

 Chapter 17: Meeting Pastor Markham  (E)
New friendships begin, and one family member asks forgiveness.
#464068 by Incurable Romantic

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