Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/459954-Runaway-Heiress
by Ice
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #459954
This is a novel in the making,so it will be updated.
-To inform readers i am not finished and will be adding more and fixing things- thanx ice

“So, have you ever made love on a plane?”
The words rolled off his tongue as if he had planned when and how to say it. An overused pick upline perhaps. Italia’s black eyes widened and she turned to face the handsome male passenger who had been sitting beside her for the past hour.What was he thinking? Who would ask such a question?

“Are you hitting on me?” Although she blinked, Italia held her stare to hide her shock. Despite what people thought of her she had never met a man so bold. Sunlight flickered off her necklace from the window as he gave her a unique grin. The kind of grin that made her want to be like her reputation.

“And if I am?” His face and lips became tense showing a slight dimple in his left cheek.
So much temptation, yet all Talia could do was laugh to herself.

Italia felt a shiver that went through her body all the way down to her toes. She desperately tried to think of a comeback but only coming up with “You’d have to convince me.” It was a good comeback but not what she was looking for.
“Don’t dare me.” He closed his lips over his glass taking a sip that though a small gesture it seemed erotic to her.

Ooh, that was really smooth she thought to herself. She then got sidetracked and looked into his green eyes. Oh how she could get lost in those glistening, dangerous green eyes. Something not needed.

He turned his glance releasing her from his spell. She reached forward and returned her glass to the cup holder. Her hand shook as she wondered if he was noticing everyone of her small gestures just as she had his.

He was a masterpiece in her book. A divine treat she could not afford. They had been talking on and off since leaving California but she had to relax his attention wasn’t on her right now. Or was it. She really wished she knew who he was he looked somewhat familiar.

But as of now he was temptation. He sat there with a magazine across his lap hiding his black clad jeans. Though she tried she could not break her stare and all he did was give her a smile that showed that he was use to being the center of attention. The one who knew he was being watched and was use to women staring at him with a certain awe. It was getting hot so he slipped his blue sports coat off making Italia’s mouth dry and feel like sand. His shirts cloth showed his muscles perfectly formed. He then got up to move over to the window seat, brushing against her making her shiver and blush. When he sat she looked down at his shoes, he was wearing boots. Somehow that didn’t fit him but then again she didnt know him.

She started to fantasize about him and then completely banished the thought. Talia had never felt this way especially in this short amout of time. Again she went back to fantasy. Hold it! Mentally Italia wrenched herself from her dream world. She thought except for his body’s effect on hers she knew nothing about him. Though he did have a primative masculine look. She probably was the oldest virgin in America, despite her reputation, she thought to herself. Why should she start fantasizing about this man so soon she would never see him off of the plane. She was daddy’s little girl to everyone else. Some rich spoiled brat that got anything she wanted including men. But that’s not how it was that’s what the public thought of her. Daddy’s little girl was long gone. Her father and her rarely spoke except for when he called her because of some scene she’d made and the conversation consisted of him telling her she was embarrassing him.
The plane landed with a jolt. Splashing her drink all over her. The guy beside her snickered. They had arrived in New York. Italia started to get up after wiping up her drink from her lap; forgetting to unbuckle. Any other time she’d be able to live with her humility but not this time the man beside her tapped her on the shoulder and sarcastically said “It’s better if you unbuckle first.” She unbuckled and began to walk but he pulled her back “Well, you lost your chance of making love on a plane maybe next time.”
She gave him a half smile and walked away but he refused to let her go. He turned her head towards his and gave her a long passionate kiss, that she was not expecting. He put his hands on her shoulders bringing chills down her spine. She stood and stared at him until she got the nerve to slap him. “What was that for! I don’t even know you... you....” She stuttered and held her stare of shock.

He cut her off. “Names Jonathan...and you are”
“Italia, friends call me Talia” she said as if he had forced her to. What was she thinking telling a stranger her name and what her friends called her. This had to stop what kind of a man was he. No, Italia mentally talked to herself he was a man who got what he wanted and he wanted her. But she wanted him physically this was not good.
“See we now know each other, and it can be seen that you want to know me as much as I want to know you."

“Hope to see you again” she said in a tone that could easily be seen as hope to see your body again but you can take the ego. She then walked into the airport looking around for her friend Caleb he was suppose to pick her up. She hadn’t even seen him in 10 years or since she was 18 what ever made more sense. But no matter she had decided to call him and ask if she could get away, and stay at his place. Other than surprisement he was fine with it.

She then turned around and into her friend Caleb. He picked her up by the waist and twirled her around right in the middle of the airport, lobby. “How did you know it was me, I'm... not the same.” Italia said in a kind of whisper.
Caleb then said “How could I not notice you. I’ve known you since we were little, though you’ve cut your hair and dyed it this horrid color, and your wearing jeans” he said as he looked down. She looked at her hair it wasn't that short and she liked the color. But it was the color she was use to maybe that was it. “You never wear jeans, Somethings’s up”, he stated.

“Does it look that bad?” Talia questioned ignoring the second statement he made.

“Yes...I mean No, listen it looks good I’m just not use to it” he said as he felt her hair that laid on her shoulders and turned out.

“So, you going to tell me why your hiding out with me and ruining my peaceful bachelorhood” he said sarcastically while wrapping his arm around her shoulder. He was over 6 foot, had light brown hair that had been frosted a few times. Which kind of annoyed her he was allowed to change but she wasn't. He was one of those guys that you know worked out and looked as if he could have any lady he wanted. But all she did was shake her head she could of had him but thats not the kind of life she wanted.

“No, maybe later”

“Okay, so where’s your luggage?” he said since she was only carrying two small carry on bags.
“I got what I brought” she said as if nothing was wrong.

“Daddy, take your plastic away?” Caleb questioned.

“No, I don’t need daddy’s money...not any more.”

“I was just asking since your the kind of girl who usually brings almost all her wardrobe with her”

“Well, things change..” Talia snapped

“I guess so...Lets head to my car for we can go to my place” They walked in silence until they got to his car. “Okay throw your bags in the back seat and hop in” he told her.
“A yellow Aston Martin DB7 I say early mid-life crisis or someone with to much spare money”
“You’ll find out why I have a AM DB7 when you tell me why you’re here" They drove a little while and then came to a Gentleman’s farm. "Its a one of a kind country 1872 victorian set on 80 acres of rolling farmland. It's a restored 6 bedroom, 3 bath home with spacious room, 9 ft ceilings, & traditional woodwork, doors." He said proudly.
"Wow... Looks, like someone’s dad didn’t cut his plastic, and whats with the sales pitch?"
“Funny, again you don’t get to find anything about me until you tell me more about what you been up to and why your running to me for cover.”

“Okay” They walked into the front door that was made out of glass with a wood frame. Inside the entrance way was a sun roof. The floor was green marble, there also were glass tables with black-metal frames. “I love your house!” Italia exclaimed.

“I thought you would...why do you think I told you to come here instead of my beach house”

“Other, than the beach house being guy territory, I had no clue”

“Good point”,he said then giving her a awkward smile.“Okay quick speaking tour. To your right is a hall that leads to the kitchen, dining room, a few other rooms and the outside garden. To your left is a hall that leads to the game room, living room and family room..kinda and a bathroom. Upstairs there is my bedroom, and 2 guest bedrooms I've changed the other bedrooms; you’ll be staying in the one with the attached bathroom, and also upstairs is a library and study both you can use."

“Now if I can remember that I’ll be doing good”
“Give me a break...I only told you the major rooms” He said in a snotty tone but she understood. It was close to old times but it could never be the same. She glared at him as he said it. “You go put your bags in your room its the second one on the right "he motioned upstaits "and meet me in the game room; left hall remember"

“Yea, I got it second room on right then left hall and I bet the game room has games and a television in it right”

“Yep..how'd you guess, now go” She headed upstairs making sure not to look behind she knew he was watching her and trying to figure out what was up with her life. She turned to her right and went to the second room. The whole room was blue, different shades but no doubt it all was blue. From the carpet to the ceiling fan. This proved her theory of mens taste. She threw her bags on the bed and went down stairs to the left hall. In front of one of the doors stood Caleb. “Didn’t want you to get lost.”

“I would of made it”

“Okay, lets sit down and talk”

“What do you want to talk about?” she questioned.

“You know”

“Yes, I do but I told you I’m not going to talk about it...okay”

“Yea...Yea I know...How about asking each other questions and if either of us don't want to talk about it the other asks a different question.

“Fine with me” she said.

“Okay...I ask first...hmmm?” he knew what not to ask yet. “Where do you work if you do work?”

“I work off the coast of California as photographer”

“That sounds like something, you would do.”

"I hope so since it's what I do" She said as if she was trying to get back at him for all the remarks he had made to her. “So what do you do, it must be something nice to own a house like this unless you’ve won the lottery a few times or are you still living off your daddy's money.”

“I’m a lawyer for my own firm and you know what my dad didn't help”

“So your lying and arguing has paid off” she said in ton that only he would understand.

“Yea” he nudged her while saying it. “Next question and your turn to ask first”

“Do I get to meet any of your friends any time soon?”

“Still a flirt.....tsk tsk....Yea you do partner and friend has just came back from California and he practically lives here, he will show up sometime tomorrow or whenever he pleases.”

“I am not a flirt” she snapped back.

“Sure” he replied while rolling his eyes and pulling her closer. She was like a sister he never had or at least now she was. “So it’s my turn for a question”


“What’s the latest scene you’ve created to embarase daddy?”

“ Let’s see...nothing but not get married yet if you ask my dad.”she said embarassingly.

“Touchy subject...I guess?”

“Don’t know and don’t want to hear from him” she replied calmly. Even though she knew what her father thought. She had only runaway from three engagements.“Well, that counted as your question” She snapped back in a tone that was meant to be rude.

“Did not”

“Did to”

“You win” Caleb gave in like he always did, cause he knew she would drag it on and on.

“So have you talked to my brother in awhile I know you guys use to be really close friends and him being a lawyer too, I thought you may have heard from him since I haven’t heard from him.”

“Not really, I haven’t talked to John hile but he’ll stop by some time he always does.”

“Sounds like him. Well I’m starving you going to feed me or is that not on your agenda.”

“Are you trying to say your hungry?”he knew she was but he liked annoying her like this, it reminded him of times they use to have."Well, I ordered pizza earlier and it should be here shortly"

"Well, that's nice to know" she answered as if she was starving, right as the doorbell rang. Caleb got up to answer the door and get the pizza. Italia thought in her fantasy world how it would of been if she only had stayed. But she stopped and remembered it wasn't all good and how things were good now it could change as it had before.They ate in silence as if each one knew what the other was thinking and they needed no words.
“Okay, I’m going to bed its after mid-night” she told him.

“I’ll probably head to bed in a few minutes” he said as he stood up. “You may want to lock your door my friend Jonathan has the habit of coming over early and he has a key”

“Thanks for telling me” That name seemed familiar to her but she just couldn’t fit it she was tired and it was late and jet lag was kicking in. She tiredly walked up the stairs and into her room she took her jeans off and kicked them beside the night stand. Talia then threw off her shirt by the door and went and locked it. She slipped her bra off and set it beside her jeans. No matter how safe she thought she was she did not take chance so she left her underwear on and pulled all the covers on her. Italia reached the end of the bed an picked up both of her bags. She layed one on the floor beside her jeans. She took a diary and pen out of the other and then tossed the bag by the other one. She wrote what had happened to her today and was suprised to see that two pages were of her describing the guy from the plane. What was his name she asked herself again. Italia started to draw hearts and question marks hoping it would help her remember his name. But it didn't all it did was make her realize he had a stronger affect on her than she thought. Talia put her diary and pen on the stand beside her. She reached and turned the light off and then snuggled into the bed and dreamed.

Italia woke, refreshed. She got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Inside she took care of her business. Then took a nice refreshing cold shower. Talia pulled her hair back with a green bandana, she then headed back to her room. She slid on her jeans, slipped on a bra and a forest green shirt with Yours Truly wrote in sparkly cursive. Italia was going to change she thought to herself she was not going to worry about what others thought and she wasn’t going to put makeup on cause that was the old her, well at least she wasn't going to for awhile. She made her bed quickly and hid her diary under her pillows, and then quickly stuffed her bags under the bed. It was eight in the morning but the new her or not she was going to keep her shape so she decided to go for a walk. She headed down the stairs, daydreaming about starting over. Italia slipped on her black sandals and started to open the door but the guy from the plane opened it first and stood there. She gasped and blinked making sure to keep her stare,again. “Well, well couldn’t resist to not see me again...my sweet Talia” He had remembered her name this threw her and also the fact that she now remebered his name.

“Nice to see you again, I was going for a walk so if you excuse me I’ll be leaving”

“I’ll go with you”she smiled at him when he said it. This guy had a lot of balls to not just leave her alone after she had already slapped him. Come on he knew she wanted him but her life was a mess and what he wanted is not what she needed. “So where are we walking?” he asked.
“I don’t know but I’m guessing you’ve got an idea of where we can walk.”

“I only have an idea of what I want to do but that would require a question”

“And what would that be?”

“Whether or not you want me enough. I know I want you more than I’ve wanted anything or anyone every before. I’ll throw anything away to have you and I know you will to” Wow, did this guy think he knew a lot or what. He had no idea what was going on with her and since he didn't know that he didn't know what she wanted.

“Well your wrong, I don’t want you and I will not throw anything away to have you’

“Don’t be afraid” he said as he touched her chin and tilted her head up to his.

“Listen think what you want...and I'm not afraid...your just to sure of yourself.”

“I will...so why are you staying with Caleb he never told me about you and your one he’d talk about.”he said this in a voice of a man who was jealous.

“Why do you sound jealous?” Italia questioned him this was one time that she was hoping to get him off guard.

“Jealous of Caleb, Ha!”


“You say that like Caleb does you guys must know each other well” he told her.

"Did you think that up all by yourself?" She said due to the obvious fact that if she was staying their he must know her.“and by the way you could say that just not in the way your thinking”

“So what kind of way are you a relative of his, a ex-girlfriend, a friend,...What?”

“I’m a little of all, I use to date him in high school, we are semi-close friends and I’m like a sis he never had”


“Yea, I don't know why I’m telling you
this I don’t even know you, as I said on the plane.”

“And I told you my name was Jonathan.”

“You know what I mean.”

“If I went by what I think....I’d get slapped alot.” he said in a tone that she could tell was pretaining to her slapping him on the plane.

“Okay lets go sit over there, will sit on the bench and get to know each other and then we dont’t have to go on your poor excuse of thinking what you want to think”

“It’s not a poor excuse” he said in that smile that made his dimple show again. She looked up and fell into his spell again.

“Call it what you want”


“I say you start talking about yourself then me cause theirs alot about me you will not get to find out”

“Fine, but you don’t get to hear all about me either.”

“That will be hard on your ego” Jonathan ignored the statement and sat down beside her own the bench.

“Okay, what to tell you and what not to” He thought about telling how his childhood was but e’d wait till she confind in him until details about his childhood were told. “Let’s see I’ll start from law school till now...I went to law school and roomed with Caleb and a guy named John.”
“John what?”

“John Cameron”

“My brother was one of your roomates”
“Your Johns twin sister, and the girl that broke Caleb’s heart”

“Yea, I am Johns sister, and I didn’t break Caleb’s heart on purpose i left for personal reasons.”
“Okay, well I graduated with them and John wanted to be on his on and said it was a family thing and wanted to be like his sister.”
“John is always jealous”
“I guess, I get to here what you did that made John not join are firm.”
“Later, well me and Caleb started are own firm we’ve had it for about 4 years and I work at are California branch and him here. I visit him about two times a month.”
“So your really close pals with Caleb, you still friends with my brother.”
“We don’t here from him much he’s kind of secluded and stops by when he wants to and he said he’s trying to stay away from family and the same for his friends” he said to make her want to see him cause he hoped it would make his friend John go back to normal. “I hope he isn’t talking about you cause I’d lose a friend cause I can’t keep away”

"So whats your story?”

“I left the year I graduated high school. I didn’t tell John or Caleb a thing I just left New York and headed to California. I bet thats what John meant when he said he wanted to be like I was. Since I ran away and became secluded. I then met some other people and we started a photo shop and I’m a photographer and don’t say you should be in front of the camera and not behind it!”
“I thought it but I didnt say it.”

“See your to easy to figure out.”
“Am not”he protested.

“Are to”
“Am not”

“Are to”

“Okay, thats it your as stuborn as I am that could go on for hours and hours.” he said as he moved closer. He rested his head on her shoulder. Italia looked down at his head and just stared shaking her head. He looked up at her and smiled. This guy must of been really desperate or actually liked her for her.

"Do you have some challenge that you've set for yourself?"

"What do you mean?"
"I mean I don't need a man around right now, and I'm sure I've been trying to get that point across." she said as she looked at him only wanting to strangle him but she couldn't do taht to him.
"Really, I couldn't tell" he said in a tone that showed he knew. He lowered his head to her lap and stared at her.

"Problem" she said as she looked down at him messing up his hair. This guy really was going to complicate her life if he didnt stop. She scooted over and got up making his head hit the bench they were sitting on. He sat up rubbing the back of his head.

"Why'd you do that?" he said as he stood up.

"No reason..." she answered while giving him an awakward smile and walking off.

"Wait up...I'm getting the idea you don't want me around and thats not what I want."

"Did you figure that out all by yourself?"Italia asked him."and when did I begin to care about what you want?"

"Hey, hold on you know you care...."

"Again your thinking that I care"

"You do" Jonathan said teasingly. He gently put his arm around her shoulder. She looked at it and then elbowed him in the side. As soon as she relazied what she had done she childishly ran away from him. Jonathan rubbed his side, she may look weak but damn she could hurt him and his pride. If she was going to treat him like that he was not going to chase after her, Jonathan thought to himself. But it wasnt possible she was too appealing. Jonathan ran ahead and caught up with her. "So where we going now?"
"I'm going to go get something to eat and you...well you are going where you want to go"

"And where do I want to go?"

"Somewhere away from me...."

"Nope, sorry how about we go find some breakfast...Caleb should be up soon"

"I could only hope someone to keep you away from me" Italia said in a fake reassuring voice. This was not going to be fun she thought to herself. I couldn't get over him after the plane why do I think I can now. If he was so attractive in those pants. Damnit, I'm doing it again. Just as she was stopping herself from looking at him in a lustful way he turned around and hollered to her "Are you coming in or do you want to stay outside cause if you do I'll come back to enjoy your company?"

"No..No thats ok" she answered as she hurried in behind him.Hoping he had not seen the look she was giving him. She followed him into the kitchen where Caleb was pouring milk into his cereal.

"Good morning Talia"said Caleb as he looked up "and Jon..has this guy been trespassing and bothering you this morning" Jon looked at her with his narrow green eyes gleaming at her.

"Not at all" she lied. He wasn't bugging her in a bad way more like a tempting torturous way. A way that was going to let him win. Caleb turned to return the milk to the fridge as Jon and her sat at what she could only call a breakfast nook. There were two stools and a sort of counter top that was piled with legal forms and magazines and such. Jon kissed her and wrapped his hands around her waist.

"Didn't want to tell Caleb..interesting "he whispered lightly into her ear. Caleb looked up and a state of shock appeared on his face but he hid it rather quickly,though they both new he had seen. Talia was angered it was bad enough she was having such deep feelings already for Jon but to let Caleb see such a scene would hurt him and appear worse. She slowly got up from the stool and began to walk towards the stairs.

Caleb called towards her "Aren't you going to eat breakfast?"

"No I'm okay" Talia responded, quickly. She hurried up to her room making sure that neither one of them would follow her. She needed to take a moment by herself, and she could hope she would not see Jon alone anymore.She slowly approached and opened her rooms door. Where Jon stood standing in front of the bed. God, thats what she needed to top it all a magician.

"Hello again..I'm very thankful of the many stairways in Calebs house a long with the fact you left your door open"

"How dare you appear in my room...don't.. don't you have any courtesy of my privacy?"

"I dont if it involves someone I want who is denying the same feelings I have."

"What feelings??"

"These feelings" He approached her and firmly planted a sweet and sensual. She wrapped her arms around his neck and fully gave her lips and mouth to him. His tongue tainted and tempted her for more. She hadn't felt like this for awhile and was more than willing to enjoy. But he abrubtly stopped and stared at her.

The silence lingered with a sense of need and passion. Talia licked her lips that were now dry from the previous kiss and wanting more."Those feelings" he huskly said changing her thoughts direction. He was right there was feelings there that could not be explained.

All Talia could respond was a slight nod of agreement. He backed away to her door where he stood for a few minutes and then turned around. " I have some business to take care of with Caleb but I'll be back around one Caleb probably won't get home till around seven or so. So maybe we can go out for a late lunch or just a walk we need to figure some things out a little." Jon didn't wait for an answer he just walked out that left her with the fact that she was happy that he gave her the decision but she would of rather allowed him to know she would of said yes.

With Jon out of her mind for a little bit she needed to get ahold of her brother. Something she knew would be hard. She hadn't spoke to him for years and even though they were twins a gap had been made that needed to be fixed. She headed downstairs to find that Jon and Caleb had left. She was somewhat overjoyed with that fact as she began to look for some sort of address book on Calebs desk that would give her a number to reach her brother. She knew most people would say meeting him in person after so many years would be the best idea but if she knew her brother he would like her to call first.

Under a few stacks of magazines layed a black address book. Great she had found Calebs little black book but she better check anyways. After reading a few pages of girls numbers that had been highlighted and crossed out she ran into her brothers and Jon's cell number. She quickly wrote down both numbers, who knows maybe she'd surprise Jon and call him too sometime.

<yes this will be continued im working on it off and on but please still rate it and email me opinions if u have any o and suggestions of ideas of what should happen is nice...>< and i know there are errors that need fixed>

© Copyright 2002 Ice (whodouthink at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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