Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/457965-Wacky-Weed-Part-2
Rated: GC · Article · Adult · #457965
Yeah. You know what this is.
When you?re still in that place between sleeping and waking, the world moves mighty slowly. I felt like I was staring at that goddamned wall-sized mural of Johnny Rotten made from Internet porn for hours as I was catapulted from Nancy?s bed to her wall. I closed my eyes and wished I had a joint in my mouth.

Yeah, that whole decision to get off pot...that lasted until I hit that wall like...well, a tiny man into a wall full of porn. It hurt and I was horny. I wanted all the medicinal marijuana I could get my hands on. It felt like every bone in my body was off on holiday as my heart slithered down to my groin as I slid down the wall onto some clothing on Nancy?s cluttered desk.

My eyes stayed open as a more intense pain filled my body. It was like every shattered bone was being knitted back together by a 97 year old Alzheimer?s patient with arthritis in both hands. My kneecaps were being forged from whatever spare flesh could be ripped from the rest of my body. Whatever living material my body had was being consumed to fix every fractured bone, every ripped muscle. My cock stood at attention and I watched as all the damaged bone, ruptured organs, and torn muscles were shot out of my cock, dissipating into thin air. The world around me began to grow even more.

I had no idea what the fuck was going on. I just hoped it stopped soon.

And I had a major case of the munchies.

I sat there, on Nancy?s desk, trying to make some sense out of what was going on. My only conclusion was that Wacky Weed had given me the first ever Marijuana overdose and I was still hallucinating. Or dead. My haze that was my current existence seemed to be some sort of Kafkaesque psychosis, becoming insignificant, shrinking from the world as I was harmed by things outside of my control. As long as I didn?t become a bug and spend ten pages trying to get off of my back with my legs dangling in the air, I was pretty sure things would be ok. If my daydreams dissolved into an existential nightmare, I was pretty sure that I would be dead before all was said and done.

While I continued to ponder my existence, Nancy was stripping down to her bare essentials. By her bare essentials, I mean her nipple rings, belly button ring, and various and assundry facial punctures. Groaning, she ripped off the sheet with the remnants of my nocturnal emission and fell asleep. I situated myself into a nice position on what I figured was some type of bandana or something that was on Nancy?s desk and half napped, half thought. Having your body put back together takes a lot out of you. Literally. I had to be no more than the size of one of those ants that would crawl over me while I slept in the alley. Like, quarter an inch or something, for those of you keeping score at home.

I guess this would be the time to give y?all a better picture of Nancy. She was one of those impossible beauties that was thin as a rail but had tits to die for. If it weren?t for her punk worldview, she woulda been the prom queen. Her short hair was hand cut with a pair of scissors, but done with such a masterful carelessness that it was more beautiful than any other hairdo. It was bleached with specks of her natural red coming in at the roots. Her eyes were a delicious green, usually masked by her horn-rimmed glasses. the various facial piercings mentioned before were above her left eyebrow, her right nostril, her lower lip, the ear cartilage on her right ear, with other ear piercings too numerous to list. And, only because it fits in later on, her...erm...pubic region was died hot pink and kept tidily shaved into a thin strip by a Bic razor every couple of days. It appeared, from my perspective, that she was due for a shaving pretty soon, with tiny red stumps becoming visible around her groin.

Cowboy popped his head in later whispering, ?Milt? Milly?? He noticed his sister sprawled naked on her bed, stuck his hand down his tight jeans and shut the door, sighing in pleasure. Like I said, fun family.

While I was in rapture staring at Nancy (and while Cowboy was no doubt whacking off in his room next door) she got up grumpily. Her stereo was still on from the night before. I hadn?t really realized it since I guess I had gotten used to it through the night. Groaning, she stood up. While she did, I saw her abs flex ever so beautifully. I guess you could say I really liked her. She slammed off the stereo and began to walk towards me. She reached out her hand and grabbed me, or rather the bandanna-like piece of fabric I was resting upon. To this day, I?m not sure what the fabric was or why Nancy decided she needed to grab it instead of some other piece of cloth, but it was picked up into her massive hands with her long natural nails and I tried my damnedest not to fall through her fingers onto the floor below.

Instead, she sat on her bare mattress, brought the cloth up to her nose, and blew.

Luckily, I missed the tons of mucus that came flying at me. However, I did fall from her hand and landed on something hard and cold. I began to fall, but grabbed on with all my might, dangling from some metal bar of some sort. Above me was a monolith jutting out not skyward, but out into the city sized room around me.

I was hanging for life to the hoop ring hanging from Nancy?s left tit. I barely help my ground as she tossed the hanky across the room into some random crevice, but as she laid back down onto her bed with a sigh and a crash, I flew hundreds of feet into the air.

I looked down upon Nancy in her giant naked glory. This titanic mass of woman. I began to float down as Nancy spread her thighs ever so gently and closed her eyes to sleep. Because of my low mass and size, I didn?t fall at the normal speeds, but more like a feather caught in an air conditioning unit. I looked down upon her sweet pussy with her ever so slightly moist lips just begging for company.

I was so enraptured that I barely noticed Nancy move her leg right into me as she crossed her legs and fell asleep. This was probably going to sting.
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