Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/455191-JANET-FROM-ANOTHER-PLANET
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Comedy · #455191
A tribute to my friend.
To my friend Janet who is by nature a kind, sensitive, strong person who is definitely in tune with the universe around her.
** Image ID #455161 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #455168 Unavailable ** ** Image ID #458753 Unavailable **

I frequently visit Uranus, ** Image ID #455163 Unavailable **
Been vacationing with family on Mars,
Went floating on the Moon, this dance ended too soon,
But I still went on shining with the stars.

Had a doctor's appointment on Mercury
at 19hundred Universal Bulivard,
Didn't arrive on time, this angered nurse Fine,
And don't it figure I forgot my insurance card!

I've played many a tennis match while on Venus,
Occasionaly dine at Jupiter's "The Red Spot",
Go clothes shopping on the sun, what charging fun!,
I just hope my purchases are not too hot!

Once I snorkeled with Walt Disney on Pluto,
Had a relaxing chemical peel on Saturn's rings,
Jeted down to Earth to wind my mind down,
So tomorrow I can think of more "to do", things!

TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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