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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fanfiction · #453024
Severus has a chat with Remus's dad, and does some reevaluating of his future...

I didn't go into too much in the last chapter regarding the aspects of the Judgement of the Dead or the eight aspects of death so let me give you a bit of history on it.

The Khat (or Kha) - the physical form or the body that could decay, therefore preserved as best as possible with mummification.

The Ka - The 'double' of the body if you will, it lingered in the tomb after death. It would often inhabit the deceased body, statues, ornaments, etc in the tomb, however it could eat, drink and move freely at will.

The Ba - a bird with a human head that would bring food and fresh air to the deceased. At night it would leave to travel on the Solar Barque or boat with Ra.

The Khaibit - The 'shadow' of the deceased. It usually would take part in the funerary processes, and could also travel at will. Usually stays close the Ba however rather than inhabiting anything.

The Akhu (also known as Akh, Khu, or Ikhu) - The immortal part of the deceased. A radiating, shining being that lived on in the Sahu. It carried the will, intellect and intentions of the deceased so that they could go to the heavens and live amongst the gods and stars.

The Sahu - The incorruptible and spiritual body of the deceased that was allowed to live in the heavens. If the Judgement of the Dead was passed, the Sahu was granted back all the rights of the living body it had left behind.

The Sekhem - The incorporeal personification of the life force of the deceased. It resided in the heavens with the Akhu after death.

The Ab (also Ib) - The heart. The source of good and evil within a person. The moral and very centre of one's thoughts and was and could also leave the body at will and live with the gods. However that was only if the Judgement of the Dead was passed, for if it did not weigh against Ma'at first and pass, the Ab would be eaten by Ammut and the final death would occur.

The Ren - the most sacred of all the steps of death. It was one's true name, the most vital part of the journey to the afterlife. A magical part of the soul that could destroy a person if their name was obliterated, or could give immense power over if known. True names were given in secret ceremonies at birth, and Egyptians would live their whole lives with 'nicknames' so that no one could have the power over them in either life or death.

Over all the Egyptians were firm believers in the motto 'Life life, not that thou shalt die.' They feared death actually, and whilst alive lived it to the fullest best they could. Death was a very complex affair, they believed in multiple afterlives and rebirths providing their magic would pass them through the Judgements of Death. Everything to the Egyptians had a 'Ka' or lifeforce. Birds, trees, stones...all were worshipped for that reason. A person's Ka they believed was capable of moving about during sleep, inhabiting whatever it felt like at the time. The Ka could manifest itself as a ghostlike wraith as well, and after death if the Ka felt the body had been wronged it would haunt whomever until things were set to right.

The physical body was important, they believe that it was an integral part in the afterlife, and that all lifetimes following would take the same form. Hence why they tried to preserve the body and the organs so that they could be carried to the next life. Originally only royalty were given the luxury of mummification and ritual, but the rich soon took over that right as well, the poor eventually coming into those same rights.

The ancients guarded their tombs and burial places with spells, wards, prayers, tomb paintings, statues, false doors, and any and everything else they could to protect their Khat. Even in death they feared retribution of their Ren's being wiped out, or their Khat's being desecrated, so they created complex and twisted pathways to avoid this from happening. There was no guarantees of getting to the afterlife, but the ancient certainly tried their best to get on to their next lifetime in whatever ways they could.

~~~~Chapter Three: Finding Out Who's Really The Enemy~~~~

'Oi, Snape! You coming or staying?' James called out, interrupting the train of thoughts that Severus had been having during the late night supper. It came as a bit of a shock to him that he hadn't even realised everyone else was finished as caught up in his musings as he had been during the meal.

'What are you on about now, Potter?' Severus said huffily not even bothering to look up from his plate yet.

'We're going back to the tent now. You coming or are you going to sit here and daydream for the rest of the night?' Sirius said airily from over by the tent flap, an amused look on his face.

'I do not daydream Black. I was thinking. There is a difference you know,' Severus muttered and got up from the table, pausing for a moment to put his dishes in the makeshift sink. 'Good night Mr. Lupin, Mrs. Lupin,' he said cordially and nodded his head towards them.

'Good night, Severus, thank you again for helping me to set up supper. Oh, and boys make sure you're warming spells are up in the tent. We don't usually need them for ourselves but you boys aren't used to it here. It might be hot to you in the daylight hours, but by now you realize how cold it can get at night in the Winter, and I don't want any of you to catch colds,' Mrs. Lupin said firmly.

'Yes Mrs. Lupin, we'll make sure they're up and working properly,' James said, and with that he, Peter and Sirius left the tent leaving Severus behind.

Before Severus could leave however he was called for and he turned back round. 'A moment Severus, if you would?' Meyer said walking over to him.

'Of course Mr. Lupin, what can I do for you sir?' Severus asked respectfully.

Pulling Severus over to a corner of the tent out of his wife's hearing he asked, 'Your father, he still does certain works for the Ministry, does he not?'

'Err...yes, I believe he does. Why do you ask?' Severus asked puzzled at where this was leading.

'If I remember correctly, he works now and again for the Division of Magical Law Enforcement?'

'Yes sir, he's often consulted by the people who train the Unspeakables and Aurors,' Severus said puzzled again at why Mr. Lupin would ask this.

Meyer looked thoughtful for a moment before replying. 'I see, very convenient. I take it then your father also gets information on...oh...shall we say...certain people who are possibly becoming candidates or that are might be at risk of being persuaded to join this new supposed...ah dark lord?'

Now Severus was completely thrown off guard and looked round in a panic incase Mrs. Lupin had overheard anything. 'Umm...yes sir, I do believe he does have access to that particular information.'

Meyer nodded his head. 'Of course he would, yes. I'd like to have a little chat with your father if possible, sometime soon. Not now, no...not yet, but quite soon. Perhaps after you return to Hogwarts you can owl him and ask him to contact me. Can you arrange that do you think?'

Severus nodded. 'Of course sir, I can do that for you. However, he is being kept quite busy by...well all these unknown attacks on Muggles and wizards alike. I can't say I know when he will have time, but I will stress to him the urgency of your request.'

'Good, good. You're a fine lad Severus Snape, good blood stock, you must do your father proud. You can always tell where a family's loyalties lie within the blood-line young Severus, never forget that. Pity my son isn't more like you, I had such grand hopes for him. Perhaps...yes perhaps he will still yet be useful in other ways in the future...should things go well,' Meyer said with a far off look for a moment. 'I will look forward to communications from your father then.'

'Yes sir. May I go now sir?' Severus asked and with a nod from Mr. Lupin he quickly walked out of the tent, his mind running through a hundred different thoughts.

Severus knew all too well what his own father really was up to at the Ministry, and what he really used his position for. There was a dark wizard gaining a lot of power and supporters these days, and his father being the Slytherin he was, was keeping a careful eye on this Lord Voldemort fellow. Snape's as a rule sided with those with the most power, and if Voldemort proved his worthiness, Severus had no doubts his father would side with him. Apparently Meyer Lupin also had thoughts along those lines. Severus also had no doubts that if Meyer Lupin did by chance get caught fraternising with this dark lord, that like Severus's own father, he would simply buy his way out of the trouble at hand.

Whatever Severus's father and Mr. Lupin's decisions and ideas might be though, they were certainly not his own dreams. Severus had absolutely no desire to end up serving some dark lord and killing off people. He'd leave that to his father and the other prats that would choose to side with the dark lord if at all possible, for he had much grander plans for himself. Nothing like the typical 'take-over-the-world' type schemes, not at all. His plans were actually far more simplistic and completely self centred.

What Severus wanted out of his life was to be free to work on his potions, his one true passion above all else. Severus knew the deck was stacked against him however, for if his father should side with this new lord, he would have a hard time going against the grain. He was a Snape after all, and like Remus he was also an only son, expected to do what he must do to uphold the Snape family of Slytherinistic honour. Somehow his dreams of becoming a Potion's Master were not looking so good to him and it frustrated him that his dreams might be thwarted before they could even really begin.

Shrugging off the rest of his thoughts he made his way over to the tent he was sharing with the other boys. He'd been a bit upset he had to share a tent with everyone else, but if that's what it would take to come to Egypt he'd make the sacrifices. So far in the few days they'd all been here thankfully nothing truly bad had occurred. Not really anyway, though he had woken up this morning with a sand snake in his boots, and a scorpion lying on his clothes. He had a pretty good feeling the snake had been pure bad luck in using his boot to keep warm, but the scorpion he could almost bet hadn't been there on it's own merit, not that he would stoop to question it.

'About time, Snape. Thought you'd got eaten by a sand devil or something fun like that,' Sirius said with a grin as Severus walked into the tent.

'That's a Tasmanian Devil you git, there's no such thing as a sand devil. And unless they have suddenly learned how to fly, I highly doubt you'd see one in Egypt,' Severus muttered and sat down on his cot, stealing a quick glance at Remus who wasn't looking all that well at the moment. In fact if anything he looked positively despondent, and torn between both sadness and bitterness.

'Whatever, Snape. Thought we'd be lucky and you wouldn't come back anyways,' Sirius said chuckling and sat down on Remus's cot. 'Hey Moony....you sure you're all right mate? That was pretty ruddy awful back there...'

Remus sighed and nodded slowly, forcing up a slight smile. 'Yeah I'm fine Siri, no big deal. I'm used to it from him, I don't expect it will ever change.'

'Are you sure your not hungry, Remus? I could go back and ask your mum for something for you,' Peter said looking at his friend worriedly.

'Oh stop worrying Peter, he'll eat when he's ready. Don't let what that berk said get to you, Moony. After all he's nothing but an evil Slytherin,' James said with a small chuckle.

'Excuse me, but not all Slytherins are evil, Potter,' Severus said glancing at James cooly.

'Oh right, you're a spot on example of that eh, Snape? I bet you and Malfoy will be the first two in queue to join league with that...what do you call him....oh right, that Voldemort bloke. If he rises that is,' Sirius sneered.

'You are not one to talk Sirius Black, don't you forget that. I think it would be better to join Voldemort right now then to listen to your annoying prattle. At least I have my Slytherin cunningness to get me through, which is more than I can say for you,' Severus bit back.

'Don't you even dare, Snape. I know where my loyalties lie these days. As for Slytherin cunningness, Gryffindor's at least have charm, something you'll never have,' Sirius said angrily.

'At least I don't 'charm' every girl I see into my bed, Black. Some of us have taste.' Severus smirked.

'Excuse me for being a charming, good looking, intelligent bloke rather then a greasy haired, hook nosed, insufferable bastard. You've probably never even been with a woman, as if any woman would want you,' Sirius gloated.

'Oh will the both of you naff off already? For Salazar's sake who honestly cares about how many notches on your bedposts you might have. Frankly it's disgusting if you ask me,' Remus said angrily.

'Awe come on Moony, I was only messing round with him, no real harm done. Don't get your knickers in a bunch all right?' Sirius grumbled and calmed down a bit. 'Besides...Jamie and me promised ourselves we'd help you find a nice lass to go out with when we got back to school. We hate seeing you alone all the time mate,' Sirius said putting his arm round Remus's shoulder.

'I am perfectly fine being alone Sirius, thanks but no thanks. I don't need your help if I want to find a woman. Besides I'm not even old enough yet to want one,' Remus muttered.

'Not old enough? What planet are you living on, Moony? We're in our prime at seventeen don't you know that? I mean this is peek territorial age we're talking bout here. Ruddy hell, even Peter's got a girlfriend to snog with now and again, even if she is a Ravenclaw,' James cut in winking at Peter.

'Oh that's really nice to say James, make it sound like I'm the last person in the bloody world to be able to find a girlfriend,' Peter mumbled.

'Oh he doesn't mean it like that Wormtail and you know it, you're definitely cute and all in your ahh...own ways. Still though Moony, I mean all you've got to do is turn on that Gryffindor charm, I know you've got it in you,' Sirius said whilst pulling Remus into a quick bear hug.

Remus didn't hug back however. Instead he took Sirius's arm off his shoulder then stood up shaking his head and sighing. 'Will you all just keep out of my love life please? When I'm ready to find someone to date...I will. Can't you just leave it at that?'

'We just want you to be happy Remy, that's all. We worry for you. It's not because you're a Werewolf is it that you're scared or something to have a girlfriend? That's not the problem is it?' James asked quietly.

'No James, that's not it. I'm just not...ready...to have a er...relationship with anyone yet that's all. I mean there's N.E.W.T.S this year, and final exams and - ' Remus began but was cut off.

'Oh Merlin, Remus you're not being serious are you? Those are months away yet! Plenty of time to find a nice girl to meet your snogging and especially your shagging needs,' Sirius said grinning.

Remus groaned slightly. 'I am not going to say this again...stay out of my love life! I'm really getting ill from being set up by you two with girls that I neither am interested in nor that can hold more than a two minute conversation!'

'At least they were good looking though. I thought that last lass from Hufflepuff was hot anyway,' Sirius muttered.

'Looks aren't everything you know, Black. Some people crave a lot more than just that from a partner, not that you apparently know that,' Severus said darkly.

'Oh and you would know that eh, Severus? I wouldn't even want to imagine what a Slytherin would say in bed to their girls,' James shot back with a mock shudder.

Severus didn't answer him with anything other then a full blown glare for a moment. Turning to Sirius again he said, 'Why don't you just leave him alone. If he doesn't want to talk about his 'conquests' then you should respect that.'

'Ahh..but that's exactly the problem you see my sweet Severus. Our poor Moony here doesn't have any conquests. So you see, we're only trying to do what's in his best interests here,' Sirius said in a velvety voice.

'If you wanted to do what's in my best interests, Sirius, then you'd just bloody well leave me alone. I told you a hundred times...when I'm ready, I'll find my own ways to be with someone. Now if you'll excuse me I think I'd like to just lie down and go to sleep. Something you all should do as well since we get up at five in the morning, remember?' Remus said glaring at Sirius now in order to get him off his cot.

'Oh hell I did forget bout that. Why on earth do people have to get up so damned early in Egypt?' James said toeing off his shoes and got into his pyjamas now.

'Maybe because some people have to make a living, Potter. Not everyone is just handed things out on a silver platter like you are,' Severus said scathingly.

'Don't see you complaining bout your silver plated life Snape, so I'd sod off if I were you,' Sirius said getting off Remus's cot finally and into his pyjamas as well.

'I'd love to have this sort of life when I grow up personally. I think it's great having to really work for what you want to in order to achieve your dreams,' Peter said a bit dreamily whilst getting into his pyjamas, and climbed into his cot with a yawn.

'Yeah right, it's really charming Pete to have to work like a slave all your life in order to get to your goals,' Sirius said stretching, then climbed into his own cot.

'Just because my family doesn't have the money the rest of yours does, doesn't mean I don't have goals you know, Sirius. I want a lot of money too someday ...but if I did have to work hard for what my dreams are I don't see what the problem is,' Peter muttered.

'It's still work Peter, that's what's wrong with it. It's good to have goals, but it's better when you don't have to work for them,' James said with a yawn.

'That's daft James, honestly. How can you possibly enjoy what you earn if you don't work for it?' Remus said toeing off his shoes and lying down on top of his duvet, not just yet getting into his pyjamas.

'Forget it Lupin, these two wouldn't understand the meaning of the word work if it hit them in the head like a bludger,' Severus grumbled and toed his own shoes off before lying down on his cot, but like Remus he didn't get into his pyjamas either just yet.

'I think you're right on that, Severus. They're lost causes if you ask me,' Remus said with a grimace. 'Now can we just go to sleep already? Snuff out the lanterns will you, Prongs?'

'Sure thing,' James said and went round snuffing out the lanterns that were spaced out round the tent before climbing into his own cot now.

Luckily the warming spells were working properly because Mrs. Lupin had meant it when she said the desert could get quite cold at night. Even the short trip from Remus's parent's tent to their own nearly chilled all of them to the bone. However thanks to the warming spells and some nice thick duvets, the tent was cozy and warm as if a fire had been lit at all times.

'Night everyone,' Peter said sleepily.

'Night,' James, Remus and Sirius said back at the same time. Severus was the only one who hadn't said anything, but then he never did, nor did the others expect it.

Severus lay there a while thinking about everything that had taken place tonight. Not so much as to the conversation he'd had with Remus's father, he really could care less on that. If Remus's father wanted to go join Voldemort along with Severus's father good riddance he felt. No, it was more so the conversation between Remus and his friends.

It sounded an awful lot like a similar conversation he'd had with Lucius, his dorm mate, not that long ago after Lucius had started dating Narcissa Pembroke, a fellow Slytherin. Severus had finally convinced Lucius after the incident at the shack last year that Remus Lupin wasn't worth his time or energy any longer, and thankfully Lucius took the hint and began to lay off the boy for the first time in six years. Introducing Narcy to Lucius had helped as well, for which Severus was very glad now he had done it. Lucius still craved Remus, but at least he now occupied himself in other areas to Severus's relief.

Like Remus's friends however, Lucius was now also trying to set Severus up with a few of the Slytherin girls, but Severus had luckily managed to bow out gracefully. Lucius, though not thrilled, took it with a grain of salt at the moment, and thankfully didn't press him too badly. Severus knew it was only a matter of time however before he'd be set upon again to date. Something he was not looking forwards to for quite a few reasons that he wasn't ready to admit to anyone, least of all Lucius Malfoy. Sirius was right in one thing, if it came down to the wire Lucius would willingly join Voldemort, not a single doubt was in Severus's mind on that point.

An hour later he was still awake when he heard a slight noise from one of the cots. Severus had always had a good night vision and he instantly recognised the person making the noise as Remus. To his surprise he watched as Remus put on a heavy overcoat and his shoes before stealthily slipping out of the tent. Severus suddenly had a sneaking suspicion Remus wasn't to go use the loo. Half hour later Severus was convinced of that when Remus still hadn't returned.

He didn't know why but a strange feeling inside him urged him to go after Remus. Quietly he got up off his cot and put on his own overcoat and shoes and headed out of the tent. He shivered for a moment as the cool air invaded his warmed body and senses, then allowed himself a moment to get his bearings. Somehow he felt like he was being pulled to the place he now knew Remus had gone off to, and so as quickly and quietly as he could he headed off that way himself. It didn't really surprise him that the place calling him again, only this time it was different. Whereas before in the tomb he had felt security, safety, almost happiness, now he felt heavy hearted, pained, and a feeling of longing and suffering welled up inside of him.

The closer he got to the place he felt for sure now he had to be, the more questions now came to his mind about the lad he'd gotten to know lately. It scared him as he realised now he was actually afraid of the answers he might receive to those questions. Despite the fact he thought he knew his friend now, if he was right, Remus Lupin wasn't everything his friends thought he was, maybe even what Severus hadn't thought he was. The conversation of the evening again fresh in his mind, Severus wondered now if his friend possibly was more like himself then he thought. If he was right....perhaps...well at this point he didn't even dare want to even dream of the possibilities.

As he entered the necropolis his instincts told him that this particular place was somewhere Remus needed to be right now. Again he was afraid though, because he was going to be honest with himself, and he knew this was somewhere that he also needed to be right now. He didn't know how or why, but maybe....just maybe...he would find something there that could help him solve his own fears, and give him some hope for the future. Hesitantly a part of him was wishing at the moment, and he allowed that part of himself to wish that the future would begin in the form of one Remus Joseph Lupin.

© Copyright 2002 Piriotessa (piriotessa at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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