Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/452450-FINAL--FLAME
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Emotional · #452450
A firefighter lost in the final flame -


The firephone rang at 9:05,
The dispatcher took the call
And sounded the alarm bell,
There was fire in the wall!

The firemen slid down the pole
And into their fighting gear;
They knew the dangers they faced
Still they showed no sign of fear.

The engine and the tanker rolled
Out into the black of night;
Hastening to the fire scene,
Soon the building was in sight.

Each man had their job to do,
The hoses soon were laid,
The second floor of the house
Began to get fully sprayed.

The glass from shattered windows
Fell to the street below,
The fire kept on raging
And the wind began to blow.

Two firefighters with airpacks
Quickly ran inside the house,
Back-up hose and radios;
Soon the fire they would douse!

The Chief had given clear command
That the house was too far gone,
He radioed the men to come back out
But still they went along.

For someone had told them
That there was family inside;
"I know the child is missing"
A neighbor lady cried!

They made it to the second floor
And found a little boy
Curled up underneath a bed
With his favorite little toy.

One of the men picked him up
And started down the hall
Just as the ceiling up above
Came down on the back wall.

He made the stairs two at a time
The child held tight in his arms;
Out the front door he staggered;
Hearing the sound of more alarms.

The ambulance crew took the child
Then he turned to look back in;
His friend had not made it down
It was looking pretty grim!

The house was now fully involved;
Their hearts were full of pain -
For one firefighter's day was done
He had fought his final flame.

If you want to talk of heroes,
Don't forget the women and the men
Who go to fight the fires and
Sometimes don't make it out again.

Dedicated to the Firefighters - 2002

© Copyright 2002 COUNTRYMOM-JUST REMEMBER ME (countrymom at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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