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Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fanfiction · #450295
Things are not what they seem...is it the past or something totally different?

For anyone who is curious, part of me inspiration for this fic is loosely based on the books written by Diana Wynne Jones. If you haven't read them you should, they are excellent! The four that make up the Chrestomanci series in which I'm mainly referring to are in the order as they probably should be read: The Many Lives of Christopher Chant, Charmed Life, Witch Week and The Magicians Of Caprona. I read them when I was younger (long ago now) and I still read them and enjoy them immensely.

Someone also once asked me where I get some of me fic/chapter titles from. I can answer that in one word...music. If you're a product of the 70's and 80's like I am you'll recognize some of the titles...example...the title of this fic is the name of a song by Pet Shop Boys, and this chap title is from a Depeche Mode song called Flexible. I take inspiration and names from wherever I can get them to fit the mood of the fic I'm doing, and even something simple like a phrase in a song I can make into something or other. Something all artists (for we writers are merely another form of artists) should do...find your inspirations where you can! :)

~~~~Chapter Two: I Ask Myself....Is It A Sin?~~~~

'It's too hot,' a young tied back long black-haired, blue-eyed lad round the age of seventeen whinged.

'Tell us something we don't know you git,' a second boy, also with long black hair that was hanging straight down but coal black eyes, said with a scowl.

'Will you two muffins stop arguing already and pipe down? This is a sacred place you know, I want to get the vibrations of it,' a third lad with short brown hair that showed a touch of a grey and honey brown eyes, said in an exasperated voice.

'You would!' a fourth boy that had short mussy black hair that stuck up everywhere and silver wire-rimmed glasses muttered, then glared at the third lad. 'Personally I'm just bloody bored.'

'Who's brilliant idea was this anyway?' a fifth boy with short dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, wheezed as he finally caught up to his mates. 'Cor blimey...did they have to make these things so big?'

'Yes Peter, they had to. The builders wanted to protect the bodies within the tomb from any evil spirits or humans that might want to snatch their Khat away. If that happened then the other seven aspects of death couldn't take place. Without the Judgement of the Dead a person's Ka could wander round aimlessly, never finding peace or happiness, nor would they be able to reach the underworld,' Remus Lupin, seventh year student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, said with a nod at his friend.

'Cot? What'd they need cots for in this place?' James Potter, Head Boy and one of the best chasers Gryffindor had ever had, asked puzzled.

'Not 'cot' you prat, 'Khat' as in 'K.H.A.T'. It's the physical body of the soul. The eight aspects of death in case you didn't know are the Khat, Ka, Ba, Khaibit, Akhu, Sahu, Ab and Ren. Don't you know anything, Potter?' Severus Snape snapped whilst wiping his forehead off with a handkerchief. 'I do agree with Black though, it is hot, despite it being Wintertime here.'

'Stop whinging already will you all?' Remus grumbled. 'For your information, this isn't that hot for this time of year. You're just not used to it because you all grew up in a colder climate during the Winter. Personally I'm finding it quite enjoyable, I love coming here during the cooler Winter season,' he said, his golden brown eyes shining brightly.

'I still don't get it. Why'd they need a cot in a tomb?' James asked, still puzzled by what Severus had said.

Remus groaned and shook his head wearily. 'Just forget it, Jamie. You might be one of the brightest student at Hogwarts, but you know nothing about the truly important things in life.'

'Hey...I resent that! I know all there is to know 'bout the 'important' things in life as you put it...mainly Quidditch,' James said with a grin.

'Oh for the love of Salazar, it would have to be written on a bludger and beaten into your head for you to understand, Potter. You do know that right now you are being one of the most annoying git's I've ever had the unfortunate pleasure of standing next to?' Severus grumbled.

'Fine, then don't stand next to him, Snape. Here Jamie, come over and stand next to me,' Sirius Black said giving Severus a mocking grin, and pulled James over next to him.

'Works for me Padfoot old boy. Anything's better then having to stand next to our kind and fun loving Severus,' James teased.

Severus scowled and muttered a few incredibly rude words under his breath whilst shooting James a glare. James however only chuckled and shook his head, but just as he was about to say something Remus stopped him by putting his hand out. 'Quiet a moment, all of you. Do you realize what's happened?' Remus said glancing round worriedly now. He slightly tilted his head as if listening for something, then frowned as he confirmed his suspicions.

'What's happened, Remus?' Peter said glancing round now himself.

'We've bloody well lost the tour group that's what's happened! I thought they were just past the doorway a bit ago, but they're not there now. I can't hear anything in that direction. Or any direction,' Remus frowned again.

Three of the other four boys did appear concerned now, but Severus however was not. 'Your point being? So what if we've lost that stupid Muggle tour group or whatever they were. I hope they left and forgot we even were here. I say good riddance, that woman didn't even know half of what she was talking about,' he said in his usual dry manner.

'Maybe we should leave then? This place is starting to give me the creeps anyway,' Peter said fidgeting and glancing round nervously.

'Everything gives you the creeps Pete. Don't worry, we'll protect you from the big, bad mummies!' Sirius chuckled and draped an arm over his friend's shoulder.

Peter scrunched up his nose and scowled at Sirius. 'I'm not scared of mummies you prat, but I am scared of getting in trouble or something. Merlin knows what's down in these tombs, there could be...I don't know...anything.'

'Insects? Scorpions? Ghosts even?' James cut in innocently, though his facial expression was anything but.

'Oh sod off the both of you. As if I'd be scared of a few stupid ghosts or insects. Like I don't see them every day eh?' Peter said huffily. 'Honestly though Remus, don't you think we should leave? It's got to be late by now and your parents might start to worry,' Peter said hesitantly.

'Oh...right...my parents, yeah your right Peter. After all, they only get one month each year in which to be in this particular area, and there's still so much more to see yet. I haven't even shown you the Step Pyramid built by Imhotep for King Djoser in 2650 BC, or the Pyramid of Unas where the first hieroglyphics inside a pyramid was found or the Serapeum chambers...and everything else that's so wonderful here,' he exclaimed happily, oblivious of his Gryffindor friends rolling their eyes at him. 'But...I really wouldn't want to ruin the rest of the Yule hols for us, or get them in trouble because of anything we did,' Remus said with a sigh, then shaking his head he walked out of the offering chamber they had been standing inside of without another word.

The others followed after a moment, Severus in the led, when suddenly he stopped short, nearly knocking Remus down. 'What the bloody hell are you doing standing in the middle of the room for Lupin? I thought we were leaving,' Severus growled.

Remus however was looking up at one of the pictures that adorned the walls of the tomb, completely oblivious to the fact that Severus had even spoken to him, let alone nearly bumped into him. With a sigh that only Severus heard he shook his head and continued walking without a word, the boys following behind him. One in the group however had paused just for a moment to look back at the picture himself, an odd expression in his coal black eyes, before turning back round and catching up with the rest of the boys.

As the five boys exited the tomb they realised it was later then they thought after all. Night came swiftly in the deserts of Egypt, and in the ancient necropolis of Saqqara, the city of the dead, that was no exception. The moon was in it's waning stage but with no lights or fog to hinder it, it seemed as if you could reach up and pull it down to earth and hold it closely. The stars were exceptionally bright as well it seemed tonight, jewels glittering across a jet black sky as if they were a tribute the place in which the ancients had once stood and worshipped them. The five boys however didn't have time for stargazing, and one in particular no longer even dared to look above into the night sky in case memories would over come him and break him apart. They swiftly and silently now made their way over to some tents nearby, finding the one in particular they were looking for.

'Mum? Father? We're back! Sorry we're late,' Remus Lupin said peering round the tent flap tentatively before stepping inside.

'Ah there you boys are, I was getting worried! Come in, supper's almost ready,' Doris Lupin, Remus's mother, said with a smile as the boys filed inside of the tent.

'Where in the name of Salazar have you boys been? The tour ended nearly an hour ago. I thought I warned you about wandering round by yourselves,' Meyer Lupin said with a trace of annoyance from the chair he was sitting on, whilst giving the boys a stern glance.

'Now dear, I'm sure Remus was only showing his usual enthusiasm in showing off his homeland to his friends. I'm sure they can all handle things on their own out there at their ages. It's not like we're back in Cairo where anything could happen. Goodness, we're in the middle of the back of beyond, Meyer. We know everyone in the encampment so what could possibly happen here?' Doris said with a small sniff, and started putting out the supper plates.

'I'll help you with that, Mrs. Lupin,' Severus said in a rather charming way, and began to set the plates out.

'Butter up,' James mumbled out of the corner of his mouth to Severus promptly chose to ignore him.

'Mum's right, we're grownups now father, we can take care or ourselves,' Remus said sitting down at the makeshift wooden table and poured out some pumpkin juice. The rest of the boys, except for Severus who was still setting up things, followed him by sitting down and pouring themselves some juice as well.

'You are still boys, not grownups just yet, Remus Joseph Lupin. This excavation is very important to me right now, and I don't want to get my license revoked for sheer stupidity from my own son. When I tell you to do something you do it or you'll be facing my wand, you understand boy?' Meyer scowled and gave Remus a dark look.

Remus sighed and slightly bowed his head down gazing at his glass. 'Yes father,' he mumbled quietly.

'Don't you 'yes father' me in that tone of voice boy. I had to pull a hell of a lot of strings in order to allow your friends to come here for these two weeks. Don't make me regret I did that,' Meyer said haughtily.

'Yes sir,' Remus said meekly, afraid to say anything more that might anger his father. Instead he got up and finished helping Severus set things on the table, receiving a slight smile from his mum for his efforts. The look she gave him as well told him clearly she wished she could intervene on his behalf, but after all was said and done she knew nothing she could say would pacify her husband when he was in one of his darker moods.

Really it didn't matter what mood Meyer Lupin was in when it involved his son, and Remus knew that. Ever since the tragedy that had struck the Lupin family in Romania when he was only five years old, his father in a word, hated him. There was nothing Remus could do that would ever be good enough for his father to approve of, and at this point he didn't even bother to try any longer. He simply gave in and accepted this was the way things were. Questioning things or talking back only resulted in and ending he really didn't enjoy by any means. The only thing he would ever really want from his father was to be understood, but that was a pipe dream and wishing to hold the moon in his palm would be more likely to happen then that.

'Well now, seems everything is in order and supper's ready, so everyone please go ahead and sit down will you?' Doris said in a light tone and everyone finally took their seats. 'I hope you boys don't mind but I've made a few of the local traditional dishes tonight. Bit of hummos, ta'amia, some dukkah for your wholemeal bread, bamia, grapes, figs, dates...and oh...who was it who wanted the pilchard tin?'

'That'd be me, Mrs. Lupin,' Sirius spoke up.

'Ugh how can you eat those things, Siri? They're positively disgusting! I heard they give you spots too, oily things they are at that,' James said wrinkling his nose and moving a tad bit away from Sirius, and the smell of the tiny fish.

'No they're not, they're good for you. I eat them all the time and you don't see me with spots do you?' Sirius said rubbing his hands together and looking down happily at the pilchard tin now on his plate.

'They're good if you're a bigger fish maybe, Black. Humans should not ingest those disgusting things, in that I'm in agreement with Potter,' Severus said crisply whilst giving the fish a sickened look.

'Oi! Call the Ministry there's a strange bloke sitting at the table! Did my ears really deceive me or did Severus Snape actually agree with me on something?' James said feigning a slight swoon.

'Very funny, Potter. You're wit is purely astounding tonight,' Severus said airily, then began to fill his plate with the food that was now on the table.

'Bah, you blokes just don't know what you're missing out on is all,' Sirius grinned and picked one of the things up out of the small tin and waved it towards Peter.

'I'll stick to my pulses and peas thank you much, Sirius. Ewww...get it away from me!' Peter said disgusted, and nearly crashed into Remus in order to get away from the smelly fish.

'Oi watch it, Peter! You nearly knocked me off the seat!' Remus grumbled and poked his friend in the ribs with his elbow.

'OWW! Watch it Remy, you and your strength, sheesh,' Peter muttered whilst rubbing his ribs where Remus had poked him. 'Honestly, I'm sorry mate, didn't mean it but Siri's being a pain,' Peter said apologetically now and glared at Sirius fully.

'Settle down you lot,' Meyer said sending glares at Remus, James, Peter and Sirius. 'Why can't you all be more like our young Severus here. At least he knows how to act round his elders.'

Remus dropped his fork onto his plate with a clatter and stood up, looking at his father coldly. 'Then maybe Severus should have been your son instead of me hmm...father? At least then you wouldn't be so disappointed by your only son. Who not only happens to be a 'monster' but to make matters worse, a Gryffindor at that,' he said in a steely voice.

Meyer's dark brown eyes went nearly black with anger. 'Must you constantly torment me of that unfortunate decision? If I ever get my hands on that blasted sorting hat it'll wish it had it's seams ripped out years ago,' he scowled threateningly.

'Despite what you are father, the sorting put me exactly where it saw fit,' Remus bit back angrily.

'A misjudgment if I ever saw it. That a son of mine should be in Gryffindor of all things. It's unheard of, a disgrace to the Lupin name! In nearly 1000 years there has never been a Lupin in Gryffindor. The occasional miscreant Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff perhaps...but never has there been a good for nothing Gryffindor in this family until you came along!' Meyer said angrily, and banged his fist on the table making the plates nearly jump up.

'I was a Gryffindor in case you have forgotten, Meyer. If the hat felt Remus belonged there then that should be good enough,' Doris said in cold voice.

'Yes...well....what he is should have sorted him out correctly then, Doris. His kind in Gryffindor? Highly improper. I don't know what Dumbledore was thinking when he allowed the hat to sort you. Dark creatures belong in Slytherin just on their nature alone,' Meyer said darkly and glared at his son again.

'Don't you dare talk to me bout that! What I am has nothing to do with what I feel nor who I am,' Remus argued.

'Enough the both of you! I will not have a row at this table during meals, so take your seat Remus and eat your dinner. That goes for all of you. Eat, and not another word from anyone,' Doris said angrily, and took up the bowl with the ta'amia in it, spooning some onto her plate.

Remus glared back at his father a moment longer before turning to face his mum. 'I'm sorry mother but I think I'll eat later. I've somehow lost my appetite,' he said quietly. Smiling a moment at his mother, he turned and gave his father a cold, icy look then before anyone could stop him he dashed out of the tent.

Doris sighed and watched her son leave before turning back to face her husband. 'Was that really necessary, Meyer? Must you consistently throw all of that in his face?' she said coldly. For a Gryffindor she certainly could be very Slytherinish when she had to be, though after over twenty years of being married to one that wasn't surprising.

'Boy has got to learn his place, Doris. The more you coddle him now the worse it'll get when he's grown. He is what he is, no two ways round it, he needs to keep in mind he's only where he because our generosity. He's becoming too damned soft for my tastes in that house, and I don't approve at all,' Meyer said thickly.

'He doesn't need your approval, Meyer, he's knows what life has dealt him. He does want your understanding however. Can't you just let him be so he can enjoy his time here with his friends without the rows?' Doris said angrily then turned to face the four boys, 'I do apologize for all this boys. You're time here shouldn't have to be tainted by our family squabbles.'

'Err....that's...umm...alright, Mrs. Lupin...' James said hesitantly.

'Will Remus be all right by himself out there though?' Peter said worriedly and glanced at the tent flap.

'Oh yes I'm sure he will. He's probably just gone back to the tent you're all sharing if I know my son,' Doris said hesitantly.

'I hope so,' Sirius said quietly and gave James a strange look.

'He's not stupid Black, he knows the dangers the desert can bring on a person wandering alone,' Severus said before returning to his meal. He was worried for Remus, but he certainly wasn't going to step in middle of any of this.

'Of course he does Severus, your absolutely right,' Doris said half smiling at Severus, though there was a trace of doubt in her voice and she too looked back at the tent flap momentarily. It wasn't enough however that James, Peter or Sirius picked up on, but one that Severus certainly had, though he chose not to comment on it at the moment.

The boys finished their meal in relative silence, though now and then they had to listen to the occasional muttering from Remus's father bout his disappointing Gryffindor son, his work and whatever else it was that seemed to be bothering him at the moment. James, Sirius and Peter seemed to be ignoring the cold hearted ramblings, apparently they already knew what Remus's father could be like when he was in one of his darker moods. Severus on the other hand took everything in, being that this was so new to him.

When he first met the Lupin's he had been more than surprised to say the least. Remus had told him a bit about his parents, but what Severus really had known up until he met them could have filled a thimble. He had known that Remus had pure-blooded lines on both sides dating back to nearly the founders of Hogwarts, but of all things he certainly hadn't expected Mr. Lupin to have been a Slytherin. Not to mention that his mother was a Gryffindor, and married to said Slytherin. The fact that Meyer Lupin made it all too clear that he did not approve of Gryffindors in general made Severus shocked that he had taken one for a wife even if she was a pure-blood.

Remus had told him the day after he'd met them and found out what they were that there was more circumstances surrounding the marriage then what first met the eye. Apparently it had been not so much a marriage of 'love' but convenience. Meyer needed a wife that would be physically and mentally strong enough to survive in the field that Meyer worked in, and until he'd met his wife no one had even come close to his requirements. From what Remus had told Severus, his father didn't actually have to work, they were quite wealthy though it didn't seem that way in the middle of a desert. Near thirty years ago after the end of the Grindelwald war however, Meyer had been hand picked for to do this work for his knowledge of ancient societies, and had taken up the offer since peacetime began to drive him batty.

Meyer secretly worked with the wizarding governments round the world to help locate and translate ancient texts, artefacts, and assorted items that were found in tombs and ruins. Though Meyer was called in to work in other countries from time to time, Egypt was his primary work place and home. Since most of the ancient items that were commonly found littered round the world were indeed magical, though of course the Muggles didn't know this, he was called in by the various Ministries of Magic to 'hide' anything magical within those texts, objects and the like. It was tedious work siphoning out, translating, then altering the items if they needed it, and Meyer Lupin was the best in the field.

As for his wife, he had met her in Egypt twenty-one years ago whilst he was doing some work at the Temple of Luxor. She had always been fascinated by the Muggle and magical aspects of Egypt the most, though she also enjoyed other places round the world as well. Meyer found out that she could translate ancient texts and hieroglyphics without a hitch, and that's was only more points in her favour. She was good looking, sturdy, and had a blood-line to equal his own. Her own father, Maximus Millman, had also had a passion for Egypt which pointed in her favour, though he was more adept at knowing the cultures, temples and Gods rather than artefacts.

Though she hadn't intended on getting married at that time, in the end Meyer convinced her that he could use her help. She was a bit hesitant however in marrying him for many reasons. Meyer was nearly eighteen years older then her for starters, she had been but thirty seven when they had met, and he was already fifty-five years of age, not to mention he had been a Slytherin whilst her family had always been Gryffindors or Ravenclaws. However her father had approved of the marriage saying it was high time she did marry, and therefore she really ended up having little choice but to become the wife of Meyer Lupin. Over the years they did seem to have developed some fondness for each other, obviously enough to have Remus along the way.

Remus had told Severus he had been born in Egypt, in a caravan tent in between the Valley of the Kings and Queens, at least according to what his mother had told him. He was never a strong child though, always suffering ailments as a child, and always a loner because of it. It had been during a trip to Romania to study some magical texts on dragons is where he had suffered his worst tragedy however. Something that would change the life of the five year old Remus, along with the entire Lupin family forever.

From what Severus gathered no one had expected a werewolf to be in the area considering the amount of dragons round. However a wild one that had been separated from it's pack did find it's way to the small hostel in which the Lupins were staying. Remus had been out stargazing with his father just as the full moon had reached it's peek, and paid dearly for that by getting attacked and bitten. Remus had told Severus that he actually had been close to his father up until that time, but after Remus's first transformation confirmed his now dark-sided state, his father would never be the same to him again. Remus had told him in detail what it had been like after that, and Severus's thoughts turned to those conversations now.

Even though Meyer Lupin was a Slytherin, the fact that his only son was now a creature of instinct, neither human nor beast, weighed heavily on him. Remus had told Severus that the first time he transformed his father actually cried when he had to lock him in a cage, even apologising to him. However, because of one night of foolish 'stargazing', Meyer knew his son was doomed forever, never to be allowed to have a family or be allowed to be a 'proper' wizard. All hopes for his only child, his son and heir, were dashed from Meyer Lupin's mind that night of the first transformation, and he never stopped letting Remus know that.

When Remus was just about to turn eleven, Albus Dumbledore himself came all the way to the Peruvian Andes to tell Remus that he could go to Hogwarts. Remus knew that his father had most likely been the reason behind it, probably forcing the Ministry into allowing him to go but he didn't care. Remus had given up all hope early on in his life in going to the school his parents had. Even though he pretty much knew he had been accepted there by default, he still couldn't wait to go. It would mean that for at least for a little while he could escape his life at home, the daily barbs, taunts and glares from his father, though he would miss his mum. Even if he made no friends at Hogwarts, he knew he would feel more free than ever would, which meant a lot to the eleven year old boy who had been virtually secluded and kept away from people since he was five years old.

He remembered the day he got his wand over in Marapesh Market, the Egyptian version of Diagon Alley. Werewolves normally were not allowed to have a wand being that they fell under the Dept. of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures XXXXX status, meaning they were the highest forms of dangerous beast/beings in the world. Werewolves actively seek out human pray which is actually unique over any other creature, and even though there were the rare 'tamed' ones like Remus, by and large Werewolves were shunned more than any other creature. Surprisingly Vampires and Vampeals weren't even considered dangerous, yet they were bloodsucking killers more than Werewolves. The Ministry for some reason didn't even consider them in their researches and reports, and often Remus wished he could have been bitten by one of them instead of the Werewolf that got him that fateful night.

The Ministry still had not come to a ruling as of yet how to handle 'tamed' werewolves even to this date, being that there weren't enough 'tames' who were willing to participate in their 'research'. Therefore the Ministry were reluctant to give the 'tamed' ones wands, and in order to get one the 'tamed' Werewolf had to be vouched for. Which is why the ten inch Werewolf hair wand made from hardened palm fronds meant so much to him. He was only grateful that the wand shop's owner didn't question the wand's choice, or maybe he had known but Meyer had paid him off not to tell. Remus knew werewolf hair wands weren't popular and actually very rare, though as he clasped it tightly in his hand he really didn't care in the least what might happened if anyone questioned him later on. He did hope though no one would, he didn't want his chances ruined to make friends before they had begun.

The fact that the sorting hat had seen fit to put him into Gryffindor however had added fuel to what was already a very heated fire between father and son. He hated Remus for being in that house, and Meyer had more then often said he had half a suspicion Remus himself had influenced the hat somehow not to send him to his proper house of Slytherin. Remus was glad to go to Gryffindor however, and had never once regretted the hat's decision. Not that his father would believe him but he knew he went there on his own accords, and by no means had influenced the hat, even if he was a Werewolf.

In a way Severus understood Mr. Lupin's thinking though about his son though, having studied Werewolves in Defence Against the Dark Arts last year. They really were difficult creatures by nature, the wild ones tending to pack together and be dark and broody, and almost all of them killed humans for the sheer sport of it. The rare ones like Remus, and Severus had found out 'tamed' werewolves were rare indeed, would end up as loners. They feared for their lives because they were still hunted and persecuted in the wizarding and Muggle worlds just because of what they were. They would never be able to find proper or paid work as adults either due to their inherent dark sided natures, and the affinity they shared with the dark arts would put off even the most stalwart magic users.

Remus had been very lucky to attend Hogwarts and Severus knew that. No other tame Werewolf in recorded history had ever gone to Hogwarts, nor any magical school from what Severus had found out earlier this year. At least not according to the records his father had gotten hold of for him. He had told his father he needed the information as part of his DADA course, and was grateful that his father hadn't asked further questions. The fact that Severus had personal reasons to want to find out more on Werewolves would not have sat too well with his family that's for sure.

Severus hadn't known Remus was a Werewolf until an incident involving himself, Peter, Remus, James and Sirius a bit over a year ago. Sirius decided to end the constant taunts and remarks towards himself and his friends from one Lucius Malfoy, a Slytherin that embodied the meaning of the word evil far as Severus saw it. It was the barbs thrown especially towards Remus however that bothered Sirius the most. Although he had never told Remus this, Severus knew exactly why Lucius had said the things he did, and why to Remus in particular.

Lucius had told Severus in secret exactly how much he craved the brown haired, golden brown eyed lad. Lucius was determined to play his game on him and his friends until Remus was completely destroyed and would become pliable to Lucius's mercies. His original plan was to seduce Remus into his bed outright, but he gave that up at the prospect of breaking him and creating rifts in his Gryffindor friendships until he would crawl into Lucius's bed almost willingly instead.

One night during a full moon, Sirius had told Lucius bout a secret place to meet up with him to once and for all end things between them. Sirius and Lucius had gotten into a very heated row after Lucius said a few whispered words to Remus that had sent him pale and shaking to his dormitory. Sirius angrily confronted Lucius about it and had then told him to meet him that night at eleven o'clock at the Whomping Willow. At the last moment however Lucius told Severus to go in his place, not knowing of course it was a trap and thankfully James, who had found out what Sirius had planned via Peter, had gotten Severus away just in time.

James reluctantly admitted to Severus the truth about what it was that Sirius had planned, not to mention what it was that had just nearly killed him that night. As they both walked back to the school together, a bit shaken by the experience, both boys were equally angered by what had happened. Severus was surprised James Potter would rescue him, but that night he saw a different side to the lad, an angry, protective side that wasn't full just full of pranks or jokes.

James for some odd reason also admitted to Severus that it had been Remus that was indeed the very Werewolf that nearly just taken both their heads off. He told Severus that the willow was a passageway to where Remus would go to transform each month at the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade, and that the passageway and Shack were built solely for Remus's use. Severus was livid that Sirius would play such a trick on anyone for whatever reasons, and confronted Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts, the next morning before breakfast. He of course did not mention the fact that it wasn't Remus's being a Werewolf that bothered him, because really it didn't. What bothered him was that Sirius was going to get away with almost murder, and had not thought of what consequences his actions would have brought upon them all.

Dumbledore was very angry with Sirius for his prank, and gave him the next two months of daily detention, which to Severus didn't seem halfway good enough. He felt a bit betrayed by Dumbledore for a while for not expelling Sirius on the spot, but he calmed down when he realised two things. One was that if the Headmaster did that then the truth would come out and Remus would either be killed or sent to Azkaban for attempted murder, or at the very least Sirius would go to Azkaban for it and Remus would be forced to leave the school in shame. Number two reason was that Sirius hadn't gotten off quite that easy after all.

Detentions with Professor McGonagall and the caretaker Filch were blatantly making Sirius's life hell, for which Severus had major consolation from. Sirius also apologised to Severus at Dumbledore's insistence, but the tension between them could be cut with a knife for a very long time. Severus meanwhile had to also promise to never reveal Remus's true nature to anyone else, and though Severus was still pretty upset with Sirius, he agreed to keep Remus's secret.

When everything started to simmer down and he thought back on that night, Severus came to realize that Remus was the one who really had suffered the most from the prank. He'd found out that Remus didn't talk to Sirius for the whole two months that he had detentions, nor would even sit near him or anything else. Remus was more angry with Sirius for the fact he could have killed Severus that night, not to mention James. Remus felt betrayed by Sirius for revealing his most guarded secret, but in the end after bribes, apologies and mountains of sweets, Remus did forgive Sirius for being a such a prat and they became friends again, though Remus became a bit more withdrawn from his group of friends, and they respected that and gave him his distance.

A month after the incident, Remus also hesitantly approached Severus with a complete apology for what had happened. Severus had finally come to terms with the fact that Remus wasn't by any means at fault for what happened that night, that he too had been nothing more then a pawn in Sirius's prank. He forgave Remus totally, and though at first they were not quite 'friends', they reached an understanding with each. Enough where not more than a couple of weeks later Severus agreed to help Remus in potions, and Remus agreed to help Severus with whatever he might need help in, which if it was wand based meant nearly everything. Severus had always been horrid when it came to wand based charms or spells, potions being his one and only specialty.

Remus excelled of course in DADA class being what he was, dark magic came to him like a moth to a flame and he was more advanced than any of the other students in the subject. He was average at pretty much at everything else except potions which he had major issues with, and he abhorred divinations. He had stormed out of the divinations classroom last year saying it was nothing more then a bunch of codswallop, opting to take Muggle Studies instead. The divinations teacher, Professor Trelawney, seemed to always find a way to scry Remus's death for some odd reason, and he'd had more then enough of it so he left in mid-class one afternoon.

During the course of their tutoring sessions the two of them eventually developed an actual friendship. Though still guarded in some things like their pasts and families, they were open with each other on everything else. Though they played it cool during the daytime hours because of their house rivalries, they spent their evenings in a room Remus had found years ago that they suspected was an old guest room halfway between the Slytherin and Gryffindor towers. Their friendship is why Severus was now  here in Egypt with Remus, though unfortunately for him James, Sirius and Peter had been asked to come along too.

He'd been truly surprised when Remus had come to him a month ago and asked if he'd like to join him and his family during the Yule hols here. During their time spent together, Remus had found out that Severus also enjoyed the ancient Egyptian cultures and phenomenon's, something that Severus found out was very special to Remus as well. To be asked then to actually see what he had been reading about for so long made Severus nearly jump for joy.

Telling his parents that he needed to do extra credit for a Muggle Studies class, Severus got them to agree to let him come on the trip. However, his hobby of Egypt hadn't been the only reason he'd come along, but there was no way in hell he would admit that to anyone. Unlike Remus's parents, both of his were pure-blooded Slytherins from the word go, and they would never understand nor tolerate what Severus Snape really felt inside. To them he was the prodigal son, and to be anything else was tantamount to getting a Cruciatius Curse flicked his way...or worse even.

Truthfully, at first, he had been hesitant about spending time with Remus and his family, especially when he found out the others were going along. What had clinched matters in the end however is when Remus told exactly him what area in Egypt they would be staying. The necropolis of the dead had been something he'd studied quite a bit on, and to actually be here now taking in it's wonders was more than a dream come true, and he didn't regret one second of the trip so far, despite the three tag alongs.

The tomb they had visited today had been biggest jewel in the whole crown far as Severus was concerned. The fact that Severus had to share this experience with the other three Gryffindor dunderheads hadn't even dampened his mood, at least on the inside. He had done extensive studies on this particular tomb, for many reasons, and he knew that it seemed to call him the moment he'd stepped foot in it. Again something that he would never tell anyone, not even Remus when it came down to it. He could say a lot of things to the only person he considered as a friend, but he knew no matter how hard he tried, he could never admit the truth of just how much his Gryffindor friend affected him, and that was in nearly every way.


Original publish date: 2002-06-19   6:42:30 PM    ©Piri Lupin-Snape
Edit date: August 23, 2002   6:37 PM   ©Piriotessa/Piri Lupin-Snape

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