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Rated: GC · Article · Adult · #449484
Aj's one and only love dies suddenly and he doesnt know if he can overcome it.
He stood before the church as he delivered her ulogy. Tears fell down his face. He was only married to her for a short time but the love he had in his heart would last for a lifetime. He had married her in the same church earlier just 2 years after dating her for 3 years. Many of the same faces that attended their wedding were there that day except their faces had sadness on them instead of the happiness they had on them on their wedding day. He chuckled to himself as he thought back to their wedding day as if it were just yesterday. He could still see her walking down the aisle with a smile from ear to ear, but even she couldn't fool him, he could see right through her to her nervousness. He remembered the look in her eye as she took his hand. The way she tightened her grip on his hand as they finalized her vows. The way he felt as he kissed her for the first time as his wife. He snapped back to his torturing reality as he looked down and saw her laying in her coffin. He moved closer to her peaceful looking body and took her hand and softly kissed her lips knowing that would be the last time he'd ever feel the softness of her lips. He wiped the tears from his eyes as he took his seat and the minister finished the service.

AJ unbuttoned his collar as he sank into the couch. Nick closed the door as the last of the people left. He walked into the living room and saw AJ staring at a picture of him and Amber. "Hey AJ you doing ok?" "I just can’t believe she's gone ya know?" "I know, but you'll be ok I’m here if you ever need me" AJ kinda smiled, "Thanks Nick that means alot" "No prob. Look I’ll help you put away all the leftovers" "No, that’s ok Nick I can handle it" "You sure?" "Yeah I’m sure I just need to be alone for awhile" "Allright well I’ll call you later" "Allright Nick see ya". Nick left and AJ was surrounded by his large lonely house. He finally got up and made his way to the kitchen and slowly started putting away all the leftovers. He finished in the kitchen and made his way to the bedroom. As he walked into the bedroom he felt how cold the room was without Amber's presence. He stripped down to his boxers and by habit crawled into bed on the side he always slept on. He put his hand on Amber's side of the bed so he could feel her soft skin but instead all he felt was the cold cotton sheets that would never be laid upon again by Amber. He sighed and rolled over on his side to look at the picture of him and Amber that was taken on their first Christmas together. He smiled as he thought back to that day.

It was pretty chilly outside even though they lived in Orlando. AJ's house was lit up beautifully for the Christmas season. Amber and AJ strolled through his neighborhood hand in hand admiring the lights. They finally made their way back to AJ's house. They went inside and to the living room. "Hey AJ I think I’m gonna make some hot chocolate. You want some?" "Yeah that sounds great baby and while you do that I’ll build a fire in the fireplace" "Ok sweetie I’ll be back in a few" "Allright I’ll miss you baby" Amber smiled at him, "Miss you too" Amber went into the kitchen to make the hot chocolate while AJ made the fire. Amber got the mugs and went into the living room where AJ was finishing up making the fire. Amber sat down on the couch watching AJ. "You look so cute doing that AJ" He smiled and got up and sat next to Amber on the couch and pulled her into his lap and kissed her cheek, "And your always cute sweetie" She smiled and laid back in his arms while they sipped their hot chocolate watching the fire. AJ smiled as he finished his hot chocolate and set his and Amber's mug on the table and leaned back holding her tightly, "This is so perfect Amber, having you here in my arms. I can't think of any other place I’d rather be" "I know baby. I feel the same way" He leaned in and kissed her softly and slowly started parting her lips with his tongue. Amber graciously accepted his tongue into her mouth as they started exploring each others mouths with their tongues. They stayed on the couch for hours just kissing and being in each others arms. They eventually fell asleep on the couch and they woke up the next morning and opened their presents. AJ sat on the couch watching Amber open her presents. The look in her eyes as she opened each present was too cute. She looked like a child experiencing Christmas for the first time. After they had opened all their presents they spent the rest of the day relaxing on the couch with each other watching old Christmas reruns.

The phone rang which took AJ out of his thoughts. "Hello?" "Hey AJ it's Nick. How ya doing?" AJ sighed, "I'm doing ok I guess just been thinking about Amber" "Yeah I figured you would be. Why don’t you go out for a drive or I can come pick you up" "Your right Nick I do need to get out for a bit I think" "Allright I’ll come pick you up then. I'll see you in 15" "Okay Nick see ya" "Yep bye" AJ hung up the phone and went into the bathroom to get himself cleaned up a bit. He got dressed then went over to the sink and looked at himself in the mirror. As he looked into the mirror he could see the bathtub in the reflection. He smiled as he saw it. He and Amber had quite a few memories in that tub, but there was one that stood out the most. Their one year anniversary.

AJ had a mandatory meeting that day for a few hours so Amber had decided to go hang out with her friends until AJ's meeting was done. But AJ got home way before Amber which was the way he had planned it. AJ moved quickly to set everything up. He threw together a lasagna, salad and some breadsticks. Then ran upstairs to the bedroom to complete everything. The night was going to be perfect. A few hours later Amber came home. As soon as she walked in the house she could smell the aroma from the kitchen. She set her things down, "AJ honey I’m home. Where are you?" She looked around but she couldn't find him. All of a sudden she felt a pair of hands go over her eyes. "Guess who?" Amber laughed, "Hmmmm, I have no clue. Nick maybe?" AJ laughed and spun her around to face him. "Ah, I always knew you had a thing for Nick" Amber smiled and brushed his face softly, "Aww honey, none can compare to how wonderful you are" AJ smiled and leaned in and kissed her, "Come on lets have dinner honey" He took her hand and led her into the dining room where the table was all set up. They sat down at the table and ate their dinner. Once they were done with dinner AJ got up and went over to Amber and whispered in her ear. "Now time for dessert" "Mmm, what did you make honey?" AJ smiled a devilish grin, "Oh I haven't exactly made anything just yet, your my dessert" Amber giggled as he picked her up into his arms and carried her upstairs to the bedroom. He started kissing her as he took off her clothes. He loved the way she looked naked. He pushed her back into the bed and began caressing her and enjoying every square inch of her body. He fondled her breasts as he made his way down her body as he started kissing her thighs. He took in her sweet scent as he pleased her with his tongue. He brought his face back up to hers, "I wanna make love to you" Amber smiled and nodded. He eased himself inside her and was instantly lost in his overwhelming emotions for her. He made love to her for hours. As soon as they finished AJ smiled at her, "Lets go take a bath honey" "Sounds good to me AJ" They got up and went into the bathroom together. AJ smiled, "Baby, get the water ready for us I’ll be right back" And with that he left the room. Amber sat on the edge of the tub and started the water and started filing the tub. A few minutes later AJ returned with a bottle of champagne and some strawberries. They got in the tub and Amber positioned herself in between AJ's legs. AJ poured them each some champagne and fed each other strawberries and shared an occasional kiss. He couldn't think of any place he'd rather be than with her. He knew from that moment he could and would spend the rest of his life with her.

There was a knock at the door that made AJ jump. He went down the stairs and opened the door expecting to see Nick, but instead there was a floral delivery. "Mr Alexander Mclean?" "Um yeah that would be me" "Ok just sign here" AJ sighed as he grabbed the pen and signed his name. Why did people have to send flowers and cards? It only made you have to accept the loss you suffered and AJ wasn't ready to do that. He shut the door and looked down at the flowers and sighed. He went and placed them on the entry hall table. As he went to turn away he stopped and thought to himself for a second, "Hmmm for some reason those flowers seem so familiar" He turned to look at them again and it hit him. "Oh man how could I have almost forgotten that" He took the flowers off the table and sat down on the floor softly touching their petals as he thought back.

AJ had kept seeing the same girl at quite a few of the BSB concerts, Johnny No Name concerts and some of the other things fans were able to attend. And at every concert, that same girl had one flower with her-a single yellow rose. She had never met any of the guys but AJ was very intrigued by her. She wasn't like other fans. Somehow she always had a seat towards the front but she never cried or carried on like other fans. But you could tell by the look on her face she was always having the time of her life. But everytime AJ sang 'Lay Down Beside Me' she threw this single yellow rose onstage. Finally one night after AJ had gotten almost 2 dozen of those roses he went up to Nick, "Man I have got to find this girl. There is something about her" Nick laughed, "Man are you losing it? But hey since even I can tell your really serious about this chick then let's sit down and think and see what we can come up with" They thought and thought, yet neither of them could come up with anything. They went back to their hotel that evening and retired to their rooms. But AJ was restless that night thinking about a way to find that girl. He decided he'd go for a walk. He walked around the entire hotel then went out by the pool and sat down at one of the tables not knowing there was another person sitting at that table. Once AJ sat down and glanced over realizing there was somebody else at that table he stood back up, "Oh excuse me I didn't know there was somebody else----wait a sec, your that girl. The one who comes to our shows and throws me a single yellow rose aren't you?" The girl nodded. AJ smiled, "Um I know this may sound crazy but I’ve been looking for you. Um, what’s your name?" "I'm Amber" "Amber? Wow nice name. Well um, I’m AJ except I think you already knew that" He sat back down in the seat and continued talking to her about everything. her life, his life, being a BSB. And before they knew it the sun was coming up. "Wow it's getting light out" AJ commented. "Yeah it is" AJ yawned., "Wow I didn't realize we were out here that long" "Oh I’m sorry I’ve kept you from going to bed, haven’t I?" "No,no,no it's ok really it was worth it, But I do have to get going now even though I don’t want to" "Oh well um it was nice meeting and talking to you AJ" "Yeah it was I’d love to do it again sometime. Any chance I could get your number?" "Sure AJ" She pulled out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down her number. And he gave her his number. Throughout the next few months they called each other quite a bit which led to them hanging out every chance they were free.

Nick opened the door to AJ's house and saw AJ sitting on the floor holding the vase of flowers. "Hey there AJ you ok?" AJ got startled as he broke out of his thoughts, "Huh? Oh yeah im fine. I'm just thinking" "Well ok, you ready to go?" "Yeah, I just have to grab my keys" He got up putting the flowers back on the table and taking one last glance at them he turned and walked into the kitchen and grabbed his keys off the counter. "Allright Nick lets go" He said as he walked out the door locking it behind him. AJ hopped into Nick's car as he started it. Nick pulled out of the driveway and headed down the road. Nick glanced over at AJ, "Hey bone, how about some music?" "Sounds good to me" "Allright let's check out whats on the radio" Nick turned on the radio and they heard the DJ talking, "As many of you know AJ Mclean of the Backstreet Boys has lost his wife. Our prayers are with him". AJ sighed and looked out the window as the DJ spoke. Nick noticed AJ's uneasiness and changed the channel, "Um sorry AJ" "It's ok I have to get used to it anyways". Nick stopped at a stop light that was right across from the park. AJ glanced up and realized where they were. Without saying anything, AJ jumped out of the car and dodged traffic and ran into the park. Nick rolled down the window as quickly as he could, "AJ, where are you going?" AJ didn't answer, he just kept running through the park until he reached a rock that nestled by a tree right on the lake. He sat down on the rock to catch his breath as he stared off into the distance.

It was a warm spring day and AJ was running a bit late for his 3rd date with Amber. But this was going to be a big date for him because he was gonna kiss her for the first time. So many times he was tempted to kiss her but he wanted it to be absolutely perfect so he fought the urge everytime. But today was definitely the day. He ran across the street to the park entrance where he was supposed to meet Amber. As he ran across the street he saw Amber on a bench checking her watch. AJ ran up to her, "Sorry I’m late. Got caught in traffic" Amber smiled at him, "It's ok AJ don’t worry about it" AJ pulled her to her feet as he thought about how sweet and understanding she was. He gave her a nice tight hug. He could smell a mixture of her shampoo and perfume she was wearing that day that made him weak in the knees. He pulled back and smiled at her and put his arm around her shoulders pulling her close to him and they began walking. They walked through the park for awhile until they reached this rock by the lake that was perfectly set under a tree. AJ helped her sit down on the rock then he took a seat next to her. He ran his fingers through her hair softly, "You look so beautiful Amber" Amber smiled, "Your not so bad yourself AJ" "You know, I've had alot of fun going on all these dates with you. I feel so at ease. Your one of the few people that treat me like a normal person and that means so much to me" "Awwww AJ, your the sweetest. And I treat you the way I do because to me you are a normal person. You just happen to be a person with alot of talent that got recognized by quite a few people" AJ watched her lips as she talked wishing his lips were pressed up against hers. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore. "Amber, I’m dying to do something. I’ve been dying to do this for awhile" Amber looked at him confused, "Um what is it AJ?" He smiled at her as he started leaning in slowly "This". He kissed her softly while placing his hand on her cheek. As he pulled her closer to him, he started parting her lips with his tongue. They caressed each other’s tongues and mouths with their tongues. They sat on the rock kissing for several minutes. AJ or Amber had never felt so much emotion before during a kiss. Finally AJ pulled away smiling. "God, that was so worth the wait" "Yeah it was AJ" "I don't know about you but I could have done that all day" Amber smiled, "I'm with you on that one" "Well, how about we go back to my house and do just that huh?" Amber smiled and got up, "Well what are we waiting for huh?" AJ laughed, "Absolutely nothing" He stood up and took her hand and instead of walking to the car, he pushed her up against the tree kissing her again. They pulled away from each other and Amber smiled, "I thought we were going back to your house" "Well we'll get there eventually but right now I just cant seem to get enough of your sweet lips" He said tracing her lips softly with his finger. He pulled her to him again kissing her deeply while caressing her sides softly. They didn't move from that tree for hours. That night after he had dropped Amber off at home he went home and tried going to sleep. But he kept playing their kiss over and over in his mind. Finally he got back up and drove down to the park where there kiss had taken place earlier and sat on the rock and rested his head against the tree thinking about Amber. All of a sudden he had an idea, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his pocket knife he carried everywhere and started carving his and Amber's initials in the tree inside of a heart. Once he was happy with his work he took one last look at it and left and went home. The next day he went and picked Amber up bright and early at her house telling her he had to show her something. They left her house and he drove her down to the park and before he got out of the car he tied a bandanna over her eyes so she couldn’t see. He led her slowly by the hand to the tree he had carved their initials on. He stood her right in front of it and stood behind her resting his hands on her waist, "Ok you ready Amber?" Amber laughed, "I've been ready AJ" "Ok well take off your blindfold then" She untied the blindfold and took it off her eyes and looked up at the tree and saw the initials. She smiled big and got tears in her eyes, "Oh AJ it's so sweet" He walked around in front of her wrapping his arms around her waist, "I thought you would like it. I did that last night when I was so restless in bed thinking about how much I enjoyed our kiss that I had to come down here and revisit the spot and then I decided to carve our initials on the tree" Amber smiled and kissed him softly, "Your the best AJ" "No, you are honey"

AJ was leaning up against the tree tracing his finger along their initials on the tree with tears in his eyes thinking back about the first kiss they had shared there. And the look on her face when he showed her their initials when Nick finally spotted him. Nick ran over to him, "God there you are! I've been looking for you like for 45 min. now you ok AJ?" AJ, still leaning up against the tree tracing the heart with his finger looked up at Nick, "Yeah sorry about that. I just saw the park and I had to come here. You see, Amber and I um had our first kiss here on this rock and then I carved our initials in this tree" Nick smiled, "That’s sweet AJ. You two seemed to have had alot of fun together" AJ smiled, "That we did but one time she and I had this fight that I thought for sure would be the end of us" "Wow really? Hey I tell you what lets go grab something to eat and you can tell me all about it ok?" "Allright Nick" He said getting up. He turned and faced the tree one last time and softly kissed his hand and placed his hand on the tree where the initials were and softly said, "I love you Amber. I'll never forget you" He wiped the tears that were welling up in his eyes before they fell and started walking back to the car with Nick. They got to the car and got in and they started down the road towards a nice, quiet restaurant they knew of. Nick laughed, "Your not gonna jump out again are you? Or do I have to put on the child safety locks?" AJ kinda laughed, "Naw I’m not having any urges right now" "Allright good" They drove down the road a bit more until Nick pulled into the restaurants parking lot and parked the car. They got out and went into the restaurant and got seated. They looked over the menu and the waitress came by and took their order. Nick folded his arms on the table, "Well tell me about the fight AJ. I'm dying to hear about it seeing as though whenever anybody saw you two together you were all over each other. I don't think I ever saw you two argue" AJ laughed, "No, we hardly argued but oh man this one time we did I thought for sure I had lost her for good"

AJ had been going to the recording studio quite a bit lately and spending less and less time with Amber. And needless to say, Amber was becoming very worried about the status of their relationship. And it all got worse one day when on MTV they showed AJ and Amanda, the girl AJ had been spending all his time with in the recording studio who had the body of a goddess. Definitely major competition for Amber, at least so she thought. AJ came home late one night from a long day in the recording studio and Amber was already up in bed crying softly. AJ came into the room smiling from ear to ear and the faint smell of an unfamiliar perfume was coming off his body. "Hey baby, I'm home. How was your day huh?" Amber didn’t bother to roll over and face him or in her opinion to answer such a stupid question as this when it was obvious to how she was gonna take to the news that the only man shes loved is cheating on her. She would no longer be his snuggle-bear or hear him whisper those sweet nothings in her ear. And thinking all this just caused her to cry harder and finally it caught AJ's attention. He rushed over to her side. "Baby, what is the matter? Are you ok?Are you sick?" Amber buried her head more into the pillow, "I'm dying from a heartbreak AJ" AJ sat there confused for a minute and scratched his head. "A heartbreak? Well um, who broke your heart?" Amber sighed and got up and walked across the room now growing more angry than she was depressed. "Are all guys this clueless AJ? I mean really who else could have broke my heart huh? Oh wait maybe you wouldn't know anything about that because I’m the only in this relationship who knows how to stay faithful" AJ turned to face her still with the look of confusion on his face, "Faithful? Baby, if your talking about me I’ve always been faithful to you" Amber grew more and more angrier, "Uh huh then why are you in the studio all the time and going out all the time with that.....that.......girl huh?" AJ laughed, "Aw honey no I’m helping her with her singing career" Amber threw a vase his way purposely missing him, "Damniit AJ quit lying I saw you 2 on MTV and you 2 sure looked cozy" AJ jumped up off the bed when the vase hit the wall right next to him, "Damn honey calm down honest I swear to you I’m being faithful to you. And as for the thing on MTV I don’t know what your talking about" Amber walked over to the TV, "Well, aren't we in luck huh? I just happened to tape it for you" She popped in the tape and pushed the play button and sat on the end of the bed. AJ tried to sit with her but she got up and moved to her vanity but still able to see the TV screen. Kurt Loder popped up on the screen and started his news brief. "Brace yourself ladies yet another Backstreet Boy is taken. AJ Mclean is seen here with ex girlfriend Amanda Latona who doesn’t quite seem to be an ex anymore. They have been spotted going in and out of the recording studio late at night and seen at quiet secluded restaurants sitting in the back whispering to each other. It definitely looks like love is back on the horizon for these 2" Amber turned off the TV and glared at him, "Well, what do you have to say for yourself huh?" "But I’m not doing anything honest I’m not" Amber got up and started walking to the closet to get her suitcase, "Uh huh right AJ then why do you smell like her huh? I thought you could be honest with me but I guess I was wrong huh?" She grabbed her suitcase and started throwing her things in to it. AJ sat on the bed dumbfounded, "What are you doing?" "I'm going to my mothers. That way you and Amanda can be together and happy without me in the way so you don't have to sneak around anymore" "But honey, I’m telling you there is nothing going on with us. I'm just helping her with her singing career" Amber didn't listen to him she walked down the stairs and out the door"

AJ finished up his dinner while laughing. "Man, she was so pissed at me" Nick laughed, "Damn man, how did you ever get her to come back huh?" AJ laughed, "Well, remember that thing I had to go to NY for to do on MTV but I wouldn't tell anyone?" Nick nodded, "Yeah I do. I suppose your gonna tell me now?" "Yeah, I had to go there and make a statement on MTV that I wasn't dating Amanda and that I was dating Amber and I was madly in love with her and thankfully Amber happened to be watching MTV and she called me and we talked things through and I came right home and into her arms. But I could tell that deep down she still had her doubts about us." Nick paid for their dinner and they got up and went back out to the car and got in and started driving. Nick laughed, "Well she was right about one thing" AJ looked at him, "And what part was that huh?" "You being clueless" Nick started laughing and AJ laughed and smacked him over the head. "Be quiet I don’t see you with anyone with marriage potential. All I see you with is booty calls" Nick laughed, "Hey, I need variety in my life ok?" AJ smiled and nodded, "With Amber, I didn’t need any variety, anything and everything we did I enjoyed more than anything else in this world. Even the rush I get on stage at night didn't compare to the feelings I experienced when I was with her" Nick nodded, "Hey, didn't you purpose to her soon after that?" AJ nodded, "That I did. God, I was so nervous that night" AJ laughed as he thought back onto that night.

AJ had been on Amber's ass to make sure she was going to be at the big concert in Orlando. And finally the night of the concert had arrived and AJ was more nervous than usual about this concert because tonight he was gonna purpose to Amber on stage in front of the thousands of fans. AJ had been wanting to purpose to her for awhile but he figured he should do it soon because of the argument they had the past week. He could tell that even though Amber said she believed he hadn't cheated on her that she was still distancing herself from him somewhat and he had to do something to prove his love to her and not lose her and quick. AJ paced back and forth backstage waiting for the time that he would have to go on stage. Amber was seated in front of the security barrier near the stairs where AJ had asked her to sit. Finally it was time for them to go onstage. AJ had alot of pent up energy in him from his nervousness backstage so he was on fire that night. Amber sang and danced along, She loved coming to see their concerts because of AJ's wild ways on stage and then being able to know the sweet and gentle Alex offstage. Amber had already seen 10 of the shows from this tour, so she noticed the change in it when AJ came out on stage by himself holding a single rose. AJ looked at Amber and started talking, "As many of you know there been rumors about me being with my ex girlfriend Amanda again and I’m here to tell you the truth in it. I am not dating Amanda and will not be dating Amanda. As many of you know I am with a very wonderful girl Amber who I am madly in love with and she’s here tonight how about she comes up on stage with me? Come on up Amber" He walked over to the edge of the stage and led the hesitant Amber up on stage and once she got up on stage she could hear the faint sound of the song 'I Promise You' which had always been her and AJ's song. The rest of the guys came on stage singing it. Amber looked at AJ and said softly, "AJ, what in the hell are you doing?" AJ smiled and got down on one knee, "Amber sweetheart I love you with all my heart and there is no other person in this world that can compare to you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life." He pulled a box out of his pocket with his hands shaking and opened up the box with a huge diamond ring in it and looked up and her and smiled, "Amber, will you marry me?" Amber covered her mouth with her hand and tears running down her face and shook her head yes. AJ smiled and got up and slid the ring on her finger and pulled her to him and kissed her softly. He pulled back and looked into her eyes and said with a whisper, "I love you " Amber still with tears in her eyes smiled big, "I love you too AJ"

Nick and AJ laughed thinking back on that day. "Man, AJ you were so nervous I wasn't sure if you were even gonna go through with it" "I almost didn't I was so scared. I mean deep down I always knew she would say yes but I just had that fear of being turned down on stage in front of all the fans" "You know I think Amber knew something was up anyways" AJ turned and looked at him, "Well why do you say that huh?" Nick laughed, "You mean I never told you?" "Well, I’d say not. Tell me" "Well, Amber called me from the bathroom in your house before she left for the concert and like all whispering and stuff asking what you were up too. I mean she was almost scared to come to the concert. I had to keep asking her to make sure she was going" AJ laughed, "That girl is something else"sighs"Was something else" Nick looked at AJ, "Hey just give it a bit and you'll be ok " AJ nodded and looked out the window as Nick pulled into a parking space at a local strip mall. All of a sudden out of nowhere AJ darted out of the car again. Nick sighed, "Here we go again" Nick got out of the car to catch up with AJ but he was just to fast for him. AJ ran over to the music store that was there and into the store and over to the new music release section and sat down on the floor crying. Nick ran around for a bit then spotted the music store and just knew thats where AJ had gone. He went into the store and ran around looking for AJ. He finally saw him sitting on the floor rocking back and forth crying like a baby. Nick ran over to him and knelt down beside him, "AJ man you've gotta stop doing this to yourself" "It was my fault Nick. It was all my fault. She wanted to stay home that day. I should have let her. But no she came and now she's gone because of me" Nick sighed, "AJ it's not your fault she ended up coming because she wanted too not because you made her. She loved you and supported you" AJ buried his head in his hands and started crying harder thinking back on that day he lost her.

All the guys had to be at the music store for a press conference for the release of a new album. The press conference went smoothly and afterwards the guys had to mingle with the crowd and the reporters. AJ hopped down off the stage and went over next to Amber and wrapped his arm around her and they started walking around the store. A reporter approached them and started interviewing the both of them and asking Amber about her relationship with AJ. "Well, AJ and I are doing great. I'm really enjoying the married life with him. And he's the sweetest, most gentle man ive ever known" All of a sudden they heard alot of commotion going on in the upper level of the music store. AJ pulled Amber closer to keep her safe. He looked over at her to ask her if she was ok, but when he did he saw the bullet penetrate her chest and she fell to the ground. AJ screamed and fell to the ground holding her in his arms screaming for help. By this time, his screaming had attracted alot of attention and everyone gathered around them while the security guards apprehended the girl and took her into custody. The ambulance arrived and they loaded her on while AJ climbed on board with her, his clothes covered with her blood. They rushed her to the hospital and made AJ wait in the waiting room while they took her into the emergency room. AJ sat down on the chairs out there crying. The other guys arrived quickly and rushed to AJ's side to comfort him. A few hours later, a doctor came out of the emergency room and said they were able to save her and that she was in the ICU and that she was in a coma right now and the next 48 hours were very critical for her and that only one person at a time was able to go see her. All the guys went down to her room and took turns going in to see her saving AJ for last since he was planning on staying the night with her. Finally all the guys had gone in to see her and they told AJ that if anything happened to call him. AJ nodded and walked hesitantly into the room where Amber was hooked up to all kinds of machines. He took a seat next to her and stroked her hand for awhile. Finally he started getting tired so he pulled a chair up right next to her bed and sat down in it. He started drifting off to sleep when all the machines in the room started going off signaling there was a problem. He jumped to his feet and ran to her, "Oh god Amber no please baby don't leave me baby please be ok" Tears were running down his face and he started looking around for someone to help him. He ran to the doorway screaming for help and ran back to Amber's side holding her hand crying hysterically. Nurses and doctors ran into her room and started pushing AJ out of the way. He backed up slowly to the door never taking his eyes off her. He was crying hard and shaking uncontrollably. He backed into the wall and sunk down to the floor shaking and crying, "No please god don’t take her from me please no I can't lose her" The commotion started dying off in her room and he saw through his blurry tears a doctor look up at the clock, "Time of death 1100pm" AJ looked down and started crying harder. The nurses ended up calling the rest of the guys to the hospital. By the time they got there AJ was more relaxed because they gave him something to calm down. Nick ended up taking him home that night and staying with him.

AJ looked up at Nick with tears in his eyes, "I should have let her stay home Nick" Nick sighed, "Look maybe we should get you home ok? You have another hard day ahead of you tomorrow" AJ nodded and got to his feet and they both walked quietly out to the car and got in. Nick drove him to his house. "Hey AJ I’ll come pick you up tomorrow for the funeral ok?" AJ nodded and got out of the car and went into his house. When he walked into the house he still expected to hear Ambers angelic voice greeting him or hearing the smell of her cooking in the kitchen or hear the water running in the shower so he could go join her, but instead all he heard was the quiet ticking of the clock that seemed to go on forever. He sighed and went to the kitchen and made himself a sandwich from the leftovers and then made his way to the bathroom and took himself a nice long bath trying to relax and loosen up some of the muscles in his body. He finally decided to get out of the bath when his fingers had turned to prunes and the water was getting cold. He dried off and went into his room and put on a pair of boxers and crawled into bed. He tossed and turned not being able to sleep. Finally he grabbed Amber's pillow and held it close to him and took in her scent which helped him drift off to sleep.

AJ hadn't seen Amber in about a month and he was still on tour so he planned to have her come spend Valentines day with him in New York. Amber’s flight got in late the night before Valentines day. And for the time the flight came in he was able to come pick her up at the airport. When she got off the plane, AJ ran to her and embraced her tightly. They were both so tired that night that they just went straight back to the hotel and went to bed because all that mattered to the both of them was that they were together again. The next day luckily the guys had a night off. So Amber and AJ spent the day shopping and doing the tourist thing. That night he had bigger plans though and he was hoping Amber would go for it. He wanted so desperately to make love to her for the first time. They had been together for 8 months and he knew that she was a virgin and they both wanted to make sure that it was right. And he couldn't think of a better or more romantic time to make love for the first time than Valentines day. That night AJ got dressed in his best suit while Amber dressed in an elegant evening gown that AJ had bought her earlier that day. They went out for a nice romantic dinner and then out dancing. They got back to the hotel later that night and Amber went in to take a shower. AJ undressed and slowly and quietly went into the bathroom hoping for the reaction he wanted from Amber. He slowly opened the shower curtain and it made Amber jump. "Oh god AJ you scared me" AJ laughed, "Sorry baby. Um do you mind if I join you?" Amber smiled, "Well sure why not AJ" He smiled and got in the shower with her and took the washcloth from her hands and began to wash her slowly and softly all over her perfect body. AJ smiled as he caressed her all over with the washcloth and looked at every curve she had on her. He pushed her under the water somewhat and rinsed her off. Then Amber turned and faced him and smiled, "My turn" and took the washcloth from him and began returning the favor and washing him the same way he had done her. He got under the water and began rinsing himself off and out of nowhere grabbed Amber and pulled him to her and started kissing her passionately. She ended up dropping the washcloth as she wrapped her arms around his waist kissing him back. He pulled away and smiled, "How about we move this to the bedroom? I'm sure it would be much more comfortable in there" Amber nodded and they got out of the shower and dried themselves off. He led her into the bedroom and slowly laid her down on the bed and crawled on top of her and began kissing her. His hands roamed her body until he finally rested them on her breasts rubbing them softly and teasing her nipple in between his fingertips. Amber moaned and arched her back at his touch. He continued kissing her and his hands started making his way down to the area that was making his lower stomach wet. He eased her legs apart slowly and slid his hand up her inner thighs and made his way to her wetness. He caressed her softly then found her clit and rolled it gently in between his fingertips while he worked 2 of his other fingers deep inside her. He did this for awhile and then kissed his way down her body and took in her scent and started licking her softly and nibbling. The feelings Amber was having were overwhelming and nothing like she had ever felt in her life. He made his way up to her face still teasing her with his fingers and smiled at her, "I wanna make love to you honey" Amber nodded and softly said "yes". AJ smiled and got a condom on and kissed her softly and slowly started to ease himself into her. Amber dug her nails into his back and moaned in exticy. His pace was slow at first then picked up more and more until he was inside her as deep as he could be. They had both never felt more emotional before in their lives. Finally after quite awhile they could both feel their climax coming on quickly. As AJ came deep inside her he pulled her close to him and kissed her deeply both of them with tears in their eyes from feeling so emotional. He pulled back and smiled at her, "I love you sweetheart" I love you too AJ"

AJ awoke the next morning in hopes of seeing Amber sleeping soundly next to him, but then he remembered she was gone. The dream he had that night had been so real. He thought for sure he had really made love to her. He sighed and glanced over at the clock. He had to get up, Nick would be there soon. He got up and got out his suit and slowly got dressed in it. As he made his way downstairs he could smell coffee in the kitchen. "What the..... Amber?" He rushed into the kitchen to see Nick serving himself a cup of coffee, "Oh it's just you" "Nice to see you too AJ" "Naw I’m sorry I um just smelled the coffee and I don't know why but I just thought all this was a bad dream and Amber was in here" "Aw I’m sorry AJ" "No it's not your fault. Come on let's get this over with. I have to stop at the grocery store first though" "Ok no prob let's go" They left the house and stopped off at the grocery store "I'll just be a second" Nick nodded. AJ ran into the store and over to the flower section and found exactly what he was looking for a single yellow rose just like the ones Amber had always given him. He purchased the rose and went back out to Nick's car and got in. When they got to the cemetery, All the people that had been at the viewing the day before were there and alot more people. All the guys came up and hugged AJ and made sure he was ok. Everyone took their seats and the minister started the final service for Amber. AJ sat in the very front not taking his eyes off Amber's coffin picturing her face so happy and her smile that could melt the coldest heart and her soft skin and how he loved feeling her cuddle up to him late at night or hearing her say in a whispering voice that she loved him when she thought he was asleep. They lowered the coffin a bit into the ground and AJ got up and went over right beside her coffin and knelt down getting tears in his eyes, "Amber baby I love you more than anything. You brought so much happiness into my life and so many other peoples lives. I'll never forget you as long as I live" He carefully placed the yellow rose on top of her coffin and put his head in hands and started crying softly not taking his hand off her coffin. Nick finally came up behind him and softly put his hand on his shoulder. AJ wiped his eyes and looked up at him. Nick just smiled, "She loves you too AJ and I know wherever she may be she'll never forget you either" AJ smiled and got up and Nick put his arm around him and started leading him to the car. AJ turned and took one last look back and smiled, "I love you Amber" and turned back around and headed for the cars.

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