Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/447582-My-Daily-Journey
Rated: E · Short Story · Experience · #447582
Entry for The Happy Twisty Contest
Daily I walk though the crowd as they scurry here and there, moving out of my way and each others way. Some tumbling over each other in their rush to get wherever it is they are going. Others calmly going about their business, neither the haste of others nor my passing by, disturbs their calm nature. They continue to do their job or go where they need to go, without so much as a ruffled feather.
As I walk, at times, along the way, the crowd thins and at some points, there is no crowd at all. There is only me, but it doesn't last long. As I walk on, back into the crowd I go, with more scurrying and scattering, here and there, as I steadily continue onward along my pathway, heading always to the end of my journey.

Daily, I make this journey, in one direction, forward, heading for the end. Sometimes I start my journey and walk in the opposite direction, but I am still heading toward the end. Always, I have to walk though the crowd. They are always there, going on their own journey. Sometimes my daily walk is more calm then others. Sometimes, along the way, I stop and help those in need, stuck and in need of a helping hand. At times the noisy chatter is over powering, as is the smell of so many bodies that make up the crowd, being in one place, living, eating, doing their jobs and sometimes even dieing. Death is a part of life. It happens to us all, but the crowd is still there, each making their way though the life they are given, till each come to the end of their own journey.

I walk, always, toward the end of my own journey, sometimes quiet and calm. Other times, depending on what I must deal with along my way, I become agitated and moody. Sometimes I sing, adding my own voice to the noise and confusion around me. Some notice my song, cocking their heads to hear me clearer. Others seem to not notice me at all. I sing, when I feel like singing, not caring if the mass cares for my song. Not caring if any like or dislike hearing my voice. At times as I walk, I talk aloud to myself. This to, adds to the noise around me. I talk about things that have been bothering me. I say aloud, thoughts that end up later, when I have time to write my museings down, as poetry or stories that I share with another multitude that can be concedered friends or extended family. Doing these things, talking to myself, singing, thinking, all help me stay calm and give me a sort of peace as I walk, always toward the end of my daily journey.

Along the way, I look up, into the distance to see how much farther I must travel. Sighing at the great distance I must still go for this is my lot in life and I know I must continue onward before I can reach the relished end of my journey. Pausing in spots, where the wind blows away some of the stench, I breathe the cleaner air, then I walk on, leaving that breathable space behind, back into the crowd.

I have known fear on this journey. I have stumbled, or felt the path I walk on become weak. I have learned where it is safest for me to tread. I have also been attacked, from behind, by those thinking they could overpower me or scare me away with their aggression. I am tall and stronger then all that I pass. I turn and glare, voicing my displeasure of the attack. Most back off, but a few brave souls have charged me again and I have had to give those a swift kick. They to have learned that I am, one not to be reckoned with. Now all leave me be, even scurrying out of my way as I pass. Maybe they know that once I am allowed to pass, I will be gone and leave them at peace to go about their lives.

I watch the crowd, seeing each are different and yet all are basically the same. It causes me to chuckle to see some of the males and how they are always seeming to try and be noticed by any female that will grant him attention, accepting his attention in return. I have seen females, accept a moments attention from a male, then seen that same male move on, seeking and finding attention from another female. I have seen females that flap around, squalking displeasure or joys. I have seen males strutting and displaying their bodies as if they were the King of the Coop and others that sit by the wayside like wallflowers at a dance, hoping to be notice and yet hoping to be left alone for fear of being noticed by ones that are more aggressive and seem to have the trait of jealousy for any that receive attention from a female as if they are the only one that should be noticed. I have seen fights break out between those that think they are the best. While they are fighting it out, the wallflower steps in and receives the attention of the female. This can make me laugh. Who is the smartest, anyway? This to is the way life is. Someone thinking they are the best or the smartest and setting out to prove it, loosing the chance at the desired attention in their need to demand it.

I do not pause, while watching the crowd, in one place for long. Mostly I watch the crowd as I pass it by for I to have a place I am going and it is there, that by only going forward, I can reach. I look up yet again, seeing the end of my journey is drawing closer. Picking up my pace a bit to try to reach it sooner will not help me reach it safely for as I near the end, the crowd becomes thicker, blocking my path and I must keep my patience, knowing I will reach the end soon. Patience truly is a virtue.

I have, again, reached the end of my daily journey though this same crowd. Anticipating the climatic rush of pleasure at my self-impossed release from the crowd I have traveled through, I reach out my hand, open the door, step out in the the fresh air and shutting the door of the chicken house behind me, knowing I will not be traveling that journey again for a whole twenty-four hours, gives me estatic joy and I break out in song, singing my heart out, grinning from ear to ear.

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~*~*~*~*~*~Lady Bee~*~*~*~*~*~
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