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"You wanna do anything tonight, Jan?" Joyce said, shutting down her computer. Jan, already clocked out from work, gave a seductive smile, and said, "No, I have something planned with Bill." "Oh, yeah?" She paused briefly to clock out. "How long have you two been going out now?" "About four months or so." They both grabbed their coats and purses, then walked out to the parking lot. "I made a few subtle hints this morning, hopefully he got the message. I think he did." "You two are living together?" Joyce said with a mild amount of shock. "No. I spend the night a couple of times a week. I don't know, I think he might be the one." "That's so exciting. I'm so happy for you. I wish I could find someone, but you know as well as I do, at 35 it only gets harder and harder to find a decent man who hasn't been taken. I really envy you." They strolled the rest of the way to Jan's car in silence. "What happened to your Acura?" Joyce questioned as Jan opened the door to a beautiful black Mercedes CL 600. "It's Bill's. I never cared for cars ‘til he showed me this beauty." "I can't believe he would let you borrow a $100,000 car." "$132,000 to be exact." She said in a pretend-snobby tone. "I have a way of getting what I want out of him." "You are so lucky. Oh, well. I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow." "Goodnight. Only one day ‘til the weekend!" "It's about time! Goodnight." "Hey, Jack. I'm going to go ahead and go." Bill casually said to the Sales Manager. "What's the hurry? I thought you wanted to be the first to sell the new SL?" "Yeah, but I think Jan has a special night planned, she's been dropping some hints." "You two have been going out for a while, is there something serious between you two. You're my top sales man; it's not like you at all to leave for some girl. "I think she might be the one. I actually care more about her than selling cars." Bill chuckled softly. "Congratulations, I wish you the best of luck. Go ahead and go, but don't be surprised when I sell the SL while you're gone." He said with a smile. "Good luck tonight." "Thanks. See you tomorrow." "I've got two stops to make, I'll go for the naughty stuff first." Jan said aloud to herself, as she drove through town to the nearest department store. She pulled into the mall parking lot and walked into Sears. As she walked through the tool department, her mind changed. "If I'm going to go all out, I might as well go all out." She thought to herself as she changed directions and headed for a true lingerie store, "May I help you?" A sales associate asked, as Jan browsed through the racks with a frustrated look on her face. "Yes. Thank you. I have never purchased anything like this before, but I want something, well...kinky, for tonight." "Okay. What did you have in mind?" "I was kind of thinking a garter belt and stockings. Red, maybe. "That would do the trick." The sales associate said. "I think red will look very good." "Okay. I'll take it. I need a size 14." "Very good. Do you want a matching bra and panties?" "Yes, almost forgot about that. Thank you." "Okay. And what was your cup size?" "C." "Alright, lets go up to the register and get you taken care of." Bill got out of his car, somewhat disappointed he had let Jan borrow his pride and joy. "The SLK 32 will just have to do." He thought as he walked to the door of Sears. He took a deep breath and entered the store. He didn't like Sears, but it was the only store he felt almost close to nearly comfortable shopping in, at least for this kind of thing. He looked casually through the tool department, then slowly moved in to intimate apparel. "I don't want to put her off by getting something too wild, I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds by getting her something." These thoughts repeated through his mind. Finally, he settled on an elegant silk black nightgown. He found one with a slit running the entire length of the left leg. He picked out a large, hoping it was the right size and walked to the nearest checkout counter with a blank look on his face. "Is this all for you, Sir?" "Yes." "Okay. $49.95, please." "No tax?" He said, pulling out his credit card. "No. Special sale this week only." The cashier gave Bill his card back, Bill signed for the purchase, then walked out of the store as fast as he could without drawing attention to himself. Jan looked at her watch. 6:09 PM. She hoped to get home before Bill, but it didn't look like that would happen. She pulled into the supermarket parking lot and hurried into the store. "All I need are a few tomatoes, parsley, garlic and a lemon." She whispered as she hurriedly walked through the aisles. " I wish I hadn't asked him to try to get off early," she thought. The more she thought about it, the more she realized her hints weren't very subtle. She wondered if is planning to pull any surprises. She paid for her groceries, got in the car and drove off. Jan all but melted into the soft leather seats. She loved the sound of the engine. She turned down the radio so she could hear it better. "I can't believe I got mad at him for getting all of these performance parts. Her heart raced as she stepped on the throttle, her body was pinned to the back of the seat as she entered the rarely patrolled, semi-winding, road. It was a big car, but it still handled exceptionally well. She couldn't get enough of driving. "Bill was right, this is almost as good as sex." She said to herself. "Maybe after tonight I'll widen the gap. A windier part of the road approached. She quickly slowed for the corner, then pulled out of the town throwing her body into the other side of the seat, then did the same on the next corner. Her body was thrown around in all directions as she worked the car as hard as she could. The car got up to 145, only to slow to 45, tires screeching around the turn, up to 105, down to 25. Her heart beat faster and faster. The vibrations of the powerful V-12 filled her with pleasure. Sliding around on the seat only added to it. She gripped the shifter, it was an automatic, but she liked the feel of it in her hand. Her left hand caressed the leather and wood steering wheel as she accelerated in a straight line. The soft leather felt so good in her hand, as another turn approached, she grabbed tightly the hardwood part of the steering wheel, now hot from constant rubbing and grabbing. The speed, the vibration, the sound, movement and heat were about to put her over the edge. She slowed down for the rest of the trip home-she didn't wan the evening to end before it had a chance to begin. 7:31 PM. If he left on time, she would have about half an hour until Bill got home. 15 minutes later she pulled into the garage. Bill got home, expecting to see Jan there. "It's almost 7 o'clock, I wonder where she is?" he thought "Maybe she's getting something for tonight." Butterflies filled his stomach. He went to his bedroom, lit three long burning candles and gently placed his purchase on the bed. He looked at the time and decided to take a quick shower. He turned on the water and waited a moment for it to heat up. He looked at the mirror, very dissatisfied. He was 37 years old, but he looked 45. Gray, receding hair, he wondered how any of his customers could stand the sight of him. He took a quick look at his teeth; he didn't know where to start describing what was wrong with them. The water heated and he got in the shower. He passed the soap over his dry, rough skin, rinsed it and moved on to his hair, careful not to pull any out. A few minutes later it was over. He got out of the shower and wrapped his 235-pound body in his oversized towel. Clean and dried, he walked to his closet and pulled out a pair of slacks and a white shirt. After he dressed, he sat on the couch, listened to music and waited for his love. It seemed not more than a few moments and he heard the car pull up. Jan entered the house, peeking around for Bill. She was able to get to the bathroom without crossing his path. She didn't want him to see the bags in her hand. She set them down in the bathroom and went to say hello to Bill. "Hello, Jan. How was your day?" "Pretty good. Did you sell lots of cars?" "One. I thought about you a lot today." "Me, too." She kissed him, and he followed with a hug. "I'm going to go get ready, I'll be done in a minute." He sat back down, excited, and waited as Jan entered the bathroom. She quickly undressed, put on her new outfit and looked in the mirror. She didn't look great in it, she should have gotten a size or two larger, but she decided to go through with her plan. She put her work clothes over her new purchase, grabbed the groceries she had left in the bathroom and made her way into the kitchen. Bill heard and joined her. He wondered what she meant by "get ready". He saw nothing different. Black pants, blue blouse, the same shoes. All thoughts left his mind as she put together all of the ingredients needed to make their spaghetti. They both came up with the recipe, and they always made it together. Tonight was different. She wanted to make it herself. "Go sit down while I make this, honey." "I thought we only make this together." "Not tonight. Go sit down." She demanded. She filled a pot with water to boil. In a large cast iron pan, she spread some thawed hamburger meat. While it browned, she chopped the fresh parsley, garlic and some onions, and diced the tomatoes. She mixed them up in a bowl and set it aside. From the spice rack she grabbed seasoned salt, pepper, dry mustard and cayenne pepper. Bill could not wait any longer. He re-joined Jan in the kitchen. "I thought I told you to sit down." Ignoring her statement, Bill grabbed her hips, pulled her close and kissed her passionately. He stopped to stir the meat. He looked deeply into her eyes and, without saying a word, told her how meaningful she was. "I love you." The frying meat and steamy water heated the kitchen considerably. Jan added the seasonings to the meat and stirred, all the while Bill kissing her neck from behind. Jan let out a slight sigh, then reached for some tomato sauce and added it to the meat. Bill paused a moment to add noodles to the now boiling water. Jan added the freshly chopped ingredients to the sauce. "Eight more minutes." Jan said seductively. "I can hardly wait." Bill covered the sauce and let it simmer, then held Jan, pulling her close. He kissed her lower lip, then cheek. His hands rubbed deeply into her hips. She ran one hand through his hair, the other around his back, holding tightly. Bill's lips moved from her cheek to her neck, picking up where he left off minutes before. Jan closed her eyes and moaned as one of Bills hands moved to feel her thighs, starting from the outside moving in. His other hand grabbed her hair, pulling firmly. The eight minutes were up before they knew it. Jan grabbed two plates as Bill drained the water from the noodles, then added them to the sauce. Bill served the two of them while Jan sliced the lemons. Once the plates were on the dining room table, she squeezed the lemons over the spaghetti. They both took the first bite together. It was wonderful. The cayenne pepper helped to intensify the heat between them. Sweat beads formed on their foreheads. Bill went to Jan's side of the table and sat next to her. He caressed her shoulders. Jan filled her fork with noodles and fed them to Bill. He swallowed it and immediately kissed her. He unbuttoned her blouse and noticed her red bra. "So that's what you were doing." "There's more." "Show me." Jan stood up and completely removed her blouse. She unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, slowly lowering them, revealing the bright red garter and matching stalkings. She kicked off her shoes before completely taking off her pants. "Do you like?" "I love." He stared for a moment, hardly believing his eyes. "Come here." She did as she was told, slowly, sexily. She ran her hand through his hair, bent over to kiss him as he sat there, still in disbelief. It felt like it was 100 degrees and rising. They both took another bite. "It's hot. Lets cool down a little." Jan said. "What did you have in mind?" "Get the keys to your roadster. We'll put the top down and drive through all the back roads this county has to offer. "Are you going to change?" "Why? Lets go." They went out into the garage and got in his SLK 32. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Without a doubt." Bill turned on the car, put down the convertible hard top and turned up some music. He put in a new age-techno CD he kept in the car. Jan reached over to the radio "Not tonight" then turned it off. Bill opened the garage door, then quickly headed for the best road he knew. The night sky was a stunning sight to behold. He moon was almost full, softly lighting Jan's near nude body. Billions of stars twinkled. As they reached deserted highway, they felt completely separated from the rest of the world. No cares, no worries. Just them and the road. Bill stomped on the accelerator, pushing them both back into their seats. On the straight roads, Bill looked over to Jan. He knew she was far from perfect, but to him she was a goddess. She looked at him and thought the same. The wind ran through their hair and over their skin. It was constantly changing. At every speed the wind felt different. A light fog moistened their skin. A winding section of road approached. Bill pushed his car to the limit. The faster he took a turn, the more Jan loved the ride. She felt so free riding in a convertible while wearing almost nothing. She watched Bill as he worked the manual transmission. She loved his control over the car. She loved his control. Her hand fell between her legs, she could feel herself moistening. Bill made a lot of quick glances at Jan, his heart almost stopped when he saw Jan touching herself. The deeper she touched herself, the faster he pushed the corners. Jan was sliding around in her seat, but she begged for more. Bill gladly gave it to her. They had traveled 50 miles by now. Neither could take much more. Jan reached between Bill's legs. Her left hand slid into his pants stroking slowly, firmly, her other hand deep inside herself. Every turn gave her a feeling she had never experienced. Every hard acceleration pushed deeper. Her back arched in her seat. She felt Bill begin to grow in her hand. They were driving at blinding speeds, cornering beyond the limits. The motor filled the night with high RPM music. Jan started to moan uncontrollably, screaming in pure ecstasy with every move the little car made. Bill could take no more. With one final turn, he exploded in Jan's hand. Jan removed her hand from his pants and rubbed her nipples. Her body continued arching, all of her muscles started to tense up. Her right hand shook violently inside of her. Pressure kept building inside. She held off as long as she could. The longer she held her climax the more tense she got. She liked it. Bill quickly turned around, screeching the tires, and sped off towards home. He kept up the speed for Jan. She was in her own world. Pleasure was all she knew. Nothing else was in her mind. She could finally take no more. All of her muscles tensed up more that she thought possible. Pleasure raged through her body like a river. She held her hand inside of her the entire ride home. Neither said a word, they both sat in silence, absorbing all of their surroundings. They pulled into the garage, turned off the car and made their way to his bedroom. "What's all this?" "Oh, yeah. I forgot. I had a little surprise for you." It's beautiful. Can I wear it tonight?" "Of course." Jan removed her stockings, garter belt, bra and panties. She held the nightgown up in front of her, then slipped it on. "I love it. It feels so nice." "I'm glad you like it." "Bill moved in close. He put one hand behind her neck and kissed her. She held him tightly, then slowly removed his shirt. Jan loved the feel of the silk touching her skin. She liked even more the feeling of Bill's hand touching her through the silk. She reached between his legs and unzipped his pants. He paused from kissing her to take his pants off. While he did that, Jan got into his bed and positioned herself as seductively as she could. Bill's heart skipped a beat when he looked up at her. He slid into bed with her, running his hand up her leg, raising her gown to her hip. She pulled him close to kiss. His hand rubbed her waist as he entered her. It was even better that the drive. Bill lifted Jan's left leg straight up; Jan gave a moan of approval. She held his butt to aid in his thrusting. Bill caressed Jan's vertical leg, then positioned Jan on her side. Bill squeezed her nipples and rubbed her back simultaneously. Jan did nothing but moan, louder and louder. Bill thrusted harder and deeper then he ever had before. It felt better than ever. He began to tense. His thrusts grew stronger, Jan felt him grow inside of her. She was near the point of screaming when Bill finished. He thrusted a few more times before collapsing by her side. "This was a wonderful night." Bill said. "You are so unbelievably special to me. I'm never going to let you go." "Good." |