Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/441038-Trocia-Part-2
Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #441038
Part Two in the Trocian Saga.
Well I've begun to rewrite this short story, it's about 4 years old and I realized how much it kinda sucked!!! So...bear in mind rough draft story, Reviews Appreciated!


Copyright 2001-2005
Trocia (Part 2 of 5)

         I was born on the 12th day in the month of May. Born to Jadea and Aramil of the Galanodel clan. I lived in Alondel, a small grey elven camp about 5 miles from Trocia the largest human city in the realm. I was born under the sliver lined moon, which some believe means I am a savior of people. What that really means to me I still have yet to figureout. As a child growing up we were not encouraged to leave our small town, the woods surrounding us were filled with many ungodly evils, and only a few could fend them off.
         Growing up, was difficult for me, most of the children my age were gifted, magically or otherwise. I had a gift, like all Elven children do, but my gift, was not a welcomed one. As a teenager my gifts grew, I was now slender with strawberry red hair and deep purple eyes. This was not a normal feat of our kind, most children grow into adulthood with slivery grey hair and bright amber eyes. I longed to be away from the society that kept me hostage. My powers grew, I could speak with the horses, and birds, I could sprout vines from any floor with just a few words and hand movements. I could do things that nobody in our town could do, as good as that sounds, it was more of a curse. My father, one of the elders in our town was not too pleased with my new ideas. I was change to them, and I was different, two things that do not go together in my family.          My father decided it was best that on my 21st birthday, the coming of adulthood that I should leave the town, it would be a far better fate then dying. It was two years before I actually left, my only companion on this journey would be my beautiful horse, Cier, a white noble steed who was my friend.
         That day was heartbreaking, to leave the family that I had known for so long, but my father showed no emotion, nothing, he stared at the ground as I packed my belongings into sacks. He was angry, with me, with the world, his only daugther leaving, he despised me for becoming who I was. He couldn't see the joy in my way of life, that of cherishing the earth and being one with the animals. He saved me though from a worse fate, those who choose not to conform to the ways of our ancestors are punished, and put to death. It is a crude society that they live in, and I was glad to be leaving, glad to be rid of rules that meant nothing to me.
         Artemisla was my name, the name my mother gave me when I was born, the name I would now leave behind. I stood at the gates of our town, Cier was restless and so was I. As I said my good-byes my father brought out a medium sized package wraped in furs and velvet. I knew what it was already, for each child born into a family, a bow is made, the work begins when the child is a toddler, and is finished when the child becomes an adult. My father worked for years on this, and now, out of love he gives me the last piece of my heritage that I will remember.
         It was an elven wooden short bow, engraved with silver and gold markings of my family heritage. Just stunning, I had never seen this kind of crafts work from his workshop. Even the arrows where engraved, in awe I hugged him, holding on as tight as I could, so that he knew I loved him still, until he pushed me away. It was time, time for the end, and a new beginning. Cier wouldn't stand still, as I mounted, he knew we where leaving, it made him nervous. The doors opened, and I disappeared into the mists of the forest, forever.
         With little sense of direction, and this being my first real adventure outside the walls of our haven, I allowed myself to wander for days. Letting Cier guide me to anywhere he desired, in this case, it lead me to close to the walls of Trocia. The largest human civilization on this continent, but known to be a city of not just humans, but of all races. It was huge, the ebony marble walls gleamed in the drowning sunlight, it struck fear into my heart. Would I be accepted? or would I be hated? I have heard great stories of how they allowed homeless tribes live within their walls.My desire was not to live the way most like my kind did, I wanted to feel free to do whatever I pleased, and be myself, not who I was instructed to be.
With little gold I had, I stabled my horse, and stayed at an Inn just outside of the city, until I was rested, I didn't want to venture any closer. The fear struck deep into my heart, not wanting to yet again be rejected for who I was. I kept to myself, drinking a glass of wine near the window of the Inn's tavern. I glanced around, wondering if I would recognize anyone, even though we were a cloistered community we by all means did have many visitors. Someone stood out as I glanced around the room, the bright blue cloak gathered a response in my brain, I had seen this cloak before, I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I thought to myself quietly, as I stared at the blue cloaked person, his hood was over his head and he was also alone. Armor black as night, I remembered, and the sword, sitting on the table, given to the male by my own father. It was all starting to come back to me, a childhood friend, well he was older than I. One of the few outsiders welcomed into the community, although he only stayed for a couple of months, the memories were etched I my mind, so as to never forget such a face.
I looked away, realizing that I was staring at the man, I watched a young couple dance for a few minutes before I turned to look back at this familiar stranger, realizing he was gone. I sighed heavily and figured it couldn't have been the person I once knew. By standards he should be well into his thirty's, where as me, I was still just seventeen. After taking the few minutes to think to myself I realize there was someone beside me, about to sit down in the chair across from me.
         "The seats taken, sorry." I say in a rather annoyed tone. Although the stranger sat down anyway, finally I looked up to see who was being so rude. His bright fire red eyes lit up and he smiled brightly. "Well if it isn't the little Artemis, I never thought to see you outside your little Elven world. Last time I saw you, you where just a young elfling. Look at you know, all grown up. Venturing from home I see, you must have runaway to be this far from home."
         The blue cloak was still covering most of his head, his strawberry blonde hair looked to be of medium length and wavey, just as I remembered. My old nickname, and that voice, it was almost like I was a elfling again, nobody's called me Artemis since I was very young. In a self-concious way I pulled my own auburn hair away and tucked it behind my dull pointed ears. It was him, Parker I called him, his real name I couldn't stick my finger on yet, god it's on the tip of my tounge.
          "Parker, I never thought I would see you again, after your stay with us and the meetings with the council, you never returned, I thought you were lost in battle or something." I said in a casual way.
          He chuckled softly "Your father requested that I never return to your town. My interest in you and your friendship made him worry. It seems he did not want me stealing his only daughter. Besides, I was different, I was change to them. Allowing the likes of my kind into the town would be unforgivable to the gods" His voice was soothing and comforting, like he knew everything that had gone on in my life up to this point.
          "Well, I had to leave Parker, my people didn't want me anymore, it seems that I am change too, even after all these years they still don't accept differences. Besides, what life would I live if I became who my father desired me to be? Some warlocks wife, having kids left and right until I was too old and became beran. What do you men the likes of your kind? You never looked much different than any of us, how can that be unforgivible." I spoke softly so that our conversation would stay more private than public.
"I knew that my life would be great Artemis, deep inside I knew that my life would mean something more than just a warrior or a caster. I came to your community to seek the advice of your elders, they are known across the land as being seers. Yet when they looked into my all they saw was a cloud of mystery, I was a threat to your community. There was much risk involved in sheltering an unknown, with a future that is not clear."
          He looked no different than I remember, the same man that befriended me over twenty years ago, "god he was gorgous," I thought to myself. I slipped my hand around my drink and gazed around for a few moments before looking back at this man before me, his fire glowing eyes entranced me. He stood, and took my hand, kissing it lightly, I could see the smile on his face, and in his eyes, there I knew that he was dangerous, I had once trusted him with more than my life, with my heart, and once more I realized that I could do whatever it was that pleased me.
          "Well, Artemis, I must depart you for now, but promise me you will gather your things, and come with me tomorrow, there is a place about half a day's journey from here, that I am sure you will love. For it is my home, at least for the last five years or so, and you will feel right at home there."
          All I could do at this time was nod, I was now sure I knew what he was, he was just as me, an elf, the ears and eyes gave it away. Even though I was not fully sure I was right, there was something odd about him, like he was an elf, but then again wasn't. I couldn't put my finger on it just yet. When I last saw him, I was but a child, maybe twenty or thirty years old, he was approaching adulthood, there was no question in my mind now of his race, he did not look any different than he did then.
          The night passed uneventfully, much was on my mind. I had never been this far away from home, and I was afraid of never fitting in with these people. I was different, my home was not like others, I lived in seclusion, like most of our race spent their lifetime. Here everybody was different, people where mixed, races mixed, creating new ones, or improving old ones it was all new to me.
          Day break came, and I saddled up Infidel quietly, now just waiting for Parker to show himself, I had no use yet for the bow my father gave me, still strapped on the side of my traveling pack my eyes admired it quietly. Then I saw him, his tall figure was hard to miss actually, I smiled nervously and for some reason felt rather odd about him since last night all I could think about was our conversation about my family. He wanted to know all about my family, and me, but would never talk about himself not even where he came from.
          He had his own horse, it was Jet Black with very little armor, although what little was on the horse was stunning, gold and silver it was very amazing. It would only take a few hours maybe a day he said to reach this colony. He told me only that Druids ruled the area, and that I would be happy there. We traveled nearly six hours by the time he finally spoke to me again. The silence was nauseating, I opened my mouth plenty of times, but nothing ever seemed to come out. The group we where traveling with consisted of two half-elfs and three humans, not all going the same place, just wishing company on part of their journey.
"It's there, do you see it Arty?" He pointed as his eyes lit up like glowing diamonds.
          I shook my head at first, I kept staring in the direction he pointed in, I couldn't see a thing, wondering if he was really crazy or not. Then, it hit me, the feeling I had as a child washed over my body like a gigantic white wave. This time I nodded. "Yeh...I see it Parker, its, its so big, like a castle almost."
"Yes, it's a sanctuary for all creatures, no matter what you are, injured animals and wandering beings come here to find strength and support from healers and friends."
         I felt at home already, I didn't even have to enter the gates to realize this. The vines formed a large wall, almost eight feet high and a foot thick. I was amazed, the gates where also made of growing vines, small red, white and yellow rose like flowers sprouted all over the wall giving it such wonderful beauty.
          Parker dismounted the black beauty and proceeded into the vines, they opened as he approached, I quickly following behind, sure not to get lost on the outside walls. Inside was something I had never seen before, the place was like a large town, everything provided right there, no need to leave the colony. A stable was close to where we entered, full of the most magnificent creatures, not just horses either. I had never in my life seen a riding pony, until now of course, the stable had three to my amazement. There where war horses, and even pack mules, along with riding horses. No payment was needed to stable our horses, and the stable owner seemed to know Parker, staring at me with a keen interest. I removed the dark blue hooded coat I was wearing, a cherished keepsake from back home, something I would never let go. My auburn red hair was long and held up in a tight ponytail, my fair skin told many I was from the Northern borders of the continent.
         Parker led me into a large house, the place of worship, the basilica. There ten elves where sitting quietly, like they where praying, two wolves laid close by and also an exotic cheetah. Five where women, the rest where men, showing an equal society, no one gender greater than the other. The group stopped praying and looked to see Parker and I near them.
         "Ahhh, Parker we have been expecting you son, have you brought the lass?" Coming from one of the males of the group, his accent was amazing nothing I had ever heard before.
         Parker lowered himself in a bow like posture and then rose again. "Yes Dorean, I have brought you the one you seek." I cringed, it was like they where unaware that I was standing right in front of them.
         One of the elder women spoke up. "My child, the Gods have spoke of you, they have said you would bring great things to our world, you would rise above the rest to unite all people as one."
         I was astonished, I stepped back and looked around quizzically finally speaking up. "I have no such desires ma'am, I wish to just be a healer, and become what I have always wanted, to be one with my animal friends."
         "In time love, it will all come to you, and more, we promise." Another more younger women spoke.
         "Arty, this is the high council." He went down the line, all introducing themselves. Avery, about ten years older than I, she seemed nice, and had a bright smile. Dorean, the eldest male, and the most stubborn according to Parker. Jochia, a middle aged women who loved talking about her children. Nickolista, the high priestess of the colony, she was the most experienced of the entire group. Garroner, who was the high priest, also the oldest living member on the council. He didn't talk much, but when he did talk, you'd make sure to listen. Last, but not least was Talen, his looks told me he was around my age, he was tall with blonde hair and green eyes. Probably the youngest of the entire group.
         Exausted and hungry from such a long trip, I was invited to eat with the council members. They feasted like I have never seen a group feast before, and afterwards I was offered a small apartment type living area at the Inn. It wasn't exactly my style, but it was a place to at least call home again.
         The next morning Nickolista showed me around the colony, introducing me to everyone. It seemed they already knew who I was, why I was here, and where I came from, it baffled me.

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