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The story about a teenage girl in the camp. Still in progress. |
Once in a lifetime Chapter one The camp It was late summer afternoon when Catherine’s Boundaire’s parents told her that she’s going to a camp. She was only thirteen years old and thought that it wasn’t the best idea to sent her away to some stupid camp for two weeks. In fact she was scared. She’d never been left all alone in some other place for more than two days. Even then it was just a school excursion. Catherine hadn’t any friend whom she’d like to spend two weeks with. The idea about the camp was more than just terrifying. And there were no chances of escaping. After three days of packing and preparing for the camp Catherine was taken to the place. Her parents seemed very happy and delighted that in the camp she’ll be learning, as they said, some useful things and, of course, relaxing and enjoying the nature. Catherine wasn’t so pleased about all this stuff and thought she’d die from boredom. There was only one building for the campers. It had three floors and it turned out that each room was for 4-5 persons. On the ground floor were camp’s dining room and many activity rooms. On the first floor were rooms for boys, on the second – for girls. Camp’s Administration had three rooms – one on each floor. Next to the building was a large stadium, then the forest and behind that was some sort of lake or river. The very first thing that was done after the arrival was finding the proper room for Catherine. Her room was next to the Administration’s room. There were two other girls who were packing out their things. It seemed that they were great friends. For the time being Catherine was the third girl in the room No 35. - What’s your name? – asked one of the girls when Catherine's parents left. She had beautiful long, curly golden hair and grayish eyes. - Catherine. And yours? - Cindy. And this is my friend… - Janette. But everybody calls me Jane. – said an attractive girl with short, dark hair. - Hello, Jane! - said Catherine. - Nice to meet you! - Me too, Cate! Can I call you like that? - Sure! - Great! Hope you’ll enjoy the camp this year! - This year? - asked Catherine. - Oh, you must be the new one here! - said Jane. - Sorry. - That’s ok. - I’m sure you’ll like here! - Hope so. - Hey, Cate! – said Cindy. – Let’s go find Charlie! He must be somewhere around! - Yeah, you just must meet him! – agreed Jane. - Thanks, but maybe later. - Well, as you wish! See you! Cindy and Jane left. Catherine continued packing out her things. She didn’t want to go anywhere – she was upset because her parents didn’t even want to hear about not going to the camp. She was angry now. - And who cares about this Charlie any way! With those words Catherine abruptly opened the door and suddenly bumped into a girl. She was entering the room. - Everything ok, sis? Pleasant but worried voice was heard behind the door. - Yes, Tom. Thanks. - I’m terribly sorry! – Catherine started to apologize. – Are you ok? - Yes, I’m fine. - answered the girl. - By the way who are you? – asked Tom. – I’ve never seen you here before. - My name's Catherine and I’m the new one here. - Oh, I see. I’m Tom and this is my sister Elisa. - Nice to meet you both. - Well, Catherine, – said Elisa, – Let us show you the camp! Chapter two Who’s Charlie? Tom and Elisa were twins and looked very alike - they both had brown eyes, short dark hair and just loved to wear similar clothes. It was very easy to mix them. They took Catherine outside the camp’s building and showed her everything around. On their way from the garden that was between the stadium and the forest they met Cindy and Jane. - Hi, girls! - Hi, Elisa! Hi, Tom! Hi, Cate! - Hi! - Are you also looking for Charlie? – asked Jane. – Do you have any idea where he might be? - In fact, no. – replied Tom. - We've already searched the whole camp! - complained Cindy. - Maybe he’s still on his way? – assumed Elisa. - You want to say he isn’t in the camp yet? - exclaimed Jane. - I’m sorry to disturb but who’s Charlie? – asked Cate. Everyone looked at her in astonishment. - You don’t know who’s Charlie? - asked Elisa. - Everyone knows him! - Remember – I’m the new one? - Oh, yeah. - Sorry, Cate. - So, who is he any way? - Charlie… Well, in fact, his full name is Charles Monty. He is the son of the camp’s founders. - explained Tom. - And he’s so cute! – added Jane. - But why are you looking for him? - It’s always fun if Charlie’s around. And, in fact, he’s the one who knows everything here. - answered Elisa. - After CA, of course! - added Jane. - After what? - asked Cate. - CA – Camp’s Administration. - explained Cindy. - Oh, boy! Why should I get here? - said Cate quietly. - Hey, guys! They’re coming! - suddenly shouted Jane. - Where? - asked Cindy. - Look over there! - Yeah, you’re right! Let’s go! Jane and Cindy begun to run to the approaching car. Elisa followed them. - Tom, if you want you can join them. - And you? - That’ll be ok. I’m not going to run because of some Charlie I’ve never seen in my life before. - Take my advice, Cate – be careful. – said Tom and left to catch up with his sister, Cindy and Jane. Chapter three Be my baby When Cate finally reached the car her newfound friends were already talking with some boy. He was about fourteen of age, with dark hair and it was clear from the first look that his parents are pretty rich. - So, that’s Charlie everyone’s keen on. – thought Cate. - Nothing special, I’d say... Just a rich, spoilt boy, nothing else. - Hey, Cate! Come over here! – called Jane. - Yeah! – said Cindy. – Meet Charlie! - Charlie, this is Cate. She’s the first time here. – Tom introduced her to Charlie. - Hi, Cate! How’re ya doin’? - Fine. It was clear that Cate doesn’t like Charlie at all. - You’re strange didn’t ya know that? - I must go now. Sorry. - Leavin’ so soon? - Charlie, please… – said Tom. - Well, well, Tom. What do we have here? Hmm? – and Charlie smiled at him in a very strange way. - Sorry, guys, bye. – said Cate. - Hey! It was Charlie who didn’t let her leave. - What? - C’mon, Cate! What I’ve said that made ya sad? I didn’t want to make ya upset. - You haven’t. But now let me go, please. - Charlie! – called Jane and Cindy together. - Others are waiting for you… – said Cate. - Cate, be my girlfriend. - Get lost, will you? - Unless agree to be my girlfriend. - Only if you will leave me alone. - Promise. – said Charlie crossing fingers behind his back. - Ok, then. Bye. - Bye, baby! At the same moment Cate slapped him in his face. - My name is Catherine. Then she left. - Whew, Charlie! That must’ve been the hard one! – said Jane when Charlie got back to them. - Yeah, seems she isn’t the right girl for you! – added Tom with a smile. - Well, we’ll see about that. – said Charlie rubbing his cheek. Chapter four Dear diary “Dear diary, today is the day I was afraid of – I’m in the camp. Well, at first everything seemed ok but… Yeah, there’s “but” as always. I met Cindy, Jane, Elisa, her twin brother Tom. By the way he seems to be the most normal guy I’ve ever met. They showed me the camp. But they also did something I wish they have never done… How I hate such boys like Charlie! Hate, hate, hate! Who needs him any way? Why everybody has a crush on him? Is there anybody who could tell me that? No? Well, I already thought so. Baby! Nobody has the right to call me like that! Nobody. And I mean it. Who does he think he is? I don’t care how rich he is or who his parents are – it just doesn’t matter. At all. His girlfriend, ha? I hate him. Dear diary, what should I do now? I’m the first hours here and I’ve already messed up everything. What should I do?” Suddenly somebody knocked at the door. - May I come in? It was Tom. - Yes. – answered Cate hiding her diary under the pillow. - Please, forgive Charlie. – said Tom when entered the room. – He is like he is and there’s nothing to be done. - So? And that’s why you think he needs a lawyer? Can’t he apologize himself or there’s also nothing to be done? Cate was really furious. She would never think that Tom could be so stupid to be at Charlie’s beck and call. - Why do you think Charlie sent me? - Why you came then? - You are the first time here and… - So what? I haven’t asked for help or anything! I didn’t want to go to this stupid camp any way! - Catherine, why? - Go away, please. Now! - Ok, ok. Tom left confused. - Stupid camp! – said Cate angrily. – And there’s not way to get out from here! Chapter five The unknown friends - Is she ok? – asked Elisa when Tom went out from room No 35. - I don’t know, sis. - Perhaps Charlie has made a very serious mistake… – she assmed. - Hard to say. She’s really furious and I see no reason for that. – said Tom. - Well, who knows? She’s new one here. We know nothing about her. - Yeah, Cindy, you might be right. - Tom, Elisa, what’s up with Cate? - We don’t know, Jane. – answered Elisa. - I think we should help her… – said Tom. - But how? – asked Jane. - Well, I suggest we do some investigation first. - Investigation? What do you mean, Tom? - Ok, girls, listen to this. You, Jane should try to calm her down… Could you do that? - I think, yes. - Great! Cindy and Elisa will go to the CA’s room… - Why? – asked Elisa. - We should know something more about Cate if we want to help her, shouldn’t we? Perhaps CA… - Oh, I see. Espionage… – elaborated Elisa. - How exciting! – exclaimed Cindy. - Ok, girls, this info is up to you! - Yes, sir! - And what’ll you do? – asked Jane. - I’ll try to find out what Charlie’s up to. – replied Tom. - What he’s to do with that? - Well, I guess we should keep an eye on him. He might be looking for a revenge. – explained Tom. - You might be right. – agreed Elisa. - Yeah, knowing Charlie… – added Cindy. - Ok then! Let’s go! – said Tom. – Even if Cate thinks differently I am sure she needs our help! Jane knocked on the door of room No 35. - Who’s there? - It’s me, Jane. May I come in? - Sure. It's your room, too. - Why are you crying? – asked Jane and sat down on the bed next to Cate. – Something's wrong? - No, no. I’m just a little upset. - Cate, listen, you’ll feel much better if you tell me what has happened. - Really? - Believe me – I know. - Well… - Cate, I want to be your friend – will you let me? - Jane… Thanks. And Cate hugged her. Chapter six The investigation begins! - Ok, Cindy, now we have to figure out what to say to the teachers… - Leave it to me, Elisa! I know exactly how we gonna make it! They knocked on he door and carefully opened it. What a nice surprise! The room was empty. Girls went inside. Cindy begun to look through all the papers that were on the table. - Cindy… - Calm down, Elisa! - But… - All we have to do is find some notes about Cate! Would you please guard the door while I’m searching? - I don’t know, Cindy. It’s not right. - But it’s fun! C’mon, Elisa! You want to help Cate or what? - Yes… - Well then…? - Ok, Cindy. Let’s do it! But still… - Cut it out, will ya? - Ok, ok. Cindy continued searching while Elisa was guarding the door. - Hey, Cindy! Someone’s coming! - One more minute! I’ve almost got it! - Cindy! Faster! - Ok, here it is! - Thank Goodness! - Elisa, quickly pretend that we’ve just entered the room! They’ve got on time. Only Cindy hid the important paper in her pocket and got to Elisa, Mrs. Noetha – one of the teachers – entered the room. - Cindy? Elisa? What are you doing here? – she asked. - We, we… - stumbled Cindy. - We were wondering… – begun Elisa. – There’s a new girl in the camp. - Elisa? – asked Cindy quietly. - Hush, Cindy! – ordered Elisa silently. - We have many new kids in the camp, Elisa. – replied Mrs. Noetha. - I know, Mrs. Noetha. But she’s our roommate and… - What’s her name, girls? - Cate. – said Cindy – Catherine. – corrected Elisa. - Yes, she is one of our news. But girls, if you want to know something more about your new roommate wouldn’t it be better to ask her yourself. - Ok, Mrs. Noetha. – said Cindy and Elisa. – Thank you. - I’m glad I could help you, girls! - Goodbye, Mrs. Noetha! - Bye, girls! Chapter seven The fight In search of Charlie Tom ran over the whole camp untill found him at the stadium. Charlie was sitting on the swings all alone. It was really strange - Tom couldn't remember any moment when there were no-one around Charlie. - Hi, Charlie! - Oh, it's you, Tom. Wuzzup? - How come everyone's left you? - asked Tom lightly. - What're you doing here? - Just thinkin'. - replied Charlie. - About what? - 'Bout that odd girl. - Cate? - Yeah. I can't understand why she hit me. - Why don't you ask her? - assumed Tom. - What for? - To know. - To know what? - The reason. - What're ya tryin' to say, Tom? - She's angry. - What's this to do with me? - She's angry with you, Charlie. - So what? - You wanted to know why she hit you, right? - Tom, stop beating about the bush! - said Charlie angrily. - If you wanna say sumthin' - spit it out, if don't - just leave! - I think you shouldn't have called her baby. You've hurt her. - Who? Me? How come? - Charlie asked surprised. - Perhaps you should apologize? - What?! Have you lost your mind?! - No. I'm dead serious. - You must be nuts! - You were wrong - admit it! - No way! She hit me! - That was your fault! - I didn't do anything! - No, you did! - Did not! - You did! - I didn't! - You did! - No! - cried Charlie. - Yes! - exulted Tom. - Ya know what? You're defendin' that Kitty-girl so much that I'm startin' to think you've fallen in love with her! - What?! - Tommy felt in love! Tommy felt in love! - teased Charlie. - That's not true! - Oh, really? - Yes, really! - Then why are ya tellin' me all this? - Cate told me that she thinks you should apologize... and I... I agree with her. - What?! And how's our promise - no girls in men's business? - Sorry, Charlie, but I think Cate's right. - You, traitor! - shouted Charlie and hit Tom. Tom in his turn hit Charlie. In no time both boys grappled. (continuation follows...) |