Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/427857-Bloodstone-and-Pentacles---Part-2
Rated: ASR · Novel · Supernatural · #427857
continuation of Kayla's romance, Draven's fears, and Gabriel's search
Chapter 3

         Holy crap, he’s amazing, Kayla grinned as she wandered down the dirt path again. He touched my hand twice in the hallway and he even blew me a kiss at lunch, and I thought I was going to fall off the courtyard wall… But he didn’t come over and sit with me….. Oh well! He kissed me and that’s all that matters.
         I have to tell Draven that I finally got my first kiss!
she smiled, and she stopped with her foot an inch from a bat that hobbled down the path.
         "I’m sorry, little guy. What... what are you doing there?" she asked as it squeaked from the ground. "I always thought you guys liked caves better." As Kayla crouched down, one hand outstretched with her palm to the sky, it launched itself into the air and flew away, sqeaking.
         Shaking her head, she walked down the path. "Strange thing."

         As she reached the house, Draven's jeep was nowhere to be found. Kayla walked into the house and tosses her backpack by the side of the couch. She say down and sighed
         Oh, this is turning out to be a great day! I may even get a boyfriend, too...
         Kayla heard the door open and glanced over to see Draven coming inside.
         "Hey, Kayla. How-oof!" he yelped as she knocked him to the floor, hugging him tight. "Why happened? Are you okay?"
         "Draven, I'm wonderful!" she replied happily, kissing his cheek. "I have just had the most amazing day in history."
         "What are you talking about?" he asked, puzzled. "What happened?"
         "I met someone last night, and he goes to my school, and he was really nice to me, and he said he liked me this morning, and he kissed me! I finally got a kiss, Draven! And.. and..."
         "Kayla, slow down! I can barely understand you. Now... who is this guy you've met.?"
         "His name's Bruce. He's a football-player with brown hair and pale blue eyes. I met him last night at the bowling alley, and he let me hang out with his friends. They were so nice to me, Draven! They acted like real friends do with me. For the first time, I think I belong." Her face had lit up when she knocked Draven to the floor, but now she absolutely glowed.
         "Kayla... do you know this Bruce all that well?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.
         "No.... and he doesn't really know me either, but he really likes me-"
         "He could be lying to you. He might just want to hurt you."
         "Draven, don't say that! You don't even know him! He's too sweet to hurt me."
         "No one is ever too sweet or anything else to hurt you." His voice was stingingly bitter as he pushed her away and stood. "Never forget that." He walked into his room and closed the door.
         Kayla merely blinked at the closed door. Why the hell can’t he just be happy with me?

         Draven growled as he sat down on his bed. How did they get to her before I could stop them? Damn! I know what kind of person that Bruce is… They’re all descendants of the hunters who chased us out of Europe! And all the want is to see us dead.
         He dropped onto his bed and covered his head with his arms. They probably used some kind of background check on me and the family, and when they found nothing for the past forty years… I knew I needed a better cover-up… but Kayla’s the easiest target, so of course they went to her.
         I mean.. she doesn’t even know what she is! She had no idea about her true nature and what she can really do with her body if she embraces it. Gods, she could kill people with one hit, run faster than the wind, and practically fly, if she wanted to…. All I have to do is tell her all of that.
         Of course, that’s only the good side to the Power.
         There was also the blood lust, the need to wear a protective stone or amulet to walk in the sunlight, and the constant hiding ones real self from the outside world. The outside world won’t understand, can never understand what we really were.
         Maybe she's better off not knowing,
he thought, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.
         But if they come after her when I can't help, she should know why.
         But that means I need to tell her. And soon.
         Draven groaned as he stood and walked into the living room, seeing Kayla with her mouth hanging open as she stared at him.
         "Kayla..," he said, touching her shoulder with his fingertips. "Kayla, I came to-"
         "No!" she screamed, wrenching away from his touch. "You didn't come to do anything but crush me again, and I won't listen."
         "But Kayla, you need to hear me out!" he pleaded, holding her upper arm.
         "I said I won't listen!" She shoved his hand away and stormed into her room, slamming the door. As Draven leaned back against the cabinet, he heard the lock on her door being put into place.
         I lost my chance, he thought, holding his head in his hands. Maybe I'll get another, but if not, she'll be in grave danger.

         Gabriel walked through the forest, crunching dried leaves and twigs under his shoes. He looked down to see shoe prints in the dirt leading to a shack. I know these footsteps…. And I think I know the person who left them. Gods, I can almost taste that man from how much he’s around here…
         Gabriel slipped through the doorway and took off his dark glasses. The sun shone through the cracks in the windows and walls, and he smiled. “Still dark enough not to need the glasses.”
         As he sat on the stump and pulled a candle from his left pocket, his senses opened to his surroundings. “He comes here so often, he’s almost like a friend to me, and he’s almost familiar…. But I’m not sure that I have ever met him in my entire life. He leaves his scent, footprints, and strands of hair as if it were a game for me to find him… yet none of these pieces will help me find his name.”
         Gabriel sighed. “There has to be some kind of a link. Right now, the only thing in common is our hair… But there are a lot of people with out hairstyle.”
         Shaking his head, he struck a match and lit the candle. Gabriel watched the flame flicker, illuminating the room.
         As he took another glance around the room, he smiled. An open paperback book lay on the floor, pages creased. He bent down and picked it up, looking at the cover. Giving the book a small smile, he set it on the table.
         Dracula, he thought, running a hand through his hair. How interestingly accurate he is about me. And how strange that he knows me so well but not at all.

         Kayla flopped backwards onto her bed, clenching her hands into fists. How dare he say anything about Bruce! Bruce is a sweet, handsome guy, and Draven had no right to try to make me think differently.
         But then why would he bring up any kind of danger like he did?
she wondered as she stood up. Maybe he's just trying to scare me. Yeah, that has to be it.
         Walking to her closet, she changed into a knee-length black denim skirt and sandals and looked at the door. Can't get out through there... She glanced over to the window and smiled as she grabbed her purse. That works.
         Kayla lifted open the window and pushed the screen off the outside of the frame. Climbing through, she dropped down on the wooden deck outside. She smiled as she turned around and closed it behind her. Looking over to the door of the apartment, she bit her lip. I'll probably need a S.W.A.T. team to get me out of here without him noticing!
         Then, she grinned as she turned to the wooden posts that held up the decks on her floor. Kayla nodded as she walked to the post and pushed it, smiling. "It’ll hold me." Hopping onto the railing, she climbed over and began to shimmy down the post. As she put her food on the railing one floor below, her foot touched a water spot, and she slipped.
         She gripped the worn post as her legs fell out from under her. As she lost her grip on the post, a splinter the size of her thumb stuck into her palm. Kayla bit her lip hard and landed in the bushes below, their branches stabbing into her back and legs.
         Wincing, Kayla pressed her palms to the ground and pushed herself onto her knees. She glanced down at her legs and blinked at the cuts and scrapes covering them, blood on the verge of flowing.
         Maybe I really should go back inside... but Draven will call me stupid for trying to leave the way I did. She sighed and put her splintered hand behind her back. "I don’t even want to look at that…. I’ll probably throw up or something." She stood and stumbled out of the bushes towards Draven's jeep, opening the door and sliding into the driver’s seat. "Why does he always bring his keys inside?" She looked down into the back seat to see a flashlight and an empty backpack. She sighed and leaned her forehead against the steering wheel.
         And the horn honked. Glancing down, she groaned. “My chin hit the damn horn...” Kayla looked toward the apartment as she listened to the squeal of old hinges and watched Draven running down the deck toward her.
         "Kayla, what're you doing?" he yelled, reaching the steps to the parking lot just as Kayla climbed out of the car and ran toward the street. "Kayla! What happened to you? Did you fall off the deck or something?"
         She whipped her head around to face him for a split second, then groaned as she started to fall. Dizziness overtook her. She listened to Draven’s muffled calls and pumped her legs to propel herself away from his voice, but she fell in a crumpled heap on the ground.
         She stared up into a paint-stroke white cloud before the edges of her vision turned black then grew to swathe her in darkness.

         Draven sat inside the apartment flipping through a chemistry text book. He blinked as a car horn sounded outside. “Was that my car?”
         Racing toward the door, he flung it open to see Kayla scrambling out of the jeep.
         "Kayla, what're you doing?" he'd shouted, flying down the grooved wooden steps. She was already out of the car and running away.
         He blinked as a scent wafted past him. Fresh blood? Here?
         Shaking his head, he continued towards the car. I won’t go looking for that blood source… not now. Seeing flowers and leaves in her hair, he yelled again. "Kayla! What happened to you? Did you fall of the deck or something?"
         She collapsed, her knees buckling, and she landed in a broken pile. Running to her, Draven bent down and blinked as he lifted her splintered hand.
         His little sister was covered in small cuts and scrapes, some with pieces of branches in them. And a large splinter sat embedded in her palm.
         Oh no... he thought. That may never heal... But at least she’s awake. He tucked one arm under her shoulders, the other under her knees, and he lifted her limp body from the ground, blinking at the array of cuts across the backs of her legs and arms.
         Draven winced as his fangs extend, and he walked back to the apartment. “Now, where the hell is all that blood coming……" With wide eyes he breathed one word.

         Kayla opened her eyes and winced at the sharp pains all over her body and the throbbing in her hand, she attempted to sit up. She glanced over to the clock and blinked.
         What am I doing here? she thought. It's eleven thirty, and I just woke up? Kayla blinked as she listened to the front door close, then shifted and closed her eyes.
         She heard Draven walk into her room and sit on the edge of her bed. Taking her throbbing hand lightly in his, Draven sighed and kissed the bandages around it. Bandages.?
         "Kayla," he said softly, letting her hand go, "wake up, sweety. You've been asleep too long."
         She slowly looked up at him, fighting not to demand what had happened. "I'm awake, Draven," she replied, surprised by how hoarse her voice sounded.
         He smiled and bent down to kiss her forehead. "I knew you were. I was just seeing if you would trust me enough to stop pretending."
         She shook her head. "What happened?"
         "Well, for the most part, I'm not sure," he answered, standing and turning his back to her. "I knew that you hurt yourself really bad by trying to get out of here. You were probably still mad at me for saying the things I did about Bruce. But I have a guess that you probably fell off the deck and hit your head really hard while getting all those lovely new bruises and scrapes. Somehow, you got a splinter, huge splinter, in your hand, hence the bandages. Then you tried to take my jeep, and, when I came out after hearing the horn, you ran and collapsed."
         Kayla nodded and sighed. "How long have I been out?"
         "About a day and a half," he said, turning toward her. "Are you feeling okay? I know your hand will probably hurt for a while. But... where did you get that splinter from anyway?"
         "The posts on the deck." She shook her head. "I was so stupid. I'm sorry, Draven." Tears rolled down her cheeks.
         "Oh, sweety," Draven whispered and hugged her. "You're not stupid at all. I think you were just too upset to think clearly. and it's my fault." He pressed his cheek against her hair and sighed. "I'm so sorry, Kayla."
         Kayla continued to cry in the arms of her brother as she tried to think of how she could make things up to him. But he spoke first.
         "I almost forgot to tell you," Draven said, pulling slightly away from her. "Bruce called yesterday after school and asked what was going on and how you were. I told him he could come by and see for himself, so he drove over and stayed with you for about two hours." Smiling, he continued. "I almost thought he would never leave."
         Kayla looked down, trying to hide her crimson face. "Did he bring me anything?"
         "As a matter of fact, he did. I'll go get it." Draven got up and left the room, leaving Kayla to her thoughts.
         He really does love me! she shouted in her head.
         Draven returned a moment later with his hands behind his back. "Pick a hand." She pointed to his left, and he showed her its contents.
         In his hand was a single white rose just about to open. She gasped.
         "Oh my gods...," she breathed softly as he handed it to her.
         "Pick another hand."
         There's more?? "Right."
         He held up his other hand, and it contained a small white box. Draven handed it to her, and she could only stare wide-eyed at the marvel he held. He gave her the box, and Kayla greedily tore the lid off.
         Inside, a pair of pale star-shaped quartz earrings sat on top of a folded piece of paper. Gently lifting the earrings out of the box, she unfolded the paper.

         "I couldn't remember if you had your ears pierced or not, but I thought you would like them anyway. I really hope you're okay. I wanted to give you these in person, but I thought they might help. A friend of mine told me quartz is a purifier, and I thought it might make you feel better. I'm not really sure if you believe in that kind of stuff, 'cause I don't, but I think I'll stop making a fool out of myself. I miss you. Get better soon, love.

Until I see you again,
Love always,

         Kayla sighed as she set the letter down and looked at the beautiful earrings again.
         "I think I trust him," Draven said, his voice bringing her back to earth. "I'm sorry I ever doubted your judgment."
         Kayla smiled and hugged him. "Thank you for trusting me, Draven. And for taking care of me. But... how bad do the injuries look?"
         He shrugged. "Not too bad. You'll heal pretty well, but I think your hand will take a lot longer than the rest of you."
         "I thought so," Kayla said with a nod. "Now, where's the pain-killers? It hurts to blink."
         Draven smiled and handed her a couple of pilled and a glass of water. "Go ahead. You certainly need it."

         Gabriel made his way to the edge of the forest as the sun’s light peaked over the horizon. He smiled at the full moon above him, shining radiantly like a pearl fresh from the ocean. My only friend.
         Cars flew past him, some drivers looking his way but most not bothering to see the dark man on the side of the road. I should be used to being ignored and pushed aside by now. I’ve even gotten used to being chased by the occasional vampire hunter, or Slayers, their stupid code name.
         These people devote a secret life to fighting and killing vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, and other night creatures. They believe it is their duty as human beings to defend the living and normal people of the earth.
         Of course, the Slayers never acknowledge vampires as living, which is still their greatest error.
         Throughout history, vampires have needed to live double lives, one in the light and one in darkness. The humans and vampires lived peacefully side by side for ages until, somewhere down the line, a human stumbled upon the secret of his neighbors.
         That human was probably either killed or changed. Either way, the vampire secret was spread through the towns and villages, yet no one besides the night walkers themselves knew who was or was not one of their own. And vampires are and always have been very talented actors.
         But as the secret spread, a group of humans decided to "smoke out the demons," as they phrased it. As the fools did during the burning of their supposed witches, many innocent humans as well as vampires were killed.
         And no one could ever tell if the victims of the hysteria were actual vampires or not. A human can be killed by a wooden stake through their heart, just as a vampire can.
Shaking his head, Gabriel sighed. Why am I thinking about these things? Looking up at the sky, he saw he had been walking mindlessly though the night and late on into the next morning.
         He looked up at a wrought-iron fenced-in brick building and smiled. This may be a high school now, but it was a jail in the past. The spirits still hang from the rafters and there’s an aura giving it an eerie feeling. I can even sense all of those dark being inside… and there are a lot.
He blinked as his senses honed in on one dark being. Not completely dark… almost like it’s wearing some form of mask to hide itself more than it needs to, though its mind is filled with hatred and greed. Gods, his mind is black, too.
         Not black in the way most vampire minds are, for vampires have compassion and guilt, but in a more evil way. The mind is warped somehow, more vile than most if not all night creatures.
         I honestly hope no one is on its bad side,
he thought as he continued down the sidewalk, kicking a pebble as he walked.
         As he rounded a corner, his eyes fell upon another creature. She doesn’t stand out so much physically…. mortals must overlook her constantly, but no night walker could ever look past her, not with the power of her aura. She feels mixed somehow, as if she is from the worlds of light and dark. She has so much raw energy that had never been tapped. I should have felt her presence many times before.
         She feels innocent, somehow, almost pure of the usual predator way of thinking. And she’s alone… a typical trait of many of our kind; her blood is a mix of mortal and vampire, the strongest elixir for any night creature. It’s calling to me, trying to draw me to her… but I am such a willing participant that I could never resist anything she may want.
She perched on the end of a stone wall, a book open in her lap. She’s absolutely beautiful! Long, flowing ebon hair and a typical teenage figure: small yet somewhat curved in every appropriate place. Her lips slightly parted as jade eyes fly over the book, delicate fingers turning pages. How can I resist this? I must ta-
         "What are you doing?" a high-pitched female voice whined from behind. Gabriel turned and crossed his arms. A bleach-blond, blue-eyed ball of fluff wearing an Abecrombie t-shirt with jeans that were almost a second skin stood with her hands on her hips. "Are you looking for someone?" She tossed her head to the side, her hair flipping to one side.
         "No, just looking," he replied, a smirk crossing his lips. "Who is that girl sitting alone?"
         "Don't ask me," she huffed. "She's a loner; no one that wants a reputation talks to her." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Some people say she's a vampire or something."
         Indeed, he thought, biting back a laugh. "Thank you, miss. You've been helpful."
         "Wait!" she whined, popping her hip to the side as he turned. "I didn't find out who you are."
         Sighing, Gabriel turned back. "You don't need to know me, but give this to the girl you called a loner." He reached into his pocket and extracted a lapis lazuli with a pentacle etched in the center. The girl grabbed for the stone, muttering that she would give it to the other girl, but her eyes gleamed. "May I remind you that this is for someone else?" he asked, slipping off his sunglasses to reveal piercing hazel eyes. As she looked up at him, her body wilted as if her limbs her held together with putty.
         This is far too easy, he grinned. She’s already trying to get my attention. He probed her mind with his power, then he smiled.
         Kayla. Oh, such a beautiful name to fit that divine creature, he thought. And this fluff ball was keeping her name from me. He grabbed her hand, and Gabriel leapt, bounding from a tree branch to the roof with her. Setting her down on watery legs, he released the grip of his power on her.
         She blinked and looked around her, eyes wide and lips trembling. "What's going on?" she squeaked. "And who are you?"
         "I'm a very dangerous person," he replied, pulling her to her feet. "And you have made me very thirsty."
         He dug his teeth into her throat and drank. She let out a gurgling scream before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she passed out. He drank his fill and lowered her limp form to the floor. He took the stone out of her hand and placed it back in his pocket.
         Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he stood and jumped off the roof, landing in an empty parking lot. As he wandered back to the courtyard, he saw the girl walking into the building.
         I’m not losing you yet, he thought as he chased after her.

Chapter 4

         Kayla slowly made her way back to the school, throwing out her lunch along the way. She'd had the strangest feeling, as if she's seen her brother staring at her while she was eating. But he's at school, she assured herself. And that guy was talking to Jane Moore, and she hates me!
         But he looks
so much like Draven; they could practically be twins! Rubbing her forehead, she reached for the door knob.
         Her hand never touched it. Instead, her small hand was held gently by a cold, larger male hand. Kayla looked up and saw the man that had been watching her. "C-can I h-help you?" she stammered, trying to hide the flush that crept up her cheeks.
         "As a matter of fact, yes, you can," he replied, a smile curving his perfectly sculpted lips. Looking somewhat closer at him, she noticed longer than fashionable black air, high cheek bones, a broad figure, and pale skin.
         "Then what can I do for you?" she asked, whisking away some stray hair from her face.
         "You can tell me your name."
         Startled and somewhat confused, Kayla gave him an odd look. "Why do you want to know?"
         Giving her a sly smile, he tugged down his sunglasses. "Because your name is the only way I can describe your beauty." The man bent down and lightly kissed her hand as Kayla quickly blushed.
         "Kayla. My name is Kayla ... but who are you? And why are you so interested in me?" He felt familiar in some way that she just could not understand.
         "I have many names, as should you," he answered, as if he gave her a riddle as he spoke. "But my first name was Gabriel."
         Thoroughly puzzled, she tried to smile. "Well, it is nice to meet you, Gabriel. But, if you'll excuse me, I need to get to my classes."
         As she began to turn away, he rested a hand on her arm. "Please don't leave me yet." She looked back at him and almost gasped at what she saw in his eyes.
         He had dropped his sunglasses at his feet, and now, he could definitely be Draven's twin.
         But Draven never had such deep despair in his eyes. He looked vulnerable as he clung to her arm. Her hand went to his almost instinctively, and their fingers intertwined tightly.
         "Draven, don't worry," she said softly, resting her other hand on his cheek. He closed his eyes and lightly pressed his cheek into her palm. "I won't leave you."

         Gabriel could not believe what he heard. She said she won't leave me?! he thought happily. Have I finally found the woman to spend my life with? She called me Dra...
         Draven... I remember that name from somewhere...
"Kayla," he whispered, his lips brushing her pale skin. "Who is Draven?"
         He left her stiffen and she pulled away, leaving him silently begging to regain her touch. "Draven," she started, her cheeks reddening, "is my brother. And you look exactly like him."
         Even before she mentioned his physical appearance, he knew why the name had been so familiar. Gabriel closed his eyes for only an instant, but an image appeared.

         A fountain with beautiful flowers all around, and behind the fountain, two figures stood, one in very costly clothing, the other in nearly rags. Gabriel had seen them talking long ago, only a few years after he had been exiled.
         The poorer of the two was a man that looked to be his mirror image, and he was talking to his mother.
         Who is that? he had wondered as he listened closely to their words.
         "Well, Draven...," his mother said slowly, taking a deep breath. "I am your mother."
         Gabriel had nearly fallen from the tree he's perched in. He had a brother? But that was impossible!
         "Have you ever seen Gabriel, my son?" he heard her say. "He looks almost exactly like you, Draven. Like a-"
         "Twin," her sons said together. Gabriel leapt into another tree, almost missing his intended landing branch. He had a twin?! But how...

         "Gabriel! What happened to you?" Kayla was asking, shaking him. "Wake up!"
         He opened his eyes and smiled. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm not feeling well." He put a hand to his forehead, trying to make his excuse more. "Maybe I've been out in the sun too long."
         "Oh, I'm sorry," she said, her voice full of sympathy. "I shouldn't leave you out here, but I have to get to my class. I'm so sorry, Gabriel. Maybe I'll see you around school?"
         He nodded and replaced his sunglasses over his eyes. "Of course. But, before you go...," he reached into his pocket and pulled out the blue stone with the pentacle. "I want you to have this." He gently took her hand and dropped the stone into her palm, then closed her fingers over it. "Keep this with you always. It may help you with a few things along the way."
         Kayla opened her hand and gasped. "It's beautiful!" She turned it over in her hand, watching the sunlight glint off the gem. "The star ... it glows when the sun hits it right."
         "That star is a pentacle, and the stone is a lapis lazuli," he said calmly, knowing she knew what it was.
         "Oh! Like my necklace!" She reached under her shirt and pulled the silver chain and pendant out in her hand. "Draven told me never to take it off, but he never tells me why."
         Gabriel looked at the pendant and nodded. "He's right to tell you to keep it on." At least he's taking care of the girl, he thought, now feeling repulsed for his flirting with Kayla. "I should let you go now, Kayla. It was a pleasure to met you." He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
         "I hope I see you again, Gabriel," she said, pouting slightly. "Maybe at Bruce's party?"
         He thought about it for a moment, wondering who this Bruce was, but by the way she blushed when she said his name, he knew who Bruce must be. "Maybe, if I can make it."
         She smiled and put his present in her pocket. "Thank you so much for your gift. I'll see you later."
         "Goodbye for now." He watched her turn and run through the doorway before walking back to the shrubs.
         Gabriel sighed and held his head in his hands. I was flirting with my family!! And she's my sister! he screamed in his mind.
         He walked down the street, trying to keep his temper from flaring. Maybe I should go ask mother and father about my baby sister... Laughing to himself, he thought, I didn't even know I had one! Does she know she has me?

         Draven stepped inside the apartment, hoping to see his little sister resting. Instead, he noticed a pile of clothes lying outside her door. "Kayla, what are you doing?"
         "Getting ready," she called, the sounds of thumping techno following.
         "Ready? For what?" he asked, leaning against the door frame.
         "I have a party to go to."
         "Party? Who's party?"
         Opening the door, she answered. "Bruce is having a party." She wore a short, tight white dress with spagetti straps, her hair in small curls piled on top of her head. Even with her little scratches and bandages on her hand, she looked beautiful.
         "Wow," Draven breathed, watching her walk out of the room. "Kayla, you look gorgeous!"
         Blushing, she looked down, a few curls falling to frame her face. "Thank you, Draven." Hearing a car horn, she grabbed her purse and smiled. "I'll be back later," she said rapidly before running out the door and climbing into the car.
         Maybe I should follow her, he thought, remembering his only meeting with Bruce.
         Draven had been defensive of his sister when he came to the door, but Bruce had tried to influence him with his very weak power. Draven had easily taken him over and made him give up his "present" for Kayla.
         The earrings contained small crosses in the center which, according to legends, were meant to weaken her. Of course, only true believers could use crosses against vampires, and Bruce was not a believer to Draven. Besides, Draven's family had always been Pagan... crosses would not have helped.
         Draven had taken out those earrings and grabbed another pair from a small shop around the block. Kayla didn't seem to notice, so there was only one problem left to worry over:
         What will Bruce try to do to Kayla?
         Maybe I should follow her, he thought again, the winced at picturing her anger if she saw him. Leaning back against the wall, he tried to think of a way to protect her without being seen.
         And that was when he got an idea.

         Gabriel arrived moments before a car pulled up to Kayla’s apartment. He knew he should not be following her, but he wanted to see her safe. Plus, he wanted to tell her who he was, who she really was, but he didn't know if she would believe him or even listen.
         He hid in the bushes for a short time, squatting down as his body changed into that of a bat. Maybe just tonight I'll pretend this part of the myth isn't only a myth, he thought, smiling to himself as he took to the air.
         Contrary to popular belief, vampires could change into more than just the fabled bats, wolves, and other night animals. In fact, they could become cats, dogs, even humans. And they continued to have their bloodlust in those forms as well as their own.
         Gabriel flew over the treetops, careful to listen to the car his baby sister rode in. I should have changed into a hawk or something with better vision, he thought angrily. Only strong vampires such as he could turn into at most two animals, and he had chosen his long ago: a bat and a wolf.
         I need to tell her what she is, he promised. I will tell her. It doesn't seem that my twin has done so yet.
         He floated down and landed in the grass as the car pulled into a driveway and Kayla, along with a few other people around her age, stepped out of the car, laughing. Gabriel stared at his beautiful sister, the definition of dark innocence in her white dress.
         This Bruce better be treating her well, he growled, making his way to the back of the house before changing into his original form. He may be evil, but I and my brother would have fun tearing him apart.
         As he walked into the house, he heard a number of people calling his sister's name in greetings while loud techno music tried to drown them out. Gabriel made his way through a group of people dancing, drinking, and talking.
         As he passed, he heard bits of their conversations.
         "...we'll have fun with her tonight..."
         "...he's been waiting a long time for this..."
         "...she's just looks so beautiful. Why won't he let us have her.."
         He blinked, feeling the dark auras from all around him. What are they talking about? he thought, walking toward Kayla's group of admirers.
         And, standing next to his sister with his arm around her shoulders was the possessor of the warped, dark aura.

         Coming out of his cat form, Draven moved closer to a window, peering inside. He could only make out a cozy living room and a few people dressed in all black. He already knew the entire house was filled with night walkers, and that worried and confused him.
         What would they want with Kayla? he asked himself, resting his forehead on the glass.
         As if they knew of his question, two people in the room laughed. "I can't wait to taste that girl!" came the throaty voice of a woman.
         "Neither can I," a young man next to her replied. "She looked absolutely delicious!!" They laughed again, worrying Draven even more.
         So they didn't plan to kill her because they weren't Slayers. They wanted to use her for her pure blood. He growled and stepped away from the glass.
         And I can't help her by myself, he thought bitterly. Half of my usual connections are in there! He sighed, knowing either Kayla would die or he would die trying to save her.
         He sensed someone inside the house that didn't quite fit in with the rest of the dark beings. Draven reached out to him with his power, covering his presence from the others around them.
         What are you doing here? the man inside sent back to him. And who are you?
         My sister's in there, and she's in a lot of trouble,
Draven answered, trying to give him an image of Kayla.
         I know, he said sadly. I can't help her alone.
         Neither can I.
         Then shall we work together, brother?
         Yes. I'll look for a way to get her out; you make sure they don't kill her before we can get her away from here.
         Sounds good. Stay in touch, Draven, and be careful.
Before Draven could ask how this stranger knew both him and Kayla, the man cut off their mind link.
         Shaking his head, Draven made his way around the house, searching for an unlocked door. Instead, he found a basement window and looked inside.
         His jaw dropped in shocked and scared silence, and he gripped the wall to keep from falling. A large wooden table was set in the middle of the room, wrist and ankle restraints hanging loosely from the table. Flames blazed in braziers around the table, and a circle of cushions, cups, and thin stakes laid before the fires. An especially ornate goblet and a wooden-edged knife sat at the head of the table.
         She was going to be a sacrifice. Draven had heard of these kinds of sacrifices before, where an innocent darkling was drained of pure dark blood. Sometimes, the sacrifice was a new-born baby or an elder, the night creatures that roamed the earth for thousands of years. The new-born gives a darkling the sweetest, purest taste of total immortality while the elder blood contains a great amount of power.
         Hearing a scream brought Draven back to the present, and he looked in the living room window.
         "I guess they couldn't wait," the man laughed, standing with his comrade as they left the room. That could only mean that Kayla was in very great danger, and he needed to think fast.

         Kayla awoke to a loud, low drum beat and bright flickering lights around her. The back of her head throbbed and as her vision cleared, she tried to remember what had happened. She'd been picked up by a few of Bruce's friends, and they had taken her to his house.
         "Here is our guest of honor," Bruce had said, and a group formed around them. "Kayla, there's someone I'd like you to meet..."
         And strong arms wrapped around her waist as rough hands gripped her arms tight. Kayla had screamed and something hit her head hard. Everything had gone black, and then she woke up in this bright room.
         Trying to move her arms and legs, she found that she was bound to a table of some sort with handcuffs.
         What the hell happened? she practically demanded of herself, looking around for any clues to her location.
         Then another thought struck her. Where's Bruce? She called out to the seemingly empty room, "Bruce? Bruce, are you here?"
         That was when she noticed the ring of hunched bodies around the table. They were all dressed in black silk robes that covered every inch of their bodies, and Kayla could see fringed cushions under them. Remembering the drum she had heard, she looked passed the bodies for the source of the sound.
         In a corner of the room stood a tall figure, wearing the same black robe as the bodies, only it was trimmed in gold, as was the slightly shorter figure at its side. The tall figure wore a golden headdress while the other only showed a thin gold band around its head.
         As they slowly turned her way, she saw the most frightening face she had ever seen in her life. Scars covered his cheeks as deep lines creased around his mouth and across his forehead. His grin revealed disgustingly filthy fangs under his curved and thin mustache.
         Kayla wanted to scream so badly, but she knew, if they found her awake, they might start whatever they had planned for her.
         As she closed her eyes, she could hear a loud shifting of clothing all around her, followed by soft chanting. A short clang of metal on metal sounded through the room, and as Kayla opened her eyes, nearly gasped.
         Standing with his pale blue eyes fixed on her was Bruce. He gave her a vicious smile, his small, rounded fangs almost glowing in the firelight. Kayla was stunned, scared, and heartbroken as she stared at Bruce's fangs. "Who...what are you people?" she stammered, tears rolling down her cheeks.
         Bruce and the tall man laughed, then practically floated to her.
         "That is a very interesting question, my dear," the man said, "for you should know precisely what we and you are."
         She looked at the circle of bodies around her as they began to rise to their knees and bow down before repeating the movement, all the while chanting something Kayla could not understand. "Is this a cult?"
         They laughed again. "Oh, Kayla," Bruce whispered, moving his hand to touch her hair, but she shied away from him. "You are just so innocent. In a way, we are a cult, but not in the way you would think of one. Do you have any idea why we would have teeth like this?" He smiled again and pointed to his fangs.
         "Are you..a vampire?" she squeaked, moving away from him.
         He gave a shrug and patter her head. "Oh, Kayla..you're such a smart girl..but I'm not a vampire. My master here is," he said, motioning to the tall man. "I, on the other hand, am sometimes called a shape shifter."
         As he finished his words, whiskers slowly sprouted from his face as his robe dropped, showing black hair growing all over his body. A tail and paws with malicious claws followed, and he sank to the floor as more of a feline form took Bruce over.
         Kayla could hardly breathe as she watched, horrified by what she saw. Finally, a grown panther leapt onto the table and pinned her down.
         For the first time since she awoke, Kayla was able to scream.

         Gabriel saw them take Kayla and ran to help her. But when he got close, she disappeared along with her captors into the dark that enveloped the house.
         What happened?Draven demanded.
         She's been taken by Bruce and his friends, he responded angrily. They grabbed her and disappeared.
         I’m not sure, but there's probably a very strong nightwalker with them.
         You're probably right..wait, I can see them! They're chaining her to a table...and all of the people from the party are putting on robes..damn, we need to help her
         Can we get in through a window?
Gabriel asked desperately.
         I think so, but we need to do more than just go in. We need a plan.
         Rubbing his forehead, Gabriel walked outside and found Draven crouched by a basement window. "What do you say we do?"
         Startled, he looked up and shook his head. "I have no idea. We could just barge in, stabbing everything in sight until they're all dead...but we only have wood down there. No silver for the werecreatures and shape shifters."
         Thinking for a moment, Gabriel smiled. "You know...this cult probably does this a lot..so they probably have silver stakes and knives for the other creatures."
         Slowly, Draven stood and ran to the front door. "We just need to find out where Bruce is keeping them." Gabriel followed, and the brothers searched the entire house.
         "Anything?" Draven asked, biting his lip.
         "Nothing..maybe everything's downstairs with them."
         "Then we need to get down there..and fast." Gabriel walked to the basement door, opening it silently. They slipped down the stairs, using their Power to cloak their presence from the others.
         As they neared the floor, Gabriel stopped, startling Draven and, before Draven could speak, he put a finger over his lips. "Look and listen."
         Gabriel looked with him at the terrible events taking place. A panther was on top of Kayla! Gabriel heard her scream and readied himself to pounce, but Draven's arm held him in his place. "Listen."
         "You see, Kayla," a man standing at her side said, petting the panther, "Bruce is only half shape shifter. His mother was stupid and married a human." He spoke the last word as if it left a bad taste in his mouth. "But you..you won't be that stupid, will you? Mostly because there won't be much left of you when we're done." He laughed, and the panther climbed off Kayla.
         "W..what do you plan to do to me?" Kayla asked, her voice barely audible for the brothers.
         Gabriel looked at Draven and clenched his fist. She's absolutely terrified! We need to find those other weapons quick.
         Yes...let's go hide behind those crates and look through them.
         Good plan.
They silently made the rest of their way down the stairs and crouched as they walked to the crates. Slowly, they opened them and looked through, finding decorated boxes, one wooden, one silver. They split the boxes contents between themselves and moves closer to the group.
         The man next to Kayla continued telling her what they planned to do to her."...and then, your pure energy will flow through us and make us stronger!"
         "B-but why m-me?" she stammered, nearly in tears.
         "Because you're a halfling, sweet child. A completely innocent and unknowing vampire."
         The robed figures around the table rose one final time as Kayla sobbed, and they pulled the small stakes into view. Their leader stood over Kayla, and Bruce changed back to his human form and joined his master.
         "Now, young on, the ceremony will begin!" the master yelled, his voice echoing across the room. He raised a wooden-edged dagger over her body.
         Gabriel crept closer and launched the stakes, one of each, into each crouched figure. Even this small amount of silver or wood could at least distract them, but some howled and fell to the floor, writhing in pain. Others turned in Gabriel's direction just as another shower of wood and silver fell on them.
         Draven looked over and gave him a thumb's-up. Almost done, he said as they brothers climbed down from their perches in the ceiling.
         The master looked at his fallen minions and smiled. "Apprentice! She is our's and our's alone!"
         Bruce smiled and gave a quick nod. "Then shall we continue with the ceremony?"
         "There is no need," the master laughed. "We shall just take her!" He reached a hand toward Kayla's wounded one and lightly lifted it, removing all the bandages. Seeing the scar in her palm, he shook his head. "This was done by wood, wasn’t it?"
         Kayla, Gabriel spoke to her, trying to soothe her. Draven and I are here, and we will help you.
         She gasped and looked all around the room until she found them in the corner.
         Act like we're not here! Draven warned. He doesn't know and, as long as you stay scared, he won't know.
© Copyright 2002 Jade Paroh (katopotato at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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