Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/424150-Chapter-14-The-Receiving-Line
Rated: E · Fiction · Emotional · #424150
Warm hearts, and lessons learned
Chapter 14: The Receiving Line

         Erick carried Crystal just out the door of the Sanctuary, and stood her down, taking her hand to balance her. “Thank you for doing that wonderful, beautiful thing for me, darling,” she said warmly as the receiving line formed. "I love you for carrying me up the aisle like that. It made the moment even more romantic. And thank you for taking my hand just now instead of doing it our usual way. I’d much rather hold your hand today than lean on your shoulder.” She smiled lovingly and they shared a quick kiss.

         ”I feel the very same way about holding your hand today, my love,” he said softly. “That’s why I did it. It's far more romantic for me, too, honey.” They smiled warmly at each other, and the sparkle in their eyes would have been obvious to anyone looking at them just at that moment.

         Like most new couples, as the receiving line progressed, they had their first chance to meet members of each other’s extended family, as well as to see members of their own they hadn’t seen in a long time. And yes, some were more familiar faces.

         ”Young man, I want to congratulate you. Not only for picking an excellent bride,” the elderly gentleman said, smiling, “but for not letting the physical part of this take away from you both what is obviously a love that was meant to be.”

         ”Erick, “ Crystal said through loving tears at those words, “ this is my grandfather, Ezra Sandlewood. Grandad, my husband, Erick.”

         ”Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Sandlewood.”

         ”Call me Ezra, Erick, please. And it’s not just a compliment when it’s also obvious to me that it’s also the kind of person you are. Crystal’s most fortunate to have found you,” he said as he carefully embraced her. “Congratulations, Crystal. I love you. Don’t listen to these nay-sayers. You picked the right guy. The best in the world. And I’m old enough to know,” he said, smiling warmly at her.

         ”Thanks, granddad,” she said warmly as she kissed his cheek.

         Shortly, it became Erick’s turn for what he considered a special introduction. Crystal watched as a lady that appeared to be about Erick’s age pushed a wheelchair toward them in the line. “Crystal, my love, this is my cousin Matilda,” he said, indicating the woman pushing the wheelchair, “and her sister Margie. God I’m glad you two could come!” he exclaimed as he leaned down and hugged Margie, then Matilda.

         ”You kidding?” Margie chirped. “Just try and keep us away!”

         ”That’s right,” Matilda added. We both had been wondering how long it was going to take you to find another love, Erick. We never believed for a minute that Ellen would want you to live alone forever.”

         ”And it looks to us like you picked a jewel of a girl, too!” Margie chimed in. Naturally, Crystal turned her usual beet red at the compliment.

         ”Thank you both,“ she said, shyly looking down “It means a lot to hear that from you.” She looked up again.

         ”Just the honest truth, Crystal, Matilda said. “We’ll see you at the reception,” she said as they moved on.

         ”Count on it!” Erick said after them.

         It was then that Crystal spotted them. “Put your arm around me, honey,” she said urgently. “I’m gonna need my arm to hug somebody in a second. I don’t believe this!”

         Erick heard the urgency in her voice and put his arm tightly around her waist.

         ”Aunt Nell!” Crystal shouted. Then more calmly as she hugged her aunt, she said, “I um… thought you’d… decided not to come.”

         ”When I heard her tone to you on the phone, honey,” Uncle Marvin said, “I put my foot down. I told her flat out we were coming, that that tone was not the woman I married, and I never wanted to hear that sort of talk from her again,” he said as he hugged Crystal. Crystal had noticed that Aunt Nell never said a word to her, now she knew why. Nell was still thinking about what Uncle Marvin had told her. They loved each other dearly, and Nell never did like it when she did anything that hurt him. After 30 years of marriage it still hurt her to do that.

         ”Where are Jeff and Amy?” Crystal asked excitedly as she saw Uncle Marvin shake Erick’s free hand.

         ”Right here, cousin!” Jeff shouted, peeking from behind Uncle Marvin. He gave Crystal a careful bear hug.

         ”God, it’s good to see you!” Crystal yelled. “You‘re getting really big!”

         ”Don’t forget me, Crystal!” Amy piped up as she stepped up to her. “Um… can I say something?” Amy asked nervously as they hugged.

         ”Sure, honey.” Crystal could tell the ten-year-old was concerned about something.

         ”It feels strange seeing you with only one arm and one leg,” Amy said, unable to look Crystal in the eye.

         ”Help me here, Erick, please,” Crystal said as she slowly leaned forward toward Amy. Erick put both arms around her to steady her. “Look at me, honey.” When she did, Crystal continued. “It feels funny to be this way, honey. I’m not used to it yet. Not completely. But I won’t be this way forever, Amy. I’ll be getting a new arm and leg soon. They won’t do as much as my old ones, but I’ll be able to walk again, and I’ll have two hands to hold you like always. Don’t worry, you’re not losing out on all those things we like to share. You’ll get ‘em back. I promise. Okay?”

         Amy’s face brightened. “Okay! I thought you’d be this way forever.” Crystal smiled at her as they said goodbye and told them she’d see them at the reception.


         As Crystal was standing up after hugging Amy, she found herself looking straight into Sandra’s excited eyes. “Don’t let go, Erick!” she shouted. But, as always, Erick was one step ahead of her. He not only was not letting go, he knew the hugging that was about to take place between these two, and had already tightened his hold on Crystal in preparation for the impact. “God, I’m glad you’re here!” Crystal squealed.

         ”So are we!” Sandra squealed, hugging Crystal tightly. “You look wonderful! And I love the way you actually walked down the aisle! You really did it!”

         ”You do look beautiful,” Gloria said, hugging Crystal. “And Sandra’s right. We wouldn’t miss this for the world. Not after what you two did for Sandra,” she said.

         “I’ll second that,” said Ed. “She’s been a completely different person since that day, and we owe it all to you two. Thank you.”

         ”You’re more than welcome, Ed,” Crystal said. “Can you stay after the reception for a little bit? Remember - Pastor Markham wants to meet all of you.”

         ”We wouldn’t miss that or the reception,” Gloria said.

         ”We’ll see you shortly,” Sandra said, grinning, as Ed pushed her ahead of them toward the fellowship hall.

         ”Count on it!” Crystal called after them.

         When the receiving line was finished, Erick turned to Crystal and embraced her. “Sweetheart, I love you. And I feel very honored that you are my wife.”

         ”God, Erick” she said, squeezing him. “You’re going to make me start crying again, you stinker!” she laughed.

         Do you want to change before or after the reception?” he asked gently.

         ”After,” she said firmly. “We should cut the wedding cake like this. Besides: you have to throw the garter,” she laughed. “You um… weren’t trying to get out of that, were you?” she teased.

         ”Who? Me?” he laughed back. Then he continued, a bit more seriously. “No, my love, I wasn’t. I’ve just been too wrapped up in your beauty today to think of anything else.” He smiled lovingly and kissed her.

         God, Erick, you’re determined to make me cry yet, aren’t you?” she asked as the tears filled her eyes. “I love you, you big goon!” she wailed as she leaned toward him. “Hold me, darling, please.” He embraced her tightly. “God, I love you!” she cried as the tears began flowing freely.

 Chapter 15: The Reception, Part I  (E)
The families, and guests learn the true depth of the couple's love
#424187 by Incurable Romantic

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