Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/418090-Country-Lovin-Chapter-Sixteen
by Bernie
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Romance/Love · #418090
Nadine explains her hatred towards men and the funeral comes and goes
Nadine stared at Valene with wide eyes. "You don't want to know. And anyway, I've bascially already told you the outline of it."

"Well, I don't want to know the outline. I want to know the story. The complete story." Valene persisted.

Nadine sighed and looked away, throwing her arms into the air. "I'm not going to win this conversation, am I?"

Valene smirked and crossed her arms across her chest. "No. I don't think you will. Now tell me, young sister. Or I'll force it out of you."

Nadine turned sharply, looking at her sister. "Okay, okay. Just sit down and I'll tell you. No one knows this except for that stupid bastard it occured with." Nadine shook her head, her dirty blonde hair falling down the sides of her face as she looked down at the floor.


Nadine looked up, her hair falling behind her, just gracing her shoulders. "His name was Alexander Roxfield. He was a year older than me and in the same classes I was in, when I was in law school." Nadine sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "I thought he was sweet, he helped me study on this one test that we had to take. I mean, he was sweet and I thought he was cute. I mean, really cute. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and a really nice body. I thought he was everything I wanted in a man." She shook her head and smirked. "Boy was I wrong. We had known each other almost four months, before he asked me to dinner. We talked and laughed and had fun. We even danced. I thought I was in heaven. He even made the night more peaceful when he asked me to a hotel. We couldn't go back to our dorms, because...well, it was against the rules.

"I can't believe I actually said yes and went with him. I felt so giddy. I mean, we held hands in the car, and as we dashed across the pavement, through the hotel door, and even as he took me. We held hands like we were afraid to let go of each other." Nadine sighed deeply, her voice quivering, and she sat down in the rocker in the corner of the room. She brought her knees up to her chest and stared blankly at the floor.

"I woke up, it was still dark, and rain had started to pour lightly agains the windows, because I could hear the soft patting of it. It was a few seconds before I realized what I awakened me. It was the sound of Alexander's car roaring to life as he zoomed out of the hotel parking lot. The bed was empty, his side of the sheets thrown back, he didn't even shower, just put on his clothes and left. I had to call my friend, Sam, to come get me." Nadine looked up at her sister and smiled. "I tried to talk with him the next day, in class, but he brushed me off, saying that what happened did happen, but it never meant anything, that he just needed to get laid and that he was being nice to me just so he could get some. I felt like such a complete idiot."

"Nadine, that Alexander guy was just one guy. He's not like every guy in the world." Valene explained.

"What about Brad? He was a jerk who just wanted you for sex." Nadine pointed out, bluntly.

"Well, what about Jessie? He isn't one that is going to run off after sex." Valene told her.

"You don't know. You only screwed him once." Nadine closed her eyes and rubbed them with the palms of her hands. "I'm sorry Valene. I didn't mean that."

Valene sighed. "You don't have to be bitter about every guy you meet, you know. I'll go make dinner, then we can pack up some of this stuff. Get rid of some, then hold onto what ever is left."

Nadine leaped out of the rocker, her eyes wide. "You aren't going to sell this place? Are you? You can't! This is Aunt Kitty's house!"

Valene smiled softly and laid a hand on Nadine's shoulder. "I wouldn't think of selling this house. We can stay here when we decide to come and visit or something."

Nadine smiled. "What are we going to have for dinner?" She asked as she followed Valene out of the room and down the stairs.

"Not sure yet. I'll have to go and check the fridge." Valene said.

º º º º º º º

Valene had put on a long black skirt, and black dressy tank top. She was wearing her black pumps as shaking everyone's hand as mostly the entire town walked through the funeral home.

Nadine was standing on Valene's left, with a black skirt, which went just above her knee, with her strappy black heels she had brought with her, and a gray spaghetti strap tank top with black knitted flowers swirling up the top and a matching gray button up shirt, which lain un-opened.

Jessie had come early and was standing by Valene, on her right. Valene had protested, but then gave in when Jessie had taken her by the arm and had kissed her, shutting her up. He was dressed in a dark gray suit, something Valene had never seen him in. He wasn't even wearing his cowboy hat or even his boots. She had lost her breath at the sight of him. It looked as though he was some city boy with a southern accent.

Valene felt the tears come to her eyes when one of Aunt Kitty's cousins stopped by and told her of a story when they were kids. She only nodded and gave the woman a hug. She quickly wiped her eyes and then went onto the next person.

The casket was open, her hair curled onto the top of her head. Her lips curved into a slight smile, her face done with make up to cover the obvious signs of death, and a little bit added to have her all dolled up. She was a beautiful woman. A picture of Frank, and then of Valene, Nadine, and Derek.

Once the last person checked on Aunt Kitty, paying their respects and left, Jessie, Valene, and Nadine were totally and utterly exausted. Just as they were gathering their stuff, ready to leave, the door opened and Valene lifted her drousy and heavy head to see her brother, Derek, dressed in a black suit, his hair mussed and his shoes shined. "I'm sorry I'm late. My flight was delayed. Is Aunt Kitty still here? They haven't taken her, have they?"

Valene smiled and hurried over to her brother, wrapping her arms around him. "I'm so glad you made it. I wasn't sure if you'd be able to."

Derek took a step back. "I wanted to see her this summer, just because I couldn't and didn't want to take time off now. I should've. At least I would've been able to see her once more, while she was alive. I want to see her now. They haven't taken her yet?"

Valene shook her head. "No, she's still here. The last person just left a few minutes before you got here."

"Okay, thanks." Derek smiled softly, and strode up to the open casket at the top of the room. Large boquets of flowers surrounded the casket, some roses, some dafodils, some carnations, some lilies, some tulips, some wild lilies.

Jessie stood back and looked at Derek. He definitely looked like their father. There was definite resemblences between the three of them. Derek had dark brown hair, much darker than that of Valene's. He was broad shouldered, and if he worked out more, he could definitely be intimidating.

Valene and Nadine had walked up towards the front of the room, standing only a few feet behind Derek, who was looking at the pictures and all of the flowers, seeing who they were from.

Feeling a bit out of place, Jessie turned and was heading towards the back door. When his hand hit the door knob, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Don't go."

He turned around and it was Valene. Her eyes heavy with fatigue. "I need you."

He smiled and took her in his arms. "As long as you need me, I'll be here."

She wrapped her arms around him, and hugged him tight. "Thank you."

"Valene are you going to come back with us?" Derek asked, interrupting their moment.

"What?" She asked.

"Are you coming back with me and Nadine? I'm heading back out tomorrow. Nadine wants to come with me. Do you want to?" He repeated.

She looked up at Jessie, wondering his reaction to the question. It remained stern and unresponsive. She didn't know what his thoughts were, but she knew she couldn't leave. She still had a few days left and she wanted to spend them with Jessie.

"No. I want to stay here. I'm going to finish cleaning out Aunt Kitty's room and then I'll come back. Thank you for coming out. It was very nice of you, Derek." Valene replied hugging her brother a second time.

Derek sighed. "That's a lame excuse, Valene. Just because you want to stay here and screw your Romeo."

Valene was apauled. "What?" Her reply was breathless, feeling as if there was no sound to it. Her throat went dry. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me. You're using the cleaning Aunt Kitty's room as an excuse. You can just come out and stay that you'd rather spend time with your dud than with your family."

"That isn't true. Where did that come from?" Valene asked.

"It is to, true. You were like that when you were with Brad. You always chose him over Dad and us. I mean, look at the last Christmas we had with dad. You had to go spend it with Brad and his family, because you thought it was more important. Then you try and act like you care when he finally dies."

Valene's heart thudded in her chest and she felt the tears coming into her eyes and they stung. The tears were hot and she couldn't bring herself to wipe them away.

"I think that is enough. Don't talk to her like that. Like she's less than you." There was a sharpness to Jessie's voice, a sharpness Valene had never heard.

"Well, I'm sorry that the truth hit a nerve, big boy, but it's the truth. She deserted him on the last Christmas we had with him."

Valene's eyes filled beyond the rim with hot, stinging tears. "That isn't true! I didn't know! I didn't know he was going to die! And for your information, Dad said I should! He said I should spend that Christmas with Brad and his parents!"

"Don't bring that up again."

"Then why did you? Why don't you just shut up, or I might just forget that you're Valene's little brother and send you into next week? Stop acting like your perfect. I bet there is a time where you wish you had done something different." His voice sharp and cold as steel.

"Are you her body guard? Why don't you let her speak for herself?"

"Derek! Stop it!" Nadine's voice was shrill, her eyes wide. "The both of you! No one needs this! So knock it off!"

Everyone was silent for a moment, then Valene spoke, grabbing her purse off the floor. "I'm going to go." Her voice soft, quivered.

"Valene, don't." Nadine started to walk off after her.

"Nadine, no, you don't. You're going home with Derek. Just come back to Aunt Kitty's house, get your stuff, and go home." Her voice was ice cold, her eyes filled with hurt.

Nadine stopped, raised a hand, then dropped it. "Okay."

"Let me take you home. You are in no position to drive." Jessie offered, not wanting her out of his site either. Just the way she walked away, he knew she was hurting.

"No, Jessie. Please." She felt as if she had no energy to protest.

"I'm going to. I can't let you drive home." Jessie explained.

She sighed deeply and nodded. "Okay." She then turned and looked at her younger siblings. "I guess I'll you two later then, huh?" Then turned and walked out of the funeral home.

© Copyright 2002 Bernie (msbiggs at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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