Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/410451-Country-Lovin-Chapter-Fourteen
by Bernie
Rated: 18+ · Novella · Romance/Love · #410451
Valene gives herself to Jessie and the morning after
Jessie's mind was blank except for his thoughts on Valene. He couldn't of thought about anyone else but her even if he tried, and he didn't want to. Thinking about Valene was just fine for him.

They had moved to the couch and the t.v. was playing, but they were too busy talking. Valene had removed her heels and were resting by the coffee table. One of her legs were resting in front of her on the couch, folded, while the other one was hanging off the couch.

Valene could only seem to hear Jessie's voice. She was oblivious to the television and the program that it played. She only saw his eyes and how they seemed to light up when he laughed. She could feel his gaze and the flutterbie's that it brought. Her heart was thuddering heavily in her chest and a soft heat climbed in through her body.

"You are the most beautiful woman that I've ever seen or met. You know that right?" He asked her, his voice husky.

"You've told me once or twice." She replied with a smile.

"You are." Jessie told her. "I think I've thought that since I laid eyes on you. I've had these thoughts about you and what I'd like to do to you, since that day when I saw you walking towards town."

"What you'd like to do to me?" She squeaked, feeling her throat dry up, and a searing heat flare from between her legs.

"Yeah, this." He leaned across the couch, cupping her face in his hands and pressing his lips to hers. Her lips instantly softened, opening to allow the warmth wetness of his tongue to enter. Heat seared from his tongue down her throat and throughout her entire body. She seemed to be on fire.

His hands moved to her shoulders, and then down her arms, where he gripped her, pulling her close to his body, where they fell backwards against the couch. Jessie flipped around so that Valene was laying against the couch, and he was hovering above her.

Her arms clasped around his neck. Jessie supported himself with his arms against the couch, so he didn't crush her with his weight. He pulled his mouth away from hers, only to kiss her neck and licking his way down, his tongue leaving a damp heat in its wake. He went down her shoulder and down to her chest, just above her breasts.

Valene couldn't breathe. All she could do was feel. The heat in her body desperately needed to be released. It was building up and there was only so much room inside her. Her hands moved from the back of his neck into his hair. A groan escaped from her mouth when she felt Jessie's hand on her breast.

Jessie pulled up, and Valene helped with him as to remove her shirt. Breathing deeply, Jessie reached behind her to unhook her bra. Cupping one of her breasts, Jessie leaned back down and took her mouth with his.

She moaned into his mouth when his thumbs grazed her nipples. She reached for the buttons of his shirt, wanting to take it off, wanting to feel the heat radiating from his body.

Jessie seemed to get the picture when he sat up and began to quickly unbutton his shirt. He shed the shirt, tossing it to the floor. He also quickly removed his boots and socks and tossed them to the floor.

Without a second thought, Valene removed her skirt and tossed that to the floor with the rest of their clothing. Jessie grinned and lifted her into his arms, taking her mouth with his. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Then he proceeded to head for the stairs. The television was still playing, some night television show, playing, the sound on, but neither could hear, so oblivious to everything but each other.

The steps slightly groaned beneath Jessie's weight as he proceeded up them. Jessie grinned as he saw Valene and the content look in her eye. His heart thudded against his chest. Never had he seen anything so beautiful, so gorgeous, in his entire life. She felt so light, so soft, in his arms. Most of her hair had fallen down around her shoulders.

When he entered the room, he laid her gently upon the bed. He quickly shed his jeans, and climbed atop her. Kissing her stomach, and licking around her belly button, a soft groan emerged from her mouth. The sound was ecstasy to his ears. He ran a hand down her smooth thigh, feeling the slight jump, the slight twitch from her, as though he was fire and she just got burned.

He flicked his tongue out against her nipple, and he heard her breathing halt, her heart stop, and her hands clench his hair. He sucked it into his mouth and he heard her groan again.

Valene felt the damp heat against her breast and she suddenly wanted to feel it against her mouth. She tugged him upwards, and he willingly complied. He braced himself with his arms and reached up towards her mouth.

Her tongue entered his mouth, their tongues dancing an exotic dance to the beat of their hearts.

She gasped into his mouth when she felt his hand rub the center of her heat. A sharp shot of heat soared through her abdomen, and she groaned into his mouth.

Could she possibly take anymore pleasure? A deep throated groan was her answer as he entered two fingers into her. "Oh Val...." He groaned her name.

"Jess...Oh Jess...." Her mind was combusting with thoughts of secret desire, love, happiness, and Jess. "Oh God, Jess." She arched up when she felt Jess' mouth replace his fingers.

Her heart thudded heavily against her chest, her breathing short and raspy. Her eyes fluttering closed, then open. She tried to reach for his hair, for something to grasp, but she'd get interrupted when a shot of pleasure would sweep through her body.

Her body shook with the first wave of pleasure and Jessie began to kiss his way up her stomach, and kissing each breast, then her chest, and then her mouth. He sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, then released it, only to enter his tongue into her mouth.

"God...you're beautiful." He told her.

"Jess....I....want you." She could barely get it out. He kissed her neck, then her shoulder.

She pushed him over onto his back, her stradling his hips. "It's my turn." She told him as he mouth houvered above his chest. She kissed her way down his chest, over his abdomen, and stopped as she reached his throbbing member.

She looked up at him to see him looking down at her, his eyes alive with a passion so fiery, so alive, so crazy, she was almost afraid to touch him.

Valene was almost afraid, afraid because she had never actually taken a man in her mouth before. Brad had always told her that he never liked it. That men thought it was degrading. So, she had never done it. Brad was the first man she had ever been with.

So, she began to kiss back up towards him. She stopped, when he laid his hands on her shoulders. "No need to be afraid." His voice comforting, reassuring.

"But...But men don't like that." She explained.

"I do." He grinned, making her smile.

"I don't know how." She confessed, afraid of what it would be like.

"If you are afraid you don't have—" He was stopped in mid-sentence he felt himself being encased with her warm mouth. He groaned, never before feeling such a pleasure.

It was minutes before he started to feel the tingle. "Oh...Val..." His hands were in her hair, and he felt her moving up closer to him, her hands placed on both sides of him. Then he felt her lips against his, her tongue dancing wildly with his.

Wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, Jessie turned over, pressing her into the mattress. "God you're beautiful."

"I love you, Jess." She told him, unaware of it being said, aware it meant everything, it came out more like a breath, than a sentence.

"I love you too, Val." He kissed her neck. "I want you to say my name."

"Jess." She breathed it and softly groaned when he suckled then licked her shoulder.


"Jess." She repeated, trying to gain breath as she did so.


"Oh...Jess!" She groaned it out as Jessie entered her. She grabbed his shoulders, feeling him inside her, spread pleasure through out her.

She had never felt so content in her life as she did at this moment. Her breathing was long deep breaths, her eyes were half closed, and she was holding Jessie close as he made love to her.

Jessie kissed her with so much built up passion, he never thought he could breathe again when he finished. He ran a hand through her hair, feeling the soft silkyness of it, as it ran through his fingers. He felt her taut breasts pressing against his chest, he felt her long slender legs wrapped around his waist. He also felt the shudders of passion raging through his body and as he felt his release he called out her name and held her tight against his body, wanting to feel her against him.

º º º º º º º

As the sun beat through the windows, Jessie awoke, his eyes fluttering open to see Valene snuggled close to his chest. His arms were wrapped tightly around her, the blankets wrapped loosely around their waists.

He smiled as the thoughts of the previous night came into his mind. It had been so perfect, it had felt as if it was a dream. He was almost shocked to see her there, laying next to him, with his arms around her.

She had felt like a dream, and still almost did. She was so beautiful, so perfect, he never wanted to move. He laid his head back down next to hers, tightning his grip around her, pulling her closer to his body.

Valene opened her eyes and felt as though she was in heaven. Her body had never felt so content...so at peace before. Smiling, she turned around in the arms that were holding her, and almost ran into the sturdy, muscular wall that lain behind her.

She looked right up into the largest brown eyes she'd ever seen. She smiled and he grinned. "Mornin' ma'am. Sleep well?"

She laughed. "Haven't slept this well in such a long time." She yawned and pressed her cheek against his chest, feeling the warmth of his body.

Jessie tugged up the blankets, wrapping them around their bodies. "I'd have to agree. I quite enjoy having your sexy body next to mine when I wake up in the morning."

She pulled her head back so she could look up at him. "I like waking up and having your arms around me." She confessed.

"Good." He wrapped his arms around her, bringing her, once again, close to his body.

When Jessie insisted that they get up, he put on his pair of jeans, and Valene slipped into her underwear and Jessie brought up his shirt and a bra. She looked up at him and smiled.

Grinning, when she was least expecting it, Jessie swept her up into his arms and carried her downstairs. She was laughing, with her head tilted back, her chocolate hair falling from her shoulders.

Jessie placed her in a chair in the kitchen and ran his hands through his hair. "I'm going to make you breakfast."

"You still have to take care of last night's dishes." She pointed out, eyeing the pot still filled with spaghetti sauce, the frying pan used for sausage, and the empty pot which had held the boilng water for the spaghetti, which were all still lying about.

"Don't worry. I will. It'll just be much more stuff for me to do when I get done working today." He told her with a reassuring grin.

"You're going to be tired and you won't want to do it." She told him.

"I...I could do it." She said with a smile.

"Oh hell no. You aren't doing my dishes." Jessie pointed out as he ran the frying pan under hot water, giving it a soft scrub with a metal scrubbie, and then placing it back on the stove. "When I dirty dishes, I clean them up." He told her as he walked to the refrigerator and pulled out eggs.

"No wonder women love you." Valene smiled when Jessie turned to look at her.

"As long as I only impress the one sitting in my living room, in the dress shirt." Jessie grinned and cracked an egg on the pan. He turned on the heat and the sizzle of the egg seemed to waken Valene even more.

"I look horrible this morning, and you want to impress me?" Valene asked looking down at herself.

"Horrible? Honey, ya look a lot more sexier than you did last night. You're lucky I have a farm to work on, or I'd take you right now on that floor." He grinned, pointing the spatula at her.

She felt herself blushing. How could one sentence make her feel like she was really sexy? She had no idea, but Jessie knew how to make it work. As she sat there, she forgot about everything, even about her having to head back to New York in just four days.

"Is that a promise?" Ooh was she being a flirt? Was she actually liking it?

Jessie growled and eyed her. "I'd be careful, or I might just forget I'm a gentleman."

"Would that be a bad thing?" She teased and she stood and strolled over to him. She forgot everything she ever knew about being proper, about being well-mannered.

"It would be...if I can't control myself. I happen to like that shirt." Jessie turned his head and grinned at her.

Valene felt the flutters in her stomach rise as she wrapped her arms around his middle, laying her head on the back of his shoulder. "It never looked good on you anyway."

"Okay. That's it. You've pushed me to the limit." He tossed the spatula onto the counter, turned off the stove, picked up the pan and put it on the backburner. "I don't want you to complain about not having breakfast. I wasted an egg on you."

He turned around and with a serious expression lifted Valene into his arms and carried her upstairs into the bedroom. "I thought you were going to do me on the kitchen floor?" Valene inquiered.

"Ahh, I don't want you hurt yourself." Jessie said with a grin and kicked the door to the bedroom shut with his foot.

© Copyright 2002 Bernie (msbiggs at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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