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Rated: 18+ · Article · Experience · #408495
Random thoughts I wrote one night while wondering how to spell As well (2 words)
As Well Aswell
now I feel compelled to type something ‘cos I have all this big space here. and only 4 tiny little words written in size 12 font. I’m not really being all that gramatically correct but nobody will se what it is that I’m typing anyway and I’m sure as hell not gunna clutter up “my documents” by saving this uselessness mumbo-jumbo. I don’t believe that I’ve ever typed mumbo-jumbo in a sentence, or anything for that matter. I think it sounds much like a Dr.Sues word. ******** that # is chris’ ICQ I have to remember that ‘cos he tells me he’s gunna ask later, even though I just told him . Anyway back to Dr.Seus, that man was a fricking genious, if any other sane person made up words just for the sake of rhyme we’d all hate him and think he was crazy, but he did it so well. someday I’ll be rich and famous and buy all his stuff. Someday I’ll be rich, and away from this suck hole of a town. God I hate it here, I don’t think people even realize how much I want out. I told mom that I want the ground to open up and swallow it all, which I do sometimes, we were driving to town then, shitty little town, and I was looking out the car window at the shitty river, and thinking how dirty winter was. Tool was on, Aenima, it all about the world ending. We were driving by the pawn shop....I think I remember reading the sign or something. And at that point in the song it was saying how much he wanted to see the earth open up and swallow itself or something along those lines and then I thought “he doesn’t really want that” and then I thought how funny it was that people say things they don’t mean, and think things that they couldn’t possibly know unless they experienced it. So then I wondered if I wanted to see the whole shitty town swalowed, and I came to the conclusion that yes indeed I’d enjoy that. of corse if it really happened it would be awful, but it’s just an example of people wishing things that they don’t know dick all about. I am indeed people, which kinda sucks ‘cos people are a bunch of dumb fucks. I dont’ think I’m much more of a dumb fuck then any other person but if I am at least I have lots of others who I have things in common with. We’ll all be just fine if we can find some common bond. I dont think that they’re is anyone out there who is truly “unique” everyone has something in common with somebody else, be it eye color or something bigger then that. We are all people anyway so we all have that biteing imperfection. It is indeed hard to be perfect, and I guess if you were perfect then you’d be unique, which would make you weird and im-perfect all over again. so we are screwed. I guess not all of us are screwed just the few who strive to be perfect, they will indeed be disapointed when they learn that it’s impossible. They’ll prolly jump off a bridge.That certianly would ruin all hope of perfection. now I have this vision of all these “perfect” people hangining from a bridge...I dunno which bridge though, mabey I made it up, although I don’t make up structures very often, I’m not good with lines. Funny that all the perfect people are blond...mabey in my twisted little head blond is perfect, although I’d never dye my hair blond. I’d go with something better, like baby blue or pink. something weird so at least then I wouldn’t be just another blond, if I went to trouble I’d want everyone knowing “hey she dyed her hair”. I’m already one of the people old people look at funny, that’s fine. I bet Dr.Seus got looked at funny too....he prolly had really messed up hair....I must look for a pic of him on the net. tomorrow though. Now I’m beyond tired
I think I’ll save

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