Going through Menopause? You might find something here for you!
Here are some symptoms of Menopause "
Symptoms of Menopause"

if you would like to check it out.
Also, here is my list of favorite books on menopause "
My favorite books on Menopause."

This poem was written for me by Haizey .
Hot flashes on the coldest day.
Not a freaking thing is going your way.
Hormones raging, temper like a flare,
One minute you're happy, the next you don't freaking care.
The smallest thing can get your panties in a wad
like hearing the words.."chin-hair" or "broad".
Body and mind is all out of whack and
everyone person you see is an asshole you wanna smack.
When you go to the doctor to find out the cause,
he sits you down and says one word: