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Please excuse grammer and spelling errors - this is a draft. |
It was back.
There was this nagging felling tugging at the edge of Abbie's conciosness. She didn't know what it meant. She started going through a mental check-list of possibilities. Homework - check, she had it in her bag. It was even done for a change. Appearance - she paused in front of the mirror. Nothing looked out of place. Shoulder length auburn hair neatly combed, clean clothes devoid of wrinkles and stains, she looked fine. Right? She squinted and leaned closer to the reflection in the mirror. Yes, she looked fine. Completely normal. Well, maybe not when she made that face... She leaned back away from the mirror, shouldered her bag, and exited the room. ~*~*~*~ "Do you think she saw us?" "Don't be silly, no one can see us." "But she looked right at me, she squinted like-" "Like she was trying to find something wrong with her reflection. She does it all the time." "I think she knows we're here." ~*~*~*~ Begin at the Begining Strange Things The day went from blah to worse. Abbie wondered vaugly if there was some sort of perpetual curse on thursdays. They were one of the worst days of the week in her opinion. It was that faint light that became visible at the end of the tunnel, the knowledge that all she had to do was get through one more day. She started to notice some very strange things on a thursday. For example, she noticed that her roommates cat avoided her mirror. At first, she hadn't thought anything of it. Sunny was a notorious coward as far as cats go. One theory was that it had something to do with his name. 'Sunny' did not leave the cat much in the way of manly pride, even for a cat. Linda, her roomate and the cat's owner defended herself by reminding them that she had been seven when she had named him. Even so, it was gennerally accepted that it must be difficult for a cat to be brave with a name like 'Sunny'. Abbie might have been able to ignore that, except that wasn't it. There were other things too. She couldn't place her finger on it, but she felt like she was being watched. She felt like there was something else there. She had always felt watched over, but lately the feeling had begun to change. It no longer felt... how could she put it, bennine. She felt like she was now being actively observed, and srutinezed. It made her nervous. She had tried to write it all of as stupid paranoia and cowardly kitty anticks, but she just couldn't. She trusted her insticts, or rather, she wanted to trust her insticts. She returned to her original thought that thursdays were just evil. The fact that her mathmatics exam was thursday just helped to support her theory. Aiden paced the floor, or at least he assumed there was a floor there. Every once in a great while he would stop and marvel at the complete lack of surroundings that their prison offered. There was no distiction between floor wall and cealing. it was impossible to tell where one began and the other ended. Except for one wall. This was the wall that was the door to the prison. It was the face of the mirror. For the first time in, well Aiden didn't have any clue how long, someone just might know he was in here. "Would you stop doing that?" Conlan asked irratably. "She cannot see us. I don't know how many times I have explained this to you - we are trapped here, most likely for eternity." "You give up too easily." Aiden groussed back at his only companion in the strange prison. He stopped pacing though, sinking to a sitting position on the nothingness below. "You should take a closer look at her. I think she has the spark." "No one has had the spark in..." Conlan stopped in mid-scentance. "I don't remember the last time I saw someone with the spark." He admitted bitterly. "It was long before we were imprisoned in here." "I still say you give up too easily." Aiden said as he stood and returned to his pacing. Abbie flopped down onto her bed when she got back to her room. The nagging feeling was back, tenfold. She didn't know what she was going to do about it. She pulled herself up to a sitting position and looked over at her mirror. She had not bothered to turn on the light when she had come back. In the early eavening light it almost looked as though the mirror glowed. Abbie marveled at the pale blue-green glow, she could almost imagined it swirling around the mirror. In her minds eye, she could see it reaching out to her. Abbie blinked furiosly. It was gone. What was she thinking? It had never been! Mirrors did not glow. She must have imagined the whole thing. That was it. It was just her imagination. Probably induced by lack of sleep. That had to be it because mirrors did not glow. Abbie decided she needed a distraction. She looked to the foot of her bed, eyes resting on her school bag full of books and new homework assignments. She grimaced slightly. That was not what she had in mind. She continued to look around the room. Abbie saw her roommates cat, Sunny walking down the hall. He slowed as he appproached her room, glancing hesitantly at the open door. Then without warning he sped off in the other direction as if the devil himself, or the vetrinarian, was on his tail. Hours later, homework complete, Abbie had finnaly managed to almost forget about the mirror. Almost, but not quite. She pulled he pajama's out from under her pillow and was about to get dressed for bed when she stopped. She felt the nagging on her conciosness. It was very clear, it felt like eyes boring into the back of her head. Abbie turned slowly and faced the mirror. Well, at least it wasn't glowing. Abbie knew it then though. It was the mirror. That feeling of uneasiness, that nagging tug on her conciosness, that feeling of being watched, the mirror was responsible for it all. She gathered up her pajama's, never taking her eyes off the mirror. Slowly Abbie began to back towards her door. Suddenly changing in the bathroom seemed like an excellent idea. Conlan watched the girl leave. "You're right." He whispered, "She knows." |