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NEW! Fanfic, about the WB's Smallville; after
episode Zero, with my own characters. |
Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction from the
WB's Smallville. None of this is mine except for the character Cara Lang and some of my own villans that will appear later in the story. Lex Luthor sat behind his desk, studying
his computer screen. Without looking up he said to Beck, his head of security, "everything from the incident yesterday has been taken care of. Anything else pertaining to it is no longer to be discussed." "But Mr. Luthor," Beck protested.
Lex cut him off, "Mr. Beck, I tolerate your
presence here to protect me as you say only because of my Father. I know your loyalties fall first to him, and then to me. And as long as that is true, I will decide on what information is necessary for you to know. Is that clear?" Lex looked up from his computer for the first time to give Beck a level stare that told him he wasn't asking him, he was telling him. "Yes sir,"Beck said casting his eyes
down, then turned and left the room. Lex looked back to the computer screen.
An image of the young girl with long dark hair and a sweet smile stared back at him. Dead for three years, and Lex had never known until yesterday. He sighed, sitting back in his plush leather chair. He should never have taken her to the club that night. But how could he have known how she would react? He'd only wanted to her to realize what a creep her fiance really was. So the club scene was a set up for Amanda to see Jude in the act. She deserved better. Like you? A cynical voice in his mind
said. You were responsible for her. It's your fault she's dead, it continued to say harshly. Lex clenched his first tightly for moment,
breathing hard and looking still at her face. Yes, he thought, he'd been selfish in his reasons, even though she should've known the truth regardless. He was brought out of his mussings by a
knock on the door. He immediately composed himself and let a well practiced mask of perfect nonchalant calm fall over his face. "Lex," came a familiar voice, and a
moment later Clark poked his head round the door frame looking for him. "Clark, come in." Lex let his mask relax a
little, yet was still cautious as to why his friend (at least he hoped he was)had come. Maybe Ma and Pa Kent had finally sent him to say that Lex was rubbing off a little too much on their dear son and better stay away. Hah, fat chance, it was more like Clark was rubbing off on him. Not completely though; there were some aspects to being Clark Kent that would drive Lex mad with boredom. Clark smiled and walked in closing the
door behind him. "What can I do for you?" Lex knew he was
being more abrupt than usual, but he was still wounded by the look of distrust Clark had given him at the Lana's opening party for the Talon, just a few hours ago. And neither was in the mood to be lectured, especially by Clark. He knew that he was lucky to have him as friend, who mysteriously always seemed to be there just when he needed him, but still his pride would not allow him to give in. "I don't want to bother you," Clark began,
"but I needed to come by and tell you that I'm sorry." If Lex was surprised he didn't show it, and
waited for Clark to go on. Clark stuck his hands in his back
pockets, a habit of his, Lex noticed when he wanted to be serious. "Lex I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for
looking into your past, and for not believing you. But I also need you to know that I did it because...I would do anything to protect my friends too." Lex was speechless for a moment. "I
know that you were just trying to help Clark, and lucky for me you did. You're always there for me," Lex trailed off looking intently at Clark, who looked sheepishly at the ground. "Nah", Clark said shrugging his
shoulders, "just the right place at the right time. I got lucky thinking you'd be at Club Zero." Lex doubted that very much, but put the
feeling aside. He'd already decided that he didn't care about how Clark was always there for him. He'd already deleted all the files the dirty reporter had dug up trying to figure out how Clark had saved him on the bridge that day. Now all he could think was that someone up there liked him, though for a long time he'd seriously doubted it. "You were right about one thing though,"
Lex said. "I put you and your family in danger because I hid the truth of what really happened. I promise you Clark, that I will do my best to never let anything like that ever happen again." Lex looked back at his computer screen. Clark saw the intent look on his face. "I
know Lex." Without another word, he turned to go. He knew that Lex was not in the mood to talk anymore, and if he did, he knew where to find him. He left through the door, closing it quietly behind. Lex looked back up as he heard the door
click shut. One of the things he appreciated about Clark was his ability to be inconspicuous and knowing when to leave Lex to himself. Amanda's picture hovered before him. He
typed in a few keys, and a message popped up on the screen. ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO DELETE
THIS ITEM? Lex's finger hovered over the enter key. He
hadn't been in love with her, but sometimes he thought maybe...Maybe he could've fallen in love with her. Never again, he thought. Never again. He hit the enter key, and the entire screen
went black. **********************
Ah well, there it was. The Lang house
looked exactly the same as it did when she was 10 years old the last time she'd been there. The old swing chair was still on the porch, and the flowers in the yard looked as if they'd been frozen in time. She hesistated at the gate. Maybe she shoudn't do this, even though now they were expecting her. The last thing she wanted to do was endanger Lana and her Aunt, but she'd no where else to go, and her parents had also thought that this was the right choice. But what if her cousin had changed? They'd always shared a special bond as children, depsite the fact that she was three years older than Lana...But that was so long ago...She sighed and guessed she'd just have to hope that Lana was still the same person and that she could trust her. Taking a deep breath, she hefted her bag and walked through the gate and up to the door. She paused outside, set her bag down, and knocked out the screen door. "Just a minute," a young voice called. She
heard footsteps and then Lana's face appeared behind the screen door. She peared out to see a tall girl, with dark blond hair standing on the porch. She opened the screen door and poked her head out to look at her. "Hi, can I...." Her eyes went wide as she met the girls gaze for the first time. Unusually pale green eyes with flecks of dark green in them sparkled back at her with delite. The only person she knew that had eyes like that was..... "Carckie?" Lana stared at her wide eyed
searching her face. "Oh no," the girl groaned,"Please don't tell
me you still can't say my name right Lani." The girl said hands on her hips, then broke down with a smile. Lana screamed, flinging open the door and threw her arms around her cousin that she hadn't seen in almost eight years. "Oh Cara, Cara! You're finally here." Cara
laughed and hugged her cousin back letting herself relax and have a true moment of happiness. Oh, it had been to long. "Aunt Nell, Aunt Nell, Cara's here," Lana
yelled through the screen door. "Come on, bring your stuff in. Is that it? Just one bag?" Lana was grinning ear to ear and Cara couldn't help but do the same herself. Lana had changed so much. She was a beautiful young woman now, and her eyes sparkled with the same kindness she'd always shown when they were children. But she'd still have to wait and see what else about her cousin had changed. Then, suddenly, she was being
embraced by her Aunt and ushered off to the living room to sit. "Oh you're early honey, we didn't expect
you until day after tomorrow," Nell began, "Why didn't you call us to come pick you up from the bus station?" She sat on the plush, flowery couch across from Cara, looking concerned. Because I wanted to take a little detour
to make sure trouble didn't follow, Cara thought, but dared not voice aloud. "Oh, it was such a beautiful afternoon,
and I wanted to see if I could remember my way back to the house anyway," Cara said, giving her Aunt one of her most innocent smiles. It worked.
Aunt Nell laughed, "Well that must've
been quite a walk all the same. But you've always been an adventurer Cara. So tell me, how are your parents?" "Fine," Cara lied smoothly. "You know
Mom and Dad, off discovering some new, rare, and endagered species in the deep depths of Africa." Cara smiled again, though it was forced. It was only a partial lie. Her parents were in Africa...Somewhere. And they were hunting a new species, but not one she wanted to tell her family about anytime soon. The same creature was responsible for Cara's fleeing Africa, and why she'd come to Smallville, far away...No, she couldn't think about that now. She blinked and realized that her Aunt had just asked her a question, but she had no idea what. "What? Oh sorry, I must be more tired
from the trip than I thought. What did you just say?" "Oh it's alright honey. I just asked if you
were hungry for some good old home cookin?" Her Aunt smiled at her warmly. Cara relaxed. "Nothing could make me happier," Cara
said. She caught Lana looking at her out of the corner of her eye. There was a question there. She wasn't so easily convinced of Cara's reasons for being tired. Good, Cara thought. She still has her instincts. Cara took her things up to the guest
room, then turned to go back downstairs. Her stomach growled at the smell of roast chicken and corn. How long had it been since she'd had a real meal? The last few weeks had been a blur of eating and sleeping when she could. She entered the kitchen and sat down at the table with her Aunt and cousin. After commenting on how delicious the
corn was, Lana informed her that it came from the Kents farm across the way. "Ah," Cara said, "So does Clark Kent still
have a major crush on you Lana?" Cara looked across the table and was pleased to see her cousin blush. "N...no. Of course not," Lana said
embarrassed. "Clark and I are just good friends. We've always been just friends. He helped me so much with getting the Talon ready to be re-opened, and..." She sputtered to a stop when Cara started laughing. "All asked was if he still had a crush on
you," Cara smiled as Lana blushed again, but decided to spare her anymore teasing and asked about the Talon instead. Lana told her everything about
refurnishing the Talon to make it ready to be a working theater again. She obmitted all the parts involving the scandal with Lex and that psycho killer. She'd tell her cousin eventually, but not yet. As far as she was concerned she just wanted to put it all behind her. She then got to the part where she was still looking for a new manager. "Hey," Lana said, eyes lighting up. "Cara
would you like to be my manager while you're here? Oh please say yes. You have no idea what a relief it would be for me to have someone working there that I trust." Lana looked pleadingly at her cousin. Cara was suprised by the offer, but at the
same time glad. A theater would be a great place to stay inconspicous. Especially at night. "Well alright," she said, then grinned evily,
"But don't expect me to take any pay cuts just because we're family," Cara said winking at her cousin and they all laughed. It felt so good to laugh. She almost felt like herself again. "I wouldn't dream of it, Lana said. "You'd
probably try and lay some crazy African tribal move on me. Wow, what was it like living there for all these years Carckie?" Lana stared at her all wide eyed and innocent. Cara had had a response planned for this exact question, but now the words froze in her throat, along with the piece of chicken she'd just tried to swallow. She choked for a few seconds and couldn't breath. Lana jumped over and thumped her on the back twice. Cara choked down the chicken, and Lana forgot her question. They all cleaned up together, and Cara
asked Lana when she'd like to meet at the Talon. "Tomorrow after school lets out, at three,
is that ok," Lana asked looking up from a soapy cup. "Sure that's sounds fine. Hey, is there a
gym or boxing ring anywhere around that area?" "Uh yeah, Herb's Gym has a boxing ring
about three blocks from the Talon on fouth and Canter Road. How come?" Lana looked quizically at her cousin who she'd adored since childhood. "Oh I took up kickboxing a while back and
would like to keep up with it if I can," Cara said. Lana smiled. Leave it to Cara to take up
kickboxing. "Ok, well how about you go and check it out before you come to the Talon. Hey maybe I'll even sign up with you. I'd like to show Whitney that someone else can play rough too," Lana laughed. "Sure that'd be fun," Cara said but not very
enthuasiasticly. She loved spending time with her cousin, but kickboxing was something she liked to do alone. As if sensing her mood, Lana said,"Or
then again maybe not. I'm so swamped with school, clubs, and the Talon that I don't think that I'd have time." She picked up the last dish and began to dry it. Cara hid a smile. Lana had grown up into
exactly the person Cara always knew she would; kind, caring, and very intuitive. It'd been the same way when they were children. Not that Cara thought herself insensitive by any means. Only Lana always seemed to have a special knack for being in tune to people's feelings, while Cara found fun ways to get on their nerves. She smiled again, thinking of all the fun they'd had as children, then found herself trying to supress a yawn. Lana saw it, and told her to get up to bed
before she fell over. Cara had to agree. She said goodnight and hugged her, and then dragged her now near exhausted body up to bed. Bellow, on the stairs, Lana watched her
go. What she really wanted to do was stay up and talk all night with Cara, about everything., just like that used too. Cara was the big sister Lana never had, and while she still felt very close to her cousin there was something... different about her now that she couldn't put her finger on. She'd grown up of course, they both had and hadn't seen each other in years, but...Something nagged at the back of Lana's senses that there was something... Almost like the feeling she got sometimes around Clark...Lana shook her head. The craziness from the Talon was making her paranoid she decided. Cara was probably just tired like she said, and they'd do all their catching up tomorrow. Lana turned from the stairs to say goodnight to her Aunt. Upstairs Cara opened the windows to
look out over the fields behind the Lang house. She took in a deep breath of air telling herself that it was alright. She'd covered her tracks well on the way here, and was safe for a while at least. Now that she was far away from the source of her infection the effects of the creatures poison in her blood had lessoned a little. Her senses were still super heightened at night, but she was getting used to it. Though it was a dark, moonless night Cara saw the fields outside clear as day. There was a storm bulding on the horizon, miles away, but Cara could smell the rain. Turning away from the windows, Cara went to her bed and sighed. She took her shirt off carefully, wincing a little as the wound on the lower part of her back twinged. It was healing well, but she would carry a scar for the rest of her life. And the poison, who knew how long she'd carry that? And how long would she be pursued by those insane doctors...? She bit her lip to hold back the tears. She would not cry. She would not. As soon as her parents found the antidote, she wouldn't have to worry about being hunted anymore...Then she could go back to being normal again... ...And no more nightmares.
Lex hefted his gym bag over his shoulder
as he unlocked the back door to Herb's. He couldn't wait to hit the bag. He'd just come from having an oh so chummy chat with dear old Dad about the incidents of over a week ago. Lex's fingers clenched around the keys in his hand as he heard his Fathers last words again in his mind. I'm dissapointed in you Lex... He turned the corner around the locker
rooms, heading towards the punching bags. He looked up as he got nearer and was surprised, and annoyed to see that someone else had beaten him to them. Damn it. He'd paid Herb had to have the gym to himself at this hour no matter what. Who the hell was... All of the sudden 'who the hell' came
into view, and Lex paused midstep. A tall, lean girl with dark blond hair, was attacking one of the body bags with one tracked fury. He was startled, but only for a moment. Her movements though hard and fast, were precise. The girl must've had some training. More curious now than aggrivated, Lex walked over to investigate. "Excuse me," he said, but had to dodge
quickly out of the way, as the girl threw a round kick and the bag hurled his way. "Hey! Watch it!" Lex looked incredulously
at the girl, who didn't even acknowledge his presence, but kept singlemindly hitting the bag. That annoyed him, which did not happen
often. "Excuse me," he said more firmly, "but the
gym is supposed to be closed at this hour." "Then what are you doing here if it's
supposed to be closed," the girl said flatly, not looking up from the bag. "I'm here because I rent the place at this time for myself," Lex said, taken aback by her abrupt answer, and she still wasn't looking at him! "The door was open," she said and threw
another kick, forcing him to duck again. "No see I don't think you understand..."
Lex began again. He hated repeating himself. She finally stopped and looked up at him
with the most unusual green eyes Lex had ever seen... Almost cat-like... "Look whoever you are..." she began,
waving a gloved hand in his direction. "Lex Luthor."
"Never heard of you."
Lex blinked, but showed no other
surprise.Never heard of him, yeah right. "Look the door was open, but seeing as
you seem to need this whole space," she spread her arms wide, "All to yourself, I guess I'll be leaving." She walked away from the bag over to a bench and began to take her gloves off. "Hold on," Lex began, maybe she was
telling the truth. Herb was getting forgetful now adays. "It isn't necessary for you to leave. I
appologize if I seemed rude to presume you knew about the place. You must be new in town." "Yeah, you could say that." She was
wiping off her face, with a towel out of her gym bag, then got up. "I'll leave you alone now." "As I said before that's not necessary. You
might as well stay." "No thanks," she said turning to
leave. "So wait, you've really never heard of
me?" "Sorry to dissapoint your ego," she said
sarcastically still walking. "No not at all. Just surprised," he said
sceptically. "Look buddy," she began turning around,
What is your problem? I'm leaving you and your precious gym all alone." She paused a moment. "Are you calling me liar?" she said in a low voice. Lex only continued to stare at her. Busting
in on his private hour was insignificant. He wanted to know if she was tellin the truth about getting in. His life had taught him to read people well, but what she said surprised him. "Listen you arrogant, snob nosed,
Benjamin Franklin packing asshole," she hissed with tightly controled fury. "I don't know who you are, and I don't care who you are. All I do know is that I really don't give a shit!" She spun on her heel and began to walk away. Lex couldn't leave it at that. He decided to
push her a little and see where it went. "You've got a nice jab, but your left hook
needs a little work," Lex said loud enough for her to hear. She stopped dead, bag dropping with a
loud thump to the ground and turned to glare at him. He waited, and wasn't dissapointed. "You wanna go a few rounds and find out
hot shot?" She said in a perfectly calm, confident voice, nodding towards the boxing ring in the middle of the room.{/left] "Oh absolutely," Lex said.
He walked over to his gym bag to pull out
his gloves. She wasn't lieing. If Lex had learned anything in his business it was how to read a lie. She truly didn't know him. It was refresing in way. Although, having someone hate you at first sight without having known your reputation previously wasn't excatly a comforting thought either. But if she didn't know him, even vaguely, then who was she and what was she doing here?" He tunred back the ring and she was
already waiting, stretching her neck. "Ready," he asked.
She responded by darting in quickly with a
combination jab, cross, then round kick. Lex sucessfully blocked them all...barely. And she was very strong. He spun away from another jab, and then threw a punch of his own, that she blocked and quick as lightning spun with a backhand to his right temple. He staggered back a step, head realing, but shook it off. Well to hell with holding back, he thought. He couldn't say how long they were in the
ring, dancing around each other until his arms felt like lead, but it felt like forever. They'd each gotten in several sucessful hits, but were mostly dodging them now, yet neither ready to give into the other. Then all of the sudden she drove in hard
doing rapid fire punches to his midsection. Lex managed to block one side, but took a hard hit to the right. Instinctively he brought his left knee up hard crashing into her abdomin. They separated, panting for breath. He held his side painfully and she her abdomin. "Hey!" The flood lights came on suddenly
above them, and Lex could hear Herb, the manager, across the room. Lex relaxed a moment, putting his hands
on his knees, trying to catch his breath. "It's alright Herb. It's ok,' he puffed. "I was
just boxing with," he turned to look around for his oponent, but she'd dissapeared. "Where did she," he panted scanning the
room just as Herb made it over to the ring."Herb did you see where she went?" "No Mr. Luthor," Herb said confussed. "I
didn't know it was you, 'cause I was comin' to open up the place and you're usually gone by now. Then I heard noises, so I can in to see. Somethin' the matter?" Lex looked down at the mans face,
confussed himself. "So wait, what time is it?" "It's three o'clock Mr. Luthor," Hern said
now more puzzeled. Nearly an hour, Lex thought. They'd
been boxing for almost a full hour. Incredible. "I didn't know you'd be bringing someone
in today Mr. Luthor," Herb said. "I didn't," Lex said distractedly looking
around the gym. Quick at the get away he thought. Not good. "I didn't bring anyone with me," Lex said
again. "She was here when I got here." "But, but," Herb stuttered. "I locked the
place up tight as a nutshell last night Mr. Luthor. How did she get in?" I don't know," Lex wiped the sweat of his
brow with his glove and looked at it. There was a tiny red stain on the knuckles. Must've been from when he'd hooked in the mouth. He'd actually ment to pull that punch, but she'd been making an attack at the same time and walked right into it. Not that he hadn't gotton knocked around himself. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, he was beginning to ache in to many places. He turned to Herb letting the nonchanlant
mask fall. "Don't worry Herb, no harm done." Lex made to jump down from the ring when his left cafe cramped on him. Well maybe a little harm... He had to find that girl, and figure out why
she was here, and why Lex had never seen or heard about her before. He didn't like surprises, especially not after the last one. This girl was going to tell him who she was as soon as he found her like it or not. **********************
To be continued..... |