Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/371372-Double-Trouble-From-Twins
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Death · #371372
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen, two girls who are always hungry. They dine on shrunken people.
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The group of 20 people had finally decided to confront the two teenage girls who lived at the top of the hill. They were sure that they, who's names they didn't know, had lured many of the village's men to their death. The teenagers had come to the village two weeks earlier. And since then men from the village had been disappearing.
The group who now travelled up the hill to the old mansion had each been a witness of some sort. Each one had there own story but they all were very similar. Each one reported seeing 2 beautiful teenage girls who they had never seen before approach a man from the village. The man would seem to go into a trance and follow them out of the village and up the hill to an old house.
When the women of the village found out that the men who left never came back, they got together and enlisted the aid of the remaining men of the village.
Each time they tried to enlist help they were laughed at. Each and every man in town thought it was all a big joke. The women of the village, on the other hand, knew something was not right. After several meetings among only the town's women, they came to the conclusion that the men of the village were under some kind of spell.
20 people of men & women were eventually chosen in a election to go up the hill to the old house and confront the two teenagers.
The group approached the door to the old house. The wood seemed to have been polished and was shining. The house looked more like a mansion It was built of red brick and had two towers at either end. There were a few windows and the front door was big and sturdy, made of dark oak. Miranda was the first of the group to reach the door. Using her fists she banged sharply three times on the door. The other people stood behind her, waiting.
The door abruptly swung open, and in it stood two beautiful teenage girls who looked to be twins. It indeed was the same girls that had lured the men of the town away.
Miranda stood staring at them, the girls were very beautiful, the group of people could not remember if they had ever seen anyone as beautiful as the girls stood before them. The girls had long blond hair with eyes that were as blue as the bluest ocean. Miranda noticed they both had perfect white smiles. The girls had very smooth lips and looked very beautiful.
"Yes!" said one of the girls in the door way
"Oh" Miranda said. She then realised that she had been staring. She then remembered why they were her and trying to put a serious tone to her voice said, "We need to talk."
"Please come in." said the other girl, She ushered the group into the house. They entered a big room, the only furnishings of which were a big oak table, some chairs, and a fireplace with a pot hanging over the fire. There seemed to be knickknacks scattered around the room; plates and bowls, books, and other assorted items. The group sat around the big table in the centre of the room. "What is it you want." asked one of the girls
Miranda stepped forward. She decided to get right to the point. "We want to know what you've done with the men from our village!"
"What?" the girls replied.
"Don't try to deny it. We have all seen you luring them away. We want to know what you did to them and what kind of spell you put on the rest of the men."
Miranda shot back. The other people then started to shout out their own accusations.
"What did you do with the?" one shouted.
"Did you kill them?" said another.
"You're are witches." said yet another.
At that last statement both girl's eyes widened. "We are not witches, We prefer to think of ourselves as normal everyday teenagers. We are not witches who go around scaring children. So you want to know what we did with your men?" said one of the girls
The two girls gazed at the group of people sat round the big oak table.
The young teenager hesitated, then Miranda finally spoke up, "You killed them didn't you?"
"Well sort of." one girl replied . "We ate them!" said the other girl with a big lick of her lips.
"Oh lord!" One of the women shouted. She gazed at the cooking pot which hung over the stove.
The teenager followed her gaze towards the pot. "I don't think you understand. We don't eat like you. We don't chop people up and make stew out of them, We simply shrink them down to a smaller size and eat them whole."
"Impossible!" replied one of the men
"My God, you are both evil!" Shouted Miranda. "You have to be stopped, even if I have to do it myself."
Miranda lunged at one of the girls, grabbing her round the neck. The two fell onto the ground in a heap. The other people in the group seeing an opportunity joined the fight. Miranda had one of the teenagers pinned on the floor. The other girl took a small device and pointed it at the girl holding her sister. Miranda had one of the two teenage girls by the throat and began to squeeze.
The other teenager pulled the trigger on the device she was holding a big blue flash shot out hitting the girl holding on to her sisters neck. Miranda started to feel funny. The neck that she was grasping seemed to be growing larger and larger until she could no longer maintain a grip on it. It took her only another second to realise that she was shrinking! The teenager sat still and lifted her head and shoulders off of the floor. She looked at the shocked little 3 inch tall girl standing on her belly. She smiled at the little woman.
Miranda didn't know what to do. She was now standing on top of the teenagers belly. She stared up at the giant breasts, and beyond was a giant smiling face staring at her. A giant hand descended from above and grabbed her. "Not so strong now are you little girl!" said the teenager
The teenager who had shrunk the girl holding on to her sisters neck had also shrunk the rest of the group and had them imprisoned in a tin box. She placed the box on the big oak table. The little people tried to run, but could not escape, as the sides of the box were too high.
One of the teenagers brought over a plate and set it down on the table. She then gathered all of the tiny people from the box and placed them on a big plate.
"If any of you leave this plate, I'll smash you." she said. The tiny group stopped trying to run. "Now, take off all your clothes, anyone who doesn't gets smashed." The tiny men & women, now thoroughly frightened, took off all of their clothes, and stood naked on the giant plate.
"What are you going to do with us?" came a tiny voice.
"Why, we are going to eat you of course. But since you all had the nerve to attack us, We're going to make this interesting and swallow each one of you alive. Some of you we may eat but we'll decide. We will make the experience horrible for you. Who knows how long it will last, we will hold you inside us until we see fit to digest you. Remember you will have been conquered by the most famous twins ever Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen. Now who is first?" asked Ashley.
Ashley reached for the people on the plate, who had now begun to scream. She saw the woman who had initiated the attack earlier. "Ah, you will do, you seem to be the ringleader." She picked the squirming woman up off the plate.
The other girls were screaming all around her, but Miranda just stood in shock. She was grabbed once again by the giant hand and slowly lifted up until she was looking directly at the face of the giant teenage girl. She was brought to the level of the girl's lips and then she was being moved closer...closer...closer. The lips parted, and Miranda saw giant white teeth. The teeth parted, and Miranda got a full view of the girls open mouth. The mouth opened wider. Miranda saw two rows of perfect white teeth, she then turned her attention to the tongue. The tongue looked very smooth and wet, she could even see little bumps which must be taste buds. She looked down the length of the tongue towards the throat and immediately wished she hadn't looked. As she gazed inside, the back of the tongue lowered, giving a full view of the back of the throat and the giant uvula hanging down over the chasm.
To her horror, Miranda noticed the tongue starting to move. The girl was sticking her tongue out of her mouth. The tongue now extended out of the mouth and ended right were Miranda was being held in the giant hand. Miranda could see the glistening saliva on the tongue. Suddenly, the giant hand moved. Miranda was placed gently on the outstretched tongue by the giant hand. Miranda felt the soft and extremely wet surface beneath her bare body. Miranda was too scared to move, she didn't know what to do. She just lay on the wet surface, gazing into the warm cave, she could feel the hot breath as it went past her. The tongue started to move. Very slowly, the tongue was being pulled back into the mouth, with Miranda as a passenger. Miranda cried out as she was moving past the huge teeth. Once the tongue was fully back in the mouth, the mouth slowly began to close. Miranda screamed as the roof of the mouth came down, pinning her against the tongue. She was kept there, for some time.Finally something began to happen. It seemed that everything went into motion at once. Miranda was now completely soaked with saliva and the tongue now began to move her toward the throat. She was being squeezed from all directions, she could only watch in horror as the tongue dropped, the uvula rose, and she was forced down the throat.
The women on the plate could do nothing but scream as they saw the lump go down the giant woman's throat and disappear into her body. "Mmmmmmmm" exclaimed Ashley "Now I think she needs some company, who's next? Actually you have some Mary-Kate." she said to her sister
With that Mary-Kate reached for one of the remaining group on the plate. When she got one she placed the tiny woman feet first into her mouth, such that her head and arms were still outside. Mary-Kate brought her head down to the plate so the group could see their struggling friend between her lips.
"Help me please!!!!" begged the girl from between Mary-Kate's lips. She had her arms outstretched, reaching for help, but the others were too terrified to do anything but watch.
In one quick movement, Mary-Kate sucked hard on the tiny woman, propelling her all the way into the giant throat. She was held there for a few seconds, and then swallowed. Mary-Kate opened her mouth in front of the shrunken people, showing them that their companion was gone. A tiny redheaded woman ran from the giant plate. "Oh no you don't," came Ashley's loud voice from above. A giant hand scooped up the redhead before she could get very far. "Now you can't go running away when it's your turn." She lifted the little woman in front of her mouth and held her there. She waited as her mouth filled with saliva. The squirming redhead gazed in terror as the giant mouth finally opened. She noticed that the entire mouth was coated in an excessive amount of saliva. She saw it glistening on the tongue, dripping from the roof of the mouth, and even puddles between the lower lip and the bottom row of teeth. Then she was being moved. She was brought toward the gaping mouth. She screamed until her face was pressed into the wet surface of the tongue. She was lying on the giant tongue now, she could feel the warm wetness all around her. She tried to crawl on the smooth surface but it was too slick. She did manage to turn herself around enough to gaze out of the mouth, which still remained wide open. She managed to squirm towards the opening, she reached out trying to grab the front lower teeth, anything that would help her pull herself out of this nightmare. The slimy saliva had now coated her naked body all over, making movement more difficult. She reached out, grasping the top of a tooth with one hand. If she could just pull herself out...then the mouth began to move.
The giant mouth remained open, but now Ashley was very slowly tilting her head back. The redhead woman screamed as the angle slowly increased beneath her. What seemed like buckets of saliva washed over her as she hung on to the tooth with all her strength. She looked down into the mouth and saw that the back of the tongue had lowered revealing the opening to the throat which was waiting to receive her.
Finally the angle was too great, the tiny woman could no longer hold on. She lost her grip and fell screaming down the slick tongue into the throat. She was squeezed from all sides as the powerful throat muscles took control...propelling the struggling woman down a slick chute....
"That was fun, she really struggled, I think I can feel all her squirming in my stomach right now," said the teenager as she smiled at the 18 remaining morsels. The miniature group were now on there knees trying to beg for their lives. "Hmmm, now I have to find something interesting to do with you." At this point the remaining people started to run in all different directions. "Now you should know better than to try and run," came Mary-Kate's giant voice. She stood up and grabbed a piece of bread from the bread bin. She easily gripped two of the tiny women from off the table and placed them on the piece of bread.. "Move and I will squash you." said Ashley. A third girl had made it to the edge of the table and stood looking down at the floor, which seemed to be a hundred feet down.
"Now what are you going to do little one?" said Mary-Kate "You cannot escape your fate." She grabbed the girl between her thumb and forefinger and picked her up. "That would have been a long fall, little one, but I have something better in mind." She tilted her head all the way back and opened her mouth. She then took the tiny girl and held her between her fingers high over her mouth. "You are still in for quite a fall, but this one will not end with the hard floor," she told the tiny girl above her head. She opened her mouth and held the girl for a moment, letting her victim's fear rise. Then she dropped her snack. The shrunken woman fell through the air, twisting and tumbling until she landed in the awaiting mouth with a *squish*. Mary-Kate closed her mouth and the swallowed the girl down.
"This is so much fun, but I am getting full." said Mary-Kate "Ashley take some and eat them with a peanut butter sandwich."
"mmm sounds tasty, I love peanut butter!" exclaimed Ashley as she licked her lips
"No, I don't want to be chewed to pieces?" shouted one boy
Ashley didn't listen and plucked 6 of the shrunken people and then spread plenty of peanut butter on the piece of bread. She lay the 6 tiny people on the bread and lifted it towards her mouth. She opened her mouth and the tiny people could see her huge sharp teeth gleaming white, millimetres infront of them.
Ashley put the slice into her mouth and took a large bite out of the bread. The tiny people had scrambled backwards to avoid being sliced in half by Ashley's huge teeth. But they knew that they were destined to be chewed to bits by a gorgeous young teenager.
Ashley took another big bite and the tiny people were all sliced in half as Ashley's teeth came together. The blood was everywhere as the tiny people got chopped up with every movement of Ashley's jaws.
Mary-Kate got a glass and filled it with Pepsi. She picked 2 of the shrunken people from the plate and dropped them into the glass of Pepsi.
Ashley took the rest of the tiny people and dropped them in a big glass bowl.
"Now I need a volunteer to show the others what is in store for them." said Ashley with a big smile. She brought her head down closer and closer to the bowl and watched as the tiny people screamed and attempted to run.
The tiny people in the glass bowl watched as Ashley's face came closer and closer. She laughed as they tried to run in all directions but could not get far as the bowl was slippery and they kept falling over.
Ashley's giant face was now above them. She lowered her face right into the bowl, her long blond hair touched the floor of the bowl. The shrunken people could now almost touch Ashley's blue eyes, nose and lips millimetres above them.
Ashley opened her mouth and showed them her huge white teeth, then stuck out her tongue and ran it around the bowl towards the tiny people who were now terrified.
The tiny people tried to run, but only succeeded in knocking each other over, or sometimes running headlong into the giant tongue. One man, while trying to flee, tripped and fell in the centre of the bowl. Before he could get back up, the tongue was on him. It licked up and down his body, leaving a wet trail of saliva over his naked flesh. He lay helpless as the smooth instrument ran up and down his body. Warm breath hit his face and when he looked up he saw the tongue extending into a deep, dark mouth. Then it was gone, and he lay wet and cold on the floor of the bowl as Ashley continued investigating the rest of the prisoners. As fun as it was chasing the tiny villagers around the bowl with her tongue, the teenager was eager to eat them. Continuing to run her tongue along her tiny captives...Ashley found one she really liked.
With one quick motion Ashley cornered a screaming woman against the side of the bowl with her tongue. The woman that the giant teenager had trapped was young and her soft flesh felt, and even tasted good against Ashley's tongue. Ashley could even feel the young girls soft breasts pressed firmly against her tongue. The other people, who had quietened down a little, stood cowering at the other end of the bowl watching in horror. Saliva began to drip from the teenagers mouth as she anticipated her meal. In one quick movement, she then pressed the tiny woman against the side of the bowl even more firmly with her tongue and then literally licked the girl off the side of the bowl and into her mouth. Ashley lifted her head away from the bowl. The trapped girl squirmed around inside her mouth. Using her tongue, the teenager moved the girl around inside her mouth, coating her with saliva, then moved her head back down to the lip of the bowl, and opened her mouth wide for the rest of her captives to see.
The tiny people could only stand and stare in shock at the sight. The giant teenager opened her mouth in front of them and inside was a woman they all new. She was the daughter of a very prominent farmer and she was very beautiful. To see her as she was now was horrifying. She lay naked on a giant pink tongue, her hair was matted down with saliva and her whole body was covered with the glistening substance. The girl had ceased her struggles and could only look in amazement at her surroundings. She looked out past the teeth and lips at her townsfolk below. With a desperate plea she said, "Please help me." And then the mouth closed.
The people watched as Ashley swallowed with an audible gulp, and they could even see a large bulge move down her throat. Ashley then opened her mouth once again for her prisoners. The tiny group saw that the giant girl's mouth was now empty, the woman inside had been swallowed alive. Seeing the mouth in this fashion, with its giant teeth and tongue and combined with the fact that they had just seen someone they knew disappear down its throat, the people began to panic once again.
Mary-Kate picked a further 7 people out of the bowl and lay them inside a lettuce leaf, she covered them with plenty of salad cream and then brought the lettuce leaf towards her lips. She parted her lips and the tiny people in the lettuce leaf could see her huge white teeth infront of them. Mary-Kate put the lettuce leaf between her lips and then closed her mouth.
It was dark and the tiny people could see nothing, then Mary-Kate began to chew and the tiny people were chopped and sliced up by her huge molars. Mary-Kate swallowed and then licked her lips. "Delicious" she said "You people taste great."
Ashley then took two of the remaining 6 people from the bowl into the kitchen. She pulled out a jar of salad cream. As she dangled the 3 boys over the small jar she asked herself "Should I swallowed you whole or munch you into tiny pieces?"
Ashley lowered them into the white sea, covering their legs in the cream. As she put their tiny legs into her mouth, they started to scream. She sucked the salad cream off and dipped them again and again.
Ashley shoved their lower body into her mouth and bit down. The little men could feel that section of their bodies being ground between her teeth. Ashley shoved the rest of them in her mouth and managed to bite off their arms.
The 3 men had no limbs left, and watched as Ashley mashed their arms into oblivion and they were then swallowed down.
In that little time they had left, the two tiny men travelled through Ashley's body and into the dark pit of her stomach. From what they could see, they came to rest on the remains of their arms and lower body, which rested on the chewed remains of a peanut butter sandwich and other people that had obviously been in the sandwich when it was eaten.
Ashley felt a tiny belch roll up her throat and she released it. A wave of power rushed over her, she felt her muscles grow a little larger and she felt a little taller as well. "They added to me quite nicely," she thought to herself, "Very delicious."
Meanwhile, back in the kitchen the little man that had been dropped into the glass of Pepsi, was screaming for mercy. Mary-Kate picked up the glass and smiled down at the tiny boy swimming in the dark liquid. "Well their are just 3 of you left now, this is probably the easiest way to get rid of people leaving no evidence. But for you it is the last you will see of this world and your life." said Mary-Kate with a small giggle.
The glass rose through the air like an elevator. The tiny boy who's name was Joe tried desperately to maintain his balance as the glass prison was raised. Suddenly the upward motion stopped and Joe felt a lurch in his stomach. Looking up he saw the huge blue eyes of Mary-Kate Olsen. 'Hey come on you can't do this...please let me go,' he yelled up at her.
Joe received no response. Instead, the glass moved down until Mary-Kate's lips pressed against the rim of the glass. Suddenly the glass began to tilt and at the same time Mary-Kate's mouth opened. The glass tilted farther and farther until Joe was staring directly into her awaiting mouth. Like a kid drinking the last bit of milk from a cereal bowl Mary-Kate was tilting the glass so that Joe would fall helplessly into her mouth.
A moment later the angle became too great. Joe lost his balance and fell towards Mary-Kate's mouth. He bounced off her lower lip and his body flipped over her lower teeth. He landed on the tip of her tongue. Her tongue then flipped him like a catapult and Joe was thrown deep into her mouth. When his body finally came to rest he found himself in a sitting position right in front of Mary-Kate's uvula. To his right Joe could see the length of Mary-Kate's tongue and the light of the room between her pink lips. Below him, between his legs, he could feel giant taste buds which were sending information about how he tasted to Mary-Kate's brain. To his left, below the hanging uvula were Mary-Kate's tonsils and the dark chasm of her throat. Joe had watched all of his friends disappear into the mouths of Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen and he knew that there would be no escape for him either. So instead of delaying the inevitable, Joe closed his eyes, shifted his weight and let himself fall into Mary-Kate's throat.
"Two left, which one do you want sis?" asked Ashley
"I'll have the green eyed girl, she looks nice" said Mary-Kate as she smiled down at the tiny girl in the bowl.
The two girls screamed as two huge hands came down towards them. Mary-Kate's fingers gripped the green eyed girl round her waist and lifted her into the air. The girl struggled but she was held with immense force and couldn't escape. Mary-Kate tipped her head back, the girl closed her eyes as Mary-Kate lay the girl on her teeth. The girl opened her eyes and could see the ceiling and felt very scared. She turned her head to see she was laid on a set of huge white teeth. Pink lips were not far from her head. Then two fingers came towards her and grabbed her legs. She saw the lips part and could see right into Mary-Kate's huge open mouth. The girl screamed as Mary-Kate put her snack into her mouth and closed it. She held the girl there for a few seconds and then swallowed her whole.
Ashley held the final prisoner between her fingers. The girl had watched in horror as Mary-Kate had swallowed her friend whole and now she was going to be Ashley's meal. Ashley brought her to the level of her lips to reveal her teeth. The girl screamed and she was thrown between Ashley's lips. Ashley moved her all the way round her mouth and pushed the girl to the back of her throat. She gulped her down whole and then smiled.
"That was fantastic, I think of all the people we have eaten they rate the most delicious. I've never tasted such juicy people." said Ashley
Mary-Kate took her sisters hand and they went into their bedroom to sleep of their meal.
© Copyright 2002 Rallychampiongbr (mc51 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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