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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Emotional · #357323
The professor isn't the only teacher in class this morning...
Chapter Eight - Her First Class Brings a Surprise

         They’d submitted an address change for Crystal when they signed all those forms in Mr. Waters’ office. But that was too late for her class schedule to reach her. So, after arriving back home, they called her parents and Al faxed it to them at Erick’s fax mailbox. He pulled it up on his PC, and printed it, along with a map of the campus. That done, they sat down at the kitchen table, marked each of her classes on the map, and numbered them so they’d know in advance where the next class was, and how long a trek they had to get to it in time.

         The next morning, they were up bright and early at 5:00 to make sure they had time for everything since this was their first day on a totally new schedule which Erick had laid out:

         Your shower

         My shower

         Get you dressed (enjoying ourselves along the way)

         Get me dressed

         Breakfast (cereal the first day to measure time for the schedule and still manage to eat something)

         Unwritten item - on my mental checklist - fondle you, stroke your wonderful, long hair, and kiss you while we eat, so you are reminded once again that your body, and our intimate moments are still very important to me.

         Load the truck - my briefcase and laptop, your purse, books and wheelchair

         After loading the truck, he tenderly picked her up, carried her out the door, and sat her in the truck. As he went to stand up after leaning in front of her and fastening her seat belt, she grabbed his collar. “Not so fast, sweetheart!” she said, laughing “You don’t get away that fast - ever.” She pulled him closer and, still holding his collar in her hand, placed her lips hard on his. He made the “mistake” of letting her decide how long to hold the kiss. When she finally ended it, and released her iron grip on his collar, they both gasped for air; and just grinned at each other with a love in their eyes that would have been obvious to anyone in the world. “That’s my first payment for the day, darling. In return for all you’re doing for me. Just remember - not all of those payments will be kisses,” she said, smiling. When he looked in her eyes, then, she had a very naughty look in them.

         “I understand, honey, and I wouldn’t dream of doing anything to make you change your plans,” Erick said, grinning.

         “Good! ‘Cos that’s not going to happen!” Crystal said sharply, though with a smile. “Let’s get going, sweetheart. I don’t want to be late my first day. I’d hate that,” she said, smiling again.

         “And I’d hate it, too, honey,” Erick said warmly. “Because your education is important to me, too. I want to see you succeed, remember?” He smiled as he started the truck.

         “Yes, I remember, darling, and I love you all the more for all the special things you’re doing to help me make that success happen,” Crystal said warmly as she laid her head on his shoulder.

         “All because I love you, Brown Eyes, all because I love you”, Erick said softly, caressing her with one hand as he drove.

         Shortly thereafter, when they got out of the truck in the campus parking lot, he put his laptop and briefcase in the carrier on the back of the wheelchair, along with her purse and books, and handed her the unfolded campus map on which they’d marked and numbered all her classes. “Okay, Ms. Navigator, where to first?” Erick asked. “You get to earn your keep, honey, starting today. Make yourself useful, sweetheart!” he laughed.

         “No excuses, right?” she laughed back.

         “No excuses.” They laughed together.

         “Thanks, darling,” she said affectionately. “I think you knew I’d need a firm hand today, didn’t you? You knew I’d be nervous.”

         “Yeup.” She looked up and smiled at him.

         “Turn right at the next corner, honey.”

         “Got it.”

         They got to her first class, Freshman English, with ten minutes to spare. Professor (Avery) Martin was the only one in the room. “Good morning, Professor Martin,” Crystal said warmly as Erick wheeled her up to his desk. Her smile was just as warm as ever. Erick thought, “I think she’s already started to relax - a little.”

         “Good morning, Miss Sandlewood,” he said, smiling back and extending his hand. Erick saw her visibly relax, then, at Professor Martin’s warm smile and firm handshake. “Good morning Mr. Metcalf, nice to see you again.”

         “Good morning, Professor. We certainly appreciate your cooperation in Crystal’s situation. And please, call me Erick.”

         “We sure do,” Crystal added.

         “Glad to do it. I even think you might be an inspiration to the others, Crystal. Would you mind if I point out to the class, when I introduce you, that you were the first to arrive this morning? I want to introduce you so they all know why Erick is here and so they can see your determination.

         “Um… not at all, Professor,” she stammered. “It’s the least I can do after all your help.”

         Erick could tell she hadn’t expected to be this much appreciated, much less so soon. He decided to show his support and take that nervousness from her shoulders. “And you’re exactly right about that determination, Professor. I think a lot of the kids I went to college with could learn from her.”

         “Thank you, honey,” Crystal smiled, patting his hand with hers. Erick saw Professor Martin smile.

         “By the way, Erick, I talked to Crystal’s other professors, and we’re changing two more things for Crystal. When we’re done talking, just roll her chair over next to the last seat in the front row. We decided you should be right next to her. That end seat in each of her classrooms is right next to an outlet for your laptop. And, when I introduce you, Crystal, I’ll be handing Erick this tape recorder for you to use to tape your classes since you can’t take notes yet. I’m doing it that way so I can explain to the others why they don’t get the same luxury,” he said, smiling.

         “Thank you, Professor Martin,” Crystal said appreciatively.

         “Think nothing of it, Crystal,” he said as other students began arriving. “If you two will be seated, we’ll get things going in just a few minutes. Um… if any of the other students have questions about your situation…”

         “We’d be more than happy to answer them, Professor,” Crystal cut in. “We’ve been doing that already and don’t mind a bit,” she added.

         “Thank you, Crystal, and you too, Erick.”

         “You’re welcome, Professor,” they said in unison.

         “Ladies and Gentlemen,” Professor Martin began a few minutes later, “I’m Professor Avery Martin, and this is Freshman English, meeting five days a week in this room - #105. Please make sure you’re in the right class. The first day is always a bit confusing for all of us.” After giving them a couple minutes to check their schedules, he continued. “Before we begin, I have a very special introduction to make to all of you. Crystal, would you and Erick come forward, please?” Erick wheeled her up beside Professor Martin, and turned himself and Crystal to face the class. “Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the wonderful pleasure of introducing to you one of the most determined and courageous students I have ever met on this campus, or elsewhere for that matter: Miss Crystal Sandlewood. Crystal lost her right arm and leg in a car accident just three weeks ago, yet she has decided not to let that fact delay her pursuit of a Masters in Accounting. With her is her fiancé, Erick Metcalf. Erick will be by her side throughout her day, providing any physical assistance she may need. He will not be involved in her education during class, so don’t feel she has his help. Erick will be working at his full time job via laptop computer while Crystal is in class. The only help Crystal will receive is the use of this tape recorder, to tape her classes since she cannot take notes.” He handed Erick the unit and continued. “Crystal was right handed, and has not yet had time to learn to write with her left hand. The tape recorder is for her use only. Any attempt to ask her for copies of the tapes will result in a failing grade for the person who requested it. Once she has learned to write legibly with her left hand, the tape recorder will be returned to the school. But we anticipate that that will not be before her sophomore year has arrived, at the earliest. Remember- I said when she learns to write legibly.” He smiled at Crystal, and she returned it with one of understanding and appreciation. “Now, it is my hope that many of you will take your cue from Crystal in your determination to succeed in this, and all your classes. I’ve already seen one example of Crystal’s determination: she was the first student to arrive this morning. Crystal, Erick, it’s a pleasure to have you both here, and I look forward to Crystal’s very determined effort in my class.” Before he could say another word, the class erupted in applause. Crystal smiled sheepishly, totally embarrassed by the attention. “Do any of you have any questions you’d like to ask Crystal and Erick before we begin today?” he asked. They saw about five or six hands go up. “Yes?” Professor Martin said, pointing to a girl about three rows back.

         ”Crystal, um… you two look more like father and daughter, if you don’t mind my saying so. Um… how old are each of you, and what happened to make you fall in love with someone older?”

         ”I’m 18, and Erick is 54. We met through a literary web site we both frequent, and I fell in love with him because of the way he respected me right from the start, the way he treated me, and the respect he shows for others on that site, and everyone else since I’ve known him. I had things bothering me that felt like they were tearing my life apart. And he never turned me away when I needed to talk, no matter how little sleep he got each night. He was always there for me, and always treated me with gentleness, genuine courtesy, and respect. Too many boys my age don’t know what real respect is. They should learn. You girls would love it. Besides. A lot of guys my age would have turned and run after my accident. They wouldn’t want to deal with the kind, or amount, of help I need right now. From the moment I knew my limbs were gone, I’ve never been more grateful to God than to have already found Erick.”

         ”Yes?” Professor Martin asked, pointing to a girl in the back row.

         "Um… I don’t mean to… embarrass you two, but… Crystal, how um… romantic can it be with a guy Erick’s age? If you… know what I mean.”

         ”I don’t think…” Professor Martin cut in.

         ”Please, Professor,” Crystal begged. “There’s an important point to be made here. I’d like to answer that,” she said undaunted.

         ”Oh, well, okay, Crystal, if you’re sure, go ahead.”

         ”Thanks, Professor. I meant it when I said we’d answer any question. Now. Please listen carefully. All of you. Because my answer isn’t just about romance. It’s about life, and real love, and relationships. When Erick and I met, I was shy, withdrawn, and only 15. The more we talked online, the more I knew he was special. He was always polite, courteous, gentle. And I knew how he felt about love, and how girls should be treated, from reading the works he’d written about him and his late wife. She was his high school sweetheart, so I could really identify with her in the story.

         Like I said, he never turned me away when I needed to talk to him about things that felt like they were tearing my life apart. No matter how late he had to stay up to talk to me. Three months later, after hours and hours of sharing with each other, he proposed to me online and I accepted.

         ”When the accident happened, I was terrified he’d leave. I was so down about my situation that I didn’t believe anyone would want to deal with it. But my fears were keeping me from remembering all the important things I’d already learned about him. And once I came here, two days ago, I knew once again that I’d found the right guy.

         "Even now, I asked him to do something for me. I was terrified that I wouldn’t be a whole woman to him. I felt incomplete without these,” she said, pointing to her missing limbs. “Erick even saw my fear before I told him it was there. He told me if I wanted to make love before our wedding night that he would, and not hold it against me or think less of me for it. I took him up on the offer. I had to see for myself if he really still wanted me, especially in that way, and I had to know, also for myself, if I could satisfy him like I wanted so badly to do.

         The gentleness he used in undressing me, and the look of love and devotion in his eyes as we stared at each other before we did it gave me my answer. He doesn’t care that my arm and leg are gone. Romantically I mean. The look of desire in his eyes when he looked at me sent warm shivers all through me. Even before we did it I knew I’m whole to him. And we proved that night that we can more than satisfy each other. To be honest, I can’t wait to be in bed with him tonight. Find a guy with those old-fashioned values, regardless of his age, and you can’t go wrong. Thanks, Professor.”

         You’re welcome, Crystal. Yes?“ he said, pointing to a guy in the front row.

         ”Erick, how’s it feel to have a young chick like her in love with you and knowing you can get it when you want it?”

         Crystal looked at Erick. She knew what was coming. She saw the determination in his face. Then she noticed that Professor Martin had seen it, too. But he thought for a minute, including the things Crystal had just said, then sat back comfortably in his chair. “I know what you’re thinking, Erick. Go ahead. I don’t think he’s the only one in here who needs to learn a few things. This is class time very well spent.”

         ”Thank you, Professor,” Erick said appreciatively. “OK. Every guy in here listen up! And Professor, since this is your class, feel free to use anything I say on any quiz you give. We’ll see how well these clowns paid attention.” He glanced at Crystal, then Professor Martin, who smiled back knowingly, then the students again. “I can assure you Crystal will ace any question on what I’m about to say. Because she is living this experience for herself, and has for almost two years.”

         ”Now. My first reaction when I heard your question, pal, was to come over there and punch your lights out. And if you ever say anything even remotely like that again in Crystal’s presence, I’ll have you charged with slander and defamation of character. Your very words are an insult to every girl in this room.” The girls in the room, and some of the guys, began applauding. Erick held up his hand. “Thank you, ladies. OK. Now you see my point. They didn’t like the way you referred to them. To ladies in general with your words. And I don’t blame them. If I were to guess, I’d say you just ruined your chances of dating any girl in this room.” Another loud round of applause. Erick held up his hand again.

         "Even though it came from someone like you, it deserves an answer from which all can learn. Many of you are in for a surprise. Crystal has, and will always have, every right to refuse me intimacy with her at any time. Just like all women should have. The difference with us is that as deep as our love is, we have already promised each other that that will never happen. Yes, ladies, it works both ways with us. It means I can’t turn her down when she initiates intimacy with me. Because each of us wants to do all we can to please the other. If one of us is sick, we’ve promised to take that into account in our intimate moments.. It all boils down to one word, that Crystal used to answer that previous question - respect. The mutual respect that we share is as deep as our love. Think about it before your next date, ladies and gentlemen. A little respect between you and your date can change your life wonderfully forever.”

         Erick looked at Crystal. She was openly crying. “Honey, if you can, without my saying one more word to you, I’d like you to tell them why you’re crying so hard. Please sweetheart. Let them learn.” She softly nodded. Professor Martin just smiled knowingly.

         ”God… I… love you…, Erick!” she sputtered loudly. “I’m crying be… cause I… never thought I’d… find someone who’d love me… at all. Not like this," she said, pointing to her missing limbs. "Not only… do you love me, but… you respect me, and you... challenge me daily… to push myself... back to a… normal life…and it… all just makes me… love you more. I’ve gotten more... love and respect… from you in these last… three years… than I’ve ever gotten from… anyone else my entire life. God, I love you!” Having finished her words, she burst into tears again, just a bit more quietly.

         ”Erick and Crystal,” Professor Martin began, “I want to thank you for what you’ve taught all of us today, and ask you if it’s okay if we may ask the two of you other questions privately. Please. We need to learn more.” The room burst into applause once again.

         ”Sure, we’d be glad to,” Crystal said without hesitation, through the last of her tears. “Um… professor?”

         ”Yes, Crystal?”

         ”I’d like to ask if one of the girls in the class would help Erick and I by standing guard outside the ladies room if Erick has to take me in there during class. He has to go with me to put me on and off the toilet, and we wouldn’t want other ladies embarrassed by coming in and finding him there.”

         ”Ladies?” Professor Martin asked. Six hands went up. Crystal chose three of them.

         ”Thank you ladies,” Crystal said warmly. Having three of you willing to help will mean I have help even if one of you is sick.

         ”I’ll start,” one girl offered. “My name’s Ellen. Ellen Connor.”

         ”And mine’s Frances. Frances Shuman,” the second girl said.

         ”I’m Wanda. Wanda Markham.”

         ”I want to thank all three of you,” Crystal said. “And thank you Professor, for the use of so much of your class time.”

         ”You’re welcome, Crystal. I am firmly convinced it was time very well spent. Ellen, I think you should trade seats with the gentleman sitting next to Erick so that you’re right there if they need you. Would you mind, young man?”

         ”Not at all, Professor,” he said, getting up to take Ellen’s seat.

         ”Alright, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to sharpen your English skills,” he intoned, smiling as he watched Ellen take the seat next to Erick. “Class is now in session.”

 Chapter 9: The Wedding Plans  (E)
Crystal meets Pastor Markham
#385891 by Incurable Romantic

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