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Crystal's education begins. For school, and for life. |
Chapter Six: Crystal’s Learning Begins. For School, and for Life As they pulled from the driveway, Erick said, “Let’s try McDonalds, honey. The fries and drink you can handle with one hand, and they’ve got a variety on the sandwiches that might help.” “Okay, honey. You know, I’m really nervous about eating in public. This is the first time since the accident.” “I knew you would be, honey. Just from the talking we’ve been doing. But this way we’ve got two days to get you at least a little used to it before you start classes. That will be a big help.” “True, sweetheart. I love the way you’re thinking ahead for me, darling. That definitely helps me relax. Because I know you’ve got a lot of things figured out already, and I can trust you to handle any surprises. I love you!” He put his right hand on her leg and caressed her. “You bet you can count on me, darling! That’s what any husband should do for his wife. All your situation does is give me a lifetime of extra chances to prove it to you. I love you, too!” He pulled into the parking lot, shut off the engine, kissed her deeply, and got out of the truck. Then he set up the wheelchair near her door, opened the door and tenderly picked her up. “I really do love you, Crystal,” he said, feeling an extra surge of love and affection. He wanted to make sure he passed that wonderful feeling to her. “Don’t put me in the chair yet, honey,” she said tearfully. “Why, darling?” Erick asked, concerned. “Because when you say things like that I just have to kiss you first, and do it the right way - holding each other, you big goof!” she said, tilting her head back and closing her eyes as she waited for his lips to touch hers. After a warm, passionate kiss, he sat her in the chair, and they went inside. “It feels strange seeing everything from this lower height,” she said softly, her nervousness evident. “I know, darling, I know,” Erick said with love as they got in line. As he suspected, a number of those in the room couldn’t resist looking at Crystal. “I feel like every eye in the room is watching me, honey,” she said, the fear openly obvious. Erick put his hand on her shoulder. Her right one. “I know, honey. I figured that would happen. I didn’t say anything to you just in case you didn’t feel that way. I didn’t want you to deal with something that may not have happened. What you’re feeling is normal, honey. Because we, in our minds, know that now we’re the ones that somehow look different. “You don’t look any different, honey. I’m the freak here,” she said quietly. Her fear, self esteem and self confidence problems were all evident in her use of that one word. And Erick wasn’t about to let her even start down that road of self pity. Because she didn’t deserve to suffer that, and because they didn’t have time for it if they were going to get her set up at UK in time to start classes. Time for tough love. He had known it would come; he just hadn’t known how soon. He moved around in front of her, knelt down, took her hand in both of his, and looked her in the eye. Low enough in volume not to attract undue attention to them, yet with a determination she could not possibly overlook, he said, “Now you just look your fiancé in the eye, and listen up, miss Crystal Eryn Sandlewood!” Slightly startled at his tone, which is what he’d counted on, she did as requested. “What the…?” “I said listen up, Brown Eyes!” He cut her off. Had to keep her on edge for this if she was going to hear everything he was going to say. “Number one, you’re not a freak. You’re physically challenged. Nothing more. And there are thousands in our country, just as wonderful as you, who are in the same position you are. You’re far from alone.” “Number two, you’ve heard this one before, and my saying it now just proves the truth of it, this does not change the person you are. It changes only your appearance. Nothing more. You’re still the girl I fell in love with, the girl I made wonderful love to last night, who satisfied her fiancé beyond belief I might add, and the girl I’m going to marry. You, as a person, have not changed.” “Number three. None of this changes my love for you one bit, darling, not one bit. I need you in my life, as nothing less than my wife. And I fully expect you to keep your end of the bargain. To marry me, have my kids, and grow old with me. Now. Have I made myself crystal clear, Miss Sandlewood?” Erick smiled warmly, and finished with, “I’m still deeply, very deeply in love with you, Crystal, always have been, always will be. Let’s not waste one precious moment of our life together in pity or sorrow. Let’s start living that wonderful life we planned three years ago right now. Together. Want to hear me ask it again? I will. Right here, right now. I love you, Miss Sandlewood. Will you marry me?” She’d been watching and listening in total shock that Erick would use such a tone with her. But when he softened, and finished with those loving words, and even repeated that most important question, she’d realized everything he’d meant. The tears were cascading down her lovely cheeks. “Thank you… Erick. You… even saw this coming, didn’t you?” she asked, cracking a smile. “Yeup,” he said softly, smiling back. “God I love you!” she said with so much love it brought tears to his eyes. “C’mon, honey. Let’s eat. I’m starved,” she said, smiling. “You’re getting a quarter pounder with cheese,” he said, smiling at her. “If you can’t hold it, I will.” “Right,” she said, smiling back. “I have to start sometime.” “That’s right, honey,” he said warmly, “and that time is right now.” As they waited for their order, a gentleman in the line to their right said, “Excuse me. I couldn’t help but hear what you two were saying to each other. I… take it… this is a recent situation?” His tone being friendly and caring, Erick was about to respond. To his very pleasant surprise, Crystal beat him to the punch. “Yes, it is. I… lost my arm and leg only 3 weeks ago. I still have to learn how to do everything all over again. I’m… um… I was right handed. My fiancé,” she said as she looked at Erick lovingly, “is going to take care of me while I learn to do that and go to college at the same time.” “I…wonder if I might… enlist your help. Both of you. My daughter just lost a leg to cancer, and she’s in the same depressed mood you were a moment ago,” he said, addressing Crystal. “We’re over at the table in the corner,” he said as he motioned in that direction. ”Could you two… possibly come over as if you’ve just arrived and repeat your conversation? I think hearing the words you spoke to each other, and seeing your reaction, ma’am, could do wonders for her spirits. I hate to impose…” “You’re not imposing,” she cut in, then looked at Erick. ”We’d love to,” she sniffed through the last of her tears. But they both knew those tears would be back when they said it all again. And this time it was for a wonderful reason. Helping someone else, even now. “Right,” Erick said. “Let us get our food and we’ll be right there. Discreetly hold that table across the aisle for us if you have to; just don’t let your daughter see you do it. And when we’re done saying it, we’ll answer any questions you have.” “Thank you so very much,” he said warmly as he headed to their table with his tray. A few minutes later, they were seated at that table across from him and his family. His daughter, also in a wheelchair, obviously, appeared to be about 13 or 14 years old. Erick noticed she'd lost her right leg, about 2 inches below the knee. "Thank you, Lord, that she still has her right knee. That will make things much easier for her to deal with," Erick prayed quietly. Crystal and Erick quietly glanced at each other as they unloaded their tray. Then they began the conversation again, making sure all the same emotions went into their words. And with Crystal just having heard those words from Erick for the first time, he knew she’d be just as moved hearing them again, and that her tears would be there to convince the gentleman’s daughter: “I feel like every eye in the room is watching me, honey.” Erick put his hand on her shoulder. Her right one. Again. “I know, honey. I figured that would happen. I didn’t say anything to you just in case you didn’t feel that way. I didn’t want you to deal with something that may not have happened. What you’re feeling is normal, honey. Because we, in our minds, know that now we’re the ones that somehow look different. “You don’t look any different, honey. I’m the freak here.” Erick glanced at the girl out of the corner of his eye. She’d obviously heard Crystal’s comment. They had her full attention. Perfect. Just like moments before, Erick moved around in front of Crystal, knelt down, took her hand in both of his, and looked her in the eye. With that same determination that she could not possibly overlook, he said, “Now you just look your fiancé in the eye, and listen up, Miss Crystal Eryn Sandlewood!” “What the…?” “I said listen up, Brown Eyes! Number one, you’re not a freak. You’re physically challenged. Nothing more. And there are thousands in our country, just as wonderful as you, who are in the same position you are. You’re far from alone.” “Number two, you’ve heard this one before, and my saying it now just proves the truth of it, this does not change the person you are. It changes only your appearance. Nothing more. You’re still the girl I fell in love with, the girl I made wonderful love to last night, who satisfied her fiancé beyond belief I might add, and the girl I’m going to marry. You, as a person, have not changed.” “Number three. None of this changes my love for you one bit, darling, not one bit. I need you in my life, as nothing less than my wife. And I fully expect you to keep your end of the bargain. To marry me, have my kids, and grow old with me. Now. Have I made myself crystal clear, Miss Sandlewood?” Softening his voice like before he finished with, “I’m still deeply, very deeply in love with you, Crystal. I always have been, and I always will be. Let’s not waste one precious moment of our life together in pity or sorrow. Let’s start living that wonderful life we planned three years ago right now. Together. Want to hear me ask it again? I will. Right here, right now. I love you, Miss Crystal Eryn Sandlewood. Will you marry me?” The tears were cascading down Crystal’s lovely cheeks, just as honestly felt as before. Erick had counted on that. “Thank you… Erick. You… even saw this coming, didn’t you?” “Yeup,” he said softly, smiling back. “God I love you!” C’mon, honey. Let’s eat. I’m starved.” As he pushed Crystal back up to the table, then sat down, he glanced at the girl again. She was openly crying. “Are you okay, Sandra?” her father asked gently. “Yes,” she said. “I… just… feel so good about.. what he said… to her. I… thought I was a freak, too. But.. I.. haven’t really… changed, either, have… I?” she asked, looking up at him. She was half smiling, half crying. “No, honey, you haven’t. Not one bit.” He looked at Erick and Crystal and smiled. “Thank you,” he said warmly as his family looked on. “You’re more than welcome, Erick said. Now… we’d be glad to answer any questions you have. That could help things, too. Does anyone have a question? We’ve already been doing this quite a bit the last couple days. Believe me. You’re not imposing.” “I… do,” said Sandra. “For her,” she said, pointing to Crystal.” “What is it, Sandra?” Crystal asked gently. “I lost my leg to cancer. How did you lose your arm and leg?” “Car accident. They were crushed.” “If he… had to tell… you those things, it… hasn’t been that long… for you… either, has it?” she asked through hard sobs. “No, just three weeks. And you’re better off than me. I lost an arm, too, as you saw. Not just a leg like you. And I’m… I mean I was… right handed. Until I learn new ways of doing things, I can’t even dress myself now. Erick has to dress me every day right now,” she said, looking affectionately at him. “So you’re really not that bad off, are you, Sandra?” Crystal asked, smiling gently. “No, I guess I’m not, am I?” she asked, a nice full smile slowly crossing her face. “Thank you so much for what you have done,” her mom said. “My name’s Gloria. May I ask a question?” “Sure,” Crystal said without hesitation. “You two are engaged, right? That’s… what the conversation implied.” “Yes, we are,” Crystal said warmly. “But you look more like father and daughter. How old are you, if you don’t mind my asking. Crystal and Erick quietly smiled at each other. “Go ahead, darling. I like the love that shows in your eyes when you answer that question,” Erick said lovingly. “Geez, Erick,” Crystal said, blushing profusely. “You’re embarrassing me,” she said, with a wide grin on her beet red face. “Good,” he gently laughed. “That just proves that what we share is real. Go ahead, honey. I won’t say anymore until you ask me to.” “He’s right, though,” she said, turning to Gloria. “What we have really is special. To answer your question, I’m 18 and Erick is 54.” Then she remembered Bob’s questions. “If you were thinking of asking about us, you’re not the first. Our neighbor had a bunch of questions for us when Erick first brought me home from the airport very early this morning. Would you like to know what’s behind our relationship?” she asked, even feeling just a touch of pride as she spoke. “Well, yes I would, to be honest,” Gloria said. “If you wouldn’t mind.” “Not at all,” Crystal said, smiling. As Crystal related their short history to Gloria and her family, Erick watched their faces intently. By the time she got finished, ending with how Erick spoils her with love, they were looking at Erick and Crystal with total surprise, and yet warmth on their faces, including Sandra. “May.. I.. ask another question?” “Sure, Sandra,” Crystal said, smiling at her. She turned to Erick. “So… you never had the chance to see her, or hold her, or even date when she had both arms and both legs?” “That’s right, Sandra. I meant every word I said when you heard me tell her that this doesn’t change the person she is - inside - where it counts. Does anyone have another question?” Erick took one of his business cards from his wallet and wrote their home phone number and his office number on the back, along with their first names. “Please call us if you think of anything else you’d like to know, or that you think we can help with,” he said as he handed the card to Gloria. Erick had noticed they were just about finished with their lunch. “Thank you, Erick. I’ll make sure we do that, believe me,” Gloria said warmly. On a sudden impulse, Crystal said, “Gloria, if you all can make a short trip to Florida in a few weeks, I’d love to have you all at our wedding.” Crystal’s face took on a wide grin as she saw amazement on their faces. “When’s the wedding?” Gloria asked. “We’re going down there in two weeks, and staying for two.” “That should cover it,” Crystal said, smiling. “We don’t have a firm date yet, but It’ll be in that time somewhere.” “We’d love to.” “I sure would like to see that,” said Sandra. “Ed, give them our number so she can call us when she has the date,” Gloria told her husband. Ed handed Erick a piece of paper with two numbers on it. “The first is our number here,” he said. “The bottom one is our Florida condo.” “Got it,” Erick said, tucking the paper in his wallet. “I have to ask one thing before we go,” Sandra said. They could all tell she was bursting with curiosity. “Crystal? How are you going to go down the aisle?” She hadn’t thought about that except for the chair, but Crystal had a sudden inspiration. “Thank you, Sandra! You just sparked a wonderful thought in my mind. I hadn’t thought about anything but this chair for that. But.. Erick?” “Yes, honey?” “Dad can still walk me down the aisle can’t he?!” “Yes, he can, honey. You’ve got a perfectly good arm for him to hold, as long as you don’t mind doing a little hopping along the way,” he grinned. He could just see her hopping down that aisle. And he also knew that nothing, absolutely nothing was going to stop her from doing just that now. “Erick,” Crystal said excitedly. “Push me over to her. I have to shake her hand.” “Your wish is my command, Princess,” he said as he pushed her chair to the side of Sandra’s. Then they all watched as both girls decided a handshake wasn’t good enough, and hugged each other then and there, sharing warm smiles in the process. Leaving the restaurant together, each family went their separate way to their car. “Good luck,” Gloria called. “Thank you,“ Crystal shouted. “See you all at the wedding. I’m counting on it!” “So are we!” Sandra shouted quickly. They all heard her parents laugh with her. She’d beaten them to the punch with her answer.