Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/345317-Sir-Paladin
by kauw
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #345317
A short insert of when Sir Paladin, first meets his new Squires.
It was dark, and raining the first night I met the twins. It was more then just a rainy night. It was one of the most miserable nights, that I had been outside in a long time. Hours ago the rain and sleet had soaked in to my cloak. Making it cling to my platemail armor. It was so dark and gloomy that one could not see the village lights until one was upon them.

The road was filled with mud and rainwater. So when Normal walked through it, it made squishing sounds as his hoofs, pulled from the mud. I was so accustom to riding Normal, that I became one with the horse and his movements. Clop, clop, clop as we trudged on, down the dark and muddy road.

It was not a night fit for neither man nor beast, and he knew it. He was heading for the nearest stable, so he could get out of the rain.

Normal was a dark black Corsair Charger, the best Warhorse money could buy. Most Corsair Chargers have some color to them, but not Normal. He was solid black in color and sometimes his attitude. Lucky for me it was a gift, or I’d have to donate him to some worthy cause.

Most people, upon hearing his name tell me I should have given him a nobler name, to go with such a magnificent warhorse. But I gave him the name, and he really seams to like it. I guess that’s most important.

As I approached the first set of dark grim buildings in the small village, its started raining harder, if that was possible. Normal did not pickup his pace. He just plotted along, as if nothing had happened.

Down at the end of the street, there looked to be a small stable. Normal picked up his pace a little, not a lot. Just to let me know he was ready to get in to some place that was dry and warm. I hoped for his sake that it had clean hay.

There was an oil lamp burning just inside the stables, to light the way for late traveler. I stopped Normal, about 20 feet from the entry way to the stables. I got off his back. Unbuckled the strap the from the saddlebags, I took of the saddlebags, and placed them on top of my right shoulder. Then I reached over and unbuckled my shield, removing it from the saddle.

My heraldry device that was upon the shield, was three silver crosses set upon a field of sable, (black) resting on a half circle of green, near the bottom of the shield where it came together at a point.

Reaching down, I checked to make sure that Revelations was still attached to my side. I never go anywhere with out that morning star.

“Ok Normal”, I said. “Go ahead.” And off he trotted and located a stall that he found to his liking, he when it and stayed there. Ever since I have had Normal, he has always picked out his own stall. And in larger towns or cities, he would even walk around until he found the right stable to his liking.

On his way by, he woke up the stable boy. Groggy and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he said, “Can I help you Sir?” “Yes I said, take care of Normal for the night, he’s already found his stall.”

The boy looked at the horse then looked at me and said, “Wow, a Corsair!” “Yes have you ever taken care of a Corsair before, boy?” “Sir, yes, Sir I have, a few months ago, someone came in with one.” “Good”, I said “He’ll let you know what he likes and does not like, but what ever you do DON’T even think about riding him!” “No Sir!” the boy said, “I’d never do that. The Stable master would tan my hide if he ever heard of anything like that.”

I reached in to my belt pouch, and pulled out 2 copper pieces. “Make sure you keep and eye on him, and lockup the tackle and the saddle in a safe place.” Seeing the coins in my metal gauntleted first, he said “Yes Sir, I’ll take really good care of him for you sir.”

“If you and I get no complaints from Normal, there will be 2 more for you tomorrow when I ride out.” Taking the coins from my hand he started walking towards the stall Normal was in. “One more thing”, I said where I can find a place to stay for the night.

“Back towards the other end of town there is a small Inn. The lamp might have gone out so just open the door and go on in, and knock at the counter until someone wakes up to help you fine Sir.” And with that he was off to work with Normal.

Looks like it’s going to be along walk, back to the end of town where I had just come from. With Normal tucked in for the night, it looks like back out in to this wonderful rain. I took the saddlebags off of my shoulder and tuck them inside my cloak, back to my right shoulder but now under my cloak.

I placed the hood of my cloak, back over the top of my armored plated helm. Then tightened the cloak around myself to keep as much of the rain out and I could. I walked outside in to the rain.

I must have looked like a demon spawn walking down the street, if there was enough light to see me in the dark. I stood 6’ 4” inches, tall for human standards. Dressed in full black plate mail trimmed in platinum. I always wore my matching set of black plate mail gauntleted fist, with oversized wrist flanges inlaid with platinum crosses. And my shield was strapped to my back. The black cloak I was wearing was matted to my plate mail, making me look like some sort of demon from hell.

This is the vestige someone would have seen if there had been enough light to see on a dreary night like this.
Looking down at my gauntleted fist, there was a momentary flash of reddish light, emitting from the platinum cross. Danger was coming soon. God always let me know when things where going to get ugly and fast.

Placing my right hand upon my breastplate, I said quietly prayed, “God help those who serve you, in their time of need, grant me protection for this upcoming strife!” The platinum crosses where bathed in a pale white light. My spell of protection took.

Out of the corner of my eye off to my left there was a dullish reflection of something metal. Suddenly I noticed a figure in front of me.

“That’s far enough!” The dark figure said. “Now if you value your life, you will hand over everything have worth money!”

Grasping Revelations tightly in my right hand under my cloak, I said “ I have nothing of worldly worth beside that which God has given me.”

The dull refection off of metal to my left flashed again. “Now” I said, throwing Revelations with all of my strength to the left of me. I lunged to the right as I heard the sound of a crossbow going off.

I heard the sound of metal striking metal, and then my left armpit was on fire. I hope my armor got the most of that. Ignoring the pain, I spring up facing the figure in front of me.

Seeing that he had a sword in his hands, I held up my right gauntleted fist. I spread my fingers apart, and prayed to God, “God knowing that this person, who is blinded to your faith. I ask that he be blinded now so that some day he will see your light.” The platinum crosses where bathed in a pale white light.

“Ahhggg, I can’t see!” screamed the figure in front of me. I circled around the blind figure and kicked him to the ground. Then I moved back towards the left. There laying on the ground, was a young man with a broken crossbow. He was half dazed.

He started to get up. I moved in, swung my gauntleted fist, and suddenly the platinum crosses where bathed in a bright white light. “Strange!” I said to my self as my fist rendered him unconscious.

“God has brought you to me for a reason.” I said. Pulling some rope out of the saddlebags, I bound his feet and hands. I reached over to pick him up. “Sss” I hissed as my left armpit blazed as if on fire.

“God, grant me the strength to help those in need, and to carry out your task.” The platinum crosses where bathed in a pale white light. God had granted me strength to carry on.

I picked up the young man, and carried him to his partner in crime. The blinded figure was now slashing at the air with is sword. “Stay back, or I’ll kill you.” He screamed

Setting down the young man. I circled around the blind figure and was about to render him unconscious, when suddenly the platinum crosses where bathed in a bright white light.

For some reason, God has brought me to this small village to meet with these two young men. God will let me know more latter. As for now I have more pressing matters to attend to.

Like getting out of the rain, and getting this crossbow bolt out of my left shoulder.

© Copyright 2002 kauw (kauw at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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