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The introduction to my novel --- 'Social Security'! |
From birth throughout history, even still --- man is his own mystery, a rare breed, whom is filled with wonderment as we long for --- Information. Thus, in the field of life, there are two pertinent factors which are more important than reading. The first is writing, but most imperative is the prevailing Destiny of the Naked Truth. For while some search for the Spirit of Truth, others seek and strive for success. But, how does one measure and define success? Especially since man is not born to impress, emulate or antagonize anybody, not even Himself. Why then, does mankind have the ridiculous audacity as we adamantly pretend to be what we aren’t? Who are we trying to influence or impersonate and --- Why? Are we not trying to redesign God’s Creation --- with "caricature, fatuous and absurd presumptions as conceived conceptions"? Who invented corruption? And, why do we tolerate it? Who invented Terrorism? How can we wipe it out? Scientists have long known that there is a direct link between nutritional health and viral mutation. Ironically, a malnourished body provides an accommodating breeding ground for intruding mutant viruses as undernourished bodies are rendered helpless and thereby susceptible to infection. But, what about an undernourished mind and soul? Are they not more susceptible to ignorance and evil and therefore unintentionally responsible for self-destructing impulses as diseases or DisEase per malingering existence? Can Ignorance and Evil be mutant as they vary and change in degree? For man is a predefined biological mechanism which unlike any modern computer, is a Divine complex interacting system of not only hardware and software; but also --- latent Eternal-Ware. Thus, a coexisting affiliation of Body, Mind and Soul --- which unlike any computer, is responsible for its actions. But, like all computers, ‘garbage in, garbage out‘, as we receive, compile and transmit. Cause parity is pertinent to Harmony. Therefore, we must balance all of our emotions and never under-estimate the under-current of our powerful minds as we have a Choice. For physical illness as well as ignorance and evil result from psychic disturbances, which are a manifestation of a Spiritual imbalance of --- Body, Mind and Soul. Unfortunately, mankind is so negligent and thereby --- delusional-ally arrested. Alas Plato proclaimed: ’if you want to heal the body, you must first heal the mind.’ When will mankind finally learn to relax, appreciate and enjoy --- Each Other, instead of trying to destroy --- what is already Perfect and Mankind, itself? Why can’t we just --- ‘ leave well enough alone‘? When will we realize that ‘the Truth shall set us Free’, that Poverty is a Divine NO-NO, which exists because of Greed and Corruption? Unfortunately, mankind is losing ground as greed is prevalent. For man is obsessed with money, power and control, fame and fortune. Ironically, we can’t seem to control our self as Ego manipulates Soul and we compete for success as we destroy our environment --- Mother Earth herself? Perhaps, Truth is hard to comprehend. Especially since we are addicted to Denial, Hypocrisy and Wanton Arrogance at the expense of each other. Selfishly, *** ‘ we put material things above People, vengeance before Love and greed before God‘? Egomania? Historically, life is suspect to man. ‘A rope over an abyss‘--- ‘where he cannot pause, retreat or attack without peril,’ as we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t? Perhaps Nietzsche succeed, since he went insane as he insisted that ‘man is a transition, a means and not an end and the glory of him is that as he fulfills himself as man he destroys himself by his own act.‘ After all, we either lock up or laugh at and ignore metaphysical pioneers and prophets as we label them --- Crazy? Will mankind destroy itself? Ironically, **** ‘from the clash of differing opinions comes the spark of truth!‘ For life is indeed a transition as we humans endeavor to survive. Afraid of being lonely, we long to be Loved as we compete for Place and Recognition. Conversely, man fashions to be --- understood as we seek answers, proof, reassurance and conformation. Unfortunately, we Become --- Masters of Understatements. Ultimately, we have to overcome mixed signals. Impregnated with concomitant counterparts, confusion is but a natural process within and between --- confliction of tentative inseparable twins; Ego and Soul? Control is at stake inasmuch as presence is felt --- fire, passion, a burning desire, motivating forces --- expediency of manifested proclamations. Hence, to each his own standards as character is unique and life --- bittersweet as Understanding is Imperative to Truth. But, beware of an over-active Ego as Narcissism strives for self preservation and aggrandizement. In case you haven’t noticed, more and more people are talking to themselves out-loud and in public now a days, as society laughs and calls them crazy. But, God bless those metaphysical pioneers, whom talk back to and argue with --- themselves, out-loud and in public; as all must muster the Courage to confront and question Authority. Wake up World! How many walking time-bombs are out there? How many O’sick-o bin Ladens or Sadam Insanes are there on this Planet? Is war a choice or a necessity? Frankly, mankind must choose as ‘we can’t serve two masters ’. Alas, ’ To Be or Not to Be ’, willingness without reservations --- Maya or Truth? Cause, Inner Peace is a prerequisite for World Peace as Choice is yours and yours alone! Eventually, our choices combined --- collide. Judgment is only a matter of opinion, as reasons are many and forgiveness --- a measure of maturity. History speaks for itself. All must deal --- face to face with self. All must do his part in the Name of Humanity. Hence, Thoreau --- the Philosopher, surmised: ’if a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps he hears a different drummer....’ Thus, to each his own Tempo.’ ... let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.’ Alas, how many hear what I hear or see what I see as it is getting ugly and awful scary --- thought provoking? And, how many really care? Ironically, many are blessed as Divine Courtesy calls, however few listen and even fewer --- Answer? But then again, ’this too shall pass away’, as ’Hope Springs Eternal’ --- ’Thy Will, will be done!' For as Jacques Maritain proclaimed: ’Grace Perfects Nature’. Blessed is he whom Listens to his Personal --- ’Jiminy Cricket’! For Truth is akin to 'Cool' as both are repulsive to the 'Un'. ‘ Whether small or great, and no matter what the stage or grade of life, the Call rings up the curtain, always on a mystery of transfiguration ---- a rite, or moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete, amounts to a dying and a birth. The familiar life horizon has been outgrown; the old concepts, ideals, and emotional patterns no longer fit; the time for passing of a threshold is at hand. ‘ Joseph Campbell, ‘The Hero With a Thousand Faces' --- 1949 *** Le Ly Hayslip --- ‘When Heaven and Earth Change Places‘ **** Baha ‘ u ‘ llah ---- A Persian Prophet. |