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A chance encounter in the park |
Hello, mind if I sit here? It’s a free country. Well, I didn’t want to intrude, and there are other places to sit, so if you’d prefer…. No that’s fine, be my guest. Thank you. You’ve attracted a lot of pigeons. If you feed them, they will come. Do you do this often, feed the pigeons, I mean? No this is my first time. Oh, just doing it for a lark? Nothing could be further from the truth. I needed to get rid of some birdseed. Did your bird die? No, I don’t have any birds. And yet you have birdseed. Yeah, too much. Where did you get it, if I’m not being nosy. It was left over. Oh. From my wedding. I thought they normally threw rice at weddings. Not any more, now it’s birdseed. Well, times change. Rice swells up in their bellies. Excuse me? I said that rice swells up in their bellies. In bird bellies. Yes. So, that’s why you have birdseed, because you don’t want to hurt the birds? No. It’s not about the birds. No. Are you going to tell me what it is about? Maybe. It hurts to talk about it. Those are pretty little packages that the birdseed is in, is that netting? Yeah. And each tied up with ribbon. Yeah. And they were left over from your wedding? There was no wedding. I’m sorry. Nobody got a chance to throw birdseed. No wonder you have so much left over, well I guess the pigeons are glad it’s not just going to waste. I’m glad somebody’s glad. Because you’re not. No. The wedding was rescheduled again. Because this has happened before? Too many times. Let me see if I understand this correctly. You’ve tried to get married before and every time you have been unsuccessful. Every time. Yet you keep trying? I know it’s stupid, but I’m in love. And that’s why you keep trying. Yeah, but it’s gotten way old. But didn’t you say it’s been rescheduled? I’m going to give it one more chance, then forget it. Then why get rid of the birdseed? Because I guess I really don’t believe it will happen next time either. Hmmm. Sounds like a case of cold feet. That’s it in a nutshell. Left you standing at the altar, and not for the first time. But maybe for the last. Because you’re out of patience. Wouldn’t you be? I admire your stubbornness. More like stupidity. No, to keep giving someone another chance. Maybe they’ll surprise you and be there this time. Maybe I’ll surprise them and not be there myself. I think that would be a shame. And why’s that? Because I have a feeling they’re going to show up this time. I wish I could believe you. Just give them one more chance. Promise? Okay, one more, but this has got to be the last. It’ll have to be, the birdseed is gone. Yes, that’s the last of it. Well, I’ve got to be going. It was nice of you to share the bench with me. Like I said, it’s a free country. Goodbye. Goodbye…..Oh, wait a minute…. Yes? I just wanted to tell you…..I promise I’ll be there this time. You’d better be. 543 words |