Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/325397-The-alien-village
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Sci-fi · #325397
A science fiction story

The alien smiled at me without saying a word. What was he up to? I had heard many stories about aliens who suddenly attacked humans. And the aliens were always stronger than the humans. Always.
"Look, I just got lost, alright." I told the alien.
He didn't answer. I wasn't sure if he had understood me.
"I want to go home." I said slowly.
Suddenly, he started to scream.
"Hey. Calm down. I just want to go home." I said, faster this time.
The alien lifted his arm. A few seconds before he hit me, his scream changed and he fell. There was an arrow in his back. I looked up. Another alien was staring at me. This female had saved me! She just stood there and looked at me, holding her bow in her hand. The other alien was loosing blood. I wasn't sure if he would survive.
"Thanks." I said to the female.
She came closer and took the chain that hung over her shoulder. Was she...? She kept looking me in the eye and I didn't have the impression that she trusted me.
"Calm down. I won't harm you." I said.
But she didn't seem to hear me. She just came closer and grabbed my arm.
"Aw! That hurts!" I screamed.
I felt that she was very strong. My arm and my shoulder really hurt a lot. She put her chain around my wrists. Then, she pushed me and forced me to walk. She made me walk for hours through the hills, the woods and bare grounds. We didn't meet any other aliens. I got tired, but she was in very good shape. She was used to walking long distances. After some time, she made me sit down. I was glad that I could get some rest. She took the chain and also put it around my ankles. This way, I couldn't walk away. Then, she lay down on the ground and fell asleep. It got dark and cold. I kept looking at the stars. After some time, I fell asleep too.

She woke me up in the early morning and unfastened the chain around my ankles. It was time to walk again. I was very hungry, but there was no breakfast. After a few hours, we reached a village. The other aliens came to see me. I was a sensation. A human in the village! They all stared at me, touched me all over my body and made comments about how I looked. It was annoying, but I couldn't stop them. I just hoped that someone from the base would find me soon. I knew they were looking for me. Suddenly, the girl started to scream.
"Enough! He's mine! I found him!" she screamed.
But the others couldn't help touching me.
"Stop that! Let him go!" the girl ordered.
She grabbed the chain and pulled. She took me to a small house and made me sit down on the ground. The house had only one room and no floor. What was she up to? She put her hand on my arm to feel my sleeve. She seemed very curious about it. Suddenly, she pushed me to the ground with her foot. She grabbed my arm and unfastened the chains around my wrists while she put her food on my back so that I couldn't escape. Then, she took off my clothes. A few moments later, she had took off her own clothes and put on mine. She had put her chain around my wrists and ankles again, so I could only sit there and look. I missed home terribly. There were hundrerds of alien villages. How would they ever find me here? We only had two sensors, but they had been broken for ages and no-one could fix them. The alien left the room. I was all alone now. She came back after a long time, to bring me some food. Finally! I was very relieved. Had been wondering if she was going to let me starve here. She was still wearing my clothes. She unfastened the chains around my wrists. I began to eat and she kept watching me. She still didn't like or trust me. I saw it in the look in her eyes. Suddenly, two other aliens entered the room.
"Get out! I found him! He's mine!" the alien screamed.
I wondered why she couldn't talk normal. For a few moments, the two other aliens kept looking at me.
"Didn't you hear?! I found him! He's mine!" the alien screamed.
Then, the two others left.

After dinner, she left me alone for a while. I had much time to think. Would I ever leave this village? Was I going to survive this? I had heard terrible stories about the aliens. Later, the alien female came back. She was not alone this time. 6 other females followed her. They all looked at me. I could see that they were all very curious.
"He's so thin..." one of them said.
"Does he eat much?" another one asked.
"He's staying!"
"It's just a question."
Then, they sat down. A few moments later, they all fell asleep. They slept on the ground. It had been a long day. I didn't know how much longer I could take this.

Finally, I could see a light in the distance. We were almost there! We had been flying through this darkness for hours, but now, I could really see the alien city! I kept staring through the window. The small light became bigger and bigger. After a while, I could see a tower. It was really amazing. I could see several lights now. Then, we left the darkness behind and flew over the alien buildings. I didn't know where to look first. There was so much to see. The plane flew much slower now. Finally, it began to land. We landed very softly. We got off the plane. One alien was waiting for us.
"Follow me please." he said.
The plane had landed on the roof of a building. We went downstairs and a robot took care of our luggage. The doctor was waiting for us in his livingroom.
"Nice to meet you." he said.
We sat down in the soft, comfortable seats.
"Thanks for coming." he said.
"Oh, that's alright. I really wanted to help." I said.
"We heard that the situation got worse." my colleage said.
"Yes. It's getting worse by the hour." the doctor confirmed.
"That's bad." my colleage said.
"Don't loose hope." the doctor answered.
He gave us more details about the mysterious disease.
"It will take a while to study all these data." I told him.
"I know." he nodded.
His robot brought me to my room. First, I had a quick look at the data, then I went to see the doctor again.
"Do you like your room?" he asked.
"Yes. It's very nice."
"Let me show you the city." he said.
In the hall, two aliens were waiting for us.
"She wanted to talk to you, doctor." one alien said. She was wearing a white dress and pointed to the other alien.
"This is Casey, my assistent." the doctor said.
"Doctor, we have seen the plane." the other alien said.
"Yes, my friends have arrived." the doctor nodded.
He put his arm on my shoulder.
"This is Stacy. She will help us." he said.
The alien looked at me. I assumed she was comparing me to the other humans she had seen. Ten years ago, the doctor and two friends of his had come here. Most humans avoided this place, so she wasn't used to being with humans. The doctor had enough of her staring at me and told her we had to go. We left the building. It was quite dark in the streets and most aliens were inside. I followed him inside one of the houses. In here, the aliens also stared at me. One of them reported to the doctor about the disease. One of the other aliens walked my way.
"We're glad that you're here." he said. "Where is your colleage?"
"She's working."
"Ah! Good."
I smiled at him.
"People are beginning to loose hope." the alien told me.
He seemed a very friendly guy. I really liked him.
"We will do our best." I said.
"That's all we can ask for. Would you like a drink?"
I accepted the drink and we sat down on the couch.
"As you know, we were always quite healthy. I mean... This disease... It's really hard for us." he said.
"The doctor works very hard." I said.
"Yes. We all love him." the alien said.
Suddenly, I asked myself why I hadn't come here before. This place wasn't that bad. Sure, there weren't many robots around here and I hadn't seen any hologram yet, but it was O.K. People had just become afraid to live without these things for a while.
"The doctor told me you work very hard too." the alien said.
"I have... At times." I smiled.
He looked me in the eye and I realised that he was really counting on me. He was hoping that I would find the solution soon.
"We don't have the answer for everything." I told him.
"I know that."
© Copyright 2002 Stefanie (stefanie.l at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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