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A call to parents...pray for our children. |
I live in a college town so needless to say, I'm surrounded by young people. My dwelling is a townhouse and that means occupants on both sides. Small gated environment with huge live oak trees.
You know the kind - when you think of the south you think of these. Sprawling canopies with spanish moss. Home to chattering squirrels playing, many birds and woodpeckers to wake you. I'm not truly old but old enough to be mom to most of the tenants here. Some my children's age and some younger. I love young people, so full of hope and energy and fighting battles to stay the straight road. Not all of them can and I know how hard it is. Peer pressures, bars on every corner and drugs. Hard to even find an eating establishment nowadays without alcohol. I remember those days like yesterday; I remember 'I wanted to be cool'. I was always so torn...Be cool, be Christ-like. My christian roots went deep as I discovered early on what that Love was. I will admit as much as I hate to and as much as I won't count the times....being cool won. I was one of the blessed ones though. You see I made it through alive and with body parts and brain intact. Yes, truly Blessed as I look back. the devil would have revelled in his pit should all of his wily ways have worked and I would have died. By the Grace of God I made it! If you're reading this I'm praying it falls on a Christian heart or a mother or father that is seeking for answers. Because if you love your children, you need to be in prayer. Take it from one who knows, 'cause prayers are the only thing that kept my son alive through his drinking and drugs. And today out there dear mother and father wherever you are.... I prayed for your son! I Praise God that I wasn't able to travel this morning. As broken- hearted as I was desiring to see my son, the illness I have battled for a month left me too weak. Father had a plan tho, because today this day ...13 October, 2001 I could smell the smoke and hear the alarm. I followed my nose and right next door with the smoke so acrid and the alarm blaring and me banging....my hand is swollen and discolored; your son passed out from too much 'fun stuff' - he didn't even know! I cut short the conversation with my mom to call 911. I begin to pray as I knew the police officer that lives on the other side of him was gone for the day. Two fire trucks and the EMT truck were here within five minutes, it seemed much longer tho. I knew he was in there, his car was here and pacing and praying...Lord Please, he's to turn 22 next weekend, stop this nightmare the devil started and let him live to see it. He's somebody's son. Arriving through the window, our heroes went, the stinking smoke billowing. Running one of them ask me, 'anyone in there?' YES! The front door flew open and I saw a couple of them dash up the stairs while the other searched for the source. Containing myself to stay out of the way my mothering instincts were raw...as was my nose, throat and lungs. Then when they came down the stairs and out I'm screaming, where is he? Madam not a soul in there. I wanted to believe them, in my heart I knew better tho. And I told them that he had to be passed out in there. They began to set up the blowers to dispense the smoke. I came in to call my mom and telling her they arrived etc...and said, I'm going back to check I know he's in there. He was... as they were bringing him out. I went to him and like any mother, I had to touch him. It's hard to explain sometimes you have to touch to believe. He was standing but so out of it, he didn't know what happened nor could he speak. And those beautiful eyes like glass..... 'Somebody's son'. He made it and of course he survived and this evening he dashed off again. I wiped a tear and ask the Lord to send a guardian angel his way. The townhouse is okay and the material stuff in there, some smoke damage and the stove is a mess. Yes, those are fine but, this is the second time now I've witnessed a severe incident with him. Might want to call and chat every now and again. You know just to say, 'hi son, what ya doing, how's it going, when ya coming home for a visit'. Better yet....surprise him with a visit. Thank those heroes that came so fast tonight when you say a prayer.... remember to pray for your children, sometimes it is the only thing you can do and the only thing that works. I'll keep praying for.... 'Somebody's Son', next door and on my knees tonight I'll thank God that some parent didn't get a knock with sad news. |